! IL id e: Published by J. H. & G. G. Myrover, Corner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayetteville, N. C. VOL. 4 NO. 32. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1877. VHOL NO. 1SG. fM$ I '4 North Carolina Gazette. I J. II. & G. G. MYKOVER, TERMS OF SVISSCllIVTlOX ,tm year (in advance), l X IIIIHtUl tbrrtv" t-2 00 1 00 50 am rr:s or .1 i vfai tisixg , Oni nriuar! (! lim-n li'l nonpareil) one lunertiou 5 l uu I.. 1 .. .. ...... ' 1 rill l " " " " " one month 2 50 '.' ' tlirtu " , 5" " Hiv " 0 00 i. " twelve " IS 00 r.oni'T i lrrrlUmiH-iifH rlmraeil in imiportion to inc ftimvn ntlMi. S,M iiil notices B. per com. more nun r)-ilr ml vertiimniriit. Home Circle. And make Home is thtf sacred refuge of our life. UNCLE CARL'S HEIRESS. ; "And you'll lo cartful of the money, !.irl, jiikI l;iy it in' a warm nest?"-said the , J ,;iii old Van Carl Webber, 'who, ly ing iIkii I. is deuth-hed, had just made his hill in f:ivor of his nephew and name sake. '"Von will not run riot with it, I knmv. I've scraped and saved all my life trr"it. I never was extravagant. "When 1 came to this country a poor boy, father- ess and motherless, L had just hvo dol us, and 1 went to work with that capital. lu t!ie warm weather I made lemonade. 1 didn't make it too sour nor put too much Jfinoii iii it either, and I sold it on the Hivrt corners; and iii winter I started a eolh-e stand, and I put by a little and a jlittle and a little more, and at last I had a idiop with a counter to it, at which people s it timl drank tea, or chocolate, or colfee, and ate cakes. And., then a regular res taurant, and eftcr that a line place a very line phiee indeed and there I made my fortune. Hut I've always been;, saving, al ways. Hut vou won't waste the. poor old liiiin's money, eh, Carl?"' J -l hope vou will recover, uncle," said O.ul, from his heart; "but 1 thank you for meaning so well to me, ami I will do mv best." ' , "Ves, yes," said the old 'man, "but I Can't recover, and we must talk now. You will take the monev, and do vonr best; and, ("all, this is what l have set my heart on f you will marry Kli.a Patch. She's a line girl," and 1 kinnv what Patch will leave h'T. Not being pretty don't matter; au excellent,.' economical person -well, .a little older than you, but, bless us, what is that? Ves, you'll -otfer yourself to Kl'.za Patch, and, my word for it, she'll not say no, and, then " . '."I'ncle Carl," said the young man, Vdnn t mislead yourscll. 1 cannot allow vim to do it. I. -would not be lair or hon est. I shall never offer myself to Miss Kliza Patch, for I do not love her." ! "Koinatilie nonsense!" said the old man. j'Lovc bah! I am an old bachelor my- s-elf, but I don't suppose that after the first year or two nun ever are in love with their . wives, and pretty women make as ugly old women as the old girls. Patch is my very good friend. We've talked the mat ter over. You'll marry Eliza, I know at (east I hope you are not entangled any where V1 "1 am not engaged as yet," said Carl, ilnwlv; "but my vanity may mislead me into thinking 1 am liked, and I have of fered attentions not to be misunderstood to a young lady w hom 1 love very much, and shall olh-r mysell to her." ! "You shall V said the uncle, .sharply to her ! everything to her ! haste, that I may sign it. Old Call 1 Van Webber lived just long enough to put Lis name to the bottom of -the great sheet of parchment that made young Carl a poor man, and enriched his un kriown grand-niece, and then passed away, his w rath quite nnappoased, his dying hand withheld from that of his nephew. The lawyer, know ing the story', thought Carl an idiot. Hi might, at least, have forborne to contradict his nncle. The funeral was over. All was done that could be done to show respect to the old man's memory. Carl, who had only fifty dollars in the world,, bestirred him self to' find a book-keeper's place, and in a little while fouud one. The salary was small, but on consideration he decided that it was enough for two; and one evening, walking with Lettv West in the moonlit park, he i told her so. "I hoped to be a rich man w hen I first knew an,d loved you, Lettv," lie said; "and perhaps I am not right to ask you to share a poor man's lot. If vou dread it, .say so, Letty." . lint the- little hands were clasped over his arm most closely, and in" a few mo merits Carl knew that Letty dreaded noth ing, if he but loved her well. The two were married, and, when Carl Webber looked at his fair young wife, there A COXYICT'S STORY. 