Published by J. H. & G. G, Myrover, Gorner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteville, N. C. VOL. 4 NO. 163 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 187G. WHOLE NO. 170. North Carolina Gazette. J. II. & O. G. MYROVEH, Xixtolls-abre. T Ell MS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (lu advauce),.. Si month Three " ta oo i no 50 . R i TES OF A V VER TISIXC, : One Muare ! line nulLl uonparemoneiuW-itlcm 1 00 tl , j two a t' ,, n if' - " one month 8 50 ,. .. three " S 00 .. . ' . iX " 9 00 ,J .. i I- twelve " IS 00 ... i icr vent, mure tnan regular ! vert Uwnmnta.'".. t.cliaree.1 in proportion to t he jbov raOi. i m" T.nnjrwr a'lrrrtinoiiM-i Home Circje. Home is the sacred refuge of our life. Dry den . BEHIND TIME. In '52 there wasn't a likelier fellow on tlio lino tlian George Kirke. He was the f a nnor man anil HIS moi ncr n a I . - t- 1 ? . 1 1 dead. His father was a coimrmeu invaini of the rheumatic order, and George played "the dutiful son to him in a way that would astonish the young men of to-day. , : Somehow, nobody knows exactly how, George managed to pick up a good educa tion, ami he had polished it off by a two years' course at a commercial college. ' Kirke beau on the Sanday Hill rail road when he was about twenty-one or two vearsofngo. First be was a brakeman. This railroad business is a regular success ion, and, generally speaking, a man has to work hid way up. It 'ain't often that he eets ri"bt up to the, dignity of conductor at ono Mi p, witli a chaiico to pocket stray ten cent seript, and the privilege of he.p in' all the good looking and well dressed ladies out of the cars, and letting the home ly ones, with babies and haudboses in their arms, Btuiuble out, as best they may, while he is engaged in ' talking to a man." George did his duty so well that he was D,wv.. ..r.'unnted to fireman, and after he had learned the working of the machine ado encmeer ana us at Deering's cut at 10:15. Scant time to make the run in this thick weather, but it must be managed." "And he turned away to give some or ders to his fireman. Jack llaliday was there; he had been strolling in and 'out of the room for the past half hour, smoking a cigar and swear-' ing at the bad weather. We all went to the door and took -a look at the weather, and unanimously vo ted it deuced bad, and theu we walked' up and down the platform, and . smoked our after-supper cigars, and by the time we were through it was ; time for the train hands to be getting to" their places. Both the watch and the clock iu the engine room indicated 7:40. j , ' - Kirke was putting his watch in his pocket as he said : . I 'Garth, are you .roin:r with me on the "No, thank ye," aid I, f'l get enough of that sort of thing in my every day life; I am to do a little swell business to-night and take passage in a palace car. Want to rest my back. Good night to ye, and hold her in well around ltock Bottom curve. The road is a little shaky." "Aye, aye, sir !" responded Kirke, and he swung himself into position on'the Fly- She could see the headlight on the pay train far down in the vallev distinctly now. and to her excited fancv it I seemed CONCEALMENT OP SEX. BOW STCEET Rl'NXE&S. Manv instances are T.he London police was remodeled hv iiDi-c.u. - - . . .. . Ar- tr. i.o- t. i .v,. . , hut a stone's throw away. She even uaii,us 6wwuuy wuceaieu meir sex, v avouvxija cei, nnucom thought for a moment that she heard the while for long years, or a lifetime, they nience.1 duty on September 20, 1329. griud of the wheels on the track, but it wro the habiliments of men, and pursued revjons to this time tho duty of appro was only the sighing of the wind in the the rougher, harder vocations that are by ndmg criminals devolved 0on cousta- , common consent abandoned to theu broth- ,,lt3 "uo ere called "liow btreet ran (From U lioaMrr (Cl.) Cworler.l IN A tONlSZl. to km or lUP Le fc&id, mLen L LxA 4irTeyi the qoca an4 LcarJ tcr tnry. Uoo tajr word, you bever liokel better in tor life. Fifteea CaaJred Feet InJer Grwanl, Anl The i2Vrt U nrrl. I em cL&rtne4 What May be Sees There. it." And tie day vent on. I n leu tUo . " two meekt tlrifaftCT tho wloni ft V&lit It lakea only five minute. Va step ere literal! r t.lden with rellow velvet, into tbe cage, and the hand that pnideji A I&dr could not be id tie fialion io 0T- fl'' S bSto romance, deeper often inoreWiaal. than in detecting tho pertrators of otTen- u?tS? ? touches therein iLngel Year. ftenrI. the rli ewhi S "irrflS any iu fiction for it has the trerne mlous ces, and of which Profesr Prynne, in hi, cr, and you are p aag- u.t manufturer of Lyoa. gave a prand w is n ? vi on an e rami nit . , inter..sti,, "Itemllertinna tl. f.,1. ?S into tLe gloom. In a moment the ftus in Looor of