111 2f ? i Published by J. H. & G. G. My rover. Comer Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteville, N. C. VOL. 4 NO. 25.1 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1877. WHOLE O. 179. ! i 'a IF.I 1!1 III III III M 111 North Carolina Gazette. . 1 . : ' 1 1 j J. II. & G. U. MYIIOVEK, - ! I"" viTollfiiliox-iS. TERM'S of sunscnii'Tiox On a year (in advance), Six inont Im " ...... 'llireo "1 " f-2 00 100 50 j:,ati:s or .-wrnnTisiXG: 0n miiiaro (! ""'''1 iininreil)iieiuHertHB 5 1 00 m " " two " 1 t , " ' one month 2M .. " " three " 5 00 .1 ! " " K1X " 3 oo ,. .. .. ' twelve " 15 00 Lnri2er a'lverlinenietiM fiharkinil in rojni-t iin to the almvx rt. SjM-i ial tmlicf a.'i per cent, more, tlian I ruUr ailvirtiHeiiii'iitM. I Home Circle. Home is the Mired refuse of our life. Vrydrp. bis guilt, lie, like a true lawyer, did Lis best for him. Not daring to take bis trial on the merits of tlie case, he succeeded in establishing the noiyunsdiction of the court, and locating the crime in Canada. The criminal, for such everybody believed lmn to be, was therefore set at liberty, when he was threatened with violence if he did not leaye the country. He refused, saying he was innocent, and would not stir until he was vindicated. "While a movement was being organized to put these threats into execution, an offi cer arrived from Canada with a requisi tion, and lie was taken across the line for trial. The trial was the most remarkable ever held in Canada. The ablest counsel, both of Canada and New York, were en caged, for the prisoner, and by postponing the trial tor nearly a year, spiriting away some of the most important witnesses of the prosecution, and other ingenious but ouestionable devices, they succeeded in Gluttoxs. Fuller in his "Worthies," states that one Nicholas Wood, of Harri son, in Kent, ate a whole slieep raw, cost ing 16s- a good sum in those days at one meal, and at another time thirty dozen of pigeons. At feir Sidney s, in the same county, he ate as many victuals as would have served thirty men. At Lord Woot on's mansion, in Kent, he devoured at one dinner eighty-four rabbits, which, by com putation of half a rabbit to each man, would have served 1G8 men.v He once ate for his breakfast eighteen yards of black pud ding. Isav, Fuller even asserts that he devoured a whole bog at one sitting, with three pecks of damsons. A counseller-at-law, in the reign of Charles II., of the name ofMallett, eat atone time, an ordinary dinner provided in Westminster for thirty men, at 1 From the New York Sun. WAGNER AND TAXDERBILT. now the Talace Car Was Introduced on the Commodore's Kail roads. 1 . ''Did you ever hear how Wagner got his cars on Vanderbilt's roadf' asked one gentleman of another the; other dav, as SAVED FROM ASHTABULA. A Remarkable Escape from Death Why 31r. Fecse Did Not Take thcjlll-Fatea Train. The Belleview (Ohio) X cirs gives a singular account of the epeapo of a- well known citizen of that section from two ter- JIAKIE LE MAXACUS DEATH. A Tragedy Traced from a Ileal in the Taris . Morgue. Pari, Jan. 5. Napolron I. In 1614 it as remoTcd by the Allied l'ower uLcu lley entered lLo city, which was one of the littlest and tnoft contemptible tL:rtr imaginable. Bat, be it f iM to lie credit of the toll French people, a Mxm as joiMc tier bad it re- TLe case of the woman cut in piece has plCcd. If an v one doubU lie Jcrc.ri.n rible railroad disasters. The narrative is thev were being whirled along in one of as follows: Mr. Fcese is well-known over this whole section of country, and es ccmed for cam family, wife and two children. At that ! time thev had been on a visit to friends 5 ft 1 ' . . ', .t . f. I ."' in lennsyivar.ia, ana iook t he cars at r.ne i,c lliC ,7ea.- of Mar;c 1e Manarb, the on iiieir way home, lie aui men a Mrange ,.:-... of i, '!ln. cf .uc t0, n 0f V,r. i.it :.. .. ..i '- & twnnv ni? PinPnWTiNTIAl HilWMPtf producing a disagreement of the jury, and A OlUlll Ul" uiUUUlUJliiMimiJ UMumiuu. fihanv brought abot; Many citizens of (he State of Xew York will remember the excitement created dur iti" thelsnmmer f-lS5G by what was gen erally ciil led "The Woatherwax Murder.'' The ni Test, tin; legal Controversy concern inir jui'iHlietiou, the, final trial, and the h(vl of I dissatisfaction which followed the final acquittal, -are matters not easily for gott'eii by those who then resided near the MTiie of; tragedy. . The circumstances of the case are sub it.'inti.i'.tv as -..follows: ("apt. John G. Weathcrwax resided, in 1S5G, near the vil- bont an acquittal, after eighteen months of imprisonment. The community felt greatlv outraged by the result, and the press teemed with denunci ations of those who thus conspired to cheat justice. His own counsel, wishing to reT pair as much as possible the wrong they supposed they had done society by rescu ing a criminal from a just fate, advised him to llee the country, .. and under another name strive by a better life to repay soci ety fur its tolerance in suffering him to live. All such advice the wretched man failed to heed, and returned to his old home, de claring his purpose to remain there until disinclination to go seized him, that Lis mind was weigiied down with an impres sion of some impending calamity. He 1 ...... ,.C l'l.itlolmrrr .HUTU 'l ' i.ui.imh X.