Published by J. H. & G. G. Myrover, Corner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteville, N. C. "P-.5f " ".- .4 THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1874. NO 25 ; it i'. 4 A i T rth Carolina Gazette. J. II. & G. G. MYItOVER, . Ii.l3llsb.er8. tkl'Ms of ,s cnxcnii'Tiox i a v (ill advance)..... IltllH, - . .. .8 50 . .5 CZ, I'll HATES: ifx (Hi-iit to our aililres) with an xtra cujiv $ 22 30 " " " " ' 40 00 ' " ' " 75 oo 1.5 ii iircin'miii of a tine cluiiiiio, value 42.1 ji'ibh (m.-nt to one aiMri-SM) witli an extra copy ul a prt'iiiimu of a tine cliromo, value j 10 90 00 l.TOOO RA TF.S O F A I) f'KIt TISIXfi ijuare (!) lines wilid nonjinreil) one inMertion 1 00 two " I .10 " " one month 2 .10 " three " S Ot i . " " nix " 9 )0 twelve " 15 00 ij;'iits eliargetl in proportion to the ; rates. Special Xotiees :J5 pr i-ent. more than ar ailvei tisenientH. UeailiitK Xotieeu 20 teuts per or eaeii ami every insertion. News Budget. SUMMARY OF NEWS or the Week ending: Jan. 27, 1874. Home Circle. y.uvs. Mdme. I'arepa Koa died on tlie 23rl. don jiiii'ii:il) of the 'J"iul are filled with arti- and protrnitiijnea of the cefeinoniex on the sum ot the inamaOT ot the 1'ukeot I'.iuiitiiiiirli; u;iri i;itre took place at p. in. on 22nd. in IVtersWur-rh. bai-jit! cotton factories in Glas were ikstroved bv fire on'2-id; loss 150.000; '-thousand operatives are thrown out of em- tnent. I he (Jueeii' of tlie W est. from Liver tor rensaeola, wIMlIT is at Vtlasow. will tie ,.!. The iiinrriare. of the'l uke ot" Kdinburjj it- (iraiid Ihieliess Maria was solemnized at St. rsbur-'h. ai I o cluck on 2.11; the oavwa rved as a holiday ami since early moi-iiin ii salutes were hreil. ! the streets have lieei vded with jH'opIe; festivities lit celebration ol event will continue several davs; tlie citv was y decorated and illuniiiiated that uiht, Satur "uiirlit and Sunday iiiirht; on Monday a irrand itary review took place in front of the winter ice; the JruujK- partieipatiiii consisted of 41 ralins of infantry. :57 squadrons of cavalry and artillery force of 1-10 .guns; the weather was zhtful aiid shihin splendid. A dispatch s that foreigners will pay their quota of the tan forced loan of thirty millions. iH-cause their iness de'inls uon the payment of the same: l ill amount to from .5,000 "to $f)0.KM); it is mi stood that $10,000 nf the amount goes to pay liers.--As the I 'itited States steamer Worches- sailed from Havana, with Band playing, a rab oathered on the wharf and hissed as she passed 1 dipped her flair to Moro Castle and the Span war vessels. The London Tiiiif publishes the stance of a note-from Ilismarck. who holds the iich ( iovernnicnt accountable for the violence the ultramontane press in France. The Cut-list res have withdrawn from Sautandor. (MISTtf. : "The I H-mot-rats. of Philadelphia have nom tted a straight municipal ticket. The Publishers, litors and Printers Association met at the Odd How's Hall in Manchester, X. H. on Jan. 21; solutions wciv adopted favoring a law allowing Wpajw.rx to go free in the county where they 'published. The joint resolutions of the Georgia neral Assembly condemning the civil rights bill ssetl: the resolutions affirm thatvthe I'tfcct of the sage of the bill w ill be to break lip the public tool system in Georgia; all appropriations will withht-ld by tlt,e Legislature should the liill ass. The State Grange adjourneil last January 22; a solution was adopted recommeudiiig the k-ivation a State lbireau Agriculture liif t Trade Com liiv, with an organized capital stock of nie hull ed .thousand dollars. The citizens of Ben'ning ii. Vt., ou 21st. were startled alout half-past'two l.H-k by a terrific explosion, w hich was heard for I miles "away: it proved to he the explosion of the is w.n ks mi the nremises of H. K. JJradford & n's. kiiittiiig mills: the gas. it seems, had leaked o:iv the pi-s :until the air was tilled, taking fire out the boiler and communicating with the gas i.Mer; -the mill is a one story brick building: the tplos'itn liftetl the roof anil bursted out the walls 'the building, so that the roof felhhack. crushing imii v of the employes; the tire spread sniiultaueous- all over the building, and it w;as half consumed et'oi-e the tire .could be got under control; it was a infill scene, many of the men screaming terribly; lev were inside of the building, and it was not in ie power of :mv one to help them: ten are known i have been killed: the remains of some of the un-irt-.inate Victims were reduced to a mere handful f charred lames, and nothing was left to indicate ho they w ere, except the position in which they fere found. - . REVIEW OF THE MARKETS For tlie Week ending Jan. 27, 1874. THE SPINSTER'S C II ANTE. TUUX WIDOW, AXD THE HUSBAND WILL BE FORTHCOMING. It isgeiierall v the case that the more beau tiful and the richer a young female is the more di flicult are both her parents and herself in the choiee of a husband, and the more off ers thev refuse. The one is too tall, the other too short, this not wealthy, that not respectable enough. Meanwhile, one spring passes after another, and year after year carries away leaf