- - m - - - " . ' - ; " ' 1 j - . i- - - .1 c . ... """" 5 mm III 1 Published by J. H. & G. G. Myrover, Corner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayefteville, N. C. Vol i TlIURSDiYY, JANUARY 22, 1874. NO 24 North Carolina Gazette. J. II. &i. G. MYROVER, Futollsliers. Home Circle. HAND AND HEAET. ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ( )ne yfar (in advanee) . . : Sis lU'iutlW, Throe' " " ..f2 50 .. 1 25 .. 75 CLUB RATES: Id copies (went to one address) with an extra copy 22 50 a"0 , " " " " " 40 00 41, " " " " 75 00 rQ ti P It it it and a premium of a fine chromo, value $25 L 90 00 100 iMipifsfsfnt to one address) with an extra copy and a premium oi a tine etiromo, value 00 50 IfATES OF ADVERTISING , One square (9 lmea solid nonpareil) one insertion $-1 .. .. -- IWU ' A ; " " one month .... I ' three " 5 00 "n .. .. " " nix 9-00 ' " " " twelve" 15 00 Longer advtitwenifiits charged in proiKirtiou to the above rates. Special Notices 25 per cent, more than f".-,u!ar advertisements. Reading Notices 80 cents per line for each and every insertion. 1 ? News Budget. SUMMARY OF NEWS For the Week ending Jan. 20, 1874. lKF.t(.N'. i Cardinal AutonelH ia dangerously ill at Koine, with the gout in his stoniac-h; the Poie has a.lmiuistereu extreme unction to him. The Gov ernment troops shot ten insurgents while attenipt . iug to escape, otherwise, the occupation of Carta o -ua was bloodless. The French authorities have mfused to surrenderthe Numancio without orders from Paris; the Nuinancia is comparatively unin jured. The condition of the forts around Carta gena indicates treachery; provisions are plentiful in the town. The Intransigentes at Barcelona have surrendered; the authority ot the Govern ment is fullv restored there. The Londou Timet correspondent at Cartagena reports tumults among the people, who were convinced that the treachery .f their leaders precipitated the surrender. It is understood that the French government will de liver to Snairi,' under- .the extraordinary treaty, thoeofthe Cartagena refugees now in Algeria - who are accused of piracy and other crimes. A . Koine telegram says the Pope will hold another Consistory earl v next month, when he will aj- imiiit several aumuonai variiiiua -aim oricmcru , foreign liishops. The Prince -and Princess of Wales have arrived at St. Petersburg, and a grand ittt will be given at the American Xegation, on Monday, iu honor of the Duke of Edinburgh's - uiarriage. The Madrid Governriient denies that the trouble at Barcelona was serious, and announ ces that order has been restored in that city. A portion of the force which took parr in the siee of Cartagena has marched against the Carlists. The British ship Wallacshe has "hceii burned iu the . harbor of Almeida paiu. ' Domestic. . " ' . The delayed steamship China has at San Franc-isco.-Kl he atunal lioartl iwiiui jit R iltiiiiore. discussed hnances . the views of some of the orators diverged widely. A defective .piston w as the cause of the detention ' .f the steamshipClHua a San Francisco yester day;hf fiesJaw in the water and is coming up : the harbor with only one whel working. ifra. .ula Torvencevxf the Cahtorma theatre company One evening, in the year 1520, a woman, enveloped in a long black mantle, was walking towards the briap-e of the . Ilialto in Venice. Her steps were weak and un even, and, at intervals, slie looked around with a hurried, frightened glance. She paused on the centre of the bridge, and looked.down with a shudder on the clear, blue waters of the Adriatic; then closing 150 oo her eyes, and murmuring faintly, "Antonio! my Antonio ! Adieu V she prepared to throw herself over the parapet. Just as she was fallinr. a man rushed forward, seized , her a so with a powerful grasp, and drawing her racK,saiUj "tjiri.: uesixoy uoi my me Providence has given thee. If you are un happy, enter yourtchurch, kneel on its hal lowed pavement, pour out your sorrow, and thank your Maker that you have been pre served from crime from rushing uncalled into His presence !' The r-irl imnatientlv tried to shake off the strong, kind hand that held her, and said, "Let me goH I must die !" I In another moment she tottered and fell to the ground, where she lay without sense or motion. Her preserver raised her head, and, in order to'give her air, drew back the veil which concealed her features. I They were verv lovelv, and the man gazed on her with wonder and admiration as she wras graduallv restored. Bv decrees she told him who she was and where she lived. Her history; might be summed up in a few words : an avaric ious father, a noor mother, a mutual but unhnpnv love. Vainly did Maria plead with, her father, a rich innkeeper of Venice, the cause of her lover, Antonio Barbarigo, the handsome frrmrlrdior nl -in r the UridfiTO of f-"!T5 , o Sighs. At length, this evening, her father, Giauettini, forgot himself so far as to strike his daughter with some violence; and she, with a far more culpable . neglect of her duty, ran wildly from home, and, as we have seen, was arrested just on the verge of com mitting suicide. - The person who hadsaved her led her gently to her home, and, having 'given her tip to her father, seated himself in an ob scure corner of the hostelrv. Gianettini re ceived his child with rude reproaches, and, biddino lirr retire to her own apartment Sf trade 7.! and Retake herself tVher spinning, he cast