4-1 .1 !-l f it ili . ' ) i iif !.i ! - i i VOL V.-i0. 4a-" North Carolina Gazette. , J. H. & G. G. MYIIOVER, TutoUsiiors. teumk of scr.scnrrTiox; On yar (in mlvuiic..) Wit until I lit - . . I""" Tar , . .."..9 3 00 100 HATES OF ADVWlTlWGt . One tn-re (!) linen m.l id ht.i.).rftvH) one inwrtion , $ 1 Oft .. i. !'. , tw, "-, - iso m . j nno month a w " . - .. '"ro ..aw " " " " tw.l e ' -00 TXMSJZ c-jjt. liioio tVu ''w-naaaj Home is the. Kaer'ea'refase 'of our life. ? ? . ltryilen,. MEET OU WOMAN'S LOVS: ; . Tlicrc was n brightness, a freshWss and ft glow about Annie Breton that won eve rybody over to her before they wore aware of it. It was curious to note, that every i body agreed 'to this thing: that she was jJiota beauty, and could not bo termed ,! pretty. Come to analyze her to measure jt lie width U'lvvci'ii her eyes, length of her J now, proportions of her mouth "complex- mnHiiair really, there was not a single -remarkable feature. What it M as that fas cinated everybody that came near her few icould tell. As lor Annie herself, the chief cunrni was revealed in the fact that she ws wholly unconscious of her .charms." .So when Alien McDonald yonn Allen the richest man in the county laid, his lands, his elegant establishment and their owner at her feet one 'afternoon in Octo ber, on the russet -colored leaves, no one was more surprised than Miss Breton. .Stop! I will do her the justice to sav that she was prepared for the evidence of friendship; -sho had not entertained the idea of hi making her his wife. ; Her surprise, was transient, carefnltv j concealed. Ho saw that the dewy bright ness f her face w"as darkened a trifle, that was all. With the wlf-possession and grace of a iuceh..Mis3.iivtn asked timt ! consider. And Mr. McDonald- was comi licllel to- bo content with this answer. To Bay that the young man "was ill at case, mortified,- would scarcely convey the 4 ruth. Ho wus ungrv with himself for picking a refusal. " 'J. Al!"n. I.d a. .confidant. ...To him hg"re - vtalcd tie trwth. lfoilSiatc1y-n--rmTi7 io Behvtcd the last place in tho world fdi 4k private conversation. Tho friends met u a puotograpler s gallery, and in the ali enee of the artist this occurred: 'J)m' it occur to vou that there might 0 o rival?'' asked the bosom friend. 'i can't conceive wlio it could be," re died Alll'i), thoughtfully. "Toucan run over your acquaintances nd fri:ds in vour mind. There is no one ettcij nciiuain'ted with her than mvself,' that I am aware of. hton! 1 es, there is a fethiw yon don't know him a carpen ter, or something of that sort, named Lane, jwho, by the way, has achieved distinction sis an architect. Tlicv sav ho is bound to iinake his wan I ve hewrd mv uncle sav he Una brains. 1 dare fay it is the same," innd young lf.it hortou laughed at his l'riendfs. engtheniiig face. ' . 1 " Allen rcllected. It would be mortifying udeed to be outstripped by a poor me hanie, and ho with an income of seven hoiis'Jiud a year. "I see it disturbs yon. Have a care, n v bov," added hib friend. "1 11 1 wager you my ponies against a mir of gloves anything vou please," said lAllcn, hotly, "that I win the day." "Oh! don't be offended," replied the friend. ' Only, don't be too sure." "Will vou betr 4.'Sinco you persist, yes." "Done. Shake on that." 'With all mv heait, old fellow, and I hope you'll win." Had ho know n that he had a listener, ;nnd that tho listener was the subject of idiscussion, he would have been less confi- jlcnt, for in the ladies' waiting-room bc yond Annie .Breton lifted a finger warn ;inily as sho Maneed at her friend. It was n trying inoiuent for both. Miss Alj (ftAn pt her handkerchief up to her lips, Sand stifled a laugh. Again Annie'a finger, was held up wnrnitsgly. "Bo stilL It will; be very awkward if they eee us here," she added. - Luckily the operator entered at that moment, and thus relieved them of their suspense.- . , "Wo will say nothing about it," said Annie, gravely. "At the same time, I'll punish him." "That! for the 1 e.;t catch, : as yon call him. Beally, Miss Breton looked superb Lit that moment. "As if money1 could cv- r weigh ngainst brains, decency or love." "Mv dear," said Mh's Allston, "von and J kiKiw a host who are dying to be hon- .ofed by such tuention. J "There is no accounting for tastes. Jive mo a man who can keep hns own counsel, and w ho is not a fool." It sour times happens it often happens that a woman's chances for matrimonial advancement are flung together, Verifying tho old Facing, "It never rains but it Hours." It uaa so in Annie Breton's e?