d $: 41 Published by J. H. & G. G. Myrover, Corner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteville, N. C. VOL. 4NO. 20. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1S77. WHOLE NO. ISO. Pill 1S)f f I it I North Carolina Gazette! J. II. & G. G. MYROVER, TERMS OF SUUSCJiU'TJOX: One yar (la drnc)t Hi hi u ft! h n " Turoa " ..... riw 1 00 . 50 i:a tks of A i) run Tisrxr, .- ( One nqnurfl (9 ii ''1 nonpareil) one insertion f 1 00 ,, 4. ' ' I " otio month 2 50 ,. i " tbrce " 5 00 .. " " nix " 9(W .. ; I " twelve " 15 00 ' T.rniirnr ml vorlineniHiitu flhargwl In proportion to the liorK nl. Sjn-cial notic a" per tcut. more than regular mlvrrtmrmeiit. j Home I Circle. Home in the sacrcj refuge of our life. liryden. THE FOUR- i Saved dew-spangled clover flashed it back again. It was a brilliant picture, but we hardly had time to admire it sufficiently, for with a low groan my uncle fell heavily forward from his chair to the floor. people did not jetay for the promised dance, and to a darkened room they carried the old gentleman, while a physician was hastily sent for. No one could account for the strange attack until uncle, after a long time, awoke to consciousness. Then Deb, the old housekeeper, with strangely working features, came into our room and said :; "Miss Ventnor, may I have the chain and locket yon 'wore to-nightf' Y ondenngly iilsic rose and got it tor her. ' . I "Deb, Deb !? I exclaimed, "what is the matter? how is dear uncle? why do you want Elsie's chain! From tbe Evansville Journal. A RELIABLE GHOST STORY. Peixce Knickerbocker. It is report ed that, when a member of. Congress, be was asked bv Mrs. Madison the distmc- THE COAT OF MAIL. CcEKAX's IxGEXCm. A farmer, at-J ran parallel, with only a square betaken, tendintr a fair with a bnndred poanda in I . . - il. nl T.l.. The reported duel between Bennett and his nockeL took the ncrcaut on of denoai- r.r i - i About eighteen years ago there lived tion between the Reformed Dutch and I May haa brought alout tbo duel stones in ting it in the band of the landlord of tbe hicli rites a mot beautiful place or .( ) i-i a. m Atiiroo on nnft a Ann nnnr in I i i a : a ' I . im i ' l I . . . . i i. i h kt n.mn itb rT inn n 1 1 rnn i i i d An A l l - i i i - i . x r . ' ilu uti ivianK-o, au i x res u v ici lull vjui"ta. j. u w uicu uc ."v vii. uuvuo vi iuu vmiuio. Aiviv o wuc i pu DiiG-uou9Q at wiiicn do Bboppou. J-1 I nnir( in fmr this city, a Miss Harris, who was young responded: "jly dear madab, I know of story told : -and amiable, and was engaged to be mar- no difference, unless it be tliat one sin?s When Fisrhtin tuicuu nil tuo c remu coun 10 iviDg aouis ti,e landloni, loo deep lor tbe counlryraan, XVI., the ambassador, thinking to com- wondered what Lnndred waa meant, and Straore to car. allhotjb thif public-Looso at u iiicti bo ttoppoo- nav- nare in front of tie palace, and caoi it in? occasion lor it euortiv alierwaru. beiA rmn p;at; ..j .1 :, ltzgcrald waa intro- rcsorttil to mine Lost for tbo money, bnt MnM it to front on ll.n mn5t Trn. ried. She had a very intimate friend some long metre and the other short." dncod at tho l rencb court to King Louia the landlord, too deep for the counlryraan, I xri.9 wLicb it on tbe iootli le of Ito Ri- years oiaer man nerseii, lurs. vook, ami yn another occasion, while in Washing- A- i"o amoassanor, inmaing 10 com- uondered wbat Lundret waa meant, and 0;. tbe two bad olten amused and instructed ton, the at that time 1 rencb minister gave p"mem me courage 01 jeitzgeraia, saia: was qaite sore no Eucu mm Lad ever been themselves with inquiry into supernatural a dinner partv, for which cards of invita- "Your majesty, thU brave gentleman baa lodged in Lis Lands by tbe astunh-beJ rn subjects, so-called and, among others, dis- tion had been issued. And accidental! v killed nineteen antagonists in as many da- tic. After ineffectaai"appcaU to tbe recol- Ahe lection, and finally to the honor of Bar-"Hon- dolch. tho farmer annlied to Carran fur UIIVA.. 114IS IIIUIIIIIV. IU llll UU. cussed the doctrine of spiritualism, which I meeting Mr. Knickerbocker on the street, ant never bas been wonndcnl was then finding lodgment in the West, the minister saluted him with tho word.", k'ng replied in sorrowful rebuke: One day it was proposed, half in jest and "You dine with me to-dav, sir!" And the sieur l'Ambassadenr ! I should 1 ave been half in earnest, that the one of the friends judge, supposing it to be a request, leplied, more pleased to have heard that he had naid the counsellor: "speak to tbe land- who died first was to appear to tho survi- i shall be most happy, your Excellency saved tho lives of nineteen persons, or of lord civilly, and tell lain yoa are convin- vor, in order to set at rest all doubt on the When Uie hour for the entertainment ap- even one of his majesty's subject." It ccd yoa mutt Lave left your money tvhh subiect. The proposition was agreed