lon.the15tl" a suspicious glance at the person who had brought her home, whose stout, maniy n gure and firm countenance, however, deter red the innkeeper from addressing him in a hostile manner. As Maria turned to depart a young gon- artist commenced pacing up and down the sion the rooted belief that it is the one large room in the hostelry, casting at in- thing to which he has been calledthis tervals a scrutinizing glance on the young enthusiasm, attracting an Agassiz to the girl, who, now penitent for her intended Alps, or Amazon, impelling a Pliny to ex crime, was silently praying in a corner. As plore the volanco in which hejs ta lose his for Gianettini, be seemed unable to shake life, and nerving a Vernet, when tossing in off the strange ascendancy gained over him a fierce tempest, to sketch lhdwwaste of by his unknown visitor; his habitual ef- waters, and even the wave that is leaping to frontery failed him; and, for the first time I devour him, that marks.Jie heroic .spirit; in his life, he dared not break silence. and wherever it is round, success, sooner or An hour passed. Then hasty, joyous later, is almost inevitable. steps were heard, and Antonio appeared bearing in his hand a bag and a letter. The Lbag contained six hundred pistoles and the letter, w as addressed to the artist, and pray ed him to honor the sender with a visit. ''Take these coins and weigh them," said the unknown, as he threw the bag towards Gianettini. I Antonio iSarbango stood betore his bene- flnwfir,. though Minutian in size. p i t t i it' I & . o . r ' iactor, paie, and iremDiing wuu joy. or Bprnllw "One iavor more, he said. "VV ho BABYLON'S HANGING GARDENS. bed of all his clothes' on board cf the immi- Smoked to Death. A youth of six- Liverpool. The construction of this and grant ship. To aggravate hisImisery he teen fell dead with a cigar in his mouth, all other railroads in England is more sub horiftmfi nflWrfld with rhenmiTftism. and Waat caused iiis death! The coroner's stantial than those of all other portions of wandered about the streets offNew York inkiest said "It was a mysterious act of Europe or of America. Tlfere is much mmisueu ami ragged, jj iuaiis . umua.uo -" i -- -- o " t - i countryman of his took pity oS him and soled the friends by saying much the same alties. ; There, like everywhere else in tung. Jrnysicians saau it was ueari ujs- i xLiuiope, at luree classes oi oarsj iuo nrst poor BteenKopi was gtuscnargeu i ease, auu baiu uuiumg duuuv Lau vx ocwuu-vim viix ocu.. peiauusy shortly afterward with only a fv shillings his disease. A sensible woman, knowing while the third-class can seat from twelve in his'pocket. He was again fhiown up- the hoy's habits, said,- "Tobaco killed to twenty-four persons. The first and seo on the town in the dead of the Sard winter him.'' It deranged the action of the heart; ond-class cars are well fitted upjbut noth- of 1871-72, and he soon was uiore miser- it ceased to beat, and the victim leu. ine mg tiKe so nneiy as on the Continent. In Our pretty hanging baskets, with their suspension wnres completely draped in delic ate climbing ivies and standing mosses, with their masses of beautl ;ti!ingi plants, their drooping grassesriheas, mimosas, musk-scented and -covered with brilliant able than ever. One" day in th4summer of I woman was right. i ,i . , t si ul '- I oz. dv mat time navmg Decome a mmv i ,. t . i tt . v t tt a mv and disgusting beggar, he piteovply fgRj Bazaine has Commenced his term are you?" "What does it matter?77 "What does it matter ! say you?" cried the gondolier; "much much to me ! Tell me your name, signor, that I may love and honor it to the last moment of my life." "Men call me Michael Angelo'." "It is my turn now," he said, "to ask you a favor. , It is to permit me to perpetuate on canvass the lovelvfealures of Maria." are literally hanging gardens. JJut even should they be made a million times larger, their plan is so utterly different that they could never suersrest the faintest notion of the hanging gardens of Babylon, about the very name of which there is a ring of poetic grandeur and a flavor of oriental magnifi cence. They were literally paradises, for though our word is from the Greek paradi- sos, the Greeks borrowed it from Persia, where to this day the rich satraps rejoice in tliAir nnrndispR or nlpflsiire cardens. Xen- The girl approached; she could not speak; ophon mentions those of Belesis, governor but she clasped the painter's hand and rais ed it to her lips. A tear fell on it; and Michael Angelo, as he drew it back, turn ed away to conceal his own emotions. Twenty years passed on and found An tonio, the once humble gondolier, the hap py husband of Maria, and General of the Venetian Republic. Yet his brilliant posi tion never rendered him unmindful of his early life, and his heartfelt gratitude, as well as that of his wife, accompanied Mic hael An.o-elo Buonarotti to the end of his o . days. As to the crayon sketch of the misers hand, it was taken from Italy by a soldier in Napoleon's anny, and placed in the Louvre. During the invasion of 1814, it was unfortunately lost, and, so far as can be ascertained, has never since been recov ered. The story of the production, how ever, still lingers amongst the traditions of Venice. L.