-5J '. . - T ft c Art JlLJfL 1 dlif Ui WW Published by J. H. & G. G. Myrover, Corner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteville, 11 C. IF VOL. 1. THURSDAY,. NOVEMBER 27, 1873. NO. 17. Morlh Carolina Gazette. Home Circle. J. II. & G. G. MYilOVER, T1IE THOUSAND DOLLAR BILL. der tho counter. "orsxer-in-iaw, vou Know, said l; "one of the family; it won't do to praise her too much." i "Oh, I wasn't thinking of what you were hours ten,' eleven, twelve and kept say ing to my sell:, "If you are a wicked, suspicious old fool, Richard Wood, may the Lord forgive you." But I waited still, and iust as the lonsr PAUL DE CASSAGXAC. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION saying," said she. "I am surprised about black hands pointed at half-past one, my key. I am sure I hung it here. A little heard such a knock as my sister-in-aw ga I gave In a verv modest house, on the corner of the old Avenue de ' l'lmperatnce and the Rue Poissonniere, in Paris, lives Paul de Cassagnac, " whom" his enemies call the Don Quixote of the Second Empire, but who,; One y-ar (in advance) I.. Six ui-iithUj " . liKie " " 1 f 3 00 1 "50 ! 75 CLUB BATES: i ' 10 copos (sent to one address) with an extra copy g 25 00 ao " ' " . . ' 4500 40 " ' " . " 75 00 am! a premium of a fine cliromo, value $23 100 00 100 copit'H (sj-nt to one aililnuw) with iin extra copy and premium of a lino chroiiio,! value 40 150 00 I don't say brother Ben's widow was not good-looking for her age and size. Then, too, she had a pretty penny left her. And sue migm, nave marneci weu n sne wanted t,rass door-key, with a nick in tho handle at the office door. to cnange ner condition; out you see JUar- and a piece of pink ribbon tied to it. I garet Ann was a fool she was a widow of can't think where it has gone." forty to set her cap for Spencer, who was Well, we both looked every where. ' We only twenty-four. Though her biother-in- unrolled nacW nd ruined into the box- law, andthouirh Ben had said to me, as he did, French press for nearlv twenty years. lie ' I J vy iiM. lVf M U - lv. a. km. niv .-.su. I uiVt XU'XlVACU 1U CbllVl PbUlU! dibLUaS I, III? XI H Jill. I . . w m "Richard, always be kind to Margaret Lilly went worrying about setting; a lock- Then God foreive the woman. I sunnose vtras intiated into politics m 1854, and at help seeing that, Xhe smith to fit another lefore she could tret in, she was mad with iealousv she lifted ud .nce embraced the imperial laith - ' , ' I 1 v t 1 into the room he found the dead Count lying on the . floor. Ho gave an ; alarm, and the police started soon after in pursuit of the fugitive students Late in the after noon they succeeded in aresting Immich, who made tho above statement, and Ludekan escaped across the frontier. notwithstanding all his faults, is one of the There was another knock, a pause, and most brilliant young x rench journalists oi laruiotl pro'prieter in Westphalia, then I heard the key turn m the lock and , . , . , saw the door I open and my sister-in-law M de Cassagnac is now only thirty-five come in. She looked about her. shut the years old, and yet he has wnttenfor the Ottendorf was the son of wealthy At tho time of his death he was only nineteen. PHANTOM TROOrS. False Moeautt of Women's Novels. In speaking of lady novelists, Greg writes in his 'Literary and Social Judg ments": ''In youth and in tho youth of women especially there, is a desrree' of Meyer exaltation of mind 'and tempcf which, French I beautiful as it is and deeply as wo should RATES OF ADVERTISING : One 8inare (9 lines solid non)areil) one insertion $ 1 00 " " " " twor " 1 50 " " " " duo montli 2 50 " " " three " 5 00 "' " " Pis " 9 00 " ' twelve " 15 00 Longer alverti.sements cnar-jed in projmrtion to tbe nlwvo rateH. Specml JS'otieen 25 tver cent. nuiT-e than rejr'iliw a'tvei tisenieiits. Jit'adin; Xot line for ejieh anil every msertitm. s'otiot-8 20 cents per News Dudget. OF NET7S endingr llov. 25. Fpr the Week Fonniox. , It ofBcially. announced that the efTective Spanish force in Cuba iiutnWrR fil'tv-faur thousand men. The London Daily News hopes that' :KTig land and America will act iu concert :ia the Vir ginias outrage; half a million in gold was bought in London ia opon market for New York; the United Sutp steamer Ada, feared to be -Joet, has arrifvd at Kiugaton. -Fresh advice note the im-i portattou of food from Araei ica to Calcutta, and pars it will avert the famine in IJtuul. Changar jiier presented to tlie assemhly a motion, agreed mm by the ltight,, prolonging ilacMahon's pow ers uncoiKlitioiuillj; a strong dfbate followed, and tliecAsscmbly adjourned without a division; Mae Jlalion's fd-olonation h:is bi'en fixdHt seven yeai s, independent of the adoption of the Constitu TmnrrlVris is much excited over the-result Don Alplionso, brother of Don Carlos, has been appoint- Ann" I couldn't help: seeing that. The fact is, that, as a general thing, widows do make fools of themselves ottener than girls. In this case I. admit the acre was the only obstacle. Sam was a good young man, above selling himself to a woman old enough to he his mother for her money bags. Sam was a clerk in the store. I