r North Uarolma Gazette. J. II. & G. G. 3IYROVER, A -PutoliBliors. TERMS OFJS UBSCR1PTIOX : . xi-jr (iu nil wrnce) .. 00 . 1 50 .. 75 , f .V . . CLUB HATES: . (s-nt'tt one address) with au extra copy $ "25 00 45 00 75 00 K iin'ha pii'tfiinni of n fine cunniia. value 25 100 00 y illlll it l ,11 ' vl in i u . .... -iw . rm w - iuTEydFJDrxnTisiXG i;m (0 liui's solid iionpaivil) one jnsertiou $ 1 00 two 1 50 2 50 "5 00 S 00 one month three " j six , . twelve ' 15 00 : ,nr.r HilvertiHt'iiieiit! t'liarjied iu proportion to the I jv'iYateti. SiM-c-ialiNotieCs 25 per cvnt. more than f",nliir j'idveitiMeiaeiLt. Reading Notices 30 cents ptr i,',- ,.v .eai-li and-.isvcr insertion. SPECIAL NOTICES. v All communications to t'je GAZETTE lionhl We U - i..m ijl f lltiiiV mitl wllltlllll ltt 1)1'. -Ui;IIt'Ii O'l 111,1 ''' ' ... k-i!i:iIiio. i)vi:Mi lining tJi ii", iiitwiv ,!tilI":itlIJ. ' '!-l aillWl llllti--l litKU IV iiirw-nc .n -i ; i! ,i ii-jevtt (1 manuscript. In Tuiikini; rt inittaneesr money shor.ld be Kenthy V 'In .- Order, in Kej;isteied Letter, or liy Cheecine. Mni., thus sent, at Ol'K ltlK, (but mi ;tt OUtt EXl'K.Nsu.) Siiv-'l' copies of the Oazettk .nol(l.oiily at this 1li;i I . iH4 n U ..n. ...... . - . " - of copies on the streets, they di so without fiu-- 1 t Id ixil'I'lliW fit' ff llfl Tl'MlllW Otll'l' TO llii'iity, . 4 . . . i '.fr our fi-ieirtls ifliroiijrh tit 'eoimfry are author i.'i"t li ii as our agents t oltfaiiiinsi bi ib.se ribei-s, and n'i:'!,iii" chihs. (In siiilc sukscriptioiiH, I6j per t'eiit. lnllced.toaeUT.) . I r'? SaliM-riliers w ill confer a fitvoii hv promptly Kv'- I il " IU'1 ll e oi .ni. i . iii.-i t iitTii-an i- tjn i nv iiti l ui I iie carriers, in the delivery of their pajn-rs. i VJr Iii obittinrv iioticei ten lines will he inserted n''i!,iui;t cliar.ife. The excess over ten lines, will he ' ( iiui ' i i"' at liie ral or trs cents per line. - '"''"Mr: V. A. Cainjihell is onr authorized'aeuf to V .fh-ct s'.ih script ions ai;J advcrtiseiueuts, at Sant'ord, .' . ; :. Mr, J). IT. rarsh is our dv.ly authorize.!, ajrent at !"'t. Vi '. K..1J., to collect subscriptions and advertise- i t ; t r J , '". . . ' I 1 . . New Advertisements. -wVA WlUtl'.in:Ai & Co Broadway flour and. ulne. .1 s ,1 M A l tiikxts--'.vautH tlfbtors to mil and Mettle. Jll-s l.KKl'i: oiiimis hool on i2d Septeiulwr next. - Mi.-.s ( aioi S.frril wanfis a few more inuxic pnpilM. .! ii & i (1 Mviiiivi.i; want a printer immediately. " C oil'itixi. &. McLkav are yloMiiii; out mtinmer ft,Vk. V," C l'i:ov has a new .house, new yin, neV piTMs," Tlie Thermometer. I he follow inir-'fiirnres iudiente thp avcraiio'heat of the vj-.inl -i ilays. a.-" shown by the thenuonitter at the drug sl. ie nj' JlfMii. 11. J:. lioloe .t Co: i':; siluy . m. H lii'.; 1 1 a. m. ?6 di-w.; 1 p. jn. d '.: :t p. in. rt u6fi.; J:i. li. lu. tii ueJ.: p. III. t4. ,.;(im n:iv - in M e: 10 a; 'Jin5ijli!ij m tti: p !'; :lj i.ui r; ti p in f'. Hotel Arrivals. KXC1IANGE JRXTKL,W. Dh.vvc;iiox Prop. Al t; 2J. Wanen Carver, lioektisb: J T fnnnx, Miorp. .-"i.: .M C Kii liar,ln.- iJ C hisnlen. H ii (iibl;ii.-, Clinton, l.vtae "liovctt. Clitioii Ward, C 1 AS"ilon, r Warruu, i!.u Jolinwii. Simon Fenneli, liisssell Jonis.)li, Jno. T i a:iiu, .1 I'.uHaid. K C .IoIuihoil, K t Ward, iiryant jT-rnilt, J K IlartU-n. W 1 ami, O I White. Henry ("Mii'.iitev!,. Sa!i.i-s.i5i.(; J T 'Mel ver. Wilmington; Jno s J.: ai:;.-y. W .il Jle'Ni-ill, KM Mt.NWa J . T. Joimson, ii. '.iuiviiiMiii.. J iiut-. li Siiaw, llaniett 'ou;itv. A.r,i:Ja. Spell. r"iJerritt. Guston Spell, W L, eai'n iiiii, (,' Cuiu- h ll.i.V X- Matthews. J T Bariies, 1) Cooper, ii;:ji.viii Co.: Ti-C Gakmaii. Cniiihcrlaiid; Hon A M . V. ...,.,eli. VHitiiiSton; Ci.l V S M.nllin.s, S C; H S Vvard lin.i. li's St. in-.. . , Ai r.. -iWd K Klli .tt. Ciimberlxii.l; Maj. Little. K.ibe- s -'l'lpkiu, V (t Jliiv. K iliiieliison, .1 -liraiitiev, ' i;.m i .t C; T R Itollifmsworth W. T hhodes. Cuinbi Id. 'At ... -i.". WO i:.ileis,n. T 1) Love, T Snttln. Hla.ioi:; S i) Aiit n. ,ii.iii-s W ' Woodward, eitv - ,.;.rt M M mson. J h-.s-.n..-i:!.