,0 -'.y '( L in. in Published by J. H. & G. G. Myrover, Corner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteville, N. C. i V VOL. 4 NO. 73. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1876. WHOLE NO. 101. North Carolina Gazette. .1. II. & G. G. 3IYUOVEK, XVlirtli. ro. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: On year (In ailvancu),. Six month " 'Xtiree " 2. 10 I Ss5 . 75 CLVIl RATES i . . ' . a. ?n 10 copirt(H!iittooiia.irH) wun an extra copy VI) 40 f( ami a nrcniimii f a fine cliromo, value ?23 lOO roiiifH Incut l oiiMaillrBi) with an extra copy 1 . 1 Al.... I. ....... vulilu iJII JfcUlt prOIUllliH UI II UO viiivmv, mv 7,'J ri' S O A 1) VER TISIXG : 75 00 90 00 150 00 office; and there I can't go through- with it I can't even remember details; but I w as cli arged with being a thief. You'd have to understand our particular business, as well as book-keeping, to know how I was supposed to have done it; but they believed I had robbed them oi one hundred ponnds. T.hey urged me to confess. 1 was in nocent, and 1 said so. 1 hen they told , tne thev did not wish to be hard on me; I place WEDLOCK Il4 THE SURF. . Recently an elderly Baltimore gentle man, proud of bis w ealth, discovered that bis daughter bad dared to love a young man far. beneath her in the estimation of society A week later the Baltimore mansion ' was closed for the eeason, and tbe names of father and daughter soon after appeared on the register of one of the hotels at Nara- gansett Pier. There was -with them a J"u"a- " r n. ia 1 for bovs. Thev would be merciful, and winpuuH.ii, uutm iCu uu u,, ...ui. rmmcnilnr. ! ont in reality a paid spy over tue yo '"00 "w .:- " ,1 '- j u. All I could sav had no effect. They 8 uu uu, uut proved me guiltv before thev accused me, 'etore. a tortnigbt nad elapsed tue young ;.i. ,i t iut t af.,r nnr intr, lover in iiaiumore naq receivea one morn- 0.qre(?l.ne,aolVUoP5ren)nelBrtln lM tuoffice Phe boys were getting readv hS big envelope containing a dainty to eo home. I saw thev knew what had llttle nole wmcii miea mm witu joy un O . . happened. one moniii three U nix ' . twelve 2 50 500 9 00 15 00 nnnpadvertUinpnt( charged In proportion to the ntff i-ahm. Spm;iiil notice. & per ceut. more than I regular, ailvurtim'iuent "Xone of voa believe this of me," said Home Circle. speakable. lie uad a Inend wuo .was a clergyman, and belore the sun had set that night the two had a long, earnest con ference, which resulted next morning in the departure of the twain for Narragan- sett Pier. The old gentleman was for- 'Homeis the Sacred Refuge of Our Life." , , Ih-yden. A "Xone of vou who know me ?" And Merrivale said : . "Look here, Forrester,'you're very lucky in rnt nfPcn " w y v. - I..-,, . . .... ' ' . .1 I.. .1 .1 r t.,, 1,5.-1 nhrrK.inn V , . t- I . .n I , And I fll'liPtrv Rflid I uluucu uv u, pusitu iu uuujd hi iuu "Now, come, we know too mucb to be su'rf, and the spy bated the sea as the fooled. It's alwavs vour slv boots of a aevu is saiu to uaie uoiy water. j.ne irood vonnjr man" that does" this sort of ynS lftdy enjoyed ber bath exceedingly, tin?" s im" And Grab said as the most infatuated lover is J apt to be temporarily i disenchanted by the Thev "fed to make fun of him at the hfliee. Ho was a queer old fellow, with a Holeinn lace, and what we tiiougiu naicu lnnlv nolitii wavs. He would take off bin bat when he came in, and say : "Unfid mor'nin.'?. irenUeuien. I trust I see vou all in jrood health this fine day." A'nd snine of tlie bovs would nod and Komo wouldn't do anvthing; but I never con Id. hdp standing up and bowing, per haps because 1 knew that my would have fail 1 onlit to lo it "I savi Forrester, don't talk too much; you 11 give yourself away." And fetover said: i "Oh, go take a glass of brandy and wa ter, and don t'jro on like irl about it." And what with shame, and rage, and grief, I could have"died; when out of his dusty corner came little Old Dumps, in his little snuff-colored over-coat, and held appearance of his ideal in a bathing dress, the father and spy concluded ttiat no pos sible harm could come to the "dear child" in the water, and so tie spy only sat upon the bauk and watched, lhe lover and the minister reached Providence in due time and speedily won a young lawyer over to their cause, lhe lover then wnt to the pier, and, keeping1 out of the way of the spy, suddenly appeared before the out his band "Mr. Forrester " hq said, "I've watched happy girl in the water. A few minutes mother you ever since you've been here. I know sufficed lor hun to propose that they be a-hnr. vnn mo. Yon sire incanable of n manieu me im uav iue warn, auu uie I will iaay promptly consented, lines new me is more, 'I'ii lu ksurf" bovs. ho was onlv on salarv dishonest, act. and. what like ourselves, but bad been at & prove it before I rest. The man who