11 o linrering thourhts in his mind of Lliza Patch and the wealth he had lost. There were no more luxuries for him, it is true; no riding and driving, no wines and oostlv cijrars, none of the idlinsr to w hich used. as tne ncii uncle s ncir, lie nau been And there w as hard work and close economy, but what did it matter? Thev were, so hnppv. . But when a man earns only enough to meet the iveek's expenses, week by week, he stands bn'the brink of a precipice. Oue day young Van Webher, in hlurrying a cross the n'pper floor of his place of. busi ness, slipped and fell through a hatchway He was seriously injured, and a long con hnement to his bed seemed certain, llfs employers behaved, as thev believed, lib erallv. They gave him a month's wa;es and promised him his post again when he recovered.! lint his illness was not over in. a month, and doctor's bills are espen si ve tliirig!, ami at last the time came when poverty stared the two handsome lovers in the face, -and only thejittie sewing Letty could do beside her husband's bedside kept them 'from! starvation. BEARDING THE LIO.V. A FIG 11 T WITH AN ISDtANV AN indEXCE OF 05E. 'It is a good many j'ears back. The prison was new, and the management was not what it is now, of course. Somebody was escaping every week or so, and it was easy enough to smuggle in money and tools, and cook up conspiracies. There were a hundred and seventy-nine of us, and the wickedest man in prison w'as a horse thief and liihway robber, named lien Mason. He was in for fifteen years, I believe, and, feeling desperate-like, he was ngly as-Satan. They hajd him in the kitchen as cook, and in those days the prisoners had little or no work, and were locked up most of the time. Ben hadn t been m the puson more than a hundred days before he worked up one of the ugliest conspiracies you ever leard of. He was to head a rebellion, and we were to murder every prison official, arm as well as we could, and then march down and plunder and burn the town." T he old man paused a moment as the door opened, and then continued: . "All the details of the plan were soon communicated to every convict, and every single man was agreed. . Ben made a key, or tw o or three of them, by which he could unlock all 4 the cells. Only two guards were on duty in the corridor at night; and thev were at one end. Thev were change ed at one o clock at niffht, and it often happened at this that the new guards were ten or fifteen minutes in frettinr in, thus leaving an interval to bo taken advantage of. Well, the programme was for Ben Mason to unlock his cell door just before one o clock. lie conld easily do that from the inside with the old locks then in use. As the old guard passed out he was to 11 v from door to door, let out as many convicts time A DESPEUATE GAMBLES. An occurrence has lately transpired at If an ambitious youn;r artist would like 1 It was in the pprinsr of 1S7G, that a par-1 Governor Joseph C. VotUr, lh veteran Nice, France, which is very near to Ma- to eclipso the fame of the lato Sir Edwin ty left Omaha to explore tlo euan of the American manager, actor audi author, kotue naco, the great gaming center of Europe. Landseer, he would do well to ponder an Big Sioux, Upper Missouri and the Yellow- year a j-o organ irol a theatrical company A notorious habitue of the Casino, who anecdote related in gome memoirs lately ftono rivers The party was led by the to play abort engagemeota in tie variou had made bis money principally there; published, or about to 1k published, of famous Wild Pbil and William Haven. citU and tonof tlo Wrt Tbr ax- had set up an English vehicle, a pair of which the celebrated Martin, the "Dom-1 These two wortbie mere noted for their I rived at llacvroa, OLio, a email city on tbe horses, "tiger" and all, and cut quite a pteur," is the hero. It is said that Mar- reckless bravery, and W-in lotli owerfal Sandusky rivrr, ulcre lUU cr rented, swell driving in the neighborhood. One tin, while he was stavinjr at Ghent, in I men thev were chosen lv the party to ac- I ball rente.!, and propertiea enrared. day he was driving in the environs of the 1S25, noticed among tho most constant J company the expedition. The party left I DoriogiLeir itay a novel incident occur town upon the fine roads, when his ser-1 attendants at l.i- menagerie" a vouuir man I earlv on the rooruin; of the 5tU of April, I red. Mr. lter rat wtUn in the hotel. vant, sitting upon tho raised box bebiud, who, by reason of tho drawing materials and ftr two weeka nothing occuned Ik- I (tLc Sim'a lion), ruminatie, in all proV who had been feeling somewhat uneasy at be brought with him and freelv employed, I vnd the usual event of prairie life, when I ability, upon the full boo be aa to bare. not receiving his wages for some time, stood confessed an artist. Martin yearned they began to be annoyed by jsomethiug when a stranger entered the mom iih a seeing his master quite alone, ventured to towards him, and tho two became thick a visiting the traps that tho party had Pet bill of the evening' performance ta Lit ask him through the back window if he thieves. One day the cnthusiastio aitist, for the mrpoHi of procuring game. Night band. MAre yon the manager of the tbe- would not make ft convenient