was poor flcirs partner, l had sam over ana over again, "Margaret Ann, yon have plenty and to spare, why not retire?" but you see, she would not. -Ben had left his share of the furniture to her, and she would not drop it. After a while I found out tho reason. It was Sara Spencer. That is why she liked to sail about the store in her dead black silk; that is why . the led afterward, and said that ltosa was alwavs tired Rosa was her sister. The two were or phans, and kept house together in one little room in a respectable tenement house. "I've alwavs had tea before Rosa got in," said Lilly; "but to-night she will have cer after this, Miss Liliy,"- she said aloud, to wait." - with a wicked toss of her head. - "I've out It's odd how we remember little things witted you." i J : sometimes. Perhaps the girl's pretty, puz- ''Not quite," said I. "Margaret Ann, zled face and graceful motions, as she ran there are two words to that matter." about looking for the key impressed this I walked out of the closet and stood with one on my mind. At all events we did not my back to the outer door. She knew she find the notched key with a pink ribbon, was entrapped, but her wicked tongue had and JLilly went home without it. 1 told On Midsummer-Eve, 1735, "William Lancaster's servant related that he saw tho east side of Soutcr . Fell, toward the top, . t 11 witu all thfi mnttrnea T.illv T,nt Ism w,i : v0 we entunsiasm ot an impetuous youm. corner, and takine; a red pocket-book thrust His father, Granier -de Cassagnac, em- covered with a regular marching army for ' ... o i i ij i - i j. r ,j., y,.,i. i t i i .i ii i. :,i ; nioi it under, pulling the duilt well down about PJ,,J-CU U1U at pmui-icuuci, uuui an uour lugeiuw, no nw wus. soon advanced him to a by far more re- 1 ed of distant bodies of troops, which ap- lt. I told 1 its way still M argajet Ann about it when I sawT her next, I "So yon are in the habit of coming here," and she inauired verv nolitelv of Lillv as I she Raid. "Nice vonnor ladr. rpHninlu " she was always finding some excuse to hand to the. end of the affair, when she next saw "I never came her before, said I, ""and uuu luai jiuil yi me block ne imu m nuuu, uer. Tue key was never found, but Lilly you know it; but 1 have been here all day "I hardly think vou'U maiTy Sam Spen- sponsible position that ot a military and j peared to proceed irom. an eminence in tne de Cassagnac displayed, from his' earliest hut as no other pferson in the neighborhood youth, extraordinary skill as a marksman; had seen the like! he was : discredited and and already, at the age of fifteen, in a duel laughed at. Two years after, on Midsum with a fellow-student, at the College St. mer-Eve also, bet1 ween the hours of 8 and Barbe, killed his antagonist. 5 9, William Lancaster himself saw that eev- Unfortunately for French manners, such eral gentlemen were following - their hor duels were, and still are, countenanced by ses at a distance, as if they had been hunt- tho best classes of la grande nation, loung mg, and, taking them for such, paid no re- Cassagnae, as all the adherents Lower Empire, was dazzled successes. Many a fatal have to undertake on the part of - the I gard to it till, about ten minutea after, a grieve over its absence, partakes of, or at least has a strong tendency to degenerato into, the morbid and unsound. It may add to the interest of a tale, but it renders it unfaithful as a picture of life, unsafe as a guide to the judgment of; and often oh uoxiotis in its shortand to sum up in a single sentence the gist of all that we have said that branch of literature of our day -which exercises the widest and most pene trating influence of the age from which the onng and impressible . (nearly all of us, m short, at one period or another) -chiefly drew their notions of life, their habitual sentiments and feelings (so far as. these are drawn ffom literature at all) and thei r impressions as to what is admirable and right and what is detestable and wrong is to a great extent in the hands of writers whose experience of life is sel dom wide and never deep, whoso sympa thies have not vet been chastened or cor rected, whose philosophy is inevitably su- mixiiur evcrvUu!jr up and .giving mm no end of trouble. You see, I couldn't help it. Tho concern paid, and Widow Wood owned just as I did. If I had said to her "Margaret Ann, go home," she could have said, "I have aright here." That was it. She never waited on a customer. She never did anything but bother and pry. She had no children to occupy her, and ishe brought her white poodle along with her. "So lonesoiae," she said, in the big house opposite: and that vus why she had us come to tea so much of late. ;W ell, tins went on Tor nearlv a year, -R i i a ; i . . i i i iv. 1 ii j uy its u s gain lunung m ucau to me piuce, mcy i perticial, whose judgment cannot possibly combat did he appeared to be mounted, and a vast army matured "and is not verv likelv tn ha of the; old following, five in rank, crowding over at corm(r- Tho rsnlt ia tht wn flrn un said she had had two made, so that such a waiting for you. I saw Lilly's kev in your aristocracy; but he -was never, repudiated the same place where the servant said he stautly !ga thing could never happen again. She could basket last ni-ht. and I bean to uess the as n adversary, because no one was able saw them two years before. lie then called constantly i thing could never happen again. She could keep one and Rosa the other. - "And, as I presume it was lost here, you must have, the value of it from Margaret Ann. "It's not mush, just." And that l thought very the widow, considering, us," said but its kind of basket last night, and I began to guess the truth. Bring me that pocket-book." Margaret Ann did it. She was pale as death and almostas cold. I looked at her and felt sorry for her after all. "You are my brother's widow," said I, "and a poor, 'foolish, iealous creature. 