res- enraptured lover to Providence, legal form It ;8 twentv-five years, and voting fel- pects himself, the man who honors . his alities were quickly arranged, -the lawyer lows had come and gone, and there he mother, will do no 'dishonorable thing. wad. I I He took my hand in his arm, and, bow- And, vou see, it was gentlemanly " of mg to the others, walked out into ' the bini, Tsaid; and if he was a little creature, street with me. I heard Grab and Stover with a queer little wig, why he;; looked and Carberry laugh, but Merrivale gave Koiiietliii!" like a irentlcman, too. ; 1 said ns a lnnous look, and stood, white to the lips, looking alter us, but .well I didn't trv it asrain. "Mr. Dumps," said I, "I thank you for - - - - w . i , i ' . . You see,- Merrivale was up to every-' your conhdence in me. ,1 deserve it in thing, dressed elegantly, sneered at every- this, at least but it saves my heart from tiling almost, and I d come from a country towh ami he was a citv man. Nobody down on "Old Dumps" as he II i. I . ,1 Al .1.11 ,1 !..L,,P T 1 M was, especially auer ne inane us inai umers snail iiiiiik oi vou as-i uo, soon. 1 hen we went on in silence. 1 lie took mo to his own room, where he kept bach elor's ball. lie made tea for me, and served me with sliced potted beef and thin bread and butter, invited a confidential friend as a witness breaking under this disgrace. How shall 1 tell mv mother V I "Don't tell her yet," said he, "Wait. From the New York Suu. a rn.vsE op riARD times. The Immense Bnsiti? Dnnhr ihn rifr Tawn. 11 was a paying ol Koowcaa t and this brokers. Filial Love. One. day .some men. who bad been condemned to hard labor on the public works for various crimes. were occupied in .repairing one of the Vienna streets. There passed that way a good-looking, rrnl I a,. . I .-.svt-tv I A. I . 1 ncii-uicsBeii vuuii-mini: no sioppeu near uwmg to tlio extraordinary run mon one oi tue convicts, embraced rum auec- the pawnbrokers for loan, tbo money tionately, and went on. I lenders have not only been compelled to A State official had been at bis window reduce the amount of the loans on arti- during this scene, and was much astonisb- cles taken, but have placed a limit to tbe ea ai h. lie uau me young man nrongni accommodation, lnsnto of every pawn to him, and said: "Mv friend, there is sbon in town now ban "-a a sin. "fot more something very peculiar in embracing a tban $25 loaned on any article." convict in tbe street: YV"hat will tbe peo- "What is that forfsaid a Sun re porter pie think of you!" to Uncle Simpson, pointiug to tbo igu. xuc luunK iu.u Daiu numm" iui a ic i "xuai. means lUhl W liaL 1L KUVS. Krxra the CM-U'a Mktruiu. GREAT MEN'S WIVES, Simon-Pure Politics. The dramt rijrbt f a fre citiim It tbe ricbt U aa koseil, r nemlc gi e micf at. tlat "a a woman makes turn. Fcntimcnt it slightly Taricd in onr own old Englisb proverb, which ay that "if a man would thrive be mot ak bis wife's leave." Tb records of kistorr pnntlin tinttili.rlvcd ivmM f w ntnffn ft,.; V.k-.u .i... nr ILe prevalcoce and iLe dcr.tb cf II Aaron Hur dii for Moses; tbev Lave Lcld Pt,l,cn wrmpUon. Tier do not detsr nj, their bands and supported them at tbe "J T ""T1 ,U ndU tT .i.Di f i L. -r,.i . 1 bronrbt rrproacb upon tie name of or THE WAT TO tErOtM IS-.XOT TO tErctl. TLis is tat tbe logic of tbe Ilermbli- can party Las corae to. TLey Jo tt what wonld have been a failure into tri umph and success. And tbey contain ex amples, too, of lbop who bave accorup- coantrr. ITier cannot deny tLat tbe lt eight years of RrpaMicaa role, one Lalf ol ILe w'tjole tiue dating Lxb tuat arty Las licm in control ol ILo ttoxemajt-nt, Lave ln matked by flacratit txcv, by cormptions ooezHrl and ntipnmbed c moments, but soon recovering himself be J couldn't let people bave all the inoncv tbey I l'bcd a far more difficult tak tb&t of sns replied: . ' . want. "Wbv. we would need mora" than taining and clccritig wLen endeavor and ii AT Ia,1 T w 1 . f xll.,l T. .T;..l,iHn J. a. 1 . 1 "i. 1 . rt I I.amsi a -? aJ It m nnltf tiAffasesf 9 iiHM, x uuiv luiiuwuii iuc uitwut-8 i luer is i a me u nueu oiaics i rcasury. i - vs vp hm t - . - - . . - . . of duty and my heart, for the convict is "How much money bave vou loaned mention tbe names of Gertrude Yonder " u" ' L. mv father." out!" . W'rt and Lady ltacbel Ruscl in proof of f trT "f1 tr?t tnslmm ral.oti, Touched by these words, and admiring "I euppose tbe firm baa out $250,000. bi. It may not be nnioterertidg to give I . Z J? L. the noble conduct of the voting man, tbe and sometimes more tban that: money a few instances of women m our own gen- ,. J . . . J official hastened to tell the Emperor what comes in and goes out all tbo time. Wc oration wbo bave been to tbeir LoUoda 21 fii tit i riM ...b i i i r, it-.... -...v ii standaras ol olaci&l anl political tuoriiiitr. had