to, nroached. Mr. K.. from some unknown vvas a fact that ho had never been wound- some other ieron. Tako a friend ith and by discussion they adopted it serious- cause, was a little tardy; and the usher, on d, though opposed by excelleut marks- yoa, and lodge with Lira another hundred ly, and agreed that the one dead should, receiving him at the entrance, told him int-n, who were instructed in thoso days to n the presence of yoar fi if possible, make the demonstration. that only a limited number bf covers had between the belt and throat; for, to J c)me to tnc." Wc rnng friend, and then mutt imagine, and "Miss Mad "-e," solemnly interrupted in less tuau a year iurs. uook uaa oieu, een placed, that tho guests had all ar- t-nooi auovc or ueiow was consiucrca an- not commit to paper, tbe voofcrauona of tisfor- ana in a suort nine jxiss xxarns uruive uui 1 rived, and were already eeaiea Mv mother and I were spending the sinniiier with my uncle, David Gregory, at 'hirt home. Tbo kind old gentleman. had written to mo to bring one of my school mates with me. "Some one (lie wrote) who loves the eounti-y." I invited Elsie Ventnor. Slio was not a scholar like . myself, but lived , with Mine. Dm Pois, teaching tlic children who were day schol ars. , I One afternoon uncle came in where we were all sitting over our fancy work, and said, with a smile : Deb, "with that clover dress came mi tune to this house, and now itrbas brought good luck back again, I think." And without- stopping to explain her ambiguous sentence, or answer my ques tion, she departed. When Deb' came into the room again', it was to say uncle was better and wanted Elsie. When we were alone Deb told; me a strange story that my uncle had jhad a child, a beautiful daughter, who j had ; married against his will, and whom he had refused to forgive until it was too late. ' "Miss Madge, it was at her coming-out nartv she wore that dress she was al- engagement When the wedding day was near, one was unnappy, ana on tue eve ning on which the marriage was to have taken place, she retired early, but was restless. It was warm, and about mid night, finding that she cdld not sleep, she raised the mosquito-net and arose to walk to the window. As she did so she confronted a solemn veiled figure standing by the side of the bed, and gazing at her with rigid and questioning countenance. One quick, earnest look, and the girl rec ognized the features of her dead friend, Mrs. Cook. She was terribly frightened, palace is bounded on vcrr w!e by a itrrct, yet the fe ii only one wde tie exterior of which bo to advantage, and that ! tbe Moth tide, which it 00 the open qaar la front, between tbe palace and Iloe Itiroli. I will kit co more of tl'u frost; we will enter and ce the court. Here, to the right and left are two loo? wio, u 1 tare Kud, TOO feet lon. Here, on every sSd, are brnutifal Iodic and Doric pillar, which wrve to aopport the rast weight cf el at which covers what is c13vi the icotr court. In thU court are oarabTi ofaLo LaTing notionn, 1ml crrmhinc tlaxic w UU ftUow. 11 o inclxHi iual on ia aa at the board. The judge, perceiving a mistake, and as it never was amonsrf his foibles to lose a good dinner wittinglv, answered, " person dare blackball Lira, for fear of lo Lis'legal friend. "And now, 5r, I don't I iititi ; iV tarnmcr time, are nlacod rui port to his Excellency .the Prince of " leaden ball m return. 2so one presumed . as I'm to be letter off for tU, f I pet nomWra of va-es and tx. filled with tbe gentlemanly and non-cavaliero. ii, honest done, at such advice however. 11 . .1 I : ' . . - ; II KU r iizgeraia was a terror in mo society 01 moVed by the rhetoric or authority r the oomfortable dcrin? the coldcwt w ratber as KwiyKiw, uiui c , uviiuigvu 10 uianj, iur WOrtby connwl, be lol lowest ttand returned -,f te mrnJ a drmwin--rtwm, aud over. and rushed downstairs, uttering piercing J jjme drew near "Report Schagticoke awaits him at the door." Ihe servant at once became very obsequious, and matters being explained to the host, Mr. K. was gladly welcomed in and as signed to a position of honor, and became, as was usual with him, the; spirit of the occasion. i While acting in his position of magis trate, it so hapitencd that there was to oc- cur an ecunse 01 tne snn. i Ana as tue 10 pui lis name upon tue uniicun lor ex- my oi Lnndred again; bat bow is tbat choice t flawcrs rmra all part. of tU world, pulsion for fear of bullets in Lis own body. lo bo done?" "o and ak Lira for it Wc will kate this ronrt and w alk oat in lie insulted every one who offended Lira bcn he is alone," faid the connw-l. to the orcn cooru Now on the ri-rU iy a mow on tue luce w itu lis glove, x uo "Av, sir, but tbat won t do, l i aTrai.t, aje to W ont m? ttitneM, at any ra!c."