. JfU II 1 H 11 (rl IN n ii iri in Wm ft , 1 It-J Pi j Published VOL. 4 NO. 30. ' j THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1377. WHOLE XO. 1S North Carolina Gazette. T, II. & G. G. MYKOVEH, mi: m$ or suBucuirnox iliio y-r (in mlvanue),. Six month " Thr.o ' " ' .i 2 00 1 00 CD llATES OF Aht'EHTISIXG: One uriilare n lines w.li'l ltunpiUi'iDorwinsPrtioii 5 10 4i V " " " ". tiro " 15 ont month three ix twelve 00 50 2 DO 5 00 ! 00 15 00 r.inir a;hM'! tin"iientM clre uml in lirfttiortton to the m.v. t.tn. Sn-' i.ii ni.t'ui -Zj rtr cunt, move than leUitlu ailvi-tis.-Mi'-lii". . , "l Home Circle. There was positively no other place HOW feHE OBTAINED A NECKLACE. that was safe from the strict searcli that she knew would he instituted asvsoon as A singularly ennnmg robbery wa3 late- he was discovered to be missing-. She MJ perpetrated at 1 lorence. An English procured him some garments which had man, accompanied by a girl of eighteen, ar- - - m- - . . . i - i a i . ii j t i ,i i. .a belonged to her brother., and she got hira "veu at a iasmonaoie uotei, uireu iiauu such' food as would be safe for him to eat some rooms, paid his bill regularly every IFrom the Sun-lay Dispatch. JCLIA DEAL'S LIFE AND DEATI1. Tliellcinradeforller ilr the Son of the Man Made Famous by Webster. week, and lived exceedingly It is a belief in the theatrical profession, well, but founded alike on observation and expert after his long fast. Hii regarded all her movements with the incredulous wonderment of a child. "Wli.it has been the matter with! me?'' he asked after a while. "I could not stir room w hich communicated w ith the apart- of Julia Dean. In what may 1. consider anv more than thou"h I was dead, but I ment occupied by his daughter, and she ed the early days cf the profession, the without any foolish expenditure. 1 he ence. that actresses seldom marr' well oil man brought with him a writing bureau, 1 the 6tage. I know of no life more pitiably which he placed against the door of the wrecked by an ill-fateu marriage than that ll)ni(? is tbe ;vml rcl'tige of our life. ! Dritlen. -T' m WARMS DAUGHTER. M4iion-lIydi was ;v cripple, but for all that Vh uas beautiful.' Her father was warden in a prison. Anong '.the jiri.-son-, hs was otie at the regi-.lering of whose naiutl at his etitraecf' Mai ion had been present, and potin'thing in his youthful ' though .sullen face attracted her pitiful glance, lie had stnlt-ti npcatedly from liis'beuefaetor, ami finallv ii'imittcd into the house in tho nighttime n gang t;f bm glars, who had k'"' ured considerable booty an 1 made off with it in safety, save, one, after M'vei'ely pounduig t!ie proprieCov of the house. This one who was not able to M'upe betrayed the complicity of the young man in the affair, lie was tried, convicted and sentenced. Tlerc was no redeeming feature appar ently to the story, but somehow that face haunted the girl's gentle- thoughts. Per haps' it was because t-he had a young broth er who was a wild la-d, wandeiiug just now liu Usg;-u:e, no one knew whither, and all the more tenderly laved by Marion because of his sad way. . One dav: as she rcaned on- the wind'ow- s'dl, looking with a wistful sadness into tlje varo at, the pnsorifrs, one cf tlif'tu looivei up, and, changed as he w;is iii everv wan thin feature, she knew' again the black, .Milieu eves that vet wciv souieuow liiie an .augrv, otislinate child's. Her rlaiict follow-d him as though slight, slie knew all that, was n-nino- on about me. had her escritoire airainst the same door Dean family were amonsr the hrst to enn rjn-h! it was frightful waiting there in the in her room, boon after their 'arrival the crrate to the H est, making their headqnar O CD I ...... . . . . -m.r dissecti n "--room. 'I believe it was only man visited a leading jeweler s . store, and ters m Cincinnati, then tho ISew lorRot the horror of it helped me to break the made several 'pnrchases, paying for them the backwoods. As Julia Dean grew&to frightful Wpell." on the spot, and at length told the jeweler womanhood, she was re.iNarkablo for per- I supinise you were m a sort of a trance,77 that no was on . the lootiout lor a reauy SOnal beauty, and ;urs. i arren, who piayea Marion said-t4iou"htfnlly. ' splendid parure ot diamonds, with wuicii rochard in "1 ho 1 WO Urpuan.s," at the 4Vlint nrn von r:x& to do wit h mp?" he wished to present ins daughter on ner it-cent terrible barning ot tlie urootiyn age. The jeweler said that m this j Theatre, was then the great melodramatic I am sure" she said case he luckily had precisely tae right lady star of the West, and upon her style but vou are safe hero till I I thmr, and forthwith produced a splendid Julia Dean modelled her own. necklace, which the man examined, stone Miss Dean possessed tho sympathy of by stone, and at length decided to take the entire company at tho .National lliea- for $80,000: but he explained that he had tre for being . subjected to the most need- not so large a sum iy him, and must corn- less cruelty on the part ot her step-lather, mumcate with his London bankers, and even at that remote distance of time called appointed the Tuesday week following "Old Dean.7' She was driven from pillar Concealing him till the hue land cry as the day when the necklace should be to post, and while undergoing all the es r i v i l .i i i..: I. 1 l, ; " tl,f -l f.,: a ,. were over, Marion smuieu nun i iiirougti i uionguu -auu luc iuhui-v jiu. vu mat posurc ana laiigue oi inc-aiuvai mt, a? tho "-at.es in a woman's dress and with a day the leweler repaired to the hotel, and ,nade to do the main part ot the drudgery basket of soiled clothes. And so the mvs-' he iouiid his customer seated at his writing of a laiie boarding-house kept by old terv of A vmer Trcstou'd escape remained a bureau. He took out a bundle oi bank- Dean, and although she was in receipt of a notes, ami w as proceeuing xo count meni, iUir salary weekly, her ordinary wear more saying: "My daughter knows nothing resembled that of Cinderella than of a about this; I am preparing a surprise for beautiful actress about sixteen years cf her," when there was a knock at the door, are, and fast rising "into popular favor in aud the young lady came in to say that the Queen City of the West, papa's tailor was waiting to try on some Miss Dean having plaved a little Indian ivinc on the merest pittance earned with clothes. Tana instantly closed the sccre- with much success, old Dean actually per ifr ne'lle. but t ic same sweewacca, "ie iu wuccai mo uci-maw, ,ih i luuieu uer io iuko enou-rii iiiuugv uui tu he asked again. "1 don't know, with a sigh, can" think." "I don't expect you to believe me, but 1 am as innocent of the crime for which 1 was brought heie as you are." "Guilty or innocent, 1 pityyohj you are so young again, bho came to ew loric and play ed an engagement at the Broadway in its last clay?, bnt she was encu a pitiliu S11XISTEUS' WlYEi. one c f en rr.ilt gtt on, and it -m I i sa tb fjirnml nti tfii-f f 1 . 'lhirlcigh," tiritin- fron Xctr York to on T aa iazT vt Ua lU Uac , wreck, both professionally and pcreonally, the Boston Journal, says: "The dtl of j for th lat to leave, and tie rarn If va that pho iudicionsly retired. It h eaid Dr. Ijrd, of BcfT&lo. revives orac intcfcsl-1 ri! t I'T I-lcin etc to J c f ih t!e that eho was happy with hif second hus- in(T f.lC8 alK)Ql llje cf the 1'arfon ?a!ort tH ir ' 0,l!'!aT ctlct rad iand, uui napping was i9ucr a ru oi i .... nf.:i.Wt100i a n.or W "V !irmfsTI passage. After the birth of bcr child in ' " . m -. . amng mnij onui j; Ui 1 reac l cJ A IfKk. the second marriage, ilie hcn it shot loa trj atiotlcr, anj that was recovcno,r I viy iimv u.-.-.i-iiiv'. v.. uu j-. - ranidlv. when suddenly sho said to her at- ish work. None ii expected and none U continnM to li!e on We liere ere tot tendant : desired. The roost nonular pastors Lave few Lonsca (fur, hbon;h iuwde of the city "Throw nn tho window I want air." L. i . : . . all, ue la 1 left tiu rrt cf tie citr Before the woman could cross tho room , . nM . . orrt p, t) ,i,Mnu.irM Uensclr tnLaUted,); but oa veroamrnc- a gasp made her hurry to tho bedJulia t) tlipir own anJ clj005SO lLc ed lo it a Uilt t,P c!alr IJean was dead. .;.!! iJ,. ;nm.- llr Tr.l IT ut luy 1 iiacu oic i ueCi'JClcl She died eight years ago in this citr, mnrrietl an'in(rian Hrl. She'bmoght to iff"". ncmb, cr ftL oitb- Uu3alo tho vigorou,. training .f Lor camp- l'.,u" " wbictojoi ite life. She wa2 a splendid rfder, and drew lb i ti .in - I nal lucre were lil'u etiivs, Anl mt aaca I L'cntlcmen would care to band!, lonrl. , . , ,? 1 ,t . i mt a lunai.UMc wan, lonitag like iLe entrance to a raiJrfl tnnncl tbat paic-t i i. . . t . 1 .t.IniMln Sl.A lirftltrvlif It llll rmtil I I w' . L i r.V .":.. ::?" " r ' 7;i::; 7 ave h rather wil l, m the M' 11 9 tlMU il I'l llUl'I'IMfl lll'IIVW iu- I 1 vited bcr to attend the letnale pravcr- ie franklv de link of it. I acjed about thirtv-sevea. (Froiu the Luu.aville Coaricr-JoarniLI GAllDhEU DEVOL'S ESCAPE. Tlireatenel ly a Tarty of Killers at Xipoleon, cu the Mississippi. gentlemen correspondent met Mr. Lord at a Northern Association to which bcr bnsiiana was a I Milan, Tc-nn., Feb. 17, 1877. Being detained at this place, I made the tncclin., j lllC niondng. .She L-quaintanco of George 11. ljcvol, the ci;nC(i. K,vinrr, 4I could not th ac gambler. Ho is a gentlemanly-looking i.u. .;n,,. ti,ja s tthat I came person of forty-seven, dark sandy hair, (oT , - Anj ':Qt tie av ; tbe woo.1, ngnt sanuy wi.isweis, uvguiu.u- u as she did everv dav during the meeting ave ratnrr mil, m u.e rarn laughed and seemed to rnjor thetaselves at some one txj't nw. 1 MTvhatttat to be done that e w r re to a in rtn8 direction nndergrour, J. Tie jdax Ler we disppearel ajtj.t rorth of the noted 2 I old fonntaia that t cm tie left fi le cf tie mystery. ' . " The years twenry-tive. i moved on. Her father cinated, mid: as h siirhed sofi.lv, and ssed from to itK pa went in jui.