to pay him. while taking the portrait of a noble liou after night they took their tnrn at watch- atrer aVel tLc stranger. "I ara,lir,"re- 1 he master was in u good humor, and called Nero, complained bitterly that the ing for nearly a uet-k. W iM rLiUtarn pbd J oster. asked : bars of the care were in tho wav. "Don't I bad come for the second time, and iu.t af-1 III.' to-niirb "How much is it, La Fleur?" let them bo any obstacle," said the "domp- tor rundown ho took up bi piiUion in a I aUav bare been fond of tLeatricaU, tt 4One hundred and twenty-fivo livres, I tenr" sympathizingly; if yon will come J thick clump of bushes that overlooked the I never bad an opportooity cf K-eiag 'U'k u mav it idease vou. monsieur." I w ith me iuto Xeri' anartment' and al-I river. He bad remained there altoat two I ard 1 1 ." Verv ell. jr. ooroe t-ni!rLt., i ' m , I j t w r "Very well, here it is," said the master, low me to'introduce von, I can answer for hours, when the moon began to rise, I "Unfortunately, 1 leave toirn tbia evening ing the sum in paper currency upon I it that he w ill 6how how flattered ho is bv I throw ing a strange, flitting light over the I by the C:45 train. Now, bow. tuacb tuo- pread the seat of the vehicle. "Now, La Fleur, have you a pack of cards "with you!" I "Certainly," answered the obsequious lackey, "I always carry them, monsieur," strange to say, jumped at the offer; producing the cards at once. Martin, who was not the man to losi a visit from so excellent an artist, and will water. As he sat there, with Id tristy I twy would induce yonr company te play give yon every facility for banding down I rifle retting over Lis arm, he an In-1 'Hicham III for me tui aileruoon I his features to posterity. The aitist. dian canoe gradually fl.uiiug down the I roster, thinking the atranger a Kkior( and stream, with an Indian Mttuig in the t-lern. I repliei tuat Lo would do tt lor twenty-are I tt I II . 111 t 1 I I 11 hl . . , . . . c an I in paine was moiioniess. i lii raiM.i i uuiar. i ne wranger looaea u ui iui "That is well. Now I will be banker, opportunity of advertising himself, pent his rifle to fire, when tho thought fl udicd again, and inquired what wool 4 be the and you shall play against me. I will word to tho Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Gov- across bis mind that it was not a live In- charge fur the "ILougb Diamond." To take the front seat, the back one shall ernor of Gheut, and to other uotabilities, dian but ft dummy, no taking down hi ri- carry out the joke, Foatrr replied ten dob servo for our table, and vou can look that he would on a friven dav tro into fle he H-rain peered through the faint light, lara. To Li urpri-ie, the stranger "palled through this back window." Nero's cage and take "un amateur ctran- w hen he aw the canoe gradually Hearing I bi weawd," counted out tLtrtr-Jive dollar, The lackey assented to this, amazed at gcr" with him. The duke did not fail to the opposite bank, aud it soon disappeared land, handing it to bim, remarked that be his master's condescension. Luck was nut in an annearance! tin; nbickv n.iir beneath the bushes tliat overhunr the wa-1 would like to Lave the tdav commence no 1 ' ! I la. . a w walked into tho cage, and 2cro was at Iter. A few minutes later and the canoe later man z o clock, r oler gxl luo cora first inclined to be what is called nustv. I again apieareil, with a live Indian wated I rtHny together, and reltol the circaa- But, reassured by his mauler's voice, the i the prow, who swiftly paddlel the ca-1 stance. The idea of playing "lticbard'' to liou went and lay dow n in a corner; andr noe across the river.1 Phil again rai.el I an audience of one wa o rxcewarely ri tho painter, bitting down opposite, coolly J his rifle, and just as the Indian w a tcp-1 diculou, an d fco ccv in their ex.K-ricncf, and then overpower the He began to feel anxious, when suddenly proceeded to cut bis pencil. II a vin' ping out of tho canoe upon the tunddv I that they one and all contested. Two o- performed this Iittlo preliminary to his sat- fhore he II re I. 1 here was a loud report clocx came, and the aohUry aadjecce a isfactioii.be executed a sketch of Nero. I that rang out oppn the air, a tihriek, and I scmlded. Choosing an eligible position, which was prouotinccu to be very like, mi Indian measured Lis length opou the ami cocking Li Icct upon tho back ol the Tho "dompteui" and the painter then ground. Phil nuicklv left bi idac of .