1 I , .. r. 1 ' ',..... - " - ' . "' ' i & L v VOL. yi. NO." 2o. North Carolina Gazette: I : . . ''.is J. VUHLISUEU. TEKMs of suiisciurriox One your (iu nilviincr) .......'"... Six lilOlltliN " . TJueoj" " .....f 1 00 IE ' J Hi- j j HATES OP AOVEKTIXIXa: 4- OiH'Hijiiiire (OliiicHMiili.l iiitiiyui'i-lUimu iiisci tloo 11 00 ! !" lw " T IW .I' t" " " ' one in on t U ' 8 ft!t f " " " " time " 5(W six. f .. .. .. tswlve It 15 00 . ..It. . . J.a. V, HOI Bli.ivc ral'. SM'i iul miticH -Jj jht cut'uiu: rf pillar ailvi't lUcinriilH. v, ' i Limber nHirlUt!in'iitM rlint'iit fuji Home (HrdeV; . i Hume Lj the Baitrcl'.r'u life... , ' ,Vi it . iS m c. . , t 'W hen lhnatio llrpper an irii id bosom f 1 t 1 ni 1 ' ... , Hie id, Jonah Clnnmeu on the same dayr. in t.. same cnn.cn, marned Augusta Luv- nhn and her learcst friend, AnatUnsia Mcakin, a contract was nmde between tb'ei - i i . ... . . . ,1 j .. . .f . .. .' Uieuikdveri that if one . family had a son .....1 ...1...- 1... 1 .. .1 ... .1 1 .1 Ji"iptvf L in. tllt'V I K 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I , ,.- ...... . - ni.v, lllK . nriived at the proper ago they should be I nun i in 111 iii'i 1 :iii 1 1 1 ii ir 1 1 1 i.i u n 1 I uvtr I husband and wile. Flipper and Clemuiens bad died full of .year, and gout ami rheumatism, and left acli l large fortune to bis wife. Thev liad each left ns well a. child Flipper a (langl)ter namcl Kiltv, " Clemuiens a son '1 t 1 . ..... , -, , , , 11 .1 children had now reached therr inaionty, 1 . , , . J nami-M Jlielianl, oUierwise Dick. The it ml the mothers were anxious for the con Hnmmatton of their plan. ' j '-Mother," said Dick, at tbe breakfast table,1 "there ia no use urging that girl ittv"i Knit, for I will never marry her." j "llinv do you know, my son? You have not' seen 'her for twelve year?, and you tiirigbt be delighted with her," returned "Mr. Olennnens, coaxinrlv. j "1 jiiiow I-hboubln," Dick said.' "She was :i led-headed abomination when a 'liild,nnd I'm certain she's the .panic uc.vi. Kveu jf she wits as bandsome as Ili bo I Wouldn't marry her. I'd feel disgusted the moment I met her, rfrtd. so would slit1, if she bad a'uv seiue. We'd be introduced, we'd look at e ich other, and say to onr liilvesi: And. ijiis is the persiu I've got to inurryand then we would hale each other." j "Well, it see. 11s to nif, );ek, that yojn inight at lea ft .wait until yon see- each nth-. ej la Tore yon make up your iiiiinl. This is too dad, just lien 1 thought I had sncli news for vou." i "What is the news?" j "She's eomiii2r."r "Who, Kiltv Flipper f 1 m b.tt-.r tbi niiriiinfr from her anther,-, saving Kitlv would start in a day or to." I j "(), mv!" groaned Dick. "You must Ktti. 1 - I 11 ' I i Oil ' IF ill I a her," he said seriousb "If she tomert I go. I know what she'll be: a lit- tie stiiick:up minx, full of. French airs she ncipiired by studying abroad for twelve years.; I shan't see her; t hat's settled. Write to Mrs. Flipper and say we are go yi on a visit, and don't know when we will return; or, better, go to town, to see Mr. Flipper, explain openly that I will never inarry a Fienchilied wax doll, but 1 want a wife who knows liOw to keep a bouse n order, can cook, preserve, sweep, Make, darn, pcw, mend, dust, and, as the .ndvertjv'uients say, make herself general ly nsctful. " In sli.'ut, a woman like my re- ppecled nin.' And, so that you may kill tvjn birds with 0110 sdotie, liud a cook and f.-tch her back with vu." 1 I An idea sceuu'd to etrike Mrs. Clem uiens, nnd slie answered gaily, "Well, Dick, everything is for the best. If you won't many her, you won't. So I'll do as yon say.',' j A ft el-break fast sbe-made a hurried toi let, and took the first train for the city. 'I'oward evening she returned with as pretty a little girl as Dick had ever seen. The dainty; curly-haired little woman Hfi'iighitwaV went to the kitchen, and then Mrs. Cleminens informed her son that she had made matters all light with Mrs, Flipper, and that the pretty girl was a new c,ook she bad engaged. With 1 he advent of the new cook came such -luxuries as had never been seen on the (Jlen'imeus table before. " Au'd, Richard's (jtockings were mended so neatly that an dd pair of socks were better than a new jmir. (lis shirts, too, Were washed arid ironed 0 perfectly, that their whiteness tnd gloss caused envy in the bos'oins of his male friends. i j lint j another change had been effected by tho 'cook. The pink and white, vonn" ludy," whotn tbo hottest fire never made red, was accustomed to take a seat in the Ulllin iTr .I'AAtn in 1 1 1 ,x ! .1 L 4 1 i - T"'"n "'"U1 eeuiug :iuu aueim to ber sewing the kitcben being locked uj to save gas, as .Mrs. U., said, and 'Dick re ; 1 1 - . 1 . . , 1 iiiaiiu-ii 5ui UUlilC 1M" UI, BOmClUHIiJ H!1U 0 t I - " - ...... sfnal fur him. In fact. Dick was in love ,. - . l yiiu umiix; uiim.uo nmiii a ininurcd excuses a day to go the kitchen and have fi ii-i-.l t t f..