- ipcrience. The very next morning Arthur .ane called iit person, and proposed in a liua.nner that proved to her that to hira the jdccjsion was a question of . momentous im portanco. Ho was a man of deep feeliug, undemonstrative, but his embarrassment, Lis very silence pleaded for him as he de Iparted with tiro question still unsettled. i And now Miss Breton began to chide herself, and to marvel how sho could have .entertained Mr. McDonald's proposition. This man s mauiier was no aiiiercnt. m PuBIisiied -iv,, ,, anuuugu u,e morrow's mail would cl. -.. 11 1 . 1 . announce Ins late, she sat down then and there and addressed the IW a note bear ing the singled . "-.and rose from her writing with sparkling eyes and flushed cheeks. ' , . In due tirao Allen :JIcDonald appeared und applied for his answer. He was vain enough to think that a little time vaS all that was needed.-. Xwwnmun i, t -could reflect upon Jds proposal without ou.ieuueiing. xo woman would throw a way seven thousand a : rear. oiri;.,tt,. WttU Fucli an accomplished,: handsome, well-bred appendage, as. himself. A'.,,,,, struggling for leegnition on the threshold of a pi-ofcssio- at . retired liollwico-ns wejl if, fieeUW ja.U-Lail' -chftnefV 7- ii'fcoi!i-nnonn.cc.!C2tisrB?kon leterinincd'to nrevent him fiv,v"o,.t.;..: himselt to nnnecessary hnmiliatiori. She was so charitable as to credit him with more feeling than hft possessed, '"I have (billed, Miss Breton, for mv an swer." He bowed, flecked an atom of dust from his sleeve and sal down. That ac- uon nozo-Miss Jireton's sympathy "I almost regret that I did not not rive it at once. 7 Mister! So she had not had sufficient time. What a fool he was not to give her plenty of time. Of course, no 'girl liked the idea of selling herself cheap. 'My. dear Miss Breton, allow me to sav or permit me to call yon' Annie " .The quiet look she "navo him checked the speech.. He hesitated a moment: . "Yon surely do not mean perhaps' I did not, give you sufficient time. Take time, Miss Breton7 ' "I have considered." : "And you mean to tell me, Miss Bre ton " - "That I have 'pnt my heavrin the scales hginst a pair of ponies valued at two thousand dollars;" said Annie, with a curved lip, "and I Jind my heart heavier than the poriies.7'' . " And tho world .now says Mrs. Lane made a wise choice. Few 'men are" more respected and honored than her husband. The lesson did McDonald good; it did innch toward curing him of his vanity, be sides teaching him never to bet on woman's love. ' IVvom lu- ATta' CallCo i nimi. mUWAIREOTdilKX. How an TrisTi T.oy. fi-.:.m Txtrome -Povertr . loaches. iiiii:K-n.-i(3 Wealth. In the, death jof Vv'. S. O'Biien, Calii"or- m,, ,,t , yUop,-, nJ.MlIl.llln l.4,l,l.luJwj. tune entailed )n roufaee tl;e ia'.niioui tale of the discovery of Aladdin' lamp. .Born in Ireland,' near Dublin, about the year 18:25, of humble parentage, he emi grated to this country at a boyish n-.". On arriving at New York he had the choice of entering a store or ffoia" to Ti X as, and he cho.-e the former, position: lie arrived .in .California on the Gth of July, IS 19, in the ship1 Fafalinto." lie was so poor that i hud to earn a few dollars by assisting-. in disc!iarriiiGr the earro from 'l I TT O the vessel. Jieweiit ja tiro mines,' and in ISoO, connected wKo - .7. O. Flood and J. M. Walker, was concerned in mininr operations in l'oormau's Gulch mid-He fork of Feather river. He" returned to San Francisco in. the fall of 18-jlj successively engaging in the li quor business with Col. W. C. Hotf, and the ship chandlery business w ith Ca'pt. W. J. Roemer. In this latter was laid, to a certain extent, the foundation of his future i immense wealth. In with his old j partner and friend, J. C. Flood, he kept the Auction' 'Lunchroom in Washington street, and in this business he continued for twelve years, in the mean time closelv watching the stock market, and becoming interested in several mines. In JSG7 the partners gave their undivided attention to mining, the result, of' which was that in a few years they drew to themselves such immense wealth that 'the name land power of the Bonanza King have -become a house hold word all the world over. The firm, whoso wealth it is impossible to esti mate, was composed of J. C. Flood, (with one-fifth interest), the late. W. S. O'Brien (w ith one'-lifi h), J. S. Fair (with one-liftli), and John " .Mac-key (who purchased the share of J. M. Walker, of two-fifths.)' r or some years past Mr. O Brum took no very active part ia the control of the enterprises, in vv-liieli he Ws engaged, al though he was extremely proud of the bank of Nevada, with its $10,000,000 of capital. Type Settixg In Javax. The ad vantages of