- "Never llAf til "Madge, put this m tbe JSiblo lor nie. was lanuiut ami iu iuii piiy mic uiti slir,eks into tho room of her uncle and he viable the inde was observed to no- with bated breath and whimpered snggetst- t, See, it'ua fiMir-leavdd clover. I found it the j gentleman she married. With my annt aml there, trembling w ith fnsH tice his w-atcb verv attcrdlvclv when snd- io3. At that time, in Ireland, duelling . just now. Some good fortune must surely -own eyes 1 saw net lataer ciasp tuat cnaiii cowerea behind their bed. She was ,ienlv lie arose fro, iU ana wjti, was the fashion, and ladies favored no lov- i.. fnniin.fr to me." . and locket (here a light broke in upon my sn n'n nerved that she was ntterlv unable .i.,.-,. f er wlio had not been out with his man. insulted gentleman was coranelled to chal- j ithor lenge him, w hich gave litzgerald the I roind; When I had done down and unfolded amusement as ho asked ho' sat miud)"around her pretty neck. When he a new plan for our r 1 . 1 i 1 v 1 . t 1 rei used to let ner inarryuer lover wuo he knew was dissipated) she ran awav, nreme snavitv ot manner peeni to speak, and they were trying in vain to t() i)5mf n a cm(i vojce oxclai-.ned: "Gen- ascertam the cause of her lugbt when an- tlemcn of the bar. and others- attendant at -1 ii 1 nearu, ana a. servani- a dance. "Oh, uncle, how nice ! be' ' "As foou as you wish. I en tiling done for you that and vou tuav use anything you like for tho purpose. eniov .vourselves as much heard. But with all Mr. David s trying, AVhcn shall it J wc could never get any news 01 Ler till this day. At last, .through, your means, Miss Madge, her daughter, Mr. David's own grandchild, has been brought to his verv house." i - will have ev is necessary., in the house I want von to as you can. It other scream was to the room, frenzied with tenor. Upon inquiry, the rirl said she heard Miss liar- m. a ss lis scream, and thought it was st.,-vtia T a it dor? r I 4 1 1 Arn 1.? f n I i All . - - . -ar- -ir "J J , 1 . V A A 7 1-VMUla X tWIVlV-i OLalii' I tllVIU )V 1" t' till Wejwero to get up tableaux and invite Miss Madge, and they went abroad to a girl, who occupied a room opposite Miss eclipse this verv afternoon 'and the hour all we; chose to help jus, and conclude witk foreign conntry Her husband died, we Harris, bounded down the stairs, and in- hag n0W arrid when that wonderful her aunt She got np to go to the old lady's room, and as she came out into the hall she saw a white figure kneeling at Miss Harris's Here the good woman clasped her arms door, with her hand shading her eyes, as if movement .of tho heavens id to appear. Now, gentlemen, when Odd Almighty sees fit to bring the sun and moon togeth er, it is proper that this rouit should ad journ, and therefore it is adjourned." i ere arc reasons will be but a dull lioijiso 'aft-r you are gone, mid I nhall onlv have the gav memories to enliven it." j When he had left ,11s I exclaimed: "Oli,1 mamma, isn'i it a pity, that uncle lu'vcr had any children? He's so fon'd of seeing youii-r folks enjoy themselves." "Hush, Madge T' i she hastily replied; "for mercy's sake never say anything like that before your uncle." "Why not, mamma!4' "lieeiiusc. mv child, tl why vor. should not." 1 wondered a good deal in my mind over that scrap of conversation, but I did not ask atiy more questions. It was no hard matter to get a merry party to jijin us, and such fun as we had, rummaging in the attics, with Deb's assistance, for old fashioned things to turn into use ! ne 'afternoon mamma called Elsie and nivH'lf into her room to look through an old trunk she had found stowed away in the hack of an unused closet. "Here, girls, examine. I shouldn't wonder; from the -peep I have taken, if wc had. found a treasure trove." We 'were both delighted. When we around me and wept for very joT. Elsie told how slfe came to be with Mine. D11 Pois.i When raadame had first i established her school, she was in her gar den one day, and saw a voung woman passing on her way from the station, car rying a child in her arras. She was struck bv the weary look in the pale face. And in sorrow. She looked again and recog nized the dead woman, Mrs. ,Cook, and ran shrieking down stairs. iv tiiorougu search of the hous3 failed to reveal 'any intruder or any signs of one, the doors being-found locked and the ground windows j closed. Sceptics and philosophers may at once going to the gate, she called her to come insist that the mind of Miss Harris was in and rest. Madame made her comforta- unduly excited by reflections upon tbe ble in her sitting-room, and hastened to night ot what was to nave been her mar riage; bnt she declared that she had not bring some refreshment. When she reach ed the room again, she saw the young wo man had fainted, as she supposed. But it was not. a faint it was dentil. Xo lnonil lies could discover whorshe was, and the was quietlj' .buried dear, good madame herself erecting iv plain monument to her memory. The baby's clothes were marked "Elsie Ventnor," and so madame called her. all. thought of Mrs her nervous excitement, how will Admitting Cook at we ex plain away the fact that the servant saw the Spectre? Miss Harris afterwards married a worthy minister of the gospel, and is now living out West. After detailing these facts, and giving many, and that ia, they do not cat enough of real blood, bone, r.erve and tissue-mak-ing food. Yon may half starve to death on salt fish, potators, cabbage, turnips, fried liver, stewed kidney, and a score of other dishes that please the taste, bnt add little or notlmic tn the lo:tv lorce. 