- T I i w Published bJ. & g. G. Myrover, ;Corner;4nderson and Old - 1 . StrGots,.Fay8tloviIIo, H. C. VOL. ris O. 20. fjorth Carolina Gazette. ,j. II. & G. L MYKOVEI?, . ' X'titolii'sila.oxrss.. i lit.- : (i v m: ..uUs l!.:.u " u.li-.-u..:c) - .0 3 "0 . 1 00 60 MTrX O" ADVMTISIXO: mm- ('Jliin " '.i.l ii.iii;.uvib fin.' imtetliiin ?1 00 1 .. , ' lii " 1 ."0 (:.c h ,, .. .i ... " iKn liiiiutu si ." .. .. three " 5 00 .. " sU " 9 00 t-.vi-lvn " ir, 00 I,' !i ' r .i.Jvi-'ri: in ut ii.n :r' 1 hi i"!"it:H to th? ! ,. ," . roil'-.. VjMvial m ti. 2.1 Wil. IUt.ro fjlittt K'jlliftl- il'lv. r t i - llll-llts. 'Horn Ctrotee- I'.hm i -i the tiered refuse of our life. ty li:::r must, I think, have turned in in,'lo moment. Let me toll " and Mrs. I'.m'tev, a Lidv el' t; it. ' or I in ri'.ti.o'it, u it !i L I ,1, isunt and il ! r!y c:q.;vs?.i-e face T head cov- : i "A 1 ; ! i a Leauteous mass of Lair, siiverv ,c, ( ; 1 1 i : 1 1 I n- v 1 the ! 1 1 1 ) a i 1 1 tr narrative: '!'. tl !,' !TH ,!", ti 1 very tl.iy, I was !i!.-il!0S8 "A iiS suc'ii K :;vc the city 'fur !!.:' i ' : . .! I: as i :t:iv c. !'.:. i ut U!i:c; s n: v Vfit.:iii.-to!ir on the Cun.ti- ;,.u! '.!: itiiv:i!i.il. :t in I I was t.-'uiiiix-He, I ' '! : -'it cnfiflt'jvvhli ; IV w weeks;' travel lis ;: Wi .K 1 A' h:iviii visited sover.il of tl. j ! t i; i ; ? t r t-iii-'s, we c;f:H n'.'hiss an n! f.':id, in., it ii hi.s wii'c, . . ' ... . .. .. i'.i so;ir-h ' I ovcn::i:r m .tsar:;, we fit f I nirsi-'.vcs at a little si ttlci.icnt .-t tew ilia's t . Mil v.; :i !;('. It had euiDinem-evl : ir.ii;;; tin- t.ilit l-.i.I.- 1'iir to hi- very un ; iMi, Yi'i I, to CH!i;:i'eU- t,nr n:i::er'v, we ' --v:':'. I tli-tt fTi..-.!r'iver. we' liiiv.l'to l.k'iiit i .Mil.vankee was eit !i-r ten i i 1 v !:,! , If!,. ii.f..- ...,. 1 . 1 . ' ' 't .HO l.iiU I !:. p'd !!io,.t. .r,.;i!.l.. My hiisl.au, 1, Ll'- 'tl I II i 1 1 . I III v l,Y ih;i i HI'' .ilii SIl It ii .Ti lice to the lo- ii V, I'iijm i-th.-t . a. sliort 'iir-ia:ie,' f;iri!.,-i- r i t.tvt mi, oiv we e..i:!d spend the ' l uis wrss verv acei'a1de t:ew.s to vm- 1 tio.NU eNeeeiii!i:y nervous at in- !;'!! :'-:! ir liie .-rn;i, as v.e.H as tli.e ! recess ui' l,e 1,,,1-r :'i:n! t'.e ti:j..rijlar he :.ivi.T ..f ,,ih- '4-.ii'!,; . 1 .l.iver. 'My luis "Hi:d v, . e stop or V ,.,L,t alicrvty, '-'f;., by all mej-us Iroui the rl, .... .. j i i j , m ti 11 ti lMV FttOlueiitS lllOJV Lal;i'T 1,,-iuvu :i lit in.' vnMr.e i:ili!. wh'.i-t) it h:-st a'! t-M-ate-e scseiite'l rai,h r m eo:ii- Ii ilus asMcet. I j 1 1 I !,e rooiii iiito w hi. a v;o ,.' i ui f.- n-Jien-i ;;s l.-r ;r. s i uiH'e and lire e:'H:k le.l upon die i I '-ait! i ' i ' i nventiii stii.ti.ig contrast tn ::.!;.; i.nx. v eaisidt 'It '.id not take h to .retuo've our u r,.p; 'i JiJ'.l 1( !:! i ! i i ,-! J rc-ede "i:'i' If :: . a :e or.L r :ipper, and iu.a few a ''tin. s'ibstaiitial rcpat v;:s e us. A f: er 'having sat an tin euiv hue' time over oar eolfee. Mr. ami A ithers, were. l,e u' cn i ol a long hall or pass- of a long hall :!-''. a,el w e at t h " 1 his i.'. CoV,' . . . - . . oilier. - said I'mik. ttn'oarini? to rei :re., f 1 he In . . (r,.t.,i ., (' i.ii!rs ui" ol mil- cent.rv h .me at the east I' L.tvea t had anvtLiti" ( t-ivt., :n i .ting .to taste s: "ooi i:if:e I lelLlievn. asmv Mtpper lid to-nii'Lt '.e as my Mipi.er d m, clean, s i! si.Mi!ial, .md enoi:g!i of it; llris ain't Lad.' -limbic at-l ho snow v :n i '""":v "'id high leather Led. 'ILit what's tae ii: liiaz- ! tier with you. he continued, i, li'.'e; via ' im tvih- A sfrange i:ei VM:is:,'-'ss'hal all at once I'Ueii pii.'.ses..i..ii of m-, an t lorse usation :;s s.. 1,-vv tli.it I was al.su'.ntelv ' fright '""'I. It was thu first tiine in my'lit'e that 1 ' a I ever esjienvueed sucli a feeling of L :':'. and I was to., i.r.md to admit the tri t'i;.i o I waded thy query by declaring was utterly fagged out nnijl neetl- i eo. .1 nst I hen a kijoek was -tlie . l"or. Mv husband answered the s; team at im- la 'lis. '"Would you bo T.ind enongh,' said- a v, ...... .. 1 r : i: . : . .. ""i' liiiidhird's, 'to come with sue to the . .inn i- i iiii.:;:;! v : v r 'i-i th 'n, c LoH.-e. A poor ft-lLiw Las sei:t for ''""' ,,ue to re;ttl the l'il.le. He is in the 1,. I it ngoiiies, sir, uud I au sorry to l"'re can iU it, 'and Iii:i ve made say no ooitt to J,,"V" :i"d a.-l; you. It "Wins a shame to lllllth of coitlfort. " '"'1 il L.' with you in a momentrcplieti l rauK; and with - 'Th'ink. vn:i ' wldeh vas tibial ther too cKUgmg im- uiy taste, tin inan tavned . ""b 1 f..:.k ou are not i'iug!' i ex- I'lilil'irWl! Lo.jfs. ' 'hoi ror, aa. he drew on his it ... .... . : t vn.o 'ivi. re.'':iM ? ..at a, t uesuon s':e!i a retpiest V he t i, '1 i ! i i . j 1 1 f .. .1 rc n.ui .(:"""- Jtif11,1 l''ble my little wife would a '.vrr.1 -against so simple an act of ;'ln.s? (io.i n!v l-,!