: I- mm : & 'mi 2L l! . Published by J. H. & G. G. Myrover, Corner Anderson and Old Streets; Fayetteville, N. C. VOL. 4-tNO. 10. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 187G. WHOLE NO. 101. A r Mr A tltst. Alirlir .A. WW w M In North Carolina Gazette. .T. II. & O. G. ptfYROVER, GAZETTE COLUMN. READ IT! Que year (in SiX IllOhtllH Tli roe . TERMS OF SCJhSCllll'TIOX: r Advance),... .. .5. ... j. $2 50 1 35 75 CLUJl ll.lTES: SUBSCRIBE FOR IT!! 10 col(enttuun-.aJclrMH) ilith an extra copy jjO j 11 I " . 7j OU 40 ..1 a nreniliiin of a flue tlrnmo, value 2.V" 90 00 100 copies (sent to .one address) vitn an extra copy ami a premium of a line ciuoiuo, vaiue f iu 150 00 k a r:s or a i) lipi: tisixo .- Oho siuaro ('J linos wili't lninpirfil) one insertion 5 1 00 . . .. 'f two " 1 5l 5 00 4 tuvlvn 1 15 111) Longer advertisement chained in proportion to the .IxivH ratim. Sneeial notices per cent, more than roi;iilnr advertisements. N , - NEWSPAPERS & (PERIODICALS. T II E Olie lllOIltU tlneo " HiX " . twelve inosi?i30TiJs OF THE HEW TOBf WEEILT HERALD. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, ; VKoritiHTor UllOADWAl'U- AXX STUEET. North Carolina Gazette, THE BEST PAPES IN THE STATE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION PSICE $2 clcij kItks. Three Copies, per annum .'J. ... FiVO Copies, " , Ten copies,. " . . 1 went V t.olite. . PUBLISHES MORE GENERAL NEWS AND READING MAT TER THAN ANY SEC ULAR PAPER IN THE SOUTH ! ! Home Circle. "Home is the Sacred.Eefue of Our Life." Dry den. toast at a dinner, openly reproached the Prince for going into voluntary exilo and wbo in 18G2 married Prince Felix Salra-1 The Late Vice-Piiesi dent's Two led LU tnuo oa it may, conviowd iltt Le Sal m, theti a brigadier in tLo Union arrar I Fiascees.-A tall, elegantly formed wo- bad dro Del tbc tramp, or at lesut flooded Lim so far aaav that L could tievcr rrt for spending on tho boulevards tbo time and afterwards an aide-dc-canip of tie un- man, drcssc J in tie extreme of faabion, which ought to be given to his country, fortunate Maximilian, of Mexico. The ro- I Mrs. W , is often mentioned as having back again. An Eccentric Parisian. A corres pondent writes from Paris that a well- dressed gentleman " of sixty, evidently ; a man oi weauu, unvcs uut ct'iy aitciuuoii to the lake on the Bois de fine victoria, followed by den with cooking utensi cool spot under the trees, riage, has a rich damask t? ble-cloth spread upon the grass, i and servants in livery place a profusion of silverj service is of the richest sor sit up under another tree over which he will perhaps ouco rule as mantic adventures of the Princess m Mexi- been the intended I nde of Mr. ilon, tU liut beu tLat v llliam Iv . Mr. Mock further expressed I co, where she saved the life of ber husband. deceased Vice-President. No one can dU-1 dqnl in the call hia regret that the Crown Prince had not after the fall of tie empire, have been pute this retort, a it ii countenanced bv uri ia tore the nation the opportunity to 1 chronicled bv herself in an entcrtaintnir I tho ladv bcrnelr. aod yet giveu oiportuuity to J chronicled by herself in an entertaining tho lady herself, will not be contra- conductor drove into the y tuortiioj, litre vti i for Lim. ! too the conductor I" inquurJ a iced champagne and ev found in the grandest of dinners. He sits there in his dress-coat and if in his saloon, unmindful welcome a Crown Princess. This speech book. Prince Felix, restored through ber dieted by the gentleman; but, trangely en-1 Li verins voice at Lu elbow, a be neyped lioulogne in a a carriage la- s. selecting & ie stops his car- upon it. I he it. lbe lackeys and serve i this and its publication in full iu the Conserv ative Dagblad created a great sensation. All the liberal papers are condemning Mr. Mock's language as disloyal, but Prof. G. "W. Vreede, of tho Utrecht Uuiverslty ap plauds the speech and adds: "If the Prince does not listeu' to these words, efforts to his position in the Prussian army, I ougb, another lady ia distinguished bv tho I on the r latform. fell gallantly fighting at Gravelottc. His fame report a Mm. C , of Washing-1 Vc." aid Le, looUo round and ru ton. Mrs. . i at Conrrcsa Hall. Mr. I lusr oion a l"C-drlpl and ciaacr covered C, at the United States. Each lady, it is I man. 4rlXcn I want tcr aV yrr Lt vcr paid, collected