AW Ifl i A tlx U 5. in iM f Published by J. H. & G. G. Kyrover, Corner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteville, N. C. VQL4 I THURSDAY, JibsnjAHY 25, 1877. ' WHOLE NO. 17$. North Carolina Gazette. J. II. & G. (I. MYItOVER, t Kit ms of suusvuirnox On year Cut mlvaiux ), Mi liiiniUiH " .- : Tlirco " " 1 ,00 50 i:. ti:s op ,tir:i;Ti$rxG: O'io H'l'Mi f Iiii" .Hilil inn;par il)!iciu.s.'rtion ? 1 00 .. " two " i ro i ' " " one nioiilli- SJ 50 .. .. ' " " tln-uu " 5 00 wix " (M " twelve 13 -00 l.oi..f"r ml vi rt i "-nu ll. .linv...-l in iroxji -don to t lie lt-r cent, inoio than Home Circle. Home i.vttio sacral refuge of our life. Til Ei CODE It i not so many years ago' that sharp political words caused bloody deeds. .In llicf;c degenerate times .ueu will ealLcaeh other liar, thief, and all the catalogue of lad names, while tlx: w-wVhl listens to it, incredulous as to which one the hard names bcluig. Lament as we'may the bloodshed' of those earlv days, the strict accountability to which men were then n- for their words certainly made them less intrtnperatc of speech. 't. Louis witnessed one terrible example of political homicide nearly fifty years !)". ' .V ei 'V few, of the living residents of that time remain to relate the exciting and l.lsMwIv incidents' of the I'ettis-Biddle aii.iir. Then; as now, I'm a nee and money were fa von to topus ot ol it !:l;.lis The Old United States .Bank had been t haltered and brought i.,to operation bv tlie political party then in power. The p:.rH:t ''ik' in Philadelphia, under the Pro-Mcncy ot .icl.olas . Jjiddle, wnu nu liirroits ' branch hanks in several States, had finally, 'astonished the primitive htia-.iciors of those davs bv tlie case witl. which fpuhlie moiiev could b en:-,'...," The -veat 1 a Iirst.ieli.sr4 political machiiM'. It ' h'a M'rvi-lthe interest, ol its managers am .tl.i'is. ah 1 iniirht have made everybody "hoeuspo had proved to Ik i.e. old Ml "paper ID" :.ey if meddlesome penph the river bank, discussing and commenting upon the affair. When the time came each principal and his seconds were rowed a- :ross to the island in the batteaux or large oats then in common use. The crowds on the St. Louis side still remained to watch the result. It was five o'clock be fore the two men stood face to face with each other and death. "When about to measure off the distance, a difference oc curred: I'ettis and his second desired fif- teen paces, but liiddle, being very, near sighted, claimed five paces, and Kiddle's claim was allowed. When the signal was given both men fireil simultaneously, and both fell. The seconds and surgeons did nil that was pos sible: but they were mortally wounued. They were carried down and placed upon the batteaux, which were rowed across to tlie city as - rapidly as possible, one boat fjonie above and the other below the usual landing places. The whole city was on the river bank to meet the occupants of the boats when they should land. When the terrible results of the meeting were known there was universal sorrow. The next lav, Saturday, 1' died. Biddle lived until Mondav. His ..bod v. was then taken to Jefferson Barracks and buried with the honors of war. And. so, thi'ougli the unhappy financier ing oi a political i bank president, two worthy gentlemen met with tragic deaths The little city has grown out of all re semblance to itself since then. Of the crowd of men who witnessed something of that affair nearly half a century ago, not naif a dozen are now living, and the trag edy itseli is so w holly forgotten that in onlv some time of political fennent like the present, a white-headed, feeble old man gossips ot what he saw fifty years ago. THE LAT STROKE OP FORTUNE. Twenty years ago an old house was still standing in Cologne) which showed to the street a frontage containing live small windows. It was the honse in which the irst painter of the Flemish school, the im mortal Rubens, was born, A. D., 1576. Sixty years later than tins date, the ground floor was occupied bv two old people, a shoemaker and his wife. The npper story, which was usually let to lodgers, was empty at .the tune wo write of. Two odgers, however, occupied the garret. The evening was cold and wet, and the shoemaker and his wife were . sitting to gether in the room "below. "You had better go up stairs again," said the old man to his wife, "and see how the poor lady is; The old gentleman went out early, and has not been in since. Has she not taken anything?" :'It is only half an hour since I was up ting it suddenly fall, he cried : stairs, ana ne naa not come in. i toos her some broth at noon, but she hardly agaiu at three; From the St Louis Globe-DeiuocraL ONE BELLE OP KENTUCKY. Y0MAY$ HAND. ply the wants of the pair two long years, but the last louis d'or had been changed, and the lady . and her companion were still without friendly succor. The shoemaker A Once Rich and retted Beauty Suing For a Di and lus wife had undertaken a journey to 1 vorce. Aix-la-Chapelle, to take np some small lee-acv'It was the 13th of February. 