! Ijrlj'jjilj' -Vl- IP Jv JUL l-IPtli' 1 11 Published by J. H. & G. G. Myrover, Corner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteville, N. C. VOL. 4 NO. 17. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1870. WHOLE NO. 171. North Carolina Gazette. j. ii. & a. a. MYKOVEU, THRMS OF SUlJSCIlll'TJOX. Diin'ynar (ill advance), Sit month " ' I broe " " f2 00 , 1 X 00 HATES OF AlU'KIiTISISO : l)n mimn ( ' unpreH)oiieinirtioii t 1 00 ti two I ,, ., . ' j hub month ii.0 ,, ,i " Plll'0 - Mix ' 9 tM) ,. twelve " 1500 I ,.,., A.lvertimont cliar) in proportion to the Rinivr !- I mtfiilf-railvertiiMMiH'iitM. Home Circle. Home is the sacred refuge rf our life. j '. l)ryihit. Ml IfiS FUACHER. . A'lLEtlKXD OF j F 11 A K K F O II T. Deep within the strong tower of Frank furt lay handsome Hans Von Winklowe, the bravest heart in ail the German land an, 1 tin? best shot that hint ever brought gun to shoulder. . A troublesome vouchor was this self same linns, and very five indeed had lie made with the game in the fore.st; so free, in fact, that the Lord of Elsenbnrg, who dwelt near by the city's wall and claimed hole right to'Klsenbmg forest, swore right rniindbv that the frank 'and. hardy forester should'sullcr if thegame-keepers of Elsen bnrg ever laid hamls upon the free-son of the forest. ; . . Hut not a game-keeper was there in all the wood eager to Attempt to lay handsome Hans by the heels. ()ne and al feared the unerring aim of the poacher. Not lv open force was Hans taken, bnt ... .rrit. 1 tun nin !?. The black friars of Saint Lazarus planned far more wisely than tlio old, hot-headed soldier, the Lord of ; Elsonburg. The good monks desired to in-l the irav poacher in their power, not that they cared for Lis lawless acts in the: forest, or that thev wished to please the U.i-nn of Flscnbui" 1 but because thev shrewdly suspected that the poacher owed hi unerring aim to some secret compact made bv him with the Prince of Darkness; and when thev heard men tell ot the ; -ncincher'rt wondrous feats with the rifle, they i.iouslv crossed themselves and asseite that I Satan himself must surely at the forester. " " ! The worthv AblAit of Saint Lazarus had meditated long upon the .subject; and, after frequent consultations! with the Mayor of , the city of Frankfort anil his wise council of Burghers, he came to the conclusion that it, "was his duty to ascertain, whether . the forestTT-was,) an adept in the "black art," as the commerce "with Satan was called, or merely owed his sui-pi'ising skill to human gists, j , No easv matter was it for the good fathers to lay hands upon the wily sou of the srreat forest, but by trick and cunning .. . they succeeded at la$t. Upon the borders of the forest dwelt a wood-cutter named Dedeiick Willersand wiilijiim liveil his only child,, a maiden of rare loveliness, (leitrude by uame. In his wanderings in the forest the daring poacher had chanced to seek the hut of the wood cutter for a drink of water, and there be ' held the fair n'nl TJie poacher was a man r taste" as well as skill, and he instantly decided that the daughter of the wood-cutter would make him an excellent ' wife. So Hans came often to the little hut, and rare presents of toothsome game, the trophies of- his skill, he brought with him. ! I ', Now, tlie old wood-gutter waslh tH'nsilde man, and knew that, a Ideer tasted none the worse because Hans, the poacher, had shot it, rather than its rightful owner, the t-tern old Huron of Llsenburg. lie was only careful to put it upon the fire as quickly as possible, for fear that some one of the trame-keeners ini'jrht happen along. lhith father and daughter smiled upon the handsome forester and Hans w as just beginning to think about giving up hi wild lite ami settling flown qniet.lv as a married man, w hen the retainers of the Ably of Saint Lazarus pounced upon him. The monks had learned of the poacher's, visits to the wood-cutter, and had quietly seta dozen stent fellows iu ambush. Hans came as usual after nightfall, and liardlv had he got quietly seated by the roaring (ire of tlio old man ! when .the watchmen tiled into the room. With stout cords the retainers of Saint Lazarus? trussed hand some Hans, hand and Toot, and then they bore him bodily away to the strongest cell in thp stronar tower of Frankfort. ammunition when his own had given out and drive the ball with as true aim as ever. And Gertrnde, too, the old wood-cutters daughter nothing could make her believe that handsome Haus was not as good a Christian as old Father Anselmo himself, Uie worthy Abbot of Saint Lazaras. The girl had always been accustomed to seek advice from a recluse who occupied a lonely" cell in the forest. Father Michael was known far ami wide as a good and holv man, and when, urged bv the girl, he appeared to plead on behalf of the doomed forester the monks of baint .Lazarus, per force, were obliged to listen to him. Not a brother