if 'lH fry A I Published by J. H. & G. G. Myrover, Corner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteville, N. C. VOL. 4jSTO. 23. THURSDAY, JAJSTUAEY 18, 1877. WHOLE XO. 177. North Carolina Gazette. J. II. & G. G. ItfYIiOVER, TERMS CSVBSCEIPT10X: On veiir (in advance) Nit month ' Three" ' " (2 00 1 00 . 50 RATES OF ADVERTISING: Oit square (! linen nulil nonpareil) one insertion 1 00 1 .. ' " two " 1 50 .. 4. ' ' " " ouo mouth 2 r0 .. " ' " tlneo " 5 00 " " Hix " 9 00 .. " " twelve 15 00 Lonjfor dvortUoiiiPiit charged In proportion to the Kbovn rtm. Hpor.lal notices ;i5 per cent, more than r.gnlur ilvprti'iuent. ome Circle. Home is the sacred refuge of our life. Dry den. '01 TWO SQUIRES. the story OF A LOXCr FEUD. CHAPTER I. It was Christmas morning; a genuine, old-fashionod Christmas, sharp : and clear and cold. The meadows were covered, far and wide, with crisp, white snow, and the lit'tlge-rows sparkled with crystal frost work. The rustic monuments in the vil lage churchyard assumed forms of quaint inikfmiteiicss under their fleecy covering, and the ancient yew trees, dark and gloomy iu summer when all was gav, seemed now like fairy fountains springing upward in tho a inter sunshine, vv Uliin the churcl was gathered well-iiigh the whole popula tiou f our Cornish chapel, and with ten der eloquence' onr good old vicar, bowed withnfu and infirmitv. but still earnest, htill eloquent, onco more' preached the.mjcs - ml'c of peace and good will. Not an eve wandered among the earnest, upturned la ces, not a sound broke the quiet hush of nqit attention as he poke his concluding word: "And now, mv brethren nav, rather Sir Philip Trefusls, his dangbler hanging on his arm. At the lynch-gate Uncle Dick stepped aside to let them pass. With kindly eyes he looked straight at Sir Phil ip, aud we felt instinctively that with mm, at least, Mr. Pentreath's appeal had not missed its mark, and that at the slightest answering sign his hand would have been, outstretched with generous cordiality. Whether Sir Philip saw the look, I know not but his daughter did, and an express ion of pain came into her sweet eyes as he strode on, proud and silent, and the oppor tunity for a reconciliation had once more passed away. i - CHAPTER II. We were a rherrv party round the lun cheon table at the Lodge, for llichard Pol- whele was accustomed to keep Christmas right rovally, and, besides his own family, nephews and nieces of every degree and mends from far and near were gathered round his hospitable board. Luncheon be iug ended, "a discussion arose as to how we should employ the interval before the im portant hour of dinner tlie dinner which was to be the crowning glory of the Christ mas festival. Some one suggested skat ing, and the idea was at once hailed with acclamation. Polworthy Pool, a piece of water almost within a stone s throw of the Jjocige, was lrozen over, ana anoraea a capital skating ground. Every available pair of skates was speedily in requisition There was a general rush for great-coats, sealskin jackets, muffs, furs, warm gloves and woolen comforters. Uncle Dick was led captive by a couple of pretty nieces, who each took possession of an arm; and, looking like a miniature Arctic expedition, we sallied forth to the pool The fun was at its height w hen Sir Phil ip T.refusis and his daughter were seen ap proaching. No one noticed thera till they I From the Oshkosh Xortliwestern. FROZEX TO DEATH. The Fate of Two Men Who Started to Locate a Home in the Michigan Pinerie3. speak above a whisper, till that tremen dous question should be decided : "Is it life or death?" Poor Edith sat weeping a- part, each moment adding to her apprehen sion while Howard, almost equally dis- (rocQo1 ra?nli7 onloounrarl in rnncnlo hor Afi, ,,aA f One year ago K. Kakoli, acred 40, and jLb iaoi. uit.L nuau dvv ujvu u aciv v. tiivy- i -. - w o O I o T 1 J O K If. T1 ,3 a. 1- nizing dread, the door opened, and uncle Jeic, ageu , omuu w been. Dick came forth, and walked straight to a.Lme lu ae ew doui a ion- Edith, i I n,ght ago they left this city to locate that "God is good to usl my child; vour fa- lonS lootett-ior uome in tne vast wiider- ther will live " 1 ness 10 ine nortn oi us, ana in me epnng Edith threw herself breast. i ootliorhts while the audience paid her the I iournal. "I saw ono of those vratchfal I looVin. proiongea ana repeated tnbato or it8 ap plaose. It was such a scene as few thea tre9 have ever witnessed. sobbinw1 on his lueJ " ere 10 tatte amines ana seme 'O, Mr. Polwhele, how can I ever thank you for your noble, generous " "When I'nvdrycr, my dear; if you don't mind putting it off a little. I begin to re alize that I'm slightly damp; and I think it might be as well to put on a few dry clothes. You shall tell me all about it at dinner, my dear;" and, gently