aljdiabetic writing are nowhere more conspicuously shovvu than in a large printing office. The compositor stands within easy reach of every character he may have need of, and a boy can learn the position of each letter in the case in a few hours. It is quite another matter wher,e each word has a distinct character, as in China and Japan. A 'correspondent, de scribing the ; ofTiee of a Japanese paper, says that a full font of type comprises fit v thousand characters, of which' three thous and are in constant use, and for two thous and more there are frequent -calls. The typo is "disposed about the composing room on racks, like those in a reading room, and the compositors wander up and down the aisles setting type and taking exercise at oace. With so many charac ters it is no wonder that Japanese proof readers have to be men of intelligence ami high scholarship. ; - The impossibility of telegraphing si node- character words has kept this great instru- metitH civilization tn foreign hands, and made it practically useless for the natives of China and Japan. To these the tele- phono is an especial blessing, which they are noi siow 10 appreciate. Dark green window shades are used by the best house-furnishers. : i " by J. H. & G. G. nyrdver, Cor: t'XCI.E TOM, An Incident or two Concornins this FamoaVridj'. During the 3,500 times that ith. G. C. Howard has played Topsy, she has "met with many laughable adventures. - It was necessary on one. ; occasion to leave on a midnight train, after the performance,- f,.r a distant city in .which to plav.the follow-' ing M;ondav. night.' HufrV "as they did, the curtain' fell very late, only giving her tune to. seize her traveling cloak and1.ar, gage imd reach this outgoing train. With the Eva of this tour.by the hand and her anxious Howard, loaded witb satchels." the party' boarded tlie' cars while in motion nt ed as;the muse of the -lovelvlittle F.va .-ui, u..ce ensconce in their "sections " the original Topsy seized a toilet satchel and made for the ladies' dressing room. A young colored girl, 'considering this a good opportunity to get acquainted with the other darkey nurse, followed her in and then she beheld her supposed Country woman undergoing a transition the inkv fluid poured over Topsv's face each time leaving it a lighter shade. Then the colored girl stopped not upon the order of leaving, but left at once. shouting through .the car, "She's done come w hite; f.' do Lord dat niTrer is all vvashin' olH 'Beers like it waHle soap. Jtnn, boss, an' I never will for-nt ye vy yi uie some oi dat ar soap! ' Tims the excited darkey whoo looped up uuhii mo tar tin every passenger was on end with curiosity and anxieUMo know if a collision had taken place, and many a hearty laugh 'was had with the quiet little lady who had "done come white1' tho night before.- During a long run of "Uncle Tom" in an eastern city the family of the gentle Eva weut to lumsekcepino-; an, .lurin" the occupation of the elder forces a smalf boy brother of Eva (the Eva on this occa sion being ?JJss Lula Prior) strayed away and was lost in a strange 'tit y. 3Iovin' was suspended and hunting commenced; but the child was not - found". Audiences mu- t not bo disappointed, however, and so the poor little sister was forced to array herself for the part, 'wash oil' the tears, and try to forget that her little brother was b, st. But during the evenin" the runaway was found, and the parents,.., to relieve the little daughter's mind, took him directly to the theater. ' The death scene of Eva was on; Topny, thher apron on her head. cunulJln covered youth, Topsy said in a whisper: ''Hold youngNebndchad!:e7.::,r up." Eva lay on the couch St. Clair bent over her with the question: "What do you see'Eva, darlingf To which the dying child was to give only the r.-;dv: - 'J iove joy - : race, and fall back dead upon the pillow. ' J list as Eva raised her head feebly, lifted hci hand -and commenced the broken sen tence, she spied. the re-found brut her. With a cry of joy she extended her little hand to ward him, and broke out: "Oil, see, see, he's found! he's there, an 1 I never 'thought to see my little broth er ..again;" then recollecting her part, the ,gave a 'great- gulp of flight, fell bach spasmodically to the studied words, and cried out, "Love! joy! peace!". and dropped her head upon the pillow. The scene . wjfs never more atT cting; sobs were heard on all shies. The speech was so heartfelt that the audience felt sure it was part of the play that the dying Eva was supposed to have a vision of a lost brother, waiting on the mystic shore for the launching of the little life