-it?StoFranciscoraudwile ot John lorrence, snot ,l0iler appeared at the door, and lurtiveiy ctj0m Milton i he.rs.lf through Jhe head on loth; domestic : trouoie approachiug hcr, Said in a. low V01CC : eminent ( w fts the cause.A nineteen year old wife was mur- 11 1 . , ? ' . . , dere.1 on 15th by her husband in a drunken brawl "Uearest I ttearew I 3 rkt tea. ne -at Portland, Me. The jail at ! GreenslMjro, N. C, (xianettmiruslied lorwaiu, fciioiuuig, vui etl hlg respect LonsA Mchlb'.ch's Grave. On the 29th of September Louisa Muhlbach was buried in the grave in v hich lor eleven vears past the remains of her gilted hus band, Theodore Mundt, the author of "Mir abeau," have reposed. Among the mourn ers were all the notabilities of Berlin in art and literature. The aged Carl Gutzkow, Adolph Glassbrenner, Germany's greatest humorist, Dr. Max Ring, the" author of and His Times," Janke, the iennan publisher, were especially jniperor v liiir.m uau sigum of Syria; and such as he beheld them, apr parently, we find them described by Char din and other modern travelers. The hang iner gardens of Babylon were simply a very costly variety of the paradise, such only as princely wealth could afford. Their ongin is attributed to Semiramis by some; others anv that thev were invented bv a king of Syria to charm thehelancholy of one of his wives of Persian origin, who sighed to toe hold aarain the verdant mountains of her native land. Strebo and Diodorous Sicular have, written about these famous hanging cardens, Philo of Byzantium if, indeed. he is the author of the treatise on the seven wonders of the world, by some attributed to him and many others. They were called hanging gardens doubt less because of the huge branching palms and other trees, overhanging the balustrade on the summit of the hisrh walls that en closed the paradise. These walls were abou one hundred and thirty yards long on each of the four sides, twenty-two feet thick, and fiftv cubits hio-h. or over ninety-one feet according to the Hebrew cubit. . The ter rapes were upheld bv immenselv strong galleries, whose ceilings were formed by hewn stones sixteen feet long and lour wide. Resting on these stones was a layer of reeds. mixed with a great quantity of asphalt, and all classes of the cars the seats are so ar ranged that the passengers face evjh oth er. When all have entered the cars the doors are locked, and no one is allowed to get out until they arrive at their destina tion. No smoking is allowed in any class a policeman to ha him sent tohe Island of twentv vears seclusion, in accordance There he remained two months, , wnen ne hea of tue ptmishment fixed by uw.uvw.-.. , m n w i iflrchoi i i Q fifiTi l ii ittio ua uaiubo i .-i . Consul, a letter with the enclosijjre of $300, SretTSirtrtAe uphislength- 01 W"tt Su: ? and an urgent request to returnlo his Ger- TIalllllt! policemen, and if any difficulty takes place, or any one is robbed, the police net, no one out of the car until the affair is set tled. The police are verv polite, and do equest to returntfo ms uer- -A' :fl nn the Mediterranean man home. A few hours after the rsew I Qe France, opposite Cannes, and about lork pauper visited a barberiop ana a ' h U from the shore Itlles clothing store and was transformed into a Jtalian frontieTj and ig one vp gentleman, and the next stearer earned theffroup8of two isles called Lerins. Sainte MJJULi ma u.L- i Ti,r - , - - e mn ovtt q cAvprprl u.ui el uv..vw w vm. . O - , -.. . 1 : . him back to the fatherland. rival at Recklinhausen, Steenfiopf found that "two Qf his wealthiest relatis had died suddenly, and that he, their s$e relative, who, a short time before, had bagged alms m the streets of .New xork. haL all ol a sudden; become possessed of reas estate and stocks valued at one million tfp hundred thousand thalers. A more singular and sudden revulsion of fortune has rarely oc curred. Sunday Mercury. with wood, and the climate, as may be in ferred from its position, is of a salubrious character. Bazaine does not exactly go m- everything in their power to make stran gers ini their beat comfortable. At last,; at about 3 o'clock, we arrived in the sub- urbsofthe city. On, on, we rolled, bv r a sea of houses; on we Tolled. At last, to exile, nor is he to suffer tjie ignominy of tbo Lougea , OQ ..either sido being transported w a penai coiouy . &ye cars, and some- -4' will always nave in view tue u. x imea we flew alon fl. hef than tLe- very and close at hand are many towns and vr - stantly seen the industry and every-day life of his fellow-countrymen in one of the most attractive portions of France. Sainte Marguerite was once before the prison of an m.iimnal ulinn life was of romantic in- The Mahqths of Talletkai's Place. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, writing from the "Land om Flowers," t t wnose history has been the sub- says uiai lucre is a pieny wmB 0f labored and extended researcn. me thirty acres four miles out froml Jackson- in te jron 3,1 was confined on the ville, on the shell road, which cijuld, ; with frQm 1666 tQ 1608, when he was re- dungeon m the proper care, be made veryg.beautiiui, movej to tlie Bastile. The and which has a history some wnaj romanuc. e wa8 incarcerated is still pointed Until about three years ago tjiere lived I Tf afti;j wma0ws are guarded by there a Frenchman known as the Marquis tweive bars. The only approach to it of Talleyrand. At any rate, h was a real w&8 throUgh the Governor's room. In the French nobleman, and the heir fo the title mst Qf a gmall garden is a square build he bore. He is said to .have een very1 ino ft door on each facej an(i evidently wild, and in the habit of gettirfg into all COn8tructed with a view to strength and to sorts of scrapes at home, therefore he wras sent to America, and came to quit Jackson ville to recuperate and reform. Slie serv ed, too. with unluckv Max in Mexico. He married a Miss Curtis, of New ark, an ac complished and beautiful yofng lady, to say, in London, as in the little country towns, ;tho people left thejr household af fairs to look at the cars as they rolled onj and the children 1 1 really, think I saw more children 'on each side of the track . than I had ever seen before. Thousands of the houses were mere hovels, and thoua ands of others but very little better. I never could have believed that it were, possible for any such city to be surround ed by thousands of such miserable dens.- At last we began to come to 3iahd 3 story wooden houses, without paint, and without ( any kind of ornaments, looking like they might have been built during the timo of Lgbert. What a contrast between the miserable huts of the suburbs . pf English cities, and the fine mansions hve always r 1 1 P prevent prisoners continea in 11 110m escup- gee n tubnrb3 0f Augusta, Charleston, g, it is understood inai uie uuC1UUOu Baltimore Philadelphia, New York, and nrshal will be accompanied in his seclu- .... ' . VT:Qi f0f t m sion by his wife andhimren, mu iu - nofc hei that when Dickefl8 was ia 1 " . l I . nnm(wtJ TT' 1 t I aTrrann 1 1 1 u I . . strain i on 111s muvcmcuio " Tn other respects he will 4- educated in France, and so much ffie trench- , n vileo-e of moving about within woman that she was frequently! mistaken f tho island as much as he 1 111 - for one. it was her lamiiy wnien oougni the estate and fixed it up. A hoise, stable, henneries, and the like were erected, and there was also put an inclosur for wild pleases. game. The mansion, which is.not j very ADVENTURE WITH CANADA WOLYES. f From the Boston Transcript. A Inn or the line of the Grand Trunk rail- . , , t t .. . . j I .1. . . iu i. ; V ' Tt was lux- road between the Island Jond station auu inai iney canuoi impoHts on you. . Xivery this country he camplained so much of the white houses with green blinds. He or any one else will not have any cause for such complaint in England. At last we arrived at tho depdtf which was immense. There,! as everywhere, I found tho hack men very troublesome, but if one is in any way cautious tue regulations are sa goou pretentious, i? wu. umg. :":"C,r nnniiMtA- in G in- Wkman. in addition to the number on bfa shed, many 01 tntp appoint- me xreucu iuagC t vw.., , ------- ncK.ua , - ---., .-. .., mi1. ,,..,.. h.t. fcaa also a number on Lis hack. . has a in mortar; finally, a floor of lead plate, to meats rtofatW and wild card ot tho tariff of price, for baggie mi nrpvont. anv mo sture from penetrating tne !" cuoiw,w. vv, Wfi -v. " , . - xl x.Aa t.a ;?;oia inaA l,ia nW .n LnAinnJnt trri.. the soil of which houses and look-out boating houses, for the ilfUUUUVlUll M. .uw j va consumed by. hre-on the 10th; tne -.ill anfHlv removed: the Shuildinir fKfin defective fliieist ihe furnace; loss about 3, )iM); u iusaiance; tbe'fire was Hiippressed and no . other buildings were injured. Miss Laura Alex ander, the actress, died iu New York on 15th. The 4-hildrcti of the Hebrew Orphan! Asylum attended ' the fuuvral of the unfortunate Stiner family at New York .u loth. Dudley- White, colored, accused of murder in Mecklenburg county, Ky.. was taken from jail and hanjfed by the people. At Baltimore, . in 4he National' Bricklayer's Union, the motion to admit negroes to membership was defeated and the eMit hour question was remitted to local Ln ir.nx. At Coluinbus, Ohio, -both houses in joint . -. i ' ..1..,... 411.. n Thurti-iMll' to suasion, on ioiu. re-eieuicu. i.,.,-,. the U. S.- Senate. The New Jersey Southern Kailroadisin the hands of Gen. K. F. Stockton, wldi, however, iio power td run it; arrangements t;r the resumption of operations. will be made, it is - honed, iu a few davs. Gov. McEnery, ot Louis 'iana departetl from New Orleans tor ashinston, Th.irr.J iy uiijht 15th. Texas advices received at New Oceans indicate that.Gov. Davis will yield his olSce to (v. Coke.-iVt St. Louis, Mo., Thurs-'- div loth the thermoineter stood at zero; two such " dn'vt., it is said, will close the river. At Annapolis, Mil Wm l'inckiiey White has been nominated tor the'iTnited States Senate by the Democratic caucus, whichecures his election." ' j, ni-isnnerB I -r il.: . I ..t;t l.ria follmv l 111 I MIS UNI III IllV MUUi AVyliV l. . took fire r, - " ' . A'A M cir X 11C VOUlli lUll VJIVl lll-f K Dtu . "Have you finished?" he said, in a'good humored tone. "Wherefore these hard words? Have you never loved, Signor G ianettini? Have you totally forgotten the feelings of your youth? Know you not that, qUittal by the since I was ten vears old and Maria five, the charge of we have loved each other fondly? W m you not, then, allow us to hallow your old age with our tear" "I don't want to have a parcel of beg- for my children, ".saui uitiuwuui, 1 r' ll.. nnnnlIXllila tllO rAflll I 1 tl d I V" 1 ll 1 1 O 1 J Tl K t fA 5 11 SI A lllB VKilfi' HT1 A ammais are irequeuny tcu r - r ---j 1 t it 1 TT I i-;. t it nrnnilnr nT. T.nfi TlHSSllliT UiUUS. IB W1I1UC11CU tU iilVC YUU U1S OTdbr P- "f -1 f,"T .ZTd ' Sf HveinkeTtwo Ser. i7el lyn.es and wolves often card w th bis name, place of esidenM and - - i r sumcient oepin to noiuaiiu iiouiisii iicco . i -7 - s . , Av rr. rarnawR. r i Lilt-; 'riavc. i - i fifty feet high, and thousands ot rare one of the-,c'onrt carriages. At the grave, which is remarkable on account of lts.mem orable surroundings Hegel, the - great philosopher reposing on one side, and Iff1 land: the great German actor, on tue oiner Rev. Dr. Svdow. whose triumphant ac , x j-- i, t v; r a nnA f.rf,a the railin front of thelocomo- prices plants turtle uoves uuui tn ----"" - 'Z Rin the latter animals vou and vour baggage where you wish to ill Li1 a -i wtmfiiji n tr tit o T- tit ti i f 1 1 1 3 1 hi ii t.iir. i li vn. UUIUVI - WW W ww-f iauw j - i , were remarKaDiy pieniy, suuicuium which vou retain until he has taken t -n r , l-wn wor d. ranco-i-russian war, wmcu uuSicu.vo uc Xl will, an i-ci " " - I - x i e i All these were kept in a perennially nour- young gwiwuuiou "frvr''"" ishing condition, we are informed, by water mg home; so he crossed the sea ndffer- -;,1 f,.m fhn F.ii nl rnt.es through the aid eu ms swuiu iu x r. ..v- r- 0 . l.xl A nnnr r t tl 5iia n.-ifA in leW in Cer- lib-3 U1- Uitnixc, auu w uvii mvu fA ino in droves of a dozen or more. Itllll 1J 11 ClUW f.J- I 1 T 1 I f 1 ; ' nnvrnin lnl -l-Vl TT . i - j- . p i tJ niiti'MMiPi v liiiiiLriLini iivjiii lirandenpurg consistory oi ; j -r ... nn , fl p, ta,ni -luuiiiis iiiti-v i4 luu iv.v...H. V I ' " gars rourhlv. " "RniVo-nre I" renliedtlie VOUngman. "You enrplv forp-et vourself. (iVnt T indeed." returned the father, "I J ""vv j l VI UOV l , v'"v" o I" . - lAi-iid nlso ' eontnined manv roval apart ments, variously decorated and furnished. Tangier. Tangier, seen fr?m a dis- Decentlydighted, they could not have been; tance, is pleasingly picturesque nd stnk- but one can easily imagine that a walk a- ing. The houses rise in irregular tiers, ,ttti ti,T3d mi(.r teiTncps nn .1 fine moon- presenting the appearance of hge white- lUUim myav, "fr-- - . I , lAT light,tnight, the senses charmed by solt washed square ooxes piieu one ayp v e - - "V" " h x fvQta Ae - olf for such it what teef-steak is until he goes music, and by waves of perfume rising from er, witliout or er or me hod, u someliow "XJS to tie discomfort of land, j Added to this, the nea a- p ii . . J L . .- - . i n, rr-r i n m n I T J irfiT w u r ui ft uw. 1 1 l h -mm u w vmm-rm r the wilderness oi nowers anu smuus uewn must have been enchanting such For REVIEW OF THE MARKETS the Week ending Janv- JiU, laf. LiVKurtH.i., Jan. 14. Upland, nothing beW Good Ordinary, shipped February and March fcd. Uplands, not below Low Middlings, deliverable j L uarv and February d. Jan. 15. Cotton uplands 8Jd; Orleans rf to -o.i rni-iiHin rosin 7s. 8d. "But. hear me for one moment," -.pleaded the gondolier. "'Tia useless. . I again repeat that as vou shall, never wed my daughter. Your position is-trio--ihean.. i prrain v. vou aio vouno-man. ""but what hinders that I should not become so, too? A stout arm, heart, an honefct soul, will, Avith Heaven, do much." "A fool's dream !" ' KVnv " said Antonio, '"it is sober sense. i n l 1 ii rich, ' repneu. iuc a brave help of infidelitv recentlv created so profound'a sensation in religious circles; delivered the funeral oration. The coffin was opened, and the sight of the -deceased, who was dressed in a suit, of black,- and whose- face looked smiling in death, produc ed a thrilling effect upon the throng of sym pathizing spectators. "Far beyond. -this country7 said the reverend speaker, ."inn this- mournful scene excite regrets in in numerable hearts. Critical judgment grows dumb in view of an open grave. Her works will live after her. Millions have read and admired them. Hers was a life of work. For years she. was an-invalid, and yet she never wavered in performing what she deem ed the great duty of her lite. Heroes, great er than those who face the cannon's mouth, are those who. with the germ of death with- ,T 1 Anr in them, come smumgiy up, uay iiitci. uay, v..fo.-.v. . . n , 1 rf l 1 . : J il.. t,,o iinrcnr (1 v Artist. WHftniTlfr IOT lOV tlie VieW. to their lues wTorj. ii nas ueen sn;u wai , -r - o - i .i x ji- i i.ntnra bia nmTilfitpd plork. the wonder of out our She Whose oeatn we mourn io-uay uas uccu .r 7 - - . , obanrloned n. disbeliever in the immortality of the loul. the earth. Every body came to see it, and they abandoned I - , - T I . i . . I . . . AAllw.riMII 1 I III II ,11.1111. 1 I -ii a i V. .t inrnArnTinn I II 1 1 1 (T II I it. till I III. 1.11 111 111 fLl. I ana x win reuuai I --"o wimv.i" "w"o"" ,., - . 1 I ml f? T T V 1 nn4.1.r- .not It Ira go; and after you settle with him you re turn him his card. The names of the ho-. hnfl oveniiKT late in the autumn- a young tels are legion: I stopped at St. Paul's i am- man had occasion to pass along this lone- ily Hotel, just opposite St. Paul's Cathe- some way on foot, and had not accomplish- dral a rather obscure, 8 story building, ed more than half the distance when he where things were conducted very, much - heard a crackling in the bushes at the side like Ffound them in Liverpool. There of the track denoting tho presence of some was noi taUe dliote as on the Continent; 1 . wild animal. Thinking to frighten the , had often thought duripg my residence in. .nT,ra lio throw a stone toward the place Philadelphia that I had eaten good beef- where it appeared to be. Thisfwas an- steak, but no one in this country knows nnot nocia a n A " iST T Z S 3 hSXf riSnl ;hr&a.ion,variUstherhwls wfto echo- apparent cleanliness of everything, that is - i j J.n 3 fid and re-echoed by wolves from a also in irregular tiers, ana e - close in around tlie igll for Vhat is set him the Kusban which crowns tne amost per- a ,.1 atart. XjI'-tjCu -uf "" : I ,. t i ,i r .i i I nr.TO-thfirnnrrniV 111" UlCIli;'-- iu.au, " Cathedral. Many years ago there lived penaicuiar rocK inai iaees &, " -T " . .. 