(v.s what straits 'laay be reduced to dn our last Lours. wrap vvat(.r i I:JV lmu(. :Uid 'As J'" d unto the least of one of tlie.se ' re-laeii.el,,.,-,' , ' 'A uli a .-ob, which I coul.l not restrain, 1 .M lay face on tlie pillow. t ". ell. I th'i-lare, you are nervous,' he "t: ii,- t Winiiiir over the Led to comfort !" "kou iireactualh t'remb.ling. I N,w, "' a good little trirt and bolt the Moor a f It isn't at all probable that I ; be gone t.ver an hour,' and without i "' !"'r V,,r'' 'V!T 1 his watch, pocket and one ofihis pistoU under my piU '"w iind wc.s gone. ''i'i'-'n e!1.t'"'"i"1K,nt "f Vaud no li' ft "i ' U lna'U' "" ""'ViHintr to be :; ;: tlto ww ' 1 , t. i . .. f . if f r t ; "" mil ia some incom- preliensible manner I was withheld. Prob ably my anxiety to stand well in the es timation of my husband carised me to re strain further exhibitions of timiditv. "lie told mo to fasten the door, but I dreaded to step out of bed. It seemed as if some great, black hand was all ready to grab-at my ankle; but I knew it'mi:.t be tlone, and, after a moment's hesitation 1 leaped out, turned the key, drenv the bolt, and, w ith the speed of an'antelope, tucked myself down into tbe comfortable leathers. "Sleep! I mi: la as well have tried to sleep in the regions of the iufernal; couldn't close my eyes even. There was a painful sensation of its being -necessary to keep myself dose together. My feet 'seemed go faraw.-lv from my head that I "was eom- at last my knees touched my chin, and there w?s no further' curtailing possible, I tried to define what-. I was afraid of; but the more I tried the mote wretched ami perplexed I became. 1 could see nothing hear nothing; but a warning of danger Lad been wafte.f, to my soul, which that soul felt, but could not understand. "A cold perspiration started from my i:io but I dared nt.t lift my 'Land to w ipe it o!i. Every sense .seemed preternatnral !y aenfe. After a space of time, wLicli seemed to me like an eternity, I distinctly heard a slight nistle under the hc-d. tiull 1 -stirred not. Again 'and- again it-was re peated, and at last ! discovered that some body was living to' move from his hiding place. The-cause of mv horror" w.-ni 'Mm. . plain. V iiat shonltl-I do?' Rush for the uid atiemnt to 'alarm mv fili-nd t tio'ir, the 'other end of the passage? .To save my hie i con Id not move an j::ch! Still ir.;' movement beneath use. It ao- ;-'tre(t as tl my right hand was taken withiuit" the IhmsL volition of my owi,-, and laid upotrtliL' littij dttroyer under my pil lov. My eyes seemed riveted or. the foot of the Led, tvhere, in it lit.' lo while, a band appeared a long, black hand, which graVped- the rail,- as if ia thi a way to assist its owner to his feet. ' OJO-.V I v , L :1. it l ?.V,l I'." ires ji);ear t('i.rfl ii tr ih.ilnnv n , t, i ;..,.,,,- !., , r ' tre, tlie horrid thing assumed human pro portion. Not for a second did I remove my eyes. The 'head was small, covered with perfectly straight, black hair; tiny, Lead-like eyes, riat glistened like those of petit. . x ne creature s muuiii seemed .1 .... I A Keraiiv to sprea ! tVoi:i cir In fat- tvhih' thcrhi crimson lips r;we a croMii;i" liietiie-ni'ss in 1 !si must, t.irvi? most tern!) cou:i ten a nee I ever imagined.. "My hand ebitcLed the i; urtseroas wean- on. The w retch' moved slowly towards JIM a ion:; impossible to descniie .loelaimei t'ua 4;e tl 10: ht hi one, '(itil.l, bi.Tiy i watt.-h old ! Right away, ijow !. ' iiiiittered the Lrute, ad vaticing a'notlier sten. With a'si'ca.tiiiess that would have dtnvo dit to a profestional ioting at a tarret untie! oniniMry c i re u m st ances, this i'!t liarid drew out the.-little' pistol,, tired, ard in a second's time the giant, with a pierc ing shriek, reeled ami fell. L "It appeared to me that a legion ef men came running up stairs, ' They tried the door. This I thought a part of tite plot, of course. Mv husband, had. been beniied ...- into Laving me, and I was iu adeaof thieves. Bo there I stood ' by the door, ready toishoot the lirst person who crossed the threshold. They.entieated to be let in. '"Whoever attempts to enter this room is a dead man,' I answered, with my mouth to the key-hole. -'"f.et me in, Lis, please!' said a well known voice. 