leaving this, and many, of them no dotil.t feel cheated to this day of a clever point by the cutting down of Eva's death speech to the words, "Love! joy! peace!" : COLOSSAL STATL'E OR XAPOLEOX I. ! t There exists in England a-sculptured elligv of Napoleon I. by Canova, vi. : the colossal statue, 1G Roman palms high, in Carrara ' marble, completed and sent to I'aris in 1811, and now m the possession of the Duke of Wellington, at. Apslcy. House. I he statue is nude, and. holds m the right hand A globe surmounted by a winged figure of Victory. T,his statue has a brief but curious history. When the Allies entered Paris in 181a, for the sec ond time, Canova, who was in the train of allied sovereigns, was extremely anxious to know what had become of his mastcr- inece. Baron Denon. Curator of the mu seum of the Louvre, denied all knowledge of the work, nor could the intendants of the ex-imperial palaces furnish any infor mation. One official,, however, had a hazy recollection of the Empress Maria Lou isa having expressed herself as eX tremely shocked at the representation of her august consort in so complete a state of divestiture' from his traditional boots, buckskins, and great gray coat. At length the statue turned up, half unpacked, in a lumber room at the (Jarde Malmle. 1 he triumphs of 18il had been followed witl terrible swiftness bv tho disasters of Mos cow and Eeipsic, and the colossal memori al had been wholly forgotten. Of course it had now become the property of the French Government. Louis Xv III., how ever, would have none of it, and present ed the marble to the Prince Regent. Had Can ova's Napoleon possessed as much as a kilt, the figure might have been retained by royal tyf but like Hans Breitinjinn's mermaid, it had "nodings on;" so Ceorge IV . presented it to the Croat Duke, au at the foot of the grand staircase at Apslev House the sumptuous efiigy stands to this day. ; Jet vines are made very lastefjllv for collarettes and neck laces, THUI'JSDA?, A foot; ' ' ;C!arcnce ""Xc v. States Mar.-hn', f 1 cojm!, undervvc: ' .' i ago which h U' r sportive humor V pqtration of n j : 1 a Ferious ;rl . NjivveomU Ha.', v.,' tached to tl.. f ' ofj the dctewti Vi' ; ' li U infcreed ' .:. storing pf vain -! '. f,f cx-United L i . grr-f s m ;i n.Xun-. ' nt iicc a Tew .lava' 'on-fwret.- " Tho n I led to the per-'h.-h f-.ime near hnv- 'ii. Mr". vault at M .V Thiol, ' ' where ' -fd fir the -; 's,,c7. , a ' 5 is:: y t f gen(le.uan w!: 2 e o!,;c ot tl r tune closed thri wnofapn.1 TI.-n 1. " t 'll w flra -pf .. - ' 4 ,.;.ir .i i TT t T . . Xewcomb bv with a darkness Vhicli .was almost nalna ble. His feats Wb increased by the re coj lection of the lict that, except himself aijd Mr. ThieTT" nojono was in possession of the numerical cnAibiiation bv which ihe sap was niibKjkedaml thnt.Mr. Thiel had stepped out a fen iJjifuh s before. In tho meantime the pmctiijl 'joker went out ex nlting in the' funnv jdight-in which the4 vi tun must find hiijself when he disco.v- ered that he could in get out. Mr. New- comb's reflections cro becoming more; aqd more serious ever, ; moment. He couM, nqt hear any sounds wandered what had loin the oirt.Jide, and ecomo .f his fiiend. but knew -thnt bis to its highest pitch, Hp tried to cry oufl voice, even if raise. oohld not penetrate ll roiign ttie uiiek walls A -He tried, but the thiat surrounded l.im rejk-eroerations ol his ice in tho narrow toj nb were almost deatj-ning. lie p.unid- cil against the wa Is. Univi,,,- 1. l,...,.i ;.. at I attempt that he-knot- must be im-fi'cet- it frv .... L ' . I 7 llld IK.,1'1 u.Jl to attract ftlU ntiijii. A strong am pr wetful man, ho felt Jiiusi-ir to he adiope ii-f-s p: ioner, inmost ; ithout the slightest hope of rd f, . ; The ticking of hi Kath, jdainly siudi- bile in the dense darkriss. admonished hi... or the rapid flight f : tiinie. The infervnls be twecn tho seconds scUnod longer than he h.-td ever known befofe. Theipih t had lx comes.) intense that he could plainly hear the beatmg of his heart. It thumped against his side like the souud of a j.ile difver; falling at regular intervals, . and driving so he thoughthis burial place deeper and deeper into the earth. He thought he could hear his blood as it was primped oat of ids heart and coursed through his veins. It reminded him or the mtrm.nr of a brook flowing through the wpodsand tiicklino.ycr inossv stones. The atmn his lungs Ud Lecoine suddenly and i'i y i . i 1 1 'Kt: '. ?' 