I WILSON BURNS. A Beautiful Homt Wedding Last Night. A beaullfiil home wedding took ,uem last wm-k at the residence of Hie bride on GIlteHple street, when Mrs. Mattla E , Burns, one of Fay euevllle' charming and attractive women, u united In marriage to Mr. Evander K. Wilson, a popular young citizen, who holdt an Import ant position with the Fourth National Bank of tbla city. s The borne m adorned with exquis ite flower, potted planta and ferns, looking exceedingly beautiful Mis Anna Maloney first approached the bridal altar, then came the groom accompanied by Mr. Ed. Pool, follow ed by the bride charmingly gowned In lovely white with garniture of pearls, carrying a shower bouquet of white carnations and maiden-hair : fern ..'-.''.' The ceremony was solemnized by Iter. J. i. Hall, D. D, and the marri age tows were taken In a very impres sive manner, thus uniting for life two happy hearts and lives, A great number of guests were pre sent, and the bride and groom were lit erally showered with congratulations. after which all were Invited into the spacious and artistically appointed rilnlng room, where delicious edible and Ices were served. - The presents quite Ailed the east parlor, and were varied and beauti ful. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson carry with them the best wishes of hosts of friends (or a long and very happy mar- ; Med. ' ' '": FORECAST OF VOTE IN CONGRES SIONAL CONVENTION. As Given by Wilmington Star. The Wilmington Star last week Ms the following: Upon the face of the return thus far received from the counties of the Sixth Congressional District which held primaries or precinct - meetings Saturday, It woald appear that Con gressman Hannibal U Godwin lacks iXiot exceeding a dozen votes to ensure his re-nomlnation on the first ballot : with Brunswick, which will hold its , mass convention at Lockwood'a Folly tomorrow, yet to hear from. This estimate" is based upon the pre sumption that both Cook and McClam- tnr will go Into convention with their " respective counties solidly behind (hem, and from conservative estimates received from the other counties, of the district in which Mr. Godwin di Tided the vote with the homfl candi date A recapitulation of the latest . returns received last night Indicate the Harnett man's strength' as fol lows: : f Godwttf .. ' .,28 . .... 8 . 2 Out of Robeson . Columbus Bladen .. Harnett .. Totals . so 41 24 - Necessary to choice, 126. It will thus be seen that Mr. Godwin lacks but IS rotes of the nomination with Brunswick yet to hear from and Brunswick is said to be very favorabl disposed to him. This, , too,, is upon the presumption that he will not re ceive a solitary vote from Cumberland though It is a fact that hi friends at .several of the polling places in Cum berland demanded that their strength fee palled. . - ' ."',."',." No More Need for Gold er Silver Her. Columbus has a law requiring the Board of County' Commissioners fa pay 25 cents for each hawk or ow) bill presented to them. -The White Ttlle News-Reporter says that tbegf two articles are passing Just the samt as currency In that county. Death of Mrs. A. M. Tolsr. T M Mrs. A. M. Tolar died Wednesday, June 22, at her home, Rennert, sgej 27 years. Bh U survived by her hus band, a prominent farmer and busi ness man, of Robeson county and a ... . -.- -- -i4f son, two years on. , -. - Mrs. Tolar was an excellent Chris tian woman and her death Is deeplj ''felt by A Urge circle of friends., Mr Tolar has our sympathy In lis great sorrow.' ' ' - Rev.'W. S. Ballard, of Rowland, eon- ducted the funeral service and the Interment was ta the family buryinf ground at Rennert. - -Y -'. -!" Marriage of Local Interest A marriage of interest to many read ers of the Observer was that Tuesday nt noon of Prof. L, T. Royall, superin tendent of the Benson graded school, snd Mi Flossie Absil, a member of the faculty of the Smlthfield graded school. The marriage look place in Smlthfield, N. C. bride's mother. at the home of the Teachers Return Thanks. , Whereas, the teachers who have been attending the institute for the past two weeks feel, that they -have b en greatly benefitted and stimulated by the very able and practical Instruction received. , Therefore be It resolved, That we do most heartily thank Trot. ii. G. H:;;!i8inlth, Prof. K. H. McIutyriS and : '. s Mury Owen-Graham for "their faithfulness and earnest and in piling r." oft to help ub to make our work more effective and helpful in ail of i MISS kat:: i ' oi roi.i. ruo., ill.O. -: Mi ( I to -f t-' d ! CEDAR CREEK ITEMS. Cedar Crek, June 28 Dr. K. 0. Av- erltt and family have returned from the beach, and report a good time. Hon. H. U Cook and Mr. Joe Under wood made, a flying trip three miles below Cedar Creek last week In an au tomobile. The township primary was held at Cedar Creek Saturday with Mr. J. H. Falrcloth In the chair. Children's day at Cedar Creek Sun day was a success. Mr. W. H. Sim mons and Mr, R, C. Smith made short talks. ; '' .': Mrs. M. J. Hair visited her father, Mr. W. B Coats. Sunday. This community was shocked this morning on bearing of the death of Capt Smith, who was drowned below Wilmington Sunday. Capt. Smith was Iked by all who knew him. ' Mr. Purlle 8immons and Miss Let- tie Smith were married Saturday at the home of the bride's brother, Mr W. R. 8mltn. ,Mr, J. M. Fisher, J. P, if Beaver Dam, officiated. Their many friends wish them a long and happj life : vT1''?'