y '""" ''r il w Published by J. H. & G. G. fflyroyer, Corner Anderson and Old Streets, Fayotteviile, fl. C. y 4 lul Sip M 1 Mi Hi wji JPil' IJWI' VOL. 5 NO. 12. THURSDAY, OCTOBER m; 1877. AYHOLIS NO. 217. EJorth Carolina Gazette. J. H. & G. O. MYROVER, 3PvxlclJ.J3lao2r. TKJf.S' 0" SUlSSCXirTIOX: Oor (' advance).-.....-.. Vlir.- " $ '2 00 .... 1 00 50 . HATES OF AHVEUTISIXG: .v jliiW'W'M'l uonpariil) oiie inm-Hiou $100 KMW-m .. .. .. two .. j r0 , . '" " one month .' 2 50 ' " , three " i 600 -., ... ... ? KiS 900 ." ' twv.lvw " "i 15 00 foil '.-r n.vrr-tisriiii-ntii -hiiviMl in proportion tothe iviii'n. .";i'tv iKiui.vu w per vviik. uuir-; mail ...iilitr .nlvi-i lit".'iiula. Homo" -Circle.: H ime i the sacred" refugtf of our life. ' , Dryden. But lying in the grass, tlie sharp strokes ot steel on- steel emote on her cur; she could not lorget them. And suddenly it came on her that it was neither more, nor less than murder that she was waiting to- see -that lying' quiet while it' was befrf tfona'4shek helped to do it. '--.- "God forgive mc!" said por Maggie: "but what canOol"ITovv will T stop them? Tt'u mir ,L, Til i : : ii -L : !,:. - else." - -- r- , THE IIOBBERS RIDE. A WOUAX'S TERRIBLE AGO.XY. Paying $6i)Tfer a rid-? How two Robbers Foiled Fearful Scene at the Tcatliljctl of a llydropliolia ".- '.,h thdp Ptirsuprs.' ! 1 ktiui. "Hut I'ist let me stay until moruinsr in i'aiii. It is c-3il, .Irt.-.ii v ami d'srk along t'i ruail, ati-i imli-isl I've i:o place to go I ut Willow 'Yarrow's, and that's long milts 1' " "'..I- avsar. r;'. snke a sad, worn-looking-woman, Vtai. litiiT on flu' threshohl of a wt-ll-to-ilo fanner' hoiiM-,. just as the last rays ' of fiiiU!i" lroni the red evening lai sky. ''!'!. iwiviim Ut whom she -tipoke wo'.iuui in a htiid, Tii vvt-V. I dress ami an- ,,, tin iiiistrtt-si of ihe house turned a- wiiv M-uhly. . " ,'"'Vo r.mie at nighty Maggie, and it m.iis to 'Hit' toti tan go at night.' You den t s,iit. r'ueverxaw suc'i shiltless ways in i, iv li'i. A n.l .lane Smith is here, and I've oiily one hed for the. servant, and 1 can't t Si-tt a tidy i,"irl like dane t sli't-p -.with "well., with strangers. I've taid you for voiir ti;n-t diiyn, and, goodness knows, vo i've norrivid me out of my se;ises since Vou've hi'on In-re, and I can't keep yo-.i another night; the earlier you go the soon t v you'll gi-i there, wherever it is.". WiVll, ihatfii true, any wav, tau'am," re-j.!h-d the woiiiuu, ",.-.n 1 you are mistress, i:i voiir'owu house; liiit,'Gol knows, it's not 'a do-, I'd. he diiviu'Uiut in the night." Then she tied J her little pi ft rui iier of a pocket hatidkciclii uttanee in the i -. i- . i . i' pocket tia:m.cieiia'i, huu -waiw- ed awav out of the gate and tip. the road, not look iug hack o:ice. Her heart 'was heavy a i had, and she was angry with a worfd that had heen very hard to her. i ''I'iiree years since I'at went away," she wii t.i h-.i-sidf: "never a word from him. He's !. ad, no doubt, and it's the lest kind Uiirl I've he:ird. I wasn't shi filers and l for-uothing t.) him.S '.Maggie,7 he i And just then the sound of EtcaTi whistle caught her ear. The tram was coming.. -,. : -"3 "Ready for thew !". said LtliorvaicaL she had heard before. " "Come lulo the " Lus-u-" cs." .. ; ' - ' She hcar them ,Xrainp avvayandllrosg iiiid iotiked about erli.ee' VPas tto jilhb in sight, and no help-near. Suddenly a thought struck her; she had matches in her pocket, and her dress was a thin calico it w ould burn like tinder. In a moment she had torn it oil and had the matches , in her hand. As she struck a" light she heard a pi.-'.ol click. I.hey see me, she said, and held the match against the old calico, and as it ig nited she nourished it over her head. She felt a bullet w hiz by her and another struck her, but now the glare' was l.riirht and the train w as close at hand she rushed toward it, waving her burning dress. Thank -God! they 'saw her. The train slackened its pace and stopped. "Men with lanterns in their hands sprang from- It and .hurried to wards her. 'And the old dress, burnt to turner, dropped to the ground, ami she sank heside it, the blood flaw ing from a wounded arm. "They've 'killed me, I belave," she said hoiitlv, as a man bent over her. "I can't the rails they've ripped them up, the lllains! 7 'I hen-she fainted. ' llt 1 .a . lien she came to herseii sue was bv the roadside, and lights liashed over her md the heard vieoidetalkiug of the hair- ireadth escape the v had had and of her bravery. "Yim risked death to save ns," said one oman: "voti shall dto-ewarded My little children were with tne." "And I am gfoing to meet my wife," said gentleman; "she will not let uie forget yon even if I had. so ungrateful a heart. You shall be w ell eared for now , and w hen vou are well arain voti shall never know want. 1 hutiiMifisi-cot irt ft uc UKnmvn pntir.or- salrG!t at noon eating a delicious salad and sweltering over a cup of hot tea, when the proprietor 8tepped-p.