'Vi1! i1 ' ' iJlii' jra. i o n w a si )C- aipl ejthabitjon t i D f reath -pmiuded Ufkc a Iiellows lhat wiJ )tch worked with dif. f Jicnlty. Ihe labed action of his lungs, unstanuy heeomtug liai.ler ami harder,! iil.rilirlit to liis mm.) the len llilc n.e.tiiiil Inhv much longer could he live in tiiiscon- , lined atmosphere. He calculated bow mi'icti air was contained in those narrow I w ills, ami how long it would support life. At the farthest it eppeared to Lnu that he cduld 1,01 live more than twenty minutes, aid then he would have to breathe thh vi- tinted air over and over again. He cried oat airaiu. but stnnrtcd . nt the refl.etioii tl at liiis was a useless cxncnditnve of the rv -hydrogen .011 which he must depend r life forsei.jo time to come. The silence , 1 ..... i... i i l or which icmur- .. i". ,.,... Li . ..... . id then he realized that this i.iiist be cj used -by rush (f blood to the head, the ellc-ct ot his conUuued confinement. The iszijig increased to in roaiiug thunder. lie felt hiinself sta-'er. and then lust e.ini- . .-; :s . 7 ...... lonsr.ess. i . At this moment Mr.- Thiel enme ia hur riedly, having been informed of rhe situa tiion,and unlocked the safe. Mr. Xewconib find fainted, but was restored bv the five upc of water, mixed with some stimulants. linekily no bad effects followed the expe rience, and Mr. Aewcomb was completely rtstored in a few minutes. . A y:cn J k a m p iVionv Of Coitksk. A story has been told us which seems to go far in corroboration of the late "ISoss" 4 weeds theory of chances. It is said that something like a vear nsro a tramo eaileo at the ltou.se of .Mr. U.uley, in .Mosa young one pai l no attention, g.nin caHiag, the mother usel tho full riven noinn nl tl,. ..l.il.l. "Isalxdla Stevens, don't you bear me?" The tramp looked 1111 as if interested ....mMW ..llllti. and remarked, musingly, "Isabella .Ste- ens?,lsaltella Steven.? Have you got anv relations of that hame!" i ...... les said tiic la.tv, "tuat was my ijnother's maiden name." " "There is," said the tramp, "an immense Bortnne in Cornwall, -England, which has een for twenty years awaiting a claimant of that ufUMi who ii supi'osed to be in Amei'ii'.l." j . lie then proceeded to give all the de rails he could, and the result was that JI'S- Bailev communicated the facts to her iiother, w ho secured the fortune, and is : jiow enjoyiug the fruits of her daughter's jospitality to tne tramp. Do not delight in .the misfortune of others, for you know not at what moment in. . you uiav fall. Have one settled purpose in life, and if it bo honorable it will bring vou reward. Following many vocations has ruined the life of many a man. Practice economy and industry, and pmeccifs is yours. , . township, ;. 1 ., and asked permission to J y, and he waited patiently, evpe ting I tl the. 1 1.. ait ...it,; U ut.Ue 1 n.t sjtop all night. A little peisuiision led to! dim to lake lJs prize ..irtle l;ok and put , in and t".'i.'f my I, und.i v !.tle put lis request being granted, and he was also , n some more-bait for Lim. But .Jim, the u a i. m-L :d 1 M.'it that l" kept L. rc, nd kcd to iV-;cr. During the meal little rascal, Jsomrtimes liked to pligne (..-,., h.i put up mv t olv r an Mm--rtrs. Baileyi called to her little daughter. Old Souii. He no.Me.1 nt ns. as inn.-h n. .... ... Si..1i.v l'nlV.-.l .!., i . ... . nui. ii. e An;::;y n:ul 0ItL Streets, 'Faycttcville, II. 'p. I.U.LV--11, ibis. -I"' :. V- '"'""' ' ; A (. !, STliUY. AMI T AS i,r.Lni INT. 014 S in'. ninv'n Fi-Lt-An nfcaat l i in with Cldlrcn. ' In tl-9 autumn cf IfiTG I wan livio in the int :ior of U.M.g il, and I went t Zn. J?, 5" ,H .W't'' wrrr,n1,-Ma.r.lJAly.-I he Atj ... s bungalow wa.in iha Latik or.tl.e.ia.t-e.-i:'iirar Cavji.p.re. He Lad lived theni a : t-vo.l nwnjr veri, l,cirg rhi f of tho qnarlrriicT'd dej.-irtmfnt at that bnilock-carts rind. ldieM nndcr hi cf.ni 0n or.v. af;,r c,y f.-,rva!;afr 7P'f 'y rt-.-ii taker, !.-f,tu d ,y. " ' r ' ' s.il hirttrinur' rti f rt.. .1. .. 1!.. ... ........ vm,v ii vuw MIIHlUgH C Hip ,.1 cred river. And directly I akf t!.? Jf. jor ab)t his children, "a 1kv ftil4girl, whom I had riot yet s.-cn, nn l btf;-cd to know when I jshouhl Aft ,theV. v " " "Souprnmniiy Las takvt: out fLh- irvr," Haid tln 'r father. , "Why, isn'j Soupnimanv tnrNgrr.it unr elephant r I j-ril. ' -""; "Exactly f. .Yoii cannot l.vc.'1rgut ten Soiipiamnby P j . " "Of cours' .ot. t wn l.r ro, yon know, when he had that fight with ihe elcphru.t who went mad while b.adiirg a transj-ort with bags of rice down yonder. I saw ih mad elephant jwhfn he began to fling the lice into tho river. 'Hi mahout t;?d to stop 1 im, and Ihe killvl the mahout. The native sailors ran away to hide iheiuwlve, nnd the mrul it lenhant. Irinimctni'-. ch.