't goon obliged toslack- of London In all, it covers over 31,360 all sides, j servetl sup in England gives one more rel- t for what is set before him. No one can form an idea of the vastnesa . , ixi I .1 t I i..tm 1 1 1 1 i T t 1 I t mi till 1 1 1 1 ill AUU. v- - . t-j . I . in Strasburg an aged and experienced me- me oiuiaiuptB xy -'-;T7 II w-naro from sheer exhaustion. Although acres, has more than 15,UUUmUes ot streets, . T chariic. Buried in his arts, he forgot the wavs of the world, and promised his daugh- tastio numbered about is more thanO iniles in diameter, has 9 1.. . liV. !-- TT'r.Hria TlflW 1 nl! TZrJ$ZlS Z wentv. they still for some reason failed to bridges over the Thames, and has rail. assure uie eueuiatui ui wtw iwyy v "v l . j-j - -i t UAum. in thArahrtmrnii tM.Tf.ti scene. Above the mass of honys rise the JTtl ofTLetogdom Eond.n is 'the'rapsfdiff- ' towers of the mosqnes, which, (with their tance ol a icwpaci.., ., t? ;i. i, fr . fij ii, j t v., ter to his o-allant voung aDprenticeL instead - ti - o i r . . -m I -1 I 1 1 i 1 of to the hideous old rnagisiraie, vuu w- 1, A 1, r. mn'Aart n-lth nfiVrS Cif Ornld ' 1)1 OttUUiJia T.UC 1UU1UI. LL 1 fc) I . . r, j t . T . , i i-L j j i i cm a Tiri.ito-ria.fra. tnrm KTrtKinp- nouiects 11 ... -i ,1 i and dignity, uneday tne youm ana C.n:L 1. nicked up stones and threw towara uiem, ever seen j. lie iu u i " i"u"v '"') 1 I 1 j 44. a ,riaf nor. I t-tt iimntu I know it is a calumny, ::i;; ; bo TtrStiob wbon at whicn iney wuui - r-- ..IVUlliili V.UUOIUC, vt, x,.,". : , ,i. ' UU or.ATl.er Ptthrt to rn t i it ,i inn and ne wouiu uian.c , xaugiei, uicw r up, au 1AWfiver WOnld prove tl fnrm a kind of Breakwater, escape lucm, m The streets are narrow and ve ry crooked, in many of them one cannot see more than a few hundred yards ahead, iere are a ffreat many 4-story wooden Prince: Lorenzo de Medici was a merchant; jjere wljat I heard her exclaim eleven years .Jan. 16. Cotton dull and unchanged sa eso: liVlXK) bales; for speculation and-export 2,000 Ih eadstutfs quiet. Pork 67. 6d; hng clear ,nid her husband's cothu was lowered into it, He rose, and anj sae stood here, frantic with grief, with a-1 -vu- short clear middlings 40s Uplands -iiviiorirrn's shoulder, said. "Well lfir t.Wn little daughters. 'No !' she cried in ....... , - QU,r..l Tnnnarr ftiul I wuvmuS """-Or .' 1 - . . , ,4 . ' . - H1.1.U1..H. o.ri--! -v.- mTdr,lifir ! Courasre onngs success a voice choKed rv tears, -no, Ti.d lf.JiiYV It.MKI IJ11U- cwniii. -ii ' - 1-1 1 ' -. i " ..ii Lru7.ir l j oio-doi! Mtifinpst. Maria shall be iws rrented so manv ongiaal works, in Mi ll Ml 11 11 1VW i , a , ------ , , , ;xJ " 4T useless for as soon as he turned 10 run vuey puiidings, oiu auu uupami.ru vix tvure u 1-1 n h,4 -v I . . 1 l -- M-n urhAii 1 IT 1 II IK II UKI OIUUU tUC coivuo y y" i . ' . v.. rii I 1. 1 Vrr Duke Giacomo fciorza, a cuwuu. ago, at tins wiy giv, '""i" , .'uZJ' t0 tho mprl,nni bv the name of "The Marine!' Thence mewiuu uy rM f m!iW t,ntnrl,.faHi that corresDOnd m. . tbo iiiier had heartened ai-i Vior biiKhnnd'scottin was lowered mio it, auuiwuuco, wuv uicu w . - A. o ta hav was to Keep up buu., - & . . 5V v . iuc luoui... .r . ,T . r 7 ,- --.i tl,ot !. wnnl-nflrw reneat hia ingress to m wwu w rfv ", &. . ,1 ,J .. . . ... f .:a ,ro ' I rit li Kmartwav.- ISew IOrK. TD6 TH08I tentively to the dialogue. ix anu sue stoouiiei.,, uaUU u, ...... "Wonn of modern construction, the oldne, which siiouuug -i- " ' ; . , -, fcsl!J.KiB oYth fit looking BtreeU . , , iU -!, - v - But even this resource .... 0 o . I - i i..j i ..r;,, ;ti l,ftt rav me not niv talents tfricea your vain ""s': J..7 . 7 , i v rOQ roll nio-h exhaustea ana are rail man, iwegeuu vicsceui, ami j. - v - I n -. . 1 il 1 I V nrn n riitnn r rt.l itl Olio V rtX I 1 1 1 1 1 1 . UU I v I . - . a . j. ne i names uas. nine unugee. and egress wertf obtained suddenly pu.. through the crenelated battlements. Over tne corporation ujui; ul it iw iuv vut..... . ---- , , a. n -, i. I ,,D.1OCO fnr ftS SOOn as lie luiuou w I uumnutio, vrivt ""p"""- The citv of-Basel bespoke another just like a no lamuug tCB "i V -lS would aL'ain surround him, and the only the great arteries, for instance, on sucn , rri -- j a lr.,T:,T ,vf tbo inside this breakwater, Whicn is oignmeo. r7", u' t Vi t I ci'nuita oa tbo Ktrand. n'hreftdneed le. ftnii r.rVTr. r;;.; " JL. hv the name of "The Marine!' Thence method oy wmcu r.T." " .1 T Mi.li HIU11IH-U. iiaiiuol V not oeioiv .0, --.!.. , - r rebruary, ridi nary, ship Nkw York 1111. G quiet at lGJ17t cents w t i T.T,iavir and Februarr. 8 -16d. "'l 1- " ' I Jan. 14. Gold- Government closed at 1111 bonds are strong. Cotton Flour lesar active and le- cli.ing-common to fair extra it v" " nin-in . Wl.u.ii-1 ffl 9 cents nil. a. nvnp - ' in ciiiiici; i-Aim ,-""" - ,, n ait... lower. Com firmer at i cents tor o,u -m u mixed, in store. Pork heavy nearness $16 2 BeefquWat 75'ff $ll., Spirit JT,m Jl at 44 cettts Tiosin un'changed. 