-: T it Lwiv, U.Jtia.ur, : rsiMCMy, tij-anvtii.,; i frn :'if .V-N-"L t-ity. -J . i;.i:TTi:viii.i; hotel, a otKniiAuon. AC Cirhin. Xew York; J Jordan, Xew Hanover: J i ;:ii!;:.-.s. Wiike; W V (aii:i)ln-ll. I'itv: J J M t'oi-iloii hli.: l.-l J'ii. kin. Jiaiifj-H: O il iiall. Kalifvl-U; j O. i!i:n. Hani', It t ': ir 1 L jllcvau, Sampsou; J V" U i i. ht. Saii!Ksu c: W -r Tlar, ll..h, sou ; J A Mur , !ii.jn, t-iiy: A 1) Mcl-eiiif;. Harm.tt cc 1 II McLean, -n: A CaiiV'-ioii, HiJi.-lna-.i. NU!: K II Bush,-, hiil. ifru: A X. li.,iifii,-li, lHto; Crti.4 .H ilropruen,--Lieut ( ;.,v. ( .i.IiI.sImii-.i; .1 A! 'l'liiminn, Jliili ii; lleiiry Bai t. in ; Cell", .Shiul-,; cti; J ,A V illhuiiM, Jr. ' 1'leilniont l.llVJi.s t-V; Wj.V Kilew)ii, Bhlili u co: A V l'ijilvhii: Ualt; . iil AI,;vaiulwr'X V; Jus Woadwartl. eitv: Jas ISaaKs. A-k 11 S f:, lf. Jii!l(.: Jasllillcfipi,., J:l.ui n; " 11 I., SariCH; i .1 t iiiiiiniiiys; v L am ies; .tis Laara nunc.-: x n t'anlily, Hoykinia i: ice Holmes, cl;ntn; l 'V .I'siih-r. J ti J1 vrover. eify'; tir .I Saiilh, uohf.Hoii c: - i; V while, l.liijilx't ht.ivii; D K-Nillt.-Ciiiuix rhiuil: ii v iiiiier. itnektish: 'A J Slclver. Kjrvnt, N C: c S -! '..i:4iury. Ky; ltJiM.vVr, N, V; J V uaiuli, ti (rxMyro - ' i. ' itiv: 1. lii'IiiK-s,? Wilmington; J L I'atiersoii, Or- ii:.U'- i"'?T . . ! - f i'-'l'iiiuiKsuoMa'STs must understand that we cannot ' ITViTkj the t'i;ilwiii . rule: couitnunicatiou will I".- ailunt leit into our cohiinns, dealing iupei-NOUal ab'.'-se, - i:iii! iclii", tins upon the private character of any one, no r i.iiil.ti r 'what. Ids politics or condition- and XO article v. :!1 hi-)iioli.sh'.Mt hy'us which the modest and refined 'may not read, aiidJ.cimrfSte feaples-sl- at their firesides. -r -Drj.AVEl). Our pntronswill bear with us, 'for tlH'-deliiy iif'o.ur issmmee y khw No. We lost a I potion ,,)t the force of our fice very unexpectedly - to us, and have lieen worl;ing short furJie past "few da vs. ; I . K.i:Tfi:x' of Tin: IUilkoad Exoinekiis. 'tle Knineer'corp, recently engaged in the. sur-.k-vry of the FayetterfHe and Florence Railroad from I Iri-iv. to the State line, have retuniedto Fayetteville an, r the c-rtiijiletion of their work. Tlie' profile - vf!l now he finished, the estimates carefully made, "' 'and every things will soon be in readiness for "act C ivv earnest work on the road. ! - . x :iAVe, believe that-this task of engineering has been - w !l 'ami. faithfully' performed, and that all the .op erations have been, conducted with strict attention ( to the lut interests of the stockholdei-s. Anil none the loss do we feel tjiis " confidence, in that the corps'" is made up of material collectwl at home. All of theci art ar own men," .-.the Company dis playing very good senye injfailing to see the neces ity of sending abroad for eiiilwers. The Chief, '.Mr, 1J. (!. McDiiftie, we k how, and all the people , oi' this section kftow, ,torle as good as the best; he has-time airdgain had intrusted to him the most (litlicult workln 'different portions of the State, and V has always performed'. H with . satisfaction. The Senior Editor of the Gazette was assistant En- : gin.eer under Mr. McDuliie. Ilia present assistant .Mr O llanlon, has haS long experience in" the busi ness, and is thoroughly competent; Mr. Andrew 1 boa dfoot is a very young man, but a, "natural , born' Engineer, and will acquire distinction in the pi'fession. 1 , ' . IXDEPEJfDEXT Co. Akniveksary. -For the benefit of our readers in the country, we republish on our fourth page, from our extra edition .of the 25th inst., a full account of the celebration here on -Saturday. v - - ''."". New Cottox. Sir, J. A. Worth, who never t allows himself to be beat at anything,, three days ngosent us ten bolls of cotton, gathered from one talk, matured and ready for picking. This cot ton was raised at his place oh Haymount. - ' Tokay Vineyard. Qiu of the proprietora of Tokay Vineyard has requested ui to give nol ice that, as they wish to convert all their grapes into wine this season, they will be forced, to exclude visitors who wish to go in for the purpose of gath ering and piuxdiasing grapes. ; - -.'