after leaf of the bloom of youth, and opportunity after opportunity. Miss Harriet behvood was the richest heir ess in her native town, but she had already completed her twenty-seventh year, and be held almost all her younsr friends united to men whom she had at one time or other discarded. Harriet beo-an to be set down for an old maid. Her parents became really uneasv, and she heiveli lamented in private a position which is not-a natural one, and to which those to whom nature and fortune have been ni;o;ard of their gifts are oblir M to submit, but Harriet, as we have said, was handsome and verv rich Such was the state of things when her uncle, a wealthy merchant in the north of hngiand, came on a visit to- her parents. He was a jovial, livelv, straightforward man, accustomed to attack all difficulties Itoldlv and coollv. You see," said her father to him one day, "Harriet continues single The girl is hand- LlVKltr-ooI.. Jan. 21. Cottonsales of uplands, lothing below good ordinary, shipped December shipiK'd Jaiiuarv and J- ebruary, he- do. do., sh i l-ltiit: io. l-Kid. .Imii 2-2. Cotton sales of orleans, nothing ow good ordinary, shipped Heceiuber Sd. l:itf 1 Cotton sales of uplands, nothing below rood ordinary, deliverable March and April. Hd. Jan.-2:l. Coitunoii rosin 7. Jd. Spirits turpen ine :5:5s. Cplands. not below good ordinary, ship ped December, 7d. I'jdaiHls, not below good rd'niarv, shipjied i)ecember and January, 7 15- Kid. rplands. not below good ordinary, shipped Jan uary' and February. S 1 ldd. Yarns and fabrics at Manchester dull but not (juotabl i v lower. XKW VoKK. Jan. 21. Gobi Illto lilj. (iov eriiiiient securities closed firm and strong. Cotton Hiijl at cents. 'Southern Hour dull and droopj ..t it 7r to s ' rf- for couiinoii to fair extra: $7 S.rto'll for irood choice. Wheat opened dull and sliohtl v in huvers' favor. Corn tinner at IK4 cents Jor western niixed from store. Pork heavy- new iness ijlti to $lt) 50. 15eef quiet at 8 to 11 for plain tness and U 50 to $13 50 for extra mess. Si.iiits toi-neittine ouiet at 4'J cents. Kosin active r.. .... .... , i . . at si 45 to 50 for strained. Jan -GoId 111 to HIS. Government sec urities strong and active. Cotton dull at U'i to ltij cents. Southern Hour dull and declining at 70 to 7 75 for couimon to fair extra; 7 80 to si l for good choice. Wheat a shade firmer. Corn less tirni at 8:1 cents for old western mixed from store. Pork heavy new mess $15 75. Beef un changed. Spirits turpentine firm at 48 to 49 cents, llosin firmer at $2 00 to 2 fi5. ' Jan. 23. Gold lllf to 111. Government bonds strong and considerable doing. Cotton dull at lbj t lGi cents. Southern our unchanged at &o 0 to 7 75 for common to fair extra 4nu $7 80 to ll for g.Hxl to choiee. Wheat without decided change. Corn 1 to 2 cents lower. Pork quiet and nominal new mess $15 75 to $16. Beef quiet mess 8 to 11. Spirits turpentine quiet, 48 cents. Kosm 2 GO. - ' . WlLMlXGTO.v, Jan. 21 Spirits Turpentine nu li'ilm uruirtu selleea askilltf 45 CClltS, hllVerS demandin-' lower Diices. Kosin. Market closing firm at $2 25 for Strained. Crude Turpentine. 52.J bbls. Yellow Dip and Hard were landed t-aay to lie paid for at market rate; sellers demanded a nwl but. hover uvw iinwillino- to PaV any ad vance: market closed unsettled. Tar Market steady, at 2 35 & hid. Cotton Market quiet irwl nominal. Ktrict Good Oi-ilinarv. 145. .Imii. '21. Snirita Turnentin sit" 434 CtS. V? gal. for Southern packages; market closed quiet and l?om Strainml at -2 UTt. Nft. 2 at $2 30, o. 1 at 8-2 50. Crude Turrtentine. $2 for Hard and $i for Soft. Tar at $2 45; market linn Cotton at 141 cents. Jan. 23. Spirits Turpentine at 434. Rosin, RtrfTuowl at -2 .i5. No. 1 at 50. Extra No. 1 t 8:i50: Low Pale at 11 25, and i4 60; market firm Oiide turpentine at f3 for yellow dip and f 2 for hard: market stead v. Far at S3 45 Per bbl; mar ket steady. Cotton at 14 cents. some; what she is to have for her fortune you know; even in this scandal -loving town not a creature can breathe an imputation against her. ''True," replied the uncle; "but look vou brother, the grand point in every affair in this world is to seize the right moment; this you have not done. It is a misfoitunc, but let the girl go a'ong wijth me, and before the end of tlnee months I will return her to you as the wife of a man as young and wealthy as herself." Away went the niece with her nncle. On the wav home he thus addressed her:" "Mind what I am going to say. Yfou are no longer Miss Selwood, but Mrs. Lumley, my niece, a young, wealthy, childless wi dow: vou had tlie misloitune to lose vour husband, Colonel Lumley, after a happy union of a quarter of a year, by a fall from his horse, while hunting. ''But, uncle " "Let me manage, if yon please, Mrs. Lumley. Your lather has invested me with full powers. Here, look you, is the wedding-ring given you by your late husband. Jewels, and whatever else you need, your aunt will supply you with, and accustom yourself to cat down your eyes." The keen-witted uncle introduced his niece every where, and everywhere the young widow excited a great sensation. The gentlemen thronged about