-r. ....l. l .. I .1 l lr..l f vi .w iinu nit uuny-ueaocu nine ivntiini A I l!rjt ...111. 11... I bun, but gradually, as she saw his respect " r- una vi-iv linn to t ' ' " t r'ff" ' V 1 j;;rvo began' to mtdt with the warmth of bis passion, and the young man was cor- iuuii.-.iu wiiii ins i : rcsimnumirlv hannr. rcspondinojv hannv. 1 At lenirtb Dick found bimself ro mi Inn glcrl in tbo net of lovVthat nothing but luarria're would free him. so lm int.r.il ib c . - 7 v.. .... kitchen one afternoon, and proposed mar- rinsrc. 5 ' "W illyoit m.irry mcf paid he.' ' . "Xm, I will not," she answered." ; 'Whyr ;;; "'.; . ; .: "You're a ladv as well ns a e.onir nnrl ,it to o a geiijtU'man's wife." w . ... .... . : ' . 1 " . -a ' , ... i . . I .1. .. . . . f 'K A '. k a cook, nJi iimiuof iftn mean vour mrtf hfr .. . ' . : vliO can't sun ivrt liiumr-lF without Uelpfrmti ln'tP inotber. "I un lcr staM you, Dick, ami I admit thst love ' "My Jarling!' lie cried, tulpciii; her. , "There now, stop. Yon wtwirln't inairy a 'wax-doll of ; girl; win couldn't krop a uoubc in OHier, took, carve, prest'rvej Uju ti j mend, Bew, dust and sweep. I heard voii say so.' "r:v A - ' anil vou "Well, I will..v-icp- .rrnot BmmCjm bggX '-JtirwVrPiiU f-trtrCo--ir t.,,"..f;. iy-mitrrt)firK-iety lor n husband; I want real man, who cay knock down a giant t- iiisMii me. -d-WKM honest son of toil one who-n Pit i?,Li i I nu, one w iio.n 1 11 lie promt to point out as mv hnshaud," 1 ne insults me. A- ijrood. honest son nf t.Wllslt do vol. W:lllt ;lllf. tn Iin'?" . , ' ' v "Learn a trade; be. a man, an independent . v I 1 uiaii. u iieu oii nave earned. enon-li monev f !- , ,t r ,..;, 1' a' montr to t.uy .1 t,et ot, iHrniture, and can I .1 . now me that you. aro able to snonoi-t. mo m vours." "I'll do it P cried Dick. Next day, without a word of . opposition from bis mother, which be thought rather strange, he left home, went t" the citv, and made arrangements with ax friend of his, a carpenter and builder, to h-vm n ti.i.n.-. iictv a 11 niuurai mecliauic. JNo other work m-m n-.i :. ...... i i .1 ututi oik man was ever needed at home; trade. Dick was a!' natural merlmni.- K he mended evervthiiiir. There w as no tool tie couldn't use, and, therefore, at the end ot sis moiitlrs :theie was not a jouruevman in the shop tli.it could compare with him for elegant woik. Then he rented a little shop, ami set up fur himself. - fei range to say, hi& first order came from" the widow Flipper to thoroughly repair three of het housesj Mrs. .'I'lipjier recom inended him to all her property-owning iriends". liis business increased wonder fully because bis Avork was always well done. - At the end of the year he had a really good basinci's. .':.. i Tnen he went ho'me one Saturday nibt with a bank bonk ami a plain gold ring in his pocket. He went in the kitchen wav; there was ho one tluu'e. , ! Oil his way up stairs lie (met bis mother. Embraces lo!!oweH and he as!;ed: "Where's Kale?j' , j iWt' have liiihcrio neglected to mention that the cook's name was Kate. "Not in," answered Mfsl Clemmeus: ;"but Kilty Fiipper'-is up stairs; come 'up iind be- presented." j "Hang Kittv Flipper T said Ik I - I here need be no eui.barras'siufnf , Di she s engaged. p ' "Oh, 'she is, eb? "Veil eonie nlonir." I "Miss Flipper, i niv son said Mrs. Clenimens, presenting him I ' Dick looked up'. 1 i ' - y What"!'" he cried, looking at the lady. "Kate, by Jupiter 1 what does this mean'?' "1 am Kitt wFlipper arid Kate the cook, ioo. I trier! von, m y dear, and you stoix the. test nobly. - You've- .proved - yourself .my ideal of a man.j Take ine, if you will, my darling." ' ' " ; '" "; ; " " '( And he did take her, while the obi lad v discreetly looked oiit "of the "w indow anil tbmight of her voatb. "And. you w ere all in the . plot against me. eb V' asked be.' "Yes," exclaimed the ladies, half fright ened now they were found out.' ; "Well, I'm glad .of it. '..Kate, you've made, a man of -me. I insisted , on my" 'wife's being -a worker, and it's a poor rule tliat won't work both wavy." - Concerning Caleb Cashing it-is chroni cled that w hen iirst as an imbiiions v'oung lawyer he entered the Massachusetts Leg islature; he was eager to exhibit his abili ties iir 'speeches. - One day he elaborately ridiculed aunt her inembei, a rongh, 'uncui-fivat-el, logriiiH;io "old farmer, to wbose ipiaintness un;m!.ers generally were dis posed to defer." ' The 'obi 'gentleman w as amazed and-angry at Cusbing's attack, but kept his seat until the young man got through. Then he rose,- walked over to Cashing, shook his hand- in his face, and said : "What do you mean, young man, by abasing me in this way ! if yon don't look out, we won't hare yow here speaking your ixkccs !'