!" Published by J. H. & G. G. Myrover, Corner-Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteville, N. C. VOL. 4 NO. 27 J' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1877. WHOLE NO. 131. 57 a' 1 1 I : It . Worth Carolina Gazette. j. ii. & a. (i. mvjiovei:, TKimst of sr'nsciui'Tiox i.n (iii ailvaiicc),...-i j Si i iiiiinilin " r' Three ' " . 4 no l no 10 : HAMS OF .Wl-MITISIXG: nn (i iii.-ii .- ('.t'liipin ftoliil iiniii;iril)npinHC;rtiiii f 1 00 .. " two " 1 if ii " ' " . one month .250 m, " " ' three ' " 5 (Ht ' nix 0 00 ,. . ' " twelve " IS 00 I 'i-r ;nlviTl i n-in-iitu rh;iri:-il in irilirtiH t lie lor o'r.itM. Si'" i.il nulicra ." jut cent, more tliiin i riuli.1- n.lvcrlit' iiii .'itM. Home Circle. Homo m Uio sii'-roil refuse of cur life. THE RUNAWAY MATGH. Many years i0 of 1 tUlDO IWOtllV irt:uli:irl v coin kmicc there dwelt in the , a pretty village distant miles from the' market town, laugh on him lfe at anv rate. I'll take care of vou and COLD WINTERS. In 359 A. D. tho Euxino was frozen over fo two mouths. In 508 tbo rivers of England were fro zen over for two months. In 597 the Black Sea was covered with Vaxderbilts "Whist. The greatest) Dog Eat Dog. An Omala liverv- u I ,.1 ... I it.l 1 ,1 n f. l.i -e , 1. vour wile at anv rate. passion 01 wuicu uc was pu&s-c&suu was i bitteue; kmierunucu a uuo xut ui cuucu "I'll do it!" said Joe. card-plaving. In former years the games dogs. These dogs arc white, with black "You snail said -Danfoith; and thev were always played at either the Union or spots all over them, and are noted for parted in the best of spirits. Manhattan Ulan, and consisted of whist their docile, not to say cowardly, disposi- ,n lionr alter dark, on the lollowing ev- onlv, ox which he was very lond. 1 hose tion. 1 he dogs belonging to the livery- ittn( Ti n la A ii 1 , i nnrifin rt i A aAr rA I 1 -v li o rlo i'rwl y on? rr n moc u? l fli libn 1 ctuV.la lroi-wi" u orA lkPftpf. rim oil rwnn RiAnq V li 111 j U 11 HI' HJ Ilia 1 i 1 till j IV- v ' i I tlJ iiti J'ct j V1 c in v j Tisvu ujbu otuviv "vvvt . VM v. . w w w i i- in a new black suit, and looking really state that ho was a very adroit and clever by the other doers m tho streets, and, as lce lor twenty uaysAna in 7lJ the ico was vcrv wirnp v. Tho old man bustled out to nlaver. He had a most remarkable and thev were meek in spirit, were as easily Ieci lu,CK- - - - - - 1 , , , 1. , w the barn with him, lielpinjr to harness wonderful meraorv of the cards after thev overcome as a'lot of sheen. Tho. livery- "Yonni' Morfrari" to the new phaeton, and had been plaved. He alwavs received . a stable man stood this as lonjj as lie Ifadii)'' the spunky animal himself to the poor play with a frown, and praised a good I conhr,. when, one day, be found a large t -wtf 11 I T r 1 I T1TM1' 4 1 ". 1 H 1 J Z a. T T . 1 road. Awaviwent the happy Joe v ait- one. lie once had lor a partner wiinam wmte iiUW-aor, ana 11 immediately 0C cr, in search of his bride. A few rods dis- Cooke, a railroad man of Bridgeport. He curred to him what -to do. He bought tant he found her. as per previous ar- declared that Mr. Cooke made the best that dor. took him to his stable, and there ranc'cmt-nt, and, repairing to the next vu- play he had ever seen in lAEre, the pardon very quickly made them of the game. Hearts were one in holy wedlock. Joe took the bride Commodore long suit was and soon dashed back to the town of V high cards of which he held and halted at I 'Danfor'th's house, who was cention of the kinir and . -i . . i . . i .... already looking lor him, and who received the samo suit, held by Mr. Cooke with- a veritable coach doe, with a somewhat and lorty nights incessantly, In 721 thn TIlbf. T)nnnli nnfl Rpinn were frozen for four weeks. Pn themselves tlio solemn cbligations In 1323 the Mediterranean was entirelv ?l marriage; but their present whereabouts frozen. " wo believe, unknown. The yonng ! In 1405 Tamerlane made an excursion lady's father was in Albany at the time into Ch'ina, and lost his men, horses and ?n Usincs, and somebody wrote L5m that ifested a decided af- l,ua or anylliin clc to Iund ou lh . Tho voun- couple .wLolc xrv' ouc .Mil!e IcV a inj S9 vcrv urvr-; at Umv not pcrm .s, wboro tber took u Ikj h-cu on theVholo t-itiarr. tL-ttrani;. i solemn clili.-ilinfi : t t .. i . i t ti " ri ii'iii niuipr foiiifi iifiiTiit hiiii i i k m i rt ni all his experience kept him until ho had eot thoroughly ac- cameis oy tue excessive coia. ; ' '" " ' can wctn pacing nn anr trumps, and the quainted with the coach doirs. Tho bull- ; la 1'ans experienced so great cold I "J v.a,1Sull"r; 1 v.t. lbat ore aruuud it; io ftct. .. . I. i . . . . . iv.i ii.. . i . i i . i. i in Mm. ir oiiT n timii riynrrn nnii t w SDadec-. all the doe was then sent to the barber s slwv. uiat ie cuy was uepopuiatcu, anu auimais iy J " " v anas wlo viii rru , with the ex- and black snots were ueatlv painted or fed on corpses in tho streets. "' f xuc. x u vy,- tLe u u flta a smaller card of dved all over him, so that ho looked like ! In 1443, at rans, snow fell forly davs gregauon naa jusi concia cu uc singing uide of the rircr Scioc, him witli open arms. "Is it done?" cried the old man. !y and graceful maiden. tl.o had u, peculiarly 'ugly and cross-gram-1 Id hut wealthy fat'lier. Minnie w:s D.mforth's only child, and feport wiid she. would be his sole legatee, "jl lie old man was a sturdy fanner, and was i'stimiitcd to be worth full ten thousand ijlull.