1 zing Well, time passed ou, and one day was haven't told any ouo of my suspicions yet, about like the other. - Winter went and summer came. People began to go to the country, and trade was dull. 1 And Sam told me that he and Lilly were going to be married Boon, God willing. I had iust left Sara when Margaret Ann s and I never will, on two conditions." on inaccurate pictures, fivmrfitlii7.?io with nrtifir.Tnl nr to doubt his good faith, and because his in- his family, who all agreed in the same o- reprehensible emotions,0 constantly admir corruptibility was beyond question. pinion; and what was most extraordinary, W culpable conduct, constantly imbibinV His enthusiasm for the imperialist cause, he frequently observed that some one ot fa1oP nnrnlitv " ; 1 ' 1 l ii i ' 1 1 il J . 1.1 il. ; 1 1 i I However, causeti mm iretmeniiy w uppiauti i ine live wouiu quit, me rauii, uuu avvui w i , the worst mistakes of the third .Napoleon: stand m a frontnifir posture, as u ho was I mfc UtliAa. , M. I I Ol. ' 1 and when the war of 1870 broke out, he observing and regulating the order of their enlisted as a common soldier in a regiment march, or taking account of their numbers, of zouaves, in which capacity he was taken and after some time appeared to return 1 i il 1 i.l r r .l.ii. : I r 11 11 i ii.. - L.1..1l.- 11. "Name them," said she, - "I cannot help Poer a. me name ox vraveunt. iun gauop 10 uie siauon ne uau iua, w..u.u I JL LC1JL.J1111XLU- JU 11 TJUtfjill-ll U11SVUV1 I lit" 11 V li lOllCU IU IU vXL-iX t VI UILIV-U myself." "You will retire from tho business," said in a Prussian casemate, and then he imrae- the lines, and the figure that did so was diately repaired to Pans, where he revived I one of tho middlemost men in the ranks. "filn1 n fin ir cuM Vr.rt ' eu weiiL-irtiiiiiio i.i me auiM luivee, iiuoui-'cncc t: .vA. ai ..-nt M tAft- ruio.i.. -1 i 3 a 4 i ' -it .xi.x i 3 os vctovc. tne cause oi tne empire, anu ne less ot discipline, ana raiuer iiaa i . i i r.i tw m . i ii i t - ill cii -iiui-i l u i ' ii i . 1 1 1 1 t'i i ir ri vimfiiiii ! i' r iw ill.' k ri'i'i mini i - - - (ill nil 111 i i irn-M i unr t iiiiiiiiiri i i i T. lT? rrr.8 n ot I od m ;..br M - ni. : TXl ZCZT'lTSZ ,7:,, : ;,r;.rr"r; was alwavs ready to stand up for what he pearance of people riding vim .f Aluiira: all were killed or captured by the knew how soon he had been forgotten. To Of course I went over: and when I ot I She looked at me and n-ave a meat mln. wrote, with his sword. than an army, though they : Ikj sure he was sixty when belied, a bald- ito the back parlor I found Manraret "Nasty little cat !" said she. "L won't." In rans M. do Cassagnac. is looketlupon. on, and marching oft as long DO.MESTIC. lw.O,l.,l ui, .i At.,i ..,i -n., i t t, ' ...i. .t. as an enthusiast ot the most honest convic- lirht to see them. Ihis ph T!,n f,m.,l f T.,l, P TTl., ..l.,.. I '.. -l 1 ! i..i ni ! i L 1 - ' I ., -.. J - I tinns thr mnro sn ns with Jill thft e.hfinCPS I nn mnrn rpoti till - thfl . Ivlli m, m.iwui 1 . n,irc .17.. rw iij.m. .i 1 SOU'mn WIIVS HIMII.L llllli: . SIHITI IM-J'II I IS I ivith 1 Wll-kltr W lrrl li-no o1 1 J , 1 ft.b . & V t t . 1 I IT 1. 1. Wfc 11 ..IT After all what do we know aliont things ten miles down" in tho stupendous yalleys of the ocean? On land, j here, tho Vegetation of the Alpine baso is not that of ita summit; the wild goat skips upon tho peaks of tho Himalayas, but tho rhinoceros has its lair miles below. Our acquaintance ilia x mm. 1 11 1110 iiiv isiua uciuivvKiitu, 1 txo IL iriuw ltiici wtv jacciucu uiuiu ivtinivi- 1 . , . 4 - 1.1 t ! . 1 - - J I 1 1" 1 1 1 1 1 II lTfcl IUV V. I. LJ U1IIOU k JL L V tLlllt lilt 1 ,ne ap-1 - ,.fi- i . ii from a market! DLlrvl"vlill AUl w c ma. assume uav na Dover on Satunliiy at 2 o'clock. Thelmrye Belle of Alton wjis h;im'(l at Yickshunr, Novemhtr 0: twclvo handled bah's cotton and 4, 000 packages of p.mil.ri -s loaf. -The J'ost Ollice Dopaitr.ient hnsno oilicial nil vices of the detention of letters at Havana. There if, however, no treaty regarding letters through Culm. It secr.is to he understood that emsimeveiul letters are witluxit iletention. rOrders liaye been received at IJuston to work day . find night until the Brooklyn and Franklin artr ready fur ;e;t.U rent activity in the Brooklyn Navy 1 Yur.l, and fifl. additional hands enVjiIoyed. The ' Miniiiieri'owhattaH paH(l the I.ewvs at U o'clock