touching her forehead w ltn his lips, he made his escape. Meanwhile, though the rescued man had given to the experienced eye of the doctor the welcome promise; of life, there was much still to do to win him back to con scious existence. Still the resources of skill and science were applied with unre mitting energy; and after awhile the watchr ers were rewarded by the patient opening his eves, and saying, in a feeble voice: "Dick, dear Dick ! Where's Dick ? I want to speak to Dick." What took place at that interview be tween the old friends, so long severed, none knew save themselves; but when, some hours.later, we gathered round the well spread board, Philip Trefusis and his daughter sat on either side our generous were fair! v on the ice, an V then we saw it seems that the two men, alter going about sixty miles up the Central Railroad, left the track early in the morning with the intention of looking around through the day, and returning to Medford or some other station before night. But, instead, they got lost; and about a week after this occurrence two land hunters, John Gross and Nicholas Cravitv, came to a spot where some one had staved over night some time before. A fire had been built, and some pine branches had been laid down for a bed, and some placed against a fallen tree to make a shelter from the wind. What attracted the attention of the hunters was tho absence of any marks of an ax. Everything had the appearance of being cut with a knife. They stopped a few moments to make a closer inspect ion of the place, with the intention of finding out, if possible, who had lieen there. They were about to go awav when Gross picked up a large tin tobacco box, which, on opening, thev found contained a leaf torn out of a memorandum book, with the following, in pencil, written upon it in Polish language: : Dec. 7, 1S7C. My God, we are almost frozen to death, with lry aud save us. K. Kakom. S. 130EKCKE It is evident that thev left this with tho uiy cliUtucii, lor my journey nas ucen ion andmoMt ol those who started with me IniVe ."one one bv one to their rest for well nigh forty years have I labored am ong you, and tho time is at hand when I, too.' hhall rest, and when yon will hear my voice no more. It is but a little while, and tho hilver cord will be loosed and the gold en bowl bd broken. God has been very good (o me; yet one gilt more, one only would 1 ask of llim, that, ere 1 go to my long home, every soul in this . my little llock shall hnvg. blotted out all memory of former feud or ancient grievance, and hhnll, wilh love and fellowship to all man kind, be able to join in this Christmas hong of the angels, 'On earth peace, good will among men.'" All know for whom these last words were fpeeially intended, for the feud be tween uiy uncle, llichard Polwhele, and the only other large landowner in the par ish, Sir Philip Trefusis, wns a matter al most of countv historv. It had originated host And surely such a dinner never was J nothing to eat, chronicled. Pen and ink woulctfail me to tell how the two ancient friends, warmed into vontli ncr.iin nnlr tho Rnnsliinfi of lovfl with nlnrm th.it : tliPV woro f'lnse to n snot wiipivp,! u-i'th popIi rvtl.or no tn -hn "Ope that SOmC One WOUUl PICK It Up. In ulmrfi tViA oo. had Vippti brokpn on the nre- I should lifst. roo.fi 11 thp mpmnrv of vonthfnl I case this would not belfound, they had vious day for the convenience of certain pranks and genial recollections of mirthful, pinned a paper to a tree near-by, with the d.wks nr,rl o-posp that, -were the reo-nlar in- hovish rln.vs. Anrl linw nnp.li T;,,l- s;t. saiue as the above W'lltten upon it, Which habitants of the pool, whiclu though again ting with" Edith's little hand in his. and 9ross and Cravity discovered before they frozen over, would certainlv not bear the stroking her silken hnir. told her what a Ieft tlie spot.' bo many days had elapse gav voung dog her father was in those since ine lW0 onionunaie men iiaa siayen happy days; and Sir Philip, not to be behind-hand, recounted daring exploits and hair-breadth 'scapes of which uncle Dick had been the hero. And how cousin How ard, sitting on the other side of Edith, art weight of a human being. Uncle Dick was the first to perceive their danger. "Back! back! the ice is unsafe!" lie shouted. "Edith Trefusis drew back accordingly, but her father, either not understanding the warning, or too provrd I to regard it, fully got possession of her disengaged hand maintained his course, and in another in- and how their respective parents cherrily stant the ice cracked under his feet, and he smiled approval. And how, as, all too soon, disappeared. After a couple of seconds he the clock struck twelve, Richard Polwhele rose again, and flinging his arms wildly stood "up, and, hand in hand with his old upwards, with a