-Y. He wn6 a man the cloud was jjfted from his former good of ir"d 'character, oik; of a numerous fam ily" of the same mime, the settlement-being known for miles around as the Weather wiix settlement. Capt. WeatherwaX was, at the time of which we write, about thir ty vars of aire, ami the owner of a small Iike Champlain, tra- , Vermont and Cana shore of the Lake. The crew of this vessel consisted of him- m If; hislcoiisin, Andrew Wcatherwax, and : iii.fu tiiaiiied Walter I'.rowii, In the lat itr part if .June, 1S."G, he left lMattsbnrg with a ciir.;o for C;iiiad;i, and on his way. buck ftoippfd :.t l'ike liver 'landing, on the Canad:i Msore, when.' ho was. to take on a cip'o ff Wood for I'lattsburg. During the emit w hich plied '.:i liii'' with ?ew oik d.i tow us along the l.iy, w hue the w oou w as neing raium on I'ojtiil, a Jsharp quarrel ,'irose between Capt. WeathnwaK and his cousin Andrew, and mutual tl:r :its w ere indulged in. It was Mtoii ovuy however, I ait. as Andrew had lifetime intoxicated, "ho was rather mjorosi- dminir tli'i entire day. So far, t veivthing is plain and mnli'VMoiul: but here the mvhterv bt! and what follows is largely based the statements of the third party, " r.iowu. i He states that after dark ni 'lit was very clf.udv and starless) 1; stiiiidingi on the . rear of the boatJ h"ard tlul captain and his cousin, who1 at the bmv, resume the'unarrcl of the If .ti"ioil!v inn-eased in violence, tltreats well' exchanged, and, although he could si c neither of the parties, he could .hear1 distinctly all that passed. The wordy war waxed butter and hotter, and suddenly lu; heard a crash as of a blow crushing through skull ami brain, succeeded by u heavy fall; Mid as suddenly all was still. ; .The "man listened with bated breath, lurd tiembli'd; Lis first impulse was to rush . . 1 1 P i. 1 - 1 name, rmt tuougn savea irom me gai lows he did not escape punishment. The brand of Cain was upon him. Everybody believed him guilty; his old neighbors and friends avoided him; he was pointed-out as a murderer, and Tris supposed crime was even hooted in his ears many times as he passed through the crowds in the public stceets. ' : Thus the unhappy . man passed eleven years of his life, submitting quietly and meekly to-, flic aspersions cast upon him, and waiting patiently for Ins vindication. His loss of character brought with it loss of property; business men shunned him; the better avenues of trade and commerce were closed against him, and he became almost reduced to beggary. But amid all those misfortunes he was still hopeful. those luxurious coaches over the Hudson lliver Railroad. j "Xo." '' i "Well, as stories about the dead Com modore are in order, I will tell you. Long before Wagner ever dreamed of being a State Senator he was station agent at Pal atine Bridge. AYhile thus employed he each, what at that time was had the happv thouVht of ! building "these sufficient to procure an excellent dinner. cars. Inducing three others to join him, liis practice being insufficient to supply he formed a company and altered an old ...:o. l , f..l 11., t.t '.. t. .1 piuii vi n ...uiw.iu.uiwi.uo cu gcufiawv u.i car over w a mcu w ine pan- thon-ht the impulse without reason and offals on livers, hearts, &c. He lived to ers paid in one-half of his subscription to ,iC M n()t Ucwl Qr n v n mncr civmt ruiri nt urro onil trr ttio loaf oa.i- I v V n a . ' . . i 1 " V,lutai Ul . " , " f . He bad a waking dream, not lonf men of n a that could eat a whole sneep at a single I thirifflwas to ret permission to run it on meal, the King inquired what he could do the Commodore's roads. Mr. Wagr.er in aiiy other way, more than another man! went to Xew York. lie first called on William II. Yanderbilt, who at that time did not have so much to say about the management of the roads a he has ha 1 that eats as much as twenty men, and fur the last four or five years. He listen ed to Wagner's description of his new car, i . l. . l.., ;.-l, j" jTl i :.i .1" !!. , i, " 'o-'i endeavoring to -create a iamtne in the hm lt waa 110 use for Lira to see the Com- ftnl Uicr miu.r ujne of a j:fe. piace wueie ue uv nioaore, as ne was fatiriieu me oiu man nf ti!niwri,t w.:1s .....