'You had Letter, darling, open tne door , 7 And I did. Mv God ! AVLatis thisf came otii every iiicmber d'. the household, as the dead Lodv met their view. : '"And my God! WLat is this?' said my Lnsl.and, taking my hair, which had turned perfectly gray, and which hung a Lont my t-houlders, into his hand, and burs ti rig into tears. H)i I darling, why did I leave you V was all the poor fellow could utter. "TLc man was a villain who Lad sever al times escaped the penalty of the law, ou account of what it Lad pleased to term his idiocy. ; . ' ' '".So there was no conspiracy.? I' ven tured to ask, after taking a long- breath. . "'Not all,' replied Frank. "'The poor fellow whom we went to see died while I was there ' .. . M a k s n a l, Wraxgel's Habits. Count Yratigel was simple in his habits, and thrifty-, and consequently left behind him rather a large fortune; his income was 2:2,400 a year. Once tqion a time the venerable martinet 'issued an order to all the oi!:cers tt rctluce the size and length of their spurs, and a model of the proper spur was exhibited. The. young lieuten ants paid little or no regard to this order, and. many, of them still continued to wear their own spurs. W ran gel was eseeeding lv angry at this rebellion aguinst his an thoritv. One line day he met a voting lieutenant pacing the .Unter' den Linden withjimmoderate sjmrs stuck into Lis heels. He seized the youth, and ordered him to undergo tliree day's imprisonment. "Rut, your ljjwcellcncy," pleaded, the young oili cer, "ijxeuse my rudeness, and lot.katyoui own spurs; they are far from conforming with the prescriptive spur." "What! wLatP said the old man, looking down at his heelsi "Yon are .right, quite right. I de serve at least fourteen days' arrest. "While you ure at it, you may as well serve sev en days for ule, Heir Lieutenant." ;The story goes that the young man knew bet ter than to argue further with such a master, ami quietly submitted to the whole ten days confinement in his chamber. A TEURIBLE COilBAT, Au Unarmed Man ia tlie Coils of "an -Enormous . Eattlesuake. The ship Prosjxrity, from London, reached one of the West India Islands in May, 1S56. One of the seamen named Jarvas having left the vessel, wandered about the island on a sultrv day, such as are frequent in that part of the globe. '. Being oppressed by the intense heat, and fatigued with previous excitement, .ho inconsiderately laid himself down to sleco reclining- his head on a hillock, opposite rock about ten Jeet high. He lay on his hack, and his eyes, alter- he had" slent a 1st tie, were directed as" the first obiecf that tweennii-m'---WLat'waa his horror to dis. cover on the top of it an enormous rattle snake, with its keen and beautiful yet malignant eyes steadily fixed on him. " lie felt as if charmed to the spot. The' witchery of the serpent's eyes so irresisti bly rooted him to the ground that for the moment he did' not wish to remove them from his 'formidable opponent-. The hu.j- reptile -gradually, and -slowlv uncoiled fts body, all the while steadily keeping its eyes fixed on those of its intended victim. Jarvas now cried out, without' being able to move : . '.He'll Lite me ! Take Lim away ! take him away !;' , The snake now begin to writhe its body, down a fissure - in the rock keeping its head elevated mnrp than a foot from the ground. Its rattles made very little noise, it every moment darted out its forked' brngue, its eyes became reddish and in ilamed, and it .moved rather quicker than at first. ; It was now within two yards of its intended victim, who by some means had disi-ipuied the charm, and, roused Lv a sense of his awful danger, "determined to stand .on. the defensive. . To run away from it, Jarvas knew, would be impracticableas the snake would instantly dart its whole body after him. lie-therefore resolutely stood up, and put a strong glove, which he happened to have 'with him, on his right hand'. lie stretched out his arm. The snake approached slowly and 'cautious! v toward bit: tartiiig lint its to!)gue "Still more fre- qunrly, and w:;en about a yard distant. made violent spring. Jarvas caugat. it in Lis right and, di- rectiy under its head, and squeezed it with a: Its eves utmost started on of its head; it..' lashed its '"body on the ground, at. the same lime rattling loudly, lie watched an opportunity, and suddenly, ment 1ST TtTeir . -- -JU- - : iAie aiitoiiis i ::i . mil i.r.i mo to 'J 't hand, by a vioieut. coi.Tractioii oT all the musctes of his hand, lie contrived ttieetually to close its jaws'. Jluch was now done, but much more was to be done.. He Lad avoided much danger, but he was slill in very perilous circumstances.; If he tnovedi his right Land from its neck for a moment, the rep tile-, fy avoiding suti'ocation, could easilv muster suruc.eHt power to iorce its heat! out of his hand;, and it he withdrew his har.d from its iaws he would be in the power of its most dreaded fang?. lie re tained, therefore, his hold with both his hands. He drew its body between hi thighs in order to aid the compression and hasten sufiocation. Suddenly the snake, which had remain ed quiescent for a few minutes, brought up its tail, hit him violently on his head, ami then darted iis body several times very tightly round Lis body. Now was the acme of his danger. Thinking, there fore, that he had sufficient power' over its body, he: withdrew his right hand from its neck, and took (the world of a moment) Lis large sailor's knife out of Lis pocket, lie Lent its Lead on his knee, and cut its Lead from its body, throwing the Lead to a great distance. TLc blood snouted violently ou t; the 'liter. snake compressed its body still ti and .T.irvn .irnm !ni 1, !?!'