happened lhe sovereign recogniz- are not making a rant deal. In fact, belpers and ftllow-workcrs, as we 1 as , , . . , - tiiizing companion, sua wuo uave I . . -. .... . . . .7 ed tbe beauty of the filial act, and gave J things bave leen so dull lately that the I py'upat the convict's son an important post. He sales of goods unredeemed bave. in manv I lu"9 taken a rohition wbicb is unaniuiou- wis hod At once to snow that the niiinsli-I inst-inrp lint rnli7f.l tlm niiifinnt nr tin. I iv acKuow ieigcu io no m iiiom I'ruu.i inu ment of crime should be individual, and original loans. There U such a lot of old I honorable ' out -that cf a bclp.nsto to not general, and that nothing should inter- I truck comes in that reallv ain't worth auv- I nian. Among these tbe nauio ibat is ft fere "with the divine precept, "Honor thy thing." , , thoogbt of, probably l-can it has so re- father and thy mother. HOW THEY SLEEP IX NEW YORK. n e i i i-4? l. i. .1 ix'iore nine o ciock lasi nigui luousant; of persons in this squalid quarter bad gone out into the open streets to remain unti morning, iaccnt streets the inner edges of the tdde- i n?., f .. ,ii r.f i.nTn. i contiv Iipmi iirmifTi:L i riori tttiiiiic uoitc. i V" b JVMt"J h-.i:;.fi"r.AV:,V .!.:.;: tirrtlry and tbe aJoptiot, cf tbe C r r.'. , i, j ..... ,. . :::rir::'z az oaupi.tfrm. Tier iow tut. lesj uiose icuos over in uio v-nv f , . nnotninaUrig IWJeat Grant nnal nail get liard up jma telore pav day. and iitievii iuc uuKuut J't i iR-2 iLe enJcrwl !i 1 UA ...,f o A.J ;.f of the most intimate of theOueeu's fenon- 7 la.lb'2 lUt7 njMWl.lu dtt.iwrt ...v, r... ..j b.v. ...... v. jvnv,.,., ..... . . .IlioniBlLe mokt at t.rored itla r.f IS I 1.... . . r. . .t. I n I inetnlit. fcliA tioRKrfcjMHl & urirm(i of I - . J . I .lilt. .111.1 I ll.-.-. 11.111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UilUL 1UUII"U 111 - - . . M a ... . . ..... - . . .1 . . i . . .. . i.:ii Ti... 11- heart ami a stren-tb of intellect which UUiCT! .f' DU u !ur. "irtai, nil u IIVSIV VI UI... M. m. ilHViOUT I r . - .1 tkrMtV.i ll.l. .n Air .lllnn 1. - 11 li.i .i .i .... i . . i i .. l, n.i r..i;n r.n -n .u i- ..v.f,Jf m... uv ikkri h i innn-s oil i. .urn n nni in ivnir i vn n fi-vvi . .v.iu 1.1 i;i i. .1 . .11. . .11 .. .t -.. nurr ti aiLiueiBow woriu i-looii a intitiotimbich has cotlinned ibronb tbil eriod, was prolonged by ibeir own delib erate act, w ben a Ure rtia f the vnr et men of the party, led by totne oi its U-tt and oluet taeuilTrs, bad efcUred a ffrtual protect in tbe domination of Mr. txtMdet taoas- ra- re- Lttae gbat leave them. Then we have to pt ore the .11 1.1 .1 O O ' I I " . .. nil . Ani 1 n -rnp nmt viia mi , , ... . . ...... . .... . ... . a . n i . ....... . ""a- 1 people w uo come wuu coats and ureases i - r.,u,l l.i t - r.n4 ..l i.,. . .t . , . . a 1 : 1 r .1. . : 1 i . . 1 . 1 1 .. . 1 . 1 1 1 , 1. . , ... . 1 .uvi w ivtvvuwi ium piw u br iiiizei most licanuy wuu uer uubuanti iota 1 -,ir rm i. .1. man w Lo ciioe wilLin tLuty votes or nomination at Cincinnati Lad jui4 le- walks w ere lined with blankets and bed I ...i t .1 I in tboncrlit ami work, wbila lb noor f.fl . "'t4 gr jr1- . emu u 1 j vui , unit taivu iuv kunuic w I j ' - 1 I tue ticks, upon which half-nude children were I irettino- our inonev back " I Westminster fouud in ber tenderness and I ,ir.n;n c i.1aco otimi. tl.n it .oo 0 n,i 11 .s.i ..i 11 . i i!.i . - r -ii..:.:..A ,.r it.:.iU""lu'lu"u Bav.,..jjCv...6vim. . a. ue cierKssaid tiiaiiiiev naa not Known I n'XM"cnn up niutui owtn-uu v u. f , " ,i . . - . I I W WV U -WW P W .rU 'l 1 W i . ..... and the next rtav, when the water was fnl of people, a party of five might have been seen a little apart froijn the other bathers The marriage ceremony bad to be sus pended every few seconds on account o the breakers. 1 hen jthe foam leaped to claim the first kiss from the lips of the Pride, out the rest ot the little company relinquished their privilege on account of the attention such a proceeding might at tract. i - ' possible to step between them, l hey al- snci, a demand for money in years. Tbe most lay over one another; entirely with- poor were parting with everything thev out covering, and in many cases with a had, and they were compelled to etop loan cellar door, or even the stone flagging i,lg 0n many articles which in ordinary alone for a bed. In one place eight chsl- times thev would receive. , dren were asleep on a patch of wooden On the" extreme cast and w est sides the pavement, six feet long by three wide, and pawn-brokers bave done a tremendous babes scarcely six months old, with naked i,ess. At one establishment in Eighth limbs, lay exposed to tue skv on pieces of Avenue live clerks are engaged from 7 o'- blankets thrown over cellar doors. , l,,.