o;i tho morning of the 1'Jth, on her way totheXa vy yarl. The Manhattaii went into coiiinii.stiiosi, and will he rvady for'wa when the Powhuttan ar rives to ammuKin v her. The Terror was hroiii'lit up to the navy raid on the l'Jth fnuu League Is- -hind. The iron clad Canoni-us, at Wilmington, it l.eing jirefiarcd for service, Jind will le ready in uhmit two weeks. The Ht-hcK!ier IV V. Turner from Honduras, was capsizejd in Long Island Sound, on the I'.'th. Three lives wens lot-t. Wra. J. Sharkeyr held for killing l)(inn, e:apel from the Toinhs in female 8 tire. Mix. Westry Allen remained hi his cell. Twet'd is allowed to attend to private hopineSti, in a cloie carriage, in the cus t'wly of two deputy .heriilVt. Th.ere are no special limits to his movement. At Charleston the war n !W8 from Vashiiiirtoii and New-' York causes nnxiely regarding Forts Moultrie and Sumter, now dismantled, autl it is hojed that Government will immediately put them on a war fiK!iug.-r-A:i Au-' iriirtta, Ga., dispatch savs A. II. Stephens left for wife for twenty-three years, audft$ugh I'm a baclielor, I know what feelings ought to le. And Bon was my brother, too. Jlhope it wasn't wicked for me to make up my mind to put an end to her capers, as Jar as Sam went, and tell him that ho wanted a voting ladv as cashier, and, why not. and if Lillv I'athhone Carter, I'd give her the could leave place. . G rir: in love with Lilly, I knew that, garct Ann had not seen her. "Margaret Ann," said I one dar, Sam was but Mar- 'we will have a new cashier to-dav. We need r I one,, and I have cngairet one. "Anything happened V savs "Yes," said she, "I'm afraid so. Oh, I'm so sony. "Dear me! Do mention the fact" says I. "Well,"-says she, "I can hardly bear to ! do so; but who has a chance at the safe Resides you and mef "Nobody but Lilly Kathbone," said 1. "You are sure," says she. . "Why, of course," says I. "Ah ! well !" says she, '"perhaps thcro is another way out of it. May be you have had occasion to use that money of mine. I mean the one thousand dollar bank note generous to L,uy Itathbone on her wedding day, or why she started for Europe on the very next steam er that sailed from New York and still re mains there. I ; : kept crowding as they had ?nomenon was Isummcr-Eve he had under the empire for accumulating pie-eding the rebellion, and they determine d money, he has remained poor. I Ins is to call more families to witness this sight, what constitutes his strength; and he is, and accordingly wont to Wiltonhill and undoubtedly, now the Bonapartist most re- Souter Fell Side, till they convened about spected by all the adversaries of the cause, twenty-six persons, who all atftrnvthat they "Well," said Margaret Ann, "perhaps we that I prit in there in a red pocket-book tlo. 1 hone tie is a nice young man, ana last week. Marriagk. It is the happiest and most j virtuous state of society, in which the hus band and wife set out early together, make I their property together, and with perfect sympathy of soul graduate all their expens es, plans, calculations and desires, with re ference to their present-means," aid to their future and common interest. Nothing de lights me more than to enter the neat little A ppldoris J jurnal. The Indefinable Dignity op Woman. There is, in particular, that soft dignity which belongs to women, who are affection ate by nature and timid by temperament, saw the Fame appearance, but not conduct ed with the usual regularity as tho preced ing ones, having the likenesses of carrhiges interspersed; however it did not appear sto bo less real, for some of the company were so affected with it as m the , 1 Iff . .1 A I Ami wno nave a reserve ot seu-rcspec. ina. cl5ml tLe m(mxxtalr. through an idle ex Helenas tnem against tiieinscivcs as wen as ,fo- f 4; i-..i,a rtt.- against others. These have -a quiet digni ty, tempered by much sweetness of speech numerous an army, bnt they saw not a m b.weeinesa ui bpewu v-t?tr- nnr nT;nt of a fnnt. Tjurs and Lr, tenement of the youusr couple, who within and manner, that is the loveliest 1 kind of j. rrrMr,iial, Ts,v, rs,.t Good looks attract custom." with me," savs o roiKl-lookmg. -"I'tn glad von coincide I. and lanjrhcd to myself, for I knew she was thinking of somebody else to flirt with. But I said nothing.; It wtis fun to see her face change when she saw Lillv behind the counter next day. And bhe gave it to me in the private office, I can tell you. She hated females .about a store, and sho didn't like Lilly's looks. I could laugh at her, however. I had good "so," gaid I. "Of course I'd spoken of it. It was vour private money." perhaps two or three years, without any resources but their own knowledge or in- all, and the most subtile as well as the most mountain-tops, alone are revealed to us, and these dimly,, and that to its valleys our senses can never penetrate. All the crea tures that disport themselves on or near its surface are more or less familiar to us- the whales, the propoises, and tho sharks that come tumbling over its undulations much in the same way that buffaloes come flound ering over the waves on the prairie. Tho countless; broods that feed on