-.i ;n nn would have nothing- to do with lt. He Lt ', i.:- ... n Sexatou ATE AXD Staxtox. Ihe told him, however, to go ahead and fit up water breathe he must or Porirh once more verified the sagacity of the of tLe French j'peojdc to the came cf Xa Paris detective police. One morning nil jxdeon, let Lira repair la Ven dome Paris was startled by 'tie finding in the on the morning cf 4tl.e l.irtb-iav cf Xano Seine of the fragments of a woman, tied Icon. Ye, let no one uv tLe rtn "lL up in two packages and attached to f tone, popular, for there rcti u ill f(n lie tKitt lor and the police Kt themsclvca to work to L.f erenP mIt.a!l in .closer, onUl tnu-e out the murderer. TLe ufijrureI I there is nn t,!ri Ia l.sn ill and integrity.. It villi Lc remembered mat .Mr. i eese passed tarongli a similar h,,orn of u, ija:. 0hC tlf .le tun. ,i " ... r . . ' . V m mm . m m ------- - -v v - im- m m. m ftl ia m i m a A A K calamity a lew years ag, losing ins entire l .. i !.;... .r u.ll.-nr :t ' - t i ....... ... , u wv u.w ibll m calico. It was exposed for some lay in tl are pi!-, wLicb extend even out loto the e Morgue, on 1 at length prove i to Utrc, :; u nr there tc rart-loadt nvonU liellange was an inditstriuas bLocmaker, Lnt Lis v.ife was noted fvr Icr dirdcriy conduct. Slio made frequent visit to Par.s, and wlcn tie shoemaker died, Icat le nothing. It n iLuti-lt that tlrv ou!d Lave to put a deck on the rtktoo. as the vast nutUr ct.c-jtfol.crcl the ',rcrt. Here cn Plae n !,-u? a LraM land play every Thurfi '.sy ifumonn. from to Coclork, l.i- h alay cdlcxl a large ,ot. Bitty years ot age ana lor t tie last the i capital stock, and, as agiier was no 'nc il0(l a wakinfJ dream, not len- en years ate as moderately as other a rich man at that time, it took about all i,cfore wlicrc.;n he saw lis wife and chit henaman or ra her a monster he was worth. dreu lving in cofiins in aj chnrch, .18 dis- mtnre was presented to King James I ell, after the car was bn.lt, the nest th)ct a'R(l vi vid as thongl real, vet be was When answered that he could much "Hang him, then," said ar do so mon- h. "for it. is nnfir, a'-man should live not the J wmm V 1 I 7 i . Am. A K 1 tt B.KZ BtVA. KM mV mm s. kt wnic nwaKc. 1 ins was lss-igned as a rca- ivjng i, a, Lusband and wife. The son for his feelings, and he whole thing clcrj. Bjlloir, the tain now acrus-Nl cf seemca 100 nnreasotiai.ie ior a wusune I lllUr,i,:r , an cx-svrgrant i: the arinv , a Lro- . ,1. lV. , i . . . . r kctwlown man, with what little intellect lie Lad ruined by the abuse of aWintLc. He was one of thof c unfortunate creitnren who think that thev were brn for Letter iugLcr a few hundred dollar, iLe went rroad. (a th: p'.acp ala xla Lc faud. to i ne capital 10 Jive, ua applying m an at cvnuin Mmi T tLe rear, a tutn La inieiiigenco o: with the clerk, who learned that the had mUvr Liia to Lave Li tt Kkkrne on tlii M ure. How ttmtl time 1 Late a4- with his little boy asleep! in Lis lap, Lt felt a sudden jerk and jar. and immediate ly found himself under water, with Lis head fastened fo l.e could not move it. fl on tlit place, looking at Li diagrams drawn in chalk cn the leatiuful psvrtnrtit pay tea cent, I ouLl lk telorope ao 1 aik t taioy question If Iwoul l e 1 ft. It as uo:i!j rm!i twe, jnt u Ltar Lia wULed rr la'.ivcto Li Wr!l-dra a iia;rrxro. Virginia City, Nevada, Enterprise relates I his car, put it on the road, and wait until yr tLing, who envy the neb, yet Lave not v.rv inuUigt t.t ancr. An l.t-r tLe-bv. tne energy to earn a living, ne wore me (iryoa will allw turn in uigre) ilere ar ribbon of the military tnedil, nnd was three cf those namtnotb uU mi cilib knor.ti at the cafe whirl bo fmintntel itsl in PajI one at Placed UCc.jwt4e, with Li niiflrea as the tkrvrt. I Yrnd .me iit d at Pont Xrtaf ftiew l.ndro : - -'.r fi , bat the following anecdote of the late Senator Nye: "Nye went, to Secretary Stanton once to make a petition for some dead sol diers' orphans. It was in the darkest days of the war. Stanton said : 'I -have not ,vhii time, Mi Isve, to see to what a 9 take -time,' you want 51 r. Secretary,' the old srentieman saw it. assuring U m that he would soon hear from him whi he did. " agner acted on the hint, the car wr.s put on. and made several trips before the I Commodore espied it J When he did, he gave it a critical examination, and then M ami In Monif I, h I1 fmtii llinl'IM.. 1 .1. . - . . 1 were woiui ine euoriiauu, mar.ing one choerri.ikcr nniotintt-l to aUmt CQ cent a ii r .-..r,- :ii:M, more almost surrhuman struggle hh head laV t(, v,i;Jcll uajt Ut!dcd the wages eanKl l tU u.t like lMaoe VtbmU: it La. ly betvelf. Having this before Lim, Uil- r.a t:vi OT finv v:tJ.i t,r r,r-rMLr l. . t f i i i . . .. was freed. Tlen seizing something alove He was told that it belonged to?dr. ag ner, and was being ran sis an experiment. Wagner was sent for immediately". When 'appose vou said Xve. 'You are unreasonable, Mr. asked whose it was, and how it came there. Xve, in 'pressing such a thing here at this time,' said Stanton. 'Permit me to say that von are the unreasonable man.' answered Nye. 