1-tt&. fwi ISO area Ira. J art these is on rrand condonation of ibcae tnoal take mv advice." said tbe counsel: I T-e.en .n-1 Ki-tUl rYr r,r choice of weapons-his deadly pistol, with "do as I bid yoa and rttnrn to tne." lie Stlcr O0e i. a gla. laap, tActU which he had often "snuffed a candle out farmer returned with Lis londred, plad at it pletdid, and tU arch Wura at ten paces. anv nie to find that safe again in Lia poa- Ho baviog tbe rlaaa bun pa Las feslootii People wondered Low it was Le was cssion. "Now. sir. I wpnose I mart t . j 1... .-if-r. 1 .1 never wounded. Many were the snnuiscs, I content: bnt I don't pcc as I'm mncb Wt-1 tv.i tM ail rxl.- r:Am w.r. abont. In thtf dar tber are now take roar friend with yoa. aud I w,ntJful .bnt at ui-lt- when tlewLala atk the landlord for the Landrcd jtonnds coart i .blate, wWn tbonwnda ao 1 tec yonr friend saw yoa leave with Lira." We t,f thotuanda of jvtj cf rn in tie arcane. ncsl not add tbat tLe wily landlord found 0 tbe grrat preencnade ptacfnl otct the be Lad len taken off Lii guard, while our anJa xle p cn -t U firtt, a'tU Loneft friend (wLora one would -almost a-ond and 011 tbe third fl r where mitiy wiidi had tried two the second time) return- nP ! t,.- cf booa are frrool bT ed to thank Lia counsel exoliingly, with lte jrU 0f raben all lbec ait lijrttel it is then that one f-cci tbo diatoond t In kle and alrooft Llaxe, and tbea it it list the emerald, the rube an I the toroofi4 vie A paragraph is going the round of the with each other in the dlfpliy ti the'r lil. papers to the effect that a on of Jndge Hancy. Here the wits of ibe aniaaala llell, of Colorado, mounted oa a Mood pqld'tilvcr, IraM and hromt are called horse, sacceo;ed in running down a deer, I forth to pmdocc that wbkb looks like an aJ dary tbe a ratab- pnnions a-1 lifrhtnenta,thcentlerT and bronrerktabub menl,the gold and river laoe, the twonla, guns, pistols and roi narda all the things one will see, besides thousands of Fitzgerald, of noble family, was their reigning favorite. There lived in ennntv Galwav arid country gentleman, Richard Martin, who became renowned as a modern Richard Cfjcur de Lion. Ho was also father to both Lundrcds in Lis pocket. "Animal Martin," so called from Lis La-1 Relative Sit.ei of House axi Deec .a a m 1 aiiiinais the iicnrv liergu 01 mamtv to Parliament. Itichard Martin was a oniet. brave man; in manners the reverse of Fitz gerald, who Was frivolity personified. The conversation at a club turned upon ijai lU Oa Ja ' a V 1 Ja 'a l vu atvaava I a j j a II iw . -iTi'n m r m 1 f 1 1 u rnronr r r 1 1 a 1 '11 t t- m- iioni . 1 . 1 keep from drinking so great a qnantitv of ;v Vr , . Tt T V . ' 7 . ns u,al wcrc wraeiuin cxiraoramary. irapofi-ibiblr. Here are the nt-nti ardent spirits, eat more. Hat nutritious ;?r 'uVun 11 , , . 1 ' . J It may not be generally known, bat it u (Lc tiotelt, tiLi. b occcrr their wi food. Eat something whenever you take a Sv.u... b Uk rtuv. nevertheless a fact, tbat any lair avHle- poaitiona, wbi'.e the ilk, Ue lacrt, (innk. 1 be intoxication, in all cases, comes '. r . . : " norsc enn ca.siiy oni-mn ucrr. mo ic- mjC riblon, lliC fplrnuM lorre;im f from the stomach full of whiskey and no , . ' Va" IU" uuV,!sl V' ' tnembcr, forty years ago, Mya J.Vf and livbrocnts tbe mirror, tbe g! ! nn :, e... .. 1. 1 ..1 1 iiii.uiiim imivu emniu unu i fz,. uhrn n.IinT n-ttli fun rnm .a tw . 1 a 1 tit 1 a across 11c xaeo w 1111 ins glove, itichar.i croM ft pinall irje wo .lKMjnacd' a r pike Martin had never fought a duel, being op- bnck ani all Uireo of u8 ..venoo im posed to it on pnncnle, except for Iilel :,iinnt mnrb .iliT.fnltr. and nno of tbe nar- - - , . . v 1 - - J I iiu,.. nm KlntKii-r or frrnssa iiorsnnai instur. 1 if 1 . t t . t 1 ?.i - 1 ... . . . . :- 1 " 1 iv ins nen t ie living ueer wuu nis wum asinti.rr liTntriiin ariM-ici ronad in the ra. was, tberelore, compellel to challenge. it.i"!.:,,, I .1 t. .1 11 i ,t ' - "i uu awu av ctiv 1 1 11 1111a 111 1 fai j ( 1 kum Lurv wi 1 i uu rn.an.ias I orprw-belniio? rlitter and clare to aatooith weapons. .Uartin s secona insistel that the Tho world wonld bo a dreadful tilent I I.