Jit rag ifW (iff" -?' 1 f f ,. ' i x . i E ' r WW- ,v ;f-:r !'y v" 'T;'Mit' ; Published by J. H. & G. G. Hyrover, Corner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteyille, H. C. - v vpnaa ' " .r.V;v....;. .. i " 7 Thursday, seimber is, isto. . ;- : - - no.7.77. Jarthi at -a una bazeite: J. II. & G.-MYItOVEK; TE12JS OF SUr.fiCEirTIUX: if v w (in nAvaubc) x if atlis, . v ; ....Li. ' l.ro " . " ,". .1.. ..$: co .. 1 M h 75 CLVBZATTiS: ) atyca (sent t obo rtdross) Trith aa exbt wpy $ MOO . " ' :" . . " . .45(10 I " ; . " ; - - 73 00 nml a preJiilnin of a fin oliromo, valu ?25 - 100 Of) X) I'HiuciMsnit ioiie!uiir',8 wiih an exxmeopv aul a prcuuuui of a fiiio cIu-ohk), value $10 150 00 - II A TES OF ADVERTISING: rip 9jnare (St IiieBoU5 BonparMI) n invn tUm $ I 0f " 'V two .." 1 50 .. ...w.fc--; ..-" : three " -, 5.0 ,., .t , . ' J- twelve V 15 00 Imvo rat'3.' jSi"oia1 Xulin & per cruf. tnire than ..u!;ir'talYnilUnu3ifs, aliiig Notices 80 cents per ne i r . u every wsertum. . . , ,-SUMIAIlY OP 3ra7S For tlic "Week enclinj Sept. 10. .Home Circle., GUUTCJIEX, fToeS" nTelit j-dveal tlui T!itr! i niucli sxchpm-nt in' Troll hi crm- .: i ii'iii' of tli niMinvtu'liiiiari'lcicn i'oi' n jiichv ' i'atlumient; Ilanu'l (VDfuto'liue, tls'jlltriil .nn- li i ttc, aiTiviHi in liiL', s-itr j-!.steriUr,.ua was re--. i-t Uy a Jni-ge iMiiulxr-uf his iVk"3ns and eoewl- ,l to Jaias n-Hu'iii't; wliH tiie jirorfffioii was nuiv ,.,(Lf it v;:i nttatked byt.inol wid i?era1 :pMWf:rin W-.-ittni: lsrinif tlif iijdj.tjiWTcd policemen p'-tro'il rtv.'t'is; Llu re were three raihvWv m-ciilfiit8 in i."-!;i!id on thd 11th;, 'the r.lanm-n.ftvmiHH-v of ir;;ist -rs (tf tlilTfljillUfter Ot late liU hi'x'll il &u3l-ot of 1'tiK-!: ijuroi'Btr A mulx'r.if pajMTs huve cnl! nil thf tr'vei iiint-nt,- to intericrraart coiu'hm ukui- ittH'v of-nwls' to adopt.Rn,e etnngeut luciVsuK'S'to :.';i;i:l ;m'.:iii-"t nmdeiitrt mi tlie Fiiture. lii' t c is a' ;v lil.uiiouiiiy ivmveiiHMit .in Panama on account of the iiitinlt t f y tiupolice of C')1. Ufeatimie. wlniu j!r jmiIk ititji'i'tcd to artvst'.hi the (Jr:md H-! i!:-.lt.;;ke thr.Hih the streets to ni.-(;i. S'-mn- N. SaliiifroH ims been ekted President of the Cort'f 1 :v a-iiniiiiiiuon vote. The new liht .- at Jreis.'ht.nV 1 1- C;nw TnHii, wr.s blowtt, dtnvn iv t'itf 10001 it stoftp. T'fe Kinj-eror "ViI!icl:ii visit- iVj 1 -jiVi n-ror of Aunt i ia on the l'th. Th lort c.:.ihh l-tvvtyp 'uinK'r-toi' and Aspiii'.vtill hns Iseen rS.'Ver ,i '. A Lqjidotti telegr.un fuitumK'(t the capt'uv of Vi r-VaceariJS by the Parlifi. A iuu)ibtr f -ii-):n and other munition of war for tte Cut-lists ,vere latidvil .it Leouito on tlw eoast of - IS'-t-iy. A bo !y if "irifiiirjjeiit 'ttxop tuade a sortie fron Ci.ri.utv:i. hr.t vvf.fi ii'tsiictv-wf ul .: iu el'o is to ; s. t;:o itu of t'u- b b"e jiiaf f iT? and- .r;tur.:"J , ! : Uty.-'Uis'ehwii- tVcm 'Brhish remsni-s in v -.'u Jicijtt-!.. .f Fr niee, Ius.4a." Italr and G - - ehi'ih-ra i? in the iiicnvi-jo i i A V. ;!i(l.:Jy t;l": :iO Pny.-t-.a" a . .1 . iv. r.ti nv-: ;r'o ia i ii.' ; ev, !; 4').-;' tLfaod-iSt-ol . . - : :. Tf L -'ha.'-' v. j:'1v: fo ' -It wf uliout tcn.u;lock in the,. cA-etiing when iC di-iiikefs left llio "Swan." The ('lor(v followed with the rest, and ent down llie silent village; J' All the little windows wore Lei ng closed and tlie: gooVl liottse wives, -as tlicy cloKed tliqir-sluitter ruigdit lie heard cvyitig in the darkne? "Good night, Orchel! good night, Gre'lvl! good night." - -',;;' . - ' i-'--' Then all Veoathenerit''and';j!ntcodore wa s left ,alyuo. injhe "hlf; street g azi i )g, lis teiiing, "dreami eg Svhil-st" the ; eouii tlt-s stars twinkled overhead, aitl the trees rus tled along the roadsides. ilr.r-ai&ny:x ntns Toe; escape, the eye and ear" by tiay: llark to that distant mnnnuriugj' look1 at tllat ctft, half seen, darting along through the deep shadows.: - listen to that bird chirping so Foftly that the luartert on-the ' wateli for it can hardly hear it! ' y .-I'lieodore lov&T the ixiglitj hewent a few . piiceS, panned, turned arlmud, and listened attentively. : lie reeollec-ted.the words of the ! prophet, as die gazed' lip'' at the sky: 'Jvcep thinp heart with al,l diligence!1' - But -when he looked once more at the earth, when he euhaled the gwfect odors of atitnmn--the new mown hay the blown leaves of'-the treet then h. thought of Gretclien pretty Gretchen, eo' s blooming and fair, with her large eyes of liquid blue, ever lighted witli the sweetest of siuiles Iter bright and merry Ktigh. How beau tiful she then' rose lo his thoughts, and how .fat hh licirt would beat! lie could sjc -her trippitig frfem table ti table, : her ariaj wliite f ivory, slightly raised as she pour ed the foavuiair liquid into the ..shining iutt:jfs, her finely shaped figure, the two plaits of i'itir hair hanging 'down to the edge of her short scarlet petticoat, her teeth- shin ing lilvO white enainel. '. ' ti ret ch.cn had aiic for every one ex cept Td. .Theodore, as soon as he entered islie becinne serious, but at the same time -sr.i'ii a tender expression stole over her large bine eyes, that tne poor Jau s heart o- verilo'.ved with love. Ills emotion master ed himx 'and. he murmured unintelligible words. . : . . . Theodore went on dreaming; ho could side.:',, .Theodoi e raised his head , to listen; it seemed like a smacking of Ups after tasting the best of Johamnsberg. ,?!;tWliat is'.