." Capt R. M. Wise made a raid one alght last week tor one of the boy hat toft the camp wine time ago with jut permission, hut failed to find bin. Our R. F. ft carrier aays mora peo pie on his route read the Observer tow than have for five year. Much success to It ,- CUMBERLAND ITEMS. ;, ait - , Cumberland, - N. C, June 27.- -Th neetiag at the Methodist church ctos- xl on last Friday night, owing to i-e teavy thunder storm- there was not ery many present All who werf here were well repaid for venturing ut on such a night, aa Bra Pegram -dvlce to new members was worjtfc hearing, y-v-, -.'u Kev. P. T. Britt preacbssr a nook ermon on Sunday evening at the Bap 1st church. aoet will commence hit nectlnc- there tonight. . ' Prof. A M. Vestal. Master mil ana 'a-mond Wade are viaidng at Row. land. ..., Mr. L. M- Culbreth and family , or a. Pauls, spent Sunday at their ok tome. Mr. Uuioretn was ine assistant juoerintendent of (he Methcdist Sun lay school, and we are always gt o have him Witn us. ana trust ina; ut will eome aa often as be can. Several of oar young people attend d the children's day services at tb Presbyterian church at Hope Mills last Sunday night -"''-:" The primary lor unmoertana pre tact was held on Saturday afternoon noceedings of which have alread. een given to the Observer. j 1 1 " ;. PARKTON NEWS. " Parkton. N. C, June 28. Time w'l tot nermit of a lengthy article tht: reek Much is doing and mac oouif said, bot this Is rush wae.- titosm jreparinr for the- grand ronrtn. Kev. J. u. eegram Eiie n iesw-M ippointssent at the 'Methodist fEp.s. ooal church . here Sunday mori'n nd night to large anoS-attentiVe ,cot Messrs. O. L. Johnson; superintend at of the Methodist Sunday scooo nd A. J. Garria, J. H Smith and Sec etary Leon Johnson, all went np "ayetterllle today to attend the Sub lay school convention -. MMnn tT. W TbontDniL J. B luzfces. J. B. MeCormick and Ws S loble all went np to raj-etier.ue ti be tatter's automobile today..., - The committees all met last nigh n the bank building and completed ar- angements for the Fourth of Jul' 'be various priies sad entries wet ill arranged. The business men a; he town subscribed liberally to th arlous prises and the publie need no: ear the least but the proeranur.e wu e carried out to the letter. Th, pa ade will begin at, 10 ociocst, a. .-hlef Marshal Murphey McMiUan hs svited a host of. assistance from al ver the county and several of the or . ers front Hope - Mills--and fjambet tridge and St Pauls. So there is ex tected thonsaads of people here or hat occasion. The programme wu ie very interesting from start to fin sh. There win be speaking" at 'clock by some distinguished speak rs. - The most amusing of all toe orogram . will be a match game . o! wseball at 4 o'clock by the fat ant cans. Tile score has been completed tnd H Is .laughable to think of. So '" everybody come and enjoy the fun. ' .- The Parkton Concert Band plated at 1 ray's Creek academy last, Saturday tight and report a good time as usual. The music seemed to have met tht iDDroval of the attractive audience. The silver cap was swarded M!sf Pate, of the neighborhood.. -The con- est was very close between Miss Pate ud Mia Bethea, and the cup brought i little more than f30.' Grars Creek is s prosperous neighborhood snd the; -ire amply able to give such an occa- sion Justice. Fayetteville Should Make ' Most Fayetteville, N. C, July h 1910.' Editor Observer: " ' ' 4 Now that the splendid appropriation from the Government has been made available, to canalize the Cape Fear river, for Which the Chamber of Com merce and the citizens' committee oh the "Improvement of the Upper Cape Pear River" has been so assiduously, persistently ' and continuously ' work ing for, for more than a decade, I feel that this- city and section and even a large part of the State should, be congratulated over the result; and that all concerned (especially Fayetteville) should now be on the alert to take every advantage of the good, results, wh'ch should come to us, as the work will be speedily entered upon and finally completed. ' Cm' -V It, is axlomatie-hat either Its proi moterg have neeo deceiving themsel ves, a large part; of North Carolina and Hie Congress of the United States, or th.it a 1'IQ THING hasTome to all (to :'. lioville pre-eminently') by Ihli ; , m, :-u !on for our river. If, ?f F-litor,' the many predicte : ' ti. it wer to follow tl r of this great work (c'rilnit lo t e even of Stat Interest) were on ly ati 'Irld-wetit 'dream, for one I do not care to be rudely awakened yet; but wloh only to rejoice and encotirag i -l to believe In, ita4 work for, it r'l renH-'-i.tiim In the v ar future. '-' i -in that a v "ml- i folly Imirort ' '' : t'-inr 1 t : . t H i I j-m-v III H UiiU V- J : L nf it iu I'vorr i i- ble way. ' ' 1; Is "up to" Fayetteville to exhib it sew evidences of life and prog, ess which should couie from the right use of this new stimulant to our progress and prosperity now given to u. Respectfully, F. R. ROSE. ITEMS FROM CUMBERLAND. Cumberland, N. C, June 17. Mr. Joe johnson can probably boast of the Brat cotton bloom In this section One made its appearance Sunday morning, June 26, on his farm at Cot ton. The mills here will - not run this week. - We learn that they hold up to take Inventory. ,'-'', . SALMAGUNDI'S COMMENTS. Cameron. N. C, June 21. 