v!r.n, ill Tl. r f i rn LUMEJCVir FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 7. 1913 pricc thru cim NUMPFPo oNEW ADVERTISEMENTS Page Wanted Pint In , sneclal-First Page. tigwd8r-Tb,rdPftge oval lM'" i....n..i.n. Pa( J? Thornton-Even Though- "... . i""8 ,e""' .l On CO i-The Spring Styles fculni-Card of Thank.- 'lt2e Coat Line-Annual Ileunlon fourth Page- ' ' , ; National Biscuit Co.-Soda Crackers . -second Pn8- m ' , gacKethan Drug Store-Mother's Day-Fir8t Page. bovine Bargain House-Visit the stor6Fourth Page. TOliighast's Crockery Store-O-Cedar paMst-FourtU Page. ff E. Klndley Co.-Dress Goods Department-First Page. -p,ed D. Williams Co.-Summer Tog f gery Tips-Fourth Page. AU8INESS L0CAL8. Levin For Rent. Krs. W. H. Rothwell Lost. . TO ADVERTI8ER8. On account of the high grade of Its reader the Observer Is one of the best advertising mediums In North Caro lina. Both on account of the charac i ri Its readers and because It has many timet more subscribers In the territory which does its trading in Fivetteville than" any other paper, It la by far the best advertising medium therein. rermi of advertising may be had en application at the Business Office. May 7 fnUfneflcaif HisTbry. 1888-Tbomas Eggleston, who was bora iu the second year of Inde pendence, died at Grjfflnsville, W. Va., aged 111 years 1894 - Frances Elizabeth Barrow, "Aunt Fanny," popular writer for children, died: born 1812. lMO-Thomas Byrnes, former superin tendent of New York police, known throughout the country as Inspec tor Byrnes, died: born 1832. A8TR0N0MICAL EVENT8. Evening star: Saturn. Morning stars: Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Venus. Castor and Pollux, the twin stars, due west midway between zenith and the horizon, about 0 p. m., are In constel iitlon Gemini. By cable to Observer. Paris, May 7. Heavily gaurded by police and soldiers, King Alfonso of Spain, accompanied by Premier Ro- manoand and a large suite, arrived here today to pay a state visit of two days. Rumors of an anarchist plot on the life of the King led to this great caution. Weather Predictions. Fair tonight and Thursday. Cooler tonisnt. Light to moderate north winds. Thermometer Record. The thermometer registered 76 at 10 o'clock this morning. M Paid His Taxes. Mr- W. L. Hawley. cltv tax collec to, requests ua to state that the Rale t Property of Mr. G. W. Davis, Rus- se" street, for taxes was an error, Davis having settled his taxes. "'Hroad Men in the City. Q me following prominent railroad are here from Raleigh: S. K. t, traveling passenger agent Nor w Southern Railroad Company; W. 1 WoBlble, division frolo-hf Neigh, Cuarlotte and Southern Railroad. th of a Little Child. J McKenzie Cox, aged about "" S-eara, on of Mr. and Mrs. "esCox oi .towland, died Monday burled Tuesday afternoon. ae was a remarkably bright (ejow and frequently, visited .'m MacRae- f this city, who a" hs aunt. Y. W at First Baptist Church.. ' Ca!urtIve by the y V entertaient given Church u A- at the F"-BtyBaptlst .J last ight. "How Not to Do 'Men, amU8,ng eetln of 'e miS8lonarv society, showing by ft ' ""stakes commonly made hte n?eS- T-he-music was., of "Mew !' 