- ' ". I f 'ihe i)vs have gi nice time for their ex kcujsion to Kingston," said he. " l hey have, indeed. E vet. been there! " The death of 1' s. Lizzie "Webber from hydrophobia in tl , Boston Hospital was attended by most 1 ,:Vible symptoms. On the 31st day of J n!;. he was bitten through the nail of them"u' la finger of the right hand by Ler jpet og, a Llack-and-tan. borne bovs in tr. :;lreet were Y.Tormn? 'Yes:- T tordc- ft-i-mmlR-nf bank robbers and teasing the th nrvtil at last the ani dir.vu there twentvdive or thirty years nia-j goaded to an: , turned and lift six ao. 7 Xever told voit alioat that "affair, i Persons, four ad; and two children. tVdT Well, I will. It was, let mo see, Bvq of them prot !y had the bito cau in! 1840 1 was workino- at the Old Eaa-le tevized- and the e ; is unknown. Sirs. tavern; had a. count e. of .nice. harseS for yonng- mar,W doIha'Tine b'nsi- 'afuTefaRsltlitgr'caft.; wlicn he bitlier finger ne!ss. T In 'those davs there was neither as ftated. - Three liours after the4niction . , . , . i I ,,P .i, . . .i. Tir,i ti. railroads nor telegraph. J. ne stage coaca " ",tv" nvui iu inu Jiafrsacuubeiis W is the only mode !of public travel, and it General Hospital to have the same opera "wjis the event of the dav to see the coach- performed, but the doctors told her it gOOl e from the west and Xew York bustle in to; the tavern. - 'Well, one cold "morning in the middle of December, I was just steDuing out from the omce to the lone: '-- . . . . . . wooden veranda, when 1 noticed two weil From the Xew York Graphic - A LIGHT IS THE WISDOW. ARflliniSIinP B VTLEY'S K0MAXPE. Off the coast of one of tho Orkney I- Hor He Eenoanced a Xew En-rhaJ Belle ta T.e- lands, and right opposite tho tartar, stool !'-. come a Tricet. alonclv rock against yvldcli. in Ftormy nihilist, the boats of returning Gshcrii.cn i The death of the distinguished Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore recalls to the mem ory of some of those who remember him in his youth tho romance of his early life. W hen he decided to leave the Episcopal ministry, for which he had been trained, and study for the priesthood, bo made 'sac rifices that few men are called upon to endure. often struck and were lost. Fifty years ngo there lived on this is land a young girl iu a cottage with her father; and lhey loved each other very tendcrh. One stonnr night the father was aw ay on the sea in hia liidicnnau a boat, and though hi daughter watched for Liiu in mocU fear and - trouble, he uiJ not come home. Sad to tell, in tho rooming v .r ' .. CM. aa ioo urns ly ue pi any service. ouc thonght no more of 'the matter, and", ex- pneuced no ill effect, until a recent I n day, when she had a severe headache, and the next dav she experienced a se vere sized traveling satchel, -hurrying toward tlie hotel. One of them, addressing me dressed gentlemen, each carrying a good pl extending from tho right shoulder . - . & ' . . . a . a ,. jj it. t i ..i t. i .i . . .i . ujwii 10 ine uauu wuicu sue luougni to be a touch of rheumatism. On the suc ceeding Sunday she was chilly all day. and at night experienced a violent heart- beating, and great difficulty in breathing the breath coming in sh'.ut, quick- gasps. Two prominent physicians were in atten- oatjce. hue sue coma not taiie tneir mem- san! : : u i for Xew York gone vet V tage " 'Yes sir.' i" - How long?' ' ' " 'More'u two hours ago.' During the first thirty years hwl tC yyrccketl, no more boats should ry the law school of Litch- be K,t, on tho "Lonely iock,w if alight isidereil the most distinguish- :n tj,0 ttjml0w wouhl'guido them safely d "T! '.! v w ere in uc.li excited over the news, and asked what thev.could do to get -''!- They decided the case to be a bad tii New Yorl didn't know. i -m tr . . .1 .1 "t cold. Jiiondav tne patient kept her bed the breathing diilicultv increasing, with great nervousness. 1 he slightest noise, such as the closing of a door or the mov ing of a fan, or toand of a footstep, would cause her" to jump violently to the iKor, and it required the united efforts of her attend ants to ouiet her. She began to show great aversion -to vater; but the doctor had no' suspicion of the real nature of the i i i -rt "t .v 1 .. r i dtairder. u-liii-h v.t d n n 1 K- rrvow worse and and assett te 11 1 Knew oi a coupie m -- --j &-- fast horses anywhere iu the city, and if ve. one eipiessui a ura.u nu a sneedilv. I told them I- The boats had stopped run ning a m-oiith! although oho of them still ran to Kingston, the river being open taat far- up. ' S hef was to - leave that even fijr New York, and the stage coach -which left-Albany a couple of hours belore-would transfer, her passengers and mails to the .stjeamer at' Kingston Point. Then the -4-ntleman said thev must get that boat, fit..,. ,..," r ..t r. fin-lnm to beat t rioas articles ot lood and drink, but when . - . , :.. . 