.,- '' r ' Olr New York Letter. The letter from w l'prk cjame too i lat for to-day's paper. It will appear iiext week; it is very entertaining look out for iti The Merchant MILLS. Always anxious to I give prominence to any and every worthy enter- prise inaugurated in our midst, and ever on the a- : . - . - " i lert to seize on anything interesting for the peru- sal of our readers, - we requested Jlr. Trov the 1 other day to show us-over his Merchant Mills, sit- is uatedon&iyaand Old streets. Mr. 'Trey, on purchasing the property, made some changes, re- moving the ijocks of his com mills to a place hih- ' - ' r up than tl ey were orhrinallv. thus obviatins- tha"TUVtMIUl(v nf Aiwiitf .1, .. 1 . 1 . .. v 1 1 . v. j .6 e ieu tt nits uacn up i the stairs. He also removed the overshot wheel, 1 12 or 15 feet in diameter, rpoiiiein.r a trrent A, cumbrous machinery, and substituted two impn . t f ved lurbme water wheels, one for his com mills, 40 inches in diaineter, and the other for his 1 flour, mills, 2i feet in diameter, , ., ' top piiir n -n ' H-OLR MILLS. . "hc wheat, which he receives from Baltimore, and is all prime white, (he uses no other) is poured into a bin on tlie first floor; thence it is carried. up in bucket elevators to the third floor, where"it is fanuetl out, and all impurities and smut (if there . j... i rri . i ' be-am ) removed. Thence it departs on its' way to the mill, where, being ground, it is again con- veyed by elevators to the bolting cloths, aiid is lft- wfiiito a la U -h it ..f ti i,. -n , , ' - ' v. , ouu uii mt utiier, .11 a nine iniunor, ana finally drops down to the last receptacle, where it is taken oiit'and nut. nn in hnmiHful . I - J v II 111 IV. H i3 IV'1 I Aim 1,1.- L wlnte as enow, and is made of tli vrv lnRt. nnnU " I ou wlute Jialtimore wheat. Mr. Troy is very careful of this brimd, and allows no article to gooufr which could do discredit to it. H next grade is super- nne somewiiat niterioi- to tlie "O, K.' , but is still ... X" i' n... i i. I T icii m ue:i .-ointi ii ianiit . i t? nave oeen i using some of this fmanty in our own family, made l um'ir.v " " " ' " tt , i i i xi t if i,, . Good UrduuuT, 115 tiom wheat raised by Mr. J. W.. powei-s of tlus strict (iood Ordiuarr,.U. ..;1G town, and' ,we have found it excellent. The bi-iui Low Middling ... 11 ). ; i ,17 is sold for Ktock, and isiinind to be excellent "pi-ov- ende Attheti.neof our visit Mr. Troy wa shipiiing Hour to Wilniingtoii, 'Raleigh, and South Carolina. The deihand tor the '0. K." is now yery.gwd, and is daily increasing. ; . Wbll CA1!1IX DEPAUT1I KXT. On the second floor of the building are Ids wool carding machines, consisting of a 15 reaker, w hich taken the yoil, picks it out, and throws it off, and a rini.-dier, where the article is finely carded and thrown out in beautiful rolls ready for use. Mr. Troy's son Willie is ' boss" of this establishment. and, though 'but a' lad, is very active and attentive to bwsines. Ik- keeps his books methodically ai ' . . . . . accuraieiy, .anu, m ail tne countless orders received there, he has never njade a mistake quite a cred- itable record. Hundreds of 'packages of wool Were piknl here and there, to be carded and rolled. v E kx -mills are of in-cat Vaiiacitv, thouirh but one is kebt con-. - ' - - . t stantlv at work now.' I was assured, flat the largest rock luul once trnmnd 39 bus-hels of wheat . . " . in CO minutes..- 5 !t , THE PKAKL' IIOMIY MILL, f . which M'r. Trov claims caji turn out inn artic-le of , . . . . - . . - V nominy superior 10 any iu Uie .ftlate, is now idle, there being but little demand for hominy 'during the vegetable season. The MU1 was, indeed, a busy hive; drays going smd comiug;scorn and wheat conveyed here and theivj. the wool c.irds .flying, 'and, in short, life, bit. - tli'. and ad ivitv everywhere. "' . Since June 10th, 15,000 busliels of srraln have jiuStft d ihrOugh the Merchant Mills. Mr. .