-f ifi-n. 1... pnncipalsshtMild be jdaced at thirty paces jdace if people talked as little as they feasted Lis eves let Lira co to the aeoond the nest 01 steak, mutton ami nread arc what one requires for strengtlc. It is this unconscious, ball starved condition 1 . a causes so much ot tbe craving lor j Turkish WcnrE. Olive Harper, who has been writing to newspapers from va rious parts of the world during the past three years, delivered a. lecture on the 'Cross and Crescent" in San Francisco, re centlv. She said the Turkish women are had taken out its contents old-fashioned short and fat, ignorant, extravagant, de-, dresses; feathers, bices, etc.- in a tray, all i-eitfnl and gossipy. They arc ill formed by itself, was a dress which wonld have and not handsome, and make unfaithful driven Queen Mab to yfrjjvy, and which wives. Of the men she says: "There was evidently more modern in its fashion are no men more ignorant than the rank than tho other articles strewn around us. and file of the Turkish army. The Turks It was a long trained skirt of the palest as a rule, are courageous, and at the same lilac silk, with an overdress of lilac tulle, time gentle and kind, except in War, when ed to wake the other, and at the same m covered-with embroidered clover blossoms, til 1 ov- rival the worst tribes of the Indians rncnt discovered that both were awak few moments; then conies reaction, and s which a tc-m- porary increase of strength, land that is quickest gained through a glass of whis- the sceptic a chance to explain them away, . fl , CKf . we will now give the sequel of tne story. .1 , Ai , -ii-" them whizzing and spinning laronnu for a X . v n a.av luoiuiio v it v t vi-tw, -vv anived in this city from Xew Albany, Ind., to visit the aunt of the former Miss Harris, and remained here sis weeks. Two weeks before they left they were sleeping in the bed in the room, once occupied, by Miss Harris. One night, just after midnight, both girls awoke suddenly with a shock, each without knowing the other was awake. There, standing by the .side of the bed, was a white-robed figure, dim and indis tinct,, bnt "evidently that of a woman. Each girl, in great fright, softly attempt- distance, approach each other at the sig nal, and fire at pleasure as thev approached, each step of course lessening the distance between them. This arrangement was a greed to, tho distance measured, and the men placed face to' face. "Arc you read v. "Its." "One, two, three, thought. Correspondence. rrntli.iiii V and fire It was noticed that Fitzgerald was ner vous, even in the preliminaries, for the o- rot Vit cjurnx. X07ES OF ErCOTElX TCATEL. . tlmu turn lvmrft cl 11 crrn lil v (!inn pvor TMif I best spirits in theworld reside in good ngiual reiaark or Martin, causing the du- blood and the won in bad. Itis that which fj' Btro"Slr bfu-f eA kledge or be- , t 1 . . 11 lief as to tbo fraudulently concealed anrvor. sends ; false imaginings, suspienons and de- Tliev ba4t advanc,d on,V two paces each, C-IIUIJl4tJH.ll.-0 HI IIH3 tJIillll. I I 1 1 atorv. Here Le can walk, as lclotLroaffli three corridors, making 1,700 feet, and when Le Las Lad cnoogu of tLia beaaUfat . pronicnade, let Lira enter the rplradid caf es and the restaurant, the various placea j of amnsement, and, I am Krry to gay, the rambling establiabinenta. 1 be vvct part of this part of the palace in architect tiro is still more fpleodid than below; here every arch (ISO, as below.) is bcaaUful. 1 hcae mo icy rival the worst tribes ot the xnoians ment disttovered that both were awake. as if some careless hand had flung them tW their acts of cruelty and barbarity. Ac thow bmkod tbo fio-nro dim ind ahnd- in profusion all over the delicate material. rlMiey are not educated, speak in meta- owy, glided slowlv backward and disap- Tho rosettes on the tiny slippers were dec- phors, aud are naturally polished and re- peared into the hall, through the closed orated in the same way, and a wreath of fined. They are a handsome race, rather door. They both arose instantlv, fearing White clover, Sprinkled with mimic dew- short and thick in stature. They never tbat it was some thief who had gained ad'- dro., by with tjf.em. tell the truth when a lie will answer. They mission to the house. The gas was li"ht- I think, Jisuige, saut mamma, "it are temperate m tbeir habits, as regards ed, the host and hostess aroused, and must have belonged to vonr uncle's sister, Hilda; I have heard that she was a great belle in her dav. "Oh,1 mamma, we'll have a tableau call ed the 'Spirit of Good Fortune,' and Elsie shall wear the dress. Come, dear and trv it on." I Even th'o famous belle herself could not "have"' looked fairer than did my friend, when we had aVrayed her in the beautiful CdstmnC. Instead of the name I had chos en, mamma thought tbat it would be just . 