1632. In the divorce case of Mrs. Josephine A low sound of moaning might have been Adelaide Golding V8. Walter S. Golding, cacy and weakness, an it glides into heard issuing from the garret; a withered the parties appeared before Judge Lindlcy I more strong and manly grasp, U a fit cm- Tho Household. Tbero is scarcely in tho whole scope of our cniovment it ii a bold. lold assertion. bat on, bow true ! a sensation more de lightful than that arising from the warm touch of a woman's Land. Its vcrv tlcli- Tbe tr U man'i krsrMbe let cry liaaer. Since Eve ate tie n-l. I a ;e4 diaaer. form, more like a skeleton than a thing of yesterday in tho hearing of evidenco on a blera of the just confidence the heart i w A hrce Lour u Ion t-oougli flesh and blood, was lying on a wretched motion for alimony pending suit. Dr. lcsiroua to bestow cpon its destined pro- Ijf. '1 hen pour it into a bed of straw in the agonies of death. The Golding, tho defendant, is a well-known tector. Ami nbile tho nerves thrill over tUro is a or lo ofm: touched it, and I was up she was asleep then, and at five she said she would not want anything' more. "Poor lady ! This time of vear, and To Make Homxr. The He io lcl the corn ts boiled tnat ru.t lo .Lrcag it is letter to e weak, aoj Wi! it longer. Three hours is long t-oouch t Iwli it in toll ia ahicU iter. Drmia it 1 A moans grew more and more indistinct at physician of this city, and Mrs. Gelding the soft finger?, and tho electricity cf pas- fu, arj.l I'ul on caoG'ti clcaa aaler to last a slight rattle in tho throat w as the was for about ten years tho tar of society won is firing every vein wL'tlet'a jirit cover it u t il. TLm uVc cVxa lrooa onlv audible sound, and this also ceased, at the Southern Hotel. The parties were richer and more refined than thought it- and i-tir, K-rub end uah the torn tuih it An hour later an old man dressed in rags married at Newport, Ky., in 1SGS. The self flutters in tho bosom bow th Leart j in-fciy. i'o , , ,,,)r l,tiit lcT and tatters entered the -chamber; but one lady was at 'that time tho fascinating eecms ftriving to expand itwrlf into list I Innng J uul a iding clcau TLea word had escaped his hps as ho stumbled widow L-rozart, a daughter ot a former unutterable ccstacy c.r u-ing, F- fccldorn np tho rickety stairense, "Nothing, noth- Kentucky Congressman (TibWtts), and a felt so impossible to bo decriled. llea.1 in"." Ho drew near the bed listlessly, grand-daughter of Gen. James Taylor, it. invoke, wc prav thee, the aid of ir.Cia- but in a moment he seized the arm of the the founder of Newport, and tho wealthiest I ory, and let her recall, in moonlight fitful cornse with a convulsive motion, aud,let- man in Kentucky. Sbo was reared in the I ne??, tho scenes of thy coarthip the A- larvnf luxury, nn.l roreived ft tinislird ln. I nril mornino'!! of Lotus and fear oi love. "Dead, dead of hunger, cold and starvation." catioti, and, besides tlio natural graces cl joy and passion. iei iuoh vuiousm p " " And this ladv was Marie do Mcdicis I person, acquired all the aecomplishments I again in sLalowy review, lue toe wif.. of Henrv IV . Oueen Rerront of necessary to make her TYino.P. motlu r of T.onis XII.: of Isabella. A blonde of tho r c.:. r ir r .r nitiiftmv dnnot?n V,.rl-n1. J ri.ritin.. .Tim-boJ of S,vnv strength of character, and a fonu of match- td.ado from the t k ttnet scrutiny of the I 't Uking it t Z the f.',y. lefct.f offl itnn Hake of Orlein deid of bun- less mold, she was admirably adapted to I brilliant chandelier, or in the solitude of kt it nand half an Locr ia the' Ut clean aater !t.t.rd u it. TLcre is ' oewl f pyttin La:.ds &lout it t all tvl.ilc '&h- itjg and riufcj it, not even ben too take it out of the tub, hkh ctu 1 dimo a lib a saucer or a skimtucr. I f lL eaxh- staod out all ht aiid fierz-; tbia it lake her a queen of society, fpringing afresh of a rainbow fountain t take any longer to cuoVi it thaa to lio purest type, with a phyw- and thou wilt owu that whether amidst the tn.CM f II.U sioalr, ting grea't firmness and luxuries of art, wrcened br a friendly sa.t it a liul, aod then tot ontil roa t neither fire nor warm clothes, and not even a decent bed to he on. and vet 1 am sure t vir render Lamw tlio man who was fortnnato I nature unt:oc4 in .itrra licence u luol ' I lV.I V'IM VI1I llllCV,lla Li VS iai'7AAAltV a S I " of aler abuol it ia tkb it ss boiled. she noticed the is something (rrntlfnifin trpnt hfv? . 1 -wr 1 - 7 T f 1 . . . I ... - a a a a. . or ouier. nave yon ni.. Qi 0e lficaeic.u bja mother's enough to win her, and who was capable coubut but win tbc con Iidcncc oi a . . ...i.:ia i.ii - . ... : : . ' i . e . .: i t . . : i.. .. . :.,..:., l . 