its shallow banks, and are taken therefrom 'to feed shallower mortals, are all within our grasp, and we grasp them. On the ledge of the iceberg sits enthroned the walrus, and we I .llnt him ns flirt fdenlinnf nf iha boo on1 morning to : , T V . "" i PGTPom mm nnirn iro 1 i it trw thn tAvrimiw cial-'ra-lrte of - his ivory "toskg. Tho huge sea-cow has no mystery fof us. Wo wako the harmless creature up from its bed of sea-weed on the isolated rock, and, having visuu it gooa morning, we suck spears beautiful. They are like the lady in Coin- TnE English Language. It has been into it, and convert it to tho noble purposo of "It' s gone, llichard," saf s she. "You 1 , f . UN ' saw nie-ioox into tne saie to-uavi "Yes" said I. "Well," says she, "it was gone then. : I couldn't bring myself to speak of it. You see a girl like that has so many" tempta- and all. lucharu, gam. The magnificent sea-unicorn. dusti-v. have ioined heart and haml. and us. and seem to cast tho spell of respect on calculated that the English language con 1 . i , , 1 " 1 ! " 1 11 ' . 1 1 i ? . A .. 1 X I. " 1 . ii " i i .1. 1 1 V..1 1 tlTlff tfiA A 1 rh .1--. f rv n . n . y MA HMA i- engage 10 snare togeiuer me responsioui- au witu wuom mey aio associaiuu. tains auoui unny-uve uiousana worus, uui v iuiu,ui unit, is uytumiger w ties, duties, interests, trials and pleasures of man, save of the coarsest fibre, and such as if we inquire how many of these thirty-five us, which is just so much tho worse for him. life. only physical strength can control, could thousand words are in daily use ; we shall We have cognizance of .all the sea-crea- The industrious wife is cheerfully em- be rude "to them in word or brutal in deed; be perfectly astounded at the small ncss of tures, and many more, the range of which ploying her own hands in domestic duties, for there is something , about them, very the numler. A child, from the moment I appears to bo m tho japper regions of the putting her house in order, or mending her indeiinite, but very strong witnai, whicn j ho begins to speak, picks up woras ana eep, uui wuai can we nave oi tne mystic seems to give them special protection rrom uses them by an imitative process, which I reaims inai e jar, rar aown auout tne oases Va.sllil.'tou on the 2 1st. He eay: "I am for references with Lillv. and sioned a written Culm immediately, ifttot wflt-r." lfe thinks the . , ... , -; . montl.. fiLo was tions; going to marry ana au. ivicuaui, nusband's clothes, or preparing the. dinner, promise me you won t have her arrested, or wuilst, perhaps, the little darling sits prat- insolence: and a loving woman of soft man- waxes less active as he becomes an adult. ling upon the floor or lies sleeping in tbe ners, whose mind is pure and who respects J The number acquired in childhood may cradle every thing seems preparing to herself, is armed with a power which none bo about one hundred. If he does not be feeling hetween the North South. 8an Fran-' to 1)0 cashier, VOU know, as i told you. cisco had a idiprht e..Hhqiiake; Friday. The first Margaret Ann couldn't help herself, and I prize of the billiard tournament at Chicago was suppose she knew it, ; for she said nothing compete.! tor between Oaruwr wmI I; lassvn te f i . i i j -ii . v py as young birds. I believe he proposed 0th. The Democrats have carried the Chatanoo- inunifijml election for the first time since the war. The sum of $,0X) has been ottered for - Sharkey, the eeixleiuned murderer, who escaped in female attire. There are fixty small pox eaos at Cleaveliftid. The disease is increasing. The severest snap for years at Montreal, November 19. A . uuiuhtr ut propel iors are iml. ihe CnfcUtu-tio-.val Convention t Trenton refused to exempt church and uchool pro(ei-ty 'from taxation -Tlie (5ruml Lodge of Od;l Fellows at Philadelphia op jHxet the abolition of Encampment branches of the Order. The Grand Secretary was directed to in form sinter Grand ljodes of the action. ' . r-r - ' . - HEVIET7 Or THE 1IA71TTETS ror' tho Week ending Nov. 25, 1873. TjlVKRPOOi., Nov. l'J. Uplands, not below low mi hilinsrs, sliipjied November sind December, 8 3 1SL Sales of cotton to-day include 5,800 bules American. Breadstulis )uietj Nov. 20. Uplands, not below good ordinary, to be shipped October and November 8 3-16; do. to be shipped November and December 8 1-4; shipped December and Januarv same. Nov. 1. Uplands, not below Good Ordinary, shipped October and November 8id. anvthing, il it is herf, "It is not !" I cried. "Besides, it was your money. You would bo the prosecu tor to any thief." -.' " t 1Dcar me, yes," says she, "and I'll let her go; but I must get it uack, and she must leave the store." "How can you think so ill of the girl?" said I. "Why don't vou suspect me. I am ever so much more of a doubtful cliar-; acter than she is!" - "Yon are mv brother-in-law," said Mar garet Ann. ' Now listen to reason. Come "'.