-rs at that period a very handsome out the Commodore's knowledge. It was short nose and elongated lower jaw. The Yanderl lilt's. lead, the trumps having been next time the carriage was sent ont this "Yes yes !?L' answered Joe. exhausted, and he was debating in his mind model coach dog went along, and the "Bring her in, bring lier in," continued how to capture the king, so as to run out street dogs "went for him," thinking thev the old fellow in high glee; "never mind the suit. He at length led the ace, upon would have their usual sport and victory; compliments; lio matter now about the dark which his partner played the king, giving but in this they were mistaken; the bull etin v; here, here, Joe, to the right, m the the Commodore the control ot the siut. 11 dosr waded in, and the way the guitar parlor, :we 11 have a iollv time now, and the small card had been plaved his partner strings and sausage meat flew was a can- the anxious fanner pushed away for lights, wold have had the leading card in the tion. Since that time the coach dog3 have returning almost immediately. "I am married " In 14G0, in France and Germany, wine was frozen so hard . that it w as cut in blocks and sold by weight, i In 1570 tho intense cold lasted three months, and all the fruit trees of l'rovencc and Lanqnedoc were destroyed. In 1G07 provisions and food became so scarce on account of the cold in Paris that a small bundle of kindlinsr brush cost fortv A Stuaxge Scexe ix CncKcn. One it may be for fear f fire. Inside thlg incU- day last week, says tho Rochester Union, sure are lDtc4 tLc sugar taij !e aboct a young man living in Gcncsc clopod forty feet apart, which, Leo groan, will with tho daughter of a w calthy and re- make a fine shade all around tLe future, snccted citizen, the parties for some time TLcms tmrs are the only kind of vegcta- previous having manifested a decided af. Mn or auythin? cbc to Ins funl on tU fcction for each other. went to Mount Morris, . , , it.. i er io pas.iu e bv oulv can i-ee a vast, level square, lking so vet y Krene, but alien tl-K-a not inquire for what it is intended. This is the square tl.M contains the great wiae cellar of l';ui. TLe cellar no on one of tLe Kiro.U there are Ibous- that Lave cercr ea r.tetl to tie south. and rather to the vrrr few wf t!; f.i1iiinkblA M-ff vik-t. Alru'tir.rntr devil in this church, and I give Lcr jnet of MllMauiial fence, which itic'.osvf five minutes to live! At tho same time i ,,w ; - i,r . t ti. he drew a revolver aud p.iotel it at alady an lJje a;ol(S au,ijra v, .,aik8. "f;rr lho seated in a pew lu front of Lira. 1 he vehicle cuter the gateand go a bort dis-. dcKcud the tie- rt-acht-l the oe!lx. as it iik;i J or the hrst lirran when he arose in Lis Mutli-cat part of the citr, Jit in a pew, took out Lis watch, and addressing Acriv iuhabited part, w'here but fe the clergyman exclaimed: 'Thcfe is a tym rAiMA ov-r Aifb., devil in this church, and I give Lcr jnt of pililMantial fence, w five minutes to live!" At tho same time t a K4e i he drew a revolver aud pointed it at alady ajj tjje wa.0,(S aud dravs pa seated in a pew in front of Lira. The vehicles cuter the gateaud lady was tho mother of the young man ,ancCf lLcr commence to d who had eloped with and married the ci;v;,v uuiii lucr tave reacl other's danghter. The woman, acting ilJcU ttjy U c'iUc a cj,r "Y yes fort mho. to be sure. The sparkling eyes and winning wavs .if Minnie Danforth had stirred up the fi- lier feelings of the whom t!hc yillat i .(ins; hitt male portion of , and her suitors were numer cr f :tiier was pavticiilar, and making headway with ne Micccc'tcu i 1 , iiii or ner. I r. the meantime Minnie had a true and ii 11' . ur n ial lover in stM ici . j i is name was vaiK- ,J,,;. Jue iValkcr, and lie was simply f.irmer, cmp'oyed by oll Danforth, who id Vntrusted Joe with the management jl his place for two or three years. It it a very excellent lanncr and good . i i . i . ilinua-'cr was the Main, unassuming, nut jjood-IooUiii' .Joe AVal'vcr "And this $ my wife," he added, as he passed up the beautiful -bride, -the' be witch ing arid lovely Minnie Danforth 1 . . "What!" Toured the"-lather. "Joe, yon villain, jou scamp,-you audacious cheat, you vou you "It is true, sir; we are lawfully married. You assisted me, yon ; planued the whole affair, you lent; me your horse, you thought me last evening , worthy oi any man s child, vou promised me the cottage at the foot of the lane, you " r "I didn't ! 