-ir". !ii..iire. in. i rioiii.rainnnv was here, ai s were .Tint and Bes-v. When he saw thp mad animal he threw himself beUtfeti ; him nnd th rbiMrcn. Tho little onei and! their nurse had iut time to get into iLujlio:iso when the li 'l.l ....... . . i rouiniencrii. -"Yes," sas 1 llnj Major, "oh! S um. wa a hundred ve.i b5 old. lie hid lfii tr.niii. ed to war, au to fight with lh ll.iil wcr- os, hut he was too ,,1 Ilnt ilirill. "And y tf"jsail I, becoming animated by the recollet"n.!iii of that d.iv, "whrit a gallant fight jt tvp! Do you rememlH-r h.ow we all stt-nBoii this jwreh and watch ed it, not dar?ng,to fire a fd.ot lest we should hit old 's.ttfprruiniiy ? Do you re mehiber, too, tis'b.ok when he drew off, niUT lighting 1 n Hour and a h ilf. h-inni-- his adversary Jliiig in the dust, and walk ed straight t'tbe Vorral,' shaking his great ears, wLicU- had' b , n badly torn, with his head! bfuisej, and a gr.at piec broken from ..if of his tuks!" "Yes, indeed, snid Ihe Major. "Well, ...... .1.; -L.'i S' . .1. . . .. . rrr leave them uiidorVis charge. 4 .don't like trusting clmsian children to tf.o care of ..c- i.i j i i. .-v. ..... m ..ft1'.. II. .lb Lev c.i c.niiVinil In io hariri." "Whatvon Hast children under ten , ,.r .U w .. :.i .... years of tiv to Souu.. uithunt ju-olcctimT' j ' oj rc.viU M.,j.,r. (-.,. :1,0 w jlu .(jo, yWi doiibf, and we wil! wrli? themnt their iibin" I followed jdaj. D.ilv, and vUw walkiu" l.-ir- :t.. ..i.l 1... . 11 1 ...... . r .1.?. i-;,-,.- ...... A ... .... it... 1:..!.. 'im .. 11 iv'. .liiif u:'i. uiv i.uir rMniii. III." twi rhildreu-I.F'ne, th - el b r, being about ten both s it t ill a 1 Ml-.f. f. ,r""a won- . . -.1 .... .lei"; cacti liel Ea i nf, with lia. cik, hook alinl bait, nusioiislr w .itchi:.- the j:iv ..rk ii. p.i.ing mi ll;e W-tlcr., r.ii te tin in 0 .S,..,,,., 1:L !lB xtiemelv lar-'o b: r!oi.l lt!l- no l o 1 in his'tinitk.-with liue, hook, bait anl ct.rk, lik. ibo ( 'nildreirs. I need m.t say i iook si nan imnee ot ine cim.ireti. 1 iit turned mi attention to their big com- anion. I hall not watched l.im long le- ue he had a l-ite- for, as the religion .d ic Hindoos forbids tl.eui bi lake life, :h- ver hwarms with lihes. The old f. low dil Hut frtir; Lis little eves watched jhis 1'ne eageflvj jte w:i no novice in gentle .raft." II; was twutiii" until I .;, n was time lo draw in his At the end of his line, as h drew il up jvus dmglii 'one .-T those golden lc'-?h - Abnndaiit in the (iauges I I AY hen S,.!.'-,i-n.ni. v i i-n-. Iv.-.l vl -if n line fish Le L.iJ .taught, L. u: ter.il one .f those lonf. lolv. "m-.-lii: - oote- of-ti. faction by wlicli mi i b -pliant t xpr..-e to say, "Iot out, and you'll ce poiih fun now." Then he t.ntk off the fi-h, I I, ! 1... (I ...... ... 11 . I .ll Mi; UJIIJIT IU.O . t.l te water-i.-ir ttlac-il (here for I hall purpose, nnd went back to Ids place without putting any bait on Old Sonn.'s lunik. j The intelligent animal did not fompt to throw his lino into the wa- tcr. He tried to move dim bv low, idea l- i . ... . - ' ng cries. It' was curious to see what t-n- der tones he sWtncd to try to give to his voice. j j . Seeing thai Jiia paid no attention to his calls, but jsat and la ighed a be Laud e.l his own .line,1 old Sot.p. went up to I loin nn.l tv.lt'i 1,1 j I riml.- tri..l -. i.'.j dm, ami with his trunk tried to turu Lis iead in the djrcetion of the bait-lox. Al ist, when hej 'found that all he could do I would not in nee Lis wilful friend to help dm, Le turned around, as if struck by a J Sudden thought, and snatched np in Lis rank tho box that held the bait, came and laid it ddwn at the Major's feet; then licking tip his rod, he held it out tn Lis piaster. "What do Vou want tuc to do with this. f )hl Soup.!" said the Major: Ihe creature lifted one great font after he other, anil again Ingan to utter Lis tlaintivo crvt Out of mWhief I uk fJimmy'ri parti and picking up the bait iwx, pretended to run with it. He dipped lis trunk into the (lunges and in an in stant squirted a stream of water over me with all the fiorce. and precision of a tire rngtm, t- l!.f I Ircn. " 1 bu. '"'"fl r.-iu tnnt r.f a UTtl.tn t-v,f QJ.C hn tiVen fr It. ti t nanny pv:-,Mi Ih.mk. mo by a r ft or joy for i,,;-i,ssr lirk ft Uf h vr.i Uv M t , !- ,.!.,r(.f an-tVvs tun watrhmg IU cv.rSc n- t trvinl.lsl la tU nppic, c fiho tivtr. si. .x;i:lt. ru- -itjj ptir, the rtvpiT, . ........... i-j - Adoir J.!. W1,ei..wr, a i-lht ly of IC, bu w-,I.g two y-ir our. frt ;'. j at the bir f the CfM-ml S.t-vl u.irr diy, ! ifg-l ith r.Vrv in tV r.'.t gr.e the ..M f.h;..H-d rbl-rry. i:.iblM..ni!c !trV te 1 sir V fV u neigh, and tie li. of Li AjVv rvr. nrre r.