-on reeiirds f,r t!ie poor lads name It was Av'una- I'lCon. k at the 'I'lie ne-.v ol lil vn he was in ll1 sh-k next she w ar 1. For a f.iw weeks tdi;1 saw' him there, but tin el'lotnv eves never softened, only "azfd Ktraiirlit before' them from their hol low sockets, or hi 1 themselves obstinately beliiiid their W! lie w'v. sU'd Hi! ver spoiie, he Kcareely ate: am that he tho ju'isou physician told Marion was Mving'of sheer inanition. "ills tu v oi'tnion he's ti ing to starve sici hitu and spoke witl Marion was dead; was her lolized . brother had perished in brawl. She was alone in. the world; an invalid, L.ll liUlllI fcV ill ! . mm . . . the silver, a quick, piercing gray eye, ruddy 1T(.r norI1i1.lri.::., .r.d not dim the lustre of ,r.varJ. "!"'? -?ILini " 5a ff frma 18 rn.nli.inn i nf .rood address and ft sweet i i i l' - i -....i . lLc church Jladclaioe to the cyjlotnn Jalr. i v'i'.' s v m w - " - - - i r 1 1 ii w i ill iii I irihiiuiiir. nsiiLiA - a - talker, lie was born in Ohio, nJiJrLrio.lpfovcrforiTVraw. thirty years lias been a gambler. Lilt- Mrs. Bceclur hac never done any pas operating on the Shortlino road, near La- tor2j work j,, other days, when Mr. grange, ho won about S1,S00 and live ict.tiirr's resiuence was crowded with cal gold watches, and ended the game just as j0Mj pjlC j.c.,t tJO ,ioor Very gracious the train was leaving Lagrange ou its way anj wjm,;n, f, l:cr fiit nds she is said to be; to the stranger sic wears a frowning nsiw-rt. There b.lfC nlwavs lc-U a little Thev marshaled their forces and colcric ;n plvmouth Chn'rch as cxcliuive or blood. As we went under, cr commenced to trier . 1 t ... . , . lliC tunnel, the men ligl.tej 0:1 lamj.s aal oed their pole. It as jnrt one lor. tunnel, ith a slight, narrow tnar-ia on both sides. In iVvit half ao Loar me cams ont in an dock or baidn, tiiich ru incWed with n very high fenre. Now I was satirfiel, for uftea I Uai walked a- rotKal this Ligti fence in Lope I would I drew their revolvers. Devol skipped into a lt.,:ri: cnrrsWUU the Oueen. flat- u 1 "DOW V Por- it l. .W b went. T. 7 .V r ;i t lLe cloaro vat mJndeJ. One l.H. LWU.., ... j, - - sweet-voiced girl who had won the heaits stayed in the room and began talking to her salary to buy her a pink lawn dress, ti,en Wcnt to the rear platform, and, i .t.irin" ail thc vear miy fay that it should 1 ray tntmgh to of the prisoners in the gloomy abode of the jeweler said he'd go and see the tailor anj on hcr ?lKt appearance in it at the re- aUlionrh tlj0 train was .,,!., !lt the rate C.nder has never'donc any rar- ?cl infl'nua'n lLat sabject; not o, f, Which, her father had been warden.! and come back presently 1 ho young hearsal she looked so lovely that she re- f t, v.iive miles an hour, selected a .i ' bc liven i-i an ele-ant mansion large cly tioeo mLom roa see Icitrr- One day she was sent for to see. about lady stayed sotno time, and gave the jew- ceived a sort of ovatmn from the company, cicar gpot aml jumped, lie rolled over at Jn Oxford" street, ' linKiVlvn! She is a ,n- f. V0t " 1 tbcn ? ? some embroidery. She was. received by. a eler the chance of qmte an agreeable lnr- and a storm ol congratulations Her pros- a l5velv l,ut picked l.HUSclf up nnltlrt, l..dv of t le-ancc and rvllncuent, and what- n ,h" rt 't . & young lady, and something-in the : young taimn. At length she said she really p,iity dated from tkat lawm dress for her ,llon fi hia Lf? friends fired a volley at work Jeeded has A? . nr,"V girl's bright face drew Marion's glance must go i he jeweler then tried the se- step-father see.neds.uldeuly to realize that ll5pi 1Vom Uicir revolvers. Ho cut across been Performed by Mr. Cuvlers mother. l f "de as to overbad unconsciously. Where had she seen those cretaire, fonnd it locked, and-felt quae he had unuer his taction and guidance 'a the countrv Ftrncu tbo railroad at Lex- She r cscnble Ltr son in me and ncn-ous j s.m-t U flstio.. Nov, ai I K-M. so hir.nvand so' intensely blackt happy as to the necklace. He waited and Vonn? creature out of whom he could l . 1.-1- in Ttt1v;!l ,' ; r .i . t .i.- have suid, tl.as canal enters the tunnel doe , - i - - . . . . . I cd i iimti iiii nun i inn a ti u unit iv j r .t y , rrt i ta . inn TirriBi knni v oi ihii a a at i i.r lit? Ai viin 1 li: v.t i. ii' :'7, nc ra, the young girl, with naive eagerness. "You remind me of some one I have known." Marion answered, si mm v.". 