1910. Is it a tact that the United States leads the world in the committing of crimes f tour and one-half times numerous as twenty. ear aga It s asserted. Where are we at? - W 8au P. Jones started out stealing, jorses from the rich and giving them i co the poor, .hut was he aodgiug the Eighth Commandment? Was " he leaching tor doctrine the command ments of men? is tnat want nocKe- eller, Carnegie, Morgan ft Co. are do ng? la that what the corporations all ver this fair land are doing? if not hat means this wholesale pretended prosecution by the government of the xncerns they have licensed to do Dus ness? Probably we bave too much government, too much law, a compli- atAd machine, that Is not reuera' T indentood. It is likely that it was not n tended that it should, be. , Dld-not he great Apostle anticipate, this whes le saia: woere uers jb uu ,Mn an be no transgresaoar The cost of aaktagVlawsrand the addrUonal cost Intvpreting Uxm sad ute expense t armies and navtea, if spent in aceful avocations, would obviate the ecesalty op stealing from or robbing another, and be more consistent sithv-iha doctrine of Christianity.- Hy fellow-man, have yon looked' at it rom that standpoint? There was not , word the Master spoae put on ree rd that iuaUOe war. Yet we hear it so-called Christian soldier in cqnt- jand Of great armies on the field of arsstge. A trail ot Innocent Mood ytea marks ieir lsotateps.4; The wail I widows snd orpnans is neara in ae wake of mnrderers. - Where can jy be exonerated" in the sight pi a great Ood, whose declaration wa. Jiou shalt not klur -J - f If a man don't keep the eommand- .ehts In his business transactions he jon't keep them Mali .They each ana very m oi mew ove reieivuce juj oar conduct towards the other fl ow. .:..- -s ' " '- i The candidates are swarming now octt for them, we are. : Disappoint- lent Is in store for niae-tentns of aem. - But no matter, perhaps they re office seeker. If they would let ie. office seek them, there would be wer sores and better public service. . As ever 't-r-. SAUIAGUNDllT. - p. 9. Teddy has come homegreet A as no ootentatff the world weiconv at home-, or abroad. - He "hehaved msetf .very well under, the circum aaces.'1 Showed, his good sense, t si the great throng ot hero worship is and those who bad axes to grind oat lost their. heads. The schemes e was asked to endorse will never be nowa until the final round-up. "No, -o, positively 1 can't do that" was the aiy sign he gave. - Many were disap intedV.and went, away sorrowful. Loosevelt shows symptoms of Demb iatic principle tugging st his heart trings. - - May - those- symptoms grow ."Vito action. We need a leader. A eat captain we will find in Teddy, t ';-.'" i'.' SAL. .GAL ADVERT iSEMENIS jTATc OF NORTH CAROLINA, Cum berland County No. 2928. , , J. H. Priest enters and claims 2a xres of land In little Hirer township oining the lands of J. H. Priest cs jorth, south and west, and Coins land a east- , Entered 8th day of June, 1910. -T,,jY,.-fY w. M- WALKER, ... I tebter of Deeds and Ex. O. Entr -- Taker, by t. R. Halt Deputy. . COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF VALU- Y. '.i ' ABLE LAND. Under snd by virtue of a Judgment wd decree of the Superjor Court of Cumberland County In a certain spe cial proceeding therein pending and entitled "Thomas H. McNeill, Admln- .atrator of Spencer Scott Deceased, vs. W. H. Toung and wife, et at heirs at jtw of Spencer Scott" the undersign ed. Commissioner, named In said de cree, will, on Saturday, the second day of Jolv, 1910, st twelve o'clock M, being the day and hour named in said decree, at the Court House Door in Cumberland County, expose to sale to the highest bidder for cash, tne following described tract or parcel of land in Cumberland County, State ot North Carolina, bounded as follows, Til": . , .... On the West side of the road lead ing from Fayettevills to Lomberton and near the head of Sandy Run Branch: - . V ' Beginning st stake by two pines. on. the east, side of a (mail spring branch, and runs South 3S East 21 chains 63 link to a stake by a pine: thence North 66 East 31 chain (3 links to a stake by a pine; thence North 35 West 31 chains 63 links to a stake by two pines; thence South 66 West 31 chains 63 links to the begin ning, containing 100 acres, being the same land described in a deed treat Robert Mitchell to Spencer Scott, re corded In Book 1, No. 3, page 678, In the office of the Register of Deeds for Cumberland County, Sale subject to conflrmatkm by th Court -'.-'. j ' - , : This 30th day cf May, 1910. , ; , ; H. S. AVERITT. -"' - ' ' . Commissioner. V '.''."" EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having this day qualified as Exe cutor of the last will and testament of the late Mrs. Henrietta Wiilistoa, this Is to give notice to all persons having claims against the estate to present them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned or to his attorney, on or Detore the 7th day of June, 1911 or this notice will be pleaded In bar ot their recovery. And all persons indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate pay ment to tne undersigned. This June 7th, 1910. EDWARD D. WILMSTON, , ..tu. Executor.--" Thomas H. Rutton, Attorney. First pnb!!atlon June 7th, 1910. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECU TION. Under and by virtue ot an execu tion directed to the undersigned Iiom the Suirlor Court ot t'uutberiand county, iu au action entitled 'Uiimore itaiuin Lumber Company, lucoroora; ed, versus' Joauph K. tiodwiu." 1 will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, tor cash, to satisfy said execu tion, tuat certain tract or parcel ot land, being the lands and tenements of the said Joseph K Godwin, situated in Cross Creek township, Cumberland county. State of North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows: -. in the city of Fayetteville, adjoin ing the lands ot Jack. Webb, R. H. Simmons, and other. Beginning at a itake on the north side of Simmons avenue, and runs N. S W. 144 1-2 feet to a stake in the Jack Webb ' lino, thence as It N. 87. EL 50 feet, thence 3. ( K. 14t 1-1 teet to Simmons ave nue r thence as the line of sa.d avenue S 8T W. 60 teet to the oeginning, It be ing lot No. 8 aa shown In the plat made by Jerry Respass of the B. H.. Sim mons property, the same being part of the land bought by tt H. .Simmon from Joseph Holingsworth, by deed from Joseph vHollingsworth and wile to it H. Simmons, recorded In thai bt- nce ot register ot deed ot Cumberland county In Book I, No. 8, page 93. and afterwards- conveyed, by H. H. Sim mons and wife to Joseph E. Godwin by deed dated October 14, 190, and re corded in Book C, No, 7. -page 7. in the register's office aforesaid, it being tne tana ana premises uesensea in the atoresaid exeautiow, md Ih'The' Judgment and notice of lien therein re ferred to including all Improvements on sa.d land. y ;.'. - y.- And all the right, title and Interest which the said-defendant Joseph 4 Godwin had In said land and prem ise on the 16th day ot October, 1909, the Urns said lien of We pta nun, ua- more-Rankn Com pan yr. Incorpprawd, attached thereto, and at any,, time thereafter. -js..,--- . Date ot Sale: Monday, August 1, 1810, at 12 p'clock noon. . V Place of sale.Cour. hoase door In FyettevtlleN.V . w, . , " ; Terms of sale: Cash. ( .-' a. a. naiaun, Sheriff of Cumberland County. :. ooh A a tt at lnn. 1 Ql ft ' ' - This 29th day of Junewl910. NOTICE OFSERVICE BY PUBUCA V TION. - NORTH " CAROLINA, ' Cumberland L bounty, In the Superior Court" in the matter of A. H. Slocomb and ' Others to Establish a Drainage Dls- ; trict ;' - YiY '-. ''-.. --'.?-Z "The defendants, Alex Sessoma, Del a A. Guy and William Boyklns, J. D. Took, Henry Cook and Imc Cook, wi t take notice that an action. -entit led as above has been commenced in the - Superior Court of Cumberland county to establish a drainage dis trict under Chapter 442, Laws of 1909; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear beforejhei Clerk of the S lienor Court of Cumberland count, . . . '. . .-. .. i t.n-S omce.fh tae court nouse i Cumberland county, N. C'ontUe 2S i ot July. 191. at IX o'clock M i answer the complaint or' petitjo: Sled In saii acttdh.'or the plauiUQ will apply to the court for thsireiiel demanded In 'said action. : , . , Thl June 23. 1910. -i' . JAMES MARSH,' ! Deputy iSerk Superior Court Cook ft Davis, Attorney s rj- S COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF VALU- - - ' ABLE LANU9. , t , ' i' -v " ' 1 Tb undersigned Commissioners- ap pointed by the court offer for sale-the following lands in Cumberland Coun- Ssven lots of Arsenal Property,' be ing lots Noa. I, 8. 15, zo, 22, 24 and 34 hich include excellent residence sites on Bradford Avenue (Adam Street) Myrover Street Hay Street extended tnd other streets. , One house and lot on north side of Arsenal ..Avenue, adjoining McMUlan One large, triangular lot upon wfiich is situated the old "Toil Hoase" and jther tenements in the,; fork of the Plank Road and the Morganton Road, in front of St' Lukes Hospital. t Two store lots on east side Green 3treet, between Market Euuare , and Bow 8treet . . . Five store lots on east side of Gil lespie 8 tree t between Market Square and City Han. -' -s v . ; ? One excellent building tot on Rowan Street known as the "te Lot"-, I One lot south side of Hay 8treet known as the "Rose ft Leak Store. 1 One lot on north side ot Hay Street known as the "Old Bank Building," ad joining Fourth National Bank. ' One residence and lot south side of Hay Street, lying west of Huske Hard ware House. One lot on north side ot Hr.y Street west ot A. C L. passenger station. 