1 rights to Liv eriiool dull aiul unchanged. January 15.-tJold lllfto 11H- Go f". Securities strong and active Cotton weak at : 161 17i cents. Flour dull and declining good to cho Se s 25 $11- Wheat heavy-l cent lower and holders disposed to realize. CV.rrf .s irregular and lower with bettor export demb.d l o.k heavy ami lower; mess $16. Naval Stores quiet. Freights'steady. ; . m , . Ian 16 ttoldllift. viovi - - . an .Ujtiv Cotton doll at 1617 cents l lour dull and drooping-coramon to fiur ex tra $690 8 10; good to choice xti-a $8 1511. AVheat heav and 12 cents lower - Corn a slile fmner with a moderate dnand-old western mixed in store 9H cents. Fork heavy -and l-" - mess $15 87. Beef quiet and unchanged, bpts. -turpentjne 45. cents. Rosin is quet and un changed. Freights steady. .-WiLMiXGTONvJanuary, 14. Spirit; turpentine S9i cente; market firm. Rosin at uo ior u. ed; market firm. Crude turpentine at 80 ior vellow- dip, and $1 80 for hard; market firm. 1 ar at $2 30 and 2 55, an advance of 2o cents since last reports; market firm. Corn at 86 cents per bushel. Cotton at 14 cents. - Jan. 15. Spirits turpentine 40 cents; firm. Rosin at $2 07 bbl; market firm. Crude -turpentine $1 80 for hard and $2 80 for soft & bbl. Tar has declined 5 cents; $2 50 bbl; market picau , v"vw i - ' thy-wife!" NTver!" cried Gianettini. "Master Jew" said the unknown, turning disdainfully towards him, "if this youth could lay down six hundred pistoles, would you object to the marriage?" "Be that as it ma-, you must remember that he is now little" better than a pauper." "Pshaw !" said the-unknown; "babbles are-more tiresome than thieves. Before to morrow you shall handle that sum." So saying he drew from his- pocket a piece of parchment and a crayon, and turn-in- towards a table began rapidly to sketch which it will live here on earth, cannot sink Vrnflr into nothini? V" Then Carl Gutzkow laid a laurel wreath on the coffin, saying only, "Adieu, dear, n-ifted. faithful friend." - On the loliowing aay a siao was pwu 1 J 1, i ii,A Zn nim -v1 Wft on the mounu, ueaimg wo jubii-jiuju . "Clara Mundt, aged fifty-nine, the histor ical novelist of Germany." b men! been wauea up. ii ww wuu w , - - a, frf bt cadill t ,, 1 . I I l.l 11 HI A M A T U A ATt ' I I i IV I.l I I111IU tl I . - of Basel were quicker to recognize my skill battery sua .-""J- N, denly unexpected assistance arrived. He four of granite, two of iron on wood. ,i . f, ff o low mmme. and Knew tnat i ana two suspension, uuuuuu aiiKo 1 1 tJI 1 II njACU. V m. w " . I -. . than vou were. I', will make.no such pro- anu iugi? mise." Upon that the rejected suitor, who was among il a, iuw auluwt.., I - -. jr - W . on tnat tue rejecteu Buitui, vvuo -------- -- t, train wnsannroaching. Couia neomy uoiu i granite, anu ib uciuapa tue iuodh umouis 1, maw norcnadod his the gate there ls-placed a marble globe su- a train wasappiw g y & r "-"vv-, r-"' i. i 5 1t i,niU;h;tA tbo his fierce enemies at. uy .uii. ." ""-6V " 'JL" - v r . , D', colleagues to put out the artist's eyes. The taineu uy . uauu, - - tlmt he wouid be safe. 1 He redoub- cost 2,000,000. Un London nnuge mere mi I -i r-ft-1 1 I LIa . - m rt-t- I IIH IHI i. 1 1 1 Sl.l UU T I ' a old man heard his fate with lofty fortitude, waiL w hi efforts, and soon tho rumble of the is a charge of a penny for all pedestrians; gilt sutler the thlSglODeispiaceutue rn.au uiW londer. andthehead-lightofthe at each end of this wonderful work of ar. hammfintt rnil. wuu, iui a iuju u lfioc, o . . . - .rtvtlrr Acb-oH Ihot hP Till Ml 11 UU1V V 11 CIV iv to which he wished to give a few final hvered over he town to t xo non.n i waiieu ti li o naiuiu .itaw i . . . . j thi . ' , . . M,f. . .., ENTHrsH.SM Necessary to Success. In1 his "Getting on in the World," Professor TVr'nttliowH savs there was never, orobablv. a time in the world's history when high sue- laggard," said the prosecuting magistrate, i T Ti .AnracaiifOi rTlfn iocs in Jl.TI V TirOTPRSlOIl 1 1 1 IllilllUCU UttlUCl Ul WUU litWJ. uivucuiv v - v r 7l mo e incessant labor than now. Men can "you are taxing the patience of this kind impatient, wunnoiiowcupwixi,c. v . - amznant LnriionPA " "Tint one touch remains." said speak, a sensuous, -fvcious expres tion. , the hands of and he busied himself a moment among the and one oi tne nnge t3 cv ;U6 7 --- - Bnffered the ao-onies of . I ltS WOrKers, auu lueu iiavc gui uauimvi nuc&". . ' o - massive nng. ', . i 'f. tVnmcivM-Kir ctoa.iv- and hia torture a fearful whir was heard from mgo-ed blows. Above all," a deep and the clock; the weights tumbled crushing to i 1 TTJ MA.iAaf nroa rvmrtrckrl (inn h A gazed long at the splendid clock, setting hungry rascals and, no doubt, fp not with gazeu iuuB c f nilt. its moral effect on the true; believers. its wonuers in motion w uuuui uu iuo ii- "Tis my hand," cried Gianettini. "And your history,' eaia 'uemt-u tr - one hft floor ' his evs fell from their sockets. Giving the SKetcn to uu & , ,a ,Tv - . TT , r4mnvfiy tlie nmster-sDrin,?. and his . -1 X . I A-. lnTij-vll I n. a Ti-ftl-l 11 QfilllMVt' ui r"J-i.i. flllin. UU'l. I A 11 rn m u w j I r) J The lovers devot- ft . - , i. . UiAfft KanrAN desired -him to carry it to xu r-?" ."3 " . ttitit Tt is a was romnlete . . L w mt fft i r it- si n i ft v m 1-1 rr i w i-v i ir- . war 111 1 11 u Aft. mm ft au ftar m . j ft. w nw v w librarian at the raiace 01 ou ,, r :: I v i- es fft rU. com fort' of the blind n " i - : -i mrinrt .MAiiTrrTriOTift2 v iiHirvri i in in Oil j i- i n i uuu. demand m exchange lor u six nuuuu JJ-Tj Workoxs-in the silenco clock-maker, and the wicketl magistrate was toles. ... . . -i ,i I - ,i a . :a hn rnor r.f poniiAT.' I froTT. Rnpifttv. The clock remained "Kiir hiiTKireil TOOlS . iieaub i -" ui iuu . , . '1 . .