.- 5-i - -. . .l.l.V... . -. 1 Vj . . . tne lace, . 1 t thought Le should be suffocated on tLe spot, and laid himself down. . The snake again rattled its tail and lashed his feet with it. Gradually, however, he found the animal relax its hold; it soon fell slack arouud him, and, untwisting it and throw ing it from him as far as ho was able, he :auk down and swooned upon the bank.- oome oi the natives- -cousin by and seeing tne snake nut not noticing its head being cut oil and Jarvas motion- leee, Lo was killed. .Howev er, they saw at last the condition of the snake, and that Jarvas was recovering a little; they gave him a little rum, uulmt toned.his shirt, and, by friendly aid, in a short time he recovered and returned- to the vessel. How WpjiEs Play Whist. All wo men play cards alike. "Watch a woman at a game of whist, and you'll get a pretty cor rect idea of how all. women play whist?: "La me, Henry, is it my play f Letiae sec second baud low that's the first band around of that suit, ain't iff Well, I'll play no, I hardly think I will mnv you stop looking at my basul did yo;i see anything of course 1 am going to plav, but I must have time to think what's trumps spades I tLought it was clubs - well, 1 11no yes well there !" Then she will slap au ace on her part ner's king, and insist upon keeping the trick for fear she will be cheated out of it in the final count. If all the year were playing holidays, to sport would be as tedious as to work; but w hen they seldom come they are wish ed for. - He who will not reason is a bigot, he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave. - THURSDAY, DEClEIBER TUB W Oil EX'S liOTLi IX NEW YOL'K. 'S I19Tl L' X 's ifotel tfevis l ie omen's lloe devised and built oy me-late JUr. A. 4 -1 . 'tewart, is to be o pened on the first of tho coming year. If properly conducted, his hotel may be come the most; famons i the conntrv, and it w ill be an institute i deserviti" of the study or p.hrlanthropislj throughout the ....... 1 1 T 1 i jvor'.d.-; It has been bi t ami furnished at a cobi oi iwo milHonti of dollars. This gift of the million- large sum of money isth aire merchant, but hd took care that it shonhl iiot be eo ltoid as to generate dependence on, elwnio tl,;..,. !,;,.. : ; . i ; '-Jfiary aid some er evil than pov- luni vrtitu is uniy-a J erty itse!- Tagie, Hl yet to save the wTieif he planne.l the insttutiou. u Idelt i tn J.f. conducted on busings principles, every wo man taking advavtage of its privifeges, paying for what sf? gets; and so svdng Ler self-respect. Jt is a Poor wa v ,if he! ,?. "o fi"p;e in exaca or litem 4 . .111 i . ' a return of ,'ratitu.".e, which ism ac?,nowle.Lr,.,..i,t ,.r t !..' !.: their isvferioiity to m. The Women's lijtel contains oveii live liundretf rooms, alljof which look out on the street, liud ailjf them are furni.-lied coinfortaJdy and nculy. A first rate cook will have charge o the kitchen, and thus the women who j up'at this -liotel will pruht by what nJro com'.uecs to t-..d health, tlian doct fs' prescriptions, "-.id mat. is tii' ropef preparation .f food. This kitch n. we a to d. eou.d t,. M... coo tho cooking'if b,od iui seientilid stv.! f..r (iv. iiisaud per.'.reis . ..nd ihe Lofi-l itodf I-..., a i-auacltv fur lo.sii. oi;e tLouan..! 'i-r- sons. eature t I f tl: HJ'dan is the fun.ishini' cf m"ais, or. parts ol meais, at: cost, to those ' them, jirls w ho ate juarters id the Women's w no may come not able Hotel w iug by t matier. ' to cecoiviii.jarters in t;.e llh-hs 11 have-J;e-opportitii:y of pr.dit-.i-i mlv.-Jage. It is r.u importtyit Thy gfat' mass jf working wo- mass i wor.iin wt- men iin us an im,1 n.perlv fed. TLev hurry through a of pickles and p as they can r reakfast, eat a luncheon s, and take such dinners . If they m:,!1 barn of fare of the Women's ' nien nor w omen can f- through the bill Ilotel that neith Lciently; work liijmut substantial and well-cooked food! they l,c wiser and better o!f than thj have been. t- 0",;U. li,.i..o.. Here is a story iiiustra'ivo of the f act that tears are a rwerfal weapon in the hands of a mattiti Lkdly inclined modem Niobe Fnrnrrnas.rii.Tg- iJl w bo astonished ail his relatives 'a-feV V trs ag- i.y marrving S ag) by in: a very pl.d.i girl, th partner. , The m:n reasonably hipjiv sister of Lis Lusi::ts.