7 . a mQfr nf lif and thev were'offered to her shefound herself death, thev said.'and thev would pay any utterly incjpaUe-. of eating or drinking price. T asked what price. thev would ftnyt.ung; m fict, from Sunday uronimg t . iu v. and thev told .rt- i -'i ... .1 i lii.lfil .-i:..r .-if li.r iT:.-it' "Pli -l V flffl'l- mc .c-o'JU to oeai xoe v " i . i i .1 i. t i. l.'i.i.rKtn It r-. a ni-iro man oooii, bu-j aiSJ ; ami Uiau.N UOilUIIg. I : - . ..... Iji.n.e. f I . . .c . ? . ft . it n Cl.u T.lt nililA told them 1(1 tUKP '"rc xv.c ..i.v.uju.., ..w, n...ii, found a friend of easy, an I the next moment the severe i -. i i .1 : o-'-iit"i?ir l.:vrtii wnnl;! i-nnif nil. fltlil ie liuciieu u r u;o i ?Tr- -o IT- 1 f tl 3 1... ana i w iiitfMi'ii,- um t'.lem, and oli' I ran. I - t i . t t i mine, iiaii j..ei:-, c nnvuv.. ... horses to a four-seated sleigh, and away w e AtiML. i wv ii, c-iiitt tic;1' i.y i i i v v i , . TT tl.ofc ,n,,d,..l!trn.,.l- f ...i ! U .i 1. d eeil Went, Ue ler tweiil-l, Wl c5 . . .. ,....v w....;.x. . nv., v , . I 1 .1 - . ! .Two. hours ueuraa tne stage, ..IV.... '. tti:itl''i) Vou. lor uouixiN i('e.',(ich! he was the una:, and as goo tn me whi n I was faded and w orn-out wi the hard livin', and ravin' and lo:i:J the ehilder. as he w as when I was a purt,y gir with cheek like-roses, 'ami he was a. boy corn-tin' me. Odd l'ar, w here did you go at all? You died in a ititeh lute a dog, may be; for all these gentle-folk care, .we all . mLd.t." .she turned, and shook her fist back at the house she had just left, only a 'bit of t!i'- roof visible -over the rising ground now. .- . i . . "My heart wa3 aching for the childor, and for l'at,"he said ; "but you could h ive no patience if a pertatie was burnt, or a towel not that smooth. You sent me out with the night falling. Uad luck to ye and to all your life." . " Then shn idodded on arain:' but the wouian" she had left was not as bad as she had fancied her. In' her thrift and tidi ness she could not understand this, untidy, careless being. She knew nothing of tho misery at her heart, or the sorrow that niade'her forget the pots and pails. She was actually half afraid .of her and ans ions to get her out of her house. She had felt it a great mistake to hire a tramp from the r.adis it were, and she had paid her and was conscious of no cruelty. The davlii'ht tied apace: the HI I ain not ridi, but I'd hav been loth to be kitted to-night. ; I'm jn.-t uu the- road to what I've been seeking two years;" I found it yesterday ; where my. missus h", an I I eakm her heart am !oing to her sues. -b for me. 1 haven't uinch, but there's a cou ple of pounds-if you'll take them, good woman, and God's blessing, too, for sake of Maggie Eyan, that you've saved from be ing a widow." And a strong hand folded over her weal one, and would have k'i't money there, ,bnt he car.gkt :t tignt. ii we t.oi go "It's Tat Kvanl'' s!ie cried, -come Mac she woul l iumtt up and down and dash wudlv at.'out. fehe would irrasp her alien- ihlhts bv the dress and thrust as much as she could into her mouth, telling them at th. sain?. tia4eriLfiv.-erer,.-that Khaordd not bite them. She was next seized with setere and unmistakable convulsions ac- 1 ' -tr i . r acconnt of the horses, but one of the gen- com pawed by Irotmng at the mouth, ai or- unfile was give:.. a iien a pan ui sunii.- ing hct water was procured, and tho pa- tMit's feet jdaced in it. Ono of the lady and vet before we reached Athens we na&ed it. Near Gatskill tbe horses gave out completely and we had to hire a new team. 1 didn't want to" go any further on tlemea asked : 'What is that team - of yours worth'!' "Three hundred dollars,' 1 Kroru ih CLu-ao I nlcr-Occart. . WYE. M LED EH ANI) SUICIDE. The Trajic Eul t Wima tVk Devrtel Iler Unwind. Pome four week ago a man riving iLo name of Joseph V. Gla IJen arrived at the Iloerdt Hooite, 30 and 32 North. Well street, icpt by Mrs., Mary O'llrien. Ho was a- fine-looking, rnuacilar IcUotr, about 49 year of age. hue Lo tra at llil place be bad only one visitor, a woman. She met Lim in iho hall a ay, and lie went np stair to Lia room, here they re mained only a fewr minute.. The ccond visit thiA.wor.ii.ii ruaco at the Loose was clock. . , Dr. Alexander McKay, occapyiog room 21, at the end of the passage, beard a gurgling, choking sound. Ho lii-tencd a moment, and, the noise getting plainer, be went from bia room into the passage, when suddenly the f-trango oman, w bo bad been ia room 13 ith Gladden, cam along the passage toward bim, and, laying both bands upon Lia breast, n though to support herself, looked iuto hi face, lis kiw hbe was covered with blood, but coal I uot see whence it proceeded. lie said to her, "Why, woman, nhat' tho matter? Have you bcruonhage of tLe lnngr Sbo never f )oke a word, but, a the !egan to totter, be laid her down gently. She nev- f-r moved aain. Dr. MeKav wan Mill ded to those natural gifts, she possessed tV tjlC can,He aJl n-gkt and trimmed it, handing over the dead womin'tvben Porno also a hue voice of remarkable power and - g.)Un. j.ut wjK.u (i.c ,av dawned feho one cimo noiselessly behind bim, and seit compass, which t!.o constantly improved v;cnt to bed and slept. ;" ing bim bv the ana drew Lira from tho by training, whilo her hue natural pow- nnnv hanks us t!ic had Fpun before Uon.se. It was Gladden, who. with a ro- for her daily bread she ppun still, and one ry razor clasped io hi right band and a over, to boy her nightly candle; and from fcaiful gash in Id throat, bad come oat of that time to this, for fifty years, through rtom IU. He fell upon the dead body of youth, maturity and old age, she has turn- the woman, clasped it round, laid the gash ed night int.T day, and in th-! sn.