-nt in front of Lhu, Le watted for the pcr- took a polite leave of the lion; and the I concealment, and advancing to the Indian I formanco to legin. TLe bell nog, up Duke, having complimented the artist on luted him into tho canoe. Picking np the went the curtain, an J the play commenced, tho pluck as will as talent displayed, pad lie be nuietlv and t-tealtbilv forced the I Never did acU-ft do botu-r. Tbey all ex- . I - - - - -.1 a a anoe up the rapid stream toward the cnc i ihemHivc to give their tmroa aa rather on the master's side, but both men became quite eager in the game, thinking of that and that- only. Little by little the footman's money was going, until all that was left of his wages were live livres. as he had new guards as they came in. This done, the luck turned, and he won the whole all the convicts would be liberated, and sum back, with every sou his master had we would sweep the prison with a rush, about him A certain Thursday night was the date ; Piqued at his loss, the master wagered a hxed upou, and 1 tell vou there was mur- horse, which tho lackey won, then its der in the air !" L I mate, next the harness, and lastly the car He held his hands ever his face, as if riage itself. Luck ran all oue wav, aud thinking, and there was a long pause be the servant, La Fleur, won everything, would fain have purchased tho bkelch. m The master took out his watch and put it Hut it was no more to1 bo had for nmncv I c- fore he-said : 1 f The master took out his watch and put it But it was no moro to bo had for monev cjuup; but he had ncarcclr reached the 1 entertainment fullr worth the price paid "That same Thursday afternoon, when down against a given sum. The cards than the water which David's IliHitV ch.V.ir.el. whtO be Wa MUed from In-hind for it, and ther sawcdci. TL? lnr:grr every man was trembling with CXpecta- were shuffled, the lackey won. men drew from the well of Bethlehem I bv a pair of Lraunv ami. Pbil lrop;.ed ! anplatjdJ vig..roalv at difierewt point, - - . i . . . . - i . i . ..... - - . i . . . . . . . tion, two ladies- and a little rirl were ad- ; "1 have nothing more, L.a r leur: you was lo bo treated like common drinkin'T- his pad-lie into the river, and a atrugglc and at the cloJ Ol the play cailoa tho Beu Mason was that have cleaned me out," said the half-des- Water, and the artist kept it himself as ensued. Both were towerful men, and a 1 Jo'hrml, Mr. Jompb T. Fannin, before tbo mitted as visitors. Ah, 7X Carl," sahl the young wife one morning, as she brought the sick man the tea aiid dry toast, w hich were all she had to give hi ib, doti't vou wish you had for gotten poor me, and married Miss Kliza Patch? "You would have been rich then. I havtj brought all this upon you." "It is oiilv your share of the trouble that ove, it f-Al Per well, inns sue ".She das vou are not a 1 n -i is as wen on as j-jiijv not a penny," sain Carl fool, I d110TW. troubles riie," said Carl. "Lettv, don't von wish vou had said 'No?' " But he knew she did not. as she took his poor. thin hand 'and put it to her lips and kissed Al; that moment "Van. Webber!" shouted a voice with out. . - "It is ttie postman, Carl," said Lett y. But who can have written to us? I thought everybody had forgotten us." She ran into the entry, and came back with a large letter, sealed with red. wax, m her han'd. "What ican it be, dear?" she said. "It looks ;so strange it frightens me." Then she opened it. As Carl looked t her he saw her turn first white and then red, and then the tears came into her eyes, d she gave a cry and new toward him "Carl, dear," she cried, "I used to read lairy: tales when. I was -a child? Thev were no stranger than this. Can yon bear good news, dear? I am an heiress; and whose do you think? i; ... "She dav doing some extra work that took him into the yard. The ladies passed him, and there was something ab out his face, fierce as it was, to attract the little girl. She ran to him, looked up in to Ins iace, and innocently asked: 'Haven't little girl toof Now Ben did have, and her words cut him like a knife. The wee thing grasped his hand to detain him, and, holding up a little doll which she carried on her arm, she said : 'Yon may take this home to vour little girl !' Ben took the plaything from her hand,"and you lll.'-l 111 couid nave KnocKeu mm down with, a straw. Though bold and bad, he was bi hearted, and loved his wife ami children. "Well, sir, he was floored. He turned the couverse of a memento muri. His thev btrorrglc-d the canoe wa rapidly near Icortain, high spirits at his name was Vcrboeckhovcn, afterwards fa- ing the falln. Phil mw thi, aud made a I fpeecli. who responded in a weal little A dance anJ a aongiolloweJ.af- somethiag perate gambler, lhe servant was in strange run of luck. nious as a Belirian animal tiaiuter. How dcsieratc effort to free biiudf from the tr hbdi the farce of the "lUngb IHa- "Ilere are a hundred livres, monsieur; I much of his success ho owed to bis daring iron grip of the Indian. This be fiadlv I raond'' i plate!. The aa licno laabed, will stake them against your position. If font there is no telling, but it very likely I did, and made a dcjprr.te - leap into the J roared and applaa-led, and left in lima to yon win they are vours. If vou lose we hrave him the start which talent reon: red: water. (iraiun a rock that t riected reach the C: la traia. and vet one would hardly hku to whisper I auwnt tao ft-t above tho water, he ciuu!mI to the young aspirant of to-diyf Go thou. ! to the t.p and sit watching the Indian, aud do likewise. "Agrc The cards were change seats!" ed !" shuCled. La Fleur won, ami tue velncle letnrneil to A ice with its former master sitting iu the kt vaut's box behind, and La Fleur inside ! A wOM'ECrrL uxr. Fortunes and Misfortunls of New Yoiik Gambleiw. ('hamlK-rlaiii, the great gambler, Jias failed, and failed bad- 1 T 11. 