1 own aa Dobbin House. . One lot on south side of Hay Street, east of Robeson street adjoining. L. Levin. -' - v- One residence and lot on west side of Rcbespn street adjoining Dr. J. W. MeNeii: . : , ' - One warehouse and lot on west side of- Winslow Street near A C, L. pas senger station. One house and lot on north side of Mumford Street known as "Robert Mc- Rae Lot" ' One house and lot on Meeting Street near the "Evan Chapel.'" ' Three houses and lots In Campbell- ton, one on weit side of Water Street near County bridge, and two on road to new wharf property. Tract Outside of th City. About thirteen - acre of Starling land, in Cedar Creek township. ' . About 200 acre of the W. J. John son land in Rockfish township, near A. C. L. railroad. - About 104 acres of Godwin land In Flea Hill township, sear the Buck Draughon land. , About 110 acres of J. P.Hodges land, near Linden, In Carver's Creek town ship,' well timbered. ' About 100 acres of Alderman land in Gray's Creek township. ; All of the above property will be told for division among the heirs of B. J. Lilly, and any portion of the same may be sold at private sale by the commissioners. If a satisfactory offer is made, sale to be approved by order of Court , . Further and more definite Informa tion a to the exact location and size of the several tracts can be obtained from any of the commissioners. . H. W. LILLY, CHAS. O. ROSE, - , TERRT LYON, Commissions' j. June 6th, 1910. Won'ten Fits gforzwiTi STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA, Cum-1 berland County No. S929. Q. K. Nlmocks enters and claim 1 lot of land In Cross Creek township adjoining the lands ot Nlmocks, Down ing, Shuford and Slocomb tt being an unimproved lot measuring about 25x75 feet, situated between Dick and Cool Spring streets, In th city of Fay etteville. ' . Entered 14th day ot June, 1910. ' -' W. M. WALKER, Register of Deeds, and Ex. 0. Entry Taker, by P.' R. Ball, Deputy. EXECUTRIX' NOTICE. . Having quail fled as executrix of the last will and testament of Nlram Jackson, deceased, late ot Cumberland County, N. C... this is to notify aU person having claims against th estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned, duly verliled, on or before the 28th day ot May, 1911. or this notice, will be pleaded In bar at tneir recovery. - Al persons Indebted to said estate will pleas make immediate . settle ment, x - , -i . This 28th -dsf ot May, 1910. -CHARLOTTE A JACKSON, ;' Executrix.. Vender. N. C. H. 8. Averitt Attorney. i 1 t NOTICE. , fl uuuer ana oy virtue OI a Dower 01 sale contained in a certain mortgage deed, executed on the 3 1st day ot Oc tober. 1907, by B. J. Holt and wife Allie Holt to th Moffltt Iron Work Company, which said mortgage deed is recorded in the office- of the Regis ter ofDeeda, ofCumberland county ln book B- .Noq, en page 26, the under signed mortgagee, wilt offer and tell fit puDite auction, tpr caan.. in front of the Court House door of Cumberland county, la the city of Fayetteville, at 10 o'clock, a. tn., on Saturday, the 16tn, day of July, 1910, the following des Scribed property:- ; First Tract known aa the "G1111J Place." Beginning at D. JGIIllserf ner ot 170 acres, on the north aide of dry branch, runs with his line ot said 170 acre S. 64 1-2, W. 70 chains to said D. J. Glilis' most southern cor ner of said 170 acres; thence S. 42, W. 2a chains: thence -St 67, W. 9.86 ehsfln; thennce 8. 37, si.-S.7S chain; thence S. 6o, E. 11 chains to the cor ner of the original J. A. Gluts' 280 acre survey; thence S. 2. W. 17.40 chain; thence S. 89, E. 21.8S chains; utenee N. 3, n J.17 chains:- thence N. 84, E. 11.25 chains; thence S. 6.E. 3.30 chains; thence S. 87 E. 22.36 chains; thence N. 8, E. 10 chains: tnence n. bti-z, js. 8.80 chains; thence 3. 87, E. 14 chains; thence S. 87, E. 10 tnains; thence 4 1-2. W. 35 chains to a line of an old 340 - acre tract; thence N. 66, E. 10.50 chains to a corner, just southeast of the Dry Branch; thence N. 18 1-2, W. about 10 haiusto the beginning, containing 45U acres, more or less. Subject how ever to a debt for purchase money, due co uitus netrs oi isuo and interest Second Tract known as the B. J. Holt Homo Tract-Lying on the west Ude of the Big Rockfish creek, be tween Cabin branch and Dry branch, beginning at a stake with dog-wood nd pine poointers on the north side ot Dry branch, Mrs. C J. Gluts cor- aer, and runs as her line, 8. 64 1-2 W. 10 haina to a stake; thence N. 471-2, r7. 26 chain to a stake by sa, rock, J. a. Chapel's corner;, thence by hU line 1. 39, E. 24.50 to a pine stump, J. D. Patterson's corner; thence as hi line 3. 22.30. E. 12.30 to a stake In a bot tom; thence as hi other line N. 77 1-2, E. 11.43 chains to his other cor ner; thence as his other, line 3. 16, A 19.24 chains to the beginning" THE MOFFITT IRON WORKS' COJ " - - ' ' ."-.' Mortgagee. D. E. ' McTVER, V . ! . Attorney '.,.-' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Currt- J berland Comity -No. 2927. ' ; C. O. Priest enters and claims 60 acre of land In Little River township Joining the land of John McCrtmmou on. north and east, K. McCrimmon on louth, J. H. Priest on west .' ' -s ; Entered 1 day of June, 1910. ; 5 ?-y ;,;,;--.,'-W. M: WALKER,- Register of Deeds and Ex.-O.Entry ' Tsker.. . , , i. ' - i ( lv F. R Hall, Deputy. : ,, . DR. FRANCIS .... .; QF GREENSBORO. N. C.