'l1 ",uu wu,vu luu murderer, is st 1 called "tho iust" oi appreciating uer worm. tho wedded life of the couple Old IioiLn Ham. When a Lata bat "If she wants for anything it is her own T11E RUSSIAN FLEET AN1 TIIE GU.VXD 1UKE l,t, as years rollcil on, a cloud lli'ikorv .lacksou in particular, had only h ft it alone. Th.i.-e inn t'.".s iL'thle people insisted upon a balance sheet, anil then the great batik . t ith I'. rl':he accountants of the b:,ui had pl. iity of iiguves, and tho tellers were rlioit uf niouyy. .'rllard-faced men of hiihiue:s then, as now, preferred money to Jignrcs, and that preference made trouble. The blame was naturally thrown upon the rliouUci.-; of the bank president,. Mr. llid- Tin' neWspapei'ti called hini hard l.atne-. lie defended himself as. well as conl.!. but the great ban W came to an ' iiehuio'is ".id. At this time Thomas Biddle, a brother ii!' Nicholas, was stationed at Jefferson bairaiks, ten miles below St. Louis, lie tvas a paymaster in the army, with the rank of major, lie is described as a nroud. sensitive man, somewhat overbear- inurin his manner. Maior upon Biddle felt the ins brother verv 'newspaper attacks kc( uly. The tftatc of Missouri was admitted into tic I nion just lift v years ago'; and, like al new States and communities.- - (here was ti coii-iiderablo amount of local legislation liecessarv, which helped to excite and stim nbttc public feeling. All tlies-o causes, no Until t. had an elteet, and in some measure helped to bring on the tragedy which caused tso much sorrow An article appeared in one of the St 1niii papers, re.lectihg severely upon the liiiancii iuii ot Aicholas ' iiddle. . Jlaior was enraged, at the attack ution hi brother,- and resolved to punish the offend i. ..Hp called upon "the editor, and tie nrui'l.'.l tli. l.anie oi tho writer. Spencer Tcttis, a well known citizen, was namce ar tin. author ot article, l'etm was boarding at alli.itel, a.nd at that tima was rick in bed. Whether Middle did or did "hut know of his skkness is not material now; it is only fair to presume that he did not know it. At the early hour of five o' clock in the m(riiiug Diddle went, to Pet 'ti.i hotel, learned from ti colored servant I the location of his room, went to his room, found the door unlocked, entered. Pettis v:is asleep. Tiddle at once snatched the covering from' the heljdes's man. and gave hinra severe cowhiding m the bed. Jor-ix Oxe IIouseuoll) A Wat AVJ.KD Daughteu's Return After. T. l ears of v AN-PERiXG. Ten years airo in Manchester, England, there lived Mr jjptiraim iuarshai, his wite, and sevcra bright cl'iiblren. The eldest, Martha proved to be the wayward one of the flock and ended her foils7 by eloping with lien rv Jenkins, a young engineer. Thev were married, and setting sail for Americ an tidings of them were; lost. Mr. v. Mrs. .Marshal aftexward journeyed to New toi k, ami he was employed by tlio JSe-.v Jersey Central Railroad Company. lie ivcs in a neat little cottage in Bavonne. t is Marshal's duty to care for the station it Centreville. "While on his rounds in the blinding snow storm of New Year's night be'stumbled across a bundle cn the threshold of his door. It contained a sleepi.g infant wrapped in blankets. On its clothing was a r card saying that the child's name was Jenkins. The couple were sure- that it was the child of the way- ward (laughter, and requested the police to keep -watch tor her. On Thursday Chief-Whitney tracked a strange woman to a wretched room in New York, and sho acknowledged that she was tlie daughter of 'Mr. Marshal. She was without food or fuel. She told the Chief that after she ran away with Jenkins he w as employed in a New York drv goods house. He became dissolute, and sank into poverty and disgrace. Her life was one of trial and suffering. Four children had been born to them, and all had died except the little waif. Two weeks ago she. heard where her parents were,, and she determined to send the child tolhem, and throw herself into the river. She went from Iiayonno- with the intention of committing suicide, but her resolution foiled her. That night she was restored to her father and mother, who wej)t over her return. fault. That ring she wears on her finger would get her the very best of every thing." There came a knock at the door, and the woman admitted the old man they had just spoken of, whose i grizzled beard fell down upon the tarnished velvet coat. 1 he hostess sadly wanted to have a little gos sip with him, but he passed by, and bid ding a short "good-night," groped his way up the steep and crooked staircase. On AldiXlS ON B0.VUD. Tho Russian fleet, . For a time lovtet, so cc:ainglv tinconwriunsit ha 1 c- lvo a l jt.g tiuc UUd, ar.d is Uxsctait-f le was happy; eaped bcrmaiden1y"keeping,tbatbcou.ld dry, cut some ilia '.i , u ? in r; I&4 load camo over trust her timid hand in thine, thy thought tivad ciutab. aa l fry pcklr; them, and several months ago thev separ-1 were flooded aith dcligbt thy very I-1 modi ' s .... - . ai . pphed for a divorce, I o:n giowed with a generous rspture. Uu 1 1 "ti mc-lisltly. Or, ctit off all fat, tuiuoc ll 1 HM. I- 1 1 J .1: . I -x... . A-ontr.i.lnr. ill. I I Lim KtTT laf. lifrik ktita m. tiaLB LlII , . 