tlo vcrsea in a collection of don't run around tic tod tf lie ia veiis called Tbe Cbanped Cro&k," Licb I comiu' intr town f" widow has since resided in Gcrmanv. WIIAT A CORBESPONDEXT FOUND. sybarite a most sumptuous repast with Lf.e chamber of Representatives." erything to be white cravat as of the hundreds of eyes that gaze curiously upon him. When the dinnei is over anothor tree, as if to the where cigars and coffee him. Meanwhile the the silver. WhenXhe the eccentric diner-out gets toria, without looking at t his ride about the lake and then drives oJF The Hartford lima has one of tic best Mr. Wilson read but a few hours Ufore which were Spoken at a banquet, it will hits on this peculiar class of Bohemians I bis death; each bad penciled orot favorite become necessary that raoro emphatic that has appeared in some time, no rich is I line?, found to be cansolin!? at tlat trVID!? language should proceed irom the benches I tlie joko and so well known are the parties I Lour, and to each a nictt-sae of rrnrm- mentioned that it will tcar repetition : brance and alkxttou was wnt br a faith- It is some time gone by since Adara I ful attendant. All tl:s throws a K-nU- Badeau, Grant's pupil, marrietl one of two I mental interest around ttct-e two prcttv very charming sisters, both petite, pretty, I women, which it is not necearv ia acb, and wonderfully ahko in form and feature, I weather to question. Mr. ilson u a though there are three veara difTerence iu devoted admirer of the fair wr, and apprc- nOW A GOOD DINNER WAS OBTAINED WITH OUT PRICE. An elegantly dressed man recently en tered the fashionable and very expensive Two chaps I wot of laid it I ciatcd the attentions of a nutuWr of ladies tiorfoSk-e -i . . ..ii. ..t .1 l i H I. 'I Jo,"' aid lie coo darter. "Vcr do f exclaio4 lb loan. "Certainly,' was lie reply. Val, I s-b !" SButicrtr the rtran cr in a beaildcml lone, blct if I diJa't llinV ycr sauui llroujl lie Jaler Then tie coudactor knew ibatLlsU-auip still lived and was wtcr-pf of. ( Wouiis or WisdKiM. Standing co tie king he retires to piiiuiYiui: iuuui, i n j ir..i..i ; i i i i i t i vnaiciuiou lium ii-Muui.iui, iu liiMiuuii, oui ui uincu one tiay m k'ii anoiucr cuan i wuo arc eociauv ambitious. A year uncc i doan on (Lc croni of stnailrr U are uronirut to i n.i r .i: r . i i.. i . ... ....... i 1 1 ...... -. i . . c ai i cuiieu nil a i in iei ui iuiu uiui eubi v ni o i.s iiol i n mninu innii n ia i ivn irinncMif sti jititiurr ii:n i juia.tui i. i .1. i. 1.1 . .1 .. ... a nnr-k nn I . . . . . , . I. ----- - ... j....., . , - 1 .4U I "J HIIUM UI tU i i i I iainio, nnu,ruwi vuvivu vi ji wio i iv uvw o v ci i nmg, ami to uom no new i w ne ui one oi anoeruiit u nippers iu uis lane and Lis arm in a tlm, lie mu1 s into n.s , vie- hiin ft ti,orongi, hjnximnl of untraninieb 1 att s approached the omuiscient Jenkins, slender clucation. When akol wlat at-1 or Itr t.ub'.icatnc uor Low tanrb v,a Lollcr ie crowo. uiKeo i t. i i .1 1.. uivi..:.. 1 .1 i 1 1.1 1 ..-. 1 I UJl,iil?. . t.u v-v-. wv-v. ..av. "...iv M.u.F.vy M-f I I I un lll't Aialltiu Ii.4 t lllll I IITU I liaLllllll JLIB. ISLlk tL. LUJ1U IIUVCU I flfl I lift klfM-I. Iini tflitti 1 t .T I m .ft fMllirvill .1 sel-vant; Cigar home. Since the fact talk, people are going out pressly to see this singular person dine in the open air. H 1.1 The Garden of England. Thou sands of the tourists who annually visit the western "Garden . of Devonshire well deserves became public to the Bois ex- a 1 m rrtiK'i) lilsk from lur nfinolli' tirftt cifctnrTT l Hi, aw, vans, sava Jenkins, "its the Enjrland" for- that name liiftice to by him, and iust as dessert was I a verv pretty girl, who is scarcely distin- t.iiwil lkfiin liim nnAl !nr riinn mitft.ril flm I vtni restaurant and engaged in a mysterious conversation with the proprietor. I principal talk of fashionable circles (Jen- The last comer said that he was con- kins lrequentiog the "fashiouable circles" uected with the police, and had como to about as freely as I visit the Saltan's I is reineinbered and regretted. St. JQi$ I we ootber's It ft lc K'C Hit old COil continued the cotdedcr- HqniUkans Saratoga Letter. in a corner ot tie yard, waking fr a Nw now that tho two titers I 1 era mrrcon to come and tic k the not. ty dignity the supposition that anytodv Ii- were nieces of Eugene Sue and that they