-tliatr said the artist; and he glided cautiously into, the court. There he heardthe same noise againi Theodore looked tins way and that, unable to dis cover the cause: At last, he I drew aside the- blanches of a red-bemed arbutus, and sawat the Jootof the buteldej. paling,- the idiot Kas'par Noss. sitting on the grass, his legs stretched out j hisslurt down about his shoulders, his old thread-bare trousers held up-on'one side by a single bra ceK his old hattexeil hat between his,knees, and full of s"plendid grapes in huge bunches, which, uo doubt, he had just btolen hard by. -- The fellow looked ae iollv ,; as Bacchus. Ills f injecting foreheoid,' iila'fat cheeks, and even his round, rudd y noso Keenied brim- miur over with sensnons satisfaetion. It was lie who was smacking hiq lips so loud ly.' He was liftinsr up Avholej bunches of grapes, and hanging thera down into" his vast, open mouth. His throawafs dilating with delight, .while he gave vent to his feelings by chuckling and coping some what like a pigeon, borne tall nettles were, bending towards him in, the shadow, rind thistles were standing np like sentinels .tt hi.i 1'cet.'' . .. '. . , J..-'-'--- then the fowls, and Xdk ears opened. As pretty sharp; he knew all about it." there was', no ; lightshining through the Well,?? continued the brewer, "since you shatter, she went back to bed; but .. when love her so much, take her, marry licr; but she heard the lark -when the rich and you must stay and live . with me in my house." tender notes struck upon her heart, she rose Then sitting down, he added gravely, softly, saying r " f ' v "It's quite decided now you shall be max- "Ve, it is moniing now." . . ried in a fortuight." - She began to! dress,;, and went , to open ' To which all the company replied, -"We the shutter. Theodore had heard her ris- shall come to the wedding in a fortnight." ing. lie was 'trembling, and felt inclined , Which in fact happened. , : to seek safety in flight; but Avhen the shut- .Well, Tie'ebstock had- grandsons and ter opened all his fearfuluess vanished, grand-daughters, whom he used to dandle He leaned., towards -.tup window, and m 1 on las knee. Afterwards, AVlien he Was spite of a little cry from the girl, seizins: quite old, he said to his son-in-law and her hand, he exclaimed ' daughter, ."Ajy, children, you must remm "Oh ! Gretchen, Gretchen, I love you! ber one thing if wo are happy we must Scarcely had these words, escaped him thank Heaven for it. I heard the . 'cock. when his knees trfiuTded beneath him. J crowing before sunrise, and, as I was look- Gretehen, fluttering like a dove startled in ing out of my window, I saw Gretchen un- ,,1 i lic'ebsiock, Gretidien's fath ln-liis -iar-e rrav-pei'ivv tr ; wuu ms op-tfu i ,,"V'U HHll V . M I .It V J ill i V IJII.U, 111. ' i ' " T . 1 1 1 I ky tavern wm its low rairers; mo cioenc, with i;s p':i cCii.:.iii i'ace;.lue. lamp hung iVdia the cci'iui', i-'uU-:i;' n; ail.tae ivo, n i.i-i.-s !1 I ti'C cr i "Oh, you scoundrel! " cried. Theodore to your spend him; "so this is the way you ' ... iiiirhtsf The idiot turned his head carelessly, his cves'twinkled nicnily, and letting go. the grapes irom ins mourn, ne rcpneu: -n nai: is that ' vou, Theodore? Coiao and taste uiv gi-apes.". . " . . ' ; 'Where did you get themrj Kdsiiar indicated the place with his nncr and said, "There;, there are tplaatities down there. - :;'-i"- -'" ' ' '"' , : 'What! tlie?e?lWst'oletlie:infrom.Ile'eb- stock's field?' "Ye.-?, Theodore,' replied tie other quite innocently. ' i ''And. what if 1 tell of you "No fear of that!" "Why?" " ' "Yu would have to srtv wli'nt lime of the iiig!i.t it Avas yon saw me;'' qrid Kaspar leer ed " and laughed in a most; extraorumary way, and the artist, quickly, j-.repariug to r-et orcrr the mlir s? nrain: muttered.' "Ah! the idiot'stiul.t!" ' " ! ' ... Hut. as lie was miking- oif, N"oss eaujrn- im'bv tlie coat-tniis, crying out, "St thief. StOV) ! I isw, V-,1 You have just ;r.aKii-:t iui'i l-io vine-urcHers, nun .'- n4 -.r-tTT-Tr-' t A 1. ; (I'- ill.' '. -.H- -riit. avA iU;.'.n''i.i -.Ivarhr' 'wove Ur. '; Itutk-r' ws' wiiT.i''a.-.v:-i' ,'uvd -Wai!.' .i,ikt-;v rAwttUia'-'d. At t 'i.io.tffin a in; ..I I I " T ii! '.. ; O, i it'.i ' There h:U,- - asiu 'i lie the ' il--: liiwi.iS. 1 i o i : 1 0 l.'ft. il Ui;'! Crtrtij,' .-:.!'i to .iglii,.'ai-i.iu of . love, j y 'v iac, O' cU' i'l- -! - t: . '.S ': . 1 ,1 f r r.i: i rl.,, jour J ,Uii: t ,y ;Rt lor :- ; ) V."'-f!' OUO hd.iT-- r-i'l jif'X lll'ieitrs f Ihf ,i j: waJ, 1 1 . 'i'i H-Hi-no)-e:- th- ih''jH-y i rh.:!:re, aud 8t.: Y,U ht&v Uf'?el.n i a r Icijl 1'h'r uwd .if a luyh sell'.'..!, we:" bunieo .'dook, Tuesday t'tln 'the ' at ?he t. itoias a:id intuiT V.otors, esoHved wiih -inust' ot r ;-,-:ulro!-e.-"The Tim'V u'wisll fro'A. he otiuian of the" H-iwavd AK:Uti?n, at ,shTc- I I - i: ; I: i',t. venoiti the yell -aw fevera-.&hpnM : ' -oh i hifve left ruidtheie avs -'hardly 'ev.-!