LCCAL LAY: rC3 CUKEtRLAND. r i fc the Legislature Just Adjourned. Tie following local law relating to Cumberland county, were pawed by tU Legislature Just adjourned: An act regulating tie operation and speed of automobile on the public road and highway of the county. - The general road law amended. Bond Issue for tbe steel bridge sutbortxed, not to exceed $25,009 !n tbe discretion of the County Commis sioners. c. An act for the relief of certain In jured pup) la of Eastovef public school not to exceed f 100, subject to appro val by the local and county school board. , (The school children Injursd by the collapse of a float' at the hut connty fair. ) .' An act for the relief of Mrs. Mary . Arrlf McDuffie. wife of John McDuf fie, removing the disability of non age.. ,- , Better protection of -public schools aa act directed against eavesdrop pers and peeping torn. An act prorldlng for legalised pri mary elections, requiring all party primaries of all political parties here after held In Cumberland county to oe held under the provisions of this act An act to authorise the sale of the graded school building and property, the purchase of other property, the is suance of bonds not to exceed $50, 000 and the levying of a special tax and the erection of one or more band ings in different parts of the city, in the discretion of the trustees, and sub ject to a vote of the people. An act to provide a permanent sink ing fond for the county, and ''appoint ing a sinking fond committee, com posed Of W. N. TlHlnghast. J no. Elliott and H. McD. Boblnsoa, for 3, 4 and ( years each, respectively. An act to protect deer for fire years. Aa act appropriating $2,000 to the F. L L. L and restoring to the com pany the $254 annual appropriation al lowed all other military companies forming part of the State Guard. - The following were appointed mem ber of the Connty Board of Educa tion for Cumberland county: J. .W. BaQ, A. a HcGiH, J. A. Oatee, for 2. 4 and years each, respectively. . The following Justices of the Peace were appointed for Cumberland conn ty: Cross Creek J. W. Atkinson, W. C Holland. M. McL Matthews, E. K. Gar ham, John Underwood, B. H. BacUng- Pearees Mm U A. Williamson. S. 8. Arey. D. H. McMillan. Cedar Creek C. H. CogdelL Gray's Creek Frank' A. Marsh. Flea Hill (Geddie's Gin) Jac, C Williams. .1 Flea Hill (Lock's Creek J. a . Bowden, - -: - -, Bockflsh Jno. Boslin Smith. In addition tn local Wislatkin Com ber land's Senator and Bepresentatives took an active part in advocating many bills of, general interest seme of which became a law, and some failing of final passage. Among these were bills introduced by Mr. Nimocks to increase the Governor' salary, which passed the Senate but failed to pass the House; to authorise the several coun ties of the State to levy aa annual special tax of two cents oa property and six cents oa the poll, for pensions, to supplement State appropriations, for pensions, which psssed both Houses; a bill te pay sheriffs $20 for each still captured in the State (the Ormond-Nlmocks bill), which became a law, a bill regulating land surveys, which passed the Senate hut was kill ed is the House; a bill amending the Bevisal as to Escapee, which passed both Houses; a bill' to protect public health, requiring the use of disinfect ants in all public buildings, which passed the Senate but died in the House; a bill authorising the purchase of Pell's Annotated Bevlssl for use of courts and the General Assembly, pav ed both Houses; substitute tor stand ard bill of lading bill, which passed the Senate but failed in the House. Mr, Nimocks also championed the Child Labor bill in the Senate, which passed second reading, but failed on final reading owing to the opposition of the cotton mill men. ' . Mr. Underwood introduced the first electrocution MIL and many features of his bill were Incorporated in the substitute bill which finally passed both Houses. (He also Championed the State Mili tary bill and the bill appropriating funds for the Tuberculosis hospital, do in oi wmca oecame s isw. aa ac tively advocated many Important pub lic measures. t v '; Capt Currie, as chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, in troduced nearly every Important meas ure carrying the endorsement of the Agricultural Department, and champ ioned these measures on the floor of tbe House. -. Among the most Import ant of these was a bill to secure pure stock, food. ; He also secured the paw age of a bill through the House appro priating $10,000 to erect a monument to tbe women of the Confederacy, -which failed to pass the