i ' Vehy Puoud. Tho late Lord Alvan- dcr nt of Lis uo ! You tnsvc on, raaU able to arrest should enter his establish- were tho originals of tho orphan twins in I liv. nlin n didiTlit fnlli' n.lil im-t for Lim, Lc answcml: "le is k kind to ttoadcr into an oi l dinnt-r-Lofn and ilink . .1 a I ... ma tli .at 1 Turcot linti Khft i'inrir tLi I a- r.t it I . :M t King's Engliali." Kindness was the rule I " li l von!'' akcd a tu tcwtl-or. of Lis own life. Even lure, ia lie BaUl, ' "Dill! Go ci to tir Louw an3 1 ss the gentle, pleaAaut-faced Vice-President I tLo dent in lie ground where I came dow n lJi;i'lJtvi nun Liiv j"'iiVV? utiu sittv vviav .v uinjub c&o aiirviv su arrest a person traced there by a dectcc- seraglio.) "But," tive. The proprietor repelled withhaugh- ates, "did you knot Au oxlia culiy wil be Kent to ov cry club of teu ot limi'ti AdilitliHiH toflnbn ii-ci'ivi'dat flub latfH. . 1 Tin-ii iiiti-H niuktttfu! Wkkklv Hi uai.d tli'cclieaiH.'!t ..iililirlftlitiJI III I tin 4-MIIltrv. . ' TiTiim jali in hiIvhiuu ilpi.t'y Hint by tuail will bo at tho riNk of thu hiuuii-r ' A CMiriiM iMirtimi of the Wkkklv IIek alti will be upm.iiHtril ti A uncii 11 urn,' Hurt ii'iilt lire, I'linioloy ami tlic liliiimni'lin'iil nl (lolnunllc uiiliiiiil.s. I'urlicuhii Hlli-iiliiui MiU bu (Miiil ul.Ho 'lo tlio liiiKulB f itlie Alai kfln . 1 Tim Jim will bo to niiikfl lli Wkkki.y 1Ieuai.ii miv rir t mi.y mlu'i- uKi iciilluialiinil family in Hf-in i iu Ilir iiiiuili y J, Kvrry ihiiiiImt nl" tin! Wkkii.v IIkhaiji wUlcnntaiu a mkIi-cI Htiiiy ami llu Inti-nt ml iiiiwI iiiiiurtiiiit iiewn bv li li-yiui'li fiiini nil pui tB ul llio world up to the hour nililii m ion ' Bui my I lit? i:.BMiiii of Ciiiivn tin' Wkkki.y Hkhald ill rimiuiii a mi in ma IV of I ill' M'ori-i'iliiijiK mill t lie l.v-l Ni-wa by triiaili I'riiiu VunliiiiKton, I'oliticnl, Ki liiiionx, l unbioiiuiili-, Ailij-li-, Liti'iary anil n 1 ing luti lliu' ii' i'; tiliilnary itii'i'H. A'arictit-a, Anuimi iii uln, Kililin ial Alliili-n oliitho jiioiniiuiit topira ol I lie il.iy, a rev in w of t lu'l 'ullli" anil lli .y UnmU Mai knti, 1 itiaiii ial auil (.'oiiimririnl 1 nli'llii'iici', ami ai'coiiiil.iof ull tlio iiuiMii Innt ami iiilirintin i!Vi-m of the wetk. I hr (iin i! of HiidM ii lion, w lifiii vi r iiurtU'ablr, hIhiiiIiI b' iraiirtinitti il liy I'oiJ Orlati Unli is. It is tlm aN-.l iiiihIi- nl liaiinnitlinx umiit'.v by mail. At hiiiiiII rot llii.i ia ill llni country- wIump 1'omI Of llcr Oiili-.lfii'iinnol, bi) obluiniiil, inoney may. be li'init li'il III ltrjiiili'l'i'il l.l'tll'I'H. i Atlvi'itiniMiirlilM, to a. liuiitutl Uinubi'l', Will bu lUorlt cii iii tliu WH!i.n - llhUAMi. j F 0 It T II E F A It M E 11 , It takes the place of an Agricultural Magazine. i r F 0 11 T II E M E II C II A N T A X D BUS I X K S S M AN , It offers a complete and accurate review of the Markets and business transactions from week to week. ! F O Ii T II E II 0 U S E K E E'PER, familiarity even to the hoises. whilst deeply impressed Wjith tho general meutj protesting that none but persons of '-The Wandering Jew," Hose and Blanche? loveliness pf;the county, nevertheless find tUe i,i,ruest respectability were his guests. "Oh, va.as, I knew that, though I for-rot it di&cult toj explain what);u is that lends "Undoubtedly, my dear sir," rejoined how they are Sue's nieces, whether hi the peculiar character of softness and grace tie profe!i;ed police "agent, "but I am not brother 'married their mother, or their to the scenery. Here is the secret. l he jn ()f a vu rar tjlief or gvvindler. mother eonf.mnd it, I'll find out;" and whole country is nctny ana luxuriantly clothed with ferns, f The aimber and var iety of the most exquisite forms of these beautiful plants to be found in Devon shire are equaled by those of no other connty in the United Kingdom. Devon shire is emphatically the jparadise of the British terns, mere tup- are in very truth at home. The soil and the air are adapted to them, and they adapt them selves to tlie whole aspect of the place. They clothe the hill-sides and the hill-tops; they grow in the utmost djepths of the val leys; thev inn jre the banks of the streams; they are to be ibuud in. the recessts of the woods; they hang from l and trees, aud crowd into villages, fastening themse ocks and walls the towns and Ives with sweet I'OS T A 0 ti F H E E . 