-ir" 4--I li ft to o-HXJ t!te AJjk: the city a-tcherit-ios; !: rJ. .;i.:ri.-.r aid-to iJayolfi-owii, ei.niiriainj: Tonm-il '. . :;:.a-, .u.d tat1ctr that -rJl r;'s!fiads nniuiie ;-tto ::!'.-V:s!'i;t li tVi- st;)i'iv.l: lh.' liwf is l;d!ln;-r i!v..a!.tf.aifunt.ntU!Ji with the oats'nk- we. i t i 'n-'iii-ly -s-tsspeuded. 'f'lie work rf iidhititig .the 't'i-a!;s-Atlantic hIhmn w;is ivsuaied on tin- lliS in r.i'o oivlyi.;. evi-rytfiing U iu rendius, and if i I'.r-ianuwl tlpt the' KSi:eiiskm will take place b -twi'-e:! the kaui'S of 4 aud 6 oVlook; it has Ik-oii (le- rid-U ii; ion to "abandon the eur.aiil jianer eunoo, .-. l ;tt,uheil W:S it too the wei 'ht rviu oaoaeitv of tne bai:o(iu. A 1 !' I' 1 1 il ciu-'?,i'i! liC t !; : -;w -her- t i- oi-;.i ly ' .- i.iai i i i iii r n t . n a v e ju-a-. - e t c ia ii.-.' du .w,. every iri per icu : ci. o- i'-i-LO" pi:c--'-; di in her 7 stolen Gi'e'.chen's !u . Theffdc-re su-.Iuciy tamed .-Let go r :. - !. Villi ilO'V;:.' t -,T .(".-.'..-,-..; mo of iav .-r . I .-. : C ( ii'et ht Ci thnt. sirauire S' 'Li-ii: (.':.- i ss, - in' her nest, licr cheeks Jail KulTused with lutppy bliudies, whispered Noilly f Theodore, dear Theodore P fastening her shutter. Then I felt inclined to be very angry, but Provhtence made me think better of it. Meitv them first it She had no time to itiv more ' for tlie whispered, since- they love each other; shutter of M. Ite'ebstock,Avhich was just you can rebuke them for it afterwards.' . lheodore and Gretchen anmired'the wjs- a regular German oath smote dom of the old man, and thanked the Lord, and was i allowed by these ivho governs all thmtrs here below, so well. nnf Trr"T v wojiex or ibove her window, burst oiieh, airLjt terri ble oath- the "Who is there?'' ' . fc Tliev Avere all filled with consternation. Theodore and Gretclien separated in groat fear. r,o.-;s, witlrhis arms, alolt, tied as -fpst as his legs could carry him, imitating ttau the cries oi the wad uucii pursued 1 1 lrougu working Xcw England housewives' aiul en- tue watcv-i cds by a span u-1, his nasal voice ergetie iiiddle State at omen used to fancy re-cc.ioiii"- iar in -tne remote distance, it tueir houtuern sisters lan rnid, cleo-aut, and The one person of a Southern plantation v.diose ltle was no -sinecure -was tlie ffemal. iy, and simple hearted mistress. Hard- yine; ott in a rocking ciiair, was'reallv' most bmlorons: lint lle'tbtock iaellhi nt. "I didn't seem to think so; therefore the artist, with a servant to -fan hr," came about as clapping his hat on again, vaulted over the near the usual description of a , Southern palisade, and set oil at aramd pace thronirri lady as any thinir that occurs to me. Xo the orchard, "whilst Gretchen, trembling, mistake could be greater-. With a nutner- quickly closed her window and rejiLieed.J ous. household to supervise and control it the ruin ter. "Ah, scjimdrel tried Ilcebstoek, ex tending his anus, "you shall answer for this, Ijcan tell 'voti that!"' and the jn-eat jiouse-dog, rotis-jd by th PcrimmanpP, be gan to bark and rattle his chain. Theodore wett on running hither and thither, until' day (light, Tepeutiug, as if iu a dream, "Gretchen, Gretchen, 1 love you l' Then he yoould add, " Theo lore, dear Theo dore !" and imagined he wai the hajipiest feihnv on earlh. I was necessary that the mistress should pos sess some executive atulity to . keep evfry thing goitig .smoothly. There was the store room and the "giving ;out" of provishais, Living on plantations remote from towns, as miiuydid, 'and purchasing, supplies! in large quantities, the, kty-bns.iet Ayasanec vssil v. W hoover saw -a Southern honke-- keeper without that badge of. authority'! It .stood by her at the breakfast table, orvyas at the hand on the side-board. . It went with her. on her daily rounds, audits burich . -About five o'clock.' he went home, and of kevs looked up mmiv.a thing besides when he- had laid himscif down on his little food. That lu-d to be apportioned ', to the l4';ii, it occurred to inni tuat old lle'ebstocK mouths that were to eat it so much mea and m!-.it tor the iu- and oacoiuweeluv to the tieopje AvlioiiveO b. .jto 't'ina l"li'ii'-)(T ! in l.i rtin-tAv, nu1 i-!-ri','t-rid in llui -fi.bt. Of-i .LiilT I II Jll iil lilt. l(l.U IV l O i H i 11 u, .litl 4U lllV li 11 l -v 1,-1 I tunu ri'cognt.-ea. m V. Pre: t iiiai ve ri :-y much. !.e e VoUi.ll ingi his misery-had increased. - :'. be so 'unhappy as If' iaiu-h to the house servants, and so miiub. ed. "Oh! old IJe'obstoek vill t-ra tealLiaW-h-r -;-Ttl"--f r -?S5n-r T vT v-- " X ntfall comas kneading bowl, the o: ":;o, j. ;H-:'itol e, to oiji t- von," an s;M vih .'Ol-. so -jnv.i'.n , i ; : imohSt ;s of no. i VTS'las; iil' li tin one avoi i l his fore- amih:jr iii her, huh -.P-er. listen; sties ur .I'-iiiTKim slicV .' saviiSiT. "The;wl On, how blovt iar had" let .g- a lieu ' IVi'. e .ca ami -i;uk-. ;:S il 'iA i.-. he..:-.. H'oOi.a il V. . a e ;u'i t i.e.'.- he heard ed. at trie o liicnci the- voice Vh:.t iT.it to Win n iadli ..f i Jt-CH-i-eii; he tnoagitt oi the peopled wovidT a;j.'t tisere, ioiy wa ' Gretchen. ',"Ev- i r thl iV, tsictng to i's inou mtM (m swoiiic: them.:: O Loxt-: Lavd tholii Yv'heiice coiucsi tiiotii Th:i-i T;!.odi'io wont on 141 1 1 i.v the back of tiie ' village, tddmr.g th-. eeppice-wood. i'ol 'towing the little' j'at) edged with palings, .and came. 