?; ; These last three j'words "were so nalnable a" hit nnon Mr. Cnsh -: 4 . - m!s. oratorical st vie," and were spoken so contemptuouslv, that the whole house ,, i ;r i i r . angtieil, and the old farmer s triumph was- ,mr, . ; .v Oinineie. ... - was an employe in the bouse of A. T. L i t O f. ". r . . ote.wart ec Uo. tJn Uiinstmas np'-ht he ) I toos tne.JMevatert ltailroad, with his arms lull ot bundles lor his children. The gate was open, he walked through and came d ("VVM Oil tLw njirimiiint' tli farm rif' lmmnn! v i'"' vV IWiiil OI lltllll.lUl iv was masiied .out ot tnm. Judge Hilton gave an order to -the familv to nut them i . i . . selves into complete moiirniiv.at Ins store i. ... . 10'; uiiuouL cost. .uionj? tlie clerks ISilnini. Dane' of vrmnr men- who nn v,.i.li,.nt oiuciB. iuv- UitVViU 01 melt OWI ami furnish music fur festive occasions an, for funerals. The choir pro nosed to fnrn ?oU r 1 ... ..? 1 .A:-., v i . 1 - One of the companV bad a vitui &erv mncli .en uiu iniioi .ii u;e uuiiat 01 (lieu menu. t like Mr, Stephensois. sinnino- tenor verri'C "What are you thenl'S - r 3 purely. As bis .voice was beard in life stillness and solemuiiv of the einireb fl little boy cried -Out as ho couldn't see the singer: "Oh mamma! that's Nny paf a; he isn't dead;; he'll gojiome with iis to-night!" bathing the entire audience iiv tears. , A dealer in extracts The Dentist. IgVPublisjgl. 'HJyier, '- J - V . 7, ' ! : " -'rit r,.u.Tlk ANClIOIt OF COLUMBUS?' f' . . . The Oldest Uellc in Existence f tlie Discovery of America. -iu fi.Ki -teycii.: iiitu, u;iy ior, tne nrgt time 'BeiaL'1 on lQrd f liiKldn " envi Vfh higton Irvin-rTrH his liistrtrv of the great navigator (Vol. II, Book H, pager 123), "late arlitj lept awake by painful ill ness and alt ' anxious hikI wattlifnl (spirit,' he he.ir.l a terrihle roaring from tlie'south, and tteheld the sea heaped up, as it 'were, Jnfrv i..,t ..:.f.- r i,:i r '.t .. i.'-i:"f .i . e.1 1 u'lyo ui inn, ine ntiiiiiu iuf f't'f u f(l o tu ; Ktai'V n'riV fin i 'i,d '. 1 ', MnTilO became aggressive." . Follv not un uuuuiaupToar.. As frequently rued bei-in,pertlneneC l,v bein LlTtii1" l,UUUJ "I"-oa'--: . W-S. " r"e aPFoached rendered more teinble in appearance bv tbil.smiv- ty ot: the uightl he trembled for the safety of his vessels. II is own shin iil.b.C- itr, j , i i . - i "T , lifted up to such a heiirlit that he dread- I (.,,. :t "i ,111 . , l lest It suouhl tie overtni-neil nr f-.t nn the rocks, while another of the ships was 'iu vjoienii v irom Per anclioiir"-.. eavino-. . . .- i It i u .. .L . c was hardly necessary lor Jlr. rv n" to ;i i. , n r, V lu ,. . f... .. : ... .t; . .niv..... i . iicuiuii nci . ne news ...,.,- ti.-.. . i lii ii i . ' .a ting they should be swallowed up, but I,., -'. . i 1 . lie inountainous snr-ro nnssed oi " . "" 111 yn-ub euuMei naiion, the inountainous snv,(. imssed oi 'nml . , ,, , ., , p 1 . , ' gradually subsided, after a violent contest t . . .:"- i with the eounter-eurrent of the strait. ti n.,ii. i r . i i 1 his sudden rush of water, it n sinmnuJ was caused bv the swelling of onu f ilu rivers which Bow into the Gulf of Paria, ti anu wincU were as yet. unknown . to Uo-1 luinbus. far ..Washington Irving, wbo of course lounds his teit nnon that nf tbnnbl authoriiies, and especially upon the "Vita" of Ferdinand Columbus, the son of the great Admiral. The words of Ferdinand, in reference to the loss of the anchor afore said, in the original Italian, aro as follows: "Ma piacqne a Dio che passo' di sot to, o per dir miglio die gli levo in alto, seuza fargli dauno, ancorcftc ad nn nnriflio Icras se Ic (incorclie di term" "although one of the ships left her anchor behind tier!" " The anchor thus lost on the night of August 2nd, 1493 nearly four hundred years ago from one of the ships of Co luinbns, off the southwest extremity of the island of Trinidad Point Arena t as Co lumbus named the spot, 'chic Irving has recently, been recovered by S-.-nor Arns tino, the gentleman who now owns the point of land in question. It has the rare au'.d thrilling mciirof being the oldest rel- ie. .staut f the great navigator and of the discovery -of America. "'.I' As would be esp-'eted from 'the age of tl'.is relic, it is an anehrrr in its simplest form f ex pressuin;'; The' shaft . is round and eight feet nine inches in. length.- At the head of the shaft is a round rinr uear- . . r - - - ... Iv a foot in diameti t- wbUdi the eablo was fastened. The tinker .have a spread ve a sp of about live feet. Its eleven hundred pounds. total weight is lint tbe strangest part is to come. This anchor was dug up by Scnor Argos:inoiu his garden, from a depth of six feet, at the distance of three hundred and twentv-sev-eu feet from the nearest beach of the sea. His first supposition was that he bad stum bled upon a relic of the Phoenicians, or of the ancient nations who have been sup posed by .'many to have visiled the coasts of America thousands of years ago. lint atr attentive exfinination of local facts and authorities soon convinced biui that a por tion of his garden now occupies the very spot at which the ships of Columbus lav at anchor on the night of August 2n, 1498. The land ijs constantly rising from the sea and encroaching' upon it