-w storms irrhis own throat actually upon that in of wiutcr, through driving tuiids, deceptive hers, and there died. Ha fierce was that moonlight and solemn darkness, that grip 0f death that jt took tho united c ff.-rl northern harbor has never once been with- J Df two men lo unclasp the woman from out the liht cf her c.indle. the grasp of the murderer-suicide! How many lives she saved by this can- j Tuia happened at abont 1 o'clock. Half die, and how many meals idic won by it I an hunt later, th coroner and police bav- for the starving families of the hoattucu, tt j "lug taken the aLair in Land, tie bodies is impossible to sat", How many dark j were ordered to be removed to the Morgue. nights the iLjhcruien, tu pending on u, A the remains 01 the woman were Umg have irone. forth, cannot be told. There '.laced in the wagon, the covering of bcr it stood, regular as a light-house, steady f;.cC was removed, and a man landing by aa constant care could make it. Always exclaimed : "My GJ! 1 Lai Ler brighter when daylight waned, the fMier- that's ti:v wife!'' His name i llobert S. man Isad nuiv to Keep ii cousiamiy m i iu-ii, ana hi parent unru in ,ew iois. view, and v. erc uf.'; Uterc was but one J He had livttl some time in the Western thing to intercept it, and that was the j country, nnd, smoe thrco year ago, mar rock. However far thrv mi-'lit have srone I tied the dtct-n.ed woman. Maud Hell, from his tranfereticc to 11 gen-town, Md., out to Rea tii.v i,aa ou to bear down for her homo in New .Sharon, Iowa. Sho lad were sure 1 deserted bim for Gladden, whom sue pas- die gave op at once not only hia social j, tkaij hoilv, wa, founil wasl,rtl Dn0n tho position, but the great fortune which hi ifCncu. Hii'boat, a be sought too harbor, uncle, Mr. James Ivoosevett, after whom I rmJ; jaWiJiAiiciV ILitVniid. was hameapntended 15 bequeath l;inr, T Covn. and, worst of all to some hearts, bore- ln.ut.r ,leen sorrow, thia fisherman' uouuecu ine woman wuom ne -oven. daughter did not think of hcrsclt alone. i One of the most famous belles that r.cw ci .va3 6Carc,Jv more than a child, burn England ever ; produced was Miss Julia ,Kor and weak; bat ho said in her lJecrs, a daughter of Judge Ik-era of Litch- hlt..,rt tHat bile she lived no more boat held, Uonn of this century held was con ed institution of the kind l:i tho country. j1)to tbe bailor. And so, after watching It drew to this bleak New Kngland vil- ... ,i: iv t)r Lt.r fatht.r. accordln-r to lage the young men of tho best families t!" CIiStora" 0f Ler people, until it was tmongiiout tne country, ami one oi us imrjC( kU2 iav j0vv:i and tlcpt through most honored icacm rs was o uuge jeers. ,jlC ,jav. Lut wUcn nUt fell, she arose, and -I His daughter was a beautiful blonde of i- t .: ran,l't. placed it in tho window : l r . I . I . the rarest type; with waving hair of pale 0f iier cottage, so that it mil.t be seen by gold, large blue eves, and a tigure renmrk- fiuorman coming in from sea, ami able for its tall and blender-grace. Ad- ,n(G i,i,n Pafclv into the harbor. She sat 0 those natural gilts, sho possessed l)V tllC can,ne all night a 1 fine voice of remarkable power and j g.)Un. ,ut n ivu t.c , ass, which tho constantly improved v;crt to .j aIi ejt..,t. ; ers of mind were cultivated by every ad- vanta're of education, so that at twenty i s:;e and remaikablc ner pleasure i was a woman oi rare fascination. I At this time, during a sum! trip, she met the young Episcopal clergy- i.iau. and the two became cuiMirca. i ne lie v. Jdr. Bay ley was, at this period, a strikingly handsome man, possessing qual ities of heart and mind sure ti eud.-ar him to those with wuom . he was broagat in contact. Thex were, indeed, a remaika- blu man and yvoman who metu that long past summer, aid she, "Alio had been in diiTerent to a -hundred adorers, listened with pleasure t. tho addressed .f a man who felt that until now he had never met a fitting mate. 'But powerful as lovo might be iu an or ganisation like, his, tueUionestv of Hows conviction was sti:l dearer, to the heart of the young clergyman; and after said. tnem. i ve on, Once he answered, ..-I'll pay ve tipped, over, and half 11 " a an liotir Was sp gc-ttii atdas't!