'If you were not a United he came, he found the old Commodore in ft. I - a i towering passion. ' hat business have you to put a car on my roat witliout per- ag- be had did not 'Take 14-1 1 V II i nn i.tM Tiiiiii n ii'i n i i,tif mill ro ii.i .tir I " , : ........... ......v... Io,r coa,(1 nol kccj, ltj0 r,ace OI cu.fK , fcii!ct. V v xviz aic l.mU vrr clow. r ami up, just as a man wan passing with a an inu-Hi.,, eCicc, which was Ur;C3t'.i rather julmn-. f.'.nr tw rr-nt or an lautein ti a log across 1&0 stream partly Lis dignity, and Lc therefore t nP as a cctsgon,diidl in Lalf, with roloua Vea- weighed down by toe wreck. 1 he wan rr(fVr. He .tlso Lad a ptnon cf about dome in the centre. There are no exclaimed on seeing him,! "breat Uod, n l ronr rrn(s ,rv. At id-ht P.i'.loir ami ,n.i;nri ;t d,,ib ti ..,. u.u vou gel o:tt ol meres Stater. Senator I should savAhat you were very impertinent,' said Stanton, haughtily H vou were not a great Secretary i should l mission; w as his first salutation be tempted to sa- that yon are making a ner explained the arrangement d nd fool of voursdf,' replied the old made with William H., but this 1 litis matters stood till the early part of Grav Eagle, with his eves blazing. Stan- seem to nmlliiY the . Commodore asily gins. upon alter (the s was and were October, 1S67, when a man clothed in the garb of a sailor made his appearance in the village of Plattsburg, ami inquired fr Capt. John Weatherw aX. The latter was i ust then entering the post office, where a considerable crowd had collected, waiting the distribution of the. mail, and was point ed out to the inquiring stranger, lie made your car off the road immediately he said; 'I'll show vou that I am boss of this road.' ton looked at him a moment, and then, softening, said, 'Maybe I am, Jim who 1 a ' 1.11,11 a. t rrtij i lil -,.- I Know s; come insoe anil ien me r.u anoiu i ms was a naru mow ior ' agntr as thev camrt ncrr the it. ior,v, iei, my ioy, you are growing he had invested all ne liaa in tins exnen sensible,' said Nye, and the business was quieidy settled7 ment, and he turned .away with a heavy I heart. As he wasleavir. The Tovrx. of Dwakfs. his way toward him, laid his hand famil- xw L0,ulon Times describes iarlv on his shoulder, and exclaimed: "How are vou, John!" John looked at him a moment in be- A the writer in effect of spoke, saying: 'How many excessive intermarriage on the inhabitants the Commodore cars have you gt like thit-f Av agner explained that l(p had two or three more on the it-i-L-c. tliit- if- n irf-,r ctilflr lAlnillnr .ll'Jlh, .11L. lb II Uk II JUllIb VMIUUlll I , Totally unnerved he could do or say nothing; Lis presenti ment had become a tcrrfbie reality. A bridge had given away a their train was pacing, and the car they were in Lad turned over, and the one nest behind Lad falUn on top of it. HUipoor wife was fastened down with a bean, so that her body could not be recovered until the wreck had been partially bodies of his children wero of the car, but near togetlkr, appearing as iChad some one been there to aid them as surface thev might have been saved. At thp funeral every feature of h;s waking dreum was there just as he had seen it days be fine; and Lc then hi' pa rcsoieo mat, ii eet such impressious again hi.' tiiii-trcsr, frequented the Cafe ChatlcF, parJ. lt a ibis umc Colanm Vn loue where the latter vou noted as a slattern. tLal the minralde rubble, or KeJ Ilrpab .Suddenly tic two disappeaml, but liOlL. i;cans t f Paris blew np at tLe clcof tbo ing was "thought of it until Saturday, wLcn last ttsr t,f the Pn-cb will the Pm4aB, the illustrated papers came out will cut of tU ;t Los a'i let n replace!. the "woman cut m pieces. Place de (Iteve U tot largv, and U an 1 ho ret is told in ihlloira con:es;on to the police, as follows: land was o:;ilthe nigu cf Najdcrtn,oneof "Bilb.sr Lad l-een deceived by the wo- j tjjC pniallett itiareR, but Le Lad a cLnrcb man lJellange with respect to Ltr fortune, ond nnRV Lum aronud Hotel lc Ville for instead of having an income of 50 cents lorn towa u cuUr to Lave a fine t'txre. cf Hotel de avor i tla of London is to Knghnd. Jut & all thtwj buildinga -tr tnrn ilrt't-ti ntnl -.rvl hi n 19 rei In tm li olved that if ever the Subject Of ,..,, r.r.i,. find mot. nxn .F Lor rroaiiH. I ..t r,-,A.l t. l"m,w.tva'- bo should regard ,i r..o,.l,...l hnrnn vrrv drunk Tl i." lir.it Z t .1 i . r i' ? 1 i'l i fc w . v v v v. uw .v.. " " . - - - - I :t II lilit I Li: V.M.I I il til I.IIL' Uii'I. Kill! vl removed. The found ouli-ide per diem hc was f-penUing o mucu per Lirautify tho icuutv diem of her small capital. She got to the Ville, wLicb i the re.dencc cf the M last of it a few tuontus agv. Evidently t f Paris, uLcse po'itical iratrtacoe something bad to le done, ucithcr Laving I K;ltnc ns that cf the Lord Mayor anv work, and thev began to look for . 1 he woman went to the mteUi- of Brotes, a little town in the province of and that they would be ruined if they Santander. Snar.i. Until eiftiteen or nine- could not make an ' arrangement to run day. wildcrment, gave a suppressed scream, and teen years ago the village was quite shut their cars on the road. 