Senate, how ever, through lack of funds to pay the appropriation at this time. Mr. Currie lutd the ear of the Speaker at all times, was one of his trusted adr v; .Ti, and received several important committee assignments. The' Drainage Act, one of the most important laws passed, received the united and vigorous support of both our Senator and two Representatives. Croup positively stopped In 20 mla- t tj 9, with Dr. S hoop's Croup Remedy. ( T.H tont nlone will surely prove this No vomiting, no distress. A n fid il(vMng syrup 50c. Sold by . .. K, 1 , .iierry's Eon. . A cl -I silvered "No-Drip" "'P'n Is now put in I of Dr. . Siioop's 'c for it! Ninety very finest coffoe . from one 2ic !-- - t!i FnllsfrfC i i t. L'old by L. 9 t '1 I . THE PRESENTATION OF JUDGE TOCMErVS PORTRAIT. In the 8upreme Court Yesterday. from Wednesday's Daily. . The Baieigh News and Observer of to-day aays: - , ... There were interesting exercises in the (Supreme Court yesterday morning when on behalf of the Court Chief Justice Clark, in appropriate remarkv received tbe portrait of Judge John DeRossett Toomer, who in 1S2 was one of the Associate Justices of the larth Carolina Supreme Court, ap pointed to that position by Governor Owe).''''-' ' -.'..., The portrait is of the slse and Is anted as are the other portraits, of tbe 8upreme Court Justice which adorn the walls of the coon roam. The presentation speech was made by k E. J. Hale, of Faretidvllle, w ho Is the coarse of his eloquent remarks gave sa later esilng sketch of the life of the dis sgsiahed North Carollns Jurist. It he course of his remarks he atalW .at the portrait falls' to do Judge t turner justice, aa be was averse having his picture taken, and tb portrait being made from a faded deguerreotype. The portrait is the gift of Mrs. Haalam and Mrs. B. R. Home, of Fay etteville, daughter of Governor Wms- low and grand-daughters of Judge Toomer. Mrs. Horse was present at the presentation, aa waaalso her hus band, Mr. H. R. Home, and son. Mr. 3. R. Horse, Jr, a great graadsoa of Juge Toomer. Also la attendance was Mr. Thomas Hill Hale, a great graad soa of Judge Toomer, the address of presentation being made by his fath er, Maj. E. J. Hale, whose first wife was a grand-daughter of Judge Toom er. Besides these there were a a am ber of friends of the family and inter ested spectators." Here the News and Observer peb- lishes the addresses of Major Hale sad Judge Clark ia full. We wfQ try and publish them later. EAST CUMBERLAND ITEMS. March 8th. The farmers of this section are busy preparing their land for a sew crop. By their actions they say Gen eral Grees shall sot have the victory this year. Rev. T. J. Baker filled his regular appointment at Concord Sunday to a Urge congregation. Miss Ids Jackson, who has been at tending the Fayetteville Commercial College spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents. ' -: - r " - - Master Troy Jacksoa was a welcome guest st Mrs. Fay An try's Sunday p. ; Mr. H. W. Bedsole visited this see- Uoa last week. Mr. Jim Vinson, of Beaver Dam, and Miss Lellie Harris, of Cedar Creek were happily united at Mr. Duncan Graham's Saturday night, Feb. 27. We wish them a song and happy life. Never out of cash nor short of hash. The people of this section feel much better after hearing they had so stock Isw for they have been expecting for some time their smoke, houses would give them s sad farewell, "that 1 have been a friend to you for many loag years sad brought you out of trials and tribulations, bat now I leave you and take my everlasting abode in the far away west." :: BILL BAILT. Marriage Licenses, - The Register of Deeds has granted the following marriage licenses la the past tew days: Mr. W. B. Willis and atlas Lola J. Monroe, of Seventy-First; Mr. J. Alfred Walters, of Red Springs, and Miss Fannie Sinclair, of Baeford; Mr. Eugene Levitt and Miss Mattie Garner, of Baeford. TO CELEBRATE LIBERTY POINT DECLARATION.' " Oa Monday, Juni 21st The Liberty Point Monument Com mittee of the Woman's Civic Improve ment Association, of which Mrs. . S. U, Ayer, is head, are making pre parations for a big celebration of the signing of the Liberty Point Declara tion of Independence. June 20th i the date of the signing of this historic document, but ss that data falls on John Bell wss placed oa trial be fore 'Squire M. Bill, Saturday, charged with obtaining money, from Mr. M. Bay, la Carvers' Creek, on promise to work, and failing to do so. The case was finally sol pressed. , ManZan Pile Remedy Is put np In a tabs with noszle attached. May be applied directly to the affected parts. Guaranteed. Price SOe. MacKethan A Co. .