hoarse cry of "Help ! save friend, trolled out, in his deep, rich voice, me!" once more disappeared, but this time the good old song of "Auld Lang Syne :'' did not rise again. r "Good God ! he has gone under the ice !" said a voice, and in an instant all was ter- j ror and confusion. "Preak the ice!" shouted one. "Fetch a ladder !" said another. "Run for a rope !" exclaimed, a third. A score of suggestions, practicable and Should aula" acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind; Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And days o' auld lang syne. ' there that the two. hunters had but little hope of finding them alive, if at all", for the note was written just the day before the long-to-be-remembered cold 1 nday o the 8th instant. They started immediately upon the trail, but did not get far before night set in: Earlv the next morniu they started out again, and before noon from the marks iu the snow, they came to the conclusion that they would soon find out the fate of the two men. Now they would- find where thev had fallen, and staggered and stumbled along a short dis tance, and then, as if they had gatheied new strength, wandered along in a half unconscious state,, with no knowledge of the direction thev were taking or of the wretched state they were in, through brush " j v v iuui A-4 r ax- and I two on Riroli etrvet. two on the street From the New York Sun. GRANTS NEW TEAR'S CALLERS. monsters winding lazuv backward forward like a long mcteon sometimes ris- nmninjr parallel with the rirer. nd ing till his nose disturbed the surface, and the west side, which orient from tha ctmot a gushing sound like a deep breath rose that I have 6aid ii between tho park and through tho breakers; at others, resting Place de la Concorde. To enter the cote motionless on the water, as if listening to that opens from Concorde ono Las to as- onr voices, and thirsting for oar blood, oeod a pair of rtooe steps. Now, aIu.T.yoa Long after the Senators and Congress- m0nster, Bruce (a little lively negro, and a seat on one of the long benches that ax m and -diplomats had left the Winto my cook) suggested the risibility of de-1 on a line With tho lov. finer fence I w! Etroying it. This was briefly to heat a just said is on thi n jart of tie wall, yoc lire-brick in the etove, wrap it np hastily will bare a fine view of PLace do U Con in some old greasy clothes, as a sort of corde that stretches out before xox, and disguise," and then to heave it overboard, beyond i Champs Elrse, and yet be This was the work of a few minute, and yond is Arc da i'Etoile. Of a fine after, the effect was triumphant. The monster noon it presented one of the grave! and followed after the hissing prey. We saw most magnificent jwU.de thai one will it dash at the brick liko a flash of light- see an v Where in Europe. I m ill not lire ning, and gorge it instanter. The shark I voa with a repetition of a description of men House, and after the . last of the private citizens had clasped tho hand of the Presi dent and departed, tho upor .bell rang sharply and a visitor pushed his way into the lilue room. 1 he President was alone in the apartment, and as he hastilv locked the closet door of a cupboard and turned aronnd to meet the caller, his face showed plainly that he regarded the visit as noth ing more nor less than an unwarrantable intrusion. "Yon do not recognize meTn said the tin- rose to the surface almost immediately, l'lace de la Concorde: sufuoe it to sar thai anu ui8 uneasy motions soon ieirarea uie i voa see all tuos Lne foret tree lai mnp fiiiecesH of tlifl nmnrptivrp. Ilia ni-onipa I -vrr rnnr l,o1- nn t1. i ...I ). , , , . j . . . , , , m I " " p " I vw, v. wv t Ut BHV .v k Ur DKiaen guest, advancing to the middle or l,ecame terrible: the waters anncared if tL vnnnti ctilfniliil rnl.li l.nil.'i-i rr- m the room. "Yet we ought to be tolerably I ,Utnrb.d l.v violent snn-ll nnd b L r -i t : i.. . . .v i i . .- - - i 1 - - V. ubu m. .u uv utk, turn well acquainted. I picked yotf up ont of eprav was driven over the taffrail where the vat diooo of from a mile and a half tho gntters of Iscw lork city sixteen years we stood, while the gleaming body of the to two miles stretcliog oat to Arc le 1D- ago and set yon on your pins. I was able fish repeatedly burst through tho dark loile, all of which place is one raft scene of v ; u p. ,.v, .v.wv. a"".M waves, as u wniuing wim ncrce ana tern- wealtu an.l magmlicence. 1 lt rreattbor- UBIi UC1UIV kUD Dill icimi-L l'i f UU 1 " followed you pretty close! war. invinsr von a fnendl and then. I happene and, although you -abused years after, I called again . - ..J.IH..1, H iuk viuuu, UJiW V througli the we heard a shrill, bellowing cry, as if in-1 de lloologne. and i rarions other fL5craab! y lilt every now dicativo of angoish aud rage, fusing throagh I tdaccs of report otibi,! ih rhr !!. 