1 A m. Bkvks' hfiExnrv.-A o-entlemin ') debts arc astoumling MU.UUJ once making inquiries in Russia about the r "', wr imuor, co.yuu lor method of catching bears in that country, vuauiwiiaiu s uum- was tobi tliat, to entrap them, a pit was . " "w " ir , ' . I.... . .. .... a . rr .... OUl- Talk alnt roar lream,w aaid Harrey, wlobadlen lUtetdng while a part r cf times up and sometimes down." bnfihv viirlit nwnv mid I'll lifinmxl 5f I w - i ...... , ...... . -- ...... . . . . . . i la t t i . uutn t see tug tears runningaown insclieeKs: " " - --i " i.t . ;a irt,i.i j ;,i. l t. it over Willi tun. leave-:, i te.. som; lood i " 1 ' ti. mm.,. i.. ;r the next iitirht he could uot buy a lox of tempted by the bait, verv easily fell into the snare. At oue o'clock that night, when he was to let ns out and head the rebellion, ho was on his bed hugging that doll and crying. like a child, and so our plans went for no thing. I think he was a regular old wo man, sir a regular idiot." And vet when I looked into the old man's eves he was wiping the tears awav, who was standing erect in the cauoe, fring ing hi death toiig, when the ramie idling ed over the fall and tho In ll-n wa mid no more. The report of the rifle brought 1 a bad related one remarkable dreamt artvto the ft.!, and a canoe wa I that we bad eijrieooeJ, "I bJ a very cnu uream oooe. Of eMie we tanteTel blot to tell it. "It was while I ma traveling cmi Wfrf" becor.iiHOcd,coniplying w ith ear invitation. l wa in company with another chap by the came ef Bdl, aal we bad wxlkeJ a long war that dav. At bight we &4 a the party sent to lhe refrcao id the Lalf ilrowiie-I tHxmt, who was taken to the cauip. TLia ended the annoyance for the time. . ANECDOTES OF CROWNED HEADS. s a governess, anil earns enougm to uress herself; no more." "Carl, said the old man, "1 have mane vou in v heir: I demand a little obedienci L-nve this irui. and oiler yourselt to Lliza." 'I'ucle,'' said the voting man, "I have hitherto been obedient; now 1 must refuse to obey. Love cannot be coerced; and if it could, nn honorable man would not lea a giil on t( believe he loved her, and then coolly back out without leaving her chance to say 'No.'" j "I dislike to hear nonsense," said the old man. "Let these absurdities pass. You will marry Kliza Patch, or vou will not. If vou refuse 1 shall alter mv will: I shall leave you penniless, and, as the business w ill no linger be carried on, without a sit uation. Take your choice. Go away now ; return to me in half an hour, and. tell -me what it is. You know I am a man of my word, Carl; and I talked the matter over with Patch; he expects it. 1 will put up with no nonsense. I've a little grand-niece somewhere: I'll leave all to her all, Carl unless yon marry Eliza." , Carl said nothing. He left the room, and sat alone in the parlor below until his uncle's bell summoned him. He thought over his altered prospects tho while, and looked matters bravely in "the face. I Of course he; could not many Eliza Patch. Of course he would, whenever he could, many his little sweetheart, if she Would have" him; but now it was possible that he might have to wait a long time. Carl was not so very voting-that it seemed very easy to wait either; he was a man of eight and twenty, i The interview w ith his uncle was a brief one; but it was decisive. It ended by the lawyer boiug sent for and the will al iered. "I must leave my monev to one of mv - ... m blood, said tho old man. "I've only one other relative. My sister Pauline married a Carth, and they had one daughter. The daughter married and died, leaving a little gni. She's grown up now. I forget her other's married name, but you'll find it Your uncle's, Carl. We are, we must be, second cousins, from what the lawyer tells me. I knew ray uncle hail a nephew -who was rich, but I did not suppose that ho ever thought of me. And mv mother died.whenxl was a baby, Caid, so we never talked about him. But to think they have been hunting for me all this while, in all sorts of places ent. The Empress Josephine was passionate ly fond of dress. Milliners, dressmakers and others often took advantage of this very feminine weakness. On one occasion the court dressmaker exhibited before her a marvel of loveliness in the shape of an Indian cashmere robe covered with gold