-'.'' V. .. Nothing in the way of s Cough Is quite so annoying ss a .tickling, teas ing, wheeling, bronchial Cough. The quickest relief comes perhaps from s prescription known to Druggists every where as Dr. Snoop's Cough Demedy. And besides, it is so thoroughly harm lens that mothers give it with perfect safety eves to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Bhoop's Cough Rem edy Its remarkable curative effect. few days' test will telL Sold by B. E. Sedberrrs Bon. " A Rellp'ous Author's Statement.' Rev. Joseph H. Fesperman, Sails- bury, N. C, who is the author of sev eral books, writes: : Tor several years I was afflicted with kidney trou ble and last . winter I was suddenly stricken with s severe pain la my kid neys snd was confined to bed eight days unable to get up without assist ance. My urine contained a thick white sediment and I passed same fre quently day and night I commenced taking Foley's "Kidney Remedy, and the pain gradually abated and finally ceased and my urine became normal. I cheerfully recommend Foley's Kid ney Remedy." McDuffle Drug Store (O. O. Souders, Mgr.) The best known pills and ths best pills made are DeWIU's Little tfarly Kisprs. Tey are small, easy to take, pontic and certain, and are sold by Aniih. Id Drug Store. BATTLE OF MONROE'S ROADS. r CROSS I To-Day Is The Anniversary. From' Thursday's Dally. i Thia Is the anniversary of the hat-; Ue of Monroe's Cross Roads, six mil js 1 senger train No. S3, southbound, and west of Fayettevlile. Mr. Walter Wat-j a northbound freight ran together son, says that after the battle he saw j head on thia morning about 4:30 o' the Confederates bring to FayeUevCl ' clock at Colon, a small station about two hundred of Sherman's mea and 15 miles south of Raleigh. Hasey one woman, captured during the fight. Speaking of Sherman's Invasion of j Fayettevllle, Mr. Watson showed us j the following memorandum, he jotted on the back pages of an old hook. just after the Incidents related happen ed: 1 noticed Hampton leaning ov Ue right of his saddle, with his head reclining oa the neck of his horse; hU right hand stretched out. and In his hand a never failing Colt's six shoot er. With unerring sim he brought down the first Yankee soldier to bite the dust in the tows of Fayetteville. But this Yankee killed oa GOlespie street was not the only one Gen. Hamp ton placed hors de combat that mem orable saornisg. The commands cf Hamptoa and Wheeler were covering the retreat , of Hardee. and having so many cross streets to pass; to guard against the suddea attacks of Kllpsfrlck. these two Generals were kept continually oa the ga It seemed to me that they were in a doaea dif ferent places at the same moment Passing down Hay street from the Ar senal ia the early morning, I saw the Yankee Cavalry, driving ia Hampton's pickets from the Mint's Pond road. Oa they came down Wlaalow street; at this moment Hamptoa comes into Window from FrankHa street with shout half a doses of his staff. , They rallied the retreat and were repulsed. At the Myrover building, corner of Hay and Wlmuow streets, Hampton rallied his revesting pickets sad with his few staff officers and three or four others who were on scout duty, in all four teen or fifteen men. the charge was sounded, and Hamptoa, riding at the head of this little company of Coo federate heroes, caused a halt of the Yankees shout three hundred yards away, but one more intrepid than the rest rode on to the north west corner of WInalow and Mamford streets. Here he met his fate, for Hamptoa shot him dead." FAIR DATES, OCTOBER 28th TO 29th Should Have A Splendid Year. Fair This The Secretary of the Fair advises as that the Directors hsve : named October 2C to 29th as the dates of the Fayetteville Fair. Never before was Fayetteville more advantageously sit uated in the circuit Winston, N. C and Richmond, Va, take the first week in October, Greensboro, N. C and Em poria, Va, the second week; Raleigh, pie third week and Fayetteville the fourth week, and the circuit continues oa south. Columbia, Augusta, snd Spartanburg. S. C, taking the firs:, second and third weeks respectively, in November. -; - Everybody should now boom the Fair and help advertise these dates on en velopes, letter-heads, etc. , 'My three-year-old boy was badly constipated, had a high fever snd was in sa awful condition. I gave him two doses of liter's Orino Laxative snd the next moiling the fever wss gone and be was entirely well. Foley's Orino Laxative saved his life." AWol knsh, Casimer. Wis. McDuffle Drug a tors m. o. Bonders, Mgr.) Fortify now against Grip for It comes every season sure! Prevent! cs the little Candy Cold Cure tablets- offer is this respect s most certain and dependable safeguard. Freveutlcs, at the "sneeze stage" will, as well, al so surely head off all common colds. But promptness is all important Keep Pre en tics in the pocket or purse, for instant use. Box of 42 for 23c. Sold by a E. 8ec berry's Son, Sick headache, constipation and bll liousaess are we tiered by Rings Little Liver Pills. They cleanse the system. Do not gripe. Price' 25c MacKethaa Co. -. ,. ..