in all their comniunitv, from the Abbot dow nward, couhl "hold a candle" to the old hermit as far as holiness was con cerned. The grislv Abbot, who believed with all his soul that he had got hold of one of Satan V chief instruments, was loth to re sign the conviction; and, in fact, if it had not been for the interference of the old hermit, the poacher would most snrelv have been burnt without more ado. lint when r atlier Michael asserted that lie haa serious doubts, as to the prisoner's. guilt, and urged that a further trial should be given the un fortunate man, the monks hesitated, and then finally agreed that the poaciier snouui have one. more chance. And then, prompted bv the rrirl, who through the influence -of the priest recluse had been permitted to penetrate to the prisoner, Hans made a bold proposition. Uive me niv rule." said he, "and let any monk in Frankfort tow n run me nine fair bullets bless them with WRITTEN BY ITSELF. Mv life is shortly told. Mv first im- JAXE SHOIIE. Jane Shore was daughter to a citizen of A IIOMAXCE OF REAL LIFE. "When St. Paul was in its infancv. n nresion was the KensAtion nf a tremendous London: her vonth and bent,r .,n.r tor Jnan? blacksmith and his wife lived near i-.. ,i J, ... :. ..! .,i,. I ..i.:. .r ....... : i . A 1 the iunctinn nf n lint w nn-.r V.rt1i V'trt imu Biioi t Biiueet", miicu iii&wiiiii animi- ciiin ihmuuii, mic war iniiticeii to tn.irrv. I " "m i ni i . i. - - - .j me into life and thought. I was now spread much against her inclination, Mr. Matthew s,rHet a?l "nnepino avenno. Not tic ont to the light, dud a glow of intelligence Shore, a goldsmith in Lombard street a CCSJ,r"1 ,n 'isiness at that time, the jnnn completely pervaded me My ideas were person extremely rich, bnt much advanced ai name was jonn fi at first new, multifarious and confused in vears. Tlio fame of this ladv, far from ! ' """SU. lenoer nuec- fined within the limits of the IOf 1113 .nS w,u ns Uie "'' snow?, startea lor the lar West ttith tlie nations,' .politics, courts, wars, speeches, being coufinei merchandise. firhtmrs. feasts, marnaires, citv. soon n'ached the ears of M.iietf. for I ditties, poetry, etc., etc., made up all my Edward IV. made his addresses'' to her, determination t obtain wealth and inde thoughts, which were various and mixed, and won her. Her husband left England, l'ndence. Her he renminbi until the I lav in" a. silent state of wonder and a- she renaired to court, .m.d n Uh breaking ont of the war, when 1:0 CnllM. naireI to court, ami Jwwo nil i . . I it 1.1... I . 1 a mazemetitj splendor in the sphere of sraietv and fw " " ,n T. B" ".a corarMe " I soou found that I was but one of a ve- tivitv. Historian represent her extreme- toM ,nni r ,hc M,! """Swings of his for- rvlaurp faihilv. which was ushered in to this Iv beautiful, remrkfld v l.rrnl r,.l f mvr wltlS (who, for ome reason, had nev- curions wohfat the same time. Our whole inost uncommon generosity. The king, c'r ",car,";rrrtn "' though he had written family w.-is laid in regular order in a pile; they tell ns, was not less captivated with K"1 and of her m.irriage to a mv situation, beiny one of the first born, her tenner than her person n sh,, .lurr second husband. Felix, then informed his . , - j - - 7 f - -j -. ....... .i..VK was particularly uneasy, damp and un- spoke ill of or endeavored to prejudice comfortabje. 1 had a silent, intuitive, long- him against anybody. She often, indeed, ing wish to get into the world, which was importuned him, but alwavs in behalf of at last gialtiried. the unfortunate. She scorned to be re Morning came, and I was carefully warded for her good offices; her riches, folded and laid, Moses-like, in a basket by therefore, were trifling, w hen she fell into a tiov who was called tlie carrier, ami misfortunes. 15 v a II the account wi lnvo borneinto the street. The said carrier of this lad v, she had as manv excuses for ... - i . . . Then take gun and lead and all the holy rites -of the lurch; and after that is done I'll take the gun and bullets,' and through th vane of the five-pointed, tower on Eschenheimer street I'll put nine holes, forming the figure nine with the work.'' Long and earnestly the monks pondered upon this bold offep, which in a twink liug tiecame the talk of the town and, irj truth, of all the country around. That fhe offer was a fair one neittier monk nor lay man attempted to deny. And so the grisly Abbot, stern Father Anselmo, accepted the challenge. "If the forester does this task "with blessed bullets it is plain that the Evil One cannot assist him,"' the aged Abbot asserted free." comrade that he should never return to his home until he had acquired the indejMMi dent fortune he had lirst unsuccessful I v striven to obtain. Upon the close of the war he once more turned his sorrowful footsteps toward the West, and there soon laid the, haws of that fortune he had so long i wen searcinntj lor. rtarttnr on a ranch ii Wyoming Territory, his flock Me u-.t soon .