-,k a. m. to 8 oVlock i. m.. Lakin" in The building, of .five Tha men and women, and older chil- goods. packed from cellar to garret. istories. is Rooms are Ail thedress- miserics. Every one will remember the testimony of John Stuart Mill to the worth of his wife, which is to be found in the dedica tion to her memory printed at tbe com mencement of one of his essays : "To the beloved and deplored memory of her who was tbe mspirer, all that is best and wife whose and right was my strongest incitement. and whose approbation was ray chief re ward I dedicate this volume. It is said that such was 31 r. Mill's foitow at ber death that be continued to reside at Avig- conccrned in railroad lecUlaiion and marketing Lis rulings as Fpcskcr of tbe House of neprt-scnlauvcs, while lie one man in tbe arty who Lad made Limlf cor.fpicoous as an eneray of l Litres re ceived one-Mrvcnth only of tbe votes of the I ron rent inn anil nnvli' nn-tLiri! imn , and in part the author, of I ... .- , . . , ' I . . . ' . I Ji tli n.irli.inieiitrr w.l,l.-r al.ni itu. in tny writings the fnend ' . . , ' A ,, . ' ' exalle.1 sen! of troth andl ,. .... ... f - - THE TURKISH HODJA es cacu day s coiiectiou hy Use. l are keit in a separate anartment. and the silks, merinos, Sec., classified so that they no"t le place where she was buried, fa ' . . . I .1 . 1 ... II . , l . .1 1 . :1! . ttpeech aldiiit our conuuci to tue iaoie. Dumps m.Kle the speech, von know; ' and it was Merrivale who had said the lady only came in to look at him I in sure she reallv wanted to know the wnv to'the street she asked for; and how fdie colored and hurried out ! And Dumps with his brown wig, looked to me like the gentleman that day; and Merrivale with his fine curling hair and black mustache and broad shoulders, like a puppy. I "ljieman who calls a Mnsli to the cheek of a good woman bv look or toue must have forgotten his mother," said Old Dumps. "When that lady asked yon a civil question, she relied on her belief that you ' were a gentleman, Mr. Merrivale. Vhni you answered her as you did, and Fpoku of her as you did, any cue- could read your insulting thoughts, Mr, Merri vale : and you did not even rise from your peat, Mi:, ion proved that she was very much mistaken." "Mean to say I am no gentleman f Paid Merrivale. .' . "In this instance, sir," said Old Dumps, "you certainlyfUave not conducted your self nr, one shotuSd." Merrivale pitflel his coat half off, and pulled it on again. . .. "Pshaw," sai be; "he knows he's safe. ' ThereM be no fun in knocking down an i old bair of lionctUikc that. I could do it every man who voted for Lua. TLej know all the long story of Ilepublicaa crime. Tbey know all about Ib-lknap, SchencV, Orvil Grant, Ictjt, McDonald, Joyce, LUlcock, Porter, Williams, Kobe- son. tbe CatlelU. lielano, tlsaes Ames The room was a strange, old-fashioned place, enough like a room in a story and there was a miniature of a young lady in the costume of forty years before, on the wall over! the mantel; and book-shelves, old, calf-bound volumes Fielding's Ame lia, Thaddeus of Warsaw, Evelina I can't tell you all of them; and on a stand . t f .1 i: -i . near the lire, the prayer-nooK, witu the book-mark hanging from it. And it was not until tve; had done tea that he said to me very apologetically, af ter I had called him Mr. Dumps : "Mr. Forrester, excuse me; but I am not named Dumps. That is the name by which the young men at the stoie consid ered it witty to call me.' I .confess I could not see the wit; but it rather hurt-them than me. I saw by your manner that vou had-'"made a mistake. Mv name is Adams." - ! . f : I was so much ashamed of having used the nickname, innocently as I did it, that I could have cried. But my old friend comforted me. I think that but for his sympathy' that 'night I should have taken mv own life. I did not believe lie could help me, even then. But he did. 1 said 1 could not tell vou with mv little fingr. But yon attend to inst what thev accused roe of doing unless vour own businesisi will von. Old Dujdds ? vou knew the inns and outs of our tmsi- - r v , x 1 : I can behave mvsell without' your advice, nees. And I can't tell vou how he did it nnd that ain't'the first woman that's come for the same reason. But one day he came in just for a sort of flirtation. I'm used to to me, Husked with triumph, and took both 1 . i. ... ..r .1.:.. t ... ! I .. i i . i i i. i l. i ... i i . j (.Hilt !wi i. ii miii:;, x iini. i , i my uaiiuts nun MHum tut-iu uuni, auu saiu There were in the time of the bodia three monks learned lin all -the sciences. These monks traveled hither and thither. and at last came to the states of the Sul tan Ala-Eddin, who Invited them to be- do," can be readily found. They bad on band " ue conunnai.T tii ucr mm.., nnJ lu fiye KrputriaiIl cU-irroc0 M1 over a thous:ind dresses, varying in valee nl be never censed to lament ber lows. 1 9 from 50 cents