-. Near Death In Bis Pond. It was s thrilling experiesce to Mrs. Ids Soper to face death. Tor years a severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering." she writes, "and several times nearly caused my death. All remedies failed and doctors said was Incurable. Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick relief snd s cure so permanent that I have not been troubled in twelve years " Mrs. Soper lives In Big Pond, Pa, It works wonders In Coughs and Colds, Sore Lungs, Hemorrhages, LaGrlppe, Asth ma. Croup, Whooping Cough and all Bronchial affections. 50c. and Sl.OO. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by B. 8. oeaoerrrs Bon. . ft Saved His Leg. "All thought I'd lose my leg," writes J. A. 8wenjon, Watertowu, Wis, "Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it sound and welL" - Infallible for Skin , Erup tions, Eczema, Bait Rheum. Boils, Fever Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Piles. 25c st B. E. Sedberry'f Sons. Wood's Liver Medicine is a liver ree - ulator which brings oulck relief sick headache, constipation, bilious ness snd other symptoms of liver dis orders. Particularly recommended for Jaundice, Chills, Fever, Malaria. The $1.00 size contains 2 1-2 times ss much as the 60c. size. MacKethan t Co. W- w v t Fcttm. it kidney, lit Jm :Hrt, and v tueit bat to ibum ihaTeontrot and funis ueii. Dot tn im nam tint control and fuiiM Sod stmnictlMa thxm. Dr. H hoop's BMmiln Is raix-in KMeiacciiy mmni to mea iim Control Uoc nenrM. lOOCtfl thKi(inniooA, itfuuia, It to wuM x ium, and c4 atutmj as Well. , II roar but at Is weak. If thm urine SmMt, or It dark and rtronf. If you hare tymptom et Brlxhta or othor dlttretainf or dunmrout kid. Iwy dlxwH. try In. Bheop't luxtoratire mmth Tablet or LWuio and lea wruU It eta aud wifi aoiuryoa, Drusflat wonramud and sad I y . n m rri r1 ' - JKJ U'vyal L i U S IJ 0 B. L BAD WRECK OH SEABOARD NEAFt RALEIGH. One Killed and Many Injured. By telegraph to Observer. RalelghC March 11 Seaboard pa Linday. the colored fireman of the passenger train, was killed, and Ea- giaeer Ed. Robertson, of Baieigh, was badly hurt. "Engineer M. J. Elsenhart, ft the freight, and his fireman, Jurupe.t and neither were hurt Captain W. C Cox .tie conductor on the passenger, had a leg broken. Ernest Duval, the baggage master, was hurt in the back and internally; W. R. Lamb, a mer chant of Hamlet, badly bruised; John Newton, colored, of Hamlet, had a leg crushed; W. 8. Rows, the express messenger, was badly cut; Sam Wicks, colored, of Charlotte, was badly cut Others received minor injuries. The Injured were brought to Raleigh for treatment The engineer of the freight misread his orders. He thought No. 33 was an hour and a half late, when it was No. 32 that was late. The trains were running at full speed, and both engines were practically demolished. The baggage and express cars, and the first passenger coach of the pas senger train was splintered. It win be late ) to-day before the track "is eftared.. ' AUTRYVILLE DOTS. " ; ;. March 2. : (Delayed.) As spring time is near approaching. and everything seems to be taking oa new life, we feel that we are blessed in every wsy we cauld ask. Surely the springtime brings (with the singing of the birds, snd the bloom ing of the flowers) joy, 'and comfort to many a sad heart, that has been drooping (as it. were) la despair, over some unforeseen misfortune. We, who have been so wonderfully blessed to see the balmy warm days of another spring, should be thankful deep down in our hearts, snd show our apprecia tion by living an upright life. Miss Emma Cooper,' a charming young lady of our town, spent Friday with relatives, and friends at Stedman, N.C - - - . v , . . : , ; Mrs. D. P. Spen, of this place went to Kayettevilie, N. C, Friday the 26th; otrs. JU M. .Cooper, of Autryvllle, N. C, spent Thursday night the 25th, at the home of her brother, Mr. Char lie Williams, In upper Sampson. iMr. Foy Autry, who is singing-leader