'Annual Siitmcrqttioih i'j-iVe fl'v Always in i Advance. It supplies a varied and instructive fund Immodest Fashions. features in the dress of which every modest wife The man I seek is a political offender of j he actually did that is, came down next importance, bee, here is his description; morning with a clear account of the pre read it and see if it is not that of the gen-I cise relationship. He never "tbonrbt to tleman drinking wino at that table." think" that Sue's story opens in October, The landlord read. "Yes! Yes!" he 1 S3 1; so, supposing Badeau'is bride to have exclaimed, "it is indeed that of the gentle- been only fifteen at tLc date of the story, man now finishing the last glass of bis se- those lovely twin orphans "who by a cond bottle of champagne." sweet maternal caprice had been called "lie seems to be aconnoissenr in wines." Boso and Blanche," would be a round "It is a pity that ho does not confine sixty years old now. Worse yet, Jenkins, himself to them and leave politics alone." being the New York correspondent of a "Permit me to make a suggestion," said Parish journal, put Badeau's wife and her the visitor. "He has evidenth' been drink- sister into jrood French as the genuiue inr heavily, and his head is no doubt af- Rose and Blanche, of Sne's romance: and iiroud Iord of Durl.am at Aloopa, Prince Woronzow's phco oa tho Euxine, and! 1 )ol.b (lo Is a jollr old Laclclor) and Durham, who was filled with an amazing a bright young ladv ac-jnaiutacre WCTO ipiantity of conseriencc, said, iu referring bantering" c&cL tier about manUge. to some scene of KnglUh Lome life : I "Oh," aaid fbe, MvoulI rvl taarricd one tf was obliged to assett my dignity, for iLcmj days, I kno'a; and you'd Lave tne the fellows Lad found out who I was." now if 1 would mait for va." "You'd The wit looked op and rejoined: 'Ah ! I Lave to ait ontil rnv eoot.d clildlood. Aud who were you!" then." said Dobl. Wcll. I loaldat Lave long to wait, was the juick rrjartco Humorous. from lie lad r. There are some he present day should shrink ltp Writf tbo aildr'HM mi !litti-r to tUe Nkw Yokk IIkiiai.U in a I'olil unit b-(;ililv liaiul, ami nive tin- nawi nl f.u li HiiUni-nluT, of l'tml Dllirf, Donnly and Stall? mo (luiiily that nu criom in iiiuilnit; iiaiiura will be liable lmwir. ! Mrptv;:nt' CHOICE PERIODICALS For 1878. of valuable receipts jvnd general household fi'om showing upon herself, every careful mother should prohibit iniher daughters informatiori. . things that instead ot pleasing-the pure sense are a direct or covert appeal to sen suality, and can have no bther purpose FOll THE FAMILY CIRCLE, ornaments that are arrangted so as to at tract the eye to portions of the person that should lie passed over by the modest gaze; It is full of select literary matter, short a style that gives a character to the walk . 'T like that, of tho lascivious dances of the .stones, sketches, poetry, correspondence, Jastj'distortions ot .tne i mtis ana ngure mat are injurious to ueauu, aim uiiicu can FUBLSHING CO., NEW YOBK, THE LEONARD SCOTT 41 BARCLAY ST. Cuiitlniiii lb Fun; LKAbixcr (jt'-vriKitLY ueviews dindurgh Review " ll'iV), 1 London Quariehly Review humorous miscellanT, ccc., &c. have no other recomment r rlr Al llUm.KI llipi 'mts of the t- i FOR THE GENERAL READER, It giveftf at once a compendium of the news at home and abroad, the latest JVestminstef Review (Liberal) J3ritish Quarterly Review r (Evuugdical), Contniuhnj mntrrhj rritlrimtt and mimmarita oj all that U valuable and J'Msh in Literature, j ' Science and Art; and BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MftGAllKE, . i - Tin' iiio'hI powerful monthly niUhe Kn'iis-h Langiiae, frtiniHw lor siuiui, fc.ii una Ki.lv;Jlh, Vf the W'jhett Literary Merit. ( Lonsercutivc), j intelligence from all important points both thev suggest certain ideas as to the female form that are agreeable to the animal call ed man, looking as an animal on woman. The second French Empire, appealing as it did systematically' to everything that was impure and base in man, has etfected the fashion of dress to an unusual degree; and very many follow the fashions v.itb ont thinkinr anything about them. But it should be borne in mind that ornament atiou than that feeted by it. Knowing-bis precarious po sition as he does, he will be likely to at tempt resistance to his arrest. Perhaps he is armed. At all events, for the credit of your house, it is best that we avoid a scene and a scandal by't'lTecting the arrest outside. & appose you tell him that his friend Lord Graham wishes to sec Lim in Lhis carriage at the door.