Hl'.e. Mar, mtcrtajticff deatn. a ne . nguis or tug station were ;. ; " . :" " J. . " , ln;., nitMu. . bghts of car;h go out; hy the dare f.f Un- Ler umt.tuoti.ln TL. f.i. terna you kuovv yoa are pajng Jrippin I in a rpacioaa and uierb ooqoItt Lck a uraovr?; me wun.u irora ainive lie bataki of lha Sianc. an t the fortnn fainter and ccae; the vapor rie around I opoo u Uch the rUl La-1 lecn rfArf l On, and still on she went; Selim seemed ers. Their story .Wssarily reads like a ? " W? of whom showed great ingen- a .1 in view nay, sue even saw tne hts of car;h go out; by the r;Ure r.f Ian- Lcr auuiptuotulr. Tl.e festival a Ull in un i mi aa mi w mi aa ra iiiaakakj nav iniiiiiinir in am mcrmsnm a i . jkrr. wwti master s white lantern .as he rollett np ami w lVc e .'I. ':V . ' 7 ? u,cu u? i.- rT r"1, timWrf, the aounds from aWe trrw tie bitki c.f iL Slnne. a.l lb. f.n. down the idatform tho white lantern b"" jk-imiuui knowledge, aim ' .ua' fc"" inauuu innu , f .,. j; I " , . . .. ... . . " . .i.-!.i. :o, t , l th nnnr.,,l,i tr-nn treats it as an undoubted autWitv. It Townsht-o.!, who tvaa t.o f the mt no-f- ""' :"V '"T p "ca aue eie a.i urcti "r . ." ...i.:i ..... : . . , t..-l ,.,. .t.. a I iroin a caui.iron: you licar now aul I Lad trroan na from rtllow rlet v. u..i.r.i-j wv I.,. muiiviy i3 VIU- IT, . . -, . . , I - o - -r . ... 1 -. 1 1 . . . i IIJI'U u IU1IIU1U IU LUD III Mill nm lum 11 i ill. to thwr (l.Mim ' met a person wiiosa eccentricities attracted I conniry uouse in i.'X, . .. . , , i i i .v. i i. 3 i . .. I iinivcrifil 9ttfnt:iin l if .1 ii mnj I OHO OI Il.eV tlicil II I nit It U"n nan. . . r je ujisued across me uacw., me . ," : , . . , their treasure were Uin- i .- 11.1 ii cran.unr.mnii t. riw irn mrtn ati.i Mm ' s-i i rurini uiiusi'ii i v mmil iiir. iih iipipttihi i lin.lie reins to an amazen oysianuer, ani, - - - . .nkiiur the white lantern from the hand ernor s medical adviser. Lord Charles de- '"e drive near tho house a little hay, 1 liM scribed him to mo as tho mil...... .v.. ..i... ..v. , . . . . I. M 1 - 1 sniin nn-r upoa the track, waved it in the tie Had uteiy ieeu in prolcssiosul ftttend- lunipiar, uti-i uw n one vcrv teeth ol the coming train. - taken a- x win usma one nrNPtio and miz- TEEX lEltS. away The bell rans", I scrambled into my compartment of the Pullnian, and felt hor ribly out of . place "among; .the silks ami broadcloths and the smell of musk; but I was in. for a first-class ride- and made the best of it so effectually that five minutes after Gibson, vvho now fancies he owns all creation because he wears a siyer coffin plate on his lueast. with conductor on it. eu- rine. This engine was one of the newest arid 1 thn line, and WftS Called tho 1 ly away, and George was very proud ot it, vou may well believe. ; I tell you now, sir, your true engineer, one that is out-and-out for the business, and feel hid responsibility, takes as much pride in his engine as tho jockey does in his favorite race horse, and would wt iijf nights, or neglect his sweetheart, to keep i.7. n'nd tilafiiH-s of his machine so's von could see your face in em. i There was another man .wanted George s chance. There's generally more than one after a paving job. Jack llaliday had- been waiting . i l.y. r.l tlin 1 IVMW.IV. ' . .. i 1,, b,st. it ho was mad enough to he intended keepn. illl'l ... .. -- . i pull his hair. He was a brakeman, like wise, and had been on the road full two years lonjrer thati K'uke, and it would seeja that tho chance would really belong tjo him, biit ho was a quarrelsome, disagree able fellow, with independence enough to have set an emperor up then have some left. for iu business and had shouted "all aboard!" 1 was sound sleep. What occurred in other quarters to affect the fate of Kn ae s train li learned after ward. j 1 Uld hately, tne superintendent or tue road, as I guess I have already said, had a country-residence in Leeds oi a moun tain spur: which commanded a view-ol the surrounding country for moie tnan a scre of miles. The line uf the rail war could be distinctly seen in each direction for fifteen miles, and W hately was wont to say. that his lookout was worth more to tlio safety ot trains tuau an tne teieirrapu wires on the road. j j : Whately was a rich obi duffer, kin enough in his way, but sharp as a ferret in looking atter the road, hands, and deter mined that every man should do his duty- lie had but one child, a daughter, am I Uss vv hatelv was the belle of the conn try. She was brave, bountiful, and spir ited, and more than once when her lather t 1. !'V1 1.1 iiad i een away ; nad sue assumed the re sponsibility of j directing the trains, and she had' always acquitted herself with credit. Old Whaffdy was very proud of her as lie had a right be, and -kept the young fellows at a distance, until it was sai-1 tltat her single till tlio Czar of all the ltussians came on to marry her. ' . This night m; November old Whately and Floss were jont on the piazza of their country home, peering through the gloom and fog, for the signal lights of the Golosh train, which was nearly due. "It's devilish strange it doesn't come in Two sharp, short whistles told her that their treasures were being lbn way; you litcn, expecting to Lear the . . i i.