-weosted bv i eld- Ul.r. Hi-r mind n u f..r.,..l r,f i? grew mi nnmiier, ami lortnne smile-l as ei-lv-Iookirig man, with thread-bare, nistv ceuce. as her heart was for virtue: both of "hm.tly as hid ambition conbt desn-p, and breeches.) I them could not be ratified, ami virt., he wa!8' 'ost att,rany, as time passed, over I I r-" 7 - - . 1 - . " If a ve von a snare nnner thw mornincr l.inl- in tlio mmnnil ....ft. ,-..f COUlO Wltn tlie UCSire to Visit once more mv bov?" mat h modestv did sl, oinnlov tl... ,.b spoq where ins happiest moments Had was the short reidv fln, 11m invwl1,. I.jm-nr IM,.....! t"i, i. been spfiit. About six months since he ' ""J i . 7 '" I ii.v mi ovi UMliaiUj UMl tVII tlH Jl I 1 1 I Not as iu de of the Omen, the most setwibb. e,.f. '""s l" nine r.a pene.i . v I .... I to t a t itii-ir f Itinn-iitiilu a-1 a t-iMtui ire the lerer. was never otK-mle.1 at t air lntimacv. - " '"""t .. - eo me icucr. i ne noy, w no was an inunt I soon found was an object of interest and female frailtv as ever came toanv woman's 'No. sir trudged on with us, muttering: "So if he succeeds he shall go von know- am e ciu fortl on, old gripes. You that tuomised me some formers The friendship she hd ovibio.-l bv lu.r mu er the other i.mrimi.r. and bMnt nifi. ... I,r l.,-,...v,,K.,. ... ..nA U..r ofT.l.ii;. "'- " 'er S .lepiltcnrc, HIP 1 " 7 ...... ...... . ....... . ...... , ,. naid me vet. You are too sthiL-v to take tv. had made her e.o.odbb. ..-.. ;,. eer Knew mm, coum not tm-ierstana its von won't tret another from me, the betriunin of this reiirn. Upon the !"n,nS n, gave " to ins nioiiier, who i J . i . : i it. : : 1 i r l i .1 . . - i i iiiMHfiii v riTii'iii Atii iff nil inrr. uf.iLii ii i'ji w:trii it u;i iiir iur k.ho .it . t I a wotn.tii s iialiirr. hvt nrhl love to unrit Hans was only too ready to undertake the iob, and within three davs all the preparation's' were' completed. . Such a sc?ne was never witnessed in Frankfort before. Every forester for twen tv miles around had flocked within the city wall, eager to behold, the wonderful trial, ami the st reets w ere tilled with people. As cool and steady as though he stood within ,the great green wood, handsome Hans took up his rifle, and the grisly Abbot handed hi:n the bullets, one by one. Every mouth in the crowd stood agape as shot succeedel shot, i - That the woodman succeeded, the vane, pierced with the nine holes, to this day testifies. . . Frankfort offered '-.Hans position and honor, but he preferred the free life of the forest, and, after, wedding the faithful maiden, departed in- haste from the spot wnere ins Ule Haa ueen olacea m such lire peril. le p.ij me the papvr; I guess. My brethren were now fast leaving me, adversity began to show itself. With the being deposited at their proiwr destinations, amiable Lord Hastings she continued her At length imy turn came, and 1 was tucked unlawful commerce; but ihis nobleman in the creyice of a shop door. The first was so much devoted to llm love of his sample of life was Hot at all alluring. I had roal master that he did not, till the death not leen long in my new situation when a of the king, discover his passion' for his eluctant aily riser, swinging a door key favorite mistnvs. And now both she and in his hand, wistfully eyed me, and, cast- her noble lord began to bhow themselves ing a look aboiit mm. te oinouslv seized so una terab v dev., ted tn the vnn..r .. e and thrust tie in his pocKet. My right- arch and his brother as to render them- by virtue of advanced pa v, be- selves objects of hatred to the protector it, hailed and arreted the oil- Gloucester, afterwards Kichard III., who with threats compelled him to looked upon them as the main obstacles of ' his prize. He entered hit store, his deep-laid ambition. To jrive some and 1 soon found that I wa the first ob- color to his proceedings against Uastin"s, ject of hisj attention. After hastily drying w hoiu he c pjsed to be beheaded, lit li me by thej lire, in w hich process 1 narrow- reefed the Sheriff of London to arrest Mrs. ly escaped conflagration, he ran over me, Shore, as his accomplice, and sent her to and fixed jhis eyes upon sales at auction, 1 tie Tower for examination. A DREAD CETENGC. Mauv long ream ago. the cWf rt the listrict. Maclean of IjfK-hbnv. in the I. and of Mnll, had a grand hunting excur sion, lo giae the fotivtty la lady at tenilel, with hi onlv chihl, an infant. tviTCinxa a rem roiii. The ftotim cif rnide and tr;Tcm cf the Adirondack tvgion lvive tt-ored rich nirie tr Mr M array. I In of I he tuvt w-etfl j of ihew nan atire i thst of an vd traptx r u;cpiiing i.x expmetut? to proietimg then in a nnrc't arm." The deer, driven I ,,tI,,, ,MV,.V frwn la -f V? '.T by the hounds, ami Lcmmcd in by i'ir- t-n, nenrr, i u.n tuy tatei at iuo roun.ling nxks, flew to a narrow jaM, the f"t of tie bier and iejt tny .b-nth-m afch, onlv outlet thev culd find. Here the chief n3e in ban I, Mcvly a a xntrr co duty, had placed one of hi run to f.i.ird the I when I iirre. lie Lt r lihtv a deer fnnn pacing; but the animals m?hel pine knot. 1W the ani:uiU a otirar, with Mich imjwtnoj-ity that tho or lor- a they alwaya i Lea a cvirjj it VaaoJ, ej-tcr coubl not willetan-l them. In the an ! I n-.s'.ol the 4ue knot tuore than rage of the nouicnt. Maclean thn atem-1 lee, and m oi tho vaiuunta pot the . i . . . . . , . .. ine man wnu intani aeatii; Put Lit pan i.