-Mon.1 by Wj.iJ'J u ici. Ill cm-d.-ii "i wa of a rl !'y j.Jb.r, but l,vt rt if ,; fii-ht, f..r l.e planted iii!y an.nnd hin, ih.wigli j.i tfbUo.i, J irilonPiL Mj llettorf-a r.-.thTr tairiTvl viit of gr.iy Vntsa, .1., fitig. il a fadc-l M fell Lai that, Latins li its baud. ua nH-..fr. Ho phnd.d pnillr, as I. Judge SiaJjyil::nd 'itettr.-d Lint to State iim"h f-r l ight yc B 1! 1. Ltnbh r ef-tms tin moved. - Ibi 1 1.1 m l u ;ty (tmn tie lar, and, !," Lead l-m, a ihongh tin tally i:;e.is-j;rg Lim t,,,u-ncr, n iinJrr-l after the 1 Crcr, wh Id tic a; il ptioiir' 11. "My f i'LiT was a firfc painter, and a very kind laf.n' tl.'i i the 1.-V t..rrf though Lis o in wiyof telling it n.ui J trr.ll.;te.l "he died aU.nl iLlrny v-ar ago, nml i iv moil ,r tmrri.-.l (if.tyM-tt .I 'i-: Thirty-idnth re-i, -wiM not p talon with my K!c;.r,thr, an I I went t live r.i:h an nmt t Third Ave nue and irijl, Mrect. A y.-r agi 1 f.-na- d aLie f ,r TtovcU of Iw'r b r life. 1 .Ic tcimined to imitate lh her.- i ..f Lm oiien, nni I thought T ;is would U'thc be;-l pl.ue id begin in. 1 .tkfd l.nrd until, about thne montLn ago, 1 Lad Lived '.7.'. I t. uk cabin paige iu the -c.nn- Lip City f IIoumo:, io (;.,Ivt!... Th.ro 1 Ml into th (vitupaiiy of gambler?, among who:.i w.re Ynlkm juM and S!..,tty. I liriii.ig.-d to win a g.wwl .leal of iiioiirv. We wi-iit in Hmihtoii iind San At.totii'i, gambling and Ajxmdirig i.Kuirv. Tlit-u returned t. (..-.hestotf, and i .Ulirniined had about ?"i"0. 1 . Ig.-.J in the Bmerv, tHik my trials in je-.t.nir:i.ts, ond La-1 a good time in loafing itlfut until I Lad pent my money. Then 1 got ..tk in a grocciy. i On tl..- l:h . rMst I met IVrd inniid lVv nud I tltz ligtiVr, Id Mh.Imr.tcii of mine. 1 i prHtse. thai w n ihii!.l go l.ortii'g t.ext d.iv. Wl.'tl creiiear Fleiiw.-.Hl I'aik'l tld 1'iey an 1 W.ngntr of mv piirse to lako moiiv ;i bark to I e:;as f-.i.n ihe lirt man that permed tu Le cl! xed' that r.inm nh-ng. Tb-v sit down oil the rocks iii I ? I ft -!rft Oil- d. r S'line f Lyrry In -s, but 1 -ti.l u road.-i.le. When Thma l.vnn mriie a Leig 1 nid : 'MhU r, what lii'.e i it V lie took out a line gold wr.tni and Kiid, ll.dfpat l a.., i.,y y.' TL.-ii 1 Kail, 'How mm u in-tey Liv you got nlot yo-i T I f.ip.MtMr iL.-it L? it.-p.x te.' ilea thai I i.ieni.t g od, f t 1 e!...ped d..e and pit k d i p a :-:ot.. Hi. Lad l ot r.d- d it aboy.j LJ Llie! when I .Jreu leXi.lv.r i that I h id il-uglt tl div U f.Kf jiia prinu.!...!., r.nd tiled ut Lini. The tall .o-lged i-i n llti-Mi b.it'.icr irtw-kctU !! kivs my, 'a l U-nt-t. I !..nt l.m.u,- ulll. cr it did, y.iti know, IrfT.niw 1 iiidt4t f, 1 it. I Sin-. I nu'uii, I. i.t Mr. I.vim mv il.f i ... i . i. OUill I MM.Oi one o f Li. 4 t-U'- i.d. r Liiltot. and gl.tm-.-d ojf. He ball. I Mi.id.r ! l. uj.h r!' an 1 tun, but I fin d at Lin again and lie bu'di-t -nti r-d Li. iligL. I wi!d j Lave find again, but I Lard m-M nn.iiiiig tow.iid ii, and I S..k ! mv Ld. Frey, V.iu i, .-Mil ibtw. A,r ll ro.kHtoai-avetl.it I Lad f'tt.-l e, "fh a kind .f a.Jd and fimv rMiliie u'rioul 1" ley and Yiagmr.to lie city. I krpt very !:(. my bigiiig-Loue fty .-ytral da, but tlAyi, n-eing But iuv name a a not mentioned in tl" new t-p.-ii.rr m fm lo. li n with the fL.M.r'ng of Mr. Lynn, 1 went out t-i Ldi for woik. On tie - n ing of the t-'nU f May lYev aakcl me whciLcr 1 would like to go up totlerar on De-oi v.i.t.i Day to Lae s. fine tiiuf and gt-t my ththi s. 1 told Liui I wcnld mt go un less -ae euiild go ariued. lie aai! Le r.iuld gt two of Li- fallri baton Lis falh rdiad been a policeman. We Went up to the cave, ami were attested on our returt a we were crMM.sng McCotuL Dam Bridge." , Ben Bro-.n w'a married, in St. Louis, at four o". L-ck. One Lour previous to the remony tie t-Vy w as clear. Sn bl-nlv a htoini Lund. oir the city, and amid a tor rent of rain, lie ceremony was K-rfornKd. A year latiT a baby la.LIene.1 their Li-artu, and, a few necks nfwrward, Le was taken to the t-aitic rhurch to Le baptized by the Kituc priot, nl the hame Lour, aLcii the same atm spherical conditioui lLat Lad at tended the marriage -ceremony prevbilctl. A few da vrf ago a mi-oik! child wascan.e.1 to the Kiiuc altar f.r LattUMu. at four o' clock, and, although not a cloud waa to be seen at tliee, the rain desrctidd in t.tr- rctitb as the pritht sprinkled tLe it.farita liow with Lolv water. !' Mjr at oin- rm k H mm. ' 1.N tJ r-top; an 1, t tuAl MJr H ,w I.l Wl..t, I t,..Ur,l li UV.nt!, Quivering shh joy. - IU AL'.u W.IH NO. -J.-,:!. MiMitMfUimi: Sr "k papT c'rt ft ryr T.t t f Urt riMtb:ic re. it, U laitrr .... , i .Mi'trMU rr.airf. I ki...i.. .1 i IW! C.fa I...McoMl rtj. tu Af-W b;f.U i, Inr mi-.'a a W-ulful b Ne.Wk, tUnlt IU re turned. At Zit.t;i,ar 1,-r!