'Well,' said the , j (ctenn-,ned io t'hotac on Saturday replied : "Great Heavens! has it come at last?'' Turning to the crowd in the post office, which had by this time become interested, he said "Cent lenien, my vindication has at last come. Tor eleven years I have borne your reproaches in silence, hoping and praying for this hour. I his is mv cousin Andrew, for whose murder 1 have suffered a punish off from the rest of the world. Its inhabi- Commodore, 'you can tell the other parties tants, from their ever-recurring intermar- that I will take -their stock off their hands liage, had become quite a race of dwarfs, for what they have paid on it. The soon On market days the priests might be seen, er you attend to this the better it will be with long black coats and high black hats, riding in to purchase the simple provision for the week's consumption men of little ! intelligence and no loanin g-, sprung from stooping to pick rrvavl. and offer assistance to the wounded ment 'many times worse than death." in .in, but fear restrained him, and he 'await-- The men stared at each other, and at cd the result. In a few minutes the cap tain (Minoj. aft, but he was alone. Urown notice. 1, iu thought he did, that he was V the lowest rank's. About eiguteen years ago the Callician laborer;?, or Gallegoes, fiom "mines of Callicia, swarmed into the tow n for lodgings, etc., and since their multiply it by four; yon can keep ior vou. &o, imiry up now. - I get a pass over the road, rjid then several v agner &iw me point ana in asunu ?; h attempted to write for it, and as UH.y.1 lOllllL till lliC ICU Ol lilt stock and taken it to the Commodore. 'Let's see said he; 'how much did you say the capital stocK ol your coirpany is: told him. 'Well, I them at anv sacnlice. lti the meantime .t, ax a a . i.ro-A- n r.h .blnkinrr .i... ...,i i - .v . .a -i 11 .dr. I eese had man ted again, laking his Ulass whicli Lo cherished as a foavenir. hLe rnbbi and erect x i-torv oat family, he went this last fall to visit the ue tlirnc,i round, furious witb rage, and nf cloth, leather and wood . fcicl were at Centennial and Pennsylvania fnenos. He ?ave licr a vigorons kick jmtj 83 the was natural looking as th fi rj . the pieces of glass. LoiLling that now n their place. ft" Place de Greve i lcantiralf gay foarc. and Some of the fit coffet-bouwa m Pari are for tiitnateilo this Kiunre. It Laa fine .Lada concoct- trtejt mc1oo to Notre Dame, and if lound iv me nver, ana irom u n in.go crosses lufc ivcr. are Licb rtJTftl Of Aa ilil7 iuemi Us fout gtn;ck Ijor ,n lllC i,Ua:-t, the here to that effect. Iod0 so they must hcavily, gasped two or three times, take No. 5 into Cleveland Friday night. i,rc:1thed no more, llilloir remained By making proper application Le could ontv-f.nir Lours with the lodv. ing plans, as far as Lis besotted intellect j oa fte south would tierinit. f..r evadin? human iustlCC. J Aeaotifal iron often a strange impulse seized Lim that be q lue ond dav Le res4dvtd to cut ie This i a very public fuare, and on it a had better not. As the time approached hly to picci.g. jn Li.s coal bin Le fmd a formed many of the procewon wli same presentiinrnt came over iox cf fawdust. and, spreading on lUe marcb through the pnnnpal "Wagnei gue vas eonaiiy perpiexeu, ior me actions oi both parties were to him incomprehensible , ' 1 I I ... 4... ...... . 1,.-..... mm H'xcueo. x ui umiuii nine lucic was a iutpusmou N'othiu" w as said about the onarrel, and to regard the new comer as an impostor, the two men soon retired Brown', howev- who had been brought forward to relieve er, couhl inot banish from his mind thelim- Capt. Weatherwax cf. the disgrace that prcsshm that a serious crime hail been com- had attached to him; bat his identity was mitted. lie arose earl v and visited the spot soon established beyond question, and the where the altercation took place, aud found interest "in the ease deepened, thousands Andrew's hat and near it drops of blood, coming from all parts of the State to see the sailor, stupefied with wonder, : Andrew colonization Ihe population has increased in strength, stature, education, intellect and morality. Their intellect, also, has away improved intellect which had been j "And that wa stunted, dwarled and ruined by their Ire- ner s prosperity. fourth, and I'll take the balance, am we'll build some more of them cars right . 