at the First Baptist Church of Autrr- vllle, N. C, has purchased an organ. and we hope that it may mean much in further developing his musical talent Mr. 1. Lk Vinson, was a caller over the way again, Saturday night, Sun day, snd Sunday night ; i Mr. J. M West, a prominent busi ness man (who is connected with the West Lumber Co.), passed through our town Saturday en route to Fay etteville, N. C Mrs. J. L. Autry, and Miss Re&S Hales, of this place, were callers at Mr. Thoa, Bakers, Saturday P. M. Mr. ira Vinson, and Miss Mary Den- in g, made a charming couple on our streets Sundsy evening. - Mr. W. H. Hail, s handsome young man of Roeeboro, N. C, was s caller at Mr. E. V. Cooper's Sundsy afternoon and reports a sublime time. . Mr. Geo Autry, (prominent dew ber ry grower) was a caller In Autryvllle, N. C, Sunday and reports a "Spluci ous'time." . . ' j Mr. Stacy Autry. snd his sister. Miss Bertha visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Royal, were call ers at Mr. Foy Autrys Saturday night and 8unday. . The Church at Aatryville. has call ed to Its patsorate Rev. Mr. Jones, of Salemburg, N. C. We truly hope that he will accept, as he Is a fine speak er, and a good man. We feel that If we are fortunate enough in setting him to serve us, that it i will mean much to the upbuilding of our Church, which has already taken a good start for the better. ' 8EYMOUR." ' STEDMAN ITEMS. " March (. (Delayed.) Miss Carrie SummersIU. of Jack sonville, N. C, is s visitor st Mrs. J. D. Sessoms's. Mrs. J. R. Fusaell to visiting In Wil mington. ' Mrs. Bessie Butler is visiting rela tives near Fayetteville. Mrs. Lv W. Strickland is suffering won sn attack of LaGrtpne. Stedman is to have a milinery store and a barber shop. Mrs. L. W. Strick land has purchased a lot for the form er, and Mr. B. McR. Autry, one for tne latter. Maggie Lore, J. D. Jr, and the baby. William Jefferson Holmes, are suffer ing with slight cases of the Grip. Tbe Stedman base ball team will give a minstrel show st the Academy mis evening. Admission Is tea cents. Messrs. Joe Holmes and Dave Hay wood are expected down to attend the minstreL Misses Lillian Sessoms, Annie Bul lard, and Beula Bryant have finished their schools sad are enjoying their rest at home. March 1J. Messrs Cyrus and Tllden Averitt and Lai Fisher went down to Currie to attend the funeral of Mr. John D. Areritt, which, took -place Tuesday. The death of Mr. Averitt occurred A tbe hosoltal. in Wllrnlnrton Tfa 1 ; toi" 77"" " thirty years of sge. . He leaves s widow who was Miss f oirl Fisher ' before her marriage, and four children. His many friend were sorroy to hear of his death. Miss Carrie Autry, and her friend, I Miss Carter, were visitors in Stedman over Sundsy. Tbe member of the base ball team wer Pel with the success and pro- fits of their attempt here last Satur- svenmg, snd gave the perform ance at Roseboro one night this week. r Miss Retts C. Bullard, who has fin ished her school, Is visiting In Samp son and will be home next week. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs snd ex pels colds. Get the genuine In s yel- uw pacaage. aicuume Drug Store, (O, O. Bonders, Mgr.) A Guaranteed Cough remedy n uees Laxative , Cough Syrup. Por cougns, coios, croup, wbooplng-congb, hoarseness and all bronchial affections. ami tor children because It Is quick io relieve ana tastes good. Gently lax- m auaciMuian ss cv LEG'L JLDVRTISEr.:EatS COMMISSIONERS' 6ALE VALU ABLE LAND. Under and bv virtue of a judgment and decree of the Superior Court of Cumberland County, rendered at Feb ruary Term. 1J9. Ia a certain action entitled "Irene Nunnery vs Walter J. Nunnery" the undersigned commis sioners named in said decree-will oa Monday, the 13 ad day of March, 10. being the first day of the March Term of the Superior Court of Cumberland County, at 1 o'clock p. m, at the Court House door ia Cumberland County, ex pose to sale to the highest bidder tor cash, ths following tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in ueoar Creek Township, Cumberland County. State of North Carolina, bounded and described as follows, via: ' , Begmsinc st a slake, tbe beginning corner of the 3a seres conveyed by Henry Nunnery, 8r, to Amos Nunnery, and runs East 3 chains 40 links, with th old line, to a stake; thence N. 11 1-4 W. 10 chains 70 links, to a stake; thence N. 88 1-4 W. 17 chains 70 links to the third line of the 300 acre grant ot which-it Is a part; thence as the old line South 10 chains 70 links to a stake, the fourth corner of said 300 acre grant; thence East 17 chains (0 links to the beginning, containing II acres, more or less, being the same land described In a deed from Kirby A Nunnery snd others to the said Walter j. Nunnery, recorded in Book L" No. C, page 243, in the Office of Register of Deeds for Cumberland County. - - -- A part or the above described land. including possibly jpne-half of the tract Is subject to the dower of Molale Nunnery, as can be fully ascertained by reference to the report of the com missioners who allotted said dower. but the whole of the tract will be sold and tbe title to the same passed sub ject to said dower. " . r . Sale subject to confirmation. This 22nd day of February. 