7 1 "- "Xo one ever" accused- me of looking like any body but Uobert before," laughed the girl. es, von do (i A 1, bianco now face Hushed with emotion are related to taiu am name wa3 vymer Preston. " - :' "Oh!" cried the" vo I see the resem- strong," and Marion's "Perhaps you mg girl, up. "and vou are lame, and 1 ' Tell me, isn't vom it? springing name is I knew . ii ii .t I All All -. i .-l i . 1 i i -1 . , i ii, tnuii'iijiiiiuiuiiu." waned, unui, wnen uireo uouis ua i eiaps- make money, lio was a long-ncaaed, im,; ,.1.-, r.bwl n ever in in mt , 1 lia nnir t).i i1Til trtl.l tf WtfV I ..11 a i fit- I . . to tell the crpn t lr inn ;i he no longer. But neither father nor daughter was forthcoming, nor have they since been seen, nor has the necklace.- It was found that a nice little hole had been made through the door, and the splendid ornament having lx-en noatlv hooked and landed, the. hauler had quietly stolen away. The despair of the poor jeweler may be imagined. tin-1 well all V have git he i gen- talked to gave of K':.e liir'aself to death," he sai Marion diew near the She beni over tie tinni'.ess. I'.iU slie might a the blank Wall, for Laviag lieard her. Marion lelt the ward i with a and anxious f;ice. "Let me know if there 'i or vou think of an vthing t! sue then said to the doctor. But at. dusk the do-tor was railed away by serious illness of his own family, and near 'midnight the assistant,- going his rounds, found' Aytner 1'rct.toa d.-ad iu bed. "It's eitlu t make believe oy heart break,'' Dr. I'utney said, sliarply, when word was brought him, and he ordered that Preston's blankets any eh.-, it I can nge d'.V body should le kept wrapped m and not. removed till he saw it. The order was obeyed, but when three days saw no change in -the form, Dr. l'ut hcv having meantime examined it, it was removed fo the diss-.-'-tiog-rooin. ' . Majion dlyde's window commanded a riew of this mysterious and horror-inspiring aliarttU'-nt. As she stood at her win dow tliat night' she thought, with a vague thrilljof pain, of the one cold, still tenant of that terrible room. i She was not a timid, superstitious .crea ture, jior by any means given to nervqus ness, jso when slie saw the window of the dissecting-room slowly 'lifted, aud a gaunt, wild face appear' at the opening, instead of screaming or running nwav, slie stood still. ! She knew that her heart was throb- birg wildly, but she knew also that it was rjo phantom she looked upon; Doc tor Putney had been right all the time. Aynier Preston was not dead, and thus he was making one wild effort for liberty. Mariijn Hyde stood and watched him. She could not have called out just then if he had been the tnost desperate and hardwicd criminal within those walls. lie siilesyitho poor wretch was only! ..mocking himself; ho could not escape. even now ' unless by a miracle. She 'saw him stop presently beside a window, ' which opened into an upper hall, and, after a long effort, raise jt and blowlv drag liiiriself through. Obeying an impulse which she could not at the inoinent control, Marion I softly opentid hcr doov and passed out without lu-r tirutch for fear of the noise. She reached the hall just as this poor wasted CeatOro was urging his' half paralysed dimbto renewed effort. At tho fright of her ljo gasped and dropped in a swoon, md Marion hurried to his side. She dar ed not. leave him, so she waited, rubbing s Lis doled hands between her tender palms, till lie at least opened his eyes, and she tnadfe him comprehend that she wanted him to move w ith' her. "I won't go back to prison," ho whis pered between his set teeth. "You need not," she Baid, simply, and led him to her own chamber. Marion Hyde. it. Oh. Kohert! what will vou sav She vanished from ' Marion's astonished e"es, with the words on her lips.! She was back, however, in a trice, and' with her came a tall, dark -haired, heavily bearded gentleman. " ' XH "Marion Hyde? Is it possible?" he ex claimed, clasping both the little trembling hands and putting tnem over and again to his lips, which were quiveriug with emo tion.' "Surely vou know me?" 'Ton you are Ay mei Preston,", stam mered Marion. . I "I was Avmer Freston, I am Robert Liesson. A relative of my mother's left me his property on condition of my .taking his name. I have searched for you vainly, Marion Hyde. My " prosperity has been outer to n:e till now- 1 and you. I Uu l yon shall never touch needle, or work again." "Xo, indeed, that yon shall not," chim ed in she w ho had been the means of this happv i e rognii i.n; and, as she said it, both anus w ere 'around 'Marion's iteck,' and she was sol. Ling and kissing her alternately. Itol.ert always said he would never mar ry anybody but you, and you'll have him, won't vou, dear V i Ax Extraordinary Story. The New York Hcndd publishes an extraordi nary story, of which the following is a very brief synopsis: Elizabeth Mary Sanxay was born m Mulberry "street in 1827, and was married m 1SD1 to her cousin Louis (lordon Iveith, a naval eap- fiMfil fcOl lit" . ...... .... I .... Vvenuo Pre.