her, and she soon had her choice out of twentv suitors. Her uncle advised her to accept the one that w as deepest in love with her, and a rare chance decreed that!this should be precisely the most amiable and opulent. The match was soon concluded, and one day the uncle desired "to sav a few words to his future neohew in private. . .. . .ii uMy dear sir, he began, "we have tola you an untruth." "How so? Are Mrs. Lumley's affection " "Nothing of the kind; my niece is sin cerely attached to you." "Then Uer fortune, l'snppose, is not equal to what vou told me?" "On the contrary, it is larger. "Well, what is the matter, then?" "A joke an innocent joke, which came into my head one day when I was in a good humor: we could iiot well recall it after ward. My niece is not a widow.' "What f!nl Lnmlev bv.iri"'?" "Xo, no; she is a spinster! The lover protested that ii .1 1 I J mm teliow man nu nan t-viu The Cathedral of Milan. It is dif ficult by words to convey any idea of the Cathedral of Milan, it is so vast, so com plicated, so magnificent. - The interior is deeply impressive: five naves, divided by fifty-two gigantic columns, from which the majestic arches gracefully spring to support a roof that looks as though the clouds might rest upon it; the vast dome lifting itself far up towards heaven, in the dim distance of which is a solitary lamp, so placed as to throw all its light upon a blood-stained pike, which the devout Catholic believes is one of the identical nails driven into the blessed hands of Our Lord. So great is the area that many services may be going on at the same time without confusion. JiVe actually, witnessed, a marri age at oue altar, a baptism at another, and a funeral might have taken place at a third, and a mass been celebrated at a fourth; and, in addition, there was a crowd of-i wonder ing and admiring spectators, all with abund ant room and space j ; ' The material of the edifice is white mar ble and it looks like a mountain of stone, cut into a "labyrinth of spires, pinnacles, flving buttresses and statuary; The roof is a forest of statuary and pinnaclesit seems to me overcrowded. Think of saven thous and statues. ih one building ! Droll Duellists. One of the funniest duels which has ever been recorded was that in which Sainte-Beuve was engaged. It began to rain slightly after he had taken up his position, whereupon he cooll' held his umbrella over his head with the left hand while holding the pistol in his right The expostulations of his witnesses had no effect upon him. "It is all very well to be killed," said the famous essayist, "but I ob- iect to catching a cold; in toy head. There, is a droll story about Terpignan a literary Bohemian, having an encounter with Charles Maurice at five paces. The former having fired, and contrived to miss the other, taking a deliberate aim, said to his antagonist "Well, now, before I send vou into the other world, tell me what you THE MURDERED PEDDLER, i " One of the most striking cases of pres ence of mind and self-possession of which I have any recollection came to light m a trial which- took place some months since in Ireland. The story looks like a fiction, but I have reason to believe it quite true. A. woman was traveling along a road to join her husband, who was engaged as a teamster in the army, and was quartered some twelve miles from Athlone. She had not proceeded far when she y as. joined by a peddler, who was going the same way. 1 hey entered into a conversation during a walk tsf some hours, but as the day , be- sran to wane thev asrreed lhat they, should stop for tlie. night at rhouse,of entertain ment, and pursue their pedestrain journey- tbe next day. They reached an Jbumble inn, sitnated in a lonely spot by the roadside, and, fatigued after a long day s walk, they were glad to find themselves under the shelter of a roof. Having refreshed themselves with a sub stantial supper set before them, they ex pressed a wish to retire. They were shown into the travelers room and went to rest into their respective beds. , The peddler, before retiring, had called the landlord aside and given into hiskeep- ThkABitriai. Place of GoetSe At oIvirrlWKST.This S6eauI to b now the Schiller. Twenty years aftej Schiller's largest town in the State of Florida, and I handed a printed slip, of which the. follow - l here are twenty diamonds mg is a copy i l i i . . i . - x i fP.