-' Don't you knaw Maggie, Patl ,1 4 noil tlii l.Mril itll '.Vl-tm 1 rms fohted" Irer . elot-e; sad tramped- the road, desolate and forsaken an hoar before, was now as happy as the . angels are in heaven. ' It might not be '"great good luck"; to j'ou to be a flagman's wife, .'and- live a cottage by the roadside, but Maggie thinks it so. - - .; -. J' -t i-----.-!- .-- - - mv where Ue mi't. Uo jtreeent Oardir-.al Me- lifted w'indovrr and they wc Closkey, Ilayley res.dved to become a a p.-.'fc entrance to the harlor. Catholic priest. ; This decision was a death -llt wat ,i() lfi i,oatm!i"a wive blow to Miss l?ecrs. Sho herself, pt-rsnad often savs, III v ""And oh, Pat!7' she little did I think, when Satan was in heart, and I was willing to lie still and let happen what might to t ho hear' lec-s gentle-" folk, what I was doing to niyseif and von; and, after- all, it's kind hearts they had, to give you the illigant place and me the chanty, and cow, and ail. Good lack to them!"- ' ' : ut ia Then we went it. again, ami at nalt past four we drove up to Kingston Point, were the t teatu r lay, all leaded, but waiting for the Albany mail. The two gentlemen went on board and niied for Cautain Dean. He came aft. T'lev told him what they had told .Lewis anil "me coming down; how they, had resi iA in Canada, but were the sons of an E'rigHsh" nobleman, who had recently die-1, leaving' a valuable estate. Their presence wab needed 'immediately, in London if they would save the estate from a designing relative. The packet sailed from Xew York 'for Liverpool on the first tide the nf-ft. tnoruinu". tbikv d.-t vs for the next shin,' affll so-lose moon, ns- . - ii r : . i. long ago, became visioie a jaiui sueah.. new moon that set in a little, while the stars were left and idaggic. waiideiin"" on the road with heribundie under her arm- a bundle of rags aiinl od !i and ends tumbled together in an old flan nel pettieoat-bogau to lote , her-, kr.ow-le-l 'e of it. Here and there she saw lights iu a window, but.thwy. were(o promise of. hospitality to her. - II she could get to the widow Yarrow's, that peivonage who too! the laborers to board would let her lodge while she could pay; but where wad the widow's cottage to the right or to the left? She could not tell in tho darkness whether she had taken the proper turning. 11 n.l bv w as a rushing sound, as of water. Daii'MT there, perhaps. Tho railroad u. is somewhere at ham!, and though Mag ! ie IV It that the world was a poor place, fhe did not feel ready to meet death jut vet. t . si "I'll j'lst divpdowii iu the grass some u ! i ' w ii.l t hii Door lone w oman, 'aird God be between me and harm. If 1 couii find a bit of hav now .'twould be a corn- fort." She stretched forward, peering throng the dark iitsu,' and her loot struck a loose branch that lay ou the ground with a crack ling sound. "What's that?"-'said a voice very, near her. in a sham whisper. . 5 "It's an imp of a squirrel," said another voice: "iro on with the work, Jim; me train will be along in fifteen minutes. Ll with that rail. Hi! We'll have 'em .this time." - -'Hold your tongue, fool,,? said the firs voice; "you're halt druuk. I tell vou it was a step." ' ' , And now Maggie, who had sunk flat on the ground, knew all. Those who wins pered near, her were train-wreckers! "I'll make no noise," thought she, "it none' of my business." ; , . A Qcaist Lecesd of TirK Raixbow.'. The' Lithuanians' (a people of Russia) have a t'lnaiut legend .-respecting the rait:- bow. When their chief god praiiu'nuas w as looking' out of the V!nuow; and beheld the earth fail' of wars and vviekednei.-s,- he. desratebed two giantss named Wanda and cjas (i ater and Winu), to the "smiui world, w ho destroyed eveiyihing for twen ty days and twenty nighte. Vv hue engag ed in" eating heavenly huts, Pjamzimas 2azed ou the scene of desolation below, and Le threw down a nut-shell, which fell u the summit of the highest mountain, on which a few men ami women ami soma an- mnst jret it or wait their fortune. They oliered -the captain 62000 if ho would leavo theji and there anill make certain of catching the ship. f 'Vt'or.ld like to make that S2,000, gen tleinen,' -said Captain Dean, 'but my or deiis are net to leave "unfil I get the Alba ny i mail, and I cannot accept.' V-i-They seemed much' disappointed, but said 'it couldn't be expected,' and they maide themselves agreeable to -every one abiis.rt. Thev paid me the $G00 promised, .