- t til . T t to the store with me, and we'll search, ll we don't find it I shall charge Lilly with the theft "to-morrow, and,, if she doesn't con- " Richard" savs she. "a woman is always 1 fens, fret a search warrant for her rooms. I right r.boiit another woman. Men admire will be very kind, but I can't lose a sum a pretty face, so they arc' always blinded like that." bv it. " It was always so with Mr. Wood. She cried again. I did really feel that Afinv a time he has -thought a woman ev- she was in great trouble. We went to the ei vthiii" that was splendid until I have j etore again and searched the1 safe, but the ras all gone. Margaret Ann had lumber in her pocket-book. It was Rathbone. She's exactly what I thought easy to identify, and besides the poor girl i iipnp-- an via in c Mtrit.uuD r"'""") " " are expecting -1 . M . ..r-rt -.tit 1 1 tT Tvit'T-iifh ill linmon I bll BllUUlU piUVV g UlfcJ , lljr uLi 111 umunii to her behind my counter; I knew he did it somewhere, and I knew he was accepted. "Lord bless you," said I to myself, "and help you to build your nest. I m not crusty if I am a bachelor." A few days after I found Margaret Ann in the office in a towering rage, with her face naming. welcome the happiest of husbands and the best of fathers, when he shall come from his toils to enjoy tho sweet of his little paradise, j This is true domestic pleasure tho 'only bliss that survived the fall.' Health con tentment, love, abundance and bright pros-j pects, are all here.- But it has become a prevalent sentiment that a man must ac ouire his fortune before ho marries that but the vilest can despise. This is the wo- long to the educated classes of society he man Avho gets a precise obedience from her will at no period of hi life acquire more servants without exacting it, and whose than three hundred or three hundred and children do not dream of disputing her wishes; who, thdugh so gentle and affable, stops short of that kind of familiarity which breeds contempt, and with whom no one takes a liberty. For this one can scarcely give a reason. She would not rant or rave if she was displeased, sho would not scold, of the great sub-marine mountain ranges mountains compared with which'' our high est dry-land peaks are possibly noth:ng but mere hillocks? Thero is a sea-monster known to fisher men as the; Horned Kay, a monster most fifty. Upon a stock of twico that amount -oartui in itselt, but interesting as an lllus he may.mix with learned men, and even I tration ot that which island a suggestion write a book. Then how vast is the number of words that , lie hid in the "liamus" or "ocean"; according to tho Arabic title of our dictionaries. Words that even the educated speaker or writer the wife must have no sympathy, nor share she could not strike; but there is a certain admimsters only m homeopathic dosesj with him in the pursuit of it, in which most quality m her which we may not bo able J words once m repute but now forgotten; nf tliA Tiln.isuret.rnlv consists: and tho voung to formulanzo, vet which would make us words invented for tho use of scienco or. married people must set out with as large ashamed to pass beyond the boundaries of art ; words, confined in their usage to cer- and expensive an establishment as is be- the strictest respect, and which restrains tain districts and dialects. coming those who have been wedded for others less i consciously critical I thrui ourselves A TuiiKISH Peixcess. Mrs. B. Etham twenty years. his is very unnappy. u-a.. - Edwards visited a Turkish princess, whom ! of that which may be a veritable dragon of the sea, whose lateral fins extend like wings, and frequently measnrej more than thirty feet from tip to tip. This voracious fish will sometimes make its appearance among the swimmers in the surf, and, tak ing one under each arm, so to speak, des cend with them to the depths unknown. Until tho ocean shall have been dried up, or drained off, no human being can ever ex plore the strange grottoes into which this hideous man-eater glides with j his prey. The great fishes and sea-beasts that are proved that she wasn't by telling him things, money wa; vow I have found out about vour Lilly the uumbe . V - -exactly." "Well, what is it?" says I. "No better than she should he," says Afloat 'iuo,' Margaret Ann. "I saw her kiss Sam Spencer 000 bales; American 153,000 bales, llreadtutls buoyant. Red western spring wheat lis. Dd-S 12s. 4d. Coi n 31. Gd. Flour 2r2y. Sales of cot ton to-day include 6,100 bales American. Nkw Yohk, Nov. 19. Gold Wpa100h Gov ernments strong, with but little doing. Cotton dull at 13iirf cents. Flour active and firm com mon to fair extra $3 '.ib'a$7 10; good to choice 7 I'iIO 75. Wheat is 2:1 cents better, with a good export and free milling- demand. Holders' limine restrict transactions winter red western 81 uO-Sl 55. Corn closed 1"2 cents better, with good export enquiry jellow western 70 cts. Pork weak new mess $14 60. Naval Stores steady. Freights quiet. ' JiOT. U. Uoltl weafc; govemmenis quiei behind the counter this blessed morning. "And he didn't want her to, I suppose, and halloed for help," says J.. . nature was gone. "Mine, too,77 said Margaret Ann. 'l had A-m.