1 . . I ALL'U. J.UC IILUV I PHI U.I 1UI fc IIIVUIUF. I V1U LIUDVU n l M t. V u VI M V J I - WDicn IS to CO into . . ' i . . 1 1. ,i.- . t -.rf rf KA-rf. I do2cn freh r. add a Ull-i tvitf iA r,f - . . i . . . i iiuviu uiikiim uin.iucub buu s ivuhui-wi uvn i in. 'i c-.v.v vv. .... w . - . . o ' I 1 1 i ii vv . .ui .v.u a. A li j. v. a a. . wvvi v , H( a a . ed m the port of Charleston since. The Grand Duke former visit to this country spread a sensation, accompanied and will go directly Hero he will stay at leas ments having been entering above, of hii. a long feeble ab- "I had Public opinion wa.: the strongest law Fraklix's Maskers. Although the philosopher was popular with the French people generally, as the representative of the Democracy., he .was disliked by the leading aristocrats like Louis XVI., Ma rie Antoinette, anil -Madame De Chevuy. The latter thought him anything but gal lant. ' At a repast where she sat by the side of him, and where he was habited iii the memorable brown coat, brown waistcoat, breeches of sanie, and cravat striped with red, she thus describes her impression : "That which I saw most remarkable in him was his mode of eating eggs. He emptied live or six into a goblet, mingling salt, pepper and bntter, and thus made a joli rayoid xJiflulv1i)h'iquc. Ho cut with his knife the pieces 'of melon he w ished to eat, and he bit the asparagus, in place of cutting, off the point with his knife on the plate, r and eating it properly with a fork. lou perceive it was the mode of a savage. the chamber voice inquired the eaus sence. "I could not help it," he said been copying manuscript, and as I was on rny way here a servant stopped nie, who desired me to raise the horoscope of two ladies who were passing through the town; they were ladies whom I had known be fore. I thought I could get a little monev to pay for some simples that will be of service to von. "I am cold." ! "It is very cold. I must make yon something whiclfyou must take directly." The flame of a small tin lamp sufficed to heat the water, and the patient having taken wliat the old man provided, was carefully covered up by him with all the clothes and articles of dress he could find, lie stood by her motionless until he per ceived that she was fast asleep, and, indeed, long after; he then retired to a small clos et, and sought repose on tho hard floor. The next morning j the Jady was so ranch better that her attendant proposed ,that she should endeavor to leave the 'house foij a little .while and he succeeded in getting her to go as j. far as 'tho Place Saint Cecilia. It was seldom tbiushe left the house, for ,-nol withstanding1 the mean ness: of her dress, there was 'that about her carriage which rendered it difficult to avoid unpleasant observation. ''Do you see that person yonder?" she said, suddenly. "If I am not much mis taken, it is the Duke'of Guise." The strauger s attention had also been attracted, and he now approached them. "Parbleu !" said he, "why, this is Mas cali. What, are yon married F' "He does not know me," sighed the la dv. "I must have altered." Maseali had, however, whispered a sin gle word into the Duke's ear, and he start ed as if struck by a thunderbolt: but in stantly recovering himself, he hastily took off his hat and bowed nearly to the ground. "I beg your forgiveness," said he, "but my eyes are so weak, and I could so lit tle expect to have the honor of meeting you For the love of God," interrupted the ladv, hastily, "name me not here. A title would too strangely coutrast with my nres- . O a a 1 ent circuinstauccs. ,1 lm.i n.iil seventeen of tho most distinguished of his far thn fl-.nb.n. ,na An tl.A nor rsf l.r.r I l n.oro I.nhv Tnirn tmro filth tL&n I Lai Oi 1 CIC3U. a J1U10 Mil C1 rTTfT. at4 Ml CQ a few ilays 1 . , a 1 1 2i t . f..i,. . t I ib- fir- i.n tn. Alexis, whoso T .i . t .i.. i I : : . . i i i i i I nr-nrlf t. '!.! ...w, f -t 'f ,,Vt :.t. j - ., an mo Hearing vcsicruav iuc latir ww imt w wct i', w wi wvi tumr. i ,4 . ,.,v-... .t..-. -.. caused so wide-1 , , T ;..,. -t h. .11 :.. ;im' u ,i.rt .i;.i. iba th Lau. 4 fobl the hWt Llf n .1 . n-im.-SVIlll.-vl .111. . Va. vim s, iuc I . - ...v.-. - r 1. ,, r r i the tiect, ,.,,,-a.,! , yIr. v. Hill. Mrs. Goblinn- wat no lover, l'cahancc with the n ft to it. and lip Ciitfally f,:a the pan to a to V.a,'Ini5tf,,; Was Btvorii , and stated that i,ho was roar- ren.ini.Hccnco of ftolcu glance (tho fiit di.h; can.ili iU fon1y rod -rre Lot. talortnight, apart- ... , . tC!..Q 1..., 1 ..or... t ..i,.A .. ..Wi I (ir. Ukkc a inkih 1 anl a half ti Lira, fit I 1 it'll 111 liUJil. It lit 1 11 I'll 11 ILU lil'l El I t.Llltl 1.UVIL Ui Ull UlULU EVfB - v T most of the time at the Southern and Lin-I and unnledrred lovci. limi.i fiKCCi ardent vow, come the aithenng and lean tguber, put it into a taortw an in 1 ..!, . . r 1 .111 I 1. r r. :.t. r-. I txinn.l it. nr i.tmi if fLrtttifh t tasKif . iv . ii . . -l . i . i? . . . 