1909. H. S. AVERITT, ; ; : a L, cook. .'r, ' Commissioners. TRUSTEES' SALE Of A VALUABLE CITY LOT. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In a deed of trust made and executed by Q. K. Nimocks and wife to the undersign ed trustees, dated February 2nd, 1909, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cumberland County. North Carolina, Book P No. 490, the said trustees, will on the 27th dav of March. 1909. at twelve o' clock, noon, at the Court House Door In the City ot Fayetteville, N. C, ex pose for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described lot tn the city of Fayetteville, the same being on the western side of Burgess street, adjoining the lands of the City, Whitfield, Methodist Church and oth ers: . - "Beginning at s stake In the western margin of Burgess street, one hundred feet from the corner of Burgess and Old streets,- snd runs thence West with the line of the lot now owned by the City of Fayetteville, snd the line of another lot now owned by the Hay Street . Methodist Church, (for merly the Caroline West lot), one hun dred feet to a stake; thence North fif ty feet to a stake; thence East with the line of a lot owned by A. W. Whit- Held one hundred feet to Burgess street; thence South with Burgess street, fifty feet to the beginning, known as lots 3 snd V , Together witn au tne improvements thereon. Place of Sale: Court House door. Time of sale: March 27th. 1909, iz:uv, M. Terms of sale: Cash. -- JOHN H. CULBRETH, CHAS. Q.-ROSE, ' .' . Trustees. February 2th, 1909. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of John N. Talbot de ceased, late ot the County of Cumber land, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons , having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of March 1910. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. : All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make Im mediate payment - . . This 10th March 1909. - O. F. TALBOT. ' Administrator of J. N. Talbot ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator, of Ellen Davis, deceased, late ot Cumber land County, North Carolina, this In to notify all persons haying claims gainst the. estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of February, 1910, or this notice wllj be pleaded in bar ot their 'recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment - ; . . . .. This the 25th day of February, 1909. ' T. U NORTHROP. . Administrator. J. 8PRTJNT NEWTON, Attorney. . - u . V NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The firm ot J. C. Jackson A Son ha been absorbed by the Jackson-Williams Co. All accounts due by the said J. C. Jackson and Son will be paid by me and all the accounts due the firm of J. C. Jackson A Son are due and payable to J. C. Jackson st 100 Gillespie street Red Front Store. Please call and settle promptly. 1 extend an invitation to my friends and customers - to call and examine my stock of Clothing, and dent's Furnish ings, which are being sold very cheap, quality considered. Tours truly, -. Vi ,3. 0 JACKSON. Th3 crigd : For coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. No Opiates. Noa-alcoholi. Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. . The sennlno ; rV,trS ONEY and TAR la b s Yellow package. Refuse substitutes. t Prepared only by ' ,. . f ; Foley A Company, Chlor ; Mcduffie onva store ' i ' (O. O. Souders, Frop.) ' Tilt All! ID KPT' i, nr. MORTGAGEE S SALE OF TWO DE SIRABLE CITY LOTS. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained la a certain mortgaged deed made and executed by Q. W. Horner and wife to The Fayette ville Insurance and Really Company, dated the 4th day ot March. 