4 n II A BLJi If ft 0 Published by J. H. Myrover, Ho. 6, Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, H. C. . J . ;;.'.;. o. . . f. 1 ; . . , f ft Mil 0 i r i. , ; i VOL. VIL NO. 12.1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1879. WHOLE NO. 312. North Carolina Gazette. j ii 31 Y ROVER, PUBLISHER. TERMS cf sunscsiriioXi One, yfr (In 4vuco). Hit uioiitlis " Three i" ". ...I. ...I. .12 00 . 100 50 RATES OF ADrSRTISZXO: Oneianare (lino solid nonpareil) one insertion 9 1 00 .. .. . two ?' 1 50 " ' one month 2 50 ., " - three " j 5 00 ." " " " twelve I 15 00 T.ftB ?cr ftlvrtifcmt ehtrjren In proportion to th tbiiTo rtnn. rspnciai noucta no per tnui. mure mail rfguJar advaytlsomcuU. - Home Circle. Houm is the sacred refuge of our life. Dryden. The noble! hound crouched down, wag- cions and haughty, ged Ins tail, and looked back with a peni- St. Georjre. the Bs icnu. gmnce iq ins great Drown eyes. ir ueorge lollowed the glance. A dark, beautiful girl stood before him. Her lap was full of autumn berries and flowers, some of which she dropped as the started backjin surprise, bir Geonre took on uis nai ana bowed. v "I am Sort' to have startled you," he Baid, "Permit nie." i and so, like a modern arooet went to the dis tressed damsel's assistance. At the