- Then when he comes out we will nab him." Tlie landlord respectfully delivered the message as suggested. "Lord Graham ! Y'ou don't tell me!" exclaimed the diner as he helped himself to a choice cigar. "What can he want with me? Only to offer me his box at Drnry Lane to-night, I presume. Never mind, T will see. 1 have now only coffee to take to finish my dinner. Bo kind c nough to order it for me, to be ready when 1 return." -He stepped to the door and the police agent arrested him "in the name of the Queen," pushed him into a hack in wait ing and drove away. After a shilling ride worser, it has como back and is now going the rounds of the press in good English in this country. I tell you the story that you may "think to think" before you print and help to pass around this particular sell. " "A Little Xonnce. ow and Then, Is nelihed ty the Wisest Men" (and Women.) A STRANG CH AT THE CEXTEXXIAL. Many strangers at the Centennial are not yet aware that they can't get oat, even for a moment, and get back, on tho same entrance-fee. I saw an old man trv it tLc oiler day. He wys to tho gatctnati : "I want to go out a minute, loull know me wlen I como back, won't 30a T" datemam it?; 1 II know you by a 00 cent stamp. Stranger hat I Am t the taoney 1 paid good for all day T (. 1 es; it s gol for all day, if yoa iiler Italcigh There nan a little allerir.g tie evening, and tonic one aked a man if Lc wasn't fond of Mrndeltwola. He said Lc was patMonatr)r; tat uolcss very carefully cooked it always diaagreol n itli Lira. Married Couplus and Old Maids. There is oi.e more picture in the Cen tennial gallery, says Anna S. II. in the Cleveland Phtin Dealer t where all the faces are perfect in their way. It is called the Apple of Discord; I have only a dim stav in all day memory of some old mvth concerning it, J S. But I want a bite tcct. but in itself it is a delight and the story me 50 cents in here. may go. Beautiful enough for a goddess Q TLat'u tie role, old man, and you'll is the central figure. Her wealth of bum- have to sUnd it. But I'll tell yoa what ished auburn tresses ripples back from her you can do. You can go down " by tltm white forehead, then descending they make palings, and there's pome boys outiide w ill a veil about her lovely form, from which eell yon a eandwicl for 20 cents. the garments have dropped away. At I I followed tic old ireutlcraan down by Do bird," aks a ttiagaxir.e m ritcf , "die a natural death V We k now of many w bo Lave probably d'od in thai way. Wo t-Lot at tlctn, any low. TKe Household.- "Tie sj t man's l-art. He sjj kia&tr Since Eve ate lbe aj j-Ie.U a ijA dinner."' nREwsnuur Cakc. One tound f ini cost I fl0"-! on0 pound sngar, Lalf oand butter. three cglTS t'4 ionruls fmwdrml cinna mon. Mix tie butter and Hoar, add ngar and cinnamon. Mix to a .atdc will lbe eggs, roll out tliu; cut mill a lea Liacail cutter. Bid and tnot dcTjckms. ganuents one side is r. cupid, with his cherub neeping out; on the other there is a a a face dark yet splendidly handsome bead, with flow ing beard and kingly poise. He holds the 1 " . ... - - the bon vicant and his captor alighted, dis- nPPle at w"l ')' goddess looits disdain- ,.i,o,-.,4..i ii,.. l.o,.L- nn,i 4,.,o,.,...i ..Mil. i, fully. It amazed mo to stand and note i; ,1.,,. how the married folks treated this picture. their comedy should bo re-enacted in some of course there are many others about it, (;i,n ,v change ! other hotel. I"1 the men invariably- exclaim at tins J Aral This is Centennial year. and their wives almost ns invariably give b. (snapping Lw lingers Dcrvoutdv Saxdvicme . Make llcta of nold tongue, tLinly slk-cd, aod tea Liacuit, or light bread Vcrl and cut four iocLcs I-pare, and quite llin rcttiovitsg all lie cmMs. layers of cold Lata, spread a ill a little tnotardf give a good rrlial. Of Tlisis IS7G," mvs tie brick-top Arab, course uns a lasr alloaance vl hnVUtcu Well I guess I knowed that before, the brrad or bwaul, and .at a lata, la srtnniclncal, ptramid ftna. the palings to witness Lis investment. Sure enough, Le found an auburu-bairvd boy with sandwiches, and, taking one through