1WS, and duly recorded In the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Cumberland Counijr la Book R. No. , at page 233, the un dersigned mortgagee will on the TJih day of March. lv, at twelve o'clock a, expose for sale to the highest bid der, for cash, at tbe Court House door, la Fayetteville. Cumberland County, vnrtk rarnlina two desirable building lota oa Lakevtew strreet In said City, said lots being described ss Lot No. 1 Rlnra- "n and Lot No, 3. Block "C," ss per plot recorded In said offi ce tn Book r , .no . page zti, ana being 60 1-2x133 feet and 50x141 feet reeDecarelv. both fronting oa Le- view street . Place of sale: Court House door. 'Time ot sale:- March 27th, 1903, 12:00, M. - Terms ot sale: Cash. FAYETTKVLLLE INSURANCE k ' REALTY CO. Rose A Rose, Attys. - February Ztth. lot. j , . ADMINISTRATOR'S' NOTICE. ' Notice Is given that 'the undersigned qualified as administrator of the es tate ot the late Abbie Buries. Those holding claim against the estate will file same as required by law, within twelve months, or this notice will be pleaded in bar. Those Indebted to the estate will please make settlement at once. - ; " - . " - - T. H. McNEILL, Administrator. Cook A Davis, Attorneys. This February 2th, 190. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. v Having qualified as administratrix upon the estate of Dr. E. P. Williams, deceased, late ot Cumberland County, N. O, this Is to notify, all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or be fore the 20th day cf February, 1910, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. 7 All persons ln debted to said estate must make im mediate payment - ; !; ! This 19th day of February, 1909. MRS. LELIA D. WILLIAMS. " " - ' Administratrix. Stedman. N. C - H. S. Averitt, Attorney." ' SERVICE BY PUBLICATION, NORTH CAROLINA, Cumberland j County Superior Court James Young v. Mary Young. The defendant above named, will take notice; - Tv ' . . That an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cumberland County, N. C, for sn absolute divorce on tbe ground of ad ultry, and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that she is warned aud required to appear at a term of the Superior Court of said County to be held in the Court House In Fayette ville, Cumberland County, N. C. on the trd Monday after the 1st Monday in Mach 1909, (which falls on the 22nd of March) and plead answer or demur to the complaint now on file In said Clerk's office, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demand ed therein. This 27 day of February 1909. - A. A McKETHAN, ' ; . Clerk Superior Court. , NOTICE OF SALE TO MAKE - ASSETS. . North Carolina, . Cumberland County. - In the Superior Court before the Clerk. . " ; D. J. Cashweli, adms, of Wash Mel Vln, deceased, vs. Ella Melvlm et aL . By virtue of an order of the Super ior Court of Cumberland county In the above entitled action, I will, on Mon day, the 29th day of March, 1909, sell to 'the highest bidder, for cash, to sat isfy the debts of the deceased Wash Melvln, all the right title fend Interest which the said Wash Melvln has In the following described real estate, subject to the dower Interest of Ella Melvln, wife of tbe deceased. ' Being In Cumberland county, North Carolina, Seventy-First township, ly ing on the east side of Pupy Creek, and mostly on the north side of the Center Plank Road, and adjoining the lands of Daniel J. Ray snd others. - Beginning at stake. Amy McKln non's corner In D. J. Ray's line, and runs as his line 8. 88 W. 12 chains 2 links to a stake with a Black Jack pointer, his corner; thence his other line S. 34 W. 18 chains 75 links to a stake, his corner, just south of the plank . road in Anderson . McNeill's line; thence as it N. 30 W. 60 links to a stake, his corner; thence N. 88' W. 8 chains and 80 links to a stake. in the edge of the old plank road; thence N. 2 E. 1 chain SO links to a stake in the old line; thence as it N. 67 1-2 W. S chains and 80 links to a stako. the corner; thence N. S3 1-5 E. 42 chains and 40 links to a stake in Amv McKlnnon's line; thence as It S. 40 K. 2 Chains and SS links to a stake, her corner; thence her other line 8. 14 E. 15 chains to the beginning, con taining i acres more or less. - Place of Sale: Court House door. Time of Sale: 12 H, March 29th. 1909. ... Terms of Bale: Cash. - . D. J. CA8HWELL, . Commissioner. V As) 0 awP - . all 1 4 W f . W amulet conjr ; COCKADE RVB ! Eureka Rys Dan River Rys I Grey Ooos Rys Satisfaction Ky Old Henry Bye .. . ; Greenwood Ry , ' Le,"?T"n Club Rys .... Hlffhsplre By N. C. Tuckahoe Cora,.,' N. C. 8wllow Com ... Holland Gin AppU Brandy ,,,,,,'!" 4 Teach Brandy tSle,aea jti .. .