--, - ; Expert hysjean. Surgeon iand Speciist y Will visit Fayetteville,'lv; C , on Tbursdfay, July 74th, Hotel Atlantic ; ; '" '.' and every month thereafter. 7 . , iino Day EritishGanariJaa Hadlca! Export, . Sargeoa tni nnfy-RaJuralns Evtry visas Four 3iag7tt3llcian. Jr. PscKsri kas brea teste is 14 srii rted ting ne krit astaitsts sad collets Smtft tat Samjci, Mtmmacm oi Visa- -natis free, Itmle 1 Jtrbify CssiuioiliaL Ha ' ear Uim sr tle srilhdirt 1 fa- Y local exaeiinsliofl eso l-iis sr Istsmew. , Consultation lad n wi. nim . . a.i. at au umes Ht tick kimt wt dig 7 ' .Invited." I eor to i cm4 srwy M T tkj for tTMtramt. Barbital Cm Ilresi wllh.ral Op. rtion or iiifff-rin- Without Ethrr or Chlo- roform. without detention front Basinet er t'lnre. -. - - - laie North CsroHna Doetor, rerletered end liecneed bjr the Sutejor the Care of all Ner- , gp-H-ial and Chrnnie Diieaaes ol Men, Women and CWdren, Trta all hie Patients n perton. No hired AaaisUnta to tplit the re- .1 onil)ntr. He treat the following Diaeea only: Ail Norton liieeaees tuch ae Keorn. th-i.ia, K nralria. Melancholia, Nereoae pe- yMy. fcuinri Irritation Hrfteria, Pararywa, Epll-r.y. 'ta or Fellinr Biclcneu, Chorea, liimncM, 8leepl-n-. Headneli or Mi- grime. Hrert Dieeaae like pilpltation. axn- eral Weaknofl or linkinn pell. Diwaeeeof (he Ulood or Bk-n lik Anmnla, Bcrofule.Krio- as. Ulcere. Tomora, Orowtha, - Bellin(, pimple, ete. He went to weft ell lck pr- :on who euff-ir frum Chroni Conftipntion, Ciilipat. un, Jiit.-atinal irri'ttion. Indig'-etion, - p.pi,, t'lceralion or iJilatlwi ef the Stt.i. rb of Jnfctine, Hnrnit, Hnptnre of (lie ); ie. Atp.-n.tciti, I iba, llchinchlerd- inn ti-riim': use or internal In Character, Tatewr.-in, biwaee of the lirer, u-h tt en- le-e mint or displacement, or eonr-r lion, Cirrh'-ia, hirden.ng or eni-orgement, liaeae- ef of (he Kidnera (ike Bright a iiiaeaae. lia- bttra, Jropiy, Omv.'l, 1,'rie Acid. Bculiling or burning Urine. H A wttm or too frequent Urination. Hrawil Impotence, wr-nkneae or Irrl- taUlily. I.iii of the lilid lir, Catarrh In 11 ita forma. Parulent. discharging or Dry Catirrh of the h'.id. Throat, luutft or Bron- eiiial tubs, Siotnarh, liladd-r, Kidney or Syainuc. This niny of the human race, lie l now able to enre in a abort tira by an ori-irml and nw mcthtxl of Oemoaia or ebaorjniijri. Athm in ail ita forme, Cen- sumption of (he many sinr'-s. A Cure guar inted if In Uu early 8la;a, b.fnre deal rue- (ion of t'-'-cKt his at In. D'-afnsa canced Ifo x , ,,v i,..- u .-s. B" Cut..! t. .1 by H ! .'-.I. 1,1 n are tut tn ..-t, -a "' V'.-n- l"it t Tii-rtrn ,fl any fuiiii aie Inn SvatM ted. Li' ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. . Having qualified as Administratrix ot the estatd of Henry J. Guy, deceas ed, late ot Cumberland county, .N. C , this is to notify all. persons Having claima .against said estate to exhibit them to the undcrsigued, duly veri fied, on or before the 7th day ot June, 1911, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make Immediate settlement Thl 7th day of June, 1910. MARY GUT. Administratrix, Fayeittevllle, N. C, R. F. D. No. 3. . .; H. 8, Averitt Attorney. ; ADMINISTRATOR'SKOTICE. Having qualified aa administrator ot the estate ot Angus P." McPhall, de ceased, late ot the county of Cumber land, State ot North Carolina, notice Is hereby given to all persons holding claima against said estate to present the same, duly authenticated to tne un dersigned, on or hefore the 9th day of June, 1911, or this notice will be plead ed In ha of their recovery. AN per sons Jndebtbed to said estate will please make immediate payment . . j.'h. McPHAIL, k T ' . ' -f ; Administrator, Hope Mills. N. C. COOK ft DAVIS, Attorney. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having thl day qualified a Admin istratrix Upon the estate ot Hugh A. McPhall, late of Cumberland county, N. C, notice la hereby given to al' persons holding claims "against said estate to present the same to the un dersigned, duly verified, on or before June 4thf 1911, or this notice will be pleaded 1n bar of recovery. All per on Indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make, prompt settlement This June 4th, 1910. . MRS. RACHEL McPHAIL. , Admrx of . Hugh A. McPhall, R. F. D. 1, Wade, N. C. : Roblqson ft Lyon, Attorneys, Fay etteville, N. C. VALUABLE LAND FOR 8ALE UN ...'.T-tDER MORTGAGE. By virtue of the power and authority contained In a certain mortgage deed executed by H. J. Bullard, and bis wife, Margaret Buiird, to Margaret Cotton, dated April ;12th, 1905, and recorded in Bok "A." No. 6, page 40, in the offi ce of the Register of Deeds in Cum berland' county, which mortgage was duly transferred, by said Margaret Cot ton to Mary Jane Bullard on the 80th day of Jun 19.08, which transfer is duly recorded In the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Cumberland county in nook H No. 7. paste 335. the un dersigned transferee -of the said Margaret-Cotton, mortgagee, will sell to thd highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Cumberland coun ty at .12 o'clock M, on the 1st day of August 1910, the following described land in Rockfish township, Cumber land county, Bute of North Carolina, lying and being near the town of Hope Mill, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit:1 , ' " . , ' : . Lying on the Northwest side of the road leading from Hope Mill to Fay etteviue ana known as the Hope Mills Pottery 'Company, land.