1 1 . " . . as appropriate, ami much prettier,? to call the tableau 'Tho Four-leaved Clover." f The evening came, and all the tableaux were successfully -gone through with, amid great applause, except tho last. .Wlien I was helping Elsio to dress, she opened a case, and taking out a massive chain, clasped it around her neck, say- the use of Honors, and smoke Coffee incessantly." and drink How x Merchant Was Done For. A very ingenious swindle was lately perpetrated on a prominent Boston dry goods houstf bv a finelv-dressed ladv who O W a appeared in the shawl department, and, af ter a careful examination, selected a cam el's hair shawl costing about S100, for which she tendered in payment a $1,000 bill, which was carefully scrutinized by the cashier, whodoubting his own power of discrimination, dispatched a messenger to the bank to ascertain the genuineness of the bill. . In a short time the messeu frw rptnrned nnd-nnnnnnejid in on om'iKla tone that the cashier of the bank said that a thorough search of the house was made. Every door was closed and locked, every window and shutter fastened. ' And thus it stands. The last visitor had never heard the storv of Miss Haniti Ax Ixbiak IiOiiACF..! A dark, swarthy individual, dressed inj semi-Indian garb, was at the Union depot yesterday making numerous inquiries inj very imper fect English dialect concerning the name of C. G. Gaskill, wbp left some portion of Eastern Iowa for an overland 'trip to Cali- " 1 3 ? - , 1' . ' a. e , , lornia curing me goui excnement 01 1001. This half-wild fellow claims tiat he was about fivo or six years old when his father set out with his family for tlie overland wagon trip to California. The family, g;cte two years later, were in .Arizona, ami one night ttft Apache Indians made an attack npon them and carried him away, while the others made their escape. jMr. Gaskill lias a very vivid recollection of the battle, and also the long wagon trip Jrora Iowa, while he has little or 110 recollection of the home or just where it was located. He was carried awav by the Indians and lived when Fitzgerald suddenly fired, and, for the first time, missed his man, his bullet, however, carrying away a, portion of Mar Mtai.-riL;nji' ti. cL h"tb them, sharing the same f neglect and thine to wake them at t.h uimo moment, attention as their own children, , until he JCUMBER CVI. Messes. Editors: llere I undertako 1 archea are snpported by Corinthlaa iUirs to give you a faint idea; of Palais Royal, and pilaalera, and above tbas uaaoiler or tho ltoyal Palace. This palace "and try with an iroo balcony, and tbe one v fsqnare are "of tho same name, and ther arc bore Las a terrace, t.a which are f laced so inseparably connected that it is itnpoa- hundreds cf tasea. On this aqaare are tiblo to give an intelligible account of the throe rowa of tree of tbe Lorao dctnut one without that of the other. The pal- and the linden, and inidde of theae llrrcrdas ace was built in 1CC3 b? Cardinal lliche- of tree is a neat beautiful njaaro full f lieu, (his name in English is "rich place) well-kept evergreens. -.At one end of this who gave it the.narae of Palais Cardinal, mall square is a staall caanoq moanU-J on It kept that name until Anne of Anuria a marble pedestal aotoe ait fct from tl,e left the Loavre, and then made it Ler ground. This cannon, of a bri-ht, aanoy .. ... , . I rWl . 1 1T1 I 1 1 1 1 1 IL w MM 1 11:11. 1 J, LLHIJL lllc UilLJIC mm - - " " " . ' " i n.'in k m iuu very ueuri vi x iigeram, wuu t.iml r- 1 1 rt 11 nl aavaltaaa-4 fr ra ' .O. . ... I MAaa I? Aral IJ Tkl.In .1 ii . " . a Wm1 1 a .( 1 Li 1 a,ua a aiaia m w 1 ni ta wi'ion .a instantlv rcversea ins pistoi, seizea tue 1 ; " . ., . ., . ftn ...... r-.,,. rr , 1. 1 " 1 L vu 1.1 : Utance, the tide buildings or wings are 00 cause focus uaoent to Iffwlo IL now- " .T I? V 7f V feet long, while tbe end are onlv 300 feet, derat midday, and wla ILe cannon give ft terrible blow before the seconds ' . . b , ..... , . 1 1 , ,1. . ,:m. r1-.l In ... r , I I 111 IK IIIP r.Itll-hL LIUI1L l" UI IXJUI L 1 I J-ll II V i . . .ww tm i. n.... I . an. n An. I n . i 1. I., .ma ...a.. -- - i . UMini iiiuiHii;, uut w iimtnii ivik u rv.il i , . . . . the embroidered .hirtof bis prostrate foe, l'aTOr excu excepting .71 Cnn.ni s li mn at ini.-l na rnn m ill diclosingto tho eves of all tho concealed "i,v .. J.V' A ' rJ. 7: il bullet-proof coat of mail nclosc steel-chain nr i-5nrr urmnr. linml with H. w.lddfil inner . ; I A 1 ..11... . I 1 I Villi HU ltll I'tlTTi VU ,..v "v.- ' . ...V. com, impervious iu uuwci. tnuru ur uaLr . , . ' , . , feet, the floor beautifully paved with ored flag, with book shops on each aide, tin's shirt ruffle. Tho arrangement was that when either had fired Le w as to step and receive the fire of Lis opponent. There were twenty-six paces left between them, and Richard Martin slowly advanced, and when within onl- four paces fired point . I rf Midenre? then it was that it took the name I day in the w i 5? of Palais Royal. The square, place or with powder and san-glaas is placed ot- 1 or in-1 er the toacu-boie ja at tuai uitAOce to If anybody can explain this by natural causes we should like to have it done, for of course it must originate in some manner capable of explanation, "Lord, how this world is given