- .... . roauennir oi momei miri tuo fi most skillful of wmeu convinccti nim mat a nacKiicy coucli I , . " . . noon, aim 1 1 . . . . , . , cacre under vour fee!: voa know iLi Land I ain in th Iut:rUrt.Ui ct.larr. anl lL Ii.TjI tin :.1 I . . I - . . ... ' - r ,P. 1 aove has toochol the bit of burden-bear- I " o Aog" ocr llar4 11 bc rr, and then tie cage Ukd- and vou arc I icpKJ by Lu Paillrurut, aul tazr more than a quarter of a mils below tL 1 brel in a dang in IktkWy rJ. ie ixovernor. wno was some- it nee upon tl what fanciful about his health, but. tak i l- 1 . I inrr liinfil'iiira or c itnif bnuT (lmt i-o .ii.l tier M 'nal was seen, and a motuent larer i -"-, " the train came to a stop, and officers rushed or done, he had left his patient to prescribe fonvanl to confer with the tram from Go lor nimseu. l uad Heard so mucli ot tins osha. which had not yet been telegraphed capricious, yet privileged gentleman, that from the next station beyond. L ua'1 Src'at curiosity to see Imu. 1 bliort- The man waited fifteen minutes before '.v a.lcrwanis sat next him at one of the Kirke s train slid on the siding, and It was regimental messes. In tins learned pun- then known that but for the decision of UeueM a beardless lad, apparently 1, ,,m,in. Av tl., t , must, h.ive my own age, with aii unmistukable Scotch inrou'ii it aitnui sucu a lime, l lie man said 'Yes,' but could not remember the ii nm her. It!clla mat lL danjV.tcr of a FietKli tie collided four miles bevond Deering's Cut. When told the whole story, Kirke looked at his watch. The man at the station looked at his. Kirke was ten minutes behind time. You want to know how it happened. 1 Certainly yon could have guessed Hali day did it. A man was' fouud tho nest day who confessed to having seen Jack tampering with the time-piece in tho en gine house that night, but had not thought or it, he said. ; Jack f Oh, he left town, and was heard of in Australia. His game w as not a success. And Kirke married Floss Whately, else this story would not have been told, be- li t i . ITi : l,.ltt. .t r It was 4o, si! I a boy at play neir, , ' f J,.v 1 ratrfe ,n-lM.rt. tA iKi, j-.b-UbJ .i l'r- I'm certain of it, f,.r I sboute.1 as it ikuwJ. " , ' - - . -- - Wilkes and I ibtrty ' 0 s:,Tix into -the world qrandM tLan any otLrr ota.a h ever bveJL 4,.iM ' ' i- . i . . treasure-boost-; yoa have pacd from the She Uratae the roemT of Ler out, rc- "lhe runner imiuedtatelv retarnc! to . ....- i i,-.l i V, . iV . i i- r..-i..i ...,f v . ai l ., , i tetntH-rate t j the Irop-.cil tiino m a loo- lumci to r ranee, an 1 Iut;i ttt art bcluoa row n, io. in. i out Sj. 4, an I bui.imoiied ' . . , . , t tt , , . , .. . . , . . . . ment vim an- iu a lloitanz. It take agwofct Lira, kept ILe Tout) pnooe (Ler tho driver of it before a magistrate. 1 he , . . , , . " f, ' i, . 4 T.J iti mm a,'nnJlJ,. !! ,( l i li. . but a little rpace to complete the tratii- ho aTieraar.U l-Afo bliifJ III.) man acknowledged that he had been out . . . i -. frr t r-i t i.i.t , . . . .i.i.-. i t lion; it tax but a tnotaeat to aocnte it: away irotn Li uther, inriej l.relaaJ i iov n, nm Mfseiie.i inai n was ria-T. iierw i cause what would a' did not end in a wedding story be f worth that Mixeii's Foiituxes -The death of Wil- A Pkofligate AXD M ISi'OUTUXES liaui Abbott, "'the king of the Cariboo gold mines," is announced from Victoria, British Columbia. Abbott was one of a typo of countenance, reddish hair and high I ho had gone. 1 ho magistrate mm 1, 1 urn cheek bones. There was a certain eCl-ini- down his sleeves,' knowing the ciif-tom tff nacv in Lis uianuer, which he always these men to place the turnpike tickets seemed striving to coticeal. His stylo of there, ami that there was just conversation was "really superior to lhat I tual ue ini'jlit not have given up usually heard at mess-tables in those days that feed him back. It was so, and the of non-competitive examination. ticket proved to le for the Mftex route. A mystery attached to U.trry's whole The man peached, and the roLbcM 'A cre professional career, which extended over taken. moie than half a century. While at the "Tho same friend told me another cur Cape he fought a duel, and was considered '1"S anecdoto of the ingenuity of there de to be of a most quarrelsotno disposition, tectives of former days. A friend of his He