1 around in 18G9, the nirirlin'? waters. His furv. however. I let Ufi tarn frthttk lira irii w 1? Tti t me ior ioor in 1872. I From tlie K&nta City MaIL A SXAKE STORY. have been at your elbow ever since, and never a man have I treated more kindly, but you have kept up tho abuse. You nave abused me outrageouslv, Mr. urant ! " ho the devil are your asked Grant, unrcsistintrlv to tho beach." 1 . .1 .4 A 11 o laning iwo or luree unsieuuy biepa towaru the speaker. . "O. mv name is Opportuuitv. 6aid the caller, "and I will add that this is my last call. Good afternoon. Mister Grant." And thereupon ho left tho room, slamming the door with some show of indignation. The President stood for a moment in thought, and then, with a muttered excla mation, turned again to the rideboard. But another visitor had already entered unannounced. "Hero we are again, old friend," said the new comer, who held his head high and moved with a lordly strut. ".How's your courage, UlvsscsT" was soon cxhaosded: in a short time the Uhort distance through this fine erore. and sounds broke away iuto the distance, and in a few seconds we will bo oa the spot tho agitation of tho sea subsided. The w here ono of the government brass bands shark Lad given himself np to tho tides, plays every Tuesday. This bas3, of fresi as nuable to straggle against the approach I Lay to seventy-five pieces, performs for twt of death, and they were carrying his body I Lours, and for thce who Lave tie ahllilr to appreciate what a treat it is, ax4 with out any cost. Here, while the band playing, you will tucct Englishmen avl we After Americans .without comber. have n the nr. lir-lr llirnn lt ,. 0.f j, fr ,v. Ram Johnson. f lid rilr. f .rmrlr "u"6 P.w n , n , ii ' i - I wall on the soaili wae of this bcaaujal Li- Dcputv Constable, came verv near losing 1 ,1 , . ."7 t- it 1 . 1 i t 1 1 I tie grove, and promenade on its ton, w be. e hilt lit, l.itclr. and if ho 1 1 ri 1 them tx-rtiil.l I 0 ' .... . , . . ... I we see so mncli ol the u.'ivo uccu u ircuciui ciprvssion oi opinion f.i. it i t t i ., ., . .bn- r. i r the top of this wall, w Lieu is broad enoara that he tempted Lis fato by an exhibition of f . ' . , . . . b i i- ii i i . lor coujdes to pafj without moonvcucnr. singular fool-hardiness and a strange con- ,t lr i . , i 1 . . r.t a and rrfectlr fcafe, as on each tide are br tempt of the most ordinary prudence, ior ,1 ' c r . r . ' . t i i . i i .i r ratlings, there is a line vie, for Iron v some time Johnson has had tho core of an ,At. , ,7 t , , ' . .. . i r.i i .. top of this wall, which overlooks then vcr. . . . . i one can see ine indoeo. unt i w in "You have the advantage of me. said is the President. "Don't know me? Whv, now, this surprising. I have been your humble ser vant ever since Elihu Washburnc intra duced us. Some folks have regarded me iTe.- of the river fcine Lcreafter. Let o rcirra to the mtifcic where the vast crod i, cotntoscd of ladies, centleraen, sollio. servants and babies without number, and Well,' point mv name is Ambition was that I met at the door?'' "It was Opportunity," said tho Presi dent. "Ho has jnst gone out." "The deuce, you say P exclaimed Am bition; "then you'll havo to excuse rac. I'm no account without him. I cies. 1 his sweet boon was lc-tl in John son's charge bv the proprietor of one of the tide shows that was with Howe's cir cus on its late viit to this place. The i. i r : .1 . s. 1 1 v :e 1 1 . r 1 .1 everything in perfect order. , , 1 there aic now xiawcrs in the pirlc, ana n "t place, Us owner made an arrangement ti I fit 1 ... t 1 . . 1 e . .?i a spear or grafs. 1 he trees are high, in with Johnson to tike care of it nntil such , . ' . . , ... fr , CJ I , - m . ill a r . I - fcB-t j cat v fcwv V vr u 1 4 V K'l VUi as jour master, imi i uou i, iu&im v mai ' ' , park thev are trimmed on in tbe form of ' t . a I r. n nnii r 1 ii w in 11 1 imti ,-nn vifisz imin n 1 - - - - uivome your uanu, oiu icuon; r .r 7 i . 1 , .T arches. When 1 was St Hampton court Jvtheway, iviio - i .w,. ., . h j t Winder Castle, EngUud, I was not surpnse l to see that cnnatcral tna ming of the trees into arches and various might impracticable, were'-; proffered in a breath, said hands, and, with tears but the ringing voice of Richard Polwhele was heard above the tumult. inanv years back, when .both were young ' . ' - , . , - '-v . . A. i i j a cool head; you tell them what to do. A wen liesh from Oxford. At school ana . . . ' - , , .. n i t vi ijjue, tjuich, ami uiy n uvi-i iue iiuiu ; 4H( collego they had been bosom friends, nay, almost brothers, but (so the story ran) both had been fascinated by the wiles of the name yjllage beauty. Neither would yield to the other. A violent quarrel arose, and in a liniment of passionate excitement