embroidery, worked in the form of roses, "But," was added, "if four or five happen to get in together, thev will ull get out again. "How is that?" nsked the gentleman. "Thev form a sort of a ladder by stepping on each other's shoulders, and thus make their escape. "But how does tho bottom one manage to get out ?" "Ah ! these bears, though not possess ing a mind and soul, can feel gratitude; and they won't forrct the one who has been the chief means of procuring their liberty. Scampering off, they bring the branch of a tree w hich they let down to their poor brother, enabling him to speed- cigars. Y'et the glitter, glare, and glow of the institution, tho line furniture, the clink of the gold, and the sumptuous ta bles free as a hvdraut .lo their work on Ax Uncivil Bank Telleii. The Bos ton Journal describe a little incident tbn "A few dav tdnce a gentleman connected with one of the largest afi enno cnnnecle-l ucc pjar0 lo CAnjpf .f p, j-y,, e tnanofictanng rlt,. t1 - ri.ar ruc.iis brook. We tnada .... .. . . . n concerns in Uostou entered a ban, and a f,rr, nd after baring a loath we autcbed presenting a check for 100 wailed to re- onix-lrc oat and arrc cm lott in !erp. ccive the money. The paying tt l.cr took Xo it was ila I Lad toy queer dream. I tlwt untt'irr a: rn-ulilt If ffnmt.linr ait n I , - . V- be check, looked at it and then at the dreamed that I wa at tbe rate cf Hear. paving business. 1 here are men in New Uan, anil tossing lhe check back to , J "lU fSte"l. oidc, however, who follow gambling as a jim, said very curtly, ;I M k., any- C"I01 t " UXl ili trade have ui.ne so for vear?, and have Mn about' vo..r ' 'Well,' replie-l the LVf inTlae ,.W ml" ilUwt ef lil made money by ,t. Not one, n ten thou- cman, F.u pretty well knoun; ihcre'a a iZZl trluad 7n tie VJ. I sand could imitate the.n. hese men live uau wL'0 knov, tic p, lo tU JXIW I heir ho ists aic elegant furnished and llte applicant, and Uing informed that be lift. o carih. an 1 tlU mica one c( Ibca their tables sumptuously supplied. 1 heir , wllf.? ,i:.. .ui m.B. ,ut cr"n::fD ??.. L""f"v-: i a ' - ' w a mean ami a iii m mi. dul iiu raiia. -w um - with a costly pearl in the heart of each il v join them in the freedom in which they rose. At signt or tins dress the rjiupress reioice. itelight. ottered 'an exclamation of Un fortunately for her the Emperor was pres- aud and Oh, do you understand, Carl ? We are rich ! It is just as well for you as if yon had chosen Miss Patch. It was stranger than a fairy tale, Carl indeed itli-ought, when he found that little Lettv was indeed his (Sousin, and Uncle Carl's heiress. "How much is that dress?" with an air of curiosity. he asked A Counter Irritant. Xot long ago two ladies stood at the shawl-counter at one of the two leading dry goods stores iu Sxt- T.rniia "I wenty thousand pounds, &ire, re- it i .i J i 7 7 I I 1 1 r -T tint n- Ol-O .- r 1 1. mfonf in !- n-. t -I i t . i - - I '.AMxy Asian v i v .aju iiiituiy in Hiv VAaiUl m.uCuku0 u..uwuu, nation of Klom-la f,n nf tho h.lloo ,oo UU W i all 1 fl fK 12 1111 'i llfl WL niw I lAl tllCJ nil . . . a I " v MK-a.uM x' ' M aaav v aar ac 1 ..... I e 1 . . .m .9 1 I .-J 0M ... I brokers. Their families move in good 17,! aaaeu tin, u .i i - i ..?. . and threw out a package or billn, hitu J Lad anv objecucti to abowtog tae tnr oi'tm ui mi tiv i. ii ii 4i ii i ' ii" i ii ii;i:t i iPir in i , t i , i ti i . ' n r..X:' ..i.u .1.. i. mm. ... - luc al'i .cani wok, ana hicpp.ng to a kmc 14 -- ,uk brgaii to count. A frhade or vexa- ...sa Lc fK,v me along a abort dbdance, a rigid rule, from w hich thev never depart. ,; nt ?. ;,.:.;i;t r r.f il ifdh r f dh.n,l V o ' " . nn i . i .t . . 1 , Hon at the IiHlMIil) ol the teller, followed nd ahoed me a latnn. the oil ofwLicb I hey do not drink, thev smoke sparingly, , . it ,r K,,rn.: nb.rvo.1 .v th V t It , . L-D,t .1,.;. i.-n.!, J, .,.! L ! h .a. look .r f ,rP ol'itre1 y 1 3C wa nearly exbated, ahowmg conclcuve- V'V " v,v: ". cashier, who inntureJ if anvthin? wa the i- .t.. i i . t .1.. . .;7- 1. i over Ihe.r nerve. I hey play every n.ght 4 fcljMllUl MV lljC. , wa5 lL ? - L They play while they w.n, ,t w nnt,l . . , cllCcU for S100 and I 'h?' ld rJ exc "T Ztm IT:? l'avo received 81,000 It was nw the tartJM .war to admit . new corner. v yV, v.w, vvw, ..u. .v. ... casU,er'd taru to man.rcst his chagrin that .t m M Kft alone. Mr latup wa neaxlr lilow hifh or lilovv low. thev nevrr r-n Ii- I , . . , . . , . . . n t I . . . . yond this. They believe in luck, and when the luck is against them thev retire. 7 san One Moke about tiie Commodore Arbitrary as the Czar, he w as Wont to govern ih his private affairs with a rod of iron. The husband of one of the daugh ters of tho Commodore Jieing unfortunate in. business many years" ago, the daughter went to her father for assistance, which was refused in a manner more forcible than elegant. She abruptly .withdrew to fight lor .complete independence, rsext morn ing the New York of those days was high ly surprised to .read the following adver- ment specially displayed: "ervwell,madame; take it e severe," fancv She turned the article id Nanolcon. brusonelv. "Alv wife, is ... , . . I ' 1. - . 