-. tsr.' A 'tlirk-.. "Tr.rtri-i VU.U VF JUXVV "VI Wm . iw r-A. 1 went home to tea with my sister-in- law, but wo had not much appetite. She r who are waiting to make their, fortune, cn- consideration and honor which all real pur- n"lW " V7 bovcrcattQrf of the deP danjrerin virtue and promoting vice: it ity of nature demands and obtains. This dLZil TJ'.., f fZl lZl &) ?e. scendmg lelow a eertain destroys the true economy and design of is womanly di-nity m its loveliest aspect, ' ueptn, lest they encounter lar more hideous the domestic institution, and it promotes and tho kind, wo all desire to see m woman, .ntr nf l.l powenui monsicrs -roan inemseives, - wrjlLCll uwell at the oases oi the marine precise hue of which it would ntntna ioa-nfl fnrfhr . be impossible to describe; it was something n - o h , u A Teerible Hazaku. A game of between an asphodel blossom and tho pa- below in distracting vallev, of which was played on the 9 Lk of September at other approached it at all nearly. Arotmd the Kitter Hotel, Heildelberg. bv four her head was wound a little turban of del- students, one of whom, feilfred J icately colored gauze, .listened over the i ow, l am sorry I efficiency among females, who whom it would cot Iiardencr nrtdcr less ' to he taKen up oy a ionune, i uuw luvmg. and passively sustained without any care or concern on their partj and thus may a wife become mot a Jielp-mate, but a help eat' Winstow. whom. Bazaine. Mar- Mever, was an American, from Chicago forehead with a jewel "lou know wnat men are," says sue, "oi promiscunoi. w cuiuo w mo wwo uuw. .u , a -uii..w -. .,- - -, ,.. .--i ' ' V . i ' ., ? . . , ' . courso he kissed her back." closing hour, and to Ihj very merciful, and 6hal Bazaine is now so prominently before It appears that the four men had formerly to confess that this graceful and imposin "nhln't. ho kiss her first!" savs I. to rrive the irirl every chance. the public that the following description of been intimate fiiends, and they met, it seems, creature was och an mvcterato smok chn I A"rd sm wo rn.rted. I arosoto sav o-nod-1 bis nerstinal appearance, from the pen of I on tho above day at the bwan Tavern, "Well'" savs I, "I 'suppose you used to nio-ht, and came around the table to shake the Versailles correspondent of the London where they drank a good deal, and finally kiss Ben after you were engaged, if not be- hands with Margaret Ann, when, being a Telegraph, will be read with interest: i5a- hegan to. quarrel. uno oi mem ouni (T smoker that it seemed tho sole business of , two or three of her slave-girls to supply Ii4 wants. Duriuj? the two hours that we caret i "Don't believe it, says she. "It's Gospel truth," says strong. Cotton firm at 15 Pontnern Hour firmer at $f 50 ?$7 25; common to fair extra 7 30 $11; good to choice tlo; wheat l'S'Z cents better. nnd less' active at $1 52. for winter red western; corn farmer and less active at 69-570 for prime western mixed afloat; pork quiet at 14 50; beef dull at 9. 10; turpentine steady at .O 40; rosin quiet .t $i 702 75. . . - Nov. 21. Gold active and strong at 110 110.; Government considerably stronger. Cotton firm at 15J to 16 cents. Flour firmer and fairly active I southern common to fair extra $6 60 to 7 40; good to choice $7 to $11. Wheat ia 1 to 2 cents better, but less doing, shippers leing oihsh. Com 1 cent better and brisk prime western mixed afloat GOf to 70 cents. Pork .14 23 to $14 50. Naval Stores dull. Freights quiet. Wilmixotox, Nov. 19. Spirits turpentine; market quiet ami nominal, with no transactions. Kosia at $2 35 for strained. Crude turpentine J leautifully, considering JSo sales reported. 'ar at 2 25, an radvanee or not10n to her. lo cems since last reports; market steanj. cotton 13 cents; market quiet Nov. 20. Cotton .steady.- Spirits turpentine quiet at 3G cents; rosin quiet at &30 for strained; crude turpentine n4Ssales; tar steady at $2 25. Nov. 21. Spirits turpentine 36i cents. Rosin $2 30 for strained. Crude turpentine. $2 90. for Yellow Dip and $1 80 for Hard. Cotton 12J cts. 1 7 " JL 7 -' . -" -.- . -w- 1 1 1 . 1 1 0 I ? T.l-,.!. trt TTrrt. ...!' I ...a Tnorr hA ttS TOT. IT OCT Tf 51 iT.f-T T. II 1 L flVPr I I 1 1 l.C 1 1 Ut II 1. tVLlll. ilACYCl. Ot tWHtllUlV UCW I vtv wvmvivw !.. .-, aw-tv-ww vw lorer , auuisv wu uuuu., . uv , .-. y --.--. , , . J. ..ri..ibu, itv- --.14 "What has that to do with it," savs she. fixins-s, my coat caught in a little wicker- disgraced the sou ol .Trance, but he certain- wnereupon ine lauer prompuy cuanengeii u..-. "T "Why they at least did he propose her work sewing basket, on spider legs, and ly looks not the part. Ton would not take him. . Uttenctort accepted tne ; cnauenge auou. every xu - J 'i.i.- - i:n-tD . for . ; m-n nf dfien and I immediatelv. Mever. in a tone of ereat I summoned, and hand each of the ladies a ii coming ncre, xvicnaxtis ovcreei 11, , vjui mui-iwi w-, -ul.vj--, i mm, .t-i-. , ... r . . rf - .. . -,1 . ., ' . . I. 7 I I . . . , a 1 . . lt -. . t . - -. 1 I 1 rt o rotrn - f rfwrt in n cr ty frt 1 1 lr a rr. ifhip tt "No." said I. "but thev'recn-a-ed. Mar- and tape, and 1 stooped to pic them up, searching intellect, ut you must own to a i excuemeui, pruPuuu xuu ....- -"r-"? , v T j - o & 1 i it --'1 . 1 j.. 1 J . I : - V, IfUf-,-. I.fnl nnH tlijrn t-l-T'o txrxn" ' when among them X saw a -Key, a brass 1 .mental wrencn u you are 10 set uuu iu,v 1 .pu- w i.un,i u.i..