-hiuent as commuted to a whipping or scnitiging m the face cr the chin, which m .t a "HW innes wa itinsilerel a tlcgraoing low ft I IJ1CU- tcch f the lea l and the wutll jwntlrr lh.it night 1 till ye, for they u full of tht-ir tlcvilioeut aut made uio u tte laiun 1 a wakeful a if me as nitTon le-l bv inem-ics." Did von reallr Lave to kill anvthiocr' punishment, fit only for tho la's and the wnrt of rrime. The ('I'tnrtnau burned with nnfr nnd akwl, fp-.tkiag f..r the fitt Ume in an - It - . . 1 .! fierce revenge. lie mhel forward, id nek- onri j..r me irjpjr ua-i i-'M ma kwit ed the tender infant, the heir of I-Lbnv. I ,M iitMralnrw of iiaunattoa find from the hands of the nnrse, and, bound- -'M'ire that lie lia t Ltbl lie tjeU-lotioa ing to the rocks, in a moment too.l njn 1 narrative for n one uM War an inaccessible cliff, umiectin- over th. I tell the trance "10 l e a ttUiB . . . . . . . water. I Lo w-n.-nu ,.T ili n-.,i.ir..,l I ani ik wmM along vy me move- mother and chief nt the awful h-ot.ardv in m-nf of it and now llt Le uii evident- which their c hild wa place 1, m.iv easilv M.v reaching the climax, i fare4 1 !wul I . be conceived. M: I,.an implonsl the i:i.tn J u,l eta:l T Li cxjxncnce, LtU to irive back Lis koii. and exor.-! Lis M"-i'g "niitlc-I o.M taar ll barraUob: o. dwp contrition for the degradation he lad b.ing to help IU utterance to the line cf in a moment of excitement inflicted on Lis Hxum ncc, l mi i, vm liave clansman. The other replh-! that the oily condition n which Le would com-nt to restitution wax, that Maclean sli.iald bare Lis back to the cord, and Ie lub3iclv sc'urged a.i he had Ix-en. In dej air, the chut consented, haying Le wi;ii l Mthtuit !a kill nnvlhing that iiight, WrIL , I di .1," Lc moieI. 'I K.;cd a hde l!irigli a dog mdf over tL-r oa I be t-caeh, afu-r I Lad Ix.rTie Li tmtiatcral Lowlin a Li4g ai a i:iil coob!; atl I . IropjK-l a cil fio-a that h a I cc'.ar thrre, me mi owner,! ing in. sig ferer, and relinquish in her heart that sh told her sVeond bus tand, without a moment's warning, that tho could live with him no longer. John Felix, after an abt-euce of over eighteen year, retnrned to St. Paul, and having Ierned that tdie who was once his wife w as keeping a tojtrding house on First street, immediately went thither. He call ed and recognized her. He apealcd to her charity by telling her that he had no money. She told him he was welcome to fueh fare as her home afforded. While waiting upon him he.ui-ked her nuuicious questions, ami tin ally wound up by unking her if she ever knew a man named John Felix. Her curiosity Iwing greatlv arous- to mivihiii" if his . hil.l were l.ut restored. tt-r at I tie LnnJ Lad tool ! Maiv ! Si r et c ten tajtmV cr tttv, i.u I tot I wo iti mo toortiiti a later of fan- th i cranli d iu oa to u ail the t.ia 'lo the grief and asbmi-hvicrd tf the Ian, Maclean lore tla ingulf, anl wb-ii it wa completed ln-ggcd that the clan- iiian might return from Li -riloim situa- tiou wtui tlie voung rlitei. i lie man re- gnle! him w ith a mile of dem muc re- . fr -1 i mi . t venge, atPi i-iiiug lagu me ciaia in iue air plunged him xn the aht neuth. Tiie cloeI over them, and neither, it i auid, ever emerged fuaa the li'tuiioliiooH whiiMHH'l and bai4tic cav. crn that v.iwnel around ihnu, and which till IhrTa'en the inexjioiu-ip-vd navtga'.or on the hhorca of Mull. m-,pi-I alive Uh 1. u. u I liftel tie .a. a a at K-:p pi i,e l.:ggrt d ttc m.ve, Jter Le ha I gt w itLiu futiy fe t .f the rorj and j.aid i.o ii ;x: a:tcnl4on tt atl that I I'iH.e l st hiu thin if thcr wire tuf: of -!; k with a l ine knot all afire in ;o Land to ho me the iht, I di the le.-. in l taeeti L: infernal rve fa a Mtle thr.t tatjght Vji all tnitiT T lie n-iX f the match. Ta, Henry, me La i a -dc!;in &nl livclr litre tf it, for Kartin that ragLl, and at litoe it IvVcl a if th:e mo;:ld le r.o fnt4ern the tjext day; leastua!, i ? that iue an I its Lmil mouhl attitid, tti!cs kc loade tje fr r- ailvertiseiijients, etc ticuhirlv examined coipiemnalioii : "Nothing but foreign and cabinet, love stories. I was then 'more par- ami dismissed with a It has been said, alo, his haired pursued ht-i to mcli extremitv thai k -wa oSj.tgerous ufter thi fir anvone to accoinmo.late her. with lodg- 1 be- eongre: nigs , or tl.e common necessities Mood and commercial report- one sidy should be was then er, but w and accidents bv thus far the generality of historians. ol lit-: field. newspaper should be at least devoted to prices current." I lettishly thrown upon the-eount- An Aikican King's IIixkitm:.