1 deny it. You can't prove it. . "loure'a i-a a" suit, and would have been unable to re- been let alone. turn the suit afterward. The Commodore often referred to this play, aud declared it the finest he had ever seen. f The. praise to be be bestowed on the the Commodore's partner's play should be A Mixin' of the Babies. -Some time ago there was a dancing party given ''up north;" most of the ladies present had little babies whose noisv perversity re- cents. The ratnV froze, at their still, nnd Under an impulse of iliscri-tloo. left the ;n .r .man .,r r :t . ... ... ' I 1. i .i : ..ti . ...I . . . . . . o a quiet state of affairs. Nothing further mc f,ir1r (r fiftv fert Li2b. atLe wall has been done alKut the waiter, thongb UvetL ead i made t- rfeilr t, Ln, .i .1. t j.. : ..t. I ... ......- . iuo uoie comumimv u:oc iin-ii; u a mi ,,lllirj Ajj iJ.rouU tLCMJ liTlTC. Ultlil qualified. A celebrated character said of q"-d too much attention to permit the the Seine could be crossed bv beavv carts. In 170G tho cold was so intense all over Europe that mass could not be said for many weeks in certain province?, because the wine could not be kept iu a fluid state. In 173o, in Chinese lartary, tho ther- ject of constant talk. It seems that the man who feels so deeply air sieved at and cross lreet. the wagons od drar tre driven to lal or unlal. TLe various i . i ii . i .11 w-linf i.roviniiifii lik f.11 hlir. eti . rvr w-a it m . . .. . " p --....i?.. o .'..o motners to emov the uanco. Anuuiueroi -..v.. ".v.i ..v .w i ., ... , . , . , -. - .- uuo ul ijpuiwu o tamjiaigus, i- '""y i, " , . , zrrft Vilireniu'it i tuai iue eiopemeni was int'iigatcu iv tue "Calmly now, sir, continued Joe; and , . i ,1 , V i -DS- CJrAZETTE.J j entreaties hi tue happy -couple were at . , . - .i i , , the entreaties Oi tue happy coup once united tojoueli the old man's ire, and him to. acknowledge their; to persuaile union 1 he lather relented at this.; It was a lie was onlv Job of his own .'manufacture, and he saw ,. ciitv-tliicc, and he actually fell in love iih tin- 1 :; t i , pleasant, joyous Minnie wjiquc, mats eeriest pas guerre." bo we ""- iuru .men must sav of Mr. Cooke's coup dc jouc: c est UUI1g u ""u parenis nuuugeii maanifiqiic.maisce riestjxis tchist.llad the o scouer had tho Huiin.il ii.il iuu uauics 111 UllilliU Ml 11JC mischievous devils, than they stripped the infants, changed their clothes, giving the apparel of one to another. Ihe dance over, it was time to ro home, and the mothers hurriedly took, each a baby, in the dress of her own, and started some to their homes ten or fifteen miles off, and were far on -their way before daylight. Commodore led his qr.een of spades, then the king plav, followed by the small spade, would have been the perlectvon ;of whist, for no good w hist-player ever leads from a short suit except in sheer desperation. Mr; Cooke's play wa.s brilliant but unsound. t ii a.-i.iit h, Ins old employer s only. dangh t'lr.. Hut the 'strangest part of the occur- ii luce was that Minnie returned his love t'.-uhcstlv,'tnily and .frankly, and promised t(J wed him at a favorable time, ' l'hii;L' ' went' on merrily for a time, but discovered certain glance Meiiliniis between them which excit- r it'i:i hU.-iiietoii. erv soon ai- Joe learned th old man's mind o!U Iu;forth Mild ("i his !UI' t.-j-AM-d manufacture, iow useless ltjwould be inially to attempt to destroy it. I .Jie.eave 111 reluctatntlv, and the lair Minnie Dawfofth was overjoyed tobcdulv acknow!ed-ed; as Mrs. Joe alker Ihe marriage proved a happy one, and the original iassertiou of old Danforth iiroved truthful in every respect. Theenn- ning lover was a crood son and faithful A LOOSE LOKD. W bv did not some rich American girl buy up Viscount Maidstone, wuo sold himself to the queen for a shilling? asks a Loudon correspon dent. This vonng man is the eldest sou of an earl, undoubted heir to the estates and title, handsome, graceful, well educa ted and young. At the conclusion, it is two But the uav following there was a tre mendous row in that settlement; mothers discovered that a single night had changed the sex of their babies observation dis covered physical phenomena, and then commenced some Ot the tallest lemaic pc- destrian:sm; living miles apart, it required zero, Fahrenheit. The winter of 1740 was of such rigor in. Russia that an ice palace was constmct ed at St. Petersburg iifty-onc feet long and seventeen feet wide. Six ice cannon were mounted on the walls and two mor tars for bombs. The cannon held balls of six pounds ami were charged with powder and discharged so that tuo. ball pierced a board two inches thick a distance of sixty feet. The cannon did not burst. Its walls weie less than ten inches iu thick ness, t young mau's mother. Stonewall Jacksox axd His Ciicsi. Ono of the strangest anomalies of Jack son's likings was his affection for General J. E. B. Stuart. Two men more directly opposed to each other could not have been ervtLing is so well arrayed iLt all I uu- ness is K-tf-rniel with ihe greatest dis patch. Into this snare to ct-e i evtral- Tut- Tn-.