'lout; at lab! . 1 i 1 ' a.' -iater ICCl n) tor.ge.i- in !:''.. UUdiWUV, 10 'listerte.,1 i r t" 1 mv :-o.V 1 'Oil. Vd' rt!T . o.-s. 'tod iuid : you lie's ea tt, bet lutcmioJi u r -' 1 , I'.r 1 lit' rlv ,; -'i sure ; ia a low, i" i:.. it -v-,... ze oiiei.ii 1 o.---. Aren't :h ij'iiiig f oared that ; 1 ."-.it ..for th-.-' earrv di.!.atli fi'om WasSiihaton mvs a duel is iunetnetit .111 ronseijueiiee til (hairix.'em;.'iit Oetween iieisi m i V. Joha.-oii and tov." Smith, of (.-ieorgia; t'no;r t'l i.'iols a:e urging an aaiioilble swdtjaieiH. -lJetoc-tive's have iinesteaLMi-s. Bi-'i'.on,au iiUHrtant Avitn-as in the, Stoke t'i-f, whoai ithey havlp boon lo.ikiiiLC,firr s'uK-e the killing ol Fik; it U said 'Mirt. lien tiv saw Jtokes thwiw away bispist.d after the shooting; it is believed her evidetiOe v.dl he i-itaf to Stokes. Princeton OohVge opeikv-i' on tlie lUtJi. I'l-esideirt Mi Cosli delivering the address; so'iiie iJi'O students liave entered, laanv.bei'ng i'i m .Southern 8tatv. - " '. HE VIEW OF THE HABSSia,. ;.' . v. Here S;e no- cottages, Vona-i-:d ijiithfi newly ia own m-ado tioed :the queer, 'iiregtilar-buiit with their ou'side staircase and en bannisters', .their poultry-yards, wide and far-projeciiug r oi's. .Dark, my s tcrious shadows brooded over alb, t" Afier making a long roumlf lie found himself once more before Ib'el'stockshoura-. lie stopped behind the .shed near Gretchen's - window,-and said to "himself, looking, -at. the 'little round 'aptture at;t ho top of the .'shutter'"' -. .., "She is there!"' . There he stood, the meon throAving her pale lisjht on his forehead, dciinhig with 'a ' clear outline the hollow of liis eyes, sil yer- you are sfvrjg m'i tni.j voice. "And why 1 1 t he iiTiest fellow in the village, and ti ' Don't voit five toofict-o w ncu 1 .-.1t1v tiiii'S :is oi-ilf ( ).i . U l! tor If co lt UOWU, iiiM-l . Th U'lV otir pipes as wold' ! she tlrea;u:;of vo'u every. night Of 1 I'll make her come out. down as though faji tr.ated. llicn tlie idiot oilercdhimabuncu oi grapes. "Eatlthat," said lie; "you liave very often ,.;-.,, liroad. so now it" is iiv turn to make von a present." , I ' d Theodore iU:li a grape, out ol goou- 0 i-'oag Hot-se i s'-e tnretoh-a. ii 1 couia only e more ! Ihi-. J. sludLucvc-r dare- .i'h tiie slreoT aira;:!. I, si i:I.(K elling on these distressing its, he went d'.nvn-sbiios and'lefc the not caring whither he went, looking 1 hercook and li-r.1b.1ard. daily measuriuir J"r the table of the family The hot bread which saiokes on the South- nifi'ht bafore. 'AXCEDOTE OF A QUAKER. ; RELATED AT CHRISTMAS BY HUGH MILLER. '-.'" 'AT RAXKEILLOR HOUSE, FTFE. ' ' '-. -' Before we parted for the night,' the rather grim talk was relaxed by an anecdote about the resistance- somewhat more than . pasj sive which a Quaker once oflered to an asstmlt, and the face more than the laugh, ot 3ir; JSLiller indicated inu appreciation oi Friend Broadbrim's policy. . ' I he Uuaker, just sitting down to dinner, Avaa sinqniscd by the intrusion ol a violent neigUDor,- wno called on him to administer a. "tlirashing" for some recent insult, r Obadiah ; calmly said, "Friend, if thou wilt not le pacified by -the astanrance that .IJ&ever. intended to iiisult thee, perhaps thou wilt stren'theu thyself for the work of chastising rne by taking souie dinner, a Lo I tnou hast near thee a breast of lamb, and Saxali wull help thee to some slices of what Is called ham; or, per'adventure, thou vvilt take from this roast beef which I amgarvinr, and which hath bloody iiiices to iucreasdr thy savage propensities.5 bit down, men a; tne amner Avill do thee good, either for fighting or for peace-making. . V .' . liie intruder complied,' beginning to eat heartily, and not neglecting -the .ale and the wine which his host pressed upon him. After gorging, himself, lie rose up and said, "I must now giye:you the thrashing." . "Friend," replied Obadiah, "before thou proeeedest to. thy .'Avorlc of chastising me, wilt thnu not. take a little of the toddv which ! am rdvoitt to make from the Ayh- kev aud the hot Water winch, the damsel, my maid-servant, is brina'ine: in? It will ivfn-h tia.e." . ; . ,.;::!';:: ' The aggressor again sat down,, and re freshed himbc-lf with more tumblers of tod dv than his host had. curiosity to count At length he rose tip staggeringj and said in broken Avords, Avhich hiccuping divided still more, "I will 'now. lick- lick ye !" "Pet-adventure," returned Obadiah, ?thou mavest first think of taking a smoke. The 'sttflrsresjtibn- was adopted, ..and the smoker Avas at the r-ame time helped liber ally to toddy. ' ILising up iu utter impot ence, he announced that his "thrashing" design could no longer be delayed,, where upon Obadiah, leading him to-the open-back Avihdow, thus spoke : v '; ;; ' ': "Friend, thou earnest- hither a man of strife. -. l.gaye 'thee a "meat offering. , still thou wouldst not be pacified; 1 crave thee a.ih-iiiJ: offering, nevertheless thou Avert not to be assuaged- then I offerinq, yet after all thou remaiaest a man of wrath; and now I jrive thee a heave .... m L Flute," Christina jVilssou singsY above the staff,; T he youngest of tie sisters - Sessi, with a compass.ot three octaves aad a half, reached, the same note. ! Catalani had the same wonderful i-conipass - but pitched a third IowerV' The highest voice on record is that of Xucxetia Ajugari, whom Mozart heard at FannT, W ith a voice as pure as a ilute,. site ? ascended , to. triple f, trulmg 611 the t? above. A "Madame Becker, who astonished .St." Petersbnrg.in 1S23, reached the same note by accident.' X - ' We find, says the Sprinqficld (111.) Jour- nhl,Ao above in' an exchange; and will' add that the highest voice on record is not the One mentioned. Dr. 