to S150 each .In one room Thomas Carlyle one of the greatest intcl- RrpoUicllJi tnyiUU. Maar on tie third floor the racks around the eclaal lights of Id century has recorded of L7t0 Mt walls were filled with large, square pack- his testimony to the worth ,of Lis wife on ro,foir ,W0 tUr do. But tLer m come Mussulmans said the monks, "if swers to be given which we will ask.", and the sultan assem This we Ml you will answer any oi tun "How is this," sail among so manv learned will cause an- to all the questions It was so agreed, led all his wise men and theologians, whoL however, could not monks questions. tl ie sultan 'that persons there is answer these men 1 not found one to While he was thus dissatisfied, one of those present cried out: "There is none that can dren, had not yet thought of retiring. A largei empty cart served as a roosting deyoted to special articles. place lor auoui a dozen, noisy coys, wuo, perched upon the driver's seat, or lying in the bottom of the box, shouted, sang and told stories, some of which were about the gallant Custer, who, one youngster maintained, was "a ballier Indian fighter than Texas Jack." An hour later it was cnrioii3 to see the women and girls "of 15 sitting on the curbstones, and making their toilet for the r.ight by twisting up their hair and throw ing a shawl arouud them. One after an other they lay down in the open air be side tlie children, and regardless of the almost jostled them in passing, to all appearance dropped com- ill 1 d 1 I 11 . I " .1 .1 . 1 I" MM TF 1 "I ionai.iv asieep. Ltraduauy me noise in thepc for a very long time. People will wonu mac i.e um or niwmifuru. i m . . , , dLfHi! tif Sn.inr Mn the street died out. A bevy of voting ,n wttbnnt .h l'.ille ensile when ihev nre W HC of Sir llltam Hamilton. Frofe? Wr I i c ' ,..p..ul. , .t . l. .1. i.i i .... .;. ' .1 i... . . . . . .1 ft - .1 i-; .r ivi- 1 iuh ctuiwi wnins', gins wuu uau ueeu Miiguig mo "oiar hnnfrrv. but don t like to ose the books al- - g'c in uv oiiiveftiii oi i,iiBMrz, i . . , , w ages, covered witu canvass. "What are those?'' asked the reporter. "Them's family bibles, and verv fine her tombstone : she bad more sorrows than aW m but also a soil amiability, a -in ber Lngut existence I.. ' .s. . .. t w.uuui.n, 1 vi, m.tP A il,- .mt . I i uv wm w )t m Wly.to r m iiiuiiniip i la iiuw rm in iui it wwuif.si editions, loo, most of them," said tbe clerk, discernment, ami noble loyalty ol beart, . ; llcw 'pt;l Mf u uncovering one, nnd showing the ornament- bicb are rare. I or bmy years she was M llu uckcjD covered lLe Ammcao al binding and giltjcdgw. "We ban the true and loving helpmate of ber hn- mM , ; , To c,nJctna lU from S3 to SS apiece on them. There are band, and by act and word nnveanedlr Adrainitu.ltlori lir rirolonjia-it oncxaa. over 140. and sortie of them have been forwarded him, ns none else could, in all t l. . ' i;.t.,- 1 VIUVI S a 19 SWW,-,,BW W ' bpangleii Banner' and other patriotic airs, together, so they pay the intcrcft and keep fell asleep one after another on a cellar thera here. There a great many of them ' and I containing family 'pedigrees, marriages, shouting "I . -v sin flirt o - n ii . 1 i . f - . -I A. n k . i vtiM, auvr iiiu mMiiHto ui g.vo ine ..u.o.i oi i ..ouie:u9 except lan?bter ceaSed. The young story-tellers V"- . U. ...... -p.t. l.JV , , .1, - J,.f ,.i,.,i .i.-,. I.... I . .1 11 .1 1. in mi- nni, iiuicu uj iiuiriu im-jf un, .nni but tue people who pawn mem general! v were soon in :reani-iana. and deaths. They, ain't worth so much, "Mr. Dumps is right this time,', said I. 'Bah !" said Merrivale. "You're from the country." cleared. The firm welcome "I hank Heaven for it, then, my young with regrets that thev should friend,' said Dumps, and sat down. pected you, and the real culprit is found. After that Merrivale was never even The real culprit is Merrivale. and Stover ball way civil to luiyps, and tlie boys is his accomplice.' lollowed .Merrivale 8 lead.-' YV hen we met And so it renllv was. Thev btid lo- in the street 1 d take off my hat and shake tored my books and meddled with bands, and say some of those polite things proofs. They made me out a thief that mother used to teach me to sav. And plainly as thonrh I had been I wrote of him to mother, and she said she thev never guessed "Old D was glad tuai ner ioy Knew what. was due to an old gen tho oIhce,.you nnd said had Us lnllucnce. I went back to mv situation' and TVe Who wero the boys T Why, there was mt nn well ever since: but. there's- mnro nf Merrivale, with his dealing airs, and his mv storv. Think Of my dear Old Duiuns way of letting you knaw ho "was a favorite tnrninsr out to be mv uncle mv mnth hodja to be sent for, win hastened to pre sent himself before his majesty. After having received the salutation of the hodja, the sultan caused him to stand forward. "May