-Tv, TM, -.r, .b. ,.!.. I lOWCl IO HlltT Utile lUer UlVf UUMCf tcrs of the Thornton family uie coittddcred or.rJn P'J a i-nail, an 1 th&t can ! c b as fair and tlender, with sVcet but plain wiac cue wio La. tt.2tj. faces, and comj.lexions of that sallow cm with the pu-jr amh,nne. rUre paleness supped to be unknown to the a ?iuar,l Tl .al f "e gtr ensumersof the roa.t betf and plmn pud- f,rt I. hotjt ding of England. Thev dress u iib the llial Frn,;t. Ibm lc of the tuclortxre, at greatest plainness, their abundant light ceiUin diMatre are xcrx all, Lair braided and tied up with riMwus, f.'cv, one-Mory bous. l.cb ouc cf lbee their dres-es rather short and free from uu- la l ttu, one la wlicU natural expansions, and their shoes, wlkli J"mosu trausictc.1, the other pnrat. not at all diminutive, Lave poles tbi k- -han nnv American id.oem.ikor would ta Uke charge rl it, and be ts to be fjuod are cr than anv row, he presented at "Wool- shillin'. Iinsiian the liaMijiness 'runaway m.itc mi ..r m dispo to enioy 3, and Hived aianv years 1 T 1 1 1 .1 whicu lotto wed upon this , while the old man never cared to hear thuch. about the details of the 7 be supposed, of a family himself at the lloval Artillery x-ieb nml rpccivinrr tlio fiueprc ..-. J, listed as a common soldier. n hen it came to stating who he was, yon can. ima gine the " flutter the incident created. In the. course of the day his father eot wind days to unmix the babies, and as fonna jn the South. Stuart was as fond dare to make. The miles that they walk, llrrc da7 f b'lH L'c " ride or "pull on the liver" are an unfailing I",0,1 ,n, 11 lle V' .tLe source of ast-.nhment to voung ladies hcb arele,.Kted in the loue. lorta- whose onl v miles are dance.1 out on w axe-1 t.laC "Tie W "t "J ,,of f J.v ooc m ,l many months to restore the w'omcn to their natural sweet dispositions. To this day it is unsafe for any of the babv mixers to venture into the territory. A Commercial' Romance. "With the of a song and dance as ho was of a raid round the enemy's camp. Kven when a lieutenant general, he was often seen rid ing at the head of his column with a sol dier bv his side, picking the floors. I u summer or winter, rain, snow find in letters oa the Louhj lkmrgonr, aod on the 1joim in wLicb are to le found the samples of CLsmpagne, will be found the word "Champagne," and all the other Lou cs will Lave on them the canes t.ftbe elopement, fur! lie saw how completely7 had over-shot ihimself. ? A Pretty; resjiondcnt v Brigand Story. A "cor iting to the Philadelphia lit, for fuH three months, d as soon as his "work was lin- ilv at late bedtime, v in regard to his future ie's hand, and he nnicklv saw that tiis 'case was a hopeless one, unless he re si-j tc.l to htratcgeih; and so he set hiSwits all once to work. ' . ..it.. ,.'..ul. 1.1 i.n a-.c. u.c.u, uu appaicuuv wiuci Jinlldui savs:4 A fri(nd aud I were talk ci'ji lii.-ss was ibsrved by the lovers to- Wiinls each oilier for live or six months, atijltlie father saw, as he . thought1, w ith S'iiis!"actiui, (hat, his previous suspicions and l- .os had :t!I been premature. Then, 1 :':T!M!iicnt n tw'Cn them, Joe absented hiiiseii' IVcjm the house at eveningp and iiilr'id al'er i i.u .IU' disap-.iC'ir I'i'ieil, to rctufH home on TSii-i v. a- unusual, and old Danforth de- t'ernined to know the cause of it. ! ' i. ii t 1 . t ' ii. ie i rat i lily conicssed that no was in I'dc y, ith a man's (laughter, who resided li',s than three miles distant; but, after a f.tit!,:'ul attachment between them for sev- evid umtiths, the old f,!S'-d to eutci'tain Vietng ladv's hand. Tiiis h as capital just what old Danforth newt desired. This satisfied him that he ha i male a mistake in regard to Own child; and he would help Joe to get married, and thus stop all further suspi cions or troubles at homo. So he said "Well, Jue, is she a buxom lass!" "Yes yes fi'lks s iv .so. . '.i . .... t;i-,. 1. lu'i i'.i ii i mi, o v. .:. !.: : ' ' "Then marrv her," said old Danforth. "I can't; the lather objects." continued Danforth man hud utterly re his application for the on' .that. The vcrv next day said 'Joe. "That is, other I'm not much' of a judge.' ;"ioh r von care? "let him Run a- do so, what need wjiv with her!" ;"Klope?'' j"Ves! Oil" with you at once! If -the g:tl will marry you, all right. Marry her ip I'd bring her here-, Vou shall have the cottage at the foot of the lane; I'll furnish it for you; your wages shall he increased, atid the old man lunv like it or not, as he vill.". " "l'.nt -" "Hut me no btits, Joe. Do as I bid you; o about it at once, and j "You will stand by me?" "Yes, to tho last. I know you, Joe; vou're a good fellow, a good workman. find .will make anybody a good son or hus band." I "The old fellow will bo so mad, though." "Who cares, I say 2 Go on quietly but quickly "To-.inorrow night, then," said Joei ''Ye4," said Danforth. . "rU'hire Clover's horse" 4,N'o, you shan't." "or I sav no. Take mv horse the best ono young Morgan; he'Ll take you off in line Ktvle. in the new phaeton." 