1 i.oic.s. iii an vaiviiv ui ten umiai u i ti.t'u-uk ui i.iu. i.i-v , - i . - - - . - - - - -r - s 1 iuc Miuauiou iii inu vriingLon 1 t i j i 01 i i I 1 - i . - r .1. 1 0 I dnv for board alone. Sho bad nn I tranced, and vows lorgottcn -the Coia Hotel. I r" . .... ..... 1 , 1. 1 1 .ll...l,i flrt .1t. I balf-t..nt r,f l-.ilk. Bud It lb Lsfa 01 suppori, uoi live -renip, anti ejenuei wunieuance, mw nausu. " 1 1 - .vcn have the dainful smile. Aiaa! memory t too lattu- cii ugiLvr, a-n an rpg cti u r; on relatives. She did not even The old Revcrdv Johnson mansion, an- x.,i 4 1 ;.,. S .till .1 1 1 t ,- . . , . p. . ii- 1 necess;irie8 01 hie. and pardons in: er guests now Senator Randolph and a few oth- ocenpv some of the lower 11 Mt 1 .1 . 1 rooms, which will lie vacated on the Prince's arrival. "When in his scat tho Senator from Maryland made this bouse celebrated for its hospitality. Since it be came a part of the hotel it has been occu pied by. the members of the Japanese Ata- l . . -. . a-, a. .1 I. .a 1 . -a T..a,..,aa r. f T ? T- .1 - I 1 T . . - 1 1 .1 with her sisters in Newiwirt and Cmcm- in tenor is conveniently arranged and the . . ... m .. . j. -. . , . f, 1 i ... nati, and supported herself on the income not sufficient cloth- ful a witness-; and, when called to War tea- pt the boJ into a niotild, and bal timony to the dcarei-t ple.vare of "Lang a rich Iroan. ; At tho timo of her last marriage she I Syne," dares never thcro be cro&i-cxam- lived at Newport. K. and owned proper-1 mod. ty there, in Covington and Cincinnati, vaiuea at, over ciuu.uuu; mis prom-ny . cr,- T?c. for she had deeded to her husband and she derived nothing from it. squandered at least $40,000 of her fortune; sho had never kept honse, but had lived lie had P"ncC8 'n are a nicu fc1 xrSe 'n The three floors which have been engaged by the courier in advance of the Russian fleet, have perhaps twenty parlors and bed-chambers, more than may be necessa ry to supply the wants of the party. They are laid with Wilton carpets, furnished with walnut, mahogany and oak, and lined with paintings-of snch merit as. should provoke the curiosity of Alesis, as they ex cited the admiration of Dom Pedro. These paintings belonged to Stephen A. Dong lass and are. now the property of his wid ow, Mrs. "Williams. Some time ago she ! asked Mr. Ttossle, the present proprietor of the Arlington, to take care of them for her, and he cared for them in the most appropri ate way, by hanging them on walls where they would have both light and air. They are mostly old paintings and, like certain ancient canvases just found to have been long neglected in tho gallery of the Lux embourg, were fading until they were put into view again. In tho parlors and dining rooms their beauty is especially displayed, though they are rendered garish by over- varnishing. of her estate. Sho had married cailyJ and was leit a widow at 18, and wore the weeds for twelve long years. She took i r i .M l 1 goou care oi uer propenv uuui uer i-ccouu i . , 1 . , . .i r tt . . t . '. . . . I prince handed him twenty tnoujyind frarya marnafre. and after that ber husband man- I . .. . . come?, but generally fpendibrifu. One of them borrowed the sura of ten thousand francs from a money lender, civic g bin note for the same. On the day it fell doc J " . :, .1.- l.l 1,.. tlA. nt.,1 I 1,CrS Vrf was told by tho prince that bo bad no money to waste in paying debt. At that moment a gentleman entered, and tte 11am mu lSncicrjisT. Cbopcmraly Mtno cold Wiled. ham, put ia & fry nitb a little bultrr, and pepper. WLca hot, t-tir in K-tf ial eggf. hca ttell ct, pour on t-juaix of butttx,d tOitl, and serve. 11am ani lk;o.. Cut the bja ia ibla vcrr iini. klr on a vcrv lot jrndiron. mai uage au nuer u M uer uu u an- fa , f . uf aged it. Ho was a ph3ician, but ho had iU TLe ,endcr tore J l;is note of , , , 1 , hand, and paid, when going out: "Noa. sho never valued monev as money, and al- . ' " . . ' t,,.. f4..,1 i,u. ' . ,, -,, J i pnnce, there ij n-tluDg ietween u uui a ways lived well, as well as anybody in . . V i n i ... jt.' .1 .J ' debt of honor. I ho pnnce bowed and iuc unuea ciaien, aim was generous in , . , , rtvrp m- nilbout a word. Have n-i'l r twac fri?l esr 4 lav iiiKin the ham, an egg umq each :cc; lay on the serving diU ia regular order and gan.ih ailh par!ey. , tho lender received his money, with a thousand franc bill thrown'in a intercct. The Grand Duke's second visit recalls .