-'- f f-' . " - Beginning at -a'atake in Bullard'- formerly Dobbins' line, a dead pine and two green pine pointer, John Pridg- eon s- corner; runs thence with PrfdE- eon's line south 42 east 6.90 chains to a suae m me center of said road; thence with the center of the road south 63 wen 9.85 chains to a stake In the road in Doblns', now Bullard' line; thence with tt north 28 east 10 chains to the beginning, containing 2 s-4 acres more or less. - Place of Sale: Court House door In Cumberland county. -Terms of Sale: Cash. , TIme of Sale: 12 o'clock M, Au gust Ut 1910. -, .- -:, MARY JANE BULLARD, " .r-. . Transferee of Mortgagee. S. PACKARD . 8:00 A. M.tQ I 6:00 P. M.' Kedlcal Expert in Treatment el Chronle Diseases of Men, Women i and Children. Br. rsctsri an ans BNf wurkshl caret ia th bolter ttatsi fliastsy b'vis ahysi das. R isearabhi essei tskes for truinsest 81 utt take 1st treatmest will k totf-' Metd ear. -I se id fiu'atii I ssma He suattitarte r (Miitast (tsflvyei rbMlca, - Hittn tiSmsI flMir ftf tzis ar wmt af biMl ai m ht k iltt Is CMMatttUft Weeks & Examination fiULU, and Sf mMl.My rr1e4 In a tit for mlmrts. DiMaMa pnullsr to men. or mnr compllcitc tronblo bej-mid th old of the general Prc- titioner. And if jaa hero tried Terjthlnf elae and failed, and If yon went to (et well anin. Then Go snd ge thie dnci end jroirre1e Speeialiet of eiperienco andrep- uution Who, I( there le a care fer yon. wfll brln it shoot and prodnre It with the aid of the greatest Sdentiftc aehieTemrnte of modern timea, which he has mattered and baa al bla eomniande. - - 0 MATW1 Z. What your ailment may be; Np M.VTTBB what others may hare tol oa, f.o Matter what your experience m hove been with Oilier phy.lclsna, Honnlutt Baltarinml, Initilutiom or PaUnt Medicinal it will be to your advantage to see this r markahle Doctor of KNUI.AND everrwhel acknowledged to be th greeteel center t Medical Learning In th world today. G then, and hare It foroyer aettlrd in yonr mint if yonr eat ii one for which a Cure cat. be had. If yonr eau 1 enrable, he will out yon on trentmcnt at onee, and give yon all aurh medicine or rcmediet and preparaliona nueded to effect your Core. If Incurable. He will tell yon o, and give you uch coun- ael and nV- ae may prolong your life BEMEMi)EB Thii ia not tchem or eateh r anaro to get yonr money and ran, aa is loo often the caae. Thle ia legitimat nroo- oaitlon and yon deal with your tlortor Your. aelf and direct, fcvery Btatem-nt her mad la guaranteed aa Trne. A vlr.it for Consul- tatiun and examination will coat you noth- ing, and Impliea no obligation whatcrer If tn.-iimi-nt b decided on and given yool K will reator you to perfect health, end ner man the aavlng of your life. A Komlnnl fee will be charged only if th Cas can ii treat ed with a view to a enie, Do not put off thl duty you OW to yone. (elf, Your Family, your frlrnda and your trlatlv- who ar now or may later in ".".J"., M-rnua-, oi yonr neglci-t 10 fiiflil "' a"'l prornr H-iHh wllboilt wlii.-h I ife i-.td ef fieaenr beeomv a mliera. bie end p-nnfnl I'.nr.lf-n. . iLvuiwuibvr th iiai and plao. x SCHOOL BOOKG! AND ALL SCHOOL SUPPLIIvS AT Tlie New Coolc Store Company. Opposite Post Office, Fayetteville, N. C. Schools and Collefjeo. Has since 1894 given "Thorough Instruction under-positively Christian . Influences at the lowest possible cost."!,. .'l:.-..V'-.,',i-'',-''' .' ' : ,r , RESULT: It is to-day with its faculty of 32, a boarding patronage of 328, ' ' Its student body of 400, and its plant worth S140.000 . -: - '-,', THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA ' S1S8 pays all charges for the year, including table boajti, room. light, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition Inallsubjenta except music and elocution. . For catalogue and application blank address, - . BLACKSTONE FEMALE INSTITUTE, Blackstone, Vs." JAS. CANNON, Jr., M. A. I ; . i . , THOS. R. REEVES, B. A.JMOclat6 WndpaU - ; -v . . ..- . -.- dm N Ideal Christian HomeBehooL Preparatory anfe Coli(Mtoctiuiifi. A i EzDreaalon. Pbralcal Culture. PedatoKV, Btulnnu. ru. i,ii...ir.l llmla High standard maintained by large . tan ot expsrlcuued. connu. ' " trained Instruotors. Takes only . JOO boarden and teaches the Individual. UnjunviMOd health record. BrltK bu!ldlni!a.ht,.nahnat.Ji;i-ii()nttal)) ' Ivirje eymniutum. Park-UkeeantpuS.-)ueeA!uiociiiii, t. uuii 1 '---b.Ul, write lor our catalog telorostileoUug tlieo)leg lur yuur urn. - iwyrn , . HENRY JEKONB 9T0CKARD, A. Frs Raleigh. H ' - BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1310 TBI BnrOHAl fCnOOt AsWrlU. W. C, located e the Ahv1ts rUAsM, mUm ftnMTnni i rmuiKit bM Umrrr4. aU4 aWa Mr j- WARRENTON HIGH SCHOOL, '-'.: v' WARRENTON, N. C,- " , Noted for its efficiency In college preparation, attractive Rome life, pa rent-like supervision, and careful individual instruction.1. Holds to - the classics, but also teaches the eclences according to present day utilitarian requirements, Limited, select, economical. Opening day, September 1st. For catalogue address '. -.''