-livterian Church owes vcrv 1 was 1 ...i. . - r .. ,i . t l 1 ,.m-r. .Ti t ..- .. I , -. iv...-, -- I Illlll.ll III L1IU llllll'lUll.lUIW VUVII .v. o the mam chance? o he l.egan to snower (.0lni tU rfver ffom Xcw 0rltan3 U) j f , kindness upon juna; no reneea ncr oi , 8t.nu.r raircMM. and had won a great f. Talmas U very noivdar in the! .1,.1 ..f .,.M,.r 'Pl.n lint Imded fit M - ! I'.l y, . w. - . I paiisii. f t-a TAXi i rnffii' liip n iron I fit iiiiiiii.' i .... f - . r i . . v., ...vv. ii,. - y noleon, and anoui htted her out with a splendid wardrobe, UilIox-3 there who levanted her oii to rew ioi k, got uer, ny hook or bv crook, or by money, a star en gagement at the Bowery, and, by adver tising her in a manner almost unknown until then," filled the houses, and made a long run of he: engagement. For several years her popularity increas ed rather than diminished; sho became the great paving star of the period, drawing 1 orrest. She made a She ii'the center oi its social life. it twenty-five of those jjj,e prC5j,lcS over the soci al gathering of in those days did not the-ehurrh. allhonr!i the docs no visiting. think nnv more of killing a man than they ci.e . u7 (r mcdjtim fze. with a did a rat, got aboard. 1 opened out, and J ciJCCrrtll and sparkling presence, decidedly won a gid deal of money and lour or live talented, Imt r.ot oensively prominent, watches. Everything went along smooth- Xobody annoy? Mrs. Do'ryca: She is a ly enough until about four o'clock in the ja,v cf feeble health, andean scarcely at- afternoon, when they began to get drunk, tend to her home duties. Hcr' husband's One of them said: ' hero is that damned cbntTh ha?, what nearly every important ambler; I am going to kill htm. I'm as tlmost as well great deal of money, and supported a large family bv Mr. Dean's various. wives, for ho married as sonn as he buried a w ife. New York church misses.-cs, one or morel . ladies of wea.tu on-l culture who ra:uc u with vou,' said another. 'I, too,' said an other. And tho whole party rnshed to li,c;r t?.UTial business to look after the their state-rooms and got their pistols. I concerns of the parish. slipped np ami got between the piioi-nouse and the roof. Thqv searched tho boat tain in the United States service.. On the Happily for the public, old Dean left the f t t0 "ern, but did not think of looking under the pilot-house. I whispered to the pilot that w hen he came to a bluff bank to throw her stern in and give mo the word, and I would run and jump off. 1 ii'i n She- "I have proved my innocence! of that charge oi robbing my guardian,'? said Rob ert, gravely. "But it w as- long before .1 could do. so. 1 followed up the man whose testimony convicted me till he lay dving, and gave me a written confession of false witnesses. My guardian paid him to injure me. He wanted, me out of the way. I will l.'tt be so abrupt as to ask you to marry me, now, but as this rash sis ter of mine has said so much, I can do no less than testify to its truth. I have al w.avs 'loved vour sweet,"--dear face, Marion. 1 shall never cease to wish it my wife's face till that wish is realized." , j . And then he left Marion to his sister's petting and soothing. j "lliis morning 1- was alone not a friend in the wide woild, and now" . A burst of tears came to her relief. She is Robert Liessou's wife now, and her beautiful eyes are as dove-like as ever with compassion for the unfortunate. death of her husband she remained iu Bal timore under the care of her cousin Arch bishop Eggleston, w ho placed her in-supervision of St. Vincent's Asylum for Or phans, on First street, iu that city. The institution was formerly in charge of the Black Cap Sisters, who refused to retire until threatened with legal process. A year later Mrs. Keith, and her infant daughter were kidnapped, and conducted by one Lovegrow to the Mount Hone lu natic Asylum, where the mother was forc ibly detained for seven years, mourned as dead bv her relatives finally ie rained her liberty through the in- terl'erence of Archbishop "Hendricks, and returned to her father in New York. In search of health she went to "Williams burg!), Va., where she was again kidnap ped, and confined in a lunatic asylum for eighteen -ears. She was finalh' liberated bv a military commission, appointed bv Major-General1 Hancock, by which she was pronounced sane. Even then she was detained on various pretexts for some months, but was finally restored to her brother, II. Selby. Sanxay, wTho had been informed of her existence. The lady who is said to have nndcrgone this terrible ex perience is now living in .kast Twenty-, eighth street, inlsew York city. sjage, and became his step-daughter's bus iness agent, exacting much more pecuni ary return from her than a mau without claim upon hcr would have done. Surrounded bT admirers, and once en gaged to