-. rt i - s -P In j f'.IT'iiii.w n-tAinAin n If rntl t lirAO whidi have never been alluded to. Made am! w.,lb lLe 'donation of a pracl. by manhood and braverv hc-r outlays. Her expenses amounted to over S2,000 a year before her marriage to Dr. G. On being crosss examined by Mr. Hill, Mrs. Golding stated that after going to the Lindell the doctor was unable to pay their board. Sho told hita if he would J 1 , r . 1 11 mik'ft nn i v rsiii n wpp k Kim unuiii i ( i - ... , w.rr 0 Shortlv afterward tho lender received a tbc i country witu Lim and live on tuat f rinc - cll- b!m llat , out sue woum noi remain at tuo uotci I . . . , " . i . t: ... . , , i , , , was again m want of money, and asking without na mg ber board, aud so she lelt I , . . , . m r.r.rt r.-..- him. "Uucle 6ent mo biU ami ua appro pnated it a. J 1 T 1. 1 IT I til. lUKI llttl -v cil i if nnn vm 1 1 .l ii m niik iiiiii a . oout it no looKoa mean, tie a man i ii t .t . n iA i t t hi. t til piper for the note I he aid, taking the I was a man I would be a man. I would 1 1 ltIf :. . . ... ' ;i ,i,ai,.B. ... .r . r con n i monev. m-i s i'i.tvv, The lad spoko with great Stewixg CmcxExa. latto!l two Coo chicken, lake ihcui op in a luro dikh, cut tbeta np, and 4iirate all the joint 1oih one frou another. Then lake out the breast Wee, add a little of the water thev were stewed in, a Made of ta&oe and im . i i : .. --a .. .... !... . . , ' ,i m a pinch of ra t; cover clv ai'JU aootber when tho lender presented bis nolo the ,., . . .. . . . n 1 ti i . t-i, and put it in to tcw unul the fau prince Hew m a passion, called bim bard ' J . . , ,. , I : ....n..n. ... ,j I ... w tvuuti. tine w'. iuv u-. v u.vm. naiucs, ami, m.i u iumi,iuj-it unu cat the note of band. A fev lays lalcr ?0n 112CAKIAST WjllTLti. O&e quart of milk, cue jotaad -f flcrttr, half ItOUtid of butUT, five Cgg, t0 table- b:n that he qwofal of year-U Mis ibi ta over tvgll and bake la lLe morning. him to present himself with 10,000 francs I -- , , ... and stamnevl Paper upon which to write ArOUnfJ 1116 WOnfli fouud it out through a letter . . . , . . ' . K, rn, uA. r ...... 1 t 1 1 I l.l! lUll i Hal lltHVS ' unilM. u vuv.v. iiom my blbLCl, aim n UCU A UtMH UIIU H- yourj Vritty i tie rj-W t life. ljvU. ? the said tbo len-1 n (;0heii, Ct.o., cXrric3c-e taerl a strong friend cutionist Mr. M. A. Wolf testified that Dr. Gol ding was the owner of 6ome lots on Coz- mouev. "llcro it ip, prmcc, saia iuo icn- m iioeii, tvtn., cxmc3c-c '-eider, drawing a largo cake of gingttbreal ing" are bel J, in mbich iU to carncftnes, from I U The prince laughed at Cinfmnul KiLibitfja Icll hat they aaa. racked elo- L jok j blt rtly aru.rward p the lhUUh,V hnUl cTf lle Tti H ave vou been lonr in Colfn'-ne?'7 ---- - o . "Three days. I am on my way from Italy. I took refuge there w hen our com mon enemy drove me forth and confiscated all mv earthly goods. I am going to Brussels." "And what are your advices from France? Is the helm still in the hands of that wretched caitiii ?" "He is in the zenith of his power." . it-ioos niv TaOrd Duke, vour fortunes, and mv own are much alike. Yon, the eon of otlie-r cf Brooklyn, of General Custer, with whom he seems to have shared tho discourtesy of the 1 resi dent, he shot his buffalo fell in lovo with Custer, sorelv by General Grant est blow received by the who now approaches whispered delicately : courage and the graces from Lawrence, Ivan., falo'on the same dav 1 1 .. i... l.t .1.- .l I ri-ln-..1 har. nn.! bo u-ns not ilmtvod ta I I t.iiii icu .fui, uv uim ui iuL-6iiuM.-iiu--m niauu i , - -- j II . -11 f f... 1 .... t f....;.. i i. i ia.;Q resent tho iiainutation feho h.ul cast unon I longest resided in V.o.U:ibti. rtk ui. au.i w oiiuiii Atvia -i - - - -- - . .r1 a l.:., 1 1 l . .1 Lim. II had Iil.ored hard in Lis rrofcA- I us luai. ucn uc un-w vmu,u.. iiuui" ii.o uvui t uiiuuit-bbi i - . .t daucc men, bavo eotae tgttber agj, af- 1 jtcrataovcin Kpiratioa. lLey tcvcr I . . . 1 . . r r i a I m. . r,.l . , f.. I ..1 t. 1 .... .....l on the pl-iius and I zoua 6mH-'t wori aioui JM3,uufy, iui en-i l ime s UEVtxcrj.. i uc viumuu i.-i.j i ohui w u ju..vj. ar.d wasRmitteli U""11' hringing in very littb in- iVrr F-iyn: 'Wearoinforraol by thctc Tle . tf IVlldiOJlf Ky Un . ' But the strong- co-mc mo luieresi am. !' wSi . ' nnilol IU ft U fO.l to pat tbtlf UtCI C61.1 eon of the Czar, lllu I'-'T--v a luw ,uc Vl c"vw Vl -uuu -,ir- V 1 y, "'t " r I mn ive:i-tico of th ail Ireur- ,..oc. i f ?f , ' i vear. wucn a wy in i jmw.....- : ... . ... ..,.,1- us, was let it l.o - . .. ... . . rt-ti' .i . n i . !... , t .1 -' 1 41 acvft 1 U JC riven him by the Vr- lolrt ?ui0 t,f UlC W ?Vi iVl c" "t Z John !tt,b,m. the chcr dsr of a vouno- belle I and exhibited some Xeu-Jerntss toward:. Lis h-u . - - , . . . . . - .- . I . . . .I,.l.. ! lf.a....1.i:,.. i.. n.i? in.. I of lbe ftiit Marrcadr. ai-l : "111 Voi who killed her buf- who. lie had no charges to mane against meny ai-iou r..v - - . - , - - -, . , . . . . 