-Troy also owns the (Jlenviile Mill, about a mile up the same stream. . ' - -! ilessr. Shaefler-and Faircloth are the compe- Mit al judustitotw supeiinteinlents of the various nuhisfries ' dwcribetT above. ' v- . Cases ix Ciiamhei:s. Judge Buxton tried at Chambers, at the Court House here hist Saturday-, the luunler case from Sampson, i" which one Bar- den irf eii:irged with the killing of acolored man, Jno. O. Midiior. Burden confesses the homicide, '. L- Oil more, Mrs. Mizabetn Mcabb, Jbhza , . . . . . I'll- v be'h Gdmore, Bcnj. Smith and Mart his wife, Jno. ft ' mre i ty severui witnesses, iwioiiows : jdo. mm- uor-tij'ul his' brother IJlK'i,t.-wer, indicted forhuro-' - I U12 feiicmtr and wood, and tlie) magistrate depu- tool-: tour nnii witli linn three negroes ami one white nian- :. i ii -.r i . . . "mlu """"I -an, auu siil nun bacSt towards Llmton. ile then nroceedetl- on to win,. j'iimii.?i n iiL,r.-, ivv liiic times iui liiui , .... . . . .. . amvinar there pretty late at nurht. - Harden i.-..i,.r.i .1.. L.;a- jaZ - which was remseu; tie maae Known nis errana ana i ii it i i ii antlim-itr nn,t nftT cnnio fiu-tli.il. rv.u'If' nttjimnt- - ... . . , ' . ed to tovee an entrance. Just inside tlie door 31ai- ,,r Kht at. him. flie h;ill . inst ' cri-nzinc his h,.,id. ' ' .id o r and ajrain, Burden finding him aliout to strike or v . ii r.i it- i 1 .1 ... snoot mill iui, 111 uuii, raibeu 111s risriu. imuu u defend himgelf. fired his piece with his left hand, - , ' u, . V 1 411 1 p if 1 and shot Mamor dead. All the five defendants tr, C'in fim,.. c " - tK ' eon Couutv Court next term. Avhere the trial will ' : airain be had, at Chambers. TheJcase olGrady was postponed until lth of September next. Upchurch is plaintiff. The case ' is for obtaining money on false pretences. - - Rf.ceptiox of tiie IIox. T. C. Fuller. Tiy La Fayette Company publicly received the Iron. T. C. Fuller, on his arrival in town last Friday night. They! marched in a body, .with music, to the residence of Mirs. il. A. Fuller, where he was stopping, which compliment Mr. Fuller re-' co"-nized in a short, tnhv, eloquent speech, which o 1 1 1 was ret-eived wjth great applause. ... , , x T. mi ii W e- were pleased fb see m Faj-etteville, on the pecasiort of the celebration of the Independent Co.'s 80th anniversary, Mai. Jno. D. Cameron, an old member of the Company, a former resident of the wu, ax v.oi wi win c.HCu,. .x....- bom iiecaraer., lie is looking well, and tlie cares of his office have not unnerved him, nor has wielding the pen impaired the cunning of bis daj- dal hand, for at the target-firiug he ijiade the best : siiiele shot of the dav. , - , Our Selectioxs. Our paper contains so niucli reading matter that we endeavor to gratify, as far as possible, the correct taste of all. Hence we publish for the fireside at home, a short story in every issue. Nov, as far as we are concerned,! we do not waste our time reading stories, but we have thosean our family who are fond of them, band we do not see that we and other business men have a right to be selfish. Crops IX "Bladex. From a gentlemen living in Bladen, we learn that the crops of that county den, we learn i i i I . never lookeu neuter, JSEW" i LOUR. iteaa tne aaverusemeni 01 v. A. Whitehead, tne new Drana 01 rroau way riour, said to be of the best quality sold at low pricey. Tlie ruat lias aten hold of the cotton in cer- taiii sections of Mecklenburg county. The masquerade ball on Thursday night at the Atlantic House, Beauford, was a very gay affair. A large number were present in masque. . . A man in Gol hbiro has put 5,486 words on a postal card. The writing can easily le read with the naked eyr, every word aad let ter being distinct. 1 , . - ; AtSTRIAX Fuel. C, C. Fulton writes from lenna to the Baltimore American: ' Throughout AustrivaWng all the lines of nulway there is piled up large masses ef a species of lignite, which f8 nscd as a substitute for coal in generating steam, It is rather in the form of flakes than lumps, and of a brownish black, res.embling rotten or decay- it0 small pieces, and piled in baskets, from whence it is supplied to the tenders of passing locomotives, It emits a strong, black smoke, hut it does not 1 ' liU O T J ?,umJ P"ge wuu uu or suou juag be seen, the . 