to ly- ! " Eds. Gazette. rrrtiw tn tnnrilinniT ing A Patriot President "Who Dixes Like a Hermit. Porfirio Diaz who has driven Ledro from the Presidency of Mex- He describes his life as being pleasant and one that ho fully enjoyed. He became acquainted with the great chief Cochise, and folliwed Lira in many of his battles. He painted, tatooed and be-smeared his skin like! tho savages themselves, until now-it has the same cop per color. Ho describes Cochise as being a great warrior and a most wonderful sav Fitzgerald died almost instantly. Rich- j ard Martin was tried j for murder, and ac quitted bv acclamation, not only bv the jury, but by all Ireland, England and En- rope, w ho saluted him as a public benefac tor, j After this duel, and in conscqnenco of it, came in the fashion of righting naked to the waist. i the same square are three f! at oca in while raatblr, by one cl tbe brat artiaU of 1 ranee. Near this is a grc.it taulle Latin, froa which rinrs an immcnae foantain Laving twenty-four jcU, and llew Jds are as ar ranged as to produce tbe effect of a gmt spray. On fine afternoons ia winter and a tamer a national braaa tiaod pbtya front Mr. McPherson, an esteemed fellow- townsman, w ent ont calling on New Year's ing ; 'I will w ear this to-night, Madge." r "Why, Elsie! what an exquisite thing." "Yes. it is all that I havo left, of my mother's. I never wear it, aa it would hardly bo suitable for my plain dresses. See." And opening the diamond slndded lock et which hung from the chain she showed mo the picture within. 1 here, smiling at me, was a face some thing like Elsie's, only moro rosy, more radiant. It was the only time Elsie had ever spoken to mo of her. mother,- and I witdied she would say more. But the bell rang for the last tableau, and we hastened - t our places I among the andience, and fcl'O to appear as 'The Four-Leaved Clo ver." -I The curtain rose, and Elsie stood' in a graceful attitude, handing the symbol of gooa fortune to a youth, who, on bended knee, waited to recoeive it. The diamond- stnd.led locket on her white neck caught i"0 light in a hundred sparkles, and the the bill was good. The ladv upon hear- ico, is said to be a man exceptionally hon ing this waxed .j exceedingly wroth, and est, preferring honor, in tho sense of a pnre battles w ith tho Apaches and with them e remarked to a lamp post w hich bad demanded to kuow "whether he thought j conscience, to life love and glory. After a that she would attempt to pass a counter-j career of military successes that had re- fe.it bill. Of course apologies and ex- peatedly placed tbe richest cities and the planationswereof.no avail; she refused silver mines of Zacatecas and Jalisco in to purchase the shawl, demanded her his power, he is a poor man now, though money, ana aepanea iroin the store the J ue lnueruea a lonnoe oi a minion ana a very embodiment of righteous indignation, j half, and has practiced total abstinence of age. He remained with these Indians tin- da7 an,l visited so many friends that to- 0f wbicb is large and beaotifully construct- possible i til about six years ago, when lie was cap- wanl nightfall ho did not know where Le cf brass and iron, and tbrongh whicb Palais 11 tnred bv tli f!nminrlii in nnn thfi was. Every time a Btreet car passed Lira nnlp th mral lyininairea naa. Tho oth- sons froo peltrians, and are 1 and tbe poor, tbe atnall and tLt large, tte ide,'of about one Lun-1 yoong and the old. TLia qnare ia a place large rate these rate-1 of great resort far the Vtrraii of Pari, tie he led a wandering existence, first as a taken too much liquor (and w hich Le w as situated, one on each side, la : A. 1 . I I H .4 I . ii la Z t. I . . a captive- and afterward as one of the tribe. irJ5 lo OJU P)f 'at luougui it mju drCtl rcct. t rora the large gate and built overhead. It Las two iron gates o'clock until 6; daring that lirae lie one on the outride and one on the initidc.j court U crowded with ladies and gcit'.e- The north aide Las a verv narrow space, men, but I raaj sir it is always cro Jed. only atKnt four Tect. Here, on the right gbt and day. llrre, under the trees I side of this narrow space, as you enter, is Lave stoken of, are long, wooJe-j beoch- a man ocenpying a niche no larger than a ca, which are crowded with any naaiber cf clothes profs', where Le Laa made a small persona; and, after they are all occupied, fortnne selling cigarsj end on the left $Ule hundreds of other chairs which Lave Wo is another niche w here a photographer has slacked op are taken down, an ! the acca- made a fortune ot Lis profession. The pant is always charged lwocrtU. If&nr aoutb side has three gate, the centre one I one wubea to see the world ia tbe a'afrtrt pouible space oi tira, let htm re to i lice is Iiyal. Ilrre are to tt Xotind per- ly the royal einipagea paw. Tho otb-1 sons from all parts r lie world tue nct er two gates are lor Last fall he became tired of snch a mode