marry John M. Botts, Miss Dean managed for a b"ng time to escape going to pieces in the hart of matrimony. At length her patience began to give out at her father's treatment, for his nnnatnral severity had increased instead of softened by prosperity. At this period of her great est dejection she met, and fell in lovo with Mr. Arthur Hayne, a "Southern blood." His great claim to 'distinction was that able speech l Borc3 sprang from the workers, nn I of them he sang of their cheerful ovcrty; cf their t-hadowed lives, rarely fprtiikled with days and nights of social mirth; cf their hones and fears and working men arc honorable forever. lie lias set uu iei At about six o'clock he gave me the word, i, t exain,,i0 He has shown v 1 1 T ?t.,t I f 4 . . i north from the point I have fpoVc-a cf; then it Lakes the curve of the loa!evatd of tls Capuchins, and, it it sail, pasx-g or keep in a line under the Looses ca tie left Laud side of the ljt;!evard. After the canal cuds i i the dock or lain where the boats arrive, the water is ctnvertl off in a great sewer ir.b the rircr Stile. After I Lad gotten out of this gTeat pea that inclosed the Latin, ard uas t n tay a ay Lome I met a Fcnch geiit'eiijan, (This I rtlate le caass it is si Ireth ia my mind and imme diately afu-r my canal advectarcj bo turned Lack to walk with in a, and s arnve.l at where 1'or.t cn fee Lndgf) rms a corner tih Uuai le la Ma;eeni (Quay or tic Ton e r), right a here I Lad so oftea seen a man having throe frlass j irs fille.1 with large plamn, one of u ticU wc.nl I fill a large nine ghv. This man Lad several wine glasses and spoons sit ting ont in a very inviting tray on the great, sabi.tariii.tl stone enur that was on a level with c.r;r uaUt. llcre,' aavs tnv ft lend, "let u take a plum, and I will re late you some-thing that mill only confiae k I - ino InnA " I . a.a and 1 ran and jumped. i iush-kjuu. t5int lue rtn ,3 a3 ht ani jKJwcrlul ia vac , j . i(..,i1s, fln 1 - t. ltt tlown with tLc ivatclu-i nnd goM lb ,, ,,,, cf...il .. ia . I n?cr.of ,U '.'ifta iST luu'lUi! won, and the distance was more than 1 tigh-born and tho rich. He has taught 4 t . h.Aum. p, f- thought, and I missed tho bank and stuck t,-m ttlf.wpceL U i their represent- f 4ioVi TcSl iH vcrv nr tight, waist deep ,, in soft, nu. at the waters tiVC in the Parliament of: the Iiaajftalf. Rlin rRcl.JrCtl iLeidc.aofI!SSlodr edge: llie kil ew saw tae and as the 1Ie u tho Ki of tUMr orden and that !llTn, aH xnn lM- dfl, boat swung ont tl:ey opened lire, a coniu nri or n norf r lie enslaved ami UCIfra'l" I if i ?. i . v...v. - - - - o i iic commence-! nam uis stoaJl fvocit oi not move, and the bullets! whistled past my ears Tin d spattered mudj and water all over rnv face. But I had riven tho pilot S100 in gold, and he threw the boat out, so his lather had mads an able speecli in 4 . , t 1 1 1 . I VXUU II. i Oongress, which was.crnshingiy replied to L t 9 out of Biht vcrj qilick l,v WVlistiT. ITp. f.,1 lowed Miss De.in.i- " "I bout, and finally persuaded her to marry, much against the w isWs of old Dean, who was naturally loth to-lose the goose that laid his golden eggs. Her attraction ceased the moment tho marriage became known. Mrs. II ay at) did a bad business everywhere, even in cities where she had ed so Ion" as his name is remembered, and that one teniM-stnoua strain. "Is there for honest poverty." Verily, the man who has done all this las not lived in vaia. It washes awav all the errors of a lifetime. Oxn Way of CollectJxg Scbscrip- ! tioxs. A barrister recently received a circular from a school-board election agent to this effect: "Sir I am deeply interest ed in procuring the return of Mr. for tho board, and. knowing vour views , , Correspondence. fob the OAzrrra. NOTES OF EL'UOPE.VS T HAVEL. Color of thk IIaib. -The hair is a beautiful ornament of woman, : but it has always been a disputed point which color most becomes it. We account red hair as by no means the most preferable, but in tho time of Elizabeth it found ardent ad mirers, and was in fashion, Mary, of Scotland, though she had exquisite hair of her own, wore red fronts. Cleopatra was red-haired; and the Venetian ladies of this dav counterfeit yellow hair. j Ax HOXEST EeBUKK. A group of el egantly dressed voung ladies met in one of the streets of New York, and stopped to talk together. IS ear them a rough-looking man was on his knees repairing the pave ment, and unnoticed by tho young girls, who talked loudly, fast and slangy. At the sound of one of their expressions the man rose to his feet and came towards them. "Don't say those things again," he said, looking squarely at the lady who lit. i had last spoten; "you woman t it you knew what they meant. Silence fell on the noisy group. The man, : realizin what he had done, turned away abashed The young lady to whom ho had spoken took a step toward