I know," asked the hodja, "for what reason the king of kings has desired my presence T upon this the sultan mlormed him of tue matter. "Well, what are vour questions ' said the hodja to the monks. One of them coming forward, replied : "Where is the middle oi the earth ! The hodja, staff in hand, descended from bis ass, and marking, a spot' between the I A MoTntu's Love. In the time of animal s fore-feet, said : "There is the mid- the'California gold fever a man went to die. of the earth; it is between my ass' fore- the diggings and left his wife to follow hun sometime afterwards. While on her least," replied the voyage with her little boy the vessel caught lire, ad ns there was a powder eve it, rejoined the magazine on board, the captain knew 1 . I 1 .11 1 1...1 . wnen ino names reached it the ship would my statement." I be blown up. l he tire could not be got Then the men pulled off their boots, and while some placed, beds on the side-! walk to sleep on, others lay down on the stones or boards, and a few braced them selves up in the corners of the doors to act as sentinels over the sleepers. "oo they sleep every night, said a po liceman, "and we don't disturb them. Thev conldn't stand tbo beat indoors it would kill them." take them out before the end of the vcur. P711I . ! 1MI 1 " . I ine room unjoining wan lined wuu carpenter's tools; saws hung around the walls, aiid piles of mortise chisels, planes, ttocks ami centre bits lay piled up on the floor, each article bearing n ticket njwm it .on see, said th jut ufii " fi'iiil f slrff M iiA v.-at If-1 liMni ttrotc out TOO! ingmcn nint' bad anything to do, and then J"re that was to be given the next rnoro ri na Lino ti-l lln.l" rpin mmn ling, and as he wrote. Lis wife copied it their tools. We litu't takin "ony more of OHt and a?a,c' w as a true helper to ber husband : indecL ... . M. M tm. im., ,t is more than provide that nitLoot .ber To Mnli(llle wW raapa'-n is many of his Wrt works would never have m4 zurfj, fbandler tot beer . written. hen be was elected to dIat.rtltaU; cflle motl dTut- thc IVofessorship some of Lis opponents able Ad:Minitration tbe cotittrr Las ever dvlared pnbbrlr that be would never 1 i t-..i.,..;i.(. ,i ,, 1. 1 seen I lo elect a cjniiuatr, iLerLiirtasa able to fulfil Ithc i duties of Lis portion, as (ffmW fllCtlJ;re ,mniai U A. II. he was nothing but a dreamer. He and Corntll tLe ,-wril rrrcnUtire cf bis wife beard of thus and determined to gfoal3r Qiy. Jn otWr ,.rds, il,e prove that it was not true. t Tbey, there- w to wf9na g pot to rrf.ma ; the .r lore, arrangeti to vogemcr. cir n ii- . . c...,,-, UiA v LI? each day the Uuem .nd ibeir oodetected fclUt i in ci- ficc; the war to rcboVe a fxjtUca tartr is to paM another rote of ocafl-oe ta it ; ml agaio, tbey sat Dpi legs." "You m onk ., "If von don't belt say so, at 11 II HI "My dear bov, it's all right: I'd watched U(K,Ja' "measure am pee u you' nnd e ,rrA 1;.,1 ,.! V.m l,oi-o,.i,. U1 lt"ss au, jy biaieiuem. iue second monx came iorward and nniier, so tuey toon to tbo Uteboats. lint : . cut -tl., . 4 .i. I .1.. I r. .11 .1 1 . . !,.. 1 sum ; iiuw inauy suiia uio luiio iu 1 iiieie n.19 uut rumu lor an. AS Clio last 1 1 1 C QUO' these (kicking against a quantity df trow els used by bricklayers); wo fhut down on them. Thev ain't worth anything mcch, aud we are getting r-uth a lot of tools. If we bad taken all the rid buck saws nnd planes and trowels that have Wen offered J wa" we would have had the building ruled. "Yon have a great many flat irons." "les; but we have Hiut down on flat irons. We used to give three cents a w riting till far into the night. Wlen Sir William was struck down by paralvws, the result of over-work, Lady Hamilton de voted herself entirely to him w rote for hun, read for Lira and saved bira in every ponnd for them, but wc bad to top it. They are such a bother to handle, and thev ni Toon HfiinrvrDcMnT. The Xew York lhm.mllc Xacs tells a sad story of tho condition of llomptj Fox. He U banulc, and sits for boors in one place the way to Urop tbe ral of proba tion oa a corrupt and w orthlea A Jruiais. trlon ts to elect a candidate nominated br it tod through t noorrLlion mbicL dis- tinetly approrpl of it, anl called its Ltne fol work Lconrable; the y to clatie the public srmcr is to irr-p all tbe thieves in iCc ! TLe m ay to rtorta is not to refurm ! mumbling to LiniMrlf. At times Le Lad are sue. a bolhtr to handle, and , rfJ intval atll Ve mllAy c lLe ' tin t worth anything. e have bad b ibese .re growing rarer, and Lis 1. flat irons c, me here o saik a fng- !m.h'tality u M,,J further week skyr' I boat pushel oq the mother ami bov stood , 0 ;P7 ,. . . . -- mentality just as many as.tuere are uaire on this on deck. Une of the sailors said there " , V, " " " . "I r by week. x liv iiiiiio 111 luunh niu 1IHHII9 weriri my as