- age has turned out ut it has always re- maitied a mystery tj the society LelU-s, '1 into his arms at a md not "SdLj-tears"i who were ready to word. I t was tears tl; it trapped' him foe ihiv le called at ta:5 partners Lou land found only the young lady at ht.nii Verv artfully sh? to Liir own a!b:Ms. icd the conversation .,. ,1 t,.l.l l.;... i. i ".I t.'i i to her sister, fvranid was a perfect slave d tivei- ami ll'-treat- become sttch a L'tr in!d rid herself of it lge her home. The :t her, but ia vain. ed, and that life h; dtu to Lor that she s unless she could cl: visitor tried to cin tt ' Marnage- was veiy ii r- irom his thoughts loen, ami he nad no Jve to give anywhere. XioLe's tears -fell fa.-fc 'r ami faster and at List thev caiue in an l sterieal torrt et. f !i-s ejaculation cf sym when she cried : 't Who will give mi : if I dared olfer it, po as ligLttiiug cam t athv were in vain. , where hhall I go ! home?'' "I would. ir girl," ami as quick response: " Lat would my sister gay Ef vou married me?'- V.'hat could the tan dr under .ruth cir- cumstauces ? :ces? A Joi i his Losonj, : rabtv fair face was lying on pair of grateful, lov- mg eves (sue di. like hi ni tiearh ) were looking up into hi ojru, and a delicate lit- tie hand .fought found Lis. " lie did what ar.V diseiigiff 1 gentleman would do pressed his suit, have Leeti likely jto' securetl Ler unrelctj linrewctifit consent, informed her sister of it, .naified her, Laud did his best to make her lianpy. She, in her turn, made, him good wife- Little bv little, Le discovered Lvr strategem, but lie never told his wiA of k. A Pp.ETTV Cockit. We Law, yester terday, in the paf'o of a frieutl, a very beautiful conceit. It i.;, of course, the fan- cv of a, Lulv, ' ant V consists of; a burr of a pine tree placed ii a wine-glass half full of water, ae.d fre::f between the different layers of the burr ire shooting forth green Liatles, bright beautiful, refreshing. Tor fi i i a I.ttle thing, we lave seen notLing that so pleased i:s by iti beauty and liovclty. And tLe .secret istLis: 'I Le burr was found dried and opf n; the different circles were fjninkled witi grass seed, and it was jdaced i:i a wiue-gtiss, with water in it, as aoove. Iiia few plays the moisture and nourishment gave he burr life! and health. The different cin es ciose.l t ami tura.'tl within themselve the grass! seed, and a few days more gae to tho seed also life, sprout' and grow t.; and now a pyramid of living g-ieen, Lctuliiully relieved by the sombre hue of the burr, is the result as pretty a parlor ornament as we have for a long time seen. YTe do not know whether the idea, was origilial with the lad v. but we do linow tLat ius success is beautiful. DeatL; alone of tie gods, loves not gifts, nor do you need to olfer incense or libations. He cares not for altar nor hymn; the god dess of persuasion Las no power over bim. : ' r By what strange law of mind is it that an idea long overlooked ami trodden un der foot as a useless stone, suddenly spark les out in new light, as a discovered dia mond f ; giver iroru tto jindmn of aecepth. z p . . . . I 20, iS77 31 A MACS AS WITS. Thero are many instances on record where tho keen wit of maniacs has dis comfited sane friends. Your true maniac may want sense, but rarely wants versa tile wit. "What brought you lierc?'' asked a pert visitor. i ''What will never bring vou too much brain." , Many inmates possess culture and t il ent to an eminent degree. Some of the most gifted men have spent a large slice of their blasted lives within tho gates of despair. i i j A distinguished professor 'thought ln puzzle ;a maniac by the query, diovy Ion" HViJ'iihiiiU'ffir',!tt,, - know, itoctor. How old are your A Mr. Mann, startled at! i:in-ting' a lun atic armed with a club, tiied t sotuhe !:im with a pun: "I am a double man; one both by nature ami t:amo.' .j ! Tlie; other rejoined: "Do tell! "Why I am a man beside mvself. j We two will light you two." Clubs won. ! A young lady who devoted l.er.-elf to her rti-;t brother, whose mia l'w.is a li'lile unhinged, once narrowly escaped filliu ' a victim to one of his whims; One day wit.i tne no snowed her a carvtn" cheerful rem.';: k: i;n:i; "Mabel, my dear, a;i n.l ! i lea "occurs to V,"- I iut jtaitit the hea-I of J.,!m t'ae iJapti.-ti Vours is au excellent --tud v. So, if convenient, I will cut ( If Kmur ' head. i.iV It r'eni'e t i i.iv 1... i ,. m:y i a mv vi ry sdmrp. It Now, then, ?dabel, v razor is scaivilf hurt v.. u. you j;re bvuiid l.r Heav en, .eet. II i face i ..ye I no sign; of i -.:f. TL,. I nly felt her story 'was ia chapter the lat. He grasped lightly hi r hair. ed, il.triyV' said sh", "tliat's a go 1 idea Lut v. hy so il mv lie e I T in.- g. up s.airs an-1 coauge ir, . . 