the slats, pissed oat a 00 ccut stamp. PjtAca Tan oca ..Stern la warn wa ter two tahlcpoot.fals tapiom onlil cc in this country and in Europe; the Legis lative, Congressional and Supreme Court proceedings sion, &c, Sec. TUroTiTrr. .TnvtTntv Tho orbrin nf their coat sleeves au impatient twitch, I throuuh the crack Here, boy I don l al dress is always-designed to be effective this term, as applied to the United States, hurrying them on where no beautiful wo- want HO fooling. Gita tuy clango right fccllr soft: slew mlole two quarts of canned in some direction. If it produces some ef- is as follows : When General Wasbin"- men may be seen. As soon as may le af- I away. pcacbrf; wLcn lender, sair in the 1st .io- fect npon the spectators, it has some ap- ton, after being appointed commander of terward, that man is seen coming back A. Don't yon know ilia is Centennial 1 ca; cook about ten minutes loogcr, tbcu ie wearers. o- the arm v of the Revolutionary War. went atone to look at his leisure. .My sister i year I I sacctcn M lane, ana coo it womiy aioai Uim my change, I live minutes, au ie eaten ecu a. i rrparo ia a anxrlain arllle. prec-iable influence upon 1 4.1 1 T - lUCll UilllllUL WVLll itll Ull (Milt PI , IU tl IIIVOP, wlil'ii ttKiMix lindipu nrn in unci L ' (Including Postage): Payable Strictly in Advance. FOR THE GOOD CITIZEN, It is sound iu politics, Democratic in especially one that has in coarse sensuality, without own perfect purity and re every mother must ' wat daughters, aud every wife ly in herself. WOXDERFUL OPALS-- display" of opals has been eisure. .My sister l year I to Massachusetts to organize it, he found an'l I were gazing and criticising when S. its, sloly I do. it an element of a arreat want of ammunition and other 1 1 typical old maids, ssinny, sKiinin, y0ti owilacioiii devil. . . I1 . . . . .1 . m 1111. I I . .... an injury to her means of delence: and on ono occasion it ami vinegar laced, looaen at us severely ifinement, which seemed that no means could be devised for and remarked, "lhe times are getting over in her the necessary safety. Jonathan Trumbull, awful when women who look Ii.to ladies ..I.!..- . i. r? r t. I fnn tnid siwli borrid nnintin"1 !'' Ilir I (111 I - 4Tl 1 III II lTIIWr-llllll 111 I I I T 111 II " I wiaM V - . of Connecticut: and tho General, idacinc the greatest reliance on his excellency's A PIECE OF STRATEGY. A bright . . w . . h guard religious- Ki r any one Review. .i 4 B0 per annum 1'or anv t wo j.eviewM. i ... 7 00 'or any three Keviuws. Ki.r nil Iuiu- lteviewH... Kor lUae.kwnoil .Mnj;a.ine....... J''or lilaekwiHiil ami one Review-. . 'r KlalHcwooil anil two Revietwa. For Itliii kwiMiil ami lliree Jie'ilewB... 1.5 00 l'or Ulai;kwot)il.alitl tho four Reviews 1j 00 10 00 1 00 4 00 7 00 10 00 principle, and Southern in feeling and sen- to the ' Philadelphia ' opals come from timent to the core. . FOR THE ADVERTISE R, A magnificent I judgment, remarked, "We must consult I little girl at one of tho fashionable hotels A. Don't give any change, Centennial year. S. You cu.cd, infernal, red-headed brat of Satan, if vou don t trim me 30 ccnU, I tr bread crumbs. .... - 1 I ... ' m 1 11 come out there and get a policeman i oa, a little pepper aod Mtt ca cacu uvcr; nil up the uuu, uavmg itie gra.oa oroaa for top layer, with a few bits of batter, and bake about two boors. Baked Tomatoe. Pot a layer cf to matoes io a deep pudding dial: Ibco a lay- ibs. a few ilia alkies of out- a m hold id vou. A. Now, mister, that wouldn't be bosi CZiUIJO X H. ! M I A ili'ouiit of twenty per ileut. will be allowed in clnbAof four or more peroonli. Thus: four eopieauf ltlai'kwooil or of one KevieW will lie aent. toUSK Al- I'HKus for Sl'J.S; four eopien if tlm four Reviews and ltlaekwooil lor tit1', autl no on. ( I New nbacriliem (applying early) for the year 1876 limy have, without cliure, the uuiuberH for the hint i,nHi-r of 1815 of mieli ,H?rloijiciiU n they way aub wrilie for. I Ni'ttlier premiums to nubminbers nor iliacount tit t'lubn i iui be nlloweil upletui th nionev ia remitted di- reet to tlie Diiblihlicin. Ko tmnuiiitua iiiveu to clubs. Circular with further infoiaiatiun may be had ou rpiMlinn. organ bv an Austrian artist in estimated the nnest speci kind in the world. It had been consid THE LEONARD SCOTT' 41 BARCLAY ST.J WILL PUBLISHING CO., NEW YORK. O O Ij