'Kxiu'ly." "As soou. os vou'ro spliced, come right J'.'iyk here, and a jolly time we'll have of it ut the ld bouse." "1 hit the old man might drop in on me!" ban ! lies an out lool, .whoever ho is: h' don't know your goo'f qualities, Joe, as "m.i i eio. nou i tic airaui; a laiut i cart, y,iu know, never won fair lady." '"The old man will bo astounded." ".Never mind, go on., We'll turn the ing of Leone last evening, and I related the following pretty story of a courteous. well-bred brigvnd, who flourished in 1-593, ?.Iarco di Sciarra. ! lie was of great, old Sc'tarra blood, iwhich is now represented iu Home by the jl'rinco Colonna di Sciarra, ho'wlio owns five of the. loveliest pictures a existence, among which are Kaphael s Lute Player;! Titian's "Bella Donna" and "Jjiiine," Leonardo di Vinci's "Modest- y andYorldly Vanity," and Prince Bar berini's "Colonna di Sciarra." ' JEarcp di Sciarra was a captain of a band of mama dlcri, as freebooters or highwaymen are called in-' Italian, and tW "infested the lands about 3161a and Castiglione, town of (laetn. I his freebooter of a captain 1 1 il.i iiiir rn . , m ueaiii inau "Qiguor loiquato lasso, a great man d' great parts, learned in every science, and particularly, in poesy, author of a work called 'Gerusalem Liberia' and other writings, ! which, for his' glory, were in the hands of every one" he heard,. I say that this remarkablo man was travel ing from Xaples to Home with an escort, aud had -stopped some days at Mola and Castiglione. Sciarra had so much admira tion for Tusso and his poesy that he sent him word that he should not only have a free passageway, food and good company for the journey,! but everything he might wish that he might command the services of the leader and his band. Tasso returned almost gracious! thanks, but did not accept me in viitiiioii. j lie en ei not iniiiK it eieco- rous to do so; he elid not wish to make anv VicMidly compact with such a man. You see, civiujwtiou -. was 'already advancing when Sciarra received Tasso's courteous refusal: Although the reasons were not given him," hejf course divineil them, and inimciliately sent another messenger to the poet, saving that Tasso and his escort could pass through the roads uninterrupt ed; that ho and' his bantl of men would withdraw and leave the place free. "And this he. did. They had gx.qut delicacy, courtesy, high breeding, and- were well- read, the brigands of that day, most surely. "liinto rale necjh animi quardunque fieri V opinion dda virtu " says the old chronicle of Capua. ! Mr. Tilden, Who is a very abstemious person at table,; was a cause of despair to his cook an accomplished functionary who once prepared the majestic meals of Dom 1 edro. Mr. Dorsheimer, on the con trary, loves good cookery, and whenever he dined with the Governor and particu larly enjoyed some dislrhe would send his compliments ami a congratulatory mes sage to" tile cook. One day Mr. Dorshei mer . was leaving the Governor's house when the cook appeared on the basement steps, and expressed his gratitude for the Lieutenant-Governors appreciation.!" "Ah -Mr. Dersheimer," he said plaintively, "I haf cot)ked for two great men, the Emperor of Brazil and the Governor of Aew York, and both of them want their dinner in the middle, 'of the day, and eat him in twenty minutes!' i again, but again he was turned purpose erasing tl refusing, suitable, has now' where, in will be obli duties. bo enlistee from his or blush, they are out taking their exercise, accompanied by their father or gsverncss. At concerts opera or theatre. Lady 1 born- l i tnn riirin in hrivn with kilk. Lire fttid , miii.j i.u.nH.iu.1 : . . - . . - . . . ' ... I ,.rA.;n. r-.,.,. Virl. It. in. ii l,mn-. I . . 1 , , l , , , ... 1,1 i.tcnlj. I ' . i , .1 n m fl.A 1 i 11 r 1 1 ? nra 11 II h I I " " -- " -. - - - o: tue "Arkansas traveler" ont oi an old- N"- , y , i t- i.-;- :,t . could be more 'r govcrT-ess, dressed insi as plainly as " " . ' their 10117 leaver cllu t o r. - broad brim felt bats WS unj.ies irom a ceitaia pronnoe, can iind that Lont without anv trouLie. As I Lave rami Ual off on tLe win to a firm on its way. it may be. on an excursion i a i ' . .1 ... 1. ' p 1, :,. T ,1 1 1 i r - .', , ' . . I -v OAlJ Cliua. -1. rcmarwiuc wv 1 rt-ier 10 lue suiueix 01 w mc ix, roar of merchants mLnerpoolgevcra bales of fraught with the destruction of an army. Lf -acc.llinnlatin!r Wter is told in the not 1 altogether out ot for me to It was a common occurrence for btuart to v... v.a M . i.:..i. ,.1 .11 1 t : .1" , t S--V-1J1 1 .1 1-1 r I I -r , .. . ..