.' " ' - v: '-. 'Y': JOHN GRAHAM, Principal, : : " - , jy-J-rik.'' Warrenton, N. C. : CAROLINA .COLLEGE - PENMANSHIP . TYPEWRITING . . SPECIAL PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT.-. . 'OAT' AU NIGHT SESSIONS. RATES REASONABLE; SPLENDID EQUIPMENT. v ; For terms, etc., address, . CAROLINA BUSINESS SCBOOL, OWEN C. ROGERS, ' Principal, Brady "and Rogers, Bttildjn;; Hope Mills, N. C DURHAM ts a fine city, and her schools and colleges occupy a place in the forefront of AMERICA'S BEST. "-' ' .,' .'.'-. -;.' .- . Thoa. -E. Cupperjncorporated Accountant ft Auditor, member': of the "National Association of Accountants and Bookkeepers" and th "North American Audit Society," I the man at. the head of the popular American Shorthand & Business College Durham, N. C. This Institution Is one ot the most talked of In Durham today, and is being regarded aa a standard of Business Educational excellence.' Its peerless work is due to untiring effort of an EXPERT FACULTY-of established jreputatign-HThs-Experts can-make an expert ot YOU so that you can easily win promotion. -and success. . Wherever yon find an "American" Graduate you find a man or V woman occupying a good position at a good salary What thl school la o " ing for others It can do for TOUI - .-.;....- ,.. - 7 . The special rates to out-of-town students the , "American'1 Is now maa . Ing should appeal strongly to tvery Uinklng man and woman desirous st t''-' curing the Best in Business Education. It will PAT ANYONE to Investigate; r"" For full Information concerning the Book-keeping Shorthand, Typewrttint'; ' Telegraphy, Penmanship, courses, etc.. address,"; - . j.t ' IMCDTIM CUnDTUItin' lt) 'DlltlMCCC PnilCIti'V'.'f''' HillklliUHII tfllUIIIIIHtlll BOX 140. , . The North Carolina '' - A- COLLEGE OF AGFICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. The State' college for training In dustrial workers. ConHes In Agri culture,. Horticulture, Animal Hus bandry and Dairying; In Civil, Elec trical, and Mechanical Engineering; In Cotton Milling and .Dyeing;. In Industrial Chemistry; And in Agri cultural teaching. '.-. . k ; - : --' . - Entrance examinations at each county seat on the 14th-of Ju'y. D. H. HILL, President, West Raleigh. N. C. 8TATE COLORED NORMAL , t 8CHOOL. 4 , s - . Fayttvllle N. ci; i , U r Maintained by the But' for ihe training of teachers for 4 the colored public school of the state. , C , A course In Domestic Science Cook ing and Sewing Is jtlao given. Next session begin, Monday, Sejv tember 12, 1910. . n, -t - For caUlogue and other information, address, - , . - . .,.!.,. , E.E. SMITH, Principal." Fayetteville, N. C. riME OF ARRIVAL .NO DEPAR TURE Of- ,- -..,:,) ATLANTIC COAST LINE, R. R. Passenger and Mall Train at Fayette- vllle: - ' No. 67 Lt. for Benncttsvlll 4:20 A No. 24 Cv. for Richmond 6:20 A M. No. 83 South Lv. 7:10 a. m., for Charleston. No. 4, North, Ar. At FayettevIlU N. C, at 11:25 . m. No. 80, North, Lv. 12.03 n, m. for New York. No. 63, West, Ly. 12:10 p. m. tor Sandford. mNo. 89, South, Lt. 4.45 p.' m, for Tampa. - .. .. No. 62, East, Lt, 4:50 p. m, for Wil mington. No, 66, South, Lt. 6:10 for Bennett. T1I16, B, C. ' . 1 ." ' ' No. 66, North, Ar. Fayetteville 10:20 p. m, - 1 , No. 86 North Lv. 10:40 p. m. .s0vM.LJi 11:05 p' m" New York and Norfolk, - . NaZi At. from Richmond 11:60 o tn. No. 85, South, Ar. 1:32 a "m. -1 ;-: r ' " ' a. u4a4i. mnaiwm uut. , sununAS. rn.. m BUSINESS SHORTHAND V,' HI1W UUOIilLOO bULLLUt. . DURHAM, W. Cjy - Trinity; College ' Five 7 Departments--Collegiate,' Graduate,- Engineering,-law, and Educations Large library facilities. Well-equipped laboratories in all departments of science.- Gymna sium furnished with best appara tus. Expenses very moderate. Aid tor worthy students ' , ; Teachers and Student" expect ing ; to engage In teaching hould inveitlgat th " superior advantages offered by the new Department of ' Education In Trinity College, - , For catalogue and further Informa tion, address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary, --'i. - i-i-'-r :. Durhartrj- 'N. C,..v ' Trr" THE NORTH CAROLINA SfMeNorinala -Industrial i College ; y : Maintained by the State foi the Wo men of North Tjarolina. Four Tegular Course leading to Degrees. Special Course for Teachers. Fall seslon be- -iins September 14, 1910. Those desliv ing to enter should apply as early os ' -possible. For catalogue and other , information adiirma. JULIUS I. FOUST, President Qren- core, rt. j. - v, , , ASK ANY ONE WHO KNOWS -And they will tell you FOUR ttfngs about the : ' - ' Southern Presbyter ian College and " ) Conservatory . ot Music. FIRST Best possible location and up--, to-date plant. ' SECOND Fine Faculty and most thorough workv. THIRD Splendid body of students and delightful home ntmouphore. FOURTH Terms so reasonable that they will aBtonlsh you. Drop n postal to.C. 0 vp' ' X,, Frosident, Red BprlnirH, N. C-, f.-r cut alonuo. . kAS rird Bon to U WUr )1T )ii i'N" 1 , . Iron caty. OroiUMUbB lUTAIiy iW msCH - .Kr. 71 " - ' f r. ,' i

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