1 d - r" fl-irii r r n il mi -i n t-m r rx at inn rnr ripli onAiiirn t r inilnlro i ?- nnrdi fit I ' . O y f ub iiwu viiwui; ii lv mil iu - r; iiimii.iiiiiiiv'.i1 l i.i . m . O ---- - -- 1 ftI-rt.t I . -v i. W I . ... - Al 1 H.l..a :i r. ,:n i e ii -.tt e . i aoivi vuu uuw. ouu was ium w lint it j ii .1 iiiiu ci;;u lain Ib IIW.YII ituiieu suic;tMicaii v. Out of the thousands of gamblers not ten C..-11- .. . .1 .1 . . i t I v iina.iy nanueo sometuing mat struct ner have nfl)lo lu0Jll.P ovcr tLc cloth over and n,.h T,.,- k- 1 V t-V V IV rt V ! it, and again. n i i .i -i-i .i t jiiivc ii, Mm cm., ii, miiis me pcriecviv, a long time, had been his enne, who, for ..7 , .w " -" but I cannot afford it. My husband udls me that we must retrench as much as pos- . 3f J J , . lll.il, u ill now icucuuil US IUI1C11 as L1- secretaiy and mend, and was! not sorry of ti. ...m.,,i i a. -t A i i , , J , sible. 1 ho sympathetic saleswoman was an onnnrtunitv to rivft him a 1, nn- ol. . . . ' in some of those old letters. Everything an opportunity to give him ! a blow, al though it had to be given oyer Madame 11... : -l 1 l. rni t i liouriienue s suoiuuer. j.uis laov was called the homeliest and most extravagant woman in Paris. - However, she w as not a Parisian, but was born in Leipzig. 1 he dressmaker lelt the imperial pres- i ii.-a - ence, considerably chagrined at the rebutl. She carried the robe to Madame Bour- KS. or's words. The wife of the secretary in- . i r-, ........ i . , ... j . i . i . . . t , , ata.utiv uuiciiiiaeu me uiess tuat, w as con fl li UP1 t WlltllPIlT QlmuornH avnnfln 1 " 1 r r :i .a ' ' i di , . , . jjumi.iei.iiio iuimiy l.lUBseseu. , a urinceiv advanced backward prompt- u ' 1 . 1 there was no more dissension! foffon.bat were completely ruined soon about replacing the shawl upon the shelf w hen the other ladv Fpoke. 'lou do not intend to take the shawl, then, madame!" 'r n . t ...... v . "AO," was the response. "Then I think I'll take it. It suits me, too, and I was only waiting for your determination" Then turning to the saleswoman, tho last speaker tout her to uo adding, "Charge it to M such a mistake hon!d occur. 11c, how- barnel out, and, of coarac, I contcmpUted ever, consoled inmseii witn tne rcnecuou it with feeling of arrow,'" while next to that the money bad fallen into boneht raiDC j.tood one that wa alraoit fall cf the hands, which bo was prompt in declaring. viuj vn yLy 00l remove Krae of it and The receiver returned to the teller, aud, n-pltni.U mine with it! I wa all alooe, having apprised bim of the niuko be D0 0UQ wai ucxr io obwrrc. I rrwdved had made, proceeded to ali;ioiiib bim of &a aoi io, prolong tar life. I th llanPf tO which the fuud Of the bank 1 V -1 t .r n1rnrZr i m - uchess of Cleveland were entertaining nr l.v hi rari-Lnck in ne.l -.i i ... .im.a . .1 , . 1 -..l' v. -1 - -- , -.- Ilia W IU ClbWUlE, VUI UUU company in tho drawing room at llattle jg $100 chtk with package of $1,000. nolLinff stjJuUe. At length I begin Abbey, near Hastings; the servants were Thc gentleman al took occasion to read anting ny finger in the oil contaJi.e4 in at supper in the kitchen; the upper floors lbc xonn,. man a IcsKin in civility: a cheap ,L, -.'i.rilla hi. aa J then crinkling it coramolity in which be wa advised to ia-0g-:n,0 lQr 0n. Alreadr tar larno burncyl vet. He then banded the teller $900, Lri-htcr. and wbila rrh.fn over lb aoc- r ?r.t r. I o . w ccm cf mv rue. I received a ftntrt l..ov A Tall Robbery. The Duke and were untenanted; it was early iu the eve ning, but verv dark; two ladders taken from spots half a milo distant were tied together andlaced against tho window of the Duchess's dressing room in the south wing; tho thieves mounted tho ladders. and left bitn in a state of painful confu tion, from w bich be baa not yet recovered stiUkientlv to apologize fr bi mdenes, ami acknowledge bi obligation to the forced open the window, locked the door, ctleman for returning the amount over Micbworaac, iuo last r:insaclie(l an oU carvei ches,and carried lo,rUp th0 .H" rche! off thc Duchess's jewels, valued at 10,- 1 lTllS H..iil tn sttn lh,l .U rmniill tn nlinm-e m nmnnln.1 1? """o l 1 lit l,Uttl ftAA A mnn rm Ilia n.uli n aoI- 1ni. I lVL tuble boavtl ud accommmlations for families or '...1, nn, :p f ,1 . r- lUO name Ual Upon the nrst lady Was eleC Kiu-le ireutieiueu. That one time situation ly, and tnc. "That's my husband," she shrieked, and there was a scene npon which the curtain did not fall at once, by any means. St. Louis Republican. i 000. Among the jewels was a necklace of diamonds and