on both sides Trefusis struck Polwhele with his riding-whip across the face. Polwhele raised himself to return the blow, but ehecked himself, or it would have gone ' haril with Trefusis, who was slight and under-sized, while Polwhele's strength and daring were proverbial throughout the country-side. "If you valno iyour life," he said, con trolling himself by a mighty effort, "get out of my sight Trefusis read aright the warning of the 'white face and flashing eyes, aud, already dreading tho consequences of his rash act, lied away. . Richard Polwhele spent the rest of that day alone in the woods, and lour and twenty horns afterwards was stricken with brain fever. Ere he had completely recovered, his rival had left the countrv, and tho coquettish cause of their Meanwhile, in less time than it takes to tell it, he had divested himself of hat. coat and boots, and without, waiting for an an swer plunged into tho- ice-cold water. Twice he dived, without success. He bad And how, when the song was ended, dear -1J T TJi ii. 1 V -3 oiu x uisou x euiieaiu, always an uonorea i , . , , I t .. i r ...l :i guest at this Christmas festival, folded his aad ?gains " untl1 final fl ?Y Tftnd Pf "S ""Hr.a l;lc t-8 in his happy eyes to a Ja,'Se tree, over which, it seems, uul x wouiu umy, miu jooi oi uu, unu thev had strength enough to get. lint si" y owu uiuu iu uaimu. ywu just on the other side the body of Kakoli bJe Mtster Urant." was found, lying flat on his face, and about eight rods further on that of Boercko was found lying on his side. The two hunt ers tied some poles together, fastened the "For these and all His other mercies, God give ns grateful hearts." And -with all our hearts we said: "Amen." And Ambition, with a hurried bow, walked briskly out of the White House, and hastened to catch up with Opportuni-tv. huge "boa" has quite recovered from his illness under his considerate aud careful attention. Johnson Lad tried to establish friendly relations with the snake, and flat tered Limsclf tLat Lo lad. succeeded verv well. Two or three nights ago, w hen the weather turned so severclv cold, Johnson found that the loa was benumbed with com ana apparently nan dead, w uu a strange disregard of consequences Le took the half frozen snake from Us Ikx and forms; but to see anything of the kind at Paris and St. Cloud, I must confers very disagreeably surprised me to realize that a people of such goodtaste were lacking in that respect; but 1 am gUd to mv that the groves and parks everywhere else in France are left in their natural state. It is in this park that the great games of football (1 believe called Cricket) take I : l - . l l r . . I - - - piaceu m u wu waiu. iro.u w nic i jj , a am of S0mC ho had risen Ho then rttun.e.1 told, Mwcntv.fivo or tLirtr tleuacn. TLere As Old House Burned. On the ISth nit. the old Barnwell house, at Laurel Bay, on Port Royal Island, was totally destroyed by fire. It was a large brick building, fronting on broad river, in one of the. most well chosen his aide in the doctor, a quiet, beautiful locations on'the Sea Islands. It ot iron nerves and waa once the residence--of Hon. William and ere he had risen I nri,Wpii' -onrl ia eai.rtft ho vv. v.;u bodies upon them, and started for the track, dragging the heavy loads after intending when the snake should revive 1 from its chilled and benumbed coudition to were quite a cumber cf f teciators rrescrt. - The ball was aloct tortlre iocLcs in diaro- Tho Blue room had now become verv blue to the President, and he once more rcnlaco it in its box. Unfortunately, H aad u wai oing to see Lou them. They were obliged, however, to had recourse to the sideboard. The next oonnson leu inu, a oze, ana men mio a y h lL cmll lkk lu Jo$t u. leave them after the first dav, and go and ller was a melancholy chap whose chin deep sleep. 1 torn Lis sound slumber he lwecn lle u we now in 4n j CLueaa de. . . - w 1 1 - 1 . 1 l get help to bring them out man, out QUIETING AUDIENCES. unlimited for the second time a couple of gates had been lifted from their hinges and laid, one on each side of the hole. A third time he dived, and this time was so long beneath the surface that a dread came over us, lest he, too, should be lost under the ice. But at last, after what seemed an age of sus pense, he was seen to rise, once more. "Help! I'm done P he gasped. ' Dr. Hamlyn, kneeling on one of the gates, caught his uplifted hand- Strong arms were quickly outstretched to help him. I "Xo, no; Philip first !" he exclaimed; and we found that he had Trefusis in his fail ing grasp. ' Lnder Dr. namlyn's directions, they pressed his breast, and wuose eyes wan dered gloomily about. At first the Presi dent paid no attention to his presence, but he had a way of making that presence Next to absence of body, presence of 1 elt. mind is the best ncssession in a crowded Mr. President," said he, mournfully, houso afire, i made this remark the oth- "I "Rh yon a happy new year. Why are of Ann ti 1. J;.... r. : .1. I nnt ItnlVnnn fiiwl ltalrwlc nml Orwil nurl as since been used as a school house and f-p-Cw t i.t-.j ! A nnil Shonbr.1 l,nr rr.broirt 11c avenue 01 .:..i , i4. TT ri,i I ixnitu ni lb iu Bl-Llie. X1B WHO n J j II I i...... v. ...... j . ago. by Lord Carlton, nearly 200 years The plantation was sold in 1S63 at Uni ted States direct tax sale, and the house 1 1 i 1 1, uas since ieen useu as a : dwelling for the teacher. K 1 -1. 