-. ed at hearing a name pronounced !; liad I vobmcl C t. Iotiir, 'f the Lgyj li.ui ar- Mddoin heard for vears, and divining '' " viMiieg with Lt family friend i:t J hi ; Lt we rt.v, to car through the. l.i.igtietum ol hive who tho j givt the loJuif.ing nx-oint of h4.u ih. tan ! utfl the lead aud tLe man before her was, she threw herself in- his reTption aC the court of King MVat I Li !: T the I.rd me WoagU the Ik1 to Lu ana and gave way to the jovhil i":u nc m-i peucirait-i io ai- itrongU ale ui umiH?, tears thuf retuaineil unwept through all teiidant only: My reception by tlas I "U it m a Liight V lcmtj atcLluM V her long waiting. John he cril orange and iuylcn.oi king wa nia-pie. ! i,P Udv :M v i:uevlf ia ihedc: th.f tL too. John lurthir aya that Le jiitcii.! covering u;c niwiops Miat t -naracttiue t;e soon t return to the laud that ha pro- mouutin.nm liriiic! f the lake region ioou t return to tlie laua that lia pro- iuiiummmn uimiu. oi mv ism- resell. -ered him, and where, we are credibly iu- re thousand of the jK-op'.e ..f Uganda, ormcd, he i reckoned union the first of asM-mhled t welcome thc!reat White hoM-wealthy ranchmen who inhabit the l'rinv,n a I hey calle-1 inc. King M'Icki, f, th THE WOMEN NEEDED. A Royal Wkudixg. The Marquis of Tavistock, son and heir of the. Duke of Bedford, was married to Lady Adeline So'mers Cocks, daughter 'of Ear! Soiners, rr;teioo n.ertiiisimi no itveililnnr hivintr ;- ' I ? t & Uiken place m that august spot lor ten years previously. Also, My gracious per- nnssion, t lie inam;vge was regist the uRoval Register," in which cordial all tue royal niarnages since mcluaiiig tuotM) , ot ireuericK, ipikc AXKCDOTE Or A XKWFOUXni.AXD DuG. A geiitlemun connected with the Is'ew- e ste.m in requisition.. A boy louudland hshctv was once possessed of a r .m i ..:.. .. .. iiiM i 3 i - ... , . . ivunc p;aui. iu won a -1 ie:ise io lenu me your i 0'g oi singular iMeiitv ana sagacity, till paper for ja few .minutes, just to look at one occasion a bat and eivw in ins em the ship lie wsf p'.ov w ei-e in 'circumstances of coiisider.-ihle he request was reluctantly granted. 1 peril, just outside a ime d' breakers, which, The wearv old world wants women. It with something about the plague of paper owing ti some change in wind or weather, has had enough of those who call them borrowing! and a determination to slop it. I had, since the departure of the boat, ren- selves so; enough ot thoe w ho fnwn npoii I pare advamiug toward the kin" un I ronr I was so. borne to a neighboring house, "ered the return passage through them worth and culture, and make fa!iit. nnd tiei they fie.1 prcipitatelyr U fore me, The .good! old woman, whose husband wts most hazardous.. The spectators on the family nnd position over-ride all other while I, turning ItiV burn, regained the at sea, eagerly sought the ship news, hilt quite iltiahly to render any as- claims; enong'.i of indolent self-indulgence hill from which 1 Lad itetavTided. and, was quite; disfioii:ted in her search. sistance to their friends afloat. Much time and pretense!, and it groans in travail for throwing mv foit from the Mirni;. ill the How negligent and careless these pnnt- . f il iW u'ger seemen to tne getuuno woman, representative oi all act of disunmuting, I waa MtrpiiM-1 to we - . . l iil,-i'..u.i rut kip b..... A k . . .. ....ii-; rii 111r.-i. 1. .- . . " " . inn.i iiMinmuiiiicu. 1 u leiiu, 1 mat is posripie, nigu ami noiuo in iier i tne people 5catter HI evcrv tiint'll'in lu looked on for a length of time, svs. It waits for those who shall dare to I dismav. I learned from the interpreter evident ly aw-are of there being great cause be true to every w omanly instinct, assert that thev had nip;e l, up to that ino for anxiety in those around. Presently, and defend every womanly conviction in ruetit, that 1 and the horse mere one ani howeVer, he took to the water, and made the womanly spirit, and end ont into to- mal that I was a kind of rcntiur. 1 lilS way t-rotigli .to the boat. I ne crew ciet' and through all the earth the light I as printed the next day to the kiiig surrouud-l by Lia courtiers aud liarcui, a I aimed, M-nt a mcs-n-ngcr to a tne to apjH-ar Ixloro :ini ami sl.ow li!i:i tne t range animal tipn which I w a Mjunted. 1 was riding the lirst bore that I:. i t ever Uhmi seen in Uganda. At a nuivkc.'H-d n(t,d Le;v ll.it nigh:: foraltiueatLe at.i- rual o.l. make ihe ir roar an I cTeataf and the tuo w.'