-r rrrtf i ... i death a certain burgomaster, iJehwabe, took can well believe that, lor navmg iraverseu rouuu uie circie, worm ,uuu eacn,; ma-nit into his head to get Schiller's head ; as a its long, though not populous, streets in all ing $1.30,000; two large, centre diamonds, precious relic ! He had the vault opened, directions, I ani impressed with the couyic- $10,000 each, $20,000 fifty-four smaller udipro thp rpmains Tin A Wn laid with the tion that it is the largest citv in the United i diamonds, placed at the angles of the oth- remains'of ten other mortals, but to his dis may the coffins were all decayedaway, and there was nothing but a confused mass of bones at the bottom of the vault. He took home the eleven skulls, numbered them, ranged them in a row. and invited every one in Weimar who had been personally States, although the late census credits it err, 500 each, 92 4,000; four crosses, each in round numbers with only about 9,000 composed of tweuty-five diamonds, S60,- ihhabitants. And these inhabitants, ; as j$' 000; four large dkunonds on.tho top of the whole, are an odd lot drifts from all quar- crosses; $20,000; twelve diamonds cohtain- ters of the globe, the mass, however, being ed hijk'itrdelis, .30,000; eighteen small- neToes. Unban refuo-ees, and tue mixed I er tiianionns coniaineu in ine same, tu,- descendants of the old buccaneers, who, acquainted with Schiller to come and see aforetime, dominated these keys and all. the them. The visitors, were taken ne by jone adjacent waters. Spanish, or a- patois of into the room, and invited to -write' down that language, is chiefly spoken by the re- their opinions as to ' which was Schiller's sident population, and the children babble ing the pack winch he had unstrapped trom f h t j oruinarv pe0ple would be call i;o, i.n,.v ;i i.a 11 "ia L""-n- u"1" "luiuiug, tciiiug p.d oreat rudeness of speech, but bemj- a , . i r.iL T 000; pearls, diamonds, "&c. upon, the arch es ami crosses, $o0,000; one hundred and forty-one I small diamonds, $25,000; twenty six diamonds in the upper ' cross .$15,500; 'two circles of pearls about the run, S15,- skull, without the opportunity of consult- it in the streets in a - very.,nausical way. 000; cost of the stones Lntho crown, exclu- ation. All agreed upon the sanJe number, Hearing- it one is apt to marvel; as Gold- sive of the metal, f 139,500.-, , Only . a few and then Professor Schroter, of jena, after smith confessed he marveled, when ho heard days after my visit to the Tower, I saw in much difficulty, sorted out the hones of jthe the youth of France.speaking French with the Court Jonrmi m iollowmg account or nr.A tlnLui. n-n 'mnnli "fnl it 1 a nd nrnnrict v ' The wonder list and valuatioh -'Of the jewels in the nlftcftd in the library at' Weiihar. ; It is is the greater, however, here, masmueh as crown, which is vciy dtfferentf fbutv which evident that the ideas of the present day in Key iWest is a part of the;" United States, regard to the sanctity of the grave were'not notwithstanding if docs nbf al ways receive then prevalent. .Goethe wrote -some beau- due credit for that lact. 1- or instance, you tiful letters to the skull, and everything can irequeniiy near persons remain ucic t hat they intend to return? to tue orates at such and such a time; and once a Federal official located here received an order from one of the Department at Washington re- was pretty and pler.sant, and retail to us Hamlet and the grave-diggers. 1 Several vears after Kinar Louis I., of 3 . ' . Bavaria, came to Weimar. , He fwas a man lieving him,' and directiug him to "return it contained a considerable sum of to the United States at onCe !" The natives money v- it a nniv hlnntness. Tvintr Louis here call each other ."conks' when they and much valuable property. " wag very much astonishelto fin4 Schiller's quarrel, and the claim to be an American They were not long in bed before the renia;ns' treated as a cmiosity. I do not is not popularly held to bo substantiated, peddler fell into a sound sleep, but the poor tnow now jt was that lffi camtl to differ but rather the revei-se, by proof of birth at woman, perhaps from over-fatigue or from frora the cotemporary sentiment it might Key West. The place is as remarkable thoughts of meeting her husband next day, haye 1een tnat eng a Romanf Catholic, for what is not seen as for what is seen, lay awake. A couple of hours might have tfr0Ugt buman bones had better be in The familiar vegetation, &c.,; of homo is passed, when she saw the door slowly open- rtDOmHlfo,i rnnnd tbnn rattling about in not here: while it is renlaced by a luxiiri- 1 "I i 1 11" 1 " It 1-1 1 iJ Vl I ' - ' literary drawers. However, the Iving wag- ant growth of tropical ioiiage very strange ged his soon to Goeth he desired 1' atrt inclined to Irelievte is-tbe more correct of the two. The Journnl says: --"The Crown of States which? the Queen wore in St James Chapel,- on the occasion of the royal marriage, is composed as fol lows: ' ; . - -: " :--y - v -v :.:": Th Igreat ruby, 'V,: : Vi ? ; $50,000. . Theiaqua maiiua, - " $G0,000. 20 diamonds in the. circle, ; $1-50,000. 2 large centre diamonds, $20,000. 1 diamond crosses, -V;:' $60,000. 4 diamonds in crosses, a - I - $200,000. 2G diamonds in fleiir de lis, $00,000. l'earls, diamonds, &c., in crosses, $70,000. are thinking of." "I'm thinking that if I ed and a person enter holding a light, which he screened with his hand. She instantly recognized in him one of the young men she had seen below, son to the landlord. He advanced with stealthy steps to the bedside of the peddler and watched him for a moment. He then went out and entered again with his brother and father, who held in his hand a large pewter basin. They went on tiptoe to the bedside, where Total valuation, . $070,000. ; "Notwithstanding this enormous mass of : jewelry, the crown weighs only 19oz. l Od. It measures 7 niches m t lieigbt from the III J. - ...,. r.nA ? 