8nd excePunally well tut ana aaience was pres- W tlm. one 8eem8d t0 have WEEKLY OBSBRXrp it w !! nr' 0RDS MRCHANT8 AND OTHER Bl 10 , . "vaNE88 MEN AN EXCELLENT ERT'8INQ MEDIUM. CIRCULA. " LARnci . nmuNO THE PAR ....... TllA K. IV - ' 1 may Records Are Here. ftnd t your, before "ley are gone. A Nice Une CHlNES-aUoT-- HRDW SAUNDERS'- . ' Forest Fires Raging Suffragettes At Work Heavily. Guarded King Alfonso Ar rivei in Parii on VisitNomi nation of L. B. Hale as Postmas ter of Fayerteville Confirmed by Senate Small Boy Goes to Sea in Open Boat, and Fears That He Is Lost Market Reports, Nomination of L. B. Hale as Postmas ter of Fayettevllle Confirmed. By Telegraph to Observer. Washington, May 7. The Senate has confirmed the nomination of I.. B. Hale postmaster of Fayettevllle, N. C. Nickel-Plate Train Derailed. By telegraph to Observer., Cleveland, o., May 7. The engin eer and express messenger were hurt -today when the Nickel-Plate passen- . - v ger train was derailed at Flofence,viS miles west of Lorain. were hurt. No passengels To Reorganize Republican Party. By telegraph to Observer. Washington, May 7. Senator Cum mins today conflrmedthe report that a conference of Progressive Republi cans will be held in cfilcago, with view to reorganizing the Republican party. The conference will be either. Saturday or Monday. Heavily Guarded, King Alfonso rives in Paris. Ar- THE MARKET8. liy Telegrahph to Observer. Stocks. New York, May 7. Trading at the opening of the market was feverish and the list was weak, railroads feel ing the heaviest losses. Curb heavy. Americans in London Irregular. Cotton. New York, May 7. The opening as: July 11.44, October 10.94, De cember 10.97. Tne closing was: July 11.48, October 11 cents, December 11 centB. Qraln. Chicago, May 7. The opening was: July wheat 89 1-8, July corn 55. The closing was: July wheat 89 1-4, July corn 55 1-2. Uaitimore, May 7. Spot and May wheat $1.09: spot and May corn 58 1-4; hay unchanged. Fears That Boy Is Lost at Sea. By telegraph to Observer. Norfolk, Va., May 7. Wireless re quests were flashed today to all ships plying the Virginia coast to look for (.thirteen-year-old Tyler Hand, who went out to sea yesterday in a small boat to catch crabs, and has not been heard from since. It is feared that the boat drifted out to sea. The boy's home is at Portsmouth, Va. Attempt to Blow Up St. Paul's Cathe dral in London. jUiai III kUi: to Observer By cable to Observer. London, May 7. A suffragette dy namite Sftuaa today attempted to blow up St. Paul's Cathedral, the largest and most magnificent Protestant church in the world. A few minutes later another bomb was discovered near the building occupied by the Star Liberal newspaper, which is support ing the government in the fight against votes for women. A third bomb was discovered in the business district, near the building occupied by a whole sale chemist. Policemen saw two wo- n emerge from the church early this morning. Their suspicious being aroused, they investigated and, at the foot of the altar, saw a sputtering fuse, and extinguished it. To the fuse was attached a powerful bomb, and It had almost burnt to the igni tion point when found. The militants are aroused to renewed frenzy since the defeat in the House of Commons laBt night of the female suffrage bill. ' Awful Forest Fires Raging. By telegraph to Observer. Norfolk, Va., May 7. Forest fires which are raging'on both sides of the Dismal Swamp, has got beyond con trol. There are hundreds of volun teer Are fighters. There is menace to villages, and later news received here today is that many homes have been burned and hundreds of families driv en from their homes, and some are reported missing. The smoke is so dense that the sun Is practically ob scured for a radius of fifty miles. The flames twice ignited the State school for the feeble minded at Kinston, N. C, but volunteers rescued t)s-inmates and saved the structure, r Tie John r v $L.i!L' I- jVf. Dink u. xvoper Liuaiuer jo. uuu mo nwu. mond Cedar Works estimate their loss at over $100,000. The fire has drlv. en wild animals into the open, and they are devouring chickens and cat tie, and parents fear they will attack their children. EVEN THOUGH THE AMOUNT IS SMALL YOU INTEND TO SPFND FOR SUMMER GOODS IT will PAY YOU WELL to TRADE WITH US NOW Our Big Sale closes Monday night, so be here tomorrow and aave 20 to 40 per cent on your purcfti lasea. A FEW FINE MAN-TAILORED COAT 8U1T8, PRICES CUT TO THE QUICK 22.50 and 125 Coat Suits $15. 