- ill ii'U iu nia 1 iriiiu.i - "nun .v'iii.c-h tuu wuai 1 a w iu luu vtai iuc Jsooody had never seen the like of it be- stop at Jackson's lioadviartcw, on his re- t,je deatl at Lo fi;rLo insan at y m ja one of le , feire: nobody thought much of it; anei thus turn from one of his expedition and I i 11 t i it n .1 .1.1 .1 .' t every ten Licb park vou Lave - . . ncuiu vi on J.1H10 0.111, ijuiuiii-i, viii.13 i 1 lasuioaeu nanjo. ioiuing u u, a uu cn.e. uuao iu uau., l'aiM raroer which mav not in.intlv be said to Ubc,,r.l ;,.,...na-r.,.w tl.9.. tbta rn,-rt-n. out for a walk, 111 'smart money a pnnud or two and got U lol t tl ance cf commerce: for bin instrmnent nccnciifed nbvnv uiib saciues and ldaiu lpunglimpou. iheyomns the story of how the owner ' of Saltaire break-downs and doublc-shnflles, lorne at down over their eyes. : 1 :S V'l: ? .a dc his fortune is indeed singular. Many the head of a fierce body of calvary, then 1 iiiiyV'iin, 111111 ii. umi viinivi iiwu 111 r l . t. . . ... 1 i 1 n.ir !i(ni hi.. u f'iH f'luisitriii'ii snmn Kirfin'-p nsiirv wool irnm rusir:iu:i nv xue coniiiiaiHuiiir oiiicei e ie prerogative verted in him rri : i .i it lay stowed away in a shed at the docks spend the night witb him. turning mto nnntimno uMltlivmwI.Mt .,!. u,11. f,.n) ,f it. tn, I'd.ti I'.l I he report is that the viscount as tf u g() much lllmbt, jt , , ' one tunc a uc alt h merchant, and a w ill- front cf the rqnare I alsis Koyal enhsted in a cavalry regiment, . r "t , nnB , . r T;.1W Srtn n X-Z T....i' x.u -n i.;, ...:i:.... kl,own and sacccssful curator in oil. He mmntes for U.is de inccnoes ,m addition to other hardshii.- he V f " " r .7 Ti : " -T was engaged in business n .New lork, lis tituated on the e.-j-t fi-k of 1' cedto Perform a stableman's V- , 4 , . , "V lim. w". mma1' ,H m , but at the outbreak of the oil excitement Uide of the ontcr wall. When i r,d C : iTrr; "'Sa U TL te interested in the celehrate.1 Noble Hved at one of ,be tbW i ' .... u.p.iWvu gmranyuif, lu.bccnre mobo ieMrauie wclj . wliiol. brought him an eaev fortune, take one of the fine waJkt tbt lel SutU consignment ot seeming ruUbisii. lie ex- appendages w henever he slept under tent; i. l'.., til, r .1 . . .1 - uo tite Lae-. 1 here is amined it. however, anil asked if he might b.-rnrv .-ere fw if !o n.mfV.dfrflt. nnm. - .... in... ia . t tr i I . J ... Pivio.-ii. ii- bn o.M.or- i,J i ii 7 f .,i " J I quarter oi a minion uoiiars, anei t'Maouu-1 jcme, coil wtcn toa Live trnvea mere Lioauwav who appears to be allowed to take some of it away with erioved. I ii- if i . . l -i t r .1 : Tl,,. no-- in- .r.i.in:n i" ac 1 . ' 1 . I . . 1 ei liimseii 111 a. luxurious couuw v-ca. u 1 vou are 00 me nuaii omkvi i i"'ii 1 he passei ova ceitam Iain. Ui course he obtained Dei mission to n nn nrMnn Kinnrt rMnm nr lat K , , iv ..i.; I. . ',,1 ',.1,. f nu,t i 1 1 1 , , ' ., ' , ii?ng isiana. jiisastrons Fpecniauon, in- then, as vou go tip tue pave, street tan evm ;Vlthat it Fn'V T 1 1 f t0 R " Ji' 'S MS of horSe-railroad runs' parallel "wi.b the river for abont a t TT'tt i V,t l hthcU"hl ou Long'lsland, led to a long series cf mile and a half, for the whole disaoe Too table in the center, like a enred need not be told, bu&ce it to say nor the freneral. crawled nto the bed. a 1 . t-i . .,1 t '..-i i en cd ------ --7 iih kiii i m. in 11 1111:11 iiiinuic h .ii tini l niiB I 1 1 1 u"i u i ill iaiani nil a if tii . hid ui a a Gooi Night a baby, up on be .'appreciated.. house; may see o'clock every upon a large small king, surrounded by an entire fam- that he came back agaiu, offered to pur lly. 1 he house appears to be occupied as chase the whole of the "rubbish, and be a laundry ; in front, and it is upon the tabie came its possessor for a "merely nominal where the ironing is done that the baby is sum. I his hairv wool, this trash which nightly displayed. Probably eight o'clock is the hour at' which his majesty is in the habit of retiring, and the ceremony seen . i t . -i . t i i through toe window is that oi a biddino" C3 - -- " o him good night before his mother carries fond, when he was joined bv Stuart. "General Stuart;" cried Stonewall, ar resting his ablutions, ami speaking in the j iuterval of a vigorous rubbing with a coarse towel, "General Stuart, I am al- no one woubl even look at as a marketa ble commodity, and of which Mr. Titus Salt secured tho monopoly, was alpaca Such was the way in which tho fortunes of the great manufacturer anei millionaire, dm off. The baby appears to enjoy the who died at his seat, Crownsnest, near Wavs "dad to see von vcrv lad nlwnva i.: i.:... ...if ..i. : ir.ur . ., , i i .. . . v -J luiu" u-imsvii as luuvu us au uuiv, waving xiaiuax, quite recently, were iounaea. ke to have vuu come and Btav with me. Lis arms and crowing while father and For years Mr. Salt and his family were nml cleen ivitb mo n-ben vnn HUa. lint i ii -i . ' . i '.i. . ii I . i i i . .. 1 .. . . orotuers ami sisters snaiie meir lingers at uie sole makers ol that uselul material General Stnart. 