-i i i. . . i-i. .i . r .nH .in tin jiottt. i a mm Tinn i nz: wiieu uiumui a wcic us- i wi-in wi not erive ajctmu miucp"iuiiSUr i-.-: - ' i. csi .:i I. r - A V.,1;t- loarniTiir nic.m. or! in the I1CW one cousitucwju uy omwii- -n rr tt . mi.m.i.iitTT- auiilu t t x- m - w - - . . .11 ii. i j. I r-yvni'.iW'o ftTnnnziviA an are w ciii uui rruc.--"A'i'""'""" innkeeper. r :i. AOl ll" . . .... n -L I l-t -i. Wrmtir all w.thoritBnAniiiricr the artist turneanaugn- pnsnmeut, uunuu, r tboxr do not. of themselves, insure success. 41 rrr'Sniip, took the narchment, and Thousands have aU these, and live and die ..ifruint na at 9?A Hit tor VPllOW HlH ftnQ 6 lOr UOlu. ft- ft uviikiitv ft y j r 1 market steady. Tar f 50 bhl; market steady. Corn at 87 cents. Cotton 14 cent. Paupeb Becomes a Millionaire. In the summer of 1871 there arriy.ed in this ,in.mnfirm T?os n at 82 10 for strameu. an auv- i hen lurueu uuuuuuui , ' , J: ' r ilo.o ti1 1 Vlinhansen. VV estpnana, m a state oi inusi .t,ct... ....... ---- , . - ' nJ . 1 r maa ruaoanrflrt ntfJTl RfAlB IDB UliiV sreira w cawuvuw ut. ance ot 2 cents on iasi repirm, marwiuiiu. - -- a gianuts iiui" i,;m oTid h f?et out on nis mission. iiV:K fiil rmfl and fi moodv brow the I resolve. SS Sfi VSh hiii f jee. .poverty. He pj. iA '.vf. foith ?T, one's mis. Steenkopf and said that he had been rob- All lo lUlO Wll -" - - . . Li, ic- o , Ilrv.fi Tho i ohitonrnre is a verv small hOUSer in tnifl 111- The locomotive appeal eu muiu. ;r . - '" " - . , , . , hunted man now gave up tue uuctium w- i no m io " r 0, . x.-x :.v Arna Kmtoa and facing the and iust about daylight he commences to leSL W1LU LUC wiasv """-") a - - i ! - -i - . anoroachin" train threw up his arms and receive toll from all pedestrians I was un- a loud call able to learn what were the arrangements coucenirateu ix u.a fUw&-r - -- . z T A 1, for help which was neara awvo Hro wmo Wi vcuiu. , r r . ' nn n.;Qtioi "down I hnrimi vn hflTid in vour nennv. or rather. tho nam i ne eiiiriucci. numuv- " t j i . - out its moral effect on the true In this battery fare huge bronzegnns,' cap tured, from the Portuguese, and now, like the -a-feev Indeeo, g ce to standstill, - and lay it in the counter as you pass the - maa u ii were ilui iui iuo wuuu Br .u-. ''n doad than alive, who stands reaav to receive it, one mora fulness of the considerate Bcjtjshers the in F c"" ' k fthATimf,e and faint- iiW I laid ddwn an American cent, to seo batteries would be in a sad statk but some- 8" . the arrival at the what he would say. whereupon he looked how, doubtless from Christian ctanty,ng- e, a Z7 a bl tn relate his nn. laughed, and said "that is an Ameri- lish cannon have been liberallySmpphed to. " " paVs-port As I stood orm tho bntti.rie8 - iust as at fhe nrosont 1 wanuii moment a Quantity ol small tarms- nave been sent over from Gibraltar b be placed in the hands of the Moors. 4 ; : a morriaiw tnnk nl&ce in Norfolk.' Va.. reT- cently, to which the contracting "Thirties were a bridegroom ol b summera ana unue This is his fourth marriage, the tree preced ing yielding the fruits of 30 children, 20 of Correspondence. TOR THE GAZETTE. Reminiscences of a Sojourn of Many lean in the Various Kingdoms and Empires of Europe. So. 3. a t tJiAruAz n.. m.. on the 18th of Aug ust, I took the mail train at vcrpool for - cairs pass-port' as i stooa on at a mue distance looking at the vast crowd of ped: estrians crossing over; I was sovmucb aa 4.:,l.rl Tiof T cVa fliA frill .TrAAnpr 5 f lift jJ II l 1 77. UU A MUUVVI ftVMV ftft.VftftW -. 1 J ivL . i y-i a 1 mA nAvrrnQnir npninnRFniKKWi liih TU L11U iUV MV T I1IWII T Jftvftw w vfcMw tw . bridge per day. - lie naa oniy time w say. (orin nnn and ithta his hand, which I nn J . J a .1 n .1 r.atV vvft TiAniniv (a mm mnv information ab the other end, but the man VilcrV w JUS DWJ1A U1U117 VUOiij vw-w.- then made the inquiry of a policeman who confirmed thd statement, and told me tbat livino-. and he has 40 trrand Tf uvui i v. w " " 07 J I m - ehildren ana vet tne enu ns prou,iiv uui. ci. tne great cny i jwuuuu. - . , . , j . o i cnuaren, umjc y , I..!!. X imii: Oonstructed once a vear two men were placed at each . . , .i. J.r I. oom inr Tinndredsofcen- endof the bridge to count the number A prophet 01 eVU, IU me JJerBlHH ui ucgru I to last, it ivuuiu f" v 1 Hm.' ctrtm olan nravaik oF i.oa ir.) TniRiana. A- ;t ;a 9oi miles Ion? and has eleven crossing over. Ibis custom also prevails He predicted the epidemic in Seveport a tunnelsnone of which are very long; at Jierlm, Uresaen ana ij ans, voaf aim. He miffht make a Burflar predic- U, aannr will compare with ' the charge is made as at .London tinn pvtrv vear for certain nlacesfln the Sooth I . nf the docks of I i " .1 7.r JL iT- - r:i S t.mo. Ppienoiu, '"- " " I , . - though no 0TAGETTX. anu noi uiaiio a viuuic ouw m ir uuvb, .. . ( - . . . j . , .. . . . . . . . . i .;. - '-. ' '. - (. ;; .' ..... . . ,t . - - - - v ----- '