-.J iiiniiing in o llt ll AT 1...T 1- uanilM-irrkt -u mIs -iu TtU. i,.t!!.. . 1; u,(i trsit. .ITi. o..rcr, i Air. Mkt.I-' ,f,.tl fc t lexe M-.ipj-.it tmf st, ut a Lit t t A;rJr mrrn lH Uw (n.lw;r; u fa ... ll. liDh. htatiVr L llt tjf-vrr 1-f.te orVnoe l.a L tumid K fctid l!tij.f(d a r-iv!at. - fct i wt il At. nirsn O t,. rrtrsll tita lW 4a!e .f l-it. The fonl, tlt k iuiwf taarirj t iltX. I-dy. Lltn ikI .WjttJr; U. Lira foll;!l l Jk.k- tf lata d yrrti!r-l Lim la lT tno'Lrr, La ma a i-!tr. h'tit.Ur rm 1 fiyA t rr; l- ttvtbrr r. lffrli.b; ilr C.ul ia tl.. i,Jrrj.,tl-r. Ilcillli, mk vrniLkiktiUc-b.lc.r llt att Lot:r the Maiden .t'f.r. StarW n fnr .i.ldn rvrri ta tmuh .t I and; Let L rotirrnd hU Lt -iith l.Utirs ab ltl.r-y uuAtiu- fl, 4Ur U. At tb r:idofaTk L" tn fertu j ffd l rt; al the rod of a fvMitiLt lh 1r f. r l ling atihrd. Alllli ii 1. tad cvn ll e yotan U ly tn4re rf klustt io the ii-mwc t f Lrr tttuittt'. tin tta !jy lKf .jf lie t d Kt, U U Ua jr- initial fr lh Crl lime tak t.rr L1 and iioj-tiot t:pm it cla1 rslt'r. The t:.rtdog c f ll a,.J !,r g -.mrd; Stanley ta dtr, sl f, il. cttfxuctty atd a n'uirg lie Lappy lamnftiL IXetts eMtrcl In Li,a tin 'Oitti, nln L Lad 1j.1 n twf..tT, aud aa ii4erjrr. 'l"J.fy nrre ii.lrdcicod r lh Ic..iUt cf iLo l.ri-U, r.n 1 thry rr.1tKl a paubthttt wLw h the iotr-rpi t r rt.3ainl. It n df 1 of t-'.jlrmint, l.indinj ,Jtlc- 9 pay - m-li a y-ar t tie tmiAlrr, t m id, to t.vli l.rotW, gt,d m mndi ti LSg ui.X and t dnli J.inn lie firt inUll merit on Le rM.t. In Vain Stanley c daiucl that Le ti wortl tiotliog and iM not pay; tie Lrcth I xAed J gcrf Ilf intetpirir fmactvl, J id M.-ne rlol by LC aTtt&l of tic tW.r-nl, w Lo n ith .iifimlty gut Mauley unl cf tl clilrhm of ., tonoentor iidVlij pd Lit- rT to Atl.cr.. He did r.. ei hit tCU- In I'Lila l. lplii. l..net Lad a i'.attmT by imitation," an I L. at on, time ac II Ln.tan lo a rrrr.t MimW of iLe ddrr h'tt?u. , Tl is aa "Cloj py" Clark, a La la.ib-taal .ig osNr Lc j.t a ttao iail near one of il niot fjji;e drivr, in lie lic-ighl.tl.M. ",.f ll. ,!at i I t hy l.r lie IMaa-are." At one b. "("Ltppy1' n41 a'JWd a gteat !-! of 3(nM-iuctl to tie tie tsi:h alot.i Lr s acnait.lM aiol Le was a tr'o.M:ie i.itor at lie Jif f lent enrpajr ofoe-. (Mark us-.l l .lici. tiCAilr like rrt u LS V)t-uu ao'ild jw-rmlt, and ia lie rut T Li Lair and l ard ttiilj ili to v r-to-1rf.foigttii ti.n.lcl., g..aty nnd unall i '. w li.let t-tade rrv f.iir t.-M 1'ibl.ioer, Iw-rotel il fmtX ilat L, a ratlvr ftnall fra'tuir l, and pot1i..r.a of LU fnitiW nan. acic ratl.r tultrund. P. it lie tali ly ft!l t f ll. pxsX iUt t.ii-j ivl'jog Hf t-ji- hk fa!lr r.-j :lu-d. lA u wl.it l'iixt aa fTii len iib tb uiuallr4a, an 1 a laid ii;. uiih lL. Isiii.iirt alh h tsi ! trill r .asnVte.1 Lim .!ijing Li Ial jcair, C'latk a ii:i.olt j.!"-itd lo j-j-iatv, and drag;.-! l"u I. ft Jf-g afl.T Lini ilU gi-.-it n K nil v. ,1 nJtk ,I ,,,lat.!c f euiuc viniMjua ni n,e ran: ami, Lad it i"t bin f Lit Mania ia re gaid l' lfTel. ...,L1 Lat Jfr-! a tiblf i.iii in o'.I.t I.t a to Ira 4 Lf. Ilia r !e..:i in. iwir t.4. in b-l m..odrtfa1f and Le r!d fit i!e fivia Lr-inlti -dt in. biding lie lif.ru .f f irry (la'aitec, .oi iLhly .L.Trfr-ol fIai, 2I .f alWU Lad l-rn n j tT i.t.l by Li rt..W. "TU Bok r of I a," -Spiti rn - .l-!U VirgiuitJ," -C..!i..hi,'i,"' "Jari IV "M.i.mwi; .,.! -Ilamlr,"' W f f. v.niu , and it wa t. A otdy ta atsinw-tatat l..t a li.-al l L ar Lim r.-ad, f.-r La va rlly a fine !int:.to.t. "P.l !e My, "CL-i py raM rmar, in t it m'.t C'a,""lo.(irt.t Mil, n.lat 1 imitate Mr. r.rit; it ia a MMaVe and a fal? L.kvJ. I .oiginalc, not cpr( and al llonh .ur Mvlca fe aimilar. tie inka Ihk-wLo .a 1 iu(v!i I afirr LI " Tie n-iii...i t. itt rated tlat l i'uitat- ed FoncKt would inakf Lini Loppin taa-l. and leWWff e t t Ikoj "1.1 U t vr K-rtKII-M a ti M-oiA in it, li mat tie rararr cf a Klallrn-1 intc'bt !, ayd lu? w aa alloa'cd ta pirue it in i-ac-. Clatk ma le one r two apjK-arau'-ra on lie tagrf tn, tuad Mt-iC little tuoney at llcve. He ma r ted, and did not it-rrive tie rtalla icrrptioii acr.tdl to Li.noni cf ll kind iiow-adays. He t'.ir-l -n fiveyrtia igo in Phila le'plia, and will 1 atg W reiacta lt-n-l a one of tie tuof4, rematkallo ec rent lie in llat ooumunitr. d;trocM ia like an air em-lion there mat J nolllug aolid in it, but it eca jok aondeifully. A Fjuare inch of Lewp Cbreti mill op joit a wt-iglt of l,iv0 j-ouod. A piece p'.icc-l on to tsrrogtlc o a beaa Lould Le ou iu eofaicx 4dc. J O;

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