rubies which the Queen had given to the Duchess, who wa ouo of the bridesmaids at her Majesty marriage. At that branch ward. of the family forever "after- after this. At the universal exposition in London in lboo, Madame -Savant, a French em broiderer, exhibited a robe of fine India I anvthinir wromr. Woman s Love. A French woman servant found the door fastened, and irave will love her husband if ho is either witty the alarm, whereupon an cntranco was or chivalrous; a German woman, if he is I forced, and the room was tbcu discovered It i in the minute circumstance of a man' conduct thut w o are to inquire for bi real character. In these be i nmler iimiiasv. mi , .a . .. . ,. ... II half-past 9 o'clock a servant paiwed along u,e, ,na7w .'V . u"r-"'"" .i i ' 7 I and act from himself: while in hi iora a luecoriiuor, anu kut no appearance oi i , . ... , ;nfrt mil', f and tmrnth 4 I 1 t lll-l aa.s I ' mvum .w tf f i ' . -. rfvu uour laier Hiioiueri , . . , . uraa. li ny punnc opinion, ana many ciLcr external motive, from that bia mLich bi disposition would bare taken. on the ba. k cf tar bead. I jumped op and looked around, thinking Hl Vtut bad rctarucd and caught e at toy patae, bot inUad f St. lVier. tber 1511, spit ting and awearing like a Lea! Lea. toon learned what lie trosble tu. In mv alecp I bad overtumel the water can, and while dreaming that I wa lip . . . t i ii.it r . i . . . I lOg out Ite on, ana rpnnaurg- i. iuvo raj amp, I wa dipping op tbo mod that tb aler ba.1 taade, and ma xrijir it cS Lawyeks ax a Discount. A Texas muslin, elaborately worked in lace stitch. co"tant and faithful; a Dutch woman, if to have been ransacked. papers iniorms its readers what kind of The Queen of England o-reatly admired 1 "e does not disturb her ease mid comfort I : people tney . want m that btate. They the dress, and desired to purchase it.- She 100 mxxch', a bpamsu woman, if Le wreaks How little is known of what I HappincM it lie pcrpetoal poraoa of Wing well le-ived, for it t tnaoif'rt hatroigbtr adrantagri Cctioo La ever Any woik, no matter bow bumble, that 1 truth; and the mt-n ta at wr IUow, be niin bonnra be edcient laW will Le ! caoC itntginatioo caa loilJ noUef arrce propose io swap ou lawyers at tne rate -it is too expensive for me, said lleri poencai, u xauisn woman, u ne tuinas ,nto (ue ueart conci from we sloa, of forty lawyers for one Northern farmer. Majesty, smilingly; "My purse will not tbat lier native country is the brightest often pit v where wo bate, love when we 1 hey would liKea tew more good preach-t admit of such extravagance" I ana happiest on earth: a Kussian woman, inrl the ft n 1. a have twice too many doctors and uineteen sent for the owner, and demanded the 1 vengeance on those w ho incur her displeaa- bosoms of thoe around usl Wc might I found imprtant enough to veenre mpect J and pro-lace norm wooderfal revfrlattoa times too many lawyers. In fact, thev nrine. whieh was pio-ht thnncond f,-,n,.a ure; an Italian woman, if ho is dreamv Lvnu;n . .bu. .,..1.1 l.t I fr l.bn-. lf nn.l -rlit f.ir bi name. I than forte or aalara caa be al lb x- . I -- 7 - .-'.f..... .... - i v '.. a w. v m v , v . u . . , v . w I - - - - - - . . J, !. TZ IU UI M iff Platterv i a safe coin wbkb onr own lin with acorn anil tndi-tinlion i -nW v txa mti! irrwril. find ahlCU Villi T1v-!t and fw -hood. LateVrf CftST i i , . I - . - !-(! t II lir .. I I .-1 - I . i crs anil a great many less poor ones. Uut Then she commanded Madame Savant 11 uo aespises au westerners as miserable To judgo without rcserva-of any human never be out of credit a long aa there are Uieoer tbe may for a tm pnii cc tho ori-ii'ir rvfl.nt. la tfirmprar ''ho mil !ir.r 1 t.t. lio.. a A -..-..-. ... : 1 : . 1 i. I liartiarianst an A mpllPJI n o.-nman it ln I114 I .: :.. 1. 11 . . 1 . rr . 1 r . . wrrrm I I .--.f I r- ...v- -7 .u....uu w luaac " "iirra r-iiuiiui iu bo ic, iMi, , 1 , v atuuii is tt vuijiuuiu iciueniv, ol an OUT I anavc to viicr i luu iv.ii . i pro good larmers ' will receive a welcome Aith-. limited the price to three thousand francs. Pniy oi money. . sins tho most unfeeling and freqnent. I : H". in the borders of lexas. Jiott they want Afterwards an American merchant pur "early-rising, hard-working, sober, good- chased the dress costing eight thousand 1 There's a rood wide ditch between mv- The heart U a rrr.tnl nnl-r. nr l.rV . mnr throat before von are tanged, making by which kind&eM a aoarlt pnU a managing mel." " I francs for a lady in Xew Orleans. " 1 inrr ami Ar.'tntr I i iii I ' .v .Uait.in.,! 0r fcne. I end to eotkfidcnee. i MMvaavaMa a a.. 11 ik i 1111 uriri ihi iiu'iuiiii. iiiu uiu imu uvbimb - - - frequent. Breaking bad new it like balf-ciit3rj cheat, rn.-dr.re. are, in the aora bl Lie, cbtfaele mew. u'? w wo yrw... vj ivw iirmt lie deepen rr: an I the at Ltppi at. ti

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