him, and impulsively rust out a delicately gloved hand. "We 1 thank you,' sir," she said, in clear, ringing tones. He grasped his trowel with his left hand, while with his right, soiled with his honest work, he raised his ragged cap with a grace that showed the gentle man in the bricklayer, and silently returned to his place. HUSBAXDS. AXD WlYS. It ; is stated as a significant fact in the experience of prison-keepers, that, while wives constant ly visit and condole with their husbands, when imprisoned, husbands seldom or nev er visit their erring wives in prison, but al most invariably desert them in their trou ble. And yet' bow many of these poor women "have suffered brutality at the hands of their criminal husbands! ' Men usually follow their wishes till suf fering compels them to follow their judg ment. plums. First one and lLs another woali drop Lim a son, for that was the price of a plum and ulat l'itle Lran ly the cUss would hold. Ho soon sold out Lis stock in trade, and invested Lis mncy in more plums, which he prepare! fur ale; theso ncre soon gone, and at last the ran tras si great thaf Lc could not ripply tie demand; all the year round it was great, and final ly it iK-came necessary to Lave a police man stationel near to keep order. He sold and prorpcred nntil Le Mved enongh to buv that corner lof on which stood an Messrs. Editous: It is well known 0M six-storev Loa!e. which Le lore down. that there arc great excavations all nnder and erected the fine large LuildWr roa to him, not to her. lie declared she had P0 llown VOuT name as a tul,,llir 1,4 tho southern and eastern portions oi me uee r.ocr by; and now it is filled with all forfeited her earningg, for it had been Ins "vo guineas towards u.s expenses, Clly ol ynr. ror instance: iu uiv nn.m oi irim, foreign am oornestic, a bleu custom to induce her 'to fiin yearly a con- 'esa J"011 notily me ou or ueiore me m cellar, sstuatcl in tho eastern part oi me i are all prepared as he first prepared the tnfet whereby she acneed to pay him tho that yon do not concur in mesw arrau-e- clty. i made every t-.mn to ouvuu jvi- i piuins. lie Ii uor a Very ncS tain." sum of two hundred thousand dollars (all ments, 1 shall taKC tno luru er uueuy o IQlt to enter and go turoogu iior i naa x lhpn jniirc..i Mncerain a Lce al she in case out. been most 'popular; 5n addition to which opoa educational matters, have takcu the inisfortnne Mr. Dean had so managed liberty of placing your name upon this .i. ... i i.: i.i i committee. 1 have lurther ventured to SUMBEK C1X. money 3 of two Immlrcd thousand dollars (all loents, I shall take tho further liberty of IQit to enter and go through it, k . had cleared in those years of starring) assuming that yon acquiesce in them and l(tca informed that, although It :ase sho married -before the year was that 1 may look to you tor uic snusenpuon ,n us0 ytt ,t was very interesting to ioo an1 (HjVmz exactly like ths oc. inlormcd that I cooid ,m.nt;Une.l, and was told that the a as not ::.. r,i.i :.t. .v- ....... .... r i . I 1 IJ '"" " ' '' ruic i'ii vi '"iff recorded to vour riame.' at; but at last I w as Hayne, not snpposing that Dean would insist upjn his ponncl of flesh, induced her to marry him within jthe yean Dean kept everything, leaving Julia penniless. As soou as Hayne was 1 convinced of this he turned npon his unfortunate bride, and told her that he had run through his fortune, and had merely lowered himself by mar rying an actress in jordet to get money enough to set np in practice as a doctrj o atove- proprie- . . ... 1 I.C'- i ' . .... . . i WK Tho barrister promptly repneu: -sir not get a permit on any conditions, K-a ( havin" observed tie monrr male at k cieepiy icgici. iu.u no viw w.'.s auuweu i" unvi iw .ic w" i mav, however mo iu your letter of Meet of this bread cellar is to Lave it filled wever, mention that wilu ,ri..ul during invasions. At the same eoual tlloits to ttr- fnnd time I was masmg offers made by vou to vesterdav. 1 I am deeidv interested in raising a for a destitute and deserving widow la- ut the eataeombs .f theeiiv. After scv- dy. Knowing your charitable disposition, cral years' effort I ohtaine I a permit w l.idi I have taken the liberty of putting dmvn gpecilied some time in Murc'.i, and I left vour name as a subscriber for teu guineas, ti,e cjtv in DeecmlK-r, so I never had an nn1 cinn. ilit nu cifoditM sliall. nnless I r,,irtnid?v to .ets tho cat.uvinjb. The A good character is, in all cases, the fruit of personal exertion. It is not inher ited from parents; it is ifotJ created by ex ternal advantages; it is not - a necessary appendage of birth, wealth, talents or sta tion: but it is the result of one's endeav ors, the fruit- and reward of good princi pies manifested in a course ofvirtnous and honorable action. "With love, the heart becomes a fair and fertile garden, glowing with sunshine and warm hnes, and exhaling sweet odors. enough to: set np in practice as a ooctr; uiii,wuwu.a...i-...v..