'inill. ' .' rouh tongue to such ettfect that as l to JNorttiern eyes. . xnis is ine oniy puitiuu vvw - , as he had o-one tne Trana uuKe wroie oi me unueu ouwes wmcu pinu: i - ; t . .. . . e that, to avoid turthers . reraarKs, utsr, ana wmcn never Knows lrosi. b rrr".v:T r" , i . i 1.: . V. o MmnOTliAffin row. T". 1 SO Ml UU tSVU IUV ua JUOiiuu tu u .!l,o,rQ hrn UEIliflA. ui. iz.a v .j.i .u.., I IllB UCU l lUl' IU1UUB. ID 41 were in your place I would not fire," said the peddler lay in a deep sleep Perpignan; and he owed his life toliis pres ence of mind. - . Postage Stamvs. -As soon as postage stamps emerge from tlie hydraulic press thev are gummed. 1 he paste is made from clear starch, or its dextrine, which is acted noon chemically and then boiled, forming a clear, smooth, slightly sweet taken One of the young men drew out a knife, apd while the lather held the basin so as to receive the blood he cut the poor victim's throat from ear to ear. A slight, half audible groan, and all was still, save the cautious movement of the party engaged in the fatal deed. They had brought in with them a large sack, into which they thrust the unresisting body. The riiiThiTO l,..iih elifft. nt siiimns is " v ' . . Vm. . r- i . . ... . i seuaratelv. placed upon a flat board, and poor woman lay silently in her bed, lear and its edges covered with a light metal frame. Then the paste is smeared on with a large whitewash-brush, and the sheet is laid between two wTire racks and placed on a pile with others to dry. Great care is taken in the manufacture of this paste, which is perfectly hanseless. This grati fying fact has been conclusively proven bv an eminent chemist. After the gumming, another pressing in the hydraulic press follows. Then another counting; stamps are counted no less than thirteen times during the process of manufacture. The sheets are then cut in half, each portion containing one hundred stamps, this being done by girls with ordinarr hand-shears. Next follows the perforation, which is per formed by machinery. The perforation is first made in a perpendicular line, and af terward in a pressing follows this time to flatten the raised edges on the back of the stamps made by the dies, and this ends the manufacture. pared for Schiller's bones laid in the Grand Ducal vaultf Goethe had a simple oaken box made,. find on it had placed the single -word "Scjiiller," in bronze letters. .--d p WVifm Goethe died a similar feoflin was prepared for him, and they now tie side by side in the Grand Ducat vault, sfurrounded by the tombs of the great Due&l family. "Goethe," "Schiller" these areheir epit aphs; not a word of their title as counselors, or of the nobility which Charlesj Augustus was finally driven to confer upon them , by the murmurs of his courtiers atT having; to associate with these plebeians. jThe Wise Goethe knew when he placed the one word "Schiller" on the cofiin that posterity would demand no more, and they who. directed Goethe's interment did well to foHm' the precedent he had made. -- a prized.. But to me the most interesting , spot in ; the.Toiwer is that whereon flowed the blood however, the most gorgeous, "if it be the of Mary Jane Grey, and also' the, blood of youngest, of London squares. The central Anne TJoleyn and Catherine Howard, wives space is large, the grounds well planned, 0f Honrv VIII,. besides other distinguished its mansions are tenanted by the old nobii itv and p-entrv. is comparatively new. It is. individuals. In order that this spot shall never be lost sight of there is a block of gianito two feet square, fixed in the ground on a level with this imtfiense court, which has tin? appearance of heing macadamized. Just opposite this spot, cut in tho.wall, is a hole three feet from the ground, seven four feet wide and five high: THE COAX SEN0KITA. are The features of the Creole young lady o-enerallv good, and the complexion of the ing that her turn would come next. She heard low mntterings among the men, from which she soon gathered that- they should murder her too, as they feared she might have it in her power to betray them. One of them said he was sure that she was fast asleep, and there was no occasion to trouble themselves; but to make sure of this being the case one came to her bedside with the candle in his hand and the other with a sleep, and had such command over herself the sunny hue of antique marb e 1 '. . , . i . as not to betray m ncr countenance any sign that she was conscious of what was going on. The candle was passed close to her eyes, the knife was drawn close to her throat, she never winked or showed by any movement of her features or of .limb that she apprehended danger. So the men the walks and water well disposed, and the shrubbery of smooth-leaved evergreens, so common in England, and, very, beautiful. It is situated between town and country, Hyde Park lying behind it, St . James' Park between it aha the citv, and the great thor oughfares in the vicinity being more like ,5.. 4 1. .Un,iki M1! mncL.'irD m-rtf run. I r . . 