1 , ... V. w on t vt.u. u at: ! He nodded fsullcly, and she John the liaptiot a Ijot.riied. scaped. (.'.! rs;H.!i,h-!:t t f l! ..-.v V..i k Hel rd-LI A pEL'I'JAL SToiJY n: KI lV.:. i I i A reputation Las often been j built on a L'.r. i.rJ, and in this order of i leas I can not do better than 'cite- the fdlowiag t,ui d'o-jril which bt came i:i the mouth of a medical i ttu.n nt ( j,;- tk fjrf,i.t.c. TLe Lest of the anecdote h that tin, hero lately shewed. Ids talent to be cpial Jr tb l,..' position hU ready wit won f. r Lim. The istocratic lailfcs of tiie mibTe tauboiVrg, Vn came possessed of the idea! that she bad swallo wed a frog, .she declared t he b it it on her chest, and its presence ir.si do robbed her of peace, sleep a:: I health, l'.tri.-hm atithorities bad the impudent-1 to deny the esktenni t f this anneal. 'An d l lady, w Lo sold herb tea, gave it out at length t'uat she knew of a young doctor vL was certainly w iser than the best Park: in au thorities,1 and she did -not c.-ae if it was a frog or a crocodile, ho would kill what ever it was -V one. The yn:ig man was tent Tor, aiid the 1 e.cLei told him her . .. t .. C ..; . I.' . .. e . I t..r- t.i -e. i iir irom a; iR-ar.n - iiitmi- ished, D V- felt the liaticiil s rt: be. ami, a'.ti-r a wet -lei "uetl, i.aac;.. K.hl "Matlam move it.' there is a frog, Lut I will re He then prescribed an iuuoccut emetic, an I went tn tho nearest il.iwcr shop where Le bought a prettv green frog und returned to the duchessl The cimtie was commencing to take effect, and, as the duchess' eyes filled with tears, the doctor too i advantage of this to sslip his given etui federate in the basin. S.-ci:ig the frog the duchess declared that an immen. load was removed from her chest, and f.r an instant all seemed we'!; l-tit a umment later she turned pale and cried: . "Ah, monsieur, L am not yet cured. I ieel tLe little ones, which that fi ' has left behind her.'' . "Stop!? cried Dr. C -, without al lowing a trace of embarrassment t be seen in his manner, "we tdml! soon e." He then tlnc.v a searching; glance upon the frog, ami uttered with a look of cer tainty that settled tha whole wue?::..!!: "Madame, the existence, of tho little .ones is au impos.-ibility, for the frog is a male!" This cure is es authentic us the descrcd fame of Dr. CaLarus. ! Akhested at the Altar. Never swap horses-when yon are crossing the strer.m that separates tho high table-land of tdnglo Lk'ssediicss from tL low levels of married iit'e. The vydding gnotts L;id gathered at a stately luaii.so'.r in l'upett, Vjt., ami the bible Lad descended from Ler cuumber to thy p trlor, when up ros6 the constabb? of WindLaiu county and arrest ed the biidegroom on a warr tnt charging him with trading horses under fa be "pre tenses, ihe bridegroom's I father Lad tpaarreled with a neighbor, and malice had "prompted the prosecution. 'There ii no bad tool for u workman posstsscd of the devil," says the proverb, alid - the consta ble was a blunt but useful' instrument. He had m lived in tho to . ii uii the night before the welding, but did nut scive the Warrant, preferring to wait until the guests hail assembled, ami J he could drag the bridegroom from the altar r.i their presence. The bride's father and other friends offer ed to go before a judge aiid give one hundred thousand dollars bail, if neces sary, and the bridegroom begged the con stable to wait a lew minutes until the ceremony couhi.be pcrlbiuicd;- but the officer was inexorable ami carried off Lis man. Tho guests went home, raid the bride took oil Ler wedding garments. On tho next morning tho bridegroom gave bail in the sum of two liiimtrcd dollars; and last Monday there was a' private wed- H'nnu the Vir-iuu (Nv.) Knterj riM-. RAISING A COLD HECK. "An l tli; Other Fell in, too. D..yS; tnl the Cthcr lelliaTlicr.', too." In the early day of California, uLtn tae miners were digging "bulaluf mon ey out or tl:e gulches uu l l.ill,., Reddv k Andrews owned immenst.lv lieb rnni-'a in 1'omst City, Sierra ouuty. TLev bt qttently cleaned up from O000 tf a-jy -000. When a t!ean-np was made one of the partners would take the ditet do;ui to ban Francisco to the mint. In making these trips they generally took turns. It was their cuAt.ni ta tp "o over night in .Sacrcaieuto, and take the Mat texjrternot)!! at 2 oVLnrk for down, to tj.tcrameiitti be fiequentlv UM tattle with the "tiger," but Ke ldy Vtdrong Miit was poker, 'fhretj-aces was Lis li'g h i;:.!. Vi hcu he had t'.ir-.v acts Le would Let Lis "bottom d.di ir.' TLi was well known among the tp :ts. On one occa.-L.ti Keddr h id been J lav lug all iiigl.t with .-.me of the .S.K-ratuenio .