-ai-a me. $200 foi-the.loet horscsaud gave ri-vi driver and men over S1C0 eac-h. W.v wasted until the stage came in, and the mail and liaesengers w ere transferred, and . L eent. the boat in a hurry: then we rode .tti-ndants' poured hot water upon the head of the victim, all of w hich she bore without flinching, in fact she declared it mffde her feel better. At times she. would .stamp her feet upon the floor so -rapidly and violently as to shake the house, and in the meantime her difficulty in breathing increased. Another trial cf tho water pail caused her to bound back to tho other side of the lied, and experience a severe convulsion. She was taken to the hospi tal j iu a sort cf ambulance, held by fastenings-, around her body. On tha way she made a grow ling or harking nohe. At thd hospital, where, about throe-quarters of an hour after her arrival, she was lying apparently comfortal.de, she suddenly gave hei arms , and feet a violent twitch,, her countenance turned Idack, and Fiie breath ed jher last. After her death a consulta tion was had by the physicians at the loslpiial: the best authorities upon the subject cf hydrcphohia. w ere looked up ami quoted, and it was unanimously cided by the physicians that it was "a gen- ..:..L ..... r i....i i.t,;.. " iiiiiu tacc ui ij , viiuiii.o.fii. . i . . W1VC3 ILlllK nfibirt! D. thev nav the poor woman! ed by her love, embraced tho faith of tho -v;0. tj.cv are vtTJ. .,,,-. .t tnjnr or rich, Church of Kome, and tor awhile took, re- llu.y u(yx be tter than that. Da thev fuge in a convent. hhi.,k her! No. Perhaps they think that 1 his departure ot one oi so-;ie;v s orna ments to the gloom of a cloister produced a great sensation among the f.ishionahle circles of that dpy, anil w hen, after a bruf siouatclv loved. mcdl'iar that thev look noon it a a matter . f i - . period, t he, under circuinstance 'i pecu- of coursc a,, l f,,i gct for the time the pi llar romance, iled from the convent and watcher within. returned to her Inend.--, all sorts oi specu lations were set afloat. 1 or a few years EEAlTIFCb I-OLESSES. The I'tdiah ladie., says a Warsaw cor- i...iun.Ltil -.r tl.f. lt.tet..n rjif-ui ATA tl.n.l.-a .r tbi-irj wiiiil.l a ltiadeonato lo I ' . . T .. . ' . . ....... - .i i verv li.-itilil'il ttertint-ni n.m.1 IiOmuIiIhI est-res their rratitudc: or ttrhap long . . , ' . : -in C ' " y ears Have made tho lighted casement so Is had" gathered for refuge. Ail got In- the OUlj SO:lB two to the nut-shell, which floated on the waves the now' universal flood. The god then looked on the earth for the third time.: He llaved the tempest, and hade-the" waters subside, and the human beings- who had been saved alt dispersed, "excepting a few con pies who remained m that part, and be came the ancestors ct the Jthuaniaus m the following manner: As old age crept on them, rhey somvwed greatly at their prob- arrle extyicUoiisu.u.oraer to comfort theni; Pramzsmate -teentHb rainbow, which told them to leap overthe bones, of the earto. Nine" tirrics did they perform this feat, and thence spnuig. nine couples, iiiale and fe male, 'from whom"" the "Lithuanians; are desceuded. . , Jlow TO Deciue It. Ixiuis the Four teenth of Fraucej playing at backgammon, ! had a doubtful thro w; a dispute arose, and all the .courtiers .remained silent. ' The Count de Grammbht "came in at that in stant. "Decide the matter," said the b-ifig to him. - - Sire," sakl the count; f your ma jeity.'is in the w rong " '"Hdwr so!'' asked the "king. "Can you decide w ithout know ing the' questionf" "Yes," said the count, "because, had the matter been doubtful, all the gentlemen would ' have decided it for you." - .- Truth and confidence are better prevent ives, of jealousy than couccalmcnt. i ; leisurely back to Albany, it being a ?..ih'r.t:rlit. Imt bidbre we trot there we met mounted police furiously coming alter passengers, the dead nobleman's bogus r ' . , , i i.i. Thev. were bank rooners, ami mose satchels thev held contained over 200,000 iu gold and Bank of England notes', the proceeds oi s big aionireai iou- bery." . ......... ,".;..'... ; -I)id thev catch thei ?" ! fUatch 't-m I No.' When tha boat etaVted that night they talked with the Captain' and oliered him $200 if he would pu'j them o:i' board the outward bound ship beiu-e he landed ae she,: would be lying in tl e channel. - Captain Dean accepted, and ' ji'jwt- at Jdaybght the -tearoooat lay alutigshle the veVsel," and by the time Cap taia Dean got to pier and the passen geijs awoke, the ship was sailing1, through "thej harrows and' away ..to. England." . -,-pAud were the robbers never heard of?' -"Njyr. Wbv, they had a start of tliir ty tiavs, and, being young men then, they arc perhaps living, in clover iu some coun try oa their ill-gotten w ealth. . A hey w ere - r ' , . . i - . i .. il !.. ...1. smart enough ia take usm uy uieu emooiu talk and gentlemanly address.'; , Just then-thc salad Was finished, and so was the story. The writer picked up his check, and Mr. Veazie walked to another paiit of the dining room to sec that his waiters were paying proper attention to othier hungry customers. - t 'Phe story has the merit of being liter ally true. Albany Express. , she led a life of retirement at her home in Litchfield, and then fell a victim to con sumption and perhaps to a brokeii heart. ENGLAND'S I "L'TfES WAh'tlt KING. INITi:'.) AT LAST. in the world. They retain, in middle life, the freshness of girl.