nun n uracil mo 10 tsay. i'.nu plainly as thongu 1 had teen one, and ,r ,r r 11 to mother, and she said she thev never guessed "Old Dumps," with , lonk ,f her :boy knew what.wasdue his'suspicions aroused, had glared detec- Answer in itleinan. But after all, in tive, and was able to come to mv rescue monk and 1 1 know what the boys thought in the hour of need. " Vs , . ' was room for another. What did the mother do? She gave np her bov. Do vou think when that boy grew up he could fail to love that mother who died to save know to the contrary, hiinl My- friends, this is a faint type of o noi counted i ' what Uhrist has done for you and me. er question," said the shall know if vonr count is many hairs are there in mv A Higher 11 aXD. A littlo boy sat !.. . . f l-.f.il 111, .1 in ironi 01 ins latuer. and ueid the rei which controlled a- restless horse. Un He is a lo gradually failing in Carl Scbor is on lhe aiios eL . He fears Ohio is Wt. In a private let tcr re ceived at Washington, some lya ago, Le mils that tbe German vi. in that relate rirtnally arrayed againrt Hates At& Wheeler, and ciprttcs Lis fears that the ass.' "lint how do von know that, if vou have not counted them and compared the m.mliAi. c '" iiuui.ai I 1 . "And how do yon Mr. Monk, if vou hay "Answer me anoth . .. . .1 . P II. . . 1 - 1 were it . 1 i l,u lw'La rv.a;eciay 1 me iu-rii-icaca. covered with nurnors. gixnl and bad. of all I .. . .1 .' .. 11 . - v . IT uis u authentic ' 1 m 1 inn un 1 if n 1 nit kl uiiia.Lt.n &xi euslit sb.ii 1 a W Mr 1 beard V "As many," anwsered the hodja, 'fas on my beast s tail "lint how do yon prove that !" sizes and shapes. Deiitg asked whether mirrors had beer, "shut down" 011 vet 5 the clerk said, "Xo; glasses always sell well. These second hand dealers buy thera at the sales, and we can always get back what we lend dn them." ir..... .,....,1, ....... .1 (Un ft nun in 111. 11 v. kj iviiu un iuviii 1 1'Lc fk'alional J'.cx&Zi- -r r . 1 . it .j.i . . . , ..... ... ..IT II JH liUllll-vl lb V Al li.M 1411 1 . Ill 1 1! I IUD lire ol. lie lueds nine or no wairumg, f, r .n ' f?.r t 1 ti i- 5... ...jm f.m mg evil. Mr. hebarz ts a Mnccremui, al nx-ord. Hut bo never wanders lar irom , . . , . tho boose. His ocenpations are eating, Ltms be becomes sensible be aks thu'jgh errralic and changeable ai tb w ind; . -1 . 1 . it.' . - 1 : if wm... lomucn ii savs cue uermu tivc 01 Kieeuin!r anil uhkiul w nvi. mvm r- o ...- care about own brother and neither of us guessing it. Long ago other people had quarreled; and so separated these two, who were al wavs mends. Think of the little man in the shabby wig and coat proving to be quite rich, and going down into the country to live with with the women And Carberry, who didn't style, and knew the city. And Stover, who used to come with red eyes nnd head-aches, and boast that he'd been making a night of it. 1 ifna lntwilar nnniiirb in tliA rrrAflf Pitxr i f d riimv 1. IIMI II 111 111V 1 V -M W Vlbl . and 'I should have liked to join company his sister for tho rest of his life ai 11 1 ii i 1 An tra n a ir a until 1 a . J 1 1-1 t .....iij.;, unu nmiv iivmiic niw uuu iu vacations auu uonuays 1 go to see from church sometimes, but I was afraid them. They are happy together, and tbe of meeting one of the boys, ' and I never little tea table is set with the old china, did. -Hut I would', bow to him, and we and there is potted beef and jell v, and I'm 100a on our nats to each other always. petted like a child. And in my uucle's Sometimes when I lived at Heredale room the old miniature of the young lady with mother, I've seen the sky beautiful hangs on the mantel-piece as it didin his ami nrigni ami nine one liour, and the lodgings, next black with the clouds of a thunder- And or Ptorm. Just that -w ay my tronble came to and I knew why tho quaint old man In me an awiui irouuie sucn . as 1 could not have dreamt of, if vou AVLit them." But the monk not t believe it, count i -fiow iiiucu uo yoi icnu on cucm 1 , p.firpRM.a - bono of being able n8 "VeII, one like this (touching a glass ' u oU vocxionu TLis. . which looked like a bheet of block Un, f u . (k.lavo Lor-. Dr. Brown- nd and wbicb made the clerks eyes rpawnt- roo$, cm!neDt of our A ly nso upward after bis forehead) we give I . ., ' nn t.t l r 1 . .1 V. .. . I alout i Lis I XJU' u agaiuw cue Avepiic-ua 10 vuim couick, we may rri cpon 11 itu sucu 11 tbe emg satisf known to the boy, the reins passed arou hun. and 'were also in tho father's ban Ho saw occasion-to pull one of them, about fifty cents on. We get a lot like With artless Kimnlieitir tha e-hU ltr.. ' this. When ueoolo get hard un ther don't . . viiiivi awrvvva 1 a a a a fied with round, and said, "Father, I thought I was about anunn this offer, the hodja added : driving, but I am not, ara It" Thus it is get n.d glasses "If that does not sh t yon. come. we. will oiten witn men, wuo tumk thev are shan- luxmies. mJ I 7 1 m . ' . . X 1 m Doll out the hairs of vour beard and the h"ff a destiny which a higher hand than A passage was blocked ry piano hairs of my ass' tail; then we can tell verv theirs is really fashioning. Tbey do their mak own will, bnt thev also do the will of God. 1 maK - I. a A stronger band guides them a mightier tools, hold the helm of tueir vessel, and saves I one ' it from rock and wreck. Hannv ar thev I they who quietly yield to the Almighty! : plements olfered, but never before bad -,t was cuey come in sucu quauiuics. 