'Ntarx, in his "'Gen-. era! 'Musical lhstrkctiun, tesfiaes',J6' Uav--' ing heard a girl of twelve years i-cach the" "triple" or four-lined e the " seVeiith pace above i?qclcf a major third above the" c raentioned--with clearness and purity of . intonation;. : ana iier lowest note Avas tne little c fourth space below' the " g CiJ in'akinsr the compass of four octaves.. f. '"Jenny-'Lhid's highest note Was the three- lined f.he same as'NiIssons; and Mad ame Malibran (Garcia) "sang sharp. : '''But . it must be remembered that the pitch, has risen since the days of those great singers.: ; -i - - -I " A 4 I' :)r - IxtemterAxce. In a late ;! number of ft the Ontenijiorarg licvieWf llfrrbert Spencer combats tne idea that inebriety w on the ? increase. ' . He describes the time wheh-meni'! ? took drugs to increase their desire for wihej, when glasses were so shaped that they had to be held 'until emptied when a' man was : reckoned as a "two-bottie'man," a "tlffee- -lottle man," &:e.; and-when; (Mr; Spencer might have added) one of the first of Scott- ish nobles employed a domestic whose Sole . duty it tvas to sit under the table and loosen: the neckcloths of the guests as they fell ' from their chairs in trder .that tliey might not suffocate 'in. their drtmkea- sleep. In- V tosication used to be a mark of honor.; It ' is now a disgrace, .r- Educatibu lias driven tho evil. from one clasa after another. - It is' -now almost exclusively confined to the low-' jr est. . As Mr. -Spencer lydsj-the remedy for f England is not a.."Alaina law," but the in troductioa of the education that has banned it elsewhere. .5 o -. : ;,";i.a'.o:; . Almost -DoiVE. The new Masonic Tempio in Philadelphia is almost finished. The dedicatory ceremonies' will' begin on : the 25th of September, and continue three ; days. . It is estimated that jrver : 100,000 - meiiiiers of the mystic tie Avill be present and assist in the ceremonies.; .. .- And he thrc-AV the intruder out of the .coffee was given out, not the uncertain window.- varietA, lift It etuckoiv or two thirds rye or 1 hisses,. Avhich Ave drink who buyj it rECITIAKITlES m lAXGUACiES. ground, but the best T:ava, bought green, rit'e 111 a spider, and the brewery in, the. distance, with its eggs Ave re jNOtail ii's' ordinurv . ! .1.1 iutr through t ed; every tmnc wore Tlie herdsman was 'ilh;ev, plaving on his browned,. over the "round as it avus Avanted. The .counted for the battel" canes or tlie pone, aud to the least m'muihe of salt and 'spice and hdiowod by a hrge flock of goats . - i ... t . -1 . t uu swine; tiie vtuage: t.i.-s-s,, avhh tuca tro aoiao' ro.ma tue iuntam, a.-rs, won .!. cw near. ? - lit se lf. T- . . .'li: ....a,......! .1 tvas L'auutt!; every inms; vocc every conusment Avas- uisuunneu umia uiu mistress' eve. This was the only Avay tin der that, system of ad'airs; for Avith the easv goiug sh'k'tlcssness of Chloe and Dinah, had they heen as honest as a pane of glafe, things would have melted tnvay like snqw in a.M:ircii sun. All the clothing, for avIu ter and summer, for men, women and child ren, had to be cut out and made under t!ie direction of the ladies of the family. And at any hour of day or nirdit, if any body As he was 'passing the brew- was;sick, the mistress was the person to be called upon, ike melicme clicst was ai Avays well supplied Avith patent remedies, es'K'ci:illv with the calomel and quinine him- Avhichinratenrortuerners, out wuicn seitu to have a blessed atniutv lor ' tlioso Avho 1 uud ivuspar Ao.-vs lay. asieepmg wit-U ii buck to ike sun -on the lench lKjfore tl too.vn hall. ' . . Attracted by the pb-asant jdcture, Tin od'Ue, with 111s portioii'.v u:uk, in uiu, larin ' to trim hi head, he heara ' . .1 . , .... !:IO OJlO laOOlIllT IOUUIV Oil lll'O HliMil f tue. Ml ;i 0 1, ed in a -iicat fright. is an a One calliiitr meJ :ie asked The Avindows of the tap-room were open, live wrath h of Masoa and Dixon's line d aire: 1 UV served customers seated Hearth and Home. at the ta.i.