1 want it distinctly nnder uim ami manuesi in interest and adulation. various ways It is a verv their which has grown to be something like a stood, hereafter, that you are not" to ride pret- rival to cotton; and on the strength of the ra0 all night, like a "cavalry horse, with .: .i..i i. .i...i ii . ,i i .i o ' ' . 11 1 1 1 1 " , ... 41 I . - ' k T oooteei anaspurrca as ne was, an., soon ,rra,lialiv eaten up. He himself was barrels high. Yoti nndertan 1, lbee tlio was fast asleep. In tho morning Jack- 6tr;ckenvith j.aralvbis; bis daughter diI, ands of barrels of wine are Hacked op ia son arose early and was delogiiig himself an,i 0n the announcement cf an adverse tlo rttect. vabWt Io all Linds of 'vretber. witucol l water, ol which ho was verv L':.-; : n !nu,nrt,n fi.,t. ;. I :.i j Ji, ,,r t . .i,,..ii.M. . V I 111 1. II ... a. .IWI'V. . . V . . . ....v. . I I ...III. Mil B ... . ...... . V . - . w . w (Jroppcel oeaa upon ine noor iK-iorc uim. are but iew jtouee, om icw pn4i m iuv The projcrty Lad belonged to her, and day, and but comparatively fetr at night, as she bad left no will Klraore's life iu- The motatordt-hitig thing to iae wat that tercst iu the estate was sold, with all per- m liiany ihouiands of barrels could ls sonal chattels, to satisfy judgment, and be j.torcl up in tie street, cmUltere.1 frora anei his two sons w ere cat out upon the Lent and cold, drought and rain, mui nt be world homeless and penniless, lie trav- liable to leak, for they were &U in ik1 eled from place to place, a cripple, sul- excellent condition. And, sain, I was sisting on the benevoleuce of pympatbetic atouiidn-d that it wsoi tot toleo, at it ap- ty glimpse of home life which is given valuable patent thev thus acquired, they through the window-j and takes' away for built a factory, which, "with extensions, insj uioijie-ui. tin uiLi-itiM, in puuiits ui iuu uas oecuiiie one oi me largest in XjUgiauei. Luropean war. St. Louis llepulilican. your spurs. frientls, until, on Christmas night a year I pearcd ia f uch an uriprttectel cosdilija. killed npon the Now. in ad Iiuoji to all tLis wiae Homltip ago, his Oke'Mobb About "Gexkhal 5Tte. tleil"that are noticed in local newspapers The Utica Observer tells this story : It chic?! son was l'ennsvlvania ltailroad. Ion the side f the trect or roaxUeadiog The tottering intellect of the infirm old I from the citv, was a row cf Lonscrs for a A Scene ix A Railiioad Car.' The j man gave way under this blow, and Le I tuile or two, which were all bnilt on alio fidlnii inr lunrrlmbln inriilpnl ia Intil lie A I a-.n tnlicn In tlif nsvbmi. rbere !l6 died. I n llli l,f trft (if rnl !. I"ir.l bUnP Lkd f A -.Tn--.r. C , ,r . t I ..o o ... -.1 . .. . I .. ... "... vti,4ieA,ii.L4i,Du1uB i well known government olhce-UoIder who His death aCccts a smt now pending, and lt large vard, with a bigb, rd.i.ie tot.e is related that he was trying a case in the Southern tier, the presiding Judge beih iccvish and irritable, as well as rather dull. Gen. Nve had not only crossrexam- med a witness at great length, but had Irequently put the same the Judge had freqaer boa nitliin cr asjt In dr lint riilo nn thorjirs. I mi-h In b.a remfiinin' rliild. & minor Son. I Tfrri an.l fill it A K'iln.ttl!lal ilTin frCfie. are interesting for their novelty. John and as Le f(ieg fre0 i.aa nurnerons tales to a t.ortion of the rrotrtc on Long Istand: I faond that c-acb one cf lhae rard. bhawhan m Lebanon, Inel., accidentally tell of bis observations and exocrience: bst this is all that now remains of the I stored fall of wir.e. Lraodr and oiler li- n.m-.n.l.-1 . n,..,.lF ..ill, .. .. 1I I . I . . . . . I ' " " . . "uuuulu 1I11HOV14 1..I.U . liuu. lie 14.VI4 11" .i -rn In-n siiiild in tl,a nn .ii-t, I I V 1.1. .ItmM 1-1. . 1.1 'l . t . I 1U1IU M 1.1 1 II V C3.1A10 114 IHU Ittl mill' I llUlliAPUIUV 1IM1UUV 1 11 11 , 11. vw.vv uroppea uie weapon, and a second barrel ea so as to face each other. One was oo- more retired ten 'rears ago. What a text was ifccuargca, inning a woman wuo n .. . , . i ft.i ti.. othcr b - C1.;. for ... rpacL.r :n tui, .Llo uie ! A rwl ... T T C1. r V . : . ..." . I'" .ilt i4. uiiv.c, nam9. Kviilentlv the larfv tint not rel- stooel bv. Both died. ie questions, which f coal miner m Tit ston, stuck a pick-axe jsb tLe pregenco of tLo Cb Uly ruled against as thnSb a thin wall of coal between bim cxplainet- to ilim luat Bu0 w noaman. ohe wanted to take improper. At last the" patience" of the ?n(J a, strf m' waj ran on him so tbc cniilljong antl lueir frameg and pUce Correspondence. Judge w-as exhausted, anei he rebuked Gen. Nye, and petulantly asked: "Gen, Nye, what do you think I am sitting here for. Aye looked up, and, with a grave countenance, but a twinkle in his eye, an swered coollv and composedly: "You have got me this time, your honor. fast that be was almost drowned. David Garvin tried to escape from a cell in a .New-port police station by climbing through a hole over the door. He fell. his feet caught, anei be hung head down ward until he died. George Wells, a po them lengthwise across from seat to seat. I John said 'all rightee and got out in the aisle while she proceeded to lie down on the bed thus improvised, witu her Lead 1 resting on her valise. She 6npposed that tho Chinaman would take the hint that rot mi ciztnt. NOTES OF ECEOrElX TIUVEU 5CMBER CTX. Messrs. Editors: There is one place that is a very noted square with the French, liceman in. Danville, kv.. took n. revolver .111 . 