1,.J, j. il.. 1 1 ivu v;ttva wmeu icuus 10 ine utilise - lias I i: t,. . e . , , lr, l.r, f, o t-.. "81,ua,, uu ui consitierauie eaucauon 1 ! i . 1 -.1 - ri and cultnro in languares besides his own. having been planted with regularity on v. i u ... 4 mti.Ar .Wo ftf u r-A t i i m ion tc right, said he, as I tipped it up either side ot the road lor half a mile. j 4 1 i 1 K hm 1 1 i -l and took a sip. "And 1 remember lust Their branches, covered with gray moss, .1 1 T. 1 . J ' i , , . 4, the case to prove it. It was almost a gen- Krfw orr, '-a, ti eration ago, in the old Brooklvn Museum, Diightest summer day. Ihe immense .1 . , - 1 J I T 110 Tl MTfrv T llflOT rvt flA..a I wus awaavnea iy a nomuic fense oi sui-1 r, ,, . -M lTnr mm i ,.M i.., -t focatiou about his chcsL Ho awoke to lbe Roval Palace) i the mart beautifal hndLunselfinthcmblocoilsoftheboa nia Kurepe. Here the pile art cc constrictor, who had been ; warmed tolifo locke.1 and thrown open at 9 oYbnk, a. and fufv in Johnsons bed. The unforto- M .! ,:n w ' ,;i t-i , viv nato imin comprchcudeJ in an intUnt Lis evcojpjr, mi,co lU io1k take a ll piarrc had manied a rustic swain wbom Ff?1' t!,01'1? 'th great difhcnlty, she secretlv much preferred to either of her V -v T T 1 6 ,a ' , i aristocratic admirers. Thirty years had . 1 lP was to all appearances beyond all . summer day. Ihe frame of the Barnwell house on, the plantation on the river was burn vears ago. j. ne live oaKS on it were e- qually famous for their immense size and beauty. . . -. . .. . m .t M .1 .1 Y "Uon t speaK oi them, sam the I'resi dent. "The subject is not pleasant." "There aro many other things I witdi lo speak attout on this Lappy occasion," re turned the caller, with a dismal groan. 'By tho way, how ts poor Custer" "Sir 1 ' exclaimed tho President, "this is vawu. v. and go ringing It all through tkvtr.trtf f started to his brow as in an agony of Lor- U oaof mf;icll U tT He rsrl; ror he realized the nature of his peril, ai, U the slgnU to lre, and'if mon ith the energy of despair Lc grasped tLo ru.,n tnf. . v I am Remorse. There is a good deal I sleep that wanted to say, and would say to another since passed by, during the greater part of which Trefusis had remained abroad, vis iting his native place only at rare inter vals. Three years back, however, he had finally returned, a widower with one daugh ter, now aged nineteen, and had taken up his abode once, more at the family man sion, Trecarra Park, llichard Polwhele had also married, and was left a widower with Ijvo children Howard, Mary, Alice, Percy and Dorothy, of ages ranging down ward from twentv-two to seven. Uncle Dick would really have let bv-gones be man, but I seo Indifference coming, and 1 will make way for him. Mr. President, allow me onco more to wish you a lutppy new vear." Indifference, who entered as Remorse t .ne next on thJ corner of tj t st"reet Qrano-e impertinent. Who are you! led several j Fuhon. wbern T.ockitt's now i. Thorn "Yon onght to know me if yon don was a couple of roariug farces on that night, and the bouse was full. Tbe star was Fred M. Kent, a low comedian of con- The Straxge Whim of ax Tow a siderable audacity and full of fno. He Womax. A singular ease was developed was a man resources too never stumj)- cartblv help, and a terrible fear came over in ! Lincoln Township. Cerro Gordo "7 anything, full of expedients. Well, us that uncle Dick, who was now insensi- County, a few days since, savs the St. suddenly smoke was seen by the audience. Indifference, who entered as Remorse ble, had sacrificed his own life to no pur- Paul Pionccr-rrcssj The wife "of a kind Hs origin was not quite certain, but it stalked out, was a stolid, hard-featured pose. I than Dr only fainted "Give him some brandy, some ! of ydn; ward ana run ms nanas ana ieet." )i i no reason Eager hands volunteered for the service: I postulatio but almost ere they could begin their task ent to "ie entreaty of relatives. She had he opened his eves and gazed around. j a good home and several children. She "What's this! .Ah ! I remember now. denoerateiy transferred to her But where is Philip f " And shaking him- her title and interest in the suake with both Lauds, and wilh almost snperhoinan strength, and in a manner Lo can scarcely recall, succeeded at last in tin- Lis LoUr, dragged the straggling boa safely secured it in its old severe nervous attack uccce and horror the strange combat Lad occa I Kirnil. and not another wink tlid Johnaon is sure to retail n within tb mclomre U text dav. Ai I Lave r i3 1, ll'.i Jariia d Tuillcricsi uonirjiacd. 