.uiun. to yelp p if the pjer moild was iuhatau-l mi'.li tat ud moltt an I panther , aud lavw they muuld uidra ly ln-ctn- piU-T, an I the mml l ront.1 alxiul a nothing but Kilcnre, mi:h the jdiintn' thr.eijh i:; tnl the !cad ers are. said she: 'not a ,,i.,,. ,f tl,Q u-r;j i?;. .1 . ..i i . tiie.oog,.! o: rune ui l.h: i irrtv lillf. lil li h lim J I land and poetry, and fill their columns w ith I'.l'K'tl luatiV fuee wa a bite a the ptoa mu as Mill f. the nir, fr hi trouLV ts vrr and the tuaik. of the-n pai--d from hi fctuii when Li Lies'. h mejjtaaay. And w me and the hound kept oar match by the d-ad 'til the iu rii.i:i the rait an I the hour Lad come for the funeral." l.i. .. . .1 i ,i ? ii .i in London, on October 24, nt the Chapel 'veiuscuie.us, ana mai is an iney care ttoval, in Whitehall, "by! Her Majesty's tli,,"'t- 311SS now tooR Her turn, btie souglit the stories, poetry and marriages, which i:t sour were all devoured, with that they, putanyfhing else in ." An elderly ladv then took adjusting her spectacles, survey- half ered iu Lire re- 1761, of an "wonder tlie paiei1. me, who, al, the FrintMi of Wales, and, lastly, that r twenty of the. Duke-of Edinburg- the leaves ooii- hands of soiled and one taiuing the record of the royal - marriage having been bi ought from St. Petersburg anl cai-ei'ully inserted among the page;. The Court Circular adds that after a 'wed ding breakfast" the newlv-mai ried; pair- proceeded to Woburii Abbey-. "The bride's period I upposed he wished to join them, aud made and grace, the heavenly aid and power various attempt to induce him to join them; that come of woman. but no ! he would not go within their reach, Everywhere in society, it is women that but continued swimming about a. short i we want: As the reach and crow n of distance from them. niauV life i to U; manly, as that urns up K a. ! .T. . !.1 1 I . t -aviwM ii wnuivuti several comments on all Uiut wc nave to iav or to uHire to. a. a a . I"" a tall, gracelul man dns-.l m a Homing ,i sj4tr ra,.i,, f,vr ,TCJr.U Arabic ralw, Intend at the waist by a gir dle, to which a sciuietar waii sufjenle.I, and with sandaled feet, who eved mv ImrM? with uffrigLt4l glance aud retreale-I tv ward hi throne. Prot-lrato Uslies cover ed me a little while, and dtnlared me "a , V.w iuei is .... un mat we nave io ay or iu uspue io, waW hw mrolio. I'MMralO InslieS Cf terrible u linterc-stin" tuner hardly a coi- nuct ot the dog, one of ihe hands to I womanly is the one worthy object of ed the entrance and H ..r of the hut. It 1- " l 41! 1 "l T I i fureililo ntiipf ovU'tin.e -. ...1 i oi i' n iioiv i uriorTU no in i' a it hi i iuii uni i i l itn.i i i u.i ir ii;fitiiiui-fti-i i , , , . - i w n iL.a. : n T" Z. p1.:: b.. mn ,r deaths, andot more thn fifr,,n l'l'areut meaning, feminine aspiration; ami the true woman- Wttg here that the king held audience mih " -- . - " "Uive imu t he end of u rone " he n.i: that. Ib.a !a .. tl,- ..i,j-tinr of ii,- ia- a;.r.. i.,.;t- . i -i.;.. ,.i ti. murders anf accidents." In this) way I na.ssed thnstigli all the traveling dress Wa of brown j At! first the poacher was inclined to lav his capture. to the malice of the Lord of .Llsenburg, but soon discovered that he bad to answer to a much more serious charge than siniplv killing a little game without license iu tho forest. .Three grisly black, fatherB sternly "sat in judgment upon him, nu, to the ntter astonishment of the poacl er, he found that he was accused of nodes a crime than having binful dealings with the iiend of Dark ness. Vain was the denial of the woodmau: his iudges knew better. No human could perform such ...L.i.r.a r... . i i rt -,-.. wuuuciiui n-ius unaiaett nyoatan. 1'atber hi. riflo ha-I beei) forged in the flames below, or else by fiends his bullets had been run. " y So strong tvas the t.elief that Satan could, under certain conditions, give w-on- drous aid to a mortal that there were hardly ten persons in the citv of Frankfort who did not believe in the guilt of the unfortunate Hans. Iu the forest, how;- ever, it was different; the woodmen knew better; they did not believe m the mum mery of the magic bullets. Too often had they peen the forester borrow a comrade's the family, and, after lieing well eomewiiat torn by the little was eent home, i or three w hole 1 T . .1." .- nays i got no rest, out wts continually borrowed! and. abused. At the end of this wks supplanted by a new- face, aud was then discarded ami throw n aside. . - . . . i Wltli cut velvet toc lee and hat to ruateu. like old tervantp when thev have become She w ore also the diamond, solitaire ear- I useless, t wa, however, again resuscitated, rings pi seuted by Lord Somers' tenants J and em proved as a w rapper to some raer- ou the Herefordshire and V ' ora.atermire. estats. This marriage cou inlets anew chandtsei aud sent into the country. There I again! became the object of interest, is w hat he-wants." The roue was thro wn s'V. but tho divined beantv that ( iinl M.u.l .,f tl .far. r,.i.i l.r 1.. . f 1.1a . I I . " I v . -........ -'. " " - out, t Je dog seized the eul in an iuslaut, trivew man to see. I plead for it because j erunient. Tiie wretijonv ended in a light tuiue.i round aud mav.e straight for the o many in the glare of the life that uow is inclination of the head of the Ling to hi. shore, where a few minute afterward boat have forgotten the glorv it might Ikj I meaen"er. mho. unrolling from their aud crew thaui to the iuteiiigeuco of made to le: because so mauv are hokiug l,..ad. neatlc ImiuioI cords, threw them a their four-footed i'rieudw'eie placed afe for peae, .atisfactiou, award, where they I ruuui the ueck of the aaK-iutde-l throng aud uudaiuagtd. Wo there, uureaaouiug uever caa be iouud. I at the door, an.l draggel them, Loll-ning here. o. acting with the view to an cud, I plead for everyday, and more and aud ktru"iit:''. away lo an eXecutio:icr, Ul iuomvi ji was ii iioiuiug i more, k leel tne waui oi women lor everv i u, aa ILe laucv struck liim. La-t tuviu pui oiMinary instinctT I need and deed of life: women not ol "eu- I iu.nifird.I or :u.LeI m .i.-atb. or Lad their iu bu of character; not of poailion but of I bruin -dashed out. TLi i a aacrifice influence; women aiutly aud tender and which U nrlc to all Africau king. The Madmex at Gheel. Thn town true. It waa a geuume outburst that SiK.tNCi: IIanii at Whist. Any r.! can Make up a "Vat.ge Latpn frota Li l!u.igi:i:tii:i, but the-o;ic 1 Lave tuw lo detail (one t f the 4 ranged tn record) can Ie sworn to bv a LllWoZrrj .jot rr.ub.tf mitncw-s. It riwiTcd fit Joe JCfinaniV, iu .172. Otiet' le Lai fo'ir houorai. ! Itli- Hpe i:i thi may: Th Lor4ot were di- idel ix-tw--n tbe partacrs, ana ttey Uvt no i:ire trnuijes. Oao e.f the c jonct.i le i tramp and tno hon. r fell. TLr Lou or el le l C'innid a plain u:t mLI' h the other ide lo.k, and then led another tini:.n. Tlie r.tlx-r two honor t.f oire Ml en ihif, nnd the r.vhcaor taea V'm all the rct of the trick, tailing five Ly card against the fur la.ii ij the o:ily instance of. the kitid I ever Leard of. Wf.at yon rail the Ysrlrosgh liatji" nothing larger than a nine pit ; t cicsidcre I et all taar i Ion io mlil tW clo Lere, tLo-.:;h it i pite di'jnulur to the hu'dcr. -CW'.nj! ifi 7'i;r. a il xum.m. Altout o a Lati Itme j !r.trr two of the great histoiical . Whig families went the rounds of the neighborhood, and of Englaud.' lu . conformity with aai e- wa a "nine days' wonder." - . Ti i ... - i setiuauy.coaie aua osieutatmus custom. t m .niffr han-rbicr ,,r, n o J,,. almost or quite gone out ot vogue iu. tins tered condition, iu a farmer's kitchen, a. at ...... .. a. . at f i ' . " cowiuiy, lucie wa gieai mow o tue from wych I have written this brief me -weaaing preeuis, aua a long list oi mem, moir I; Lave n lunci, ,)f tlie V(irA ana . J .. .7.. . - ? a 1 T 1 1 T wuu me uouors names, was pnnieu in iue )eiTue t'uat mankind are unrcaaouable and papers. ungrateful, and that in a world of freat variety of tatee ami wishes it is imoossi mi tv i r . a t . ' x ue iritisu aiciic exploring expenuion Pin to t rll. i.i - i I is iiacK, tiaving iauea to reacn tne iorth Pole, loatuoiut of the earths surface Capt. Nare, coinraaudiog the expedition, . i ii -i savs cannot ne reacueu ov man. w e mwst, therefore, for the present, at least, be content with the Aorth Pole as our ira eas! all. agination pictures it, and up tht Thirty years ago in California men would walk a mile to catch a glimpse of that rare spectacle, a woman. Early one morning it was noised about the Canon Camp that a woman hail arrived in the night. Eve- dream of nailing the Stars and Stripes Vy body went to the camping ground, but mere, nniess, pernaps, Jir. lieunett snail Unify the hem of a calico dress was visible undertake tho journey some bright day in I Lis tour-m-tiana coach. There are 119 life-saving stations on our coast from Maine to Plorida, thirty on 1 1 . 1 ii T-a tin.t uirrlit An tln t.-i.fi a L.. "Fetch her out, we want to see her," said the rough miner to the husband. "Mv wife is eiek," said he; "we have been rol- bed by the -Indians, and we want rest." "Fetch tier out," was the only reply. She the lakes and eight on the Pacific, employ- came to ;thedoof, they swung their hats, ins? 1.100 men. The coasts of New Jer- eave three cheers and a tiger, collected sev, Long Island and North Carolina are $2,500 n gold for her, cheered again, . - - - . 1.1 a. 1 AZ J t, m- moat rianfrerous. "Jlacri keener n.fa aua went uoiue suiisuea S200 a vear, and they have saved 3,168 uvea iu me (tti iuhi ran. . 1 , ... .1 I nnrl.n Allrtninnn n 1.aa 1. 1. 