was frequently guilty of flagrant was invited one evening to meet NIcM.uius, breaches of discipline, and on more than who had gone down to the North on biui one occasion was sent home under arrest; ness, and fr.iu his own lips he had the fol but, somehow or other, Lis offenses were lowing rerital: always condoned at headquarters. "He (McMann.) was sent for to inspect In Hart s Annual Army Lift for the vear a house whu-li had leen entered Py uurgiars 1S55, the stands at tuo head ot the lit of insiector- renerals of hospitals. In July of the same that it could onlv have been ttfected by vear, the Times one day 'announced the one of three or four men w ho were tki!led death of Dr. B.utv. and the next day it in such work. Thereupon he returned to was officially reported at the horse-guards town, and visited one of the bou.-H'rt where that the doctor w:is a woman. It is sin- thieves resort. Entering into conversa tion with those ho found here, ho asked, but the charge is wonderful, and to ooe I tU aa anny, and aUt4 iadrpoMcrbrr of a thoughtful mind tho wonder inert a luuaodf the am. es with eaub nturn'.ni? It it no lit- I Kdward III. cljne4 th lbruo of -iKO tu-ieta y )rk a Juhje .. M rVancc a l!-e gTafe lti cf the fulef cf e cnancc .jrf. True, there are broul ave-1 1lIla, which cUlci wa- Ke4 by ao in the one I ., ! , L..i. : r 11 t ban- Dakeof glimpso of a nun there reveal the exrr- J UoJforJ, King Join of lVaboe, Joan of lion iiecesary to ke p up tla. c-oul.ct ub .ire, ia uoy oiuer tuwne Taocea the Fpirits wfdrh guard the buric l tre.v- figure.! ooapicaoualy. The pirit io which ure telow. Tho men are stripped to the jt wa proi-pcnted may ! judrd by that wait, lLoj blawuy Jelvern. with prrvpi- a wLich It wa cotameooed. IXekoiLia ration bnrting from every tHrc and their I gentlemen or Lnpand aDldel ca bol nnes xi.ere: oroaa iinjucr w nicu ii; i-1 ""v,.',-v", Vl 1 ' a k .4; la WH-ni competent to MiptKrt a wot!d up- I a tavruinary war, which Utl one .... . t .i ' ' . r I j.a i. i .t . i r i. .t . t on their prujid n.ica: lucre are enincriMii'"iv rai, iauuu.ti at work and car running bat everr I IMocc, n of Kdaari III- tb naine of James Barry, M.' D., After careful c xamiimtidti of the lock.-, he the head of the' lit of insitector- pronounced that it was so cleverly done " irular that neither tho landlady of her company who struck rich pay on v Uliams lodging, nor the black servant with whom casually Cn ek in 1S61, arriving .at Victoria with sho ha'l lived for veaw, liad tho sli-hlrst " 'Wht-rc's PHcll A mail?' atll 'I don't 300 pounds of gold in the fall of that year. piU, f lK.r x. The late Mrs. Ward, pc ' He was thelh-.n" of the winter of 1SG2, the daughter of Co!. Tidv, froui whotu 1 "And presently it cmno ont that one and spent his gold lavishly. On one 0C- had these particulars, told' me further that man whom ho knew by name had ut 7 . t'.i 1 .1.. ! -. :i ..r.i.- ..ii i o nes ttiining as u wkxi iue pan:u vie- i; .uv v u, uv . . .. . . . . .i.i i . h'.ione in the auniigUt w Len ktn tcheI I iwrawnn io ravage inn nia.acre wr.u npon the top of Tvocola, ero the Aatcc t pity, to pare ocilhcr tsii'.l nor alur, pnests tore ont their heart for a Kicnfice. nor pregnant m-oinao. tiiir rcUUre, cor hose white LreasU have another igtuL-l inena. rrom t i .!, mu tcj, .. r . .i . CJilice. . U.T Hie runacc K'n tlO race RiaV I imnuww..if, u iuc uramy oi prow- take from The oale faces there bold sway. TLcro U of their pro-editor. Noblra. coclew- the CaitcaMan race is indifienlalde, for atic and corauu.a people Larod alike the what is medl among gnomes is a ftcadv Icommoa dcstruUiou. At timci Frtcoe, j me runacc irviio raiv niav .vMnr.i-, - ic i .ii mvtm .vrv i ihe laUrcr Li bread; down in cnted,.n and gratiditon atl Trat grani. in there is no fear of competition. Cfpouwng and lwatLia the quar- casion he entered n saloon and siiied a haiuifal of 20 pieces at a large ilate gl iss mirror- behind the bar, shattering it. When reproached by the bar-keeper, he requested him to keep tho "beast for the damage." On another occasion he and another Caribocite astonished Government street by throwing -$20 pieces at each oth er until stopped by the ponce. 1 he throw in: commenced with enow-bulis. On his return to Cariboo Abbott's good fortune continued, and he has been known to staky. $10,000 on a hand at poker. After two or three years' prosperity, Abbott got to the bottom of his claim and his purse she believed tho doctor to have been the grand-daughter of a Scotch name 1 do not now give ean, w uosod as I am luiuTde brain, a quick, ctroug Laud, a ruling intel ligence. Th.'se rtronghold are riot form ed until grappled with by ibo world ral ing races. It looks pleasant down ihcre in the mimic streets and under tho lan tern's t'lare, but U-fore thoMj Erects were ojKiie.1 there was in the stifling air a work informed which can not Ikj calculated, atabitioa of wmtbl-be sovereign. 