--, and make nie think of New England womeu (owing 1 scarcely know to what air of enperiorily and tbe posK'Ssion cf what divining instinct pecu liar in a greater or less degree to all wo mer), and thi in rpito of the fact that New England women do lose ibeir dear A quiet wedding occured m Middle-1 ccmplexion and ro?r checks, and ia spite tow n, Orange County, N. 1., withiu the of the fact that the lVdish ladies bave last few months, at which there were po withal a slightly Hibt-roian cast of coun--uer-t. the mother of the bride In-ing tbe tenance, including noses, the most iraper- 15 y the by, apvopo.s of Albeit Edward, on',v v. ttness of the cm-lamiv beidc9 the I tineut tips of which do turn up itut a little. did voa see tho guarded notice iu the ofliciatiug clergyman. Iu .1SG2, a voting I5ut thev arc evidently Mdf-repetiug, aiaa.i ' .a 1 k ai a a a 1 - a a. - - London dailies . contradicting l lie rumor o-cr.tlcman, who was J trotlied to tbe j keen creatorc, who know what ther are that the Prince of Wales is about lo re- h;lJv. enlisted in tho Union army. Hi I about, careful to observe all the pn-prie- il. I . a .a a I. ai.a m a.aaaai a a1 syyeclheat t made u -l:.rt to dissuade Lim, J tiei, never llirting 1:1 public if lhey Uu 10 and with a breaking heart bade biui J private, and walking the streets in a quiet. Sri.ir. The manufacture of siU is sni to aave boon discovered in the island o C;4 by Pamphylia, the daughter of Plastio Silk stockinirs were irt;oduet-d into England in the reign of Henry VIII., but thev were not very common. An oh English writer tell? np, "that in the eecont year of Q-ieea Elizabeth, her silk woman M.rsj. Montague, presented her Majestic for a new year's gift, a pair of black silli knit stockings, the which, after a few days wearing, pleased ' her highness so yvell thai she sent for Mrs. Montague, and asked berj where she had them, . and if sho could help her to an more; who answering, said: I mada them very carefully of purpose only for your " Majestle, and seeing them please you so well I will 'presently set Viore in hand.' !-D so,' quoth the queen, 'fori indeed, I like silk stockings so well, because' they are pleasant, fino and deli cate, that henceforth I will wear, no more cloth stockinged" And from that time unttl her death tho qaeen never woro any morte cloth hose, or Lose cut out ot ell broad taiiaty. . j ". 7. ', ' :- move from Eugl.aud for an indelinito per iod' I veuture to sav Xbat brief denial camx-d more paiii in English hearts than a clear, distinct statement of the w hole truth would have douo. It is not, it tan- uot be, denied, that w hen the prince drove on to Ascot race-course he was received, contrary to custom, (which is to cheer) in the most chilling silence. It was noticed that the fair ladies timed a -.ray their head-;, and made their daughtus do the same, to avoid recognition of Jor by the neii.t king of England. I am told by one who knows, that although the pritice be haved with perfect, stdf-posessiou, and said never a word adieu, and quietly buried herself iu her dignified manner, a If ibey wero disdaia boijo with her widowed mother, the only fal if not unconscious t-f their charro. livinf member of her f.uuilv besides her- They are not possessed cither cf dollish self. Tor a time all went well, and 1 iv- fcr iua?culi:iO f-cc, as iho lnguu and ing letters cheered the gallant soldier. American ladie often are, lhey are not After the battle of Chaneellorsville, hi voluptuoa or black browed like their letters suddenly ceased. Letter after letter etcr of Prance and .Spain, Imt aqneenly was w ritten to bim nnd hi comrades, but sort r.f woman, tall and graceful, and po all that could bo learned was ibat after sessed of a colder type of beauty than that terrible battle he was missing. II: blooms on the Mediterranean a trp t.f stricken sweetheart never entirely aban- teauty that makes tne think f marble dor.cd hope, and lived on, hoping oga;i..-t statues, Damascus blade ud aarora bore hope for List return. After many weary alis. jjy the wav, IJjvard 'Parlor aavs in comment upon this vc:irs her patient troth has been rewarded, j bo saw more bandomo faces in one boar extraordinary reception, ho made amends 'am S1JC now a happy bride. Some at the Warsaw races than ho aa' t!se- for this restraint ion his return Jiome, show- tice during tho. fight he was taken prison- nheio during two year in Europe, and I ing by word and deed that bo keenly felt eP ad Won after he was scut to a South- do uot doubt it. Moreover, I have never tho slight that ha I been put upon him. pra pris in, where he was kept about a been in any country where the relations 'The truth with respect to tho latest year. He finally escaped and reached of the tacu and women of the npptT elaas- Kenn.bil is. I believe, that the princo was il,n cfvib.iir.l. where be conceived tbe idea c seemed so Lih-toneil; and I am sure suspected of having actually made an as- cf personating an English