1 man T The nominee for Governor of the Con- j cecticut DeroocracT, Mr. UicLarJ 1). Hob bard, is KalJ La tA nrobaLlr av mors riall r never appear in. public, and any attempt man, iotellectcallj, iLw rrea is tb as monk; "let nothing soon. "Oh, no," said the of that sort be done." And at this point tbe three monks fsavs the story) bumbled themselves before Go'd. 1 10 uui uira on cue naire wwuiu whit reauu 1 f, v,m 1. 1m,i Mm tr 1 ipmiu. vri inn iirvi. ... .. . , . i - , " " iV'.T;: ,n fa,Inro ana n11 ena- .ll onooesUonably tbe bet speaker la uiuhk niui lij wk.uv i .i.i 1 j : i i. .. .r r i . .. - . -. . . very ueviueu auu iuvu,au.u vt IljtM fclatCs. bOl Lit KVt Is U LTCld 1 ..r t.A l.pin 1.. .. i .... . . 1 1 j ' - v. fruw s. t ...A 1 n 1 m yt anri riM rmw. uuinni mm rnrtp 1 o . u.. , . - - -- . . I I A I -...v. l ,,11;. .1 fm.Aj. erb' tools, small anvils, aud clock SEASIDE STOCKISGS. A watering- ;".T 'V 1 . ers' kits, surgical instruments, coopers' Luce correspondent writes: Stockings aad.stndent. TLenomi. . and in fact every emblem of trade 0f blue, red and stripes are worn this sam- "d f ncu mca " ,Da ,Aa: ...... f .1 . I ' . . .. . I mi aill liiv m rwiil ffwt ILiaci'lioiit could tinna 01. in cue winter season roer in tbe bath, knee Ligb, witn a coquet-1 , P .:. , " , ' generally bad a largo quantity of im- hsh little white team down the side, as if l.Le.con,nUT-. J lU U tc4 Jf- and all three became friends of the hodja. Mussulmans and fast of tie Charleston riot the A Hideous Goddkss. The Hindoos a rip. W bat conning Las a wo- RIia i Awara that ber foot is al- Chatham. assan and Bleecker streets most U ra inferior tn a man's in rrarol heakior ol tLe A man stands like a marble I Mobile Jlsgaicr aaja : lte jori 01 ite th the bloo vcini cut clearly; a nU axe prtpareu to exercise Jjtu-trae r . ,.M. .m.rV f imwiln. as long as Iorlearano is a virtue. 1 1 A AGED Taikter. V erboeckhoven, I are studded with what are termed "diamond and plant. the famous painter of animals, is over I brokers. They are simply pawnbrokers I gtaloe wi KP VPn t V'-Cl Y Ann einlinnna a rvninf fiAm I n-lr. .1. Kiicinnfia a-1 1 1 1 mi f n tr liiiAnu .nil I I- i . ii ., - , I . i i j 7 vu . ..v.u. j j "iniimiua iuuv ib uucui vi .....- . . . And. once he told me its sweet, sad story, have given cholera a goddess all to itself eight to ten hours a day, while bis pictures without any responsibility. While pawn- ti00 anl only half developed, and the toes I fwbag ,e know ocr rgbt and dare a small brokers, however, give a loan of perhaps uk bold of notbinir. Her Kg toe Point maintain u.a. m know io rjwiw third tbe value of a piece of jewelry, onward and ber little toe shrieks into tbe coiorw leinocrai, ana w -.1 .1 - 1 . I I . I .1 . t ,1- rmr. p .1. PNIUlii immense pnees, the bldeons Gola'Beebe. seated on a still the office had a more tme and tender gal- vulture tearing a carcass, surrounded with painting, consisting of a bit of landscape one-tl lantry to women, and was a braver; fnend figures m praying attitudes, and accorapa- and a few sheep in the foreground, briug- these brokers give nearer the worth, and unn mnrn nmw.T. irini.ipman man tho vrnnnr i ..ia.-i Iay. hai. I r. rt .y't n . .1 w 4 1 .1 j 1 - 4 1 1. aaa tt. i ii 1 1 . ... .1 . . .I leasu vow. iie lives in lirnsseis. reouiro re-navmeni in a ruoniu or two. ii his 6tudio and many apartments in the payment is not made they sell the I Tbe largest sea turtle eveT ecn on the! The election of Til den and Ilmdricks house are filled with valuable Studies! jewelry. Thoosands have been forced tol northern coast Las jost been caogbt io the I means Eefuna; tbe eleciiow f Hayes end pictures, I pawn their diamonds. I Vineyard Sooad. I Wheeler racanc a third Utto of Gratliia. I had written to mv mother that I was , . , ... 1 .17 . 1 O "' J tmu 1 111 via ut uw lour o uiaiu. oceua, IUO glKI- I lllg U doing well and liked my business, and fops who grinned at him from the high gess of smallpox, whose followers, accord- and woiiHi io oown 10 see uer on ounday, stools between his desk and the window, ing to a Punjab blue! book, lately stoned his hen I Avas sent for to go into the .inner and gave him the nickname of Old Dumps. I tho vaccinators in the streets of Delhi. and