1 ibot hil wl7o ui her. The breath of scandal had never Ung the strongest of the Democratic sup- Ua bke l,,Uu c;ina cbnkirg ia t.e Wt- oners.' Jic i among iuoso wuj 1 He Lis told Urc ticvft gcs lo a cafe; Ilvei ar.a bis caothcr; is iudutiioCK; hr tl k!iu; aas a friend of IloMniv at. 1 Le rcU Irvtu his paiiiting to play on the pUua. Frederick May, of Medf.jrd, Mai-acl3- . 1 ..... 1V1 11.. if '11! I uu n in exisieiice. u win . uimsen ; Meigg's Foktune. Mr. Henry MeiirjTs. ... nan, ami no ... . u,.. u x emS was the euormously wealthy railroad contract- ueiioimced as a tiastarui outrage. Jmart- .. of Snnti, Americn. is n nntivA of XTAn, ... 1 .1 1 1 a. I 1 1 , , v. x, av, , u g un.icr tins more kccu. v man ever, i.m- York State, and about sixty-five vears old. die tried to bring about a hostile meeting, Hn firRt Rnnht h:A fnptnni..:n n' fnrn;a 1 A F 1 . I 1.' , . I O I out laiieu. judge i-eigeuhuu, a magis- ,.,, .v.,0-- . ' iyt '"'" ""y:"yi U.V1 ests on that Western coast. H fina.d . . i. ai . . i.i: n ii .i i ....ii . o!- io weep toe peace, x i..a..y, ymu.c jQ pjanv scliemcg of .ml)1jc p)enefit. But a uiPHsage to he sent to x ems, inuinauug . rtij;.i i,,,.,...... ; that if, a chaUenro was sent it would he rniaa f ,..n; : ni - - . . . v- iiiivk; ; j l. k-i v & a kialb ia . i i i i " i 11 i ui i norma took him bevond his sion, and it wasn't his fault if the city was a workman, sotnewhero in the lSr0s, be Not His Fukekal. The humorous distressingly healthy, and people refused endeavored to obtain accoamo.uu.on incidents of the Brooklyn lire are not verv to get Kick or to dia without medical at- tuusc I and mother at & large aoo.Jen bo- plentiful, but here is one told by the New tendance, lie could not deny Lis conviv ;, ui,u iu . . Harvard an 1 TaftV r, . T,r'..7T .... ......... :i i. ..:.; ll .1 I f nkn lbirru old corner.' bnt on account I -5l? lul 81 w iiarvara an i a u.4 lorK worm: ru iuai taiai mgui, iwo i'l"-,,v,l,tP "uw uc i'"' '"0 . . r r i ti - -,..1.0 .Mt v,.i- .i.n nml. i.v living nn mis himI a dav. lad re- of their idaui drcM was rcluwd. ILC attended tho perform- duced himself in besh to bis regjlar light- mower was auci-acu -"- ance at the Brooklyn Theatre. They left mg weight. As for the property Le bad rcniaracu 10 uer uuv iu ...., .u vu... .... y . . I . . - ... . I -.III I! . l.Im r. IliA ffnlin.1 .Iikrk. i was willing to "" " " College and tao of the -UsaclssctU bofj iutlf, and the Sapretee Coart saiAaina tho mill. received from his wife, he k man who. had he not too much desnised . .... . i 1 i i ii. . i . i i Hon n.i.i-t.t- wA ..i-a tot ( l.o rrnii-n r 1 U,U .lUllUJIl previous IO lue jabt ilCV, ab "cvvmii. - - I , . .f . dangei , m ght ull hav e set the cioa n on A lia1 n(JrKn?,rlpil llia Tir ' k. ffivc it all back to her: it viel Jed him but Wc believe he cow owns every foot of iL your owu ueau, auu x. ouco iuc iueen oj : ; . . , ' " i j i r .1 i 1 lvn chnm to p-o home and sleen -with him. I very little, and bad been a good deal oi the rnitrhtiest nation in the universe: and 1 v 11 'UUIU tu &u u"'uc uu wip mm u.uj, ?..'. b. now both of us alike adieu," she said, amt lt was Decssary 10 early to eaten uoiucrio uini. xio couiu maae a goou Tub Limitation of AVoMax'a x suddenly, and drawing herself up, "the tbe tra",Q No news of tho temble disas- living by his profession, and had always rER1EXCZ AS ArrECTIXO llsit Jcix sio-ht of vou. mv Lord Duke, has refreshed ca"-u c ai . uu iue di uwruoua. i ; ,.? , ' mext. lbere are some vices(u:cu cir A snow-Wand train oa the 014 Colony and Newport Itailnad had a tuinnl troupe on boarJ, anl they kindly citcr taincd the other paasengers aiih a eoaccrt. The leaves tf tobacco are now ud to mil. lvprM not mnrh fLfTprent from me much, and I pray that fortune may Tbe after tL5s tbo Brooklyn boy re- luxury she desired, and not stinting her in jaUj llro L tLe worj j wilh0Qt bvading Ua. The new drink finds favor ia Lon- once more smile unon vour sten 77 luiucuwum uum. uu lounu a ue-ubo t.. ... -"."S. l the seclusion oi woman, ruo canngi i:a-1 oon, and Las irccn mucous ecu ia iooa. what they are; coim-qncnuy tuey The Ilev. Hcurv Tglcr is in jail ia Fal- .. . . . . . ah uuii i Anr.H . . . . i i i v i ,t..v ... i aiiivj ui (a. iiiiiriai. a.tiu v 111 Liin ittii 'uu. i- - ! w w fir niti en vn min i i -i ( 1.1 : i 1 i mi iitiiti . . aecepted. I he challenge was sen! and ac- ; 4rtt il5m i,,,,,..,., .i uSm ly a ,eauuf . v.. J?..i " L v.i. ti, it f ond tbt vu"".w '""v.. . . mouth, hr, for a serioos oHence- He re- ccu' .,1 Tho i.Hee of i eetiii a-need um- "V" TT i ' 7 . , as she answered, with a gently command- "c. "uu "rail- 7 , v V oi.o bIame Ior lUeia lIian lor lue neonc ,n r c to mate anv diaclosnivs and savs. up... I.- , x lie juact ot meciiUp. a iccu up Smith AmwiM enwinir l.ohTnd I. ' - - 'oiJ nc,u f V m (WM,ca fnnra 1.PT l.iwvfir was entitled to a fee of 8100.1-. . v: :.i .: r.:.. I iscs to mate any i.M.iOfu.ei., inn Mia. "H was the ..rreat sand-bar in thorfver op- : ,i: r u t 1QS one- " , . . , r r CCr 1(t : ' n.i.o ,r,1 1. -.,h unou'. '' uyciauous, or .ustauva, rcfUCmLcrinir UcecLcr Loots a.4 a .aAi.v..