sailor, and get- J that a Stranger Chirring tho best l"----- "-c . l l' e 1 " i ...... siarnatiou with that uctress yvhoso history tu Entrlao-l on a blockade runner, of u arsaw i-cietT would bave to acknowledge I gave in a former letter, and who was After much delay and tiiany disappoint- tho raot-t chivalrous devotion cm the part d hur- I nieuts, during which hi courage almost I wf tbe men &.nd the uiot gracum yet dig- married to a convenient cat's pa w an rie ever An Ikteuestixg Race. A mail train andja carrier pigeon recently had a'race from Dover to London. The pigeon was of t$e Belgian breed, and was "homed'7 to a -house in Cannon, street. Oa tho train leaving Dover it was thrown from a car riage, and was observed to circle round for a few moments, when it took its flight in ajline between Sittingbourn8 and Maid stone,' w hich wonld, of course, bo the ne.-frest route to London. Although the railway people were confident in tbe pow ers bf their locoraotivo (tho Continental express) the bird arrived twenty minutes before the train, i Tho times are not given, but the pigeon mnst have flown at the rate of filty miles an honr. i?d out of the way, as it was hoped, for- failed him , he succeeded. He rememliers J nified appreciation of it ou the part of .er. The nnndess taxed Lun wit u it aud .ilii.. throu-'h the blockading squadron, l the women he had ever witnwcl. Iu weeningly told hiu be was breaking her After that all is a blank. Ho learned af-1 acquire Dd manners an.l to see human heart, and it wa3 tiiue they must part, u-rward that ho bad been taken ill, aud J iulercourMJ at its best, I hhould rather go but Le coaxed, caressed and fooled Ler 1 son aflT ias-inc. Ou his arrival in Eng- J to Warsaw than t London, Wah'ngtoo, poor loving littlo heart onco more, and, jan) be was taker, lo an insane asylum by Jor Pans. notwithstanding thc cnger and im'.igna- ca!tain of the blockade runner, w here tion of the prudes, she refused t I'-'avc y rciuaiiit-d until a yer ago, when he I SaVE IXU UCEATSl-SJi. Ma-lame ds him. "And to-day she shares with ic- .A.a3 discharged cured, but pcniuu-js. lie J Maintenon, who became the wife of Louis toria tho love add devotion of tho- great Succeeded, through fneud m tho aylnm, I XIV, l Prance, and for tho lart thirty body of ho English peopb. Chknj) ; oUaihiag a Jt nation in a mercantile ycr of bin life cxerciscl a controlling in- 'linjcs. i ' house, w here he won the esteem oi t.ie 1 ilacoCo over bi opinions au i olcy, L1 "Oitr dau-bi never d iu.es oat of her principals to whom ho told hi story. a u arrow escape frwa premature Uarial IO own set." said a prou-l da.no at or.o of au.-enre win cimahood. ncr pareuis rjigrattM mn, i ait. i ii... -,. i i ,nn i i,i4 r.i.j uri-L. .1 ni..,.(n ,,.,.,.i,la nt nn ut i J..uniuunii - iiiui-c uuiniiswiijii) v-jh-h..."...."." r,"" "I I i . it r .1 .. .... .w'M r.itli. tho hotels of a certain fashionable water- heart, now a lady of i-t, J"1 ' i ut it... ... ini to hi memory, i n nu ""-"J lug piace. "is a a nine sc. oi u louai- . . - . . - , j. i i . . i i ...i.. I married, an.l are now in England, where sell' somo one asseo; nun iu -mk.u i:t.iv i . - - , r i ii i . ...i.. i. lie lirutmses to remain lor a naniotr n eoiorea un ami ceuui ij.inu uu ic u . i - .... ....v.- . turned out that this exclusive person was i t. ..' M. A...t.'. ........ . . r n .b.ilrtr in innilerii I 5 tail' t ui in y tu-.wv v. ....w. ... - - - , . , . : , If the internal griefs of every man could -The origin of half the "first loves" of young hearts is ignorance, and their death blow experience. 1 Yv hen wo aro alone wo have our thoughts to watch; in our families, our temper; and in society, onr tongues. Prance to the Isle ot Martini-pie when she was ten year cdd. On iho voyage she was taken ill, and the sickness ended ia apparent death. The funeral riles were over; the fat look taken of the body alMiut to be dropped into the sea; a can non was loa led to 1 fired over tbe corpse; when the mother, oruiniri'v unloving, in- lu. rr....l a n'ii.n mi hi forehead, bow I Uu-J on seeing Ler child once more. To We never shed so many tears a- at the 1 .. i,, nn prr;i0 eiiw would appear her san.rise. she foand the heart kijll LeiU ngc of hope; but when wc have lost hope Lo b' t,,e D, - cts of .,:,Tj . ing, and, iu a diUrima cf j-y, declatr-l we look upon evrrytlnng with ury eyes, clX.I wa not deal, but would re am! tranquility springs from incapacity, j,. . . web wliJ iTnzi oj, cover. The bciK, born of rapture, r-rovfrl Let wickedness escape as it may at the Ucr sxm well.. a irue prophesy; and ibobttl. ghl, so t r:t . ..f 5...;.. ,nAt. I - uuin nuu m- hui.i in ut wiiu, oar. ik iictti lain ui nuuii j inw lit r .t . i- . cnlf- f.,r Pi-ert- ,m tv nrrson i L i n'.vti l I le Hint M careless ot lame w nt lan.1 pr - - - - c lianinan. J of iidegrity. gulhed women iu Pienth Lislory. i ' t I -f I: I I 1 i 1

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