Xa . StJCURE THK .ooro f orwi tnTi .ornnicit-a cf i-.no! vaiai,. uuu v Aiiitviiv cwAiVftj section, being the leading and recognized ed as cameo likenesses of the Emperor I jiUU JllllipivTOB. JLUCW Ull of ten counties' in the interior of North Carolina. It embraces in its columns twelve dis tinct departments, edited with great care and pains, and meeting all the .varied de niands of all classes of readers. sent bv -Austria Brother Jonathan on the subject. Tie recently surprised the waiter -and guests ness. 1 on don t want to come out bere hibition. Tlie general did so, and the governor was sue- at her tame uy uurrymg in to uinncr ami pay ou cents to get uaca jut ioa opals come from the Government mines in cessiui in supplying many oi the wants or among mo nrst, ana in nmanco oi ucr cents ana u ycr was ter ao n ior apuc, the Carpathian mountains, which extend 1110 army, aim tuenceiorwara, wnen turn-j moiuer, ami wui'nug iu-vubui,, laionit, ninivu i nv suiii luuvumn from sis to eight miles and are 1 000 feet cns arose, and the army was spread over I and other delicacies of the dessert before this is the Centennial year. Have to make at their "-reatest depth- 4Q0 men are em- tUe country, it became a by-phrase. "We her soup and meats, lhe solution oi ner our jacK this year, .ow, vou go aiong ployed in these mines, which have been must consult Brother Jonathan;" and the conduct appeared buortly, however, alter qtuet and nice, ana u u ie tue same worked for five centuries. The rouo-h ame has now become a designation for the arrival of tho mother, who watched Centennial. opals are shown from their! growth in crys- the whole country as John Bull Las for with great solicitude the food taken by ' Finale Arab perform tho war: til form till thev decays lint the gems Tof England. the child. It was, "Baby, don't eat th danco and yells, "Bun here, Jimmy! the collection are the Kobinoor of opals" ' 7 antl "Uau, don't eat that, " until aessen rve aono u to anotucr ox em ; . Tifinr rut linen in hrr Allnnanrl it. ir.. iwk.w t aw TT ' - - WB I I II W II K IL1II A lir.U 1 II E. liAa B U mm - . Elbert Anderson, of New York, then a by her mother, she took it v.itU such un- . txaraD. the 'Chicago Journal lJ1 -"lala mor' " of. ? r!,. sornnso was mauilestciu I v l n,;n-.r,l ,i .tt i n y,rA.1 I w "tMi v w4-.-n , - I l uuuimi vuiv4..;uiiua mu4 cm mw h,s 14Ta l 1 0 1 exciairaeu: "i tooa my ,ue cooolers at the rear of ao incoming cn- It furnishes a most desirable medium foi ....... .1 . 4 V. . . , T i .. 11 4.1... I"i . . . I.1 I ! t lornriet 1; nn i- ti nrid I rr n rr fC)0 O It a I , .. I ler.larat.ion of wnr with T.nrlnml in I i.mn m enirrav-1 -- B . - I la is Scrr Pcunixa. Taka ono pound and a Lalf of common fiaur, Lalf a pound of beef tact clopped very fine, two eggs well beaten, one pint f new cuilk; mix. Have ready a lov l a til greased; pnt ia your podding; lie doa n will a cloth; boil steadily lur two Lours. U rated lem on peel improve it. CoAOOAxrr Cur Caxz. Taka ilrte contractor, visited lrov. where he Durchs- usual ou.et that tiuitB we.c iiuub i - - . ' . , . , two years and are c" Huauuv Ui piovi&:yu. 1110 inspec- wuen sue naiveiy 1 . . : . .1 tors nf trio ortii-l4vi ot- 1 1 1 q t nlom nfuru 7- K 1 .In...-fii iv.lair p o f. f thfir I " - m.v..v.v.. " j wvv . v. v tiirccvi W UlOt 1VI. I , I 1 1 1 . TiTti mi ... I enezer ana oamuei ujieon.. l ue latter mamma, be sure and have enougl." BO 1 should I n.:,,. ;ct nrmem thn linA in Indiana. ni" a a. v , I a.w av. .wv ..w " I w recent dark and clilly night, Le had faith Ax Aciiixo Heart Uxbukdexs It- to believe that Le Lad a "soft thing'' of it for a cheap ride. But the conductor, w ith near. a cup of brandy, tie Jaioe and grated rind of a lemon, acven one teaapoonful of ci cam of tartar, Lalf a leaspoonfal of soda, two teaspooafols of tie extract of bitter al monds, or aboat fourteen of tie almonds. blaocled and poaaded; this qaaouty mill 11 ' 1 till 1 ered impossible to engravd upon so soft a ge"nian universally Known cs uncle stone as the opal, but iri both of these ' S".1 eupriuueuueu in person heads the lines are as cleatly cut as in the a lar?e numUer 01 woritmen, who, en this SKLF.A correspondent of the Richmond Lis eagle eye and railway lantern, soon es- uxZSvJln X JuZrllnL finest cameos. i occasion were empioyea in oyernauiing tne l Enauirer at Greenbrier, White