1 'J' ingporches of the houses, the effect of which Was in this niche in the wall of the a ow- is heavy, are made into hanging gardens, er that Sir Walter Raleigh was confined; from which,, eveu in winter, breezes come being, j like ? all other, prisoners ; confined down redolent of a hundred varieties of there,. compelled to remain ' in a 'reclining flowers. But the whole place is stiff and position. In that part of the Tower where dnll. Let us leave it. As Leigh Hunt's the ' curiQsh-ies'of .' thes tanorjr ax kepVciiro cobbler said, J What's the use of 'walking manv Iverv interestinir siffhts: there one . -i r -l n T . 1 '. -.1 I " 1' . -i -it --. , in sucn rinB piacesi sOme back court.77 Let us turn down rnn the block on which Charles L lost his head, and the axe is by it. As I had always had a uesire to sec ims iuock, aim A Pex Portrait 'of TnE1 Tc r k ish younger among them, though perfectly pale, Minister. Anstarehi Bey, the new I urk.1 'a'eserrotibfo- 6f itrnbAenrftnc may be inter- is of that rich paleness which resembles 5gh Minister, is short, thick -set and almond- est;nfr to gome of your readers : in lc cen- The Cuban senorita, unlike h(!r Mexican sister, is not arrayed in the niofet intense colors as vivid as the lnes of the flamingo and the parrot, the cactus flower and jaquoy. She is chaste in her dress, and also in her language and department. If j she lacks some of the sterling qualities of her golden ... I noiTOii aim uiiitt-eve-u auiiiiuui u.s"i""i horizontal line. Another whispered that sue w-as so sounniy asieep - wkwardnessi This is urenr nut nf tli rnmii. removinoe the sack ctiuuuiy t" , which contained the body of the murdered the race. I'vwl: with dark skin and black hair.1 He is abont thirty-five and unmanned. "He. has come to a good place," said a spngljtly young lady, "for in Washington there are so many girls unprovided for, and a Turk, yon know, can have as man' 1 wives as his "fancv chooses." Perhaps, who knows, one or more of the Mesdames Aristarchi Beys i may be American women, for "our girls" fro of the armory department sets a block of wood, say, lj feet Ligli, and 2 feet in ' diameter; on this sets another, block which is about l. feet high, about, ! feet wide, and about "the same in thickness, except at the top, where it becomes smaller In every . ' way, and is riiade to fit between tlie ; chest , and the chin. The handle of the axe is short and the axe is broad, like that of a will saaifice almost everything rational for butcher. '." I asked and obtained permission man. to try how it would fit, and was astonished to seeliow well it was shfiped out to fit the neck! The wood of the other block looked How long must that night of horrors have he was a hap- conceived him- met- Whippixg a Prixce. Xathan Lord, geemed to that poor lone woman! How afterward a prominent shipmaster of Ports- frightful were the stillness and its darkness. mouth, II., was a lad on one ot the The presence of mind which had so privateers captured bv a British frigate astonishingly enabled her to act a' part to during the Revolutionary war. One day which she owed her life, sustained her a voung midshipman came near the prison- through the trying scenes which she had yet ers, who were having an airing on tne to pass, b he did not hurry irom ner room deck, and spoke sneeringly of "the rebels." at an unusually early hour, but waited until titledom. At one of the Germans There is a coquettishness in lier radiant tue tuer night, the Bey, not being as con and laughing black eyes. Tbejre is a sinu- versant w ith our own etiquette as his own, ous grace of movement, a lazy contentment neiped nimself bountifully to "favors," out like jt ,,ii"ht have been walnut, rose or with surroundings, ana an unwayeung iauu i of turn ancl ,n? a,1(l cliStnbnted tnem prom- gome other very dark, solid wood. " Jn this in her religious belief that is really adrair- iscuouSly among the ioung ladies, known gamc (1 pirtmcnt are 16'tig rows of knights able. Although her whole me may oe saiu or unknowri, who happened to attract his - armcr an to be the theatre, the concert nan ana tne also religious. . 1 he church is piano, she is beyship's admiration One young lady ask- ppear) 'and each Idihe dancjei ' vies, ; ne re- black? wooden ) ed him, "Coulc and helmets, each one with his a large, horse : by this means you self, and the old maid was forthwith amorphosed into a young wife. . nor Wet He Got the PlaiJe. A voung . .!. OI ,.f U f it, 1 man went into mo umuc ui iyio ui iim imj est dry goods importing houses in New York, anil asked for a situation. -He was told to come again. fi..?n down Broadwav that same after- . . . . . . noon, opposite the 7 II Young torted : "If it were not for your rank, sir, I would make you take back that insult." "No matter for my rank!" said the gal lant thouffh arrogant -vounsr ofiicer. "If 0 (j . - you can whip me you continually frequented by her, aodthere she piiea, "as we dq in Turkey,", and forthwith . tnt gtvie 0f ai-rnor worn in- battle by patters her prayers and tells her beads with ase(i tne dams4 to favor him with a waltz. tne knights 'of each King. If there is anv somewhat of glibness. 