-pt- is, aiwl in the i:i'.nii:ig qap. fNtjij H. h-adt.fihe ga.:,e. The poiu l:,.uUv l.iwso:i am. ng th" ir;i..ber '.i I n-: saucn re.i.i Ins g'.iliiig away wit! tlje coin, and conclude.!, 'j'it fr the fia ,, the lid ng," a.s ti.ey t.dl It eddy, to- take a litlie r iti .Inn tho "b-V."' Tl... i i... i . . , , , in. ii.i t not. p:.. ee.ie l lar invtl toe river b f j:c, t!:" i.i st vat oral thin ;a the wt rl 1, a p.k r g one was :.:.te i. lv. ti e game were Ilvddy, I .-ur, a hotel keeper lro:a t. n. of ih- s ..itheiu lainiu ' counties, and Caatlcy l).t.i and tw other f-potts. A j -it Lad been put ts; j "r.Asn a t d I deck" and give Kc l lv I.i., favmi-e I 1 1 1 , .. I' T i'"ilVA ,,f ll wlvcrwarr, of li n e aces.' T,.e J.iao pr..c.n-!.- J asj I T 'V 7" ,U ljT lU 1 at the j roper tim? la,,i 'r.i, I' tl V ,,:i' "u vowl lli de.k. " jJ.c ;ial: .!l ,.f raj? cb.iiged t atoidU.. The cards were dealt, j;i. ! K-Jdy -.t j Lis thrcL- aces, D.iwsm tluet; k:u aiel 1 ..( Hilars in...;.creit Land.i. I.i the dt.tw D iv. son got the other king. Kcddy drew t v.t cards, bat Laving Li three a'vi be felt htrotig Clioti.'ii l. li ' an .,-n:v. m,l Oil Hot pic or huk at the c-.rdj 1 1 raw ii. Ilvtting !.-un, ar. l i'osK r and the two spoils that wue with I)u-.vs.u Ld not come in. llavii.g four Li:ig-, and being c . ufide.it tint lu d ly h id onfy Li.s three aces, Daw son went in t-troug; and, Laving hu three act-, Ucldy kit that ti-.thiiig trail whin .1111. I The letting was re I hot, and tn.vi of the lu'ingers around th bol weie g-itbvr- ... . . - . i- i a p i m game with breathless intcrcM. Among tLe Lokns-iu was "Daaiinga Joe,'' a li'.rvoii-, rcs-llos little tprt, uim was D f.vson's fiicud and ilrna. J.c vva dipping back and fut'a in LU restless nay, pecpiag over th h!i.ul leri .f the two men at ineir cards as oficu as au op portunity rdfardel, hi.- eves hparkliug ui;':j excitea.ent. He felt quite cii!idetit that tho cards had been improperly "tt.H.kel, yet Le Would Lave give:? a Leap for a peep at those ltcd.lv had not picked i:p. Several thousand d jllars.bad already been bet, aad b":ia!!v, as a t! matter. Daw son went S"f00U better- Ileddy protnt'tlv 1 :iv me hum', ami aJ.l: i go vtoi aa other JjOU'J Li tter."7 :tc ab.-ei.t min I , f 7, V'M'f 1 ull c;:1 Lad all t.,c tu.w bet a U mg unnoticed by tit i LIS HOC. The wear.cl eve cf Domingo Joe detect e.l the oiher ace as the cards were lifted, and aa aLy palL.r p:vad over his vi s;:ge. It was :;: tliuiigli ho Lai been t'.rickcii by U:;th. He abao.-t i:ita:;tly recovered his svlf-po.-c.rsioii, however, and t'ii:i.ling Uitli hauth-i into l is trow.-ers p -kct., he hhecr ed, off fitini the party, au-l carcle.ly sauat- tiii;g up an id da vn the boat, b vg l.l Mil if a" mg: "And ll.e ftL.fr f. r :.! in. ttMi. t.rit ; Au-l ihu !t.-e IV: I in tlu-n", !." ti't ... . . . t r .. ti. rti i i. is was iiiouga i t iawi-au. i ne words of Joe's pretended song came to Li cars as a dcath.kne!!. He la: net p ile, then led, threw d .wu Li curdf, and fc.ul: "Take it all; I s pical !" As Ite!dy raked dawn tho whole pile 'be threw a glance around at the faces of tLe crow tl of fib-nl .pcctatorj, and i-ang, v: though the 'words of Do;ui:igo Joe hud jiiat reached Lim : "And the t!.t r f -!J bi, t.o, J-y; Aiul the ullirr ia ih.-n-, lou."' Jt D'jMr.NT lNviTt.no:; im: Kvidcnct- Iiugb llicLar.ls tells a laughable t-tory of two liicnds who -Acr? attackc l by In dians ia Aiiztma. They were both on mule back and the Indium ri-ht at their heels, letting the arrows lly pu.t tLeta thick a.s a twarm of g r; . shopper j in Kan sas. ;ue ol the umJes coiu-l o'.itr..u tne t-ther, and i:s rider liec-ime alarme I for the hafcty of Lis friend, wl.o urn t-puning, whipping autl Veiling tt tho animal to urge it along, but it could not keep nn. TLe fi,remtt man lo.-kcl back, :tw the peril of his friend, and, in a 'frenzy border ing on despair, sang out: "Joe, uhy don't you coue al.uigT' Joe, who.e leg an-l Lands were living in the air like tLw arms of a runaway windmill ia a tlorm, couM not let the opjiortunity pu?s, and as au ar row l'iittcd by Lis ear, which, if possible, increased bis , extrti-.:..-, he exclaimed: "Do I act like a man that was tLro.ig oirr J Hypocrites arc beings of darkness uis gnised ia the garments of light. j I'hilosophy, if rightly defined, is tianght but the love of wiodoiu. The sure way to tairs success is to tniss the opportunity. tWHOLK NO. -2-2.1 SJriIECN L'iS L.lTlT ST'jSr CP A -EIX On tLc fpetial tn.ta that xilhs lU participant.., i yMu .Uxr UntSt fr.ua New Votk u rLiU,le!j.Li ia ninety n:e and a half ,aitj!rilf Mr latI iit Mi, I.tt, LrraotLcr Mr. Cnb tac, and a little group, a l4Urtr of tLoMJ ei.ttiuiaii.g ar.etdoie f.r nhica Le ii t ' ted. I t-anu-t rvi iU tcmrution of repeating .ne of ih0 ro!ltir-a that Ktt ll.e merry li::!,. Uty anj jiCr frirtMU tnc.i iitM-,..,!i-o:iablo Iungh'.r. Mr. SolL t ru in grt ut .ti "LrW, au. mllotn Ul t improve the t.vrlnniir. ()a one oc asj.ui Jlr. lwle and l.o were break tustiog Willi n l.arl t- f. I.... !,.