1 .... ..I V. I .. .1 t . . . 2. 1 ... . 1 . . to sulistantiate tlio correctnft 1 nend s tsiiriiuse; and that nhsldopted medical profession from ati&ckmcnt to aii has aiof my I 'adopted the army surgeon, wno years dead. uot i be .'en many J. I ... .i, ' i. Tin i V l-i w " Tor.V realized that Geor-o had sight !' sam ;uateiy, ia ng aown ' ' I'll i: i i iss in oisjjusi. "lis uaru niglit-g his on to ten now ! . luey ought to show their light round Spruce Pond by this time.'' "You telegraphed them, father ! You let them know the pay train was on the road t" asked Floss. ! '"To be sure. And, good heavens ! there is tlio light on the pay train now f See I not ten miles away, mid like the devil as it always does !"'" He pointed with trembling finger dowu to the vallev forge, w here, far away, a got tlie inside track of him, his angtr was at a whito licit. , Ho enrsed Kirke and onrsod the company, and old W hately, the Superintendent, and things generally, uni- til it seemed to lo a pity that therei was not something else to curse, he was ih such a fine cursing order. . J There was more than ono thing which mado Jack llaliday down on .George . .ii i . . -l :i Kirke. George had oeen ms rnai in many respect and particularly where the, fairer part of creation was concerned;. George wa a great favorite with the girls! for he was handsome, generous and good f nattued, and Jack was sarcastic, and al ways on the contrary side, and the girls avoidsd him, as they always should such a man. ' j n Well, all expected that ill would come to George from Jack's bad blond against him. and we warned him more than onceL and it would not reach the siding but he always laughed, and reminded us ings Cut until tho pay train had nf ttiA nbl anvlnir ibftt "barkinff doers nev-1 bevond on the t-isrle track.1 And er bite," which is true in tho main. . And as tho time went on until two, miming How Marshal "MacMaiiox Settled Pkesidext Thiers. When MacJfahon been seen since the day of tho roblry. Ilis next step w as to vi.-it tho different coach o&iccs, and after some inquiries made in vain, he at laft discovered that a man like the ono in question had gone down with luggage to Oxford the day af- . . ii ' if. ... i. it. -.1 ' e ,er tne ro K..y. xie , probably, after another rixteea vear, thev the next day, and when arrived at Oxford ... . . 00 f . . set about tracing huo ... tuw way: ie nneonctncd as thev i.o.v dedro at dressed himself very shabbily, and visited .. ' . ... . . .. .t i. which wa the thealre of the w ar, became ro itupovcrishe-l that eiuy of Let cltiicm rLarvcd to dcAth, and iLc variu pruviorrt were so aliena'.cd thai ihey lruot cea.ic4 to bo a nation. And for what w as iLi w ar of over a ccniury' d oration waged! Not for the goo 1 of the nation, but for the Picks were swung, dnll were etruck, ' powder wss burned, men fainteJ atid fell in their plans: but the work went on. So it will proceed in the future, nntil, Kings and duke in thoe days claimed not only certain eontitne, lmt alo lae people V ho inhabited then. TLcj arro gated the right to farce them from their home and pit them again! rirb other, a at Crecy and Airinomrt, until lb gTaan J waisoakcl with blol and the cxnMt the different little inns iu the outkirts t;f troops aganifet tl;e rjoeaniune, l'resnient .Thiers always fussily interfering. MacNIabon for some time was silent and at the same time, and was miserably poor reserved, but the late Geu. Valazo warned at the time of his death. Thiers that the connuander would break out some day. And this happened. One mere speck in the gloom, could bo spen bright light, scarcely moving, it seemed but those watchers knew it was approach ing at lightning speed. j Father and j daughter looked at each other. The truth was evident. The train from Golosha was ten minutes j behind time. t Deer passed then T Why, there would be another item for tlio morning papers nuder the head of "Ap- the signs, as I have said before, are many. Grim placards, announcing that this house or that case, or these engines, cars aad trucks are for sale, greet the eye. Notices of immense sales by auction appear iu the city newspapers. Thousands of the ex hibitors are longing for. next Friday to take aw ay their goods. Tens of thousands of pundiasers of goods on exhibition are "ra veulug for the articles they paid for. The elosiug- day w ill see the commence ment vi a stampede that only, those who have qu other eximitnut4 ciobo vm '-rjllU'Ufrt , x CAV was appointed to tho command of the tho town, saying at each: troops aijaiiifet the Commune, President 1 " 'I waut a tt of ttcer for namin: tho man ha wished to find. I'IIp was met