5' ; . It is not safe to dwell too much on the result liA n Europe where' one eandevoto a of the-"spin" when the young lady aforer jv th Wpat adv. overslept herself, in consequence of being greatly tired. - She asked where the peddler was, and was told that he was in too great a hurry Ol - 1 it, ;r.-Hl,r.r.. Af (ho .lim- I . 1 . 71 I. : xl. tn,lr r. fM-t. I . ,, . , , - , . . , 1 . . ' !t ! i il. ril ... Lord, being a lad of spirit, re- 8he had heard all the family astir for some lu iZr hZ IXr in he f T, . -V" - f- V 5 Z it da AV3Ul gat wivamago i .xvw, i I A L . J. J . -r-iS-v-ri-l I , , 1 r.l 1 M o T Itlint w 1 - I I 1 1 I I I till- I I II II all ill 11 HI lllvi Lk.AAaa -' Tim t" m i i iiii whim, i h i w 1 1 1 nui one nci-u . , ii-. --''--- i " . . : - - - - IlllJ"WV"v mv --- --- I I ni- -T rx- . two jrrrVTi.- . 1 . if 1 . J 1 . ' . - i rtPAOITUT Q Til I f 111 1IM IlfllK. LUU tL I tlvv VA 1 4-,, VIA--AJ , 7 t t w I LU hole building. exact a large it." i .1 I .-w.-. - .' . . m 1 .. i are welcome to no to wait lor her. but that he lett sixpence to pay lor ner ureaKiasi. The dance is her passion. In its slow, graceful and delicious whirl her eyes flash flrlmrent with supreme happiness. She has a weak' apparent. 5 . nr nf lv" m, -r 1 A v if.. - 1. .1.- j .x 1. V neSS IOr Aiutjuuaus, wuivu m Mip Astor House, an old AUU idU"' "T':'"' appcm he grace of t sav that the freshness and choiccness of vAnv .tn WnlVhrnn-h the whe her attitudes. J J . : . toilet which distinguishes her entrance into The tnten live 1ts iri clis She has great care of ; her -complexion, tbe ball-r0om.: had taken unto itself wings niw nf frfrsiiin-ers for each sapartiuent and constantly wears ros6s and jessamines at tne termination of the tearing race,.; and through which they ?' conduct thcnl" nd in her hair, which shines as anthracite coal. one,was reminded of the appearance of the consequently they hnrrv theni through in ., j f;i - . . . -l it. i -ii. poll-parrot in tne anceaoie, rtuueu m it 1 najf a-n,i10ur, in order to taK.e- ti)rongtt out The challenge was eagerly accepted, She sat down composedly to that i meal, and the two had a regular sailors set to. ani forced herself to take with an eyes her coun , ' - 1 : x ,.oo otroof m-oo 1 lisnman actvtiow il-ii"cu muiocn ""1 1 - one a-uoeujeu. uurouonuuo vx 1 m, nutile woman trvinET to cross tlie stieet w as ; ..i13-, . . i I , -v. , . . 1 the . , ii .i uib u nir iif.iiiiK Willi inn ui'irvjiiiit. duivi i uini-.ii u iii-t-ii nt.itiiiiiii.' . ii Liu laoivuvju i struck bv a staffe. knoefced down, ana ner ""o - r . ' , ance . C3 . i i mi ot-a o rvrovo ii-i I nw i it vk i h (fill i oat hoi - - I - , - basketofapplessentscattennginthegutter. f not Wet von !" V "1 u,s over Rhe took leave and most nationa of Cuban lyrics, , ; - This vounsr man stepped out irom the --., - o -,, ,,-. . V T, - , r---- - W thont love the world is S3 cuaos to passin-crowd, helped up the old ladv, put At iieenaoiiu vuvi.-u r- 0i tne lamuj, ami m uu u u. if a fitful light for a moment ; break pasMu wowu, y f ers with the exception of Lord, were sent the least appearance of discomposure or mis- ucl; Ai f i her apples into her basket and went on his The admiral sent for him and t. Shhad proceeded but a short way on her mind, it is s r 1 ; : way, lorgettmg tne tnciuem. aA im ht rt. vnnn, Dnke of L,i,cU0;.;; l.H.ronnin. look- "Like moonlight on a troooiea sea, .. ... - - - Brifht'nins the storm it canpot calm. Amono- the different type of iwomen, the Cuban girl is certainly worthy of study. It gay plumage by the mischievous monkey er ? 0f bicVthere is always a crowd stand -But then she danced with a Turkish Min- jntr' -jrt waiting.' One portion of the ,Tow ister. Was that not sufficient compensation erfcailcd the White Tower, is very an- rers 12 acres, and is enclosed some eight feet "thick. The Tower contains the Wellington Bar- t.nn's lifn. . . t- . - l A j t t 11 4oi.lofin - oTirt liairt u vmicu a luv. Mt i i ioj- torn aim uet-tiimmivt inivtwi i (.tonr.- as It v contredanza is the rhythmic utter- needing Pleasant lliderhood's fingers to put stmctnre eo of her warm, languid life--the earliest lit 1n,. Corrtswndent of tlie Cincinnati .:ti . waii i m . Gazette. If you want to increase Advertise. ' When he called agannpon the importers Tr- Vr T ttt . . JA - - rr---- v ntn iie wm-ii f t p. nronee. a son of His Maiestv George III, hnr women. One look was sufficient to he vyasaskedto na nem T0Ung midshipman -whom he had coanvince her that they were young men, accepted nae fought, had requested that he be set at and one thought to assure her that she was pearly a year afterward he ascalied ,fa fi afc m -nto vet in tneir pwer and on the very verge of a Correspondence. FOlt TUB CAZSTTE. - ' ' 1 Rminiscences of a Sojourn of Many Year? in side one day ana assea 11 ne iptueiuwi o j , , . , - , . . ,. ... ii ,;i0 .Amoii ii MmqiiwAr auJ umi ui io j.tiftwm, " uuuiuuu assistuiff an out appie s .A Q to 11S in Kew England. The nlime is taken from tale of Dickens. 1 One at TTartford was started in 1872. The build SKr.tKZ P&i hadylacd.ooteathis Sorvico. They walked Side, enlcrb pitK. up a iuti.ri i , t . conversation, asked her where she was go is surprise, learned why he obtained a HolTjTTree Iiras are becoming popular and told her that their road 1 vvas the :.,;.