117.50 und $20 Coat Suits 112.60, $12.50 and $15 Coat Suits $9.1 Uenutiful Dresses, choaner than vou can buy the goods. $7.50 to $10 one-piece Silk Dresses at, $4.25. $7.50 to $12.50 Ratine and Linen Dresses $5. $" Linen and Corduroy Dresses at $:i.G9. PRICES Vt ARE OFFERING IN DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS: Drosses atll SHIRT WAISTS OF EVERY DE 8CRIPTION $4 Volie- and Flaxon $2.C9. 200 Lovely Wash Dresses for street and house wear, the very thing for this hot weather, your choice at $1.29 100 HOU6E DRE88E8 made of nice Percal in light and dark color! neatly trimmed at 89c. Cfi Beautiful Voile, Crepe de Chine, amU7 Charmeuse Dresses, that were priced at $25 to $40 will be sold" at (5 to $15. off the regular price. L.,100 Lovely Waists, Voiles, Linens, etc., that sell regular at $1.50 are priced at 89c. Silk Shirt Waists, black and colors, are reduced to $2.98, $3.98 an d$4.39. Hundreds of Wash Skirts and Wool 3klrts at 25 to 50 per cent, off tae egular price. ' N THE DRY 000D8 DEPARTMENT 36-in. fine Checked . Dimity, snow vhite, at 7 l-2c. 50 and 75c 36-In. Ramie Linens, white, grey, and flaked effects, at 39c. 1,000 yards Striped Voiles, lovely quality, worth 20 and 25c, special at 12 l-2c. 36 in. Heavy Messaline Silks, black, white and colors. The best grade 89c. 36-in.' Black Taffeta SIrk 69c. 36-in. Princess Silks, black and all the evening shades at 79c. 85c. 81x90 Full Seamless Sheets at 59c. Remember, Everything in These Large Stores is Greatly Reduced 0 . . . for this special sale. To those going-away we would say buy your Trunk, Suit Case or Hand Bag now. We are sell ing them at nearly one-half price. FRANK THORNTO Fourth-Class Postmasters Must Stand Civil Service Examination. By telegraph to Observer. Washington, May 7 Fourth-class postmasters must stand competitive examinations to obtain positions. This was decided at a conference today be tween Postmaster General Burleson and the President. An executive or der was Issued, declaring all ourth-claes offices which Taft put un der Civil Service vacant, as It is de cided that post-masters cannot enter the Civil Service without examination. Congress Working on Income Tax. By telegraph to Observer. Washington, May 7. The House today continued the debate on the in come tax feature of the tariff bill, and the Democrats voted down all amendments offered There is slow progress on the bill, and the vote will not be taken until tomorrow. Jack Johnson Jury Completed. liy telegraph to Observer. Chicago, May 7. The jury in the lack Johnson case is completed, and testimony will start after two o'clock. Burned Socialist Red Flags. By cable to Observer. Hast Liverpool, Ohio, May 7. The itizens here today burned tho red flags at socialist headquarters, auu open hostilities are inreaieuuu. Mr. C. M. Watson, his daughter, Mirfs Louine, and Miss Nell O. Watson, his niece, went up to uaieign mis morning to witness the ball game. THE WEEKLY OBSERVER AF FORDS MERCHANT8 AND OTHER BUSINESS MEN AN EXCELLENT 4DVERTISINQ MEDIUM. CIRCULA riON LARGELY AMON THE FAR MERS Kindley's Dress Goods Department We are showing for those who wish to have their dresses made a large and complete stock of Linens, Olnghams, Ratine, Voiles, Tissues, Etc., in all the new and popular shades. 