- u ii - v- tel.. t3 ai aa inn lirwu- mi - -.o i,er bid tbe wter left las P.:u b.r air in4 4 i cxl XU9 -1 that th.y LaI. remove iLe t.latc tri r-1 ti inn iiu-y t-uonbt remove iLe plalc frora . .e .iin un i gc: tin ur ll.o table. TLij l Ley oi l uil, .u U.s .f tiii4,Xakia- every anicl , f Mlvt-i'ttaie oJilc uLJc, -Ua u t..e t-jwiii!., and uking tic precantioa V b ae the win hnv cj c ti. After they Lad w:.:u I a., s;.?llt the d-.r oik ned at.d tLe wr.itcr i. i" M ired -l!c!l!' Le cncJ s -.p.g ti.e e-mpany gone, aU the wlvcr, at l lt... ;iuJ . y wi.le,.:Hn, W ram g.;. In. bLv.l if ,h,.v aru-t fu: ttiin ll.e Mlv.-t: llerf. lhck- (tn i..r W L V..1S. P.Wia: ! the r..l1,.,..n a;i:v i'.. , ... I let Ii lao fin.l fbn U i'.h tint I.e laida a bntu . a; wLcieiip..;i ihe party rcMimed Vbeir plirc, :.f:,-r !.,niil? do-Jin ie uja.la an I iepla.ii. : tLe d;.i. s the ki.ivc, llo f.is and the f.;H:;, Whrti'uhc gn-ur appe .n.', bicathb s uu l curidiig. not Un ut.i.ep, .- J . n; 1 a parly t.f genJlcincn men: .;ml tcb.f. -Lh. nLtr .A vwrtLiiig tK-nvA WLat Jatae yon I . ;ri,:cl t tca!f wl.il I i toa tacan?' Sa :ielp Me, guv nor proteMc-4 the iii:if;e 1 girr.ii. "Voi'iv Ji-qiA, you id; :," d 1 the i itre 1 ib. i master. en tbn.en, I beg your pardon. I iJJ tuili driv.' r.:i l the g i!em(n veiled lU:r mala with the i.-pkimt, and a fmile cf frivii.e. s Mole ovtr each innocent face. liu.vj tr r.xr Ili i.i easy raatttr U conince the av erage nun that a Uhv wh taalct Lit f.riune and ritins frou Lafincn can Lo veiy unhappy, even if ho be aa U bacb- in g Uvtm9 a country getulciuio. conid- crc JJ.taself U.atil t3 pi out htlin, tLough Le Late I the trau'de, hit nothing, an.! wot.dcicl uhy raca of cnse fpett liiiK", i.i nay and ci.thaMaMa itt killin birds which call be lwngLt, reaIy picked) f.r a few rents apiece. Due day hcn Lo was panning Lis luelar.choly ay, an ia h ind, over hii lands, Le aa couK.ioo tht llje Jniy w Jj. attended Lha and canic l Li4 game b:i, fj'.lawel all hi raovciuctiti with eui. .us eye. "Voti would like to see the p T bird dropHl, th!"' ai I Lc to the boy. A!i! that I nLoubl, tir; cpc cidly if il u:is I tint Li ought I hem dano." Viiy td.otiLl you wi to LiH thcrar icl Ltci.et; thoy Lave never done you j any bnn.- b, bnt voti ran eat V j, -Vll: La cm," Land ed over Lis gun tn the youth, and Lirnself canicl the jfaiiie-baj, n Licit presently re-.v m heavy that he had to beg the boy lo n.i-s a bird n.v and then, if piito con venitiit. A i.e.v light bait npoa Lira. It was jM.s.-"l.!e ! et j .y oue'a prop-rty by m, depaty, as It were. He c ul l get area n. I hint ae.pi uutauces, hu would lj glad to cat Lis Muuicr, ride L't hor-5, dnvo hi ir.i ages, .h..it 1 i gntiif, and mi on. Ho r.db.ctcd al'it Lita a j tmi. ctuapany, m ho gj.viiy rc.a ve-l li'tu t any iicceity lor i. diking a p TM.ral lire of Lis projH-rty. On x certain d iv one of ihc:a siid to him: OM b..y, y..a are only lifiy, and you are a bach ebu: nhv don't von taarrv f There are ey- tral jrctty uometi nttin their capg at yon. Kiche Kiu Jered an bile, and ml lt replied: "Ne; 1 really think that that U a bisury I must deny myt-clf. Vou are a ware that 1 live, a it were, by proxy; bat agreeable as I have hitbeilo found that kind cf lif?, the lino tuat be drau omc ubere.' I!i:xiAi:KAr.Li: ArnxTiox or a Dog. A very icmiikab'.e illtiN'.ra'ion of the t ft ctioti of a gruyLoutid for iu master Lu just ocetiiied at Crewe. A few Uy ago a liotoiiu'.is Crewe ' uhcr, aauel Thotnaf Llaekbiirn, urn w-i.tence-l t hvco year penal nrvitude f.r naily killing a p"cl3cc i.iau mar Xaittuich. lie ma tLe owner of a fuvo:ile giayho'iuJ, which ia many a midnight rati proved itself valuable to it-! owner iu the game prcMrvt. Thaj a i-traie but pcifil alfccllou subiuVteJ beta tea th: Juan an 1 Us ilg, anl never ere they found ap .rt. After IHackburu'a iiiij.tisouait i.t the lit '.i oi of the d.g be came fcii g.bir. ltegu'.arly every day it nalcJ tLc so. i us ieSous Laant, wiiba ui.-tful b.k iu its I town yc; an I whea the id.adei t.f eveidiig fell it would lio Jo ah r th? eat of lJ!ackbura' favor ite tun, itn I there f.r vver-l Lour await the mister who i:eir came. TLe land lord, to Lis credit, put fxl before tho an ii.ia!; Lut latlttly it di 1 tit cera to eat much, lu the ufurnoon, the faithful ani mal, like a Kntiacl on duty, Kit seen to parade Market iStied backward and for ward, between the corner cf LUrl Street and Victoria fcacct, Itxiking fwr iu taa ter; but Le apjearcd not. Gradually tLe movements uf the LouuJ I h. came more lauguiJ, and on lYi.by night ta Market Street it t'.ropp'.tl dea.1, a one cf the crowd fcaid, -ot a Lrukcu Lean at the loss raa-dcr. i. t I r" '