nlong.this entire coast, as has been shown by Hum boldt, Fiudlay, and scores of Others Who have written upon this subject, and the rate of this ercroachment is known to have been quite sufficient to turn , in 400 vears the anchorage of the. great fleet into the garden of a private citizen. ..There ,is ucr doubt, therefore, at' the. end of. the rigid inquiry that has been 'made, that the an chor recently found? by Seuor Argostino is really hud truly the lost anchor of Oo lilinbus. ' '. - " ' ? ." :' - A Tuou.cnTFiTL, Philosopher. A good story is told of- King George III. of England who, on eating apple dumplings in a peasant's house,, was puzzled to know how' the ' apples got inside. Virginia philosopher had a similar difficulty in un derstanding a. tanner's sign, on which a calf's tail hrinir through an ano-m- bnlp o . - d rD , - After a while the tanner noticed a irrav- looking personage standing near the door, i 1 -.i i . i ... ' . i . . w it n uis spectacles, gazing intently on tue ign. And tiiere -lie--coutiuned to stand, i -. i u i i i L- dumidy absorbed, gazing and gabnsr, un- ... .i i ?i t i i " in iutj cunoeiLv oi iue uiue-ueiiier was gieauy excueu ln.iurn.- lie stepped out and addressoil tbo iudi vidua!; '-; u r.. -ttrk- '-V ' . ...1 :i- 1 ;. i "Good ruorninsr." said be1. "Morning," said the other, 'without raov i n? bis eves from the snrn"' ''' . : "Yon want, to buy leather?" said the storekeeper. - . -- . ;Xo.;' .. - ' : :. ;.' i" Do vou w ant to sel I hides P -. Xo. : .' r ' - ""Ferhn'ps Vou' are a farmer ?" ' "Xo." . :'. ' ' -; "A merchant, niavbef'r ; ," ., "Xo." . . .." -j.' , . . "AreTon a dtlctor?,, ' 1 . "Xo.'" , ; -'idiili losopbeiv - Lluivo been stand ing here lor an lionr trviuir to see: if in . .. could, ascertain, bow: that calf got throu" (Irat auger hole !" ' ' ' ' . "-'t a W atcb, O Lord, before ray month; keep the door of my lips." Incline not mv beart'to'any evil thing."' Corjibr -Aadefsbtr and Old r. : - ' TMUHSDAl:,. MARGE m A PAKUOrk PIETY. ) i DrTII 01 i:ViTrcv. I . . ' T . I. . , 1 i - " oapAam James Ladlbergcr vonches for Jluurnin? in a flowery Theitre over a favorite the follnwiii" l.ii-d 1'uriu.Mtr Mr. FlAndrm , kUI.i AUut thirty yrar8 o, Avhen in Hondu- " ISfe" ras, in ttiie , men ncccmipanym- hmi was pre- r Li - - - . . emeM ,, a panot u spng.Hly u.nl and h flucht cl.scourser .a the Spanish lan- SiS3.!.ni .ft i-M in"M I1"!11!1 cUy, xjhe e after t,eng dom.e.led in the nonse oi oi tne aptaiu'. family, soon ac- qmrea knowlelge:of the Engl.,h t, ngue. 1 he nest door nciglr of the family wa3 a gairulons wonmn.Hut ecold, forev- er qnarrtMng with some one or .n,etb.ng. , o,. v, uemg anoveu uoer y was eased to take nn nnii fr or. ui vm-il fi. I t;: , i - . neasea to uiKe an anu 5: on the van! fence. and nuhnrad iw,u4io..iH-umi0n, an.i frequently rued be,- impertinence l,v being kn off: the fence with a luoomS mm ,i . . .. MK" -''Wuiit-K. This brought forth a torrent of abuse from her l hi a red feelings, nnon the h..'id nssau-jnt. iinallv, t ie Inrd s-. lan-na-'o i.. L ' i : '.. . A ft"J" sail-lnt. Finallv. the bird's-, l.iiirni.i wecaiue to aousive mat tue UaVtaiu was i i- r, . ... r ' "- " l " 7. U; 'n .!' P1 " niiiific-i ri-u 10 a f oni i jnrisiinii i-m.iiv in unci couuuv, w Here, in the ponre of Li r ' I , i time, she reforuicfl and became to some i ... 1 . i . . yAlc,Ml a ln' 01 ".vii? piety. omiie nine ago, while sunning herse f in the nV.b.n n i i "-im 111(5 gai'icn, a large haw k swooped down i .i ! ,. . 1 c i ... . ami iore me uij.tresse.1 parrot oil as a irP r(,0, t r, 1; 1 ' pi'e. iter recent lei gous training came Li.J...:.. . . "'"'"o and bore the diti-esse.1 parrot off as iu in. i jiis-siMa nee, as ai me ion oi tier voice i , .... . . ui :liO SlilieUec . "(). Lord. R-ivi i r- -ord, pivc me!" The hawk became so rrilic'tl at the uuexneeted crv tb.it b. dropped his intended dinner ami soared a- ay ii) the tlistanee. l'olly still survives er attempted abduction. A Peautifll Story. A touebin.r besnrinjr store with .i o-n.ul t.i.n-.l ?j .,i'i o jO . - 3 ...... ...... , i . o k i ' i i by the Pittsbnrr TchrmnJt: "A vnn-.o- maii who had been on a thuee dav's' de bauch j wandered into the reading-room of a botej, where he. was well known, sat down, and stared moodily into the street. Prcsei tly a little girl of about ten years came in and looked . timidly about the room. She was dressed in rags, but she had a 'sweet, intelligent faee tloif pnnl.l j ' "3 7 scarcely fail to excite sympathy. There were i ve persons in the room, and she went Co each lier,.;.i,r (,,n ilr...n.. ; ;j V " V V li I I V. HI .1 II gave her a live cent piece, and the then went to the genllemaii sp.iktn of and ask eil hi:i for a penny, addiu: "1 haven't had ailytbing to eat for a whole day." The gpntleman was out of Inimor, and he said cijossly: "Dnn't botbet me; go away! . .....v,.. i ii. i, i .iiiiiinj :.i eat ior turee davs." 