32-ln. Ivanhoe Zephyr Olng hams 100 styles to select from, 15c. yard. 25c. Sheer Fine Figured Flax ons 15c. yard. 18c. Shirt Madras 10c. yard. 18c. Egyptian Dimity 10c. yd. 45 In Real French and Ramie Linen, In all colors, 75c. yd. Fine White Goods, Batiste, Lawns, P. K., Etc., 15 to 60c yd. TRENTINI The new Mary Garden Tahum Powder. ' A sample bottle of MARY GRDEN Perfume FREE with the first one hu dred packages. . .V. e ... box. 35c H. R. Home & Sons FUNERAL OF MR. CHARLES CUL-LOM. The funeral of Mr. Charles Cullom, who died in this city Monday after noon, was conducted from the resi dence of his parents, Prof, and Mrs. A. N. Cullom, on Haymount, at 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, by Rev. V. R. Royall, pastor Hay Street Meth odist Church, In the absence from the city o Rev. Joel S. Snyder, pastor First Baptist Cnurch, who Is conduct ing a religious meeting in Rocky Mount. Mrs. W. M. Morgan sang "In the Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." The floral offerings were very fine, a specially beautiful one being sent by the book-binders of Raleigh, with whom Mr. Cullom worked and by whom he was flatly loved. Many let ters and telegrams of sympathy were received by the family. Fol.owing were the pall-bearers: Harvey Godwin, W. H. Davis, W. B. Malloy, J. A. Oates, C. C. Howard, Z. V. Straughan. THE WEEKLY OBSdRVER Ar FORDS MERCHANTS AND OTHER BUSINESS MEN AN EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. CIRCULA DON LARGELY AMONG THE FAR VIERS. Come Look. IT'S A PLEASURE TO SHOW YOU The Royal Tailor Line WOOLENS, ALL KINDS; MOHAIR, LINENS, FLANEL8. NO FIT NO SALE Jno. C. HOLLAND Hotel Corner. DIXIE SPECIAL TWO REEL FEATURE. ( UNDER TWO FLAGS. "Gem." From the novel by Ouida,')w"aioa,e who have not read the book this will be an espclal treatAnd will experience Keen pleasure in seeing an exceptional arama. ossui cast, tunning giiuacions, an aosorDing pioi. umph. Special Sale Sheets A col- A dramatic tri- 1HE IDOL OF THE HOUR. "Thanbouser." She, "Marguerite Snow," was the Idol of the hour, the toast of the town, with ad mirers galore this pretty model. The Thanhouser Twist puts In its appearance and you will be surprised at the odd ending of the tale. THE ORPHAN'S MINE. "American." A gripping Western drama of a miner's struggle for the love of an' orphan. Miss Lillian Christy as the orphan. OFFICER HENDERSON. "So'.ax." of clever and eccentric situations. A double strong farce-comedy SPECIAL "RELIANCE" 2 REEL FEATURE TOMORROW THE VENGEANCE OF HEAVEN. A remarkable sensation, a great melodrama legitimate y and delicately presented. Played by the cast who made "THE MAN FROM OUTSIDE" such a big success. The last of those 75c Seam less Sheets go on sale today at 49c. Come get your supply now. Size 72x90. Millinery of Quality Hundreds of Charming New Summer Hats ready to choose from today. We Invite you to come and make your selection. W. E KINDLEY CO. "Boys Wanted" Want 25 boys to sell the Saturday Evening Post commencing tomorrow May 8th, 2c. per copy and a cash prize of $1.00 to the boy selling the largest number by Monday, May 11th. THE FORUM, Successors to Clayton Cigar Co. For Sale. 135 ACRES LAND 5 MILES OF CITY, 3,500 CORD8 OF WOOD AND 100,000 FEET PINE TIMBER AT ABOVE TRACT! PRICE $15.00 PER ACRE. APPLY Alfred A. MacKethan F6R RENT FOUR DESIRABLE DWELLINGS ON HAV MOUNT, with modern conveniences; reasonable ' rent. ONE OFFICE IN THE McARTHUR Hay Street. BUILDING, Fayetteville Insurance & Realty Co., OFFICE: J. 8IMP80N 8CHENCK, Manager, 105 HAY 8TREET. ' PHONE 220. J. H. ANDERSON COMPANY April 7 th was the lucky day last month. Coupons of April 7th redeemed in Cash. JUST RECEIVED New lot Children's White Dresses, Boys' White and Colored Waists, New Millinery. J. H. ANDERSON COMPANY STEIN BROS.' DRY GOODS HOUSE. A continually increasing trade