-ie. Among- flu-m were red-faciHl The Hindoos are said to have no ..word for "friend." . , The : Italians have no - equivalent for "humility." ... -. " The llussuin dictionary gives a word the definition of which is "not to have enough buttons oh your footman's Avaist;" a second mearis to kill over again;" a third "to earn by dancing;" while the Avord knout," which Ave have all learned to consider as of exclusively Russian meaning and applic ation, proves upon lnyestigattonto ne men- Avord "kunt, and to mean only a "whip of any kind." V ' : The Germans call a thimble a "finger hat," Avhich it-certaiiily is, and a grasshop per a "hay-horse.? A glove Avith them is a "hand-shoe," shoAving evidently that they wore shoes before 'gloves." Poultry is "lea ther cattle;" ' whilst the names for tho Avell- known substances, "oxyg-en" and "hydro i sren" are, in their lane:uarc, "sour stulf 10 ' .... .. . and "wtiter stufi..7 : The French, strange jto say, have , no d Aid eiuiau Vv ct ala v.ith his large iVtutix'i Love. To woman love means vcrV-to stand," nor can a Frenchman speak A; felt hat thrust on the back of his head, anl loyalty, engrossment, dedication. 11 1 i - 1 ... i a 'o.mvo ii.ri f- Kim 14 iro .-Ti'ri i:ri-L- r tniv. r - i ii.M-ii- ur ut.i-t i v iivi 1 1 i 7 iuiawi micfv oi i,iv - " - - . - .' 'She is far more kmir any one. For the Week ' ending 3ap'6. 10, 107G. Livmifoon, Sept. 10. Sales of cotton iiudude r.-JOO hales American'.' Uplands new crop deliver v; a basis of Low Middling, tjfd, lara ta. ing his fair beard, and rippling jovei" his nefliirent vet rraccful and .picturesque In his left hand he lieid ins t, Avith its cock's-. -.feathers i. 1- : .. .. ,..,..1 .,i..r X Z lind tiu'ioinrng his hau ls tweeu his km-es; Zimmcr, the tailor, iu his liable to be deceived. .liu when she. gives, 'c-eldV mouth he' uttered a guttural gray gownaud his green cap tied over his without reserve, tne Avealth of her aifection, StLo rf in the early cars, and his nose smutched with snutl; also, she mvarubly plavs 'the prouigal to the rio-"un -:ltvrsso1nattiral that: in "the Spite, tl barber, his beaning cpuutenauce last, unless a mans conuuet stirs her to ' A 1 a nuail vis deceived by it, sunnounted by a little pyramid of hair, as count the cost. Ihedaw of her bemg s UI1" t: fe? " 1 r'Xkt ntt is the old Fu-nch fashion, talking ia a loud not to swerve where her heart really leads i hbk .iftlifl iiio-ht. he irave three calls. "What on earth are you doing' "I am putting on the clock," said iNoss, merrily; "it is lour o cIock about tne Drew ci v." "Then he "repeated the same cry sev nval tinu-s. at Ioiip- intervali and the coun try round about seemed filled with strange, voi;-e, Avitn ins eartnecAvare The nearest ap proach, in his politeness, he makes. to it is, to threaten to "give a blow with his foot;" the same thing probably to the recipient, in cither case, but it seems to.: want the directness, the -energy of our "kick." Nei ther has he any'AVord for "baby," nor for "home," nor "comfort." I he . terms 'ttp-stairs"-'and "dowii-stairs7 are also unknown iii French. ' :;.- In English we "cure" meat and, "cure" Correspondence. dish on the the av;iv; n-r will she, save exceptionally, table bv the bottle; and several more besides. Too often, however, her iatthiui heart ps 1 a . . i,. 1 t i I- i ,.,i ! x ..... 'j .T , .1 1 i . 1 . . 1 . . . .. 1 .. 1 ... ... .1. 1 ..-1 '. l, l .X- 1.7! 1 in Ullll t I 111 IT II 1 II. I I IE ! 1 t iv-ruei Avas puiiiii'r lue cans 01 nuus 1 unuu . - .. .,.v..-a..v. . . . ... . w . . i -i -i . i . ... ... 1 I i ... i:..... .1-, ,-..ii l.n.iL- ur nun lrut 1 11 1 ! yrou-- 1 fit. iv utir uh "V "- 151 a row ueiiiiKi tne stove, auu long suu- m ue ij.ioi untn imv w. . ' . . , 1 . bUms, Iright with their myriads of dancing ence, rejection; and, to shield himself, he "ak," but never wish to see thein fat. motes, -foil alono- the table and beneath calls his coldness or cruelty her m constancy the artist's 'dress, larire felt h; on. a oasis oi xoiv jii-.iuii"pi -' - - o ... ' . 111' ' 1 s.t 11 -Sales of d.t ton include -2,400 hale sweeping the ground; and with his rignt i i- Iioan UplamU new crop delivery, oa a basi ie -sent his heart .to. Gretchen m a ki.-s. eft !ood Ordinarv, tJd. Iieadst u ffs than. Then, after remaining thus in silent con- ..t i- ctinn in .irrive l-lunerccnr iiil'iiit. i.i:,.- f,,r "nn:n-tir or .in Hour. IK Saks for the Ayeek f vaulted liglitlv over the low : garden, rail, Kife 1 XV ' ings, entered the yard, and seeing on the ' ' "' " -. :" '. . ':: . ti.A tin-rnnm dour naui. the barrel aWHinuer, at "0i21 cent. Floury inactive hees, the low bench, the hatchet Wit u -its and unohauffed, counoon to fair exti.2ott.W); cnrve(l handle," gleaming with" a bluish good to choke 8.75S11. Wheat at the pincers, the cooper's eentsWr. Com 1 cent lower. S nuts tur , : t ine-press lighted peiiune sieauy. Hoism eaeiei . . . , .... , i ; .. , v . . , . - . -j ii.-LrihWi:Ici,;g. u ao4 .tM'Wayr - Governuient boikU quiet. Cotton steauy. , vanceu wu iy , " olosed witli holdersnxious, winter red western Q fcnnenting hop auel grape. " !?1.?1 21.72. Corn is fiiirly active. . Spirits tur- - was to bedieard; from the pontine lower 4 43-2) j , - .