'Tbe e'uild oiieneil tier ivii iiln- w ondcr anil h'ared at l,i;ut f jr, "pjoaii then walked sTTTTiy'KTwi'tc iioorl " biie liiriiedj the knob, and then aficr hesitating a few Fcconds sl,e w alked up to him, and gent lyi l iving the five cents she bad re ceived) mi his knee, sai l, with a tone of true girjish pity in her 'voice: lf you haven't had anything to eat for three days, you take this au4 go and 1ny you smiie brcad.l Perhaps 1 can get "some mare somewhere.' The young "fellow blushed to the 'roots of his hair, and, lifting the little sister of charity in bis arms, kissed her in jdelight. Then he took her to the person's in tbe room and to those in the corridors and the otlice, telling-the ttorv and asSving contributions, giving himseif all the money ho' had with him. Over $40 wt-re raised, and the little one tent on her way rejoicing." t , - - A Minister's Dilemma. The great Hanger ot using Slips of papi r to aid the mcuioiy in punim sjiealiing is illustrated in thcicasc. of a Scotch minister wbo had a custom of writing; the heads of, his dis coursejo'.i b ts of paper put into bis Bible. On one occasion he was explaining the Second! head. and. 'o-cttitin- n littl m -h-.,. came down with such a "thump upon the iuoie iiiai me ensuing slip fell over the edge of the pulpit unperceived. On reach ing thj- end of the second bead be looked for tbo next, but it .mil.! ..' I... r.....l. and ex'claiming -"Thirdly" several times. got .quite .bewildered, ami , could not ultcr another word. At tliis point, while the i.iTHrt'iJiroli..n ........ ......tl.. ... : .I.?..? v ' '.-?",, ' ' j'.ii i ly Mvmpai nixing in his grtfat distress, w hile'others were of an . . : T L i .. 'i ' oppoMie moon, an old woman rose uji and addressed the' minister: "If I'm no '.L..' T .i:..ii n . r. . mioi.iyi, mi i fcaw iiiiruiy nee oot at tue east wiudow a wee while Fvue." Tf . .. r. ... I X at was fcwiuy-iwo years on iev lear s day siueo the prefent Germiin emperor re ceived.his lust coiinnission in the Pnisshi o,-..,,- J ti ... i T aj my, .1 here is onlv one ease of pnn-ilK- . - , , j .' lo.,fcivi.oo.Ul,e nail of.a mcmWr of modern nistorv. I'lincn V.t:..J r i -.1 ' . - """" Wa tho 'youngest brother of King rre.ler.cfe ihe Great, .who died in 1813, nan served about tho sami nnriori k;.,.i 1 Frederick William tL . f. it. --- peror's father rould l,nni V,vf....lnJ . ,i v ' k " w" V- V .vv ; years service, but ho was raised to the rliriinA- cir o inm .o i-n 1 1 ....1 ...... I . . . ; ........v. u. 4. ii.iu I'uiniiiciv caiiv nine. I' I'll' .1 . .. . J I wueii uoiaing tue rank ot major-general viL ut..Mu&. in ia4 tnero uied at Treleavan, Cornwall, England, nt tbe age oi so, a most learnetl but ccceutnc di vine, Mr. lyne, ior tiftv vears. vicar of that pansIiJ His chief peculiarity was ulrea ot contamination; He scrupulously avoid ed not'ouly-direct contact with the Unman species, but anything that bad been toncbei1 l.r. All..... TT .. 11..... I ... J . , , ' yiueij.. iie aiioucii no one. to approach qnjte close -to .'btmr nor ' would' be put on airy clothes until he had fumigated them II 1 4." .1.1 - .-l13.. 1 . . " loncueu. uionev until it usM been washed or brushed. In the coldest Weath . U 1. .. 1. . . TW? . . .- i uc ijcvcr uiui a nre. ills ucaltli was excel Unit.- ' . .' We health pre not so sensible of the greatest as oi inc least Bickncss.- .. .. , command of tha hark Khh,y,,.U A " l ,,v,,,u- . Streets, ; Fayette ville, 1 -rrr lSO. There was grief in tU American Muse utu in tlic 0I, ,:st Monday; over ,iia death of M. Fndrau, MV W0,1' tt vonn-lady uto was known on ,he lulls as "The Mor.Ln (Hani (iirl." Sll0 dit,l at hvr residence, Xo. GG Wit 1Wth Ktrcet at lialf-paltV.M.r o'clock in th0 afternoon, after the Jrdi.mrv illne, to all appearances, of .omo weeki. Xo one anticipated . th j ddcn and dreadful change, and when. it cano it plungea boll, i i j i .t i wmr, uu wnen. tt. i.,......i -...1 1 1 in the ".bow" woUUulo the depths ol .u.ouTrmor 0X'J T n I , u rTU wide as a "cnnosif v." th In quest of facts" anc it the detniso of known far and U'Hcmis a "curiosity," thfe Herahl ropirter k . - r:uicu nnon Mr. liiimw-iii .r t . i..n,A..m lie was aeconleil all ladiluics and mk-iiI i-onsiueraiiie nmo m 1 1... i.wti.1 ..... ... i . : ii . j ..... Iccting facts, whicb are like this: - ... ... . c.'iiiiiijvIII. 1.111 about souiethiug Miss Annie Wood wad born in ltr.vi.1. iead, is., a httlo over eighteen years igo. At an earlv aire she ben-an to mm. . . . j ; -r - ....... llest that SUSCCPtibilitV to tbi neen-lmn .if fat which was her distijigilishing profes- .-.v...... iiMiaiunMn; auii evcniuauy iicr doom, dentil leiviii.T 1 .4..H l.nAn.1 1... f . 4 .. I ..vv .i va.i.-v'l t l.llll itegeneration or tlm l.nrirf ft fll til f Ail !. kidnev troubles. Tuoi vn.ir t..x Wood C11110 to (V irfc Y till tiff i itrv f I. in the old "American Museum" in tin J'i'. near uraim sireet. no wna i r i l then a very prettv-giil, lespite the f.icl of II and vei 'hiii" I'Hll" a most his feel I-. 