1 . . .1 . 11 , , . ' , - - " iuo jaeiy wantcu 10 resi in uie space usuai- j althou-b pucb a large square ami so from a drunken prisoner, and put it cock- , led x frt ng. Bq1 Jobn ,0 in IVance, w e never bear anv- ed into his pocket. It went off and fa- t once-proc5ecl to crawl in and .tretcb Tbin, " Ameri. This snare'l tally wounded bim A gal fell while b5mseif by ber sMe wilh bi3 IlCad on a 0 0 of is the fourth of a mile soaare, skating in Milwaukee, and the pointed liulo bomJle of bia' 0 Tbe cbinCPe aT fila level m it i?w4ble to lTvTa end of la smelling bottle, worn at ber belt. ..j i:u- .1- ana w as l. . u po. moic 10 uac a r I nrH 3111 iiiiii n I vn r;il J" Kill 4 lint- 411 1 1 11 iu i I. I . .-.1..,-.l 1... M . 1 1. f t.M l . 1 winarr. ii u iui.ium.-u m u 1 1 1 1 mi . The marquis of Waterford annoys rail road managers by always riding third-class, as it dirmmishes their hrst and second-class travel. f)nn dav t.liA tnarnnia nnnind at nAnAtmA 1 e.,..l ' i . i. au V w snnare. iTrrj .i: ii ..I., 'if:., i .1.- h , i 5 i- I otners ao, you Know, i oo iaay, as soon i i ,i, ftr -rfnn-bt iron. Tbi fence IS com ii Biuiuiu Muiiuii uuu uiuu" ui a iuuu-ciat.s dosioii uov nupaiea uimseii on a cane I u a- 1 i..irn 1 . " . . . . a - ...... o 1 iitI -o r In flin intimli mrnicuninnt rf IhA 1. i . r . J that purpose sat a sweep down beside him m me car, minting to drive him ont. I ivn . Xinfrlishman was Tho marquis surveyed his traveling com- "TVhat will you take to stand all night in pamon fo- a moment, and then started for the tower of St, Tanl sr the ticket! ofHce. "Give me a first-class j and a pint of beer," was ticket to Dublin," said be. They.thonght I The next one thus accosted was a Scotch they had bim, sure, but be simply return- man. Says Sandy, "What'll ye gie?" ed to the third-class car, and, making the Lastly came along Patrick, and when next car, to tho iufinite amusement of the broa(1 naVCroent 0f cement, and outwde of poMciigcr uo uau ucvu ' tbe?e pavements are broad streets, one on little scene witb some interest. John r. i. nf One wool J nt "A beef steak no n0t',Cf f ih. "f' that there would U rows of bouses on the frank reply Kut w,c w"VLe to the optKinte side of tbe street from the A two-horse wagon was driven over the square, but not so, for there is quite an o- ncn en.-irn between the streets ana iue house!. Thev cannot bo called squares, sweep a present of the ticket, escorted him asked what he would take to stand all Mississippi river at Hickman, Kentucky, for they lave no furra. These spaces are and his brushes to the first-class carriage, night iu the tower of St, Paul's, be wittily last month. This is said to be the first time filled op witb small ibade trees of the so- onl 1anuinT Vi m f li rot nrnnrl Itia -f n nnatrfirai A euro a Tl Iva n x tel-A n r r rvorjAn atii ofA.en1 1 1 a !aa a m ITflT m finlfl And lLc llDL I CIVDDOt MT wV place.- I there ari no booses near this q and leaving him there returned to bis fa vorite compartment. answered, "An' : a bad cowld. sure an' nare, nnle quor:; there were puncheon, pi;", cV - t . i i . and barrel, slacked rp irons loer vo wx high, an l all Laving no cover to pr-'etl tbeta froia the weatLer. I inquired if ev er anv of the wine was tolrn, an 1 was adored that it never warn. That aoJ oth er proofs I could aubce, wlicli wodd bow that tbe 1 reneb are rather oci a r.ccdy people, or tier are vcrv loneit. .Now tLe reaon why all urn lamrw op in such vast quaatiilrs on the tatk cf tbe river is to obviate tie city lax rial !s impowl on everv trallon lliat enters witl- . . . ii mi. i . : l . t . in tue cur wan. ui uviawvuj to tbip to other cf.aritries always go oct iMc the citv to lay, at it is w taacl cheap er than it it in tbe city. One mar Lave some idea of tie vad quantity c f wiaecsei in Vuri when it Is kcown dal good clxrrt is nsed tr event IkmIt nen, wcraca ar.i cbildren;all tbe'cbibVcn n it to ve ex tent. The reason why it is so etiirervaHy ned is that the water of lis river fclr,c so ftrungly iropregtjale.1 witb Laetroe that it is "rTea.ry to nse more w loss wine ia it. Well, a there U taocb of it osel, it boki like good clarrt wou!J command a I'gh pric: br.t atJ is not the. case, for during tho whole cf ray r0 in I'ari I never paid more t 10 cecU a quart fuT wine, audita boJ-lt it at 3 cents. I w o!d thai ooe living ocUtae the di',ouli bav it ss low 5 ta8cet.u a qnirt. VoTAGtUE.