--. a -- V. A v "U IIJUUO I 44 I nn., -n r I r-. . I II, , ,, a. -.a t llll LUU 1 . L 7 V 11111 I1VI II. M- "V uvvaVJL I ' I ' V. a fcvr w..m..v v fl WA c -V iniriilTI I 1 1 1 ft 1 1 Ca U k n K mm 1 a I I 1'OMtc tue city, known tnen ana since as nnrfT(. Bttma na n ,t . - -v., u. , ,, . . ,' ., i,irmnt I . . V ; . " would acLc." Island. It ivn. n Mie like lor r::::,;,: 7 r."' pleasare.'' , lowing mem, anuo ioaign to incroniao w -- -- - i i .1111 1 i it'll i iih i j:i in ii iii.'l i'im imw i i - i i t - . -. - i I'dL'i nr' i o it cit TiiQ iiifiriTnn nrti TtAn'ra iner .1.1 rim .ci-ini? rw "v ' V liuise noweu low, ana taking tbe ladv s jv44-?'" :"v iC:uul1 )UUiCJUBfc ' ,,VM -a tiw " " I nvvna T.IVA rplilpnff" mitt in tho Mhr At l.l.I,- . . ' , - nfQr l.mn7 l.nrni " "ho MiismHir- mow ni n oTiil t hn nl 1 r tlio oit hnrl-to '4ii- I . honorable blood M.liiii the jurisdiction of Illinois. The authorities of Illinois would not molest, ttud the authorities of Missouri could not. A duel between two well known citizens in a small place, such as St. Louis, was 'hen, of course, known to everybody. bay . man had Ins friends and defenders, and applying him M.ile among the reckless and indifferent Q'f tlfe- v,or ets were freely offered and accepted on u0a nta." or orivat. i 1 7 1 at Tim or at tnn etrnot ha mr owna ispenses hospitality to every American in ,hnm i. ,-f filf. rtii u-i,, and foreigner, and especially to Canform- and then hastened away. . , . ' I rrhn novf miriirir r - 4lA l -v".. x tiv u v .k u uiviiuu auuta tub iuc uuui be imagined. At-5 IM s ,th1oa?s'e,r' ,fcMf?r make it appear to her thst his violation! journalism, "Cuing anrbody I 1 cannot be surmounted. With the humble of arVfcIlLcr tLe knavcry or carder- Jable 1(r'r, rlergyma'a or edit ,jo, there is perpetual peace. it once bought ncsa of otLer- or a(lmiible procoilnres: Tcar in. ii? worth twice tanht. AV ords mav bass .... i. il The actions of the Countess de Montij better known as the mother of tho ex-Era her life that they secure a languid attcn-l A mn ia Xcw Oilcans altcJcJ that lion. Iter lover or nusoana can ea.iy . ,e w,n tuition in law, reiigioa aoa iteccnie tn lor ia ons erican was ever hard pressed for money without jlr.! Jleiggs coming to his rescue, with means to go to orld he might desire.- His Quinta," or private dwelling house, is sit uated in the midst of sixty acres of pleas ure grounds, filled with the rarest fruits and flowers. ; is worth twico taught. ords may pass I , ;r c,lrt . 7a tn i i,. :n press Eugenie, against the press all over bnt blows fall heavily. Yielding tempers off(,nBC sh( fesort lQ connivance'ralLf r the reult i he meeting took idaeo one afternoon in Aiigiiht. The day was Friday. The little t'Uy was bursting with excitement. Loner "cioro tiio hour for the hostile parties to committee ot JNevada miners are CT(,S! the li ver, crowds of excited men lined I codifying the laws of poker. announced a person wno was inquiring lor F.irono for 1H.p1 n still arm on Th nnc.fc rtmpnt. Youth 5 tbe iu..iKnn Monsieur Maseali j ho had a small package bave met w;th4noch less succesl in the prov- for improvement. Zcno, of all virtues, nn ni.u, au -""ww Auaiuc ui tu.3 iUcesthan in Tans. Hamaea were laid at made his choice of silence. was written: 10,000 francs, and in Paris 1,500 francs "l wo nanarea lonis a or constitute the were recovered, but the country courts' whole of my present fortune; one hundred generally give but 100 francs or 200 francs. There is this difference between bappi- 1 send lor vour use." "liinsE." An the package contained a hundred , louis tVor. . The sum thus obtained sufficed to snp-1 damages. crally tho greatest fool. than divorce. Jessica planders ber fath er, and then calls out to her lover: IIere, catch this caskctj it is worth the price. True joy is a serene, sober emotion; and i. - -. . ... . . i i i- i I lift court ftf Pnvas. wliem th nroenr.ator nesf and wi.sdom : he thnt thinkn lifn.uif I thev are tniserabJV out lliai laae lansruin? I proposed to dismiss the action, gave only 25 the happiest inan, really is happy; bnt he J for rejoicing; the scat of it is within, and J the f-Kiety r.nnoc.. nryA of T-t M t --a tt,o '..tro -to .-r. I n l,n iVSnta l,t-iorl f tt,. i j rror.- I tfil-rA i tin fhcCrf 111 nCS like the rCS-dOtiOll I prOlIlgary. 1 1 Cklya . . V. . aU UlilVlO .U I VI VI L VJ TAV V. 1 . .a 'a aJ . . . UU W. 1 S7V O . ...tI, .aat.. . of a brave mind. A Chicago artiat hai painted a pictoro of bell, representing finners io a lake of buminij bntat!one. lledfjres to u to some evangelist to be CMplaycM ia re vival meeting. , The nianarrcr of the San IVanciaoo IV- nevolent Aasfxrialion ia accused of stealing money, and spending it ta He ba.1 kept op a pretence I of piety, and was an do-iocat exhorter.

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