10 pounds. .She was il.iiiieu'atlv mil!. phiisant and even tei'Tpeiid, and was al- wavs noted for her (tl f I tr ii lii i a alia, ru . . - I Iter generositv, her WilliiiTrueivf to do anvl thing in her power to ai4 I ho cnii.iii'es about ber, whether the scene n-.i a hall in a large city or a wimbswayed tent in a eonutry circus. .She wad out all l.-t w.v sn with l.irinoiiH f-iii-iiKL cii.rui. lion both to the public ijud ihe manage ment. It in.iv sound strini'le. I.nt it i evertheless true, that oJtsi le'of the fact Oi iCl:irr a fellir-il fill. lit. ti ill. li...... -J . ....... . .'...'...V 441,44 4 1 1 . ' f-V about her, she was also the reeii.ient of honorable matrimonial ratentions on the part of gentlemen in pvrrv i.li.-i r,f ncss life. Many oirers ijf inaniuge were uni'le bet, in'mc of wl.icl( were necrj te-l, until 1:1 I aeiHt.er last, when, while liar niiui's show wai at tbe 1 lipimdromr. s!n became the wife of Mr. John FLmdmii then engaged as lickil seller fr the com binatioii. cuikf or Titn rt RIOSITIE5. " X in r.ti.-i-f it kt.-iS 1 1 ' . . . . ' 1 It ,...- 4-i-.4. 4 'V &44H1CVTU , .Mir- ing an on nour, nail a chance ly talk to the living cutWiiics nijd tu leurn that grief for tho death of a! companion and friend is just as genuine in tbe myMie realms of what is known as tho .bb, show" os in tho most oithodox branches of society. The Oirrasnau e-irl. Zoo M.-1- eke, w. us in tears, hn l when asked almut it she was free to vonfesJ that her agita tion was due to the loss of 0:10 who had become endeared t her. Mile. Z h sjxike feelingly of the "Morium i int 1 . r... ealling many "of ber mlod iiuafitiei nu.l dwelling pailicula'ily npiin la-r habit when iraveung oi insisting upoli all iu the hotel coming to her room en LSuudav and i n. joying ber bospitalilv. "les,' said the Albino. "b! was n good girl. .She used to iv, 'Xow let 1L- I .4 1. I I ' - nave a. picnic. " 1 There was no n'iestii)ninf the Mooni tliatbung over tbe museum. Kvtn the Arab Oiant, towenug over the others like a palm tree, seemed deieeted. II14 ,i,il. feelingly of the eycut, atid, with a frMi propoitionate to bis sizk reuiirked-that death was the common lot of all. The little people, iu their miniature, i hairs. wen-also oppressed, and ilid not attempt to sell their photographs. Yo Fee lenv ills,' said one of tho attendants, "thev weic all verv foml f Aimi.. nu.l - ---- - ......, 4411.4 11 l VII one of these eople dio it 4s not like as if it was outside, in the big loild." '; THE 1EA1 IATE-5S. No. GG West Fpurth ttrcet is opposite Washington square. Mr. and Mrs. Flan- drau lived on tho econt flior. Y'rster day afternoon the rrpor.er ifonnd Mr.'Flan dla n watching ovfr his dead wife, whose presence wan too plainly . iuibcate ,y n huge cofliii. covered with a nail that tn.il. ed to the Uoor. It : was against the ball bedroom door, wit.i I he bead to lie .Ueelu. Mr. Flnndrau was deeply iiffectcd by .1 . r .. .i . i i i . tue miMoiiuiic inai nan kvcrtaken linn .. i .. . ami cipicsseu it most iiuuiirtakably. lie L1.1...1.. Jl. , ,,iJi . . . . . . i 'vutj " temoon sue tnrnea 111 tiel, anil bo remon Llratcd ith her for th rl n',, of .i,5! Sho replied that the doctor! Lad -l,: i , ..... . . . : : 5.",tt "C l11 ,l on irri u i r mil. it i a. mm ....a ,"7 V ,,VM MW. V"? uieiiy making no wgn, no strngg e, uttci ng u0 word?-A't,? York W,7. ' ' I , IIaxxau 1 Gould AxnCALEnCisn 1XO. Miss II. F. Oolll.L the nmliH. 7. . ' once wrote an epigrammatic 'epitaph, as uiiunai , i , Ly axi.lK all ye ib'ail For in llie i.exl ll Ki'poic the body of t'iihiii; lli Ii:ih -itvi!l hi. Way Tliniugh the world, tfcry ay. And, even though dead, will be Mtliing Mr. Cnshing replied, on the. spur of ihe moment, inns : 1 1-!-. 11' one x ho? wit. . Willi. mf nri.flii.liat.r a.,1.1 I.i -And greiMi grawtf llif gm tli.il ubuve ber: I.,.. i 'I'u 1 lie rej,'in!W U-liiw, tsli4 ha timm ll.mii hi-nflf fur a lorrr, C Mirage would figbf, won't let him. ! lut discretion i H.C . Lit J IVJIj j :l . ' A prettier i-iU than the Knglib giil dresjicil for the morning promenade ran not be imagined. Their frisb, blooming fart s and fiiuple, tasteful tuilct funn a t!iot,t tbarming picture, and make one ondcr sh-!hcr they can l.o the Mincnlio tic-re at the cpera lat t.iglt, or whether ihey are a liirerent race n bo only appear in tbo"nirrn ing. It semis ns if it iuiut be m, for the pirl at the opera in those monstrous toilet?, tht only Knglisb taste and Knglib drew niak ers could invent are plain and unattractive, bigb-shonlderetl, tborl-waistel tbe ork of the modi.