--j 1 1)0re gtfeamed calm, subdued heavy and declining. Corn closed quiot. Aaval : Stores steady. . - . L .,: : - -:-;;.:: '"f: ' WiLMiN-r.TiivRunt 10. Snta Turnentine "qmet 'at cents. Kosin, market steady, StrainiHi at ft- (tp.i.. T,... ..;.,t;,.o rat -Virsrin ana steaily. ,lar, ix-r bbl. "Ah! bow pleasant it is h ' i TTo looked at the trellis 1 to which the w.ns clino-infr. the little trough m the V where the noultry were fetk the bm- rv door trf the left: and it seemed to" him that an inexpressible chann hovered OA-er of hi vart. Sep. Spirits Tnrnenthtc, market quiet nd all this homely SCCne vbecause ' steady,-Kika at 'SJwntl Koirt,. Strained at WW often" "lighted "by the presence l,aleJ.tUa.ioand Extra Pale--at 4. v Crude Grctcjienvf -' ; jZ'-'ii - I urpentine, ou lor n-gm and 1 ellow Jip. aim u . , , 4 lP uf Ciretchen W '2A0 fo- Hard; market steady. Tar l.narket 1,: ' , 7- ; "'J cJ.krt n imp' miet and Bteady. Cotton 171: Market -tiosing only eomeout'loi ever SO dioit abmu " , : 1 nnn a nn V. Sl'fi OT lUSt BOff,:l Hue"1 2. Spirits Turpentine 33 centi K-W able to say to her, -Gretchen; i love tbeej", at $2.05, Extra No 2, at i.'Go and Extra aje remained lost in these thoughts tor about an hour, unabh to ffo, when he head lirui." - Sept. VI Strained l at ;5JdW. ... Crude TunrtiBe, f -lbr.o riout an hour, unable to make up his mmd gmandlellow Diuvl lor Hard. Iar !$2.o0 . v'.i a strance noise out. xt h!. market quiet ana 8ieaay. u-udt e ; mmuiui'ings "Leave me alone," said he t-KfliCo let me lie, Grt-tchen will soonacome out.' Xoss imitated the first crow oft-the cock, he He is ingenious and industrious in-hiding ' A Russian Marriage Ceremont. 1 , .i. . ,.i.,viii -,-1 -,it r-ii.v Trprri'i 01 111s iiausi'iessious, mm. uviuiuuut? miriu jinintto .i.-.... v."- . v,. 1 . ,i -1 -,.. i . i 1- i ...i at. l.f.,. lnn-r.itihK 1- msoTisiiii li ft,- its'nn with the Tifltio'is. and. rcrhans. our run:l i il i lie ett.-f ocii, m ins uidivh cwi-i i u'ii.-ii"i-, -'"o--"'v- . I . T 7 . 7 - 1 tmd steel button;;, was sitting liy'the clock- aud heart lessness. sue is uugrateuu oe- owu Whimsicality i uic uouca moun, wuicn And leaning Once more uaci ne pui.4, ' m-; V""" " : ';, .., V,. ndMlp,tivii: Wd, Unmans, who eritirely abiure t 1.4k -.l-ln. AH ITS' I I ! T f'"l4 I If I I I I S IMf fl i; tl -r til C Ml,iiVM v'- - ' 7 I v. " 7 J ti Mvttx -i -ix , ... i" '-....i.:i rin.: ....l,i: a livid v oru-Mvat on Avas insensible tiecause sue reiuses 10 see in empcy tins sentimental cusium.- iuai vuviuiugt - V i i .1 . i. a I i 4t,. tnilml tbot is Tuithlirdil- Vieart. I Tr.rir.vo11' .lr idooA triv-nrd nvMiinfr T)ur. foijif ou. io one see aieu to tniu.-i inai i ioilu iuw .cii- "" .""-' -r"". i tvuwuui.wv t'vy w v . v...n. . t V-o v"S ay thl ' sc'-'al ouhand. But less because she. declines to surrender, .mg the ceremony tue tmue ana onuegroom tho m ient wheirThe1 artist appeared in through all life, much for little something hold alighted taper in their hands in front th- docrw ay, dWebstock, raising his arms for nothing. ; r " k of a small .altar placed m the centre of the i ,.u , m". r t chirrcn. lungs are piaeeei on men uueis, wnanu mm, viuu . ... . . .- . ',. ,i' i 1 1 -i-i Il.J "M Th. odor" do voulovemv ekughter, LazDs'ESS. llossim has this enncus an- and their nanus nemg jomeu, mey tuo icu ' '1. . rt -l i-l 1 i I i.l... .:.J.., 1 , 1 ,-. Tiirrrilv i . . I reilote related ot him in a recent uiog-rupny, iniee uiiiea ioui.'i n:v-tiitai. iuguV low. solemn, and thick, as A is Athen tlu ioor fellow is still hoarso with "the night .;- '.Vnn "pnnhi lsfivo lancicit VOU StlAV ( 'hpnticleer shaking his feathers and qinv ei-iniT on his perch. 1 ive or six hens came down the ladder of the fowl-house, and looke d at the moon through the root "AVbv. vourotruc!" said Theoelore, "who- ever 'taught -vtm such tncksr (i.i.vnAvaru- Gretchen f The vouno- mnn turned quite pale. He which accords with his reputation for lazi- oniamentetl gilt crowns are placed on their !.-.....?. rrrinnpil-.l- and nnsAvcrcd 6tcncd his luouth'. JVils.-ui iw . . , - I.. 1 t . - - . -i 1..1 -b A,.n nr. i-.l all.'i oniT r,nati.i1i4 I 111 I S 1)' B AVOm. : I u., luc SOlllV "luu t mv ' - : rii i.;. 1,,1, ZV?sL--lie.t. r.-rtP.i -'.' " '..- nrdinarr composer would perhaps eat, kissing one. another, the ceremony is finish T he towls. becomingawaieiu uicii iu- -i.vii.v.. - . - . ; --i - -,... .'v-.j i I .j .. ,ri'i. ...i ,..,r.i to.V.. aOT ,nl wnnain crntorfiostaun- but Kas- "Do you love my daughter Uretehenr .than to pick it up again, ixa - u., r w take, w anted to go to loost aeam imuvb . a cin.,t dmb i.r rfd Rossini, "than to write a new ode of the church, crossing themselves at and IU fin its place.' IvOSSIUl WOUUl not gel Oll I KUUiuij cu,u Oiumo aw :y- '" "'V'.r!" i - - ' Ii -i T 1 a. I but could not get out a ness. One mornihg, when, busy writing m ueatis ana neia over luem oy uie grooms- which he Avas eniraireiti 1 men during pait ot the services, x ney "Not bin easier " an drink wine out of a cup ttrree times, aner par,whosespiritswereup,drovethemback, All the spectateirs we struck dumt ier- said and made tlUi cackle. Then, suddenly, with amazement; each, holding his glass m inits pla i. v-ii w imiainn'of tbiV sonr of his Land, sat as U transited, gazing , oy ot beu lor a mere u.,ei. . v j . . Z 7 L TT.. XZ. itu inunc niiu n - ---- - ci r , ., . i ,1.1 l i .i nniithcr wiici ( id not re- nieaces at rue liuuse 01 me auiueoaiimi-i. - 1 , ..T I 7 1111. ItI.M-MI'7 H I I. IIM l I T1IKI .IIIIIIM .Jl . ..'l - - IWUJtll ' V'i , J v u.... . -v- k the risiii"- lark, w elcoming the dawn. He semble the original one in the least. A At a mamage-ieast lighted candles are r.nlld r have iust drepped a duetr 1 -placed iu every position and corner possirue. id Rossini; -'"I wish you would get it for J So other wine but chainpagne should 'be , - .c i . . r 1-i.i.i iu a voice ,!.l,..l U-.A .