1 supply must be as extensive r aft . eonl ' is with n and it must be very easily mined. There is an nbuuthuit supply of wood, mostly pine, in Austria. Uf ".f 't"8 bcIng Va fores'.but I this iuel is used even on the Crown Prince Eudolph Bahn, which passes through pine forest and mountains clad with heavy timber. The fuel used for domestic purposes in Vienna is woodland chai-coal, and as most of the poople do their eating : tlif ristanr!inti thip neo mnn v linnana iri whifb a fire is never lightedfor six or eight months of t lie year, except to a spirit lamp or in a pan of "ulual- Mr. Warner, author of My Summer in a Garden was ?ot at al1,ten,KJ V the ?f that "inaPPer I up of unconsidered" lecturers, Mr Eedpath, to en- ter that literarv orairie cklled the "loure field." Mr "Warner observed to the seductive Kedpath, "it ; 8;?eHi 8 to me the 'uer I giow the wiser 1 gi-ow." So !ie 2 on in wisdom if not- in statur and sticks to home anl HaiLord. f Wilmington Star. . VIL3ILGTO?r niBKETft Wilmixgtox, August 26, c i..1. ... & utliern packaws. Market firm, i liosi n Market firm at ri 45 tor Strained. Crude Turpentine $3 35 fo Virgin and Yellow "V. , arKet steaay. T if.w"k ink J t r .. . i i Cottox iiiiii;i , .. . &10 cents p lb 13 " 5 " " 1(H " strict Low Middling, 17 J " SfewiilCr;;;::;- " Fayetteville Market. THURSDAY, ,AUGU8T 28. r COlUiECTKD BY - CIIiVIlLES IT TGH, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, &c, , ' . Hay Street. Il, v- Iitox - Swedes, La'kd Molasses Nails Salt jfc; Carolina, . l'21'a 14 JlWesteniSides, -12 15$ PoK 00 12 15 28 45 6i27 Beeswax BuT'f Kit 23ti MO r-sio CO 17 00 1725 4550 ie-a2l) 2G'g27. HEKt' Unsc Sound, CO'tf.OO Liy'l, sack, 1.75,a-1.85 Sugar Domesrc, Dundee. Coffee C, lli-ff.12 Com.. Brown, OilOl ' . . DLLs- Cnished, IMG lb TalIow 10-200 ' aniau 1,u ' operni, Tallow, COFFEE TikPextixe Virgin. 3.50-20.00 Yel'w Dip, 3. 10 0.00 Spirits, 37-2 00 Rosinv 2. 15 2. 50 Cottox. -lO-aiGi. u YVKXS 1 SO-Sl CO Domestic Goons . , 4-4 Sheetings, 12-S 00 FA FloI'I! Tobacco Leat, none. Manufact'rd,, 451.00 WOOL- 2500 Apples Green, bn. 1 .00 1.25 Dried, peeled, : 4 5 Do. unpeeliHl5, 2 Peacuks 1.50'2!2.0O S Peeled , 12 15 I Unpeeled, i 5 l-'amily, 'Super, ,.""':. Corir T.OO'iO.OO 1.031.13 l.GtK.2.:?0 83 1.401.73 901.00 Wheat, I'OTAToES Oats, -Sweet,-., 1.50 2.00 Irish, 1.00 1.25 Peas, Rye, EGGS !513 JllJMCS 1 ijiiixtii 1 0 0.00 . irr, 'Green. - .121-5 14 5G H.Y baled, 1.750.00 Suucks l.OOWO.OO IN THE PROBATE -COURT: 1 The Board of Commissioners of Bladen Covhtij, 1 . McLean, Administrator of- llios. Utlfnore,) Plaintiffs, '. against " The Board of Commissioners' of Harnett County, ' tr, , ' .' . . J ot rino. j. u it more, , Jtsse li. uarver, Mininusiraior f. j tivr.n, joel Johnson. Jno. L. Sterenson. Mfml F,mtt. -AliiM Tnaft. .4 on. frnrt .In TLsimra i wv-f,, j... r . 7.;. .r,.;,, nii ,ij. &,ti n. v ' ... , . v - jcndunts. I sT A TP. OF AflTTTT 1 : A T?OT.TlV A nnrtaS,ffnf PimWla " . f I . I Greeting: - ' t You are hereby commanded, as before, to summon the detemlaut aUve namcrt it tUe be f.'mnd within y.iirr I count v. to anncar at the otnre ot the Gierk ot the isunen- or Court for the county of Cumberland, within twenty 1 uays alter ie service 01 turn muiiiuiuuk uu iiieui, exciu- ;.. fth lav of mu-h sei-vice. to wit 011 the 16th dav of October, 1673, and answer the complaint, a copy of which is served with tins sumnions; and let them take notice, that if tbev fail to answer the said complaint upon that " , - 1 " , ' - day, the plaintiftS will apply to the Court for the rebel deiiianded in the coinplaiut. I X Hereof fail not. and of this summons make due return I t : . .i . i i i 1, i .1 r v I I 1 U II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 illy J1,UIU ftUU I IU. O. ill V., LI 1 1 vuui l, lll.O 9th dav of Auzuat. 1673. A. McPHERPOX, Jil, UlerK bupenor ijonrs iinaoerianu v;o. I L B. Davis, on 1 erson Sk, where my friends ana eus J01IX "W, IIIXSDALI riaintlflTs Att'y. aag 21 6w tomers will find "me prejiared to execute promptly and 1 ; i THP PFnPI F'R NATIONAL BANK OF FAYETTE VILIiE. 33i-rca.o3a.ca. No. St. 4 T A MEETING of the Board held this day, a Divi- dend of 6 per ceiit. is declared, payable to original s,Jl-SSSStffia8S having been taken up, will be considered as Stock from this .i . . i.; i. . : ; ., 1 ....... 1- cm -;n non Tnta. date making the entire capital stock $150,000.' Inter est will be paid to new subscribers (according to agree ment) on their payments, from date of payment to this tisib, and upon return of Receipts, regular Certificates i TISIB, and upon return of . of wi!J be issueL A. McLEAX, Cashier. Fayetteville, X. C, August 12, ie7:i.-tf A'V-A-STTJjjD. GOOD MILCH COW, for which a fair price will be JrX. pajd. Apply at this Othee. aug7tr EXCHANGE HOTEL, GEEEN STREET, FAVEmtviixK, C. lOOD TABLE, Attentive" Servants;, and Pleasant VJT llooms. Charges moderate, arfg 7 tf W. DllAUGHOX, Proprietor. A. M00RE, Tobacco, Tobacconist's Goods, Liquors, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ir.' o- ang 7 ly READ THIS. - rv ACCOT7JTTS are all inade out; and every one ow- ll i will la. fU atiH BPttl hv th 1st Sm. SwKtoM sftoct, and will need the money; Don't forget it. aug 21 tt A. R. CARTER. i NOW IS THE TI3IE 1 ! , . - - - L . . 'Q jf Ut Up OUT -E ZTllL. rALL at the Crooliery Store, j j and see onr New ''Protector" Jars, Only $.50 per Dozen. A Large Stock of Jelly Tumblers, . JUST RECEIVED. angSl tf y A. R. CARVER. Primary School for Boys. ..C... i , i, y ... TyfRS. HAWliET'S 11001 .at Blount Creek will i.H lropned on Monday, Sept 22. "S 21 5 COTTON -AN D : pate . , w A. B. WILLIAMS & BRO.. DEALERS IX Iron, Steel, Cutlery, Hollow-Ware, Cordage, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, i' 'railway, steamboat and . machinists S TJ 'p PLIES . 2 GIVE . TJ8 A. OAT.iT.. 3m JUST RECEIVED. A LOT OF PUKE XrC; etRN" WHISKY, ALSO, Mk Cidar Mled -Brandy. .. j - G. G LOVER, ifurket Square, Fayetteville, X: C: . anc " tf K F L 0 U R . T AM X(rVT MVXIXG that delilitfal O. 33Z. lii'u. "nut miu . v. Choice Family i superior to all other Flour made in or 1 2? ft ' 4 , wvuu, i icaii wriuuuu i xuui, that has no eoual in the market. I submit a f,.r cx- 1 tracts. . c iisoi. . n . .... , ... . . iui i wunug .xy m w. j'V"" wm-u 1 1 am usimr. ia the very best. I ever tew. , B. FULLER I TIia new O. TT. Tlour fnniitihed from vour I . .... miU the beat l nave ever nsed. ' .' . I ' liaivuirj. I . VTe have used vonr Flour for some months. and find it decidedly superior to any we have ever used, U. il. I tt.... r t.r ' nm ;a i,out ororr. roanont. J we navi ever USoii. T'e bave had the best Richmond 1 n(i iiitmnra lirando. bnt. liavn never liad ttnv we con- i Hr". 1. .i..n..l 1 niH 1 Vnillcil W AMlin jllin. i . viviiiiinvu n Mil 1. 0. K.' ,, ij.tf - j. 1. rufii, i,umoenon, jn. u. 17 T HAVE removed mv GTTN and EDGE TOOL MAN' J Jl UFACTOKY to the stand adjoining the store ef I skilltullv all work iu my lane. ausrbitf - AVALTEK "WATSOX. IW MR. BENJ. ROBINSON" has chares of my books, with instructions to collect, and authority to receipt tor ail moneys uue inereon. ailgl ltt IS. W. ItUUl-iNJHJJN. Cuba Molasses. HHDS. JUST RECEIVED. OA 1.'.. For sale by aug 7 tt . "W. A. -WHITEHEAD & CO. The Merchants' Bank OF FAYETTEVILLE. SUCCESSOES TO A. W. STEEL & CO. E. J. LILLY, Pros. JG EC If. KOSE, Vice Pres. - "W. T. TAYLOli, Cashier. t t-' rpHE ABOVE BAITK; was duly organized on the 11th 1 dav of Ansrust. lSli and will discount lfote and Hills of Exchaniier. make eollections, deal in exchaiure. gold and silver coin, and transact a general banking bu- . . . i . . -r i.: it . - ij i- . Klllt'tM at liiu ouuiviii JJ.OOJTC &uwTuiiy ucuupicu uy j W. steel &co. ; The Mercluinta' Bank succeedinff to the business, will pay all balances due depositors of A. W. Steel & Co. . DIRECTORS: E.J. LILLY. AV. A. WHITEHEAD. ii. Vf. BULL ARD. fiEO. il. ROSE. HENRY LILLY., anglt tf J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., Grocers and Commission Merchants, COXTETTJE to sell Grocerie and Provisions at whole sale, at the lowest market rates; sell and buy all kinds of Produce, and are always in the market for ,r 7trf .tTAr"T" J Fl 1 "VTli Spirits Xnrpenune and Kosin, at full prices; Dny uotton P--S P on Little River Mann&ctnring Company's Yarns and Sheeting, - i sU Factory Prices. xaoerai aavances maue in casa or gooas on au itoo. i j -- ii . i c i a 111:111. e. I nee placed in their bands for shipment to 'Williams fc nhison' Wilmington, or Murchison &. Co, ,ew FOR SALE. A GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, rooms, 8 fire-placea,. rx ana otner necessary miuainss on lot. a ear tne on ! siuess part ot town. Apply to " aug n vl A.J1.U v lUiiA-aiJjo-n Wright W. Matthews, :Ea,y o-to-7-iii.o,'3ar- o. J "TT7TLL ATTESTD to all business eatrostd to him, uciti consignmenta, aad suaautees quick f ' aad remittance. I . aufi2lt PRESS. " T HAVE the A X gencv for the sale of fiALLIS CELEBKATKB COTTON and HAY PKESS, iuannfdctured at Petersburg, Tau and am prepared to furnish them on short notice. These presses are cheap, simple; re liable and porei. fuL The screw i so adniirabiy eoi stroeted that two bmdtfcan press a 500 l& bale fa six minntes. I have one in operation at my : store;, to which I iitvit ftthe Inspection of th& public I will al m have one of the POWER PRKSS ES; of the same manafacto r y in operation- at my Gin in a few days, and would t le pleased to have the .farmers and others to call and examine it. ' - Price of Hand Press $140. ' Power Press 9273. Gearing farnish- ed far Horse Ptw- v er urns. xW.C.TPwOT. Fayetteville, NC aus 1 tf -. Special Notice. ALL PERSONS indebted to me are notifi6d,that their aecountit are now residv for settlement. I expect to go Xorth soon, and hope all will pav promptly. ang7tf FRA.NiC TH0RXT0X. Berry Foster's, and Tom Cooper's MOUNTAIN RYE WHISKIES, Warranted Pure and Genuine.. X. C. CORX WHISKY AXD BEAXD T. A full line of all kinds of Liquors, wholesale and re tail. ti. MiivnM.ii. ang 7 liu Gillespie St. Eayetteyille, N. C. Turnip and Cabbage! Seed. I Cropofl873. . j JUST RECEIVED from LAXDRETH andBnST, Turnip and Cabbage Seed, Consisting of i Pnrile Top, Tellow Ruta Baga, Eaily Wliite Flat. ; Dutch Eiirly Strap Leaf, Red Top, Large White Globe, Large Norfolk, Hanover, &.c. . : , - - l - Flat Dutch, and Iarge Dram Head Cabbage. ang 7 tf AiIL. J- HINSDALE, Drnggist. A. A. McKethan & vSons, FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. 1 TE HAVE bow on hand, and are finishing daily, a V T full and eompkte assortment of various styles ef www vw -w.w IW tlHt j A TT made of the best Material and warranted. Particular attention paid to Orders and Repairing aug 7 tf Wilson's Ammoniated ,' SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, Best Fertilizer "known for ', TURXIFS, CABBAGE, WHEAT AXD OATS ! i . FY!"R CAN RECOMMEND this Fertilizer highly, as T T we have been soiling it for several years; and it is weu endorse! ty tne Best ixrmers in tne uounty, wuo nave not Deen uisapyuiaieu in us resuiix. - aug 7 2ni ' Agents for North Carolina, H. R. H0RNE & CO., Proprietor of TOKAY VINEYARD, ND yiiANJLEACTU RERS OF Pure Native? Wines, Champagnes, end Brandies, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. j aug ,7 tf Cole, Gainey & Co.r Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE. XR01TPT poi-sonal attention paid to consignments of JL Cotton, A aval htores ana Country ITroauce. t N. C. Flour, Cotton Bagging and Ties a specialty.! l-tf - . i! JOB PRINTING. T WOFLD reapectfnlly inform the people of Cumber- X land and the surrounuing couuties that I have one of the ; I Most Complete Job Printing' . Offices in the State, and am prepared to execute all kinds of . AT NEW YORK PRICES. Give me- a call. JT. E. GARRETT. l- Anderson St near cor. of Hay, E. J. LILLY. F. R. BOSK. E. J. LILLT. JB. E. J. LILLY & Qp i No. 50 HAY STREET, IRON FRONT . JOBBERS J2H Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Eeady- Made Clothing, &c, TTAVE now on hand a large stock, to which the at- j. j. tention oi uotJkTRT jvierchants is invited. Fayetteville, N. C-, Aug. 6, 1873. . l-tf W. G. HALL," . . Whslroale and Retail Dealer in Groceries and Provisions Ife. 8 GILLESPIE ST, FAYETTEVELE, X. l-tf ... I CHARLES HAIGH, , Grocer and Commission Merchant, : HAY STBEET, Fayetteville, N. 0. ang 7 tf ' GARRETTS BILL AND LETTER HEADS' Are a Ced a thM Printed EUewhere. HAY North Carolina Gazette NEWSPAPER; AND jr o m PRINTING OFFICE. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HORTH CAROLINA GAZETTE, A LARGE SEVEN-COLUMN NEWBPAPEE, j i Devoted to the Principles of THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY.1 rpHE GAZETTE will Contain the i j ; . . . i f Latest Foreign and Domestic TSt-wa, Choice Literarv Selections, and interestinir Ap-rimltnrl i matter. ' It will be the paper for the people the busi-,1 ness nian, tne larnier, ana tne lamuy. EATES OF SUBSCRrPTIOJTw . - One year (in advau.. ....I'.. ...'.13 00 i Sixmos. i. 150 Three " J 75 - CL1JB RATES: 1 . 10 copies (sent to one address) with an extra tow S 25 0 20 " " " " " j 450ft 40 " " " " " n 75 Oft JjQ ' j M and a premluax of a fine chromo, value $25 100 04 100 copies scut to one addren) with an extra copy And a niTmimh nf a Atia i-hmmn ralna tja na THE GAZETTE O 3E3 4 , I 1 . IS NEW AND COMPLETE, Prepared for theprinting,; AT VERY LOW BATES, Of HANDBILLS, POSTERS, BILLHEADS, FREIGHT LISTS COURT BLANKS, BUSINESS CARDS, -&v J. H. & G. G. MTOOVER, 0K. AKDEBS02T & OLDSTSS, , :. . - ...... i i f ':; FAYEIIErilLE, C.. . THE MARBLTAffi INDIES' Gents Emporium. !"-.. ,. "-. . -. . ..' 1 ; ;' - TITE are now selling at very fewest rate tnt asli, tha T T remainder of our Spring and Sunuuer Stock ot Ladies' Dress Goods and Trfmrnfegs, -. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, &c. Otm SPHCXAIiTT t GENTLEMEN'S SHIRTS, THE PERFECTION OF MAKE, FIT AXD FINISH. L . MacBAE tt DAIXGKRFIELD 0BT. COLE, Mooijo County, K. Cn Salwman. A Card. rfllTOSvE TXHRTTTTi tA ttia rA AonoafT mail 1 fiTUMt f till V lTlVitiMl tA fMkll an1 artff 1a Kn onMA . 4l.n 15tli of this month. I need tb Mney badlv, aad trust that then ia not one of my friend who will fail to re spond promptly to this notice. ang i-u A. rUBEBTON. E. J, HALE & SON7 BOOK SELLERS AND STATIONERS, 3IABKET 8QFARB, Payellc-rillr, X. C. - it KEEP constantly on hand School Book im gLml use,. Bibles, Trayer and Htiui Books, Stationery et all kinds, at wholesale or retail. aug 7-Jy . I ! ' . - !- '. JOSEPH UTLEY&, SON, ; Grocery and Commission Merchants, and Dealers 121, AND GENKIIAL nEBCHANDIIB, FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. 5 . -' ' '. .- ' . : l-tf '' FOB SALE. "Y'HITE COItX, White Meal Oata. YELLOTV CORN, TcOowMtol, FsOdw, . , -' ' . jyIXEI CORK, Pea Meal; Hay, ' ' AT -. ,. - V...; E. T. McKETHANS Grralu curxcl. 3Ef"eoca. Stor.' aug 7 tf , - - . GET YOUR M Em JLETIZn PRINTED AT- WHITE LEAD. 2 000 LBS EEST g:&ai)es- JUST RECEIVED BY ang 7 tf ILE.nOENE&CO. MATCHES. GEOSS GE2TTJIXK .- SWIFT & COtTRTNETTS. 10 Just received by. aag7-tf H. R. HORXE 4k CO. TOILET AND LAUNDRY-SOAPS, SllTroxr Gloss Staroli. Concentrated Lye, Concentrated Potasi ' Spices, Sea Foam, Glue, 4c, . Fcr sale by ang 7-tf XL B. HOBKE & CO. Hair Brushes and Ccmbs, In Large Varietv jromades, v- Puff Boxes, . DIAMOND POWT Lubin'8, and other E? For gale by j"-1 , ang 7-tf 1 FRESH TURNIP AND CABBAGE SEED, JJTST RECEIVED BY TLX. HORSE CO. Drugsr Medicks, Faints,' Bits, ! WINDOW GLASS, . , LAMI'S, n4 'n , y - TOILETMRTICLEi In fall supply, and Cor sale by " S; ang i is U. tu ilOKAS UU. Kerosene Oil, . I (110 TIKE TEST,) A WATS 021 HAITD AT H.R.H0RNE A-CO-S. ang7 tf I: TEAS. Best. Imperial, Best Odas TBY THEM. ; H.B.HORXB&CO. aog7tf BRUSHES. QNE GROSS most desirable styles. Jost received b; - aag7tf ' . U. iC UORNE It CO. ; GET YOUR r. v ,.,-' , ' : - - ' : '. r ' : - ; - - i .' Business, Wedding, VisitiDg'and Snow Card . PRINTED AT v.vi.' ' ...-' 'l' '.."',:. .".-v.'.-j ; y. '.., 'i ' . .... "W"" 1 ''';-"'-.: ' - '-'"t1 '". ;'. s ... " .."v : - . t" . . . - t j ;,.:.;,.. . . :: " ; . - : '-.': ' f -r . .. . : r ':' . ' ,s' 'f . ' ' " .' : 1 ""