SoJbhnr pied the money ! passenger on Lis on-1 ' provisions purchased Dy the Contractor. B;na ihna i;.vaa on ablnc bmnm -nchinnfid and rornf.irtl- aaf Did Let and a rmshed heart: "The flirt is the Dain- order Lira off! No. He bad a deeper I Mntcx Meat xma loitATOEs Taka ted hyena of society; the lamb-fleeccd-dis- plot. He let Lim remain wlile on and oa I cold roast or boiled meat and chop it fiaa guised ravening wolf of the affectional went tie train, from nation to station, ca-1 a Ub. about an etial quactit of rife to- CHICAGO. LEDGER 10K ONE JVEAR. Tho T.KiKimi In tho BEST FAMILY PArER in the rnited Stales ably edited, hjuiilsoiuely printed, con taining every week choice completed atorie, an install ment of an IntereHtinx illustrated serial aud central readinir for nbl unit vi.nnir air'thu f:iriu... .1... r. - - ,,-" . - ........ (l hi, i j (5 lioiiHewife aud for all claaaea. ) Special care ia taken to """.iw tone uniiiirniiy cuaaie ami moral. Send l and lj cent fot pontage, aud yur address to I tirt 3 It TUB IiXlOGtBEl, Cliieago, Illinois. One copy one year. .... . .$2 50" " 6 mos.; 1 25 " " 3 " .......... 75 J. H. & G. G. MYROVER, Publishers & Proprietors, Nos. 11 d 12 Andersop Street, Fayetteville, X. C. jnly 1 tf The Ckown Pkesce of Hoixakd.-I The casks were marked "E. A. U. S." - . . r.ll a. Al. . I x r r - The Amsterdam correspondent of the Tall --uc,r uispecuoii ieu to iuo ioi oi a iaceu- ' I 11 1 a i .a Mall Gazette writes: "For some time ons lenow, wno, on oemg askea the mean- about the con-1 lDS of tue mark, said ht did not know,uu- He lives in 1 1688 t meant Elbert Anderson and Uncle bam, alluding to Uncle Sam Wilson. The there Las been much talk duct of the' Crown Prince Paris, his palace in the Hague is closed, and to nrefers of performing his duties as the first subject extent of his possessions of his royal latner. lhis behavior has created much discontent, .11 .j 4 .. . . j i - . . i ...acta imiLT amnnir inn n-nrffman onii ricaoui an euueavoit. io juuuue uim io return j - ..4.v.M v j.v. . , , nirn!ft dron trom ii. iTi ' 1 f-:ia rni T. 1 I enrronl it. on1 I'lTnn n Sam " .ln r..,i...l I r . me naguy nave lulled. j.ue rnnce l ""v".7 " " ur.' ' I spell-bonnd victim, whil to amuse himeelf iu Paris instead waB oiien rauieu oy mem on meincreasea I fold. Iler fangs drip with tho gore of the I til it reached a great tank, where th en-1 matoea; season with an even leaspoonfal foolishly fond and true. Like tha hide- cine stopped to "water op." I of pepper, a Leaping leapocmfal of salt; ons spectre bat of the Orinoco, she drains "Now for Lim," grinned tlo heartless spread a laer or bread or cracker cromt lhe veins oi her conductor, as he parsed io the iroct. I m a puaamg uia, a ba. ia m omw ... .1 .... I . . . ... . .. I i . iv .r.x...i . .1 :,v t . a I.-.. 1 e her soil riano I ' .ow lor Lim, ne rnanciona.y continn-1 m r11 - ishments lull Lim to rest and Jill Lis ed, as he graped tlo water-trough from Jcrumi oa lhe top a itu a iiaie ua:ier, ana dreams with dazzling scenes of beauty and the fireman's bands and directed it over poor over a teaoprol ol water, awiu felicity. More cruel than tlo great war I the back of lie engine. one boor, and voa will Lire a delicious h I . hVa. tnr bim n I... fl-n4l.ft.r1lw rrnnta . I diah. Cold rravv. ruued wtiii aana wa beard a Noah s deluge poonng over ier, or a cop w atoca, ar mow . ut ull liow si- An American Princess. An Ameri a a 1. 1 '. I , . . . I w ... . " I mnr.R lias Deen nreseiveil On LUR KlllllPPr. I poti nni.dca ahnnt tr Ia tnamnd at 1 - An.l rJaArim baartd rt I.A sei n mvc4 I a liA l...sf.l sa ftah'ti 1slfrrsa fv.nn vhvv,-" r - r- w wo -ttLaaa laiuvv -jvj mauh w a v 1 1 in I iivil caaj 1 lui aa CkalU UlvVUI U 21. UvM aova ajaA VII U BUaiaa mmy iy ai V-CU 14 ca a a aa f uviia.v To the great surprise of every one, howev- Stuttgart to an English gentleman named I frevent worshippers. With aavago fero-1 tie Lead and down tie back of tie lock er, Mr. Mock, a well known Conservative Heneage. She is no less a person than citv 6ho crunches the tenderest feelings less tramp. politician, the other day, coiog than water. for moiaU Bolter enonjl aLould in proposing a Miss Agnes Leclerq, formerly of Baltimore, I and emotions of the human aoul." All gTew still and tho condactor order-1 loped oystcra. be aaed to make lie Up brown like eacal;