-te with their luxonsnt lair covered by caps entirely the fize of lon nets. Xo wonder 'wc call F.ngli.b pirk t-if-aotmjjr.fec tlicin in what u tilled fill I dress. The Mii.btte.gc l uUci, tot as seen in the innrning proinrnade, arc to tally unlike tbo IbiuMi matrons k fr.ur ically suggested by the pens of our witty friends, the French. The view near the btatuc of Achilles is ilazzling in the treme; there the Kow, with it aveinicn of stately trees in all their fri-tdmc, fi.b-1 with riders, the walks at the m'.Ic rrowded with pedestri.in, nnd others seated on tbe rows or chairs placed under the trees, and the drive, the other tide of tbe tide, where ladies who do not care b tide or walk drive themselves a sight vT ilself !e.vi. tifal pairs of horpes or ponies, won Utfullv tonsinicted phaetons, and certainly cverr kind of woman. As 2 o'clock draws urur the throng gets very dense, virrnlation i alulot impoibIr; htlhu grct!s fiAh.ii in rapid bandrbakes and noJs, ctkbrated K-op!e pass by nlmo.t nnn-.tier l in tLe crowd, utul a continued bum of criticism i kept up. Kverybo ly is on the l.ok m for cvcryboily tl, eager fir nvvtltr and ready f..r any eicitmirnt that may turn up. On his 'articular June i ii.rning their craving was mUi-Ik-I. A le.je bas'falb u nii'Url.is ti U r, who i p . . :L. r ll an tbr rrinccs c.r Wale; a rr-ti m mv1 f..r tbe p't, but bifeie a crowd cm crdbt t t-bc i up and m hi tiled again. V..v is p.-.le .it laihuilnn l ffe, greatly ta the rdbff.f the jK-ople. The Fiiuccfs l.ks jftfx-t an borst back; blT figure is lith ti;L nu lgraccfal, but in pite of Ur I jK-jranec, d,c i a limid rid.-r. .herodc lowly cir af:i r her uUhsp, amid lie te- fjK-elfnl l.omnge ;.f tbf c.iy crl. T u ii.iniitrs r:ir'lLis .itci i. i".t ibe lid., i. cleared no. I r.i;.:,,.,iix t. IJ-im-o n, ign ovir tic late hiii.Mut ocne. " Kkki inc. Faiih. -Sir Wi.liaiu Natter ....... I... ..I!. . . I ' .. .in? i..iiv i ay laniug a I ng ounliy ttalk, I when be mrt witb a little riil at.t fu-i. years obi. i-d bisg bi.wlv v.; i r,A. -"ii - "iij-iti au( i irnni ii in i ringing it bnrk fiwn the field 'to ntuljj ic iia.i taken Lcr r.ithers diuner, and oid ic would Ire beaten on tar uluin f..r liaving broken it. As idie sail this a sn 1- leu gleam r.f bopo m-ciih-1 t cheer ber. lie innocently looked up v.o ,";r "t. i.i iu face and Mid: "It. it von -. I ib can't yoar Ho explained that lc oui.i easily, i.y U:c pill i a MKH-ncc, uy another. HancvVr, on opening Ids urse, it was empty of silver, nnd be rouiiM.'. iu meet I.i Incu.l on Ibe sp.t at he same boar next dav. and to l.riii n tb sixpence with lim, bidding ber tueai- l : i . . i i. . a. wnue io ten tier; inotiiir hv lad mtii a gentleman wbo would Lting tar the unev f.r tbe IhuvI next day. The child, i n. tirely trustiug Lim. went on ber tV.31 C salts. farted.. On his n turn Lome Sir Will in. found an invitation awailiii? Lim ta t'ine in 1'ath oil the following cvi.ieg, to iJi((l t-mic one w i.om ne especially oi-Mred ! sec. He hesitated f.r som liiita lin... trying to calculate the p iibilitv .f meet ing his friend of the l r..liu U,f :,. still be in time for tbo dinner patty at uaiii; out, nmiing this cml I ni 1, he w role-a letter declining tbe invitation mi the plea of "a previous engagement,"" kh- ;.....f i . . . .. ing: "i canrot .f.ij.p .mtiur, tbe tiutcd Correspondence. ra ins tiuitt. ECOTLAND. . Mil. KniTot:: After Laving scn tbo plain, unprctt ndiiig room where Mary gate birth to ber lirct and only child, I bad some cutioMir we llerH.ui la ahich Mary herself was born. Knowing from i : .. .i ... r.-. .i . i . Iitbgo.v Palace, ! I went Ihrre to Kilhfr The wells of I-nliilfow -. alwaysfpokeii of, ever since I can rcmem. I . 4. ier, ns foinc-jiung -pranil, lt wLen I reached them I was disappointed to find me ancieiu news nai iccn rcmo.c!, atii new ouc orcctcd in their stxaJ. The ptcs ent structure is after tbo dcMgn of tbe lotintain crcctcl a lew years since in front of Holyrood. I'alace, iu IMinbargb, tbongU not quite m large, but is a very line, tub design tbe material sand-sionc tbe sculp ture and carting tnot claUnatc and wc-il-cxeculed. I drank of their waters, and they arc clear, cold and of pleasant tate. I rrad some tomtatonrs in tLe rLurrb yard, mine of them very old; but. Laving neglected to note their ngc, I will not now say w hat was tbrir age; Lot manr gener- atims have paf H-d aaay s'neo litv ncie creciea w uerr incy yi-t maii-i. l'.ut the palace and the rKim in which i tcn Mary was Ikmii was the point I moht ilr-rired to routb. The walls of the palace are stand ing, but tbe roof is entirely gonr, and r ale tbe floors of all the n:u.; indeol. the whole of tlie wood r. oik bas dapptrsred, 1..1 4. . I'- ' I i ... lit l he s. i oi i he s:.me Ani i.4 yet cnlwe. U Leo we reached ibo gate the ent!i inan in , t l - n - charge lunuc Li pe.aranre (al in ihd f.ii'nii. I nlcl l im u lifl.i. ,4 , 1 I , . - - - ...... 4.a,a 44V..I. H" I permitted in the interior. He told us la.. ' a v. it-i't p.- j lL.it it was not uoce.ary that he .!iinl l criu;.atiy us, that c could c im u we doireJ, that every imui si laU :. contticnlly, c onbl know eacb a--. turnt e nonb! tcatb tbttn. 'lie , ace Las at racli corpcr cu1r torr, i. circling in tie interior a iiamclr of o . i b feet, will v.inditig ntc Hm'h n.il . . ' U tl e top, petlnp .V) fttl. 