vcry wrong to havo lour corner groceries ways are beautifolly studded with Ionic cnuc,.the adventurer, pmiaora ritbont w . . . - m I J I . " a a a a a of existence, and left the trila?, and, mak- ncxv rtoor to eac olher w,tb l"e mo k,n and Doric pillars. Here the space of these number, the comically Created old ran, ing his way toward the Pacific coast, made of a 'oK"g man in front of oacu oi them. two pate8 j very narrow, so much so that the well dreaecd ol-l men anU worara, lb inquiries concerning his familv, but failed ' "" concumcu iv usa. iur uuuima- i ony two persons can plfa at X tune. 1 be I uanoy, aau m UT-nuniuie uurDucr c i to learn anything of them, f In his wan- l'on a3 to whero ho live' anl.for lliat front end of this palace, which is the onth sons who Lave U-en confined at their oc- a i n i f. ia -aii i i .i a i a coupie oi uours auerwaru sue retnrnea luxuries to a uegree mat wou.a mane uio Bering, nomadic life he had hccnranlated purpose went into an me aioresam grocer- tnd, is splendid. The two long wings or conations all day, and bare coj oat to considerably mollifiedand confessed that Lewis stare. rA couple of bananas and a considerable wealth in tho form of r0ld es at once to inquire for his own address, tides of the elifice trrminate oo'eachside take a little freb air. No, .out cf all she was pleased jwith the shawl, and her handful of dry, parchment-like pancakes, dnst, and on the proceeds of' this lio'was The proprietor who had 6ervcd him for the ofthelloyal Palace, and are united with those whom I aaw I always eudeaTored u inability to find one that she liked as well with a drink of such water as tho season traveling in search of lost home and last fonr years, and w4tse store was only ii (the center building) by Ionic and Dor- make an afternoon's aoquair. Unce with was the only reason why she returned, and affords, are enough to make him a dinner friends. No one seemed to bdablc to give tl)ree doors from McPlerson house, rc- ic piHar- which are united by Doric porli- thoae oh!, quaint-looking pentlcmea. I she concluded to take it. The obliging and no rock, is so hard or highland so him any information, and he started on his plied with an aransed ami lej "Why you co. The square of Palais Iloval is landed always found then ey to became ac salesman delightedly wrapped op the chilly that be could not sleep soundly for Eastern way to prosecute the search in are Mr. McPherson P i, "I know that per- on tbe north by an open space, into wh;ch qoainted with, PrmcLman-like, polite, in- shawl, while the courteous cashier, dis- hours without other bedding than his old towu OntaJta Herald. I ' fctly well, aia perfecly 'ware of fact," tho vast throe of petle&trians that are al- telligrnt on all salecis, and afable and a- daining to entertain a suspicion 'against man le. His own wants during his life retorted that crentlcraan. "That ain't fr.nn.1 n Ttn rivir-nnnrmntv. and crcrable, I never entered icto coovcraa- I i i such a lady, proceeded to count out the havo cost him a few thousand dollars; the $900 in change, with which and her shawl wants of his country more than a million the ladv departed. The feelings of that j of his private property. storekeeper can be better imagined than described when he awoke to the realmng An English journal "feavs there are no sense of the fact that his lady, -customer 1 fokvr than 1.75& patents for railwav car rm oil 1.1 i i - 3 j i . . .- f , i - The talent of turning men into ridicule, and exposing to laughter those one .-converses with, is the gratification of Jittlc minds and nngenerons temper. 'A young man wit h this cast of mind cnta himself a oneshun. What 1 wanterinow is where the devil do I live, many of whom pass tlrongh thi narrow ua with them spaccway into tue courts wt.uo caiicra paa i , th them without l:cg rauh ed- had, after all bis precaution, succeeded in I couplers, ami yet -directors are not satisfied nnccinn. II.,, n n t n..f t 1 AAA I il 1 t . 1 1 , f I'ucDiug upuu unu a wnukwiviv vivuu wuu uiiHiiiug luui uas ueen xaui iieioro bill. . them. No evil action can be well idone, but a good action may be ill done, f vet much more I coal 1 U 11 ""I I . . .. " . ,..! off into various etreeU: It is bounded on the yoa al-out this Xiawt ;iare "I"' They who drink away their estate, east by a very ordinary jtrect of from S to I but! fear I will weary ricrrrautTS. ow, drink the tears of their widowa. nn.l lb 1 1 l..,a. tl, rt it ia lrfunded I rnnrtit l-e Raid that this matrniSfieut aqoare very blood of their impoverished children, j by Kuo Richelieu, another one of those gay I the whole of the buildings w&s bcrr.t land fashionable streets with which I'sna uy me itea uepuuucana aiiue ciote w iuo s time I r ranco-rrnsfciaa war I 1 c, ilcj Oes:rt'Tc4 He that scoffs at the crooked had need abounds. The sonth end w as at one go very upright Limself. bonndedbvIlneSl.nonore,andKacUivoli I it also. VoT-icrra.