-.. --1iti nmrfl than one hundred others . . , mt i.i e "o . . . . in a situation when more than onehundred others were desiring the same place. Younn- man. you little know who sees .I w . mnr a.-ts of kindness. The eyes of others " "i t it,,,.. ..-Sll nnt fol-o tta see and aumire w ui mvy trouble to do themselves. American Mes sengcr A Clergyman's Appeal. A minister Massachusetts town near the iew TTnmnshire line, whose salary is somewhat in nmwra is renorted to have astonished his congregation on a recent Sunday by Ravine to them from the pulpit, 4Do not, mv dear hearers, demde yourselves with iAan that J Am fin anel. for I am far from having arrived at that blissful state. If I were an angel, I would fly away heaven and preach rml v of th( CATT1 othiniT to eat. and in order o. ' .11 it n must have some money m pay mo w4x. Homes should be bcautiRod. - . . , i j must be confessed tnat sne is goprneu muxc Emnires of Eurow. bv the characteristics Of her rice than oi '"" 0..---. . . jredTinto education. , ' 1 1 - ! . . 'e 'Tower of Ii)ndon'i one of tue most Besides being a good and s atlectionate interesting spots on earth, from ,the many wife and mother, contented in poverty as in l , . i,- f Aripi eVt,nf 9 tW havti oe- r 1 . . , ' ,. ... -f - i .-,l uu aiu"o u"w. . . . wavt thev Questioned her as to where wealth, and attending wun scrupulous . Wn . wallg ln the tower is a she had lodged the night before, and made to all domestic affairs, the Cubap woman is too oae cf which is a glass case your business, J. P,nn rlnl,,; the -Horse Anndrv and Qneen Klizabetli's Anuory. At one time it wa occupied as a ro ai m idence, and after that only as a prison, and noV its only value is the: historical interest that clusters around it. Sliortly affcr my arrival in the great London, I, xliangc d my lioarding house and boarded' with tw o LnguStl ladies iy iu nautc yi u"11') rn uated just opposite Kxeter flail, a ".building so well knowu to all intelligent - persons. UntiL I clianged my location, I had ample timft to examine St., Paul's Cathedral. To minute inquiries about the family occupy- j intensely patriotic. : - . , Urtf onmrpra wPrfi I III 1UB BUiU'ic " give any history of it would be stipTihi ous, it is so well known to all. Suffice it i i. 1,S.W Anf"' r.A : - u-iiln ; cinl . i : 3 i aooui live ice x"", v "r . at .iocooo " . Tr wii I . ,-. . ; i - r , XT - .,. n,,ra I Tn trio stmcrcrie for Cubans xignts ana j . i viaoa nan J. & . . . . ii c,t i l o ; ... i i i it. ic, hn-TA . hjrl riA . more I ' .. - . A that it i aio leet in lenjrtn. ani . .. hni muTiwniiTii it ti iPii n rs a re- v..-,--( onri d mcnitthn rurniA i Treeuom. iuc ipmiuum .-.. .. h,v, nrernntinff rut nne irom airaroacu-i w - - . . ' . ncanv uv.ur-,,vV. -r. r I nmwuuuiuuiti.,.uouvo.v r r I ,itv4 -ttJ'mnm f I t'v" ro.TJ C" , "i.v- .aT tnn if thn i-rfta u iere good, substantial meals -f the tmise had appeared to be decent and powenui auxiliaries tuau w U;' this room is burglar-proOf, as is also irom;iuc . ;. ' could be obtained at low prices: Beefsteak, civii and had treated her very' well. : ; Cuba. As in ancient Home, an r tne uae toW The glasscise : containshe 404 f . ... ti l. i f i '.-...o-i n-riu-n Willi 1 1 v uauuiiittii . i v i . j w... in i wminir. iiuiji ui 111111 l m inv , uv in. . i - . k'.w t a-n hrmrs tnfi mpn wmnn ieu uv u wi vauui ' mwna. t.irfiP,isra'Dire.anunoiuwi ouno, "v - - vri -- I . . . xl,. A1n o,'"" M r t , , vw.. 7 charity in the common acceptation. 1 he meals are paid for at a price which nearly ro ad to meet her that she lost her self-com- chased to carry . oi red Tree Inn. , No liquors of any kind arc? sold., . The restau 1 M-sa m - - j , mini! which she had so successfully 'exer- The average cost has I a nrxA throwini? herself into bis arms cents. Fifty fa;nted away. . - r i ii : : .-... aurmg ine mnA Wli!ri n-ai 'kfint , nnder ... . . t i auiuiiu. i ...v. .. . - , . . I I imAirn , nnr.nniv i ' ....... - , . noble gins, u b.- ....... . rd to tne ceieprated lapiaanan, , have Ween executed by the rotniess opan- terdarrii :g gaid to be - worth $10,- iards for their patriotism, luit itornirea Jy OQ0 00Q Qn my .fog wbere this cele the florrinr hands of brutal sqldicrs, :who , , j';,mm,i -flR. T received so absurd m to the laborers of Hartford living nearit - The trul v great mind is that one which J dared to outrage human nature; m woman- Bees God in all tilings, and studies contm- Ytlo. vi i ii.. t.An. Hia cnnrpiri!i,ir flnfi penencence i -: U1C-OS- 1 uaUT w u-.w m- ( . mar be acknowledged bv its works. lxove punm-s uie umh -love all men. on onsivpr that I wilL not here I - then asked some questions relative to the iewels in the crown, -.when I was an armed which every ope walks. ;i he linierai rites Coster or solemnites ot the Uuke oi ciiington I i . -. It i !.. ..t 1 were, ceieurewcu in, i-,-uiuuoi . , and for mouths after ltis remains were closed np in a coffin, covered -with 'an im mense, black, silk-velvet pall, ami wcted in the centre of the cathedral, surrounded bv n -nard. ' oYAUEUK.