- urr..u."V . - that he had long maintained illict relations I bear to the contrary from yon oy midday u ju0 ccllar I pi-, an arco-.tnt T a li h I with a married woman whom he loved and to-morrow, venture to assume that you ac- grive in my last. As I am not able to U II always should, and that he loathed and cej-t my oihces on your t.emiii, ami tnai i Jon about t:ie 1.70a I cellar or me cat a- hated her Julia. " ! I niay iou&. iaj uu iuui . comii, i win it i". . & 1 his occurred in tho Biddle House, De troit, where she was starring, and where I was in the stock. I was sent for Mrs. Hayne being ilL I found mnim n tr .i nit l-.n-intirifT 1 1 1 a t ... w... . . . .... .. . . ... M ...... " v i . . . . - -r -r r l..-. . . . s kind omccs. uonaon examiner. m 0f them the common canal loat. litre it w as. with several friends, that I ."aw the Emtloymest OF Time. Life roay be boats we no see. They wire tLcn, as eked oat w ith pleasure, but it innsl be now, loaded with various' articles ot com- t i - ..... scnption." j in Fans. What! a canal in fans, wbore Early next morning came a messenger j land is worth $100 per foot! Yes, if VOU )r in a hnrry "in haste in a cab, bearing a letter from tho g0 t0 the northwestern part of the ! iigj. in bed agent. "So sorry, bnt "the pressing calls cjty (r I wp,l go with yon), you will see a mad wo- npon his purse forbade him to accept Ir. a basin or dock containing several lKats, . ' . n . . 7" v.i .7. , X .'r I'u'r II . I . .1 - I 1 T f . man. tjur families had long been inti mate, and in the agony of her crashed and broken heart she poured out the story of her father s and ber - Jiusband a treatment llayne's mother refused to and closed her doors against her disnle.icnri fit hi niarrvin nr bnt she had nothing to say against the fine then find it too late to take np any serions J pow er, as we see them in Holland and oth societv ladv before" mentioned, who after- pnrsnit, and bo compelled to drag on a Ur countries. The lock were frequent, fi mi J I . m VI . 1 . I . ;o receive Julia", mainly filled up by business; aud Le who mcrce, and many other things stored away, JX' jainst her son in should persevere in the vain attempt to bich 1 presume were wines aud Lrawlie. . . , : y . , trying an actress; fill np Lis-Ume with amusement, would These boat, w ere not ass.st by any horse J tJJ 1 lmnitjetr', Lad erected lie hnse, roa- kiir it corresjKind in every respect aiih the iiM, that he might share in the trade. I have never wen n gnide-lKKV of Pari, t ... t t- 1 - 4 urn i nave I'rrn oi i mat sn? Ol It.na contain tLe accontit nLivh I. Lave giv en. 1 know that many strangers Lnnt cp this Lono in order to havcitiid that they have cate a a plum ia su.h a noted LvU.se as ills. WLile I was in Patis a man arrivcl ia the city from one of the pr jvinces, and Kt np a little booth ua the i.ulvard Sba topxl, where be baked ani s.4i a raIl bun for a s m. His basin? increased to sjcIi an extent that Le changel L's loca tion, anl to a much lirgtr booth on Ba Icvard c!c lu'icanc; L; rd Lo !d jaa tuns at a son, soiae at five, and iy at U-a. . The cruad every day tu n grotl that a line had to le farmed oikJt cuargs of two policemen; every mau ia the line make Lan IcJ I miglt mention vorloos cthrr v - - I I . . , . . . . . - - - . .- ... . i , .i - . , i . , I ti.it), ...? n . r rriv i-tT a i r - . . i wards became notorious as one of Bigamy I miserable existence, imunlci iy the guosis and the men used poles uy wuicu tucy 7 J , " n 'i.t ' Li ! I msv ivi i u uc -. - - - Bowen's wives. of his defunct pleasures, in the shape of propelled the l.oat, as ono will see soioe- Mrs. Hayne's.popnlarity entirely gone ennui, restlessness, and meiancdoiy. . i.A I . , . . , i hi . j a A n . A -. i r a, n ci rYi ni k in 1 1 1 i, uui luv u i - i - . ..- . .. I ?i . . rr . ii . . ru-jt..Vli.itlto LuQUreds uo a.e i.e to t jv o Uantorma, where tney settled, he as a lien a woman smiies at an auront,one i L niiea states, kju iuquu . . . TWiK-nia -ic Venl physician and she as a stock star. After cf two things ia certain. She ha cither strangers were not permitted to go on .iraa io0 at an mnMa.1 lifo cm rrna I Aof a 1 I mAiiocfV J1f C Ii A la ncnv-nH d.f bAV hAflf 1 tWT 1 m'fl mil XVI V HU'UUUUiV I ' VCCkto UiioCI in iuai a ijic j ii buu i lUDb au iiivuir i va ouw so uoc uivi as uvi t wu v - s , i propel iea iuc imavn, u vuw timet the schooners pushed along ia a r- raoag them, the Itain streams in tho northern part of the hu, stand on the p-bbc s-.re-, and !. TV .. A " r .. -V, ...1 1 t,, to hundreds aho axe b!e to Irjr ot.lv ose divorcel from life, Hayne, and was married revenge. at last the two men on board agreed that YoTicrrr.

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