1:1,11 a5 Le fcU before; Lena-, in accordance p. i1P !. U,dv ot,.n a Z0r, laris on certaia fete dav. TLia ancleot. ee"- one- W'1 n'ut"lon "tiling could Lave frctrrg ihc vertebra;" apart with a hammer J fpjcn lid building (Hotel de Ville) wa al- md chisel. He then mppc.i iuc pano i ueiroyea uy lue iiei liepan.icaoa uor- the beginning of Wag-To-day he is a rich man. quent intermarriages Still he did not mention; his suspicions to any one. nor make iinv lnuuuics coticern- imr the luissinu man. It seems that he was by nature exceedingly timid, the 'man who had apparently risen from the dead. - The account which Andrew gave of him- md self was that he loft the boat on that event- shrank from the responsibility of charging ful evening after the quarrel, wandered m- a until with so serious a crime, and from the nublieitv which the position of a nros- landing, became engaged in a fight and l j a; ' . iciitor would C0inicl him to assume, j was arrested. In the morning he was The boat proceeded to Plattsbnrg, hnd brought before a' magistrate aud fined, but when Andrew 's relatives made inquiries for 1 having no tnonev, . and being still angry him, the captain professed entire ignorance w ith his cousin, he could not go to him for of his whereaboutSj-saving that he had licit aid, and w as on the point of being taken Lim at Pike river without -notification, find to jail, when a stranger in the audience - gone he knew not whither. - I came forw ard and offered to pay his fine if 'Matters rested m this state until eight he would engage to sail with himr his ves or ten davs after the occurrence, wbeln a sel then lviug at Montreal, lie consent a body w,as taken from the river at the i dentical place where Captain Weather wax's boat had been moored on the fdtaV night. The body,, gave evidence of hav ing met death by violence, as the skull was crushed as by a blow from some heavy j instrument. A investigation was held, ed, and the nest day they sailed for Chi na; and for eleven years he had followed the sea, and never once communicated with his relatives. He now heard for the first time what one of them had suffered on his account. The matter of the blood and his hat. The Diritto of Rome tells of a pious rustic who was so moved by phuauturopic motives that he made daily visits to the Santo Spirito Hospital for the evident pur pose of soothing the patients with cousol iriiT words, and performing kindlv little v. J f m services for them, such as' smoothing their pillows aud re-arranging the contents of the bedside tables. lie was received as a privileged person by the officials of the hospital, of w Inch he had the unquestioned entree, even at irregular hours. I here soon arose a grievance among the sick and maimed, a grievance of so delicate a na ture that the officials' became gravely. so licitous for the good name of the hospital staff. Day aft-er day complaints of thefts were made by several patients who lost trinkets, money and. other valuables. A detective was instructed to take the case in baud, and one afternoon the thief was The old Commodore saw what a necessity these cars were destined to become, and took his own way to get control of them. For every dollar Wagner has made out of them, the Commodore niado three." 1 1 persuaded him to come that way. They l I .i r ...... i : .1 i.i: i itiereiuie miiiicii iiuu cuiiit i, iiuu came around bv Wheeling at a much rreatcr outlay of time and money. When at Wheeling he read an account of the awful fate he had escaped To attempt an ex- ' plauation of this were vain. e can only say there are stranger things in this world i than were ever dreamed of in our pbiLso- un in compact bjidhvt ald carried them jng the btt war cf tie Frcocl with tlo two mile lo tU Seine. Prussians. There U a ntort leaatiful lit- Correspondence. rua Hi oxxztl ptiy. The Cheat Napoleo Courage. Absorption of mind in Vattle or in other circumstances of dagger prevents the en trance of fear. The lirst Napoleon, it is The E leg a xt Makquis De Saixt, Geokges. Every one remembers the beautiful hfdr of the witty and elegant Marquis de Saint-Georges, who died last said, was so attentive to tie direction of 1 ... I.. . .1.1- -11. -1 winter. .M. lilugene Uhapns enlightens his battle tuai ins lama u.ii no pmcc in us upon this subject in an article in the j it for apprehensions about himself. Sport. lie thought tnat a society man writer in NOTES OF LTuOPEAX THAYEL xi nr. r.it cv. Mr-ssns. Editors: The r.cxltqtiare or -Itle place callel iit. Jan.c Place (PlaxeL Jacquc-fi which ta do Larger loan the City Park, New York, but it U a raou cLarta ing p jK-t. TLi pUce u cear Hotel da Ville, and Las in it centre one of the tuott beautiful GoiLic tow era I Lave ever toax. TLiatdwcr llong-d to SL Ja-TJe" church, aud w Leu tie church, will oiler baildiaga, was torn dow n to make improvement. lb tower wsi left, and ainnalu rcJ ajtotuaVo tie K-aniifiil pirco of arcLitrctorc it oowr . 1 . T ....11 . 1 1 f.ii iil-itit & f '.'it tif n . dome. This place, instead of bciug a cxt tf t of lloUl de ulo u a ooU iuarc, is of an octagon form, an I around it cuarming riac.