1 1 1 cot ao larp "u. Ul Ur It is no larger than the Capitol grtcot. to 1U box and 0f Colombia, . C or Iran .nare, qnarters. A adclnUa: bet the wto!e nrdca is beat fled the flight .;rull- r.flT t.r. flr,r II,, Las ever been beard cf is there; th bei are in everv fona imagicaldr; errrv Im- nighL Ho can congratulate i.. . v.-i' u :m -.v ,.f.w.. Lirasell that Lo escaped M easily, and that jocL yb aroan1 v anj bdetftl senseless temerity did not recctvo the latai mre wcitk tlerd Ulllt(r . ii a punishment it invited-. Correspondence. Sever were words more welcome and intelligent husband, a prominent citi- strongly suggested lire. It mcreased for penow, noi oniiKe iue x rebiucn uimmi. . Hamlyn's assurance that he.had zen, informed him that she was goin to a moment, when several jumped up, put on e said nothing, out uccKonca urant to me leave him. She . did it in a straihtfor- their "ats and started for the door. There sideboard, wbere they urann coniusion to , business manner, but would give was a cry of fire an1 a panic was inimi- the past m many bnmpers. At length wiiv. h he was ciPAf to n at. i ucuw iit iuw juuciure Aeni rusuca loioe "' "' ' v f - - w . m W -V m mm m ns of br hncbanl ami ;r,;ff footlights, struck an attitnd of mnr.k.trA.(r. 1 'resident's isew leaf callers dropped roa tiii cxirrx. N0TES OF EUROrElX TCATtL. xuaiiiEB, civ. Messks. Euitors: Very uncertmoni- edy, and shouted in tones that pierced ev- D,s g,aS8 on tDe no01 anrt Toea out ol onsy x left your readers, six months ago, stay 'round the room as if m great alarm. 1 lie 1'res- in pJacc Q Concorde, (which is, by-the-1 acters. ery part of the house : 'Better border of runturrW' , and tie Ivy u ao rioelr traicel that coon leaf stands alovc auotber. anJ the vLcb prrK-nts the api-earanne cf a dorp-ficcn velvet border tvelve inches broad. A roend each one of these 1-eds there is an i roa net-work three feet high. In this ga den there are thirty-tmo tlatoes, all i which are lifc-5rc, rf the Cnrt cf tnarbV . and by the first anista. Eight art inoott -cd on the roceolo, and the others are pel estalf; the subjects are rdadiator, Mercn rys, Venules and other i magi native chat- In this garden we three wztlw, br.rrftnM i,t trmt foi- Trpfnd'o self like a great Newfoundland dor. he I farm property, and one mor iuso uuusaiSbCU LU LHS lt?ei. Oir ir Dili D laV i " viunive, aioocu uci .a a 1 . 1 1 on the ground a lew teet "oft : white and oaae uer tmsoana gooa-tye. lifeless, his daughter weeping on her knees beside him. Uncle Dick raised her with infinite tenderness. ! !" make the first overtnre. Possibly Sir Thil lip would not make tho first advance, and the result was that "the two Squires," as they were called, met and remained on terms of haughty coolness. No communica tion took place between the two houses, nni r,ii rii. aw ,i, i,n.i unA o bnii ii. v- i,:, i join some other man not far awav. and scene, and as she walked to the table net more than once on neutral ground, my place. It's a good deal nearer "than his tliat e of her nduct will 5 "jn the glass camphene . . ., b ., 7 t... '3 . . . soon be known. RLft Laq Wn Mnciioj I nornme thereon, there was a httle t nr i onnnoH t ir n.r i i-v t t t o m i i f i 1 1 1 1 i if i kh :i ill l in n nrna nra rvrxi-frc m.-f i v www vvuiuvi v i t i i i i , . ;r.l : 'uovu ui' fcUV ' JUOk mft4iil irnmim ,nvi.tr1,;fn.,j the top flew out Ike a mi. nH flom ntion. "Let there De no ceremony leuu ior another feneration. now. ' I . " iu wvui-1 - - Such being tho state of things, the ear- Under the Doctor's guidance, coat., and L b lea f,ur ,beauifaJ lit,tle ?hil" J appeal of our good old vicar was not rugs were laid upon one of the gates, and Vi .nJTS ' fr a . A. iv. i : i . If..... . o I name is Rnnnrnsspri nnt m toito rA tn him this rude conch the silent form was , ; T " v? I . - . mf I W . 