is eviderce tothi- store that its merchandise is right; its prices right; and 1 s service satisfactory. We are showing a very pretty Complete Line of Dress Goods of all the newest shades and weaves of every de scription. Our Ready-to-Wear Department is increasing daily. Our new ladie', mi ses' and children s dresses represent The Season's Latest and Most Approved Styles. Separate skirts of tbe very best and latest design are to ST?een hpre. In order to gain m-re custo mers and encourage the great number of old oes to increase fheir purchases, we make special SALE DAYa for every Monday, Wednesday and Fridav Watch our window display. Yours for se rvice, STEIN BROS.' DRY GOODS HOUSE, (Successors to J. L. KENNEDY.) 114 HAY STREET. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. PHONE 1. SMOKERS ! If you appreciate a OOOD CIQAS try our "BLACK AND WHITE" Free Souvenirs this wp'ek to Black and White purchas ers. See these useful articles In our window. B.E.SEDBERRY'S SON THE REXALL STORE. "aTinvitation. ACCEPT THIS A3 YOUR PER SONAL INVITATION TO COME TO OUR STORE AND MAKE IT YOUR PLACE FOR PURCHAS ING DRUG STORE ARTICLES, WE TAKE PLEASURE IN WAITING ON YOU PROMPT LY AND COURTEOUSLY. A. J. COOK & CO, ORUGGlSTS and PHARMACISTS Phone 141. Mothers' Day NEXT SUNDAY. Carnations on Sale Saturday. 1,000 votes with each flower. 5,000 votes pound candy. 500 votes cold drinks. 1,000 votes bills paid. AT. MacKethan Drug Store, .THE A. D. S. STORE. t r t?t 1UU UL1 WHAT YOU ASK .FOR, WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERS AT . J 50UDERS' PHARMACY THE "PRESCRIPTION STORE" Quantity, Quality and Variety Unequaled. The Largest and Most Com plete Stock in the City of Fayetteville. Quality the best money can buy in the different grades kept - in this immense stock. Variety of leathers and fabrics greater than is to be found any ; where ufyouf town. The beiTsfore for the besrshoesl 'Phone 330, v M. L. COURTNEY. FLEISHMAN'S, v THE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE. New Summer Dresses b all the wanted summer fabrics. Special sale of Undermuslins this week. White Dress Materials 12 l-2c. Qualities, checked and barred 8 34c. Extra specials on Children's Dresses, all colors, all sizes; the prices start at 25c. Tuesday. We offer reliable merchandise and standard makes throughout the entire store. No matter what you buy everything costs less at Fleishman's. We absolutely guarantee every arti cle we selL If you are not satisfied your money prompt ly refunded. ' B. Fleishman & Brothers, The Store Where Things Are What They Seem. O-Cedar Polish and Polish Mops FOR FURNITURE JND FLOOR: Kills All Germs Removes all Dirt TILLINGHASTS CROCKERY STORE. t Meat Prices Reduced. Owing to an lncreasea-supply of beef cattle now coming to market, I redujed the prices on all cuts will be glad to nave orderjKor inquiries. supply of select meats al ways on hand including beef, pork, sausage, chickens, fish, etc Fly screened and refrigerated. All busi ness promptly attended to. Three ex pert meat cuttera always on hand. CalTTn person. or phone "" J. B. BUCKINGHAM CO. City Market. Phone No. SOS y WEALTH IS THE BASIS OF ALL LAND Money simply represents the things which come out of the land. It you have money to Invest BUY GOOD FARM OR TIMBER LAND. No man ever bought good land at the prevailing market price and lost money continually. Buy land in Cum berland County. It Js not a specula tion, but an investment, pur and sim ple. v Cape Fear Developcsnt Company, PHONE 117 FAYETTEVILLE, N. G THE WEEKLY OBSERVER A. FORDS MERCHANTS AND OTHER BUSINESS MEN AN EXCELLENT inucsTiiMA Martinis naftiiLA. TION LARGELY AMONO THE FAR. MERS. A MACHINE WORKS ssissi