-- mj door-key, with a nick in it and a long piece man opposite to you, with the simple mar- game ot , -sixty-six. x no loser buouia of pink ribbon tied to the handle. It was tial carriage and the bold yet not arrogant shoot himself with a pistol , , a little thino-, and it made my blood run cold, front, as aught save a soldier sans $cur et The proposition was accepted, and the If that was the kev Lilly lost, what was sans reproclie, save of faults such as the four students repaired to the hotel. They it doino- there? I didn't dare to look at my soldier may. hold his face to without the ordered wine and carus to be brought up sister i-law. And I walked the floor- all shaming or Bullying of his cloth. His fore- to a privato room, and Ludekan, one of the niirht: but bv morning my mind was made head is low, but full and well arched, four, procured two loaded pistols from a Up. Y" There is hardly a hair left on tho round, At mac o'clock I met that boy and girl bullet-like head; the few that still remain, at the store, and told them I should be gone short and crisp, have turned gray almost When sho did come, sho was all smiles all the day. K In ten minutes more I stole to whiteness. Hut his thick eye-brows, arch- or.i-oili. xt nl fibn tj-lkftd to Lillv and TillvVkev from under the counter, and ed over the small dark eyes, are still black, cmil-wl . Ram. nnd she reallv did come out went to the house to her .little room: on as are the slight moustache on the firm-set it is lord and tyrant a stupendous mass of bloated matter, grasping at everything in a circumference of half a mile, and ab sorbent of all living creatures under the size of a whale. In the China sea there are bivalves whether oysters or mussels I am not certain the sheila of which arc large enough to contain a man properly doubled upJ If a monster like this inhabit comparative shallows, there is no limit to ties at the bottom ton miles farther down, Atlantic Montfdy. . nd then well, I didn't mind it: it didn't hurt me a bit but that woman turn ed round and slapped me in tho face, she was so hopping mad. "Such actions in a respectable store!" says she, nd marched out, and didn't come back for a week, for which I was truly thankful. Lillv took a great tho third floor, and entered it like a thief, j upper lip and the.tuit upon the luii-uesi Tt was verv poor and verv bare, but verv massive chin. Ihe contour of the lace r.Tnsftt; in I Innf. blunt-ended oval. 'X ho complex . i i . :.. e.A . . tam ,i i,,n A tr nnnr, notra HanfiL r.nnous duskv pallor as if the face. 1 the nsrht tempie. ;t .. IanA r,rtt. for for T nnd a bonnet-hox on a shelf. In this clolet actually swarthy, had -been dusted over He fell a corpse .to the floor while Ins .ir'j?" r J It h. t w dwn nn . tmnk with nowdcr. Occasionall v a sliffht flush companions stood as if petnUed tor a mo uri-ioA tn bLr it and waited. I heard a oneer old clock I seems to gather on the marble-like brow ment, and then hurried from tho room. Tliere are many parents who da not "seen: to understand the necessity of sending thei; children to school regularly. They an prone to frame excuses to gratify a child') caprice, and are equally ready to blann the teacher if it gets behind in its classes nii:.. : : , i A Tkub Gextlejiax. Show us a man yinP a" " p.-7 who can quit the society of the young and m PDP" . . 1 . , 1 14 , . .1 1 11 I IIIIU -ULlBLilliL IUD 111U1U I iL'MiVm .r Mill liil .;i : tt,- fAntk ctn.imt i tto nieasnrft in nstenin.-' to tne Kinaiv i a neiguiwiiuij aiuiuiii. xuo luuiiu mum i r v " t, . r I rate. dealt the cards, and uttenaort ana u.ever ww ui um, i.uuv u nuu seated themselves aistol lying by the side ways ready to pity and help the deformed; of each. The first few minutes .the game alio w. o a. man who covers the faults of ..;niimn AXTPTi 1nt. limn Mpvpr others with a mantle "of charity; show us a nbtnined a sm-lo advantage, and Otten- man that bow as politely and ; gives tho woman by the tongue is sure to go c could not be conceived. X hero was ns- salutation on the part of tho servant, no acknowledgment on the part of tho mis tress. The cigarette came and went, and that was all." 1 . -l ..., , w-.iii. i ni ii ' yoc to the The Italians have a proverb which says IIe who takes an eel ;by the . tail or ; " : . . . . , . I i. i r.. i.. i. : , i i i icd dorf, seeing that he waslost, suddenly jump- bu-ci, as uwijr w -u pwi gio -- empiy-nanoeii is a ed up, and exclaimed "Adieu ,m v friends," to the millionaire; show us a man who ab- I ' . i V II. .. k - I . . - - A 1. . -. .1 . I I ' ion 1 seized his pistol and shot himself through I nors a nuenuie, w uu e-ums iu uuianei ui j. . . , . , his mothers sex and the exposure ot wo manly reputation show us tho man who never forgets for mi instant tho delicacv and respect due ft woman in any condition i icre are 200,000 lost womc; in the laud. . .... , i i I . i il T 1 1 11 a a!. I . "JJear mo !" she said, with her neaxi un-1 tic.mg in tne room, x nvacu it iwi iu- i au- -.. When the proprietor of the hotel hastened or cla.s, and you show us "a true gentleman Mr. Colfax has just celebrated -Lis flft' wedding day.'