'Ii f .? wall are n.t le c feet ll.irk. V.V found the kitcben, diiiieg.jkH in, .3t q rt j in room and many oibr, ami la tl .. roeia I fought f..r, the toMn in ti'.ul v. Ufn tl.o iiifoi1nnt'j M&ry. Tl e t,,.( i pethajis three lime IsigVr iljin the n. n in wbicb ta bom Lrr only chil l iu K I : -ImrgU C-tle. Tbe iAmna.ij.uing i I ,. Wiled q'be (VinfrobiU" I iaitM ,.1. mrpiiived to liud that tbe lomu in l her son was tani is tl j.tewt t 3a 1 5 c ; , prewvation, hi!e that in 11 m ! v tani (only -iu,e tnctitv vcar Jiff, -t"t . e Ii, tmie) Las lu.tbii.g It ft in it b it lU b-c .' '.one u all,,, ticiibcr fl-4.r, , c il.?.g, t-t -at ' 'ik at all. Fiou! tbe l. f tt' wall I ben U a fine and !i:t.t pi.-c :. Ix-iiliibgow has within (fi4.i i tbe u anee .f ll.e tet-nt cnui,,,, ,.f t.ifiipj. . a very l.itc date tUj, b J i- 1, .IJti,l. il t leil limeK Le tJtr ij w,4fi -y t , -4 as all low an 1 ilhg niu ...jVu. i bat incre.aM.. Tb te It a V. ry Hue fa , f nairr tb-M t ibe unt i'- f i :. t ' arc. I f.tip.i.iM. il.e K-tb (I.AiJ. Mtilitl.g..w Isnh, i it L-. m , , .! by nlKiut bair lb.it i:t Ti e - 1 . 4 t 4. . ... . iv4cvii me IvhIi Ktt i j.ii.ii-iK-antif ally tbe b and cuni as p.iii.1, iud tlie ij and Laid u a Uft tf iu,:,, t i.l to t'.e .;.i:;..ti in : n t' Kdii,biir-b; anl, ta , !,, liii.c, I "Xi.,i:,e. i;,(. f:A:;.( I,, -; .-: . ; ''':iim ,; .t.ji i: . 4 4 4 ; : :i t ', . i tbiur. I ba l .1 luatc-tV bUf is 1 ! :i it- ,.tu- ;id 4,4.; on ibe vctt Ji! !i... Hey cic p:c:iy mm,!, ,f tf. : t t .m!, ne I t j.i t ; o ta..,l 1 -,uUi . .... . . , . 4 - - - . Lthr r. ii d..v-j,:..i v 4n tbf tij.iii'4 iualet by tl tsaUt nb- r :h, 4 it a f.dunlaTv t( cubiv!c 5 n-.i. but fecltati a uik.h t40iiU lbl44lKM.lv -Ha La-l i n '1 : : 1 1 pb.ls f gTot,j,. 1! M. ,. ,. I ii ... tie t.tt.ie .f 1 be jj;b.n j :'... . ;, ny lji-e I-t:. f ite t. Jb.ncJS i ti;i..ttt utile t ti.n I... . ILe l.ame cflbtir iJi.ni ptinl. J .i -, hint t lie rtw.fit mf. I ..? j.,t ma 11 cf lie fUli.."! t.44l. i'ltle ?'W tbe Utci utamtan.t s 1 ri mu ,V. lat'-a u iXits I 1 ,1 tn.lm p!:' f l,tlKi'l I .. i ii nn ' r iii..ji.,Tri; iii, jrri a ' A. . : 4 , u l0- IMtlB? tUt lull C3t go l. ta.jb !., l t Vrty JiTtJe. Tbe c 4e f K iia ol e . tta.H ta-anlifij and Mpje.in-1 ,1 c l.U hi cf:ni we.ria Si4.:lan I, ata uieon-f i , all tbe iait.sic &ii ii- of t . aool and watnfJJ. Tl e C"lp 1 J F Ilti, tt..f!,ie in ft ir, i J(e tu: I .1 t ,,t't , dccolatc l j ifii.icii f ili.i.l j.k1. . .. , lol,cr-n. A pillar in Sir CI-m.J. 1: i ibe pin.im pii!ar, i p .i : ..Li i i u of pplemlH uiktn:.ii'..p. Tbfie i ,-,- l fx f ii.ibi. ii,i.. jt.e r:..ij. i . r . hilling, flu .-M.ii.lay it fn-r, il.re J.- . log p:l-!ic U '!'. ip iJic-n. ll.-rhu t .. now iu i"it,, t yet mby tf a ti.;i. . Las lar-:e triple Una f iaull; ii .u., tijon a '!'oj -1ia ftftla:ii.; . ( i.-tntT-..pie s ten of lb l!ii V.. Ai , leaving l.'i!;a we pi. il r.t-fli pni.g l!i.nl t-rr-urrv t'z;- : isatei .l I cmle bv a f t Pii'. i! ,t I its ii II-.ulh .;i-i n, c.nri- tt..i. . , , port Ib'iij!!i m. 1. Ti u i. i i b. . t. ..; r.Mnatiii.- .f, and l..ki if f m,h -i , iiatuie in I tr l.aj.j i l m .mt-ni. thing ibiit coins-..-, lie ii.ii,uiM. i I ii . Lcte in rn.lb-M . an t: in!-iii in evm color, Lansing as if al r,t , f.; CIOl,4-.i Will Lo4X t..-l. I ..-, 1.5:, - roof ate reminlv ns if take n tu-1 u i' rck ilM-lf. Ilaj-e fragment. .f ihe.u i, Laving fallen, l.o imj.-.b. t,;t ; . ofilMiKA, lhai L tiitiea l-tanlie 1 1 . 4, utiMi n. but I Clld far lwiic-alli. "1 i.,.n... of llawlborudeti tit- firij ibe (it di of tbe (irr CliJ. Lm L Jiwik,:. U. low n to the tnatu. WLc-u ttM, ,!.i near lo ibe bai o (tr onwi.r. I.- viiii g an obi won, an, n m u,blng lt I niKl to conceive a a iu-lt t ht b. M I , ly. fbe Lad a ifCtY.r ?...i. 2 ,, an I lo Wgan Lcr L-1ia:..-tr by tW tin o wtie ULiM Iiiy tat.l f I., (. y b t , It C C41UC clo f a Li f i lui.'.e It 1 vu stulu jxb again. ih tKii.tol I a Ui, e jr.- al it s otr five Lwndird that King IIU it Ilrocc La lV.it on " i lt,nl it wa tindtr i:sla!e It. , .!.,; . n Lad net li e propria r, Dnn i, ;,,. t the -l, wLen lleti LaJ walked ta . don Oil fool tO ti4l D.-QUiUKMld n Hp tl.- , tao Luti bcl tea' mg. L'aJrr il L.1(. are several snbtcfTanrsa ravt s, lll il obi woman ititlteJ a It. ei.t. Wl r, f.r-t entered I ley wic Iaik i Mult We found tley La 1 ta- ti I u ont ,,1 Kdi 1 rw k, and taitt late 1.. t , .pe gtcat la!or. T1k kevctal re - ;.!. . , c l with ( 3 ; j c.ttar by 1 ag ta-rne. t of tbe rav-s a 4J1 UiuceV lJn , It i itaat twthc ftt s'jiu:!. i iU.L -vcu feit Li '!,. fhi tbnv .: i . j.ir- .. bU tie Nf.!id ik i-t I.-1. aiJe-.;. reccptacjc. of at.ui t.-.c in-1. .-. .:. a, . & deep, lie pat.Uioti a!l : a , -n ... '4 receptacle abut laa imli , til k. I f ; i i:i many ff ll.-e tecr; t ic ! tic t tatli Ja lies an 1 g(.4t!juu f.-i parte, are! I put 1. 1 i , ttaj.tv one. I be old wo-:i.n A 1 ll, Lad "i-Jiete-l King It n llf . K;.1" t.f 1. C-t:ipatri 1 i tl 1 , ... t ... i.i . . t - m' i. .4 44V I'nnin W U'-tgC s-ai-i I Ii Mg Wl a or len I .& and -, I, r !t J,t. . j IiIk-Hc I -."jAord t f Kb U Jl ,. . - 1 ,7 f ii ii i V