-t t "..,v.4 .rva cu, " . .... I 1 1 t v,. I, I'.it II ii.iiiiim li t,it,n'i r.. I. H r..nr.t.iri l.niwn liUil.ImfT Ol an l - - , - :7 - should never be aged, even when he reach ed old age. It is well known to what an art he ar rived in the arrangement of his own wig. It was such a miraclo of ingenuity that 'Const sit nations being des shot and si w hile he, caught in the act. try man. It was the pious coun- even the most intimate friends, those who j fortune saw him every Gay, maa$ bets M ueincr Ul,le to M liat was passing j at bis elbow, or not he wore a wig How could it be At Hanau. while he was giving fiome di- otherwise? M. jle Saint-Georges had three rections, a shell fell quite) closo to Lim. He iaui no attention to Hf and no one pntirel v different at vie of architecture from freqded by nurses with waall c.udrca JXtKh-u-oxl rays 01, hini : . ,. . , A tLcse Lun.lia s tLat but few grow n people ever Irr Vimt antly we read of lim standing in arc cnM for government ..urposea. t. -uw e are l l5 w.cc laaasa i..a where Lis rtaU and others were There are onlv two Mrects tlat let into iLu caiiea ' troyed close to Lim, and where n1,rv nnfl nf :. vx,.. ,i.e renowucd line de and olhrr ir.wn(: w t:e circcia!, aa-t icll were falling profusely about; j. v'-.- Ti,;, ;, one cf tLe most notcl bere they w ere left to rcm-ja w ;tLt ILo Eurveying and contemplating the for Lltcrjn- En-liuu-n and Am- a al lJUt..lL0.0.lJ i,f il,A tud. ivin nbunbit.-lv ni,.n. - ti v.... ,i. ;n In. rrntro cuinU ami raw aay. ui lue Difu.e, mrnrn-. - - w - I 01 1"1 Tl I 1 111 IT W ITUVIUUIV w m m w m, m wigs which he wore during the course of and that some of the blood had probably ;befcfrequentlv fallen npon the deck; the hat he tossed up- on the deck when he decided to go out in a i? and the captaiu.of a vessel lying ueaii to which, it will be feuiembered, was found Cant. Weatbcrwax's on the night in qules- on the deck, he explained by stating that lion recognized the body as that of a nian 1 he had had the nose-bleed during the day, he had seen employed on Veatherwai boiit.rfind ho distinctly, heard cath Max's voice in the quarrel. Gf course suspicion w as at once directed to Weatherwax, and as ho could give ho Niti.xfactory explanation of his cousin's dls "ppeanir.ee he was arrested. The prelim inary examination lasted for nine days, aud produced great excitement, but resulted in his being remanded to jail to take his trial M the 'next term of tho court for mut- i . . w "it a a t . x i . . . vi. xuv eaiuerw axes inen occaiue .u larincd. Tew of them doubted his guilt indeed, nothing could seem more certain: but they were not willing that the uamd 'hiuihl be disgraced by one of them dving; M the hands of the hangman, so thev con- tnt like everything i lc, waa ob'.'geJ to Lava fence In tic centre cf au tn,' tvT rrcncl revolution rpt it be column, of Vcndome, f'" lle ''f tlLe ea.n!,I.T,1 a lu d in commemoration at place e fina Culor.ne de Jcwict (Ulmaa oi juiy.j iicrc i a gTvai, open fpace, idw wbicli fire large atrccti ctipty thnr boy througn. On tl: tonarc arc vat num bers of Lome ties! n at an-1 Lime tree, Bo ttle love I l!flir thit nf fh cprond a little lnmwr. I: i vIl A.. ,. 1 '. . i ........ I tier wbicb treca one can vam tie ray fart ir rrn i t i . . .i i 7 " ...v. -""b-i iu" us uiinuitriK.. .L.vr.tvy.. v..i "v i ra.t conl6ls OI mar uumtan uii i,tvii-i . . . . o t aHall. ilie tau Was Lis COUSin, tlie arM 1ih On'nl a little lontrpr xrt-i m ijtDbmtn Ikiua lmun nn'on llitt tlinrn oi-rr I . r .1. 1 1 . . . I I t 1 1. f. f'.-rnrw.n tA t,l--ilE tl r. O tLp rt-ti- -i: . c i- i .1, r. . . ' .i : i nvn rauiiuii u.iu iiuiit iuc i .- .. 61UJuiaie as nearly a possible the natural Lad been anv danger. The eccentric voung King of Bavaria has, like other mortals, had Lis little love every month. The first from the 1st to j.ire to interrupt his speech; but those a- tne iUtti, tne second irom the lUtn to tne bout Lim hardly breathed while they a- and the thml irom the 20tu ' to tlie united the exnlosion. Tho uiiasile ier.e- That of the iirst decade had short 1 trated so far into the pround that its burst- 20th, 30th. anpiareof ICO feet, wLich iscr.doted witl a fubftantial iron tlii npiaro rises the which was erected certain great battles that were fought by Xanoleou I. Tho column is 13 1 feet high and 12 feet in diameter; it U constructed of Lrass, and the metal from w Licb it wa the evening. The identification of the body found, the quarrel, the blow, aud the voice of A eath- erwas nearu aunng tne altercation are 1 T-t. mysteries never expiaiuea. x erjury can iiever be alleged, but there was certainlv Criminal looseness in the. judgment which embittered the best vears of an innocent traction was her .cleverness as an amateur ginger and actress. During their betrothal g Jlsa in costume to the and the day was bright and happy. But the Princess was extrav agantly fond of dried fruit, which the King abominates as lie does politics, lie beg ged her to cease eating such food. She re fused. 1 he "fairy Prince threw her mar- .i a t i j . 1 1 growth oi hair. Ai ine en. ol the ixiomu .At the paAsage of tLe Ellc viCn a lUVe nevcr Lad an opportunity "c "uu,u v-uiii p icLi ti iuai uis uaix uaix " Jll gtruek EOIHO WOO' sent a splinter into recognized the danger 1S05. As many of yoar resJeri (Pcrbap) ire oi pice j uint-i i LunitV Ot W lines- I vjwu; it. too long, and Le was thought to have had it cut when the time came for him to don his wig No. 1. ' . ' . .. I r...:r... J ..;,!. If i. l.Ant I ..Ujo tn on.l I : .1. -,,..