--arm -n i , .. .... .wn uao tiiDT uaDWBT uufrp MSi BOUGHT WE HAVE ANY KINO OF A HORSE PACERS AND TROTTERS AND GOOD BUSINESS, r AHM Mil rswiuy HORSES, SINGLE On DOUBLE, AO SIZE MULE, FROM THE HEAVY LOG MULE TO THE SMALLER COT TON AND FARM MULES. EACH AND EVERY ONE GUARANTEED TO BE EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED Dugules, Waflons, ; Harness, Robes, Etc., AND THE WELL-KNOWN BABCOCK BUGGIES AND HACKNEY BUG GIES, AND AL80 HAVE ON HAND AT ALL TIMES A COMPLETE LINE OF THE MEDIUM AND CHEAPER GRADE8; HARNESS, ROBES, ETC, TO GO WITH THEM. ' , WE KEEP ALL SIZES OF WAGONS BOTH ONE AND TWO HORSE-ON-HAND, AND CAN FURNISH YOU WITH ANY KIND YOU MAY WANT, OUT OF STOCK. - We Fay Tbe Highest Market Prices For Cotton. : IF YOU NEED ANYTHING, IN OUR LINE CALL AND SEE US. V BEVILL & VANSTORY, fayetteville, n. c MM U ina rt fwlla u yc will feel ll feel better feel ). rttto. ' - Mieactheu tee Statue, Liver, KiMer aa Mrie IS ... - IW, Sat in wee ikatntfitr n kamlr, ret k am '. - art, weikau r iKkcat ianrutlr ukiaa la am feel , SUaoaea keaer. - .- .... ; t- r Bctler Thaa Pills For Lher IDs. . . -. Tak MB TablwU fw MlmtiM, Met RetJacke, Lett af kn tk, Sillov Coowkiioo, Uret CoeapleUt. skia DtMMei, Pliulet mi Erapcam. CklUe, Milura, Biltounex, Rkenuthea, Tor pie Lrref ot tuctirc Udaert Mai ftH (roeblce rabin Iraw ta ir.Mtire otfaoe. Lx F " w Rf u 3 ftAr corner M King Drug Company, Fayetteville, N. C. SUPERB SERVICE TO :., via Chesapeake Line Steamers ' New Bay UncJ COLUMBIA- aa4 "AUGUSTA, Dining rooms on Saloon Decks. iMegant Table d'hote. Din-" ' ner 75c, Club Breakfast 25 to 60c. POLITE ATTENTION snd the very BEST SERVICE in every Way. We solicit auTicisat op our servicb. Leave Norfolk (foot of Jackson street) daily (except Sunday) 6:00 p. m. Arrive Baltimore 7:00 a. m., connecting with rail lines for Philadelphia, New York, and all points East and West For information and reservation address E. T. LAMB, G. A., C. L HOPKINS, T. P. A., NORFOLK, VA. ' Better Dyspepsia If yen can help' it Kodol prevents' Dyipepsia, hy r effectually helpbg Nature to Relieve Ingestion. But don't trifle with Indigestion. . A great many people who have . trifled with indigestion, have been sorry for it when nervous ' or chronic , dyspepsia resulted, and thev hsve not been able to euro It Use Kodol aud prevent having Dyspepsia. . .,.;.., Everyons Is subject to ihdlges - tton. Stomach derangement follows stomach, abuse, Just as naturally snd Just as surely ss a sound and healthy stomach results upon the taking ot KodoL '-.' -.j' . When you experience sourness of stomach, belching of gas aud nauseating fluid, bloated r-msstlon, gnawing pain In the pk of the .stomach, heart burn (so-called), , diarrhoea, headaches, dullness or chronic tired feeling; you need Ko doL And then the quicker yon take Kodol4he better. Eat what you wani. iex a.oaoi digest it. : - Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia taV lets," physics, etc., are not likely to be of much benefit to you, in digestive ailments. Pepsin is only Aood Whukey coU you no more than "doc tored" brands, The renutahnn t& ik;. rwCxi uic mau wrder Mmifu. ws hmii "-,. . . lowing well-known brands: J'x We Pay AU Express Ctarges. Ire 1t,. Per Gat. I0L nw 13.00' . .-, a.3s ... ... S.OO : ... SJM ... 4.00 ,.. 4.00 ... n.oo ... 3.00 ' ,. 3.IV0 ' W.78 ' OAS 7M 8.70 - 10.00 UAO . 1140 ' 14.04 ' 6.70 ' .7,20 8.70 10.00 ' Ml) - 7.20 10.00 Very Old N a Corn Whl.kiy BM Old Burro Cnrn Wkl.b S.00 f S.OO i S.BO mau vratr Hoatt, Eighty-Two Head -0F- MULES AMD HORSES DCTiiDMCn CBOM run WESTERN 82 HEAD OF MULES AND HOR8E8. YOU MAY WANT -HIGH-CLASS WtLL o ocvcnni. tin BY US. 4k M NS Tablaf. ' ia the nornlni. Ther irlll NATUBE'S BEHLOY' One , Tablet avuuuEr. Not Get a partial digester and physics aro uuv utKBsiers ai au. yon could see KodoldlgesUngevery - iuwu, v& tut einrje, lu Uff - ' glass test-tubes in our laboratories, -you would know this Just as well as wo do. - , ' Nature and Kodol win always euro a sick stomach but in order to be cured, the stomach must rest um wuai n.oaoi apes rests taw Stomach, whila tli nm..ii - - - cna velL. Just as simple as A, B, 0. Our Sol. ntlr. eonteni. of tb If c Onssssilw' atsaw st.. IS V. i . " """"w w aaaat aiwa uuuei vrm avn rood, rwturn the bottla to th, Antg nS 3 , wwsi-s, von-i AmtAvte till TJ. r.I i "!? "HI on y anatobntooalnafamUr. Th lam hoi. " f-w v ai ue u Dora . torleaof E.C. DsWIU A Co, Clilcaea. . SOLD BY ARMKIELT) dbdo 8TORB. fxmv m f-i ' v UJO mi ' b Beitlea, 8 0.1. UAO s.eo 8.15 2.30 a.4 3.70 ' a.3o 4.04 4.S4 ' B.00 0,04 3.20 3.74 1.20 4.00 4.20 - 4.7S B.3S 4.2R 7.78 ' 8.7B 8.78 4.20 S.28 4.18 - .iri,.. LL .iijib h. "'w' luirr.R nti'-- Pr 4.04 7.78 44 8.40 .70 B Ult 4A0 . 7.78 flAj, )JWtoUwa1,1.Ml 1 - I, ! 1Z - Richmond, Va