with: "'We don't kuow such a person here.' ! "To which ha replied; "4Oh! it's a mistake, then no matter.' "And Fo o:i, till at lat tho ariewcr was: "We'll send it.' "'Xo,' pays h?, 'that won't do; he's in a hurry, and Pin to go with you.' "Ho went, and found his man, and I know the for- j some of the stolen property in hi posses- v A u a aii. tta vi'iiw eiiujt strut5.; ed," etc. When Valazo heard this he knew all was lost. The Marshal re were piled bijh on each other. Their drift, and suddenly ue Hud where the fltto was "rale or rain," and while ihey Peking column is driving into tho ore. did not always Miwl io ruling, they never unci in ruining. XAST OF THE CeSIESXIAL-THE "!V 1,1 Uli ,,a,ll OI 60mV uSllUngt l- 1 flu 1 ta . - DlJEAKY DAYS TO Come. It breaks the i oiers anived in his carnage, and.jump heart nf tlient!iiwiiiti Philadelidiiaii to ,US 0Ilt rau after tlio Marshal and his think that all this must pass away. Yet tf. eying out, "Marshal, Marshal, step! You are commutiiig an error: call back your troops on that tide. . : : t ... . t t i ... inicauous: u was l who Had tliem eon the present levels. W e pa-a through a Itr. attuekin 'V n i MiTtiifiivnt! bnt for lhHU in tl.. V.- n.1.,1 T-mfv mining ia I fclOCC Hot) the T.1CO hi TOV19 3ra a li "lit thin" to accomplish, ono vuit there progre in the right direcUoa. The thir- would dispel the illusion. A glimpse at ty jw1 f 1J rnaaa rtfjrmaUoa, the work, a ghtneo at tho machinery, a and ihe.war f X.jleoo from 1793 U few thm 'ht of the ftudy reiu3retl to were txrUinlr lon enough. Hat make a battle again! the rock, (Len wre retail no greti war l il,.. dner and ramnM. wocl.l snddcnW Ucca W-callcI ChrirtllO BiUoDI Whidi reveal to them how it is that a firt-clas ha continaeIlooger tlao three or foar miner ha 1 1 Ih a firtla man; and Low., )'cars. after be coniplctea Li education Iclow ... . ground, be cm ftize uj03 tuo ordinary N-EW. L-sE A iiEaD.itabrrtMrer, mained for some time without answering, ?Ia.te? ,,ow like one searching for a reply, and at latt (l,lit fa r:.ilwv o ho said, "Mr. President, go away f:om WM "T"f 1 '? .tL BMItailllllS Ul IIIC an.viu'.vu. u.m. v...- . r.r-.n ftr ... . . t'arTm rnli. A CfKlL FUGITIVE. Tho Pan Temp Lpawdng algebra i never more troubled by at vir;rib;a cjitr, wa vtrock by a dcacc&d relates how a lady, traveling alone in a a problem in aruhmelic. Iut we are oa ; .," rif oca of tL compartment in t ranee, I the cage one more, the Ik.-U up above ng-1 e.rr.'ett on record, llxrr wa sixndic the sudden entrance ot a l naU Uial I here is iret'.ous irrigui on three, four .months had passed rinceKirke's palling Railway Disaster!" and a few promotion, and nothing had occurred, we forgot all about ouy apprehensions of dan ger, and if wo thought of the matter at all, we concluded we had wronged llaliday by our suspicions. tl was a dark night in Novemt er, with considerable fog in the air, and strong ap pearance of rain. I was at Golosha, the northern terminus of our road, looking after some repairs on disrnallv lonely. 1 r i ! . ' I T - : J I - - a oeiectivo nouer, ami a was coming uowti to New York on the 7:50 train---Kirke's train. . About seven thero came a telegram from old Whately, whoso summer resi dence was nearly midway between )Gn losha and new York, And the old heathen bad not vet forsaken it for tho city. The telegraph operator carao into the engine bouse where Kirke wae at work, and ; read more homes would be made to mourn. Father and daughter looked at each oth er in lismav. ! !'!"-. "Seliin can do it," said Floss quickly. "It I can reach Leeds five minutes before the train yes, two mi notes- all will le well. Do not stop me, father," as he laid his hand on her arm. ; "But von must not go ! It is dark and No Floss !" "Shall I go 'father i Belini knows onlv me and you could not nde .him. T have ridden darker nights. And he is the only horse in the stable. . Don't yon re member T The others were all sent to town yesterday." Before old Whately conld stop her she had ordered the hostler to saddle Selini, and she was already buttoning on her rid ;e earth; show-cases will disappear aid t; pot is will spread over tho floors as thev do over the head of a man that uses lis barber's capillary lotion. Cold Iranghta will sweep through vacant halls and cold comfort will be for tho luckless pilgrim to the scene of the departed glory. Vliil'uJelyhla Correspondence Xcio York Herald. it to Mm. Tv'iA. ,ad nM. f if in hla habit with rapid, nervous fingers. noeketbonV 1 he horse came, pawing! to the door, , 1 1 Floss sprang into the saddle, land leanet x y wa.n on tne line, win meet you (qwn and kissed her father's forehead JUSl WCSli Ol liOedS, at 10:lO. Spurt on Prav heaven to snare me 'i" she cried th aiding at Deering's cut, and all's well." hoarsely, and touching her horse with her , Whately. whip, he bounded swiftly down the steep Kirke's watch hung on a nail beside the declivity. clock. It was a fancy of Lis always to It was raining steadily ndw and the hang it there when he was off a train, so gloom was intense, but Selim wa nse,i to that he would make no mistake in the the road, and the rider was courageous tllDC. .