-, 1 r.cl'nit tit Ann r, 1 fCA lUlUllllS IJILUt irsriw . " v . . i t . Ia. i., .. .'... -. i. feet Li-h. and oa it i placet! another -uecii., no bu tai nauonai ijuiiiirit.-?, u ma t'" , , . , o o,. tirxt l-i-l . i : ..i.i y.r. .mru-.c.Tl.lt. j I lo. wiiicu is fouare, ana i.ai mroua iw .v c iimi;. ill ia V nuuiu fcw i v tv - . . . I . . til utiv i, U an iiawieaM: circular w ere a Louse, a dozen Cfteca IOOO- In- of over. ble bust out of . the window, broke some furaitnre, and then, rushing to his favorite ie wrote to Lis uncle, Tnlf rftximiii.in. to" nmA nnil tnVn bij man's life, and nearly sent him to an un- A i . i . , , , , . . . daughter home, as Le released Ler from timely and dishonored grave. the engagement, and the day was ll is iiaruiy uccebuiy 10 say mat mere , The ls - R,-nf.n mflr i. i-.. . 1. . was a complete revolution in reeling to ward Mr. Weatherwax. Every one seemed anxious to compensate by kindness and George Elliot. George Elliot works Dresden by the unexpected attack very hard, says a London corresnondent Allies, their fare was very hot over of the Boston Herald harder than her which b'c Lad to pass, and, Lo craw rather delicate health warrants often long there on his Lands and knee ivniino. rpvpii at pVlit lionra tlnr. Tip,- I never thought of waiting 'or seeki fore she begins a novel, she not only out- other path. lines and arranges it, but she so fixes it in Ler dark """d that her MS. is often merely a tran script of her elaborate mental preparation. ried the Duke d'Alencon, a grandson of Ver.v l2r rom handsome, she has an Intel uc vjii tin; Lit ct--i.,i ... u,. .i... i vutuiuu ii iiv) J ' o l. i .11 tr I 1 AVhen be was snd.lcnlr recalled to rnense size, so it U cast in pieces, or plates, tlia vast rocolo nn-a the Uaaufal a.arj3 castle of Berg, 1. of the and these plates are put together, lor in- ' " iU " '" a space stance: Column Vendomo is coenposca of 5bborboo.l. nnt.l rcacbe. tfe Ud a- three bandrcd and seventy-tight bras Cl l JJ ,CCI- 1 tn ,w 1 ,rui:i u V'- , but Mate, and. to make this circle of JG feet, "f tbi monaracDt w a door, tfcroagi, bt.-i. g an- t reouires four tdatcs. all of wlic'a arc so I on0 BP putna. wucu f i i : i .i . :. :.. :..ti.1 I iualo safe by a brass nub ng. 1 rr.ra 11. ? Ionis Philippe. lectual and striking face, too long andl;- It is much easier to meet witb error than to find tmth; error U on the surface, and can be. more easily met with; troth is bid m great -depths, and tho way to seek it ibutcd funds, employed able counsel, and patronage for the wrongs so innocently in mde the best defense -nossible. ' Mr. Mo.-'J tlicted before. This was not unanprecia- i . . blasters, then and now, we believe, a lead- As a cross word begets" , . anSllaror.sy"1Petr.v;ieoftnabundantihair, do 'ear to all tho world, word that is streaked with gray; a low sweet voice, a . i ?get its own remarkably quiet, somewhat pensive and . . . 1 i:j.ji i : c T j . . .tl t? . a ii i - , , cross, so will a kina one he ted. Business prospered, and three years likeness. If people only knew the power decidedly winning manner. Some persons I Lang Considerations arc conimonlv a so tlb commencement of Naroleou victo- I or only aorue twtn.y or thirty Ieru 11 ing lawyer of that county, was encao-ed ago both Andrew and John G. YV eatber- thev nossess in beini? kind. Low mnch do not. likw her at first, thnno-l. nil Ler l nroof that we have not the noint to L dt- rir. Thev continue to wind around tho 1 no won -ler that J.qc Jiro.i it Iookel op l defend him. Mr. McMasters examined I wax were among the most contented citi-1 good would they achieve for themselves, I friends, despite Ler iinoues'.ioned olain-I tennined clearly in our eve: irecioitate I column until tier reach to tbe samaxit. the case, and, though having no doubt of Izcns of Clinton county, New York. how much misery prevent for others! j nesg, regard Ler as a charming woman.. proceeding's, that we do uo know iL ' This column is crowned by lie ktatao of i as aiicb a beaaiiful street. VOTAGEUR. where thejoiaing takes place, i he illutra- puuiiwi' tionsare J faithfully exec uted that any r- lave Fai J. 10 feet, and it is aunnoonied son who is well veised in Li story can stand a -"friccry lelow and recognise each battle. These il- Now, I Lare thown yon place de la lustrations wind around the column like a Concord, place Vendome, place de Grere, wreath, so that there can be no coafiuion place St. Jatncs and place U.iii!e. All in tie gTOUpiu" of tie figure. At tie Luse J of thee are on the aarae rtreet (Uivoli) x comraence these illustrations, which is al- ccpt Vendor, an J it is Lalf a fiaire by, is oTon , i , j M ' i i 1 1' It i f ; i ' I ; f - t ! t I t t Ar

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