1 j-AJUtiun iwiatuKu aic tu uiivo cofK uel mets. sThe cork' is supposed to preserve their fizz-ique and to increase their pop ularity. The actors call Anna Dickinson "a re formed leoturess." of (J heel, situated in tlie province of Ant- hruke from 6weet lips, aud many a woman 'I .. . - . .1 . . , T . . i II . I ".I. werp, ha neen tor six oentunes an abode I sJ waui io ue an aoove iue iufu of madmeu, aud traditiou even tales the ne and follic and frail tic that spoil ao storv tiack eleven oeiiturie. There re many woiueu. Only let women turn t-t 11,000 lieople in tho place, and charge of 1,300 lunatic from abr are boarded wound lu the families treated with gix-at consi children from youth are the busiuess, and all the . OaiotX or tue PoLKA. A the danc ing fccaaou ha oicned. it may Le of wu.e interest ta wur voung Uln geuut- they have t that thee are uprooted and flung away; meu to know of the ri,rin cf the Jauoe uoad, who only let womanly grace and virtue abouud, known a the jKjlka' The follow ing I tho work ia done, and she w ho ia I'roui the A IjcuitinC FumilitH Z-itji "A- nsideration: Tho aid to have lost u Eden will have gained bout 1M0 a j- aaaul girl, being in the - r- B familiarized with u-paradiae. ' vice of a Uaaiuau family al EtU-t.teiu- ie people know how ,u ,a dicmi x, U-uile-l LeucJf one ha:i- itted to their care. China haa it big tree u mell a -Cali- day aXternoou in her kiul.n by eodeavur- spcai en- to manage those commit The inhabitant are all, o to gaged in the surveillance of tho luuatic. One of the greateat social punish iueuu that can le iutiicted upon a family i to declare that it . i unlit to receive such lioarder. Tho lunatic are dijosed of a- mong the inhabitants acconliug to their wealth or stations, wealthy patients leiug tent into the be.ter families ami the poor into the poorer. sixty to seventy-five to the Gheel is divided into four districts, each .I .... Wltu overseer aud physician. Large sumo of money are spent iu the place by the pa tients, and families generally are alwavs desirous of having one or more lunatics iu 250 year ago. their bauds. foruia. About 30 mile from Nikko. an I ing to tuveut a new n'.ro, a-upjlle la a avenue of sugi. or cedar tree, bt-giu. and. I village sang. While thus aijoitio ler with au occasional break where there i a I e!f he u Burpriie4 by Ler fmployer, Village, it reache tLe mholt JiaUuc to I mb, quite ioUTeltI, tusl Ler tepet the the khnuo of Lyeya- the longest avenue I eipiiiueut lL same eveutug iu lL pjlur of shade in tho worbl. 1 bee great tree I m Uere Jowpu . .Avruaa, an eminent iuui are from five to WVen feet in lii;eter at clan, happened ti bo preent, aad utAed the base, aud lower without a brauch for tLe air aud step. 'Not Lug af ler ward tLe 50 or b0 feet, ami then lift their bead 40 new dauce ma danced at a citizen 111 The cures average from or 50 f,,tJt higher. 1 hey resemble the I in the town, and la 1 535 came inUi la. laon l.,..,.l..l I iriants of the losemlte. Ihe trunk are I at l'raguc, mLere. iu coaeiueric ct tne v.. . . . . . .. . .1... - ..... ii I !.- 11 a t laultlesalv straight ami the bark I Ueenlv ball Met' mLieli ocfur la it, It cilled r" veiuel. There are about 30,000 tree- on tLe 1'JLa, which mean iu TcLe,..ie, half. J" fc0 1 P .i. i n ..i i - ,.i......i i i ...." . i r r IWiolL.iu. In 1.. ims ovcuur, au'i an " iuiuj hub iuouivu l a wui 3vai uiri u iwm ui uui , after the foundation of the sluine, about I Lrongut the uance to icnna, m bere a great smxess. aud tu 1SPJ a master of l'raguc, named Hauti, Kirrtt trim ll.irtv-!:vc tear r. aniveJ iu Ser flilctn from MartikiT-ie, arco:f.paniel !y Li m;fc, a creolc. In th full t'Ltoin f ymrtLfnl Iw-aute. Ttey --ttlrd in a ttagnint-nt Ikkic ia:ar IVe PeutcLartraiu; three children rr? K'ti t llit tn; the l.ulau 1 ma oriufl ia bi- r-K; ttje mife si an attractive lj.e l!nir life til gajbdj mith itikhirte. l)r.a night a gatnldrr rurt the la 1 l t-i'f misque, and she fell ij I e iih Liuu Secict inUtticas fulome-1, and fns'.lv slt abandacl Ler laxuria Louie al fie-l ti Cuba i:h ler e!a-tf. The h-.-batil folio meJ ibera, M coald l hunt theui doa. AJ;f Li rtlsta U$ New Orlean Li rLildiro -mere trirlnj iw u Ly a Hocihcra plagste, arl 1 m a redool ta beggary. '1 Je mLalijig f time L-d cTaled 1J L!plfM utd. Urn mu Ukra ta a rnaJ-Lottj"', mhTe Le rr rualced for tmctay ahree jear, fct.JCf.il Ir, when foruitr Iric udt Lai f ;tra Lua, and Le ma u Iotg-r an ol jct of ita-ro4. ta the outjdlc ofUt le 2 rt'fae'i so l pi lu'.'u-, to a thace iU. in l.. wati-f ncgi pcrraa- The Countess of Cardigan has had her yacht painted light blue, with a single band of silver runuing round it. It is also French polished, and the masts are white' aa paiut can make them. Mrs. Stoave says wo never know Low much me love until we uulove. "To a man who has tried lo quit smoking this needs no argument- - for the Crst time in Pari" . . . . ;.. 1 it La-1 I r' tkl:,ll,r,ro earrjn i.a -. I u Lo h tu'd the k'.orr t fhimfc JerK.H. A 51 r. Kar. of Cleveland, buried Ler i little Llack-and-tan mith uuck funtTal rer- j TeuneAsee has 22b" convict at work on J emonies, and died mitlan 23 h;-ur hcre!f, tho Cincinnati Southern railroad. I from some nnknom n cause. tL u 1 meet dwatli f L5 cLil Jrem, d f Li confinement in 0.5 mal-hoase. Henry Sa'.UmikU! t.f Mahuct!a re cently tiitiel a c that gave 13J5 quart of milk io a year. -'

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