4 I 7 . m. ft . v . husband all setter stay 'round going to cut a wa- ueni vuraea uizzuy arounu 10 see n uai n, themost agrceablo. placo oa earth toPKc-i wnicu are largr or very preuy. in homestead and iermelon 1 lue enect was instantaneous. waa tu" B,rr- ucr ef1 - lul spend six months in), and now. w ttu yoor I taui garaen ore one unncrra isn w n- ning put on lheie was a roar of laughter, a momentary moment a guest wuu a ingntiui visage, pension, and tlieir complaiaanee, 1 will I y lnon and crg trees, earl ere ta z little ones diversion, during which the fire waa every muscle oi whose lace told oi agony i iLenco uith thera into the grove I immense box Larjcg vLcos, a ll-alUt-r and went to ouFFlcI,acu auu mc weni on. I. , - - ior pars ot iue. luiuenra. iui grove i j"'vi . , a cnntl..hnnn 1 have learned of another case in New started nacfc ana gasped : stands next east of PIaco do la n- at the approach 1 w later they can Le mo- "Nay, don't weep, pretty one; by God's help we'll win bim back to life vet. Now, Mason Citv. where she toot iorK, tins one. Mme. Ponisi was playing j. on are I corde: there is only a narrow street between I ved nnoer cover. . - . mt . - , 1 -rm 1 n . as . . - - WW . M A S. a a I I am " m. m. a a . mm mm T r A when he saw she was determined to leave. uu Jdwm orrest. The piece on that . A Bee Jou f low ta,u u". r, tucn,T which is allowed for convenience. ii oi imu. She accepted, 811, saying it was all she "go was "Still Waters Itun Deep," Mine. w" a guasiiy icer. wanted. It is supposed she has p-one to 1 x OI"si as Mrs. bternhold. It was the i Many of these trees tvro . .1 . V in aamiuifcirauve xhat rart of the grove next to Concorde in my mi ana ilc present tnmur i night I c,rc"s pass us icuraigia oi iue xrain. j3 vcry i,. ,t ,a vraiicd np with granite, I I'roogLt yon irom ixenwir, iiiroega n o to U-et it go at that. 1 and the top of the wall, as well as that Iprcst avennc, to Arc do Tnataj.be. dc lamp "And you have come " part 0f tue grove, is as much as Cf- Etotlc, through the Crescent, through tl "non:" -ie, iir. irewueui, luunuii mu 'w teen feet above the street that i.swmi le- I inner or cue gaiCllironga stamps z-ivuh-f. IK?- I tween ns. I have come to stay." "'""ui' oi u luucauuii ana manv eves on u-ie turned upon tho two bqunes to see in borne np to the" Lodge. Uncle Dick him what spirit they received this public ad- self led Edith, tenderlv patting the little monition. There was a touch of height- hnnd wbir.h Inv nnnn his nrm nml toVJcs- ened color npon uncle Dick's kndsnmfl nonn oliPPre wnnls ' I I'Vlll'i. V- V. V. v w v'v UllVt V.iiSiJl It. mounted toward the ceiling. It stood with in a foot of the flat, and tho theatre cPm. . ' - - i,,,- , . r . - ed in great penl. Mme. Ponisi looked at added, as ne opened ine door and let in -m mr m. . mm urn m w Anrl I li vta r.rri rriff m v t ami I tr ' r 1 . . . "-"b -v trees in this ran oi the grove at least . .... -. F1" u lace as hc stepped forth into the church- Quickly wo reached the Lodge, and the yard the very model of a gallant English good Doctor at once commenced the stmg- gent eman, dispensing hearty hand-shakes gle with the grim destroyer. For bore and kindly Christmas greetings to' friend than an hour the household was hushed in uiu neicrhhor. I;1ob lwdund -him otmo vi ji j ' , 0 -- vmv i o.ii itwiui uuickut.'b&. iiuriuv .iuiiiir ui A 14 O teen fift nlw-ivo tl. direct tht mstLf r-loa and from the hope that the wife may, be- tbe flames for an instant, w hile the vola- jwarming troop of distorted images and by This part of the wall only has a verv fore too late, see the folly of her course. tile fluid streamed out, then walked quiet- hideous, grinning little devilsall of whom W fancy iron fence placed on it, and a"l Iv v" ivua uic uuiuiiig lump urni- i - - i yon proccei cow n mie jlitoii xue wan ly in her hand, whisked it quickly across "We bave 00106 to Bta7- comes less and less high nntil at lan it is as this world is concerned, von ;rht. bt- ine stage and either flung it out of the I not more than three feet above the street. ter admit that you are a villain. window to the left or handed it to some- A Warm Morsel FOR A S n A r.K. I At a certain part of this fine wall, the fan: uuuy ouisiae. ii was an over in a mo- Then those who were running ont tween the Park and the Place. That ihrocgu l'lace;Ce uc?noorae,u.roagiii..t makes the foot of all tbe high, beautiful I prove of tbe luillcrc,into the Jardn . fif. I l uuicncs. A to Loie space luroaga w :c I Lave brought yoa Las been one griu open scene cf magai6ccsce and p!eaJt extending for three miles mithoot anv d- stroction to the view. Soch acotUncatiif of avenocs, cuenU, risers, paiks st elicLero gardens cannot lfl fesnl eicLero o earth. litre, nnlil or rext, 1 will lew The following details a cruel trick, as do- cv fence gives way to an immense, high, yoa, " Xroot oi ilc ouaieaw ac inuienct . wronht-irun one. w hich reminds one some- the largest j'aiace (inc.nicg u.e xxnvn . ment. lben those who wera rnnniner nnt I Dignity is expensive, and without other turned back, and the conrao-eons loniai "T-vwtino. t- i,i-,i-l -.v- I orhtf th Tone that inflow WasLimr- for tLey are joined) in Ecrcpe, - i r -i rw u a vvwtv uw m-f uin ai a n wa luu I - - - - - n m good qualities is not particularly profitable, had to stand for many minutes before the schooner." writes a corranondeni of this ton sonare. Philadelphia, but mnch better . VoTACrou V i