-...- I She nrsred him on at the top-of his speed He glanced at the clock and from it to I ud hill and down through I Pino Vallev, litS watch. Both indicated the same hotr, I over Pulpit IlilT, and there she struck upon 7:15. . . j the smooth road which stretched away to "7:15," said Kirke, meditatively, "and J Leeds, some two miles, and straight as we leave at 7:50, and the pay train mecta an arrow. lure." "Mr. Marshal. Mr. Marshal! What , . 0,1 iorSHtt' stammered M. Thiers. "Mr. President, retum to your office, dismiss me, tend another Gcueral, and I will hand hi:n over the command. i . i I Wa h-ivn t-iiiu-ii n ......1 I !t iv nig cases win ramner .. , Kuu iuny uuiuma- will disappear and "on, lmt we have not arnved at that point when a .Marshal of France is obliged to obey a pekin." . Valazo said he never should forget the face of M. Thiers. "Did you see Valaze! did you hear!" ho Kaid. On re-entering biV carriago the President turned to Valaze, and added: "Don't let ug say anything of thi affair; it might damage him." Ever afterward M. Thiers .ii i.i ir i i ... . . auuresseu me Jiaibiiai witn nitinite ure- Wjran in lL oaniD abaft, and looking throcrU He lioril, and in five minute more " into ibc wolli wtntttrtiafct of the c:aiu flung a parcel on the seat, Fprang upon out of the depth, the LIerd sunlight ,jaft, ben a doable decker eae ajd two her before she could nhriek, and whisper- come to us again, the summer strike c W( descended and tmck Lin on tie lead, ed: "Not a word, or you are dead. Take with a etill, we are out of the depth and ao j cut o!f LI ear. ilyer LeJ aaj.pe4 these cior and quickly cut my hair Lave 'done' tLe IJonanza. cjici la their tlrcr-t by IcatlAtAae ' short." He knelt down close btforo her, , - ooly caoog atUck in the cable, a.od aJ- aud she tremblingly oleyel. When it was I I jn4isg the aaftty Civbct to tlo rulie. done he arow and uaid: "Now, madame, liow a i-octuse was made. I I'verr one present at the time, and lUoo itu the brt, expre tho tvnee thai L. cec trai roi glances that he Uuppnrt to Mile. Mars ia one of ta:inir t :nfcU&JjU3eo!M2r It can only be done he arow and uaid: "Now, madame, How a Fortuse wtas Made. la iverr ooe prrw bok out of that window; you will soon Ik? 1S23, Talma, having appeau-1 only io fonrtraaat wit free." The terrified lady again olicyed, Irgetly aineo 179G, cmente.l to give L: jrryate nrjri but discovered by sido glances that he support to Mile. Mrs ia one of Ca:in3r ikp,, infcuiija had taken, priest' roln? out of tho pntvel I DeUvigne a co medic. The annooncc- I cotjnUrJ faf l,y ih fart that tho cages and was putting them on. Just then the ment created a wou ienul aensauoo .he mer Jeeodiaff very luly U tba um. PDeel of tho tram began to slacken; the I tt acur ani i-uo oei mcirv io x i t f . ag i,a,jjr i,at not rnoailr arL daring intruder, utterly transformed, bow- to apjwar together. Ooe morning, about J ed haughtily, and before tho car toped j a week previou SrRir.HTLlXESS. Perhaps the most wonderful thing about, the progresses of Napoleon III. was that he now and then inspired a municipal corporation with the idea of addressing him in terms of genuine eloquence. At Dijon he was met by a deputation bearing fruit and "wine, with no formidable roll of vellum accompany ing them. lheir himself to tnese words vou tbo lest we nave -our iruus, our wines and our hearts." French aldermen have at all times been of a sprightlier turn of mind than their brethren across the sil ver-streak. It was a novel idea on the part of the burghers of a loyal city which Ilenryi IV;' was to visit to put a clean shirt on the corpse of the man laet hanged, and who, after the manner of mediaeval Christ endom (and of modern Turkey), remained suspended for the benefit of spectators at large. I, m, re?a,;,.ea y 0De .rJFf "mW7 'ram al .1,.,.- Pg ( Hajw He TjtrrEi Het. A gil 'an unexploled shell." obliged to i Vie over tie "HOME, bWEET IloiiE." "Clan, or Tukmxg the Tables. There U a lhc 5Ia,4 of Milan," protluccd IU lb23, storv of a noblo lord who once cave his contain ono piece that i known in every nf I Ajuj; uii-ri'rainii iuun iiumv.irt OI I 0 ., . 1 friend a golden 6uufl-hox, in the cover which an ass s head was painted. Not much flattered by this present, aud wirh Home." Clari is a Wautiful iieaaant girl, who has exchanged her father lowly cot- s ZZE; Z - onVhra'uthor of tl. for the -ley of duke's palace, rds - "Sire we offer he recipient took out the as and in- and become hu bnde lint she pine for " ' ii.' V :f, . sertcl instead the portrait of the lord the simple life he bad le.1, and a he en- The next day at dinuer he, a if by acei- terB figuetl and melancholy, she sing dent, put hi box upon the table. The 1,118 w'n5- -u' "i lord, who wiehel to amuse his guests at ard Payne, an American and though the the exi-enae of his friend, made mention of mosio wa XV IJ,sl,0P bicilua tue snun-ijox, and excited the curio.ity of a,r " " now geny .S" those arooud him. A lady asked to see it. wa8 real,.v coraP "J Um " ,Le It was passed to her. She opened it, and 8on saya tvian, - oi bit uao ..i- ,1;.- of lle c exclaimed: "Perfect! Indeetl, ray lord, the hymn of the lowy heart, ulich jlwel! 'J ber ple, and, it is one of tho best portraits of von that I ?Pn every 'T tbT' M 'I"-1 Ler heart, she took tho V have ever seen." The lord was natnralle ,,nn dock to us noma iiie aiuxiiou , - , , . instractionil - - . . . J -. I at tho ink-, whirl. h whicu e er uaa ieen oe.r you u to the time of the ao- wlile Mile. Mars pnvate apaninem, a manatao- i rata w ho was turer of Lvoti akcd for an audience. On I Woococlti branch of the New Yk and entering, he vprcad out Ufure the act re New Knglau 1 IUIlrovl, ai La-l Ittu a fhimmering fold of oolly yellow relret. greatly aoaored by baring packac Will you deigu to accept thi, and make fa from him ia the cars, condoled U tnp my fortnncr ail the vu-itor. JIaplana- iba thief. He procorrd a Vog, tripod lions followed, and it w a uadcrtool to snake, put Lira in a cellar box, and, on ea 15 purely a buine i!Lif. The ka.g- teiing lhc car, laid it on the seat leVsdo cious rnanufactunr knew very well that Liai. Btion a irily oil lady cce tha foperb woman before Lim eet the it g into the car and took a seat bede lie fashion iu female drcr Uforo all Per', gentleman io ioejioa, who wappareat Yellow velvet wa Lh pecialty, bat no- y abaorbed in rcadiu ' aa ereuiug paper. lotly wore it; and yet be was assured that ft wan't long Wfore the l .lUappcax it would bo all the rage if once u opon J nnder ber shawl, and her taiio'.l oa the queen of tho stage. Mile. Mara did led ber to open the Ux to look at ber not know. The color wa very trying; prize, ao l the uike eidl into Lcr lap. tdie had drcA-e enough; but, -t -length, Tbo aoeue can b lister Lnagim-d than of tie manuucUircx otct Jc-iibed. but that man cever loat ny in the roodnea nf rjoro iMVckare. , . vcivtiand haiidtsii; much embarrassed at the joke, which he thought was so hard upon him. While he from it. It is the first music heard by in- for the making np. Tto eventful even ing arrived, and Mile. Mar wa arrayed i a i t uiiu taw I . . i i ii ii onnui, 4. was reflecting opon the offensiveness of it. a.ocy m .,ts .c.raV.e? . ia"!Cr rr-be of yellow Velvet Oa be- on the lady passed tho box to her neighbor, uniting K wim an me.r ean. e ant. en- hold- I a . O 1 . .-llrtl -v-ri rrn as Wr foal if j I O A message that knocked operators their stotjls in several offices passed along I who made similar remarks about it The derest recollections, never cease to feel its j , a teisrapn wiro iu Nevada. stroke of lightning. It was a box thus went around the table, each one raaIc tIU tbey cease to live . . ' expatiating upon the resemblance. The nobleman was much astonished at the .Not a drop of intoxicating- liquor i3 al- course of things; but, when it came his lowed in the Nevada mines, where a ser- J turn to look, he had to join in the langh ious disaster might easily result from J ter too, and confess that his friend had got drunkenness. -1 tho best of him. n.. L he air is heard again during tho plav: a chorus of villairers sins it when Clari revisits Lcr home. As Iliahop Tuulf, 4f Mo-Uca, k ca king Li atiai-l viiMtAtKn lxt Jo!r a ranchmaa i 1 L" wife brocg t lle.r frs- . . . rtaeciiou of Lereclf in Lcr ily to l t 3j '.:t. .mcng t ! mirror Ler heart rave war. Uby l-.y cf x tail.. hea t-e -!-- - . . . . . . I i i V1 .. ,.f t rl.: r I i 1. 1 1 . K. f l . .J .1 . . . m ... . i:M- Those who walk the highway aro al ways throwing stones at those -who walk off the beaten track. shedding tear of vcxailm. I look like an aw fully exaggerated eaniry bird. Ileal-1- T pnrm-,l '-war. Ttll tho manager b t, t1, nlir rr nt lokt wait I mother Coul I not K x . i : 3 i 1 vi .. w 1 ' ii'"" j f .l 1 . ,- , 1 r i I . 1 ...1 . I I Imum ami tie libr CWru.!!;lr U lor me. Aa.taa urwu wo u , .- . - - . - - . . ttvaS 'II . i m . A ried frora Lis drcsfing-room. "Ii lhat tizM li.uop cuie un.a. tha tKtler gave a lie baby", Bca 'I---op Tuttlc." Tie b;tp mildly tnggt -f.t I thathisf.rat n-ia D 1, bnt C. .t nm'.brr ronl 1 rial I"? " : f- 3 lT r -

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