-l -I ...v.-j-l .in,,,,.! .WO" "-1 "n- ctilVT H-ttlt J- vv.w v 7 I . ,. ". - 1 claimed- iu his heart "Oh, Gretclien: witu emoimmta T . t.u ;p. mv lOV.I , " vu, lis: iiow x iw yv uu . - ,. am-,, w - - - ... I , . ' s ... rrt j: ;.' l nc wiuv, vj.v.v. , ..v - -, ! , ti.. : i ,.c . t, j t.t ,i rtrot t.,i Th fripwl fplt tor. the duet witm ueverager is remaritaoie. ;.ie uuu my me v,rcicneu, 11 s-.xiij - t - t . - t .r'i ri. .t .t..h 1 .t,,i if t : nnd hsnded it to the followed by a ball, and the leastmg is- us- j. il , f Tt tt. ll.T5inutnre'i"ltlni( 1 enen. lUut llie IT1J1 Ol liei una acwiu luiircm i jus i-iiuu. " " : I .... . . ' i " nil singing to thee! It is thy ljitoelorecauno. tacn,i g 4i,.:i,ni . vw; whieb da von like best?' uallv kent up for twenty-four hours. f he -w.,, '"7 - '. , 1 S ; . -i -.11 n ' I ji . f 'SSaSsS ;;,ini: 'i,:.no,r:,.;-iix. mgaganst the ; wall .with, his cad oent, lm , . sanrr the air of them both. The friend pre- their wedded Lfe with - the - bride' father, he Fa2lo?tin tho gJ la e rg &t tliey Safo' so did RoSsi and dec-Aled After; the marriage the , bride and bridf Wa shaking' forth his qaivermg;notes. 1; he to turu the second duct into a. trio. lie groom must call upon every ! one of their : p.v Yon S iM hTsS'ot nP, dressed, sent the relations, friends, and acqifcuntances, and dIIA m SfpIeces3to the theatrical copyist, and after this ceremony is finished they sink A v,wTrfisf. bacK to their oreanary me. v j Z'C that a nazd iTer: I fied. exclaimed, "Ha! ha! Old Ee'ebstock's went out ' For the North Carolina Gazette. . Messrs. Editors : While . visiting " a family in this town, . I was shoAvn a very ; interesting object iir the ray. of a file of a a a newspaper called the North Carolina In- telugenecr mid Fayctwrule Advermcr. v lhis paper Avas printed in 1805, and has - been for 67 years in this old Scotch ; Presbyteri an family, a people to whom-' this,5' -ns"'' well . as adioiniug counties is so deeply indebted 1 for - education,' intelligence and T general r prosperity. In looking over this paper, -. I ' yas rather struck with the paucity of ad-". vertiseraents and the scarceness "of editon-' al ;niatter.-; The tenor of the wholevoltvme partakes largely of the disturbed political . condition that existed at that timd in Eu rope. -s To lis, who' act and '..move by balV loons, steam and electricity, it appears ri diculous to think pf importaut . kite news . by a sailing vessel only 27 days out from' " Liverpool. The editor of the Intelligencer -ami Advertiser has, in a paper dated Feb- . ruary 15th, 1806, important late! news, by ... the fast ship "Independence,'? only 38 days from Greenock, to the effect that the French ' , army, according to late Greenock and Glas gow papers, had entered Vienna - on the 13th November, T805. We in oar days "would think that almost an age in Avhich to receive late news. V The editor litis news in abundance, frcni Kurenbui'gf liavaria, Manheim, on the Rhine, and even Saltz- burg, Bavaria, and , Inepruck of lyrpi, Austria. One of our day never , hears oi any late news from .such '..insignificant vil- - ages and towns. ' Another thing yefv tm- ike the present "time was .the seldom rec- - ording of deaths and mairiages. One of. the two cases is certain, the people, either . tliel not die and marry as frequently as they now." do, or there -.was .'not -that "'attention paid to the cluromclmg of suclrnujortant events. In twelve months, 1 iind only live . marriages, which -alone give the names - of . the persons, without, where or by whom married. : One of these five, .1 recognize to be the marriage of Vour grandfather and grandmotlier, and letuls thus: 'Mamed, on Sunday, evening, 22d, June, Mr. llenry MTover, of Wilmington, to Miss Celia. - Trevathen, of this town.77 There are only twelve or fifteen-deaths chronicled. Some of them do not even -give- the age of the-, individual.' 'It is 'astonishing; to, see how " much better the people are noAV than they were then.- Or, at lotist, the obituaries of. the present day might led as to believe o.; Oat of these tAvelve or niteen aeaxna enron-. icled I select one ef the most lengthy the death of a member of one of those noble old families which. I spokt of in the. com mencement of these Tcmarks:' Died, on Thursday night, Mr. Kenneth .Murehison,' ., merchanV''!:Yesterday;be-''was iattended to tho usual place of intermeut, by the Light . Infantry Company and a large concourse of citizens." -There are manj- notices of that , old and very noted Company,' the 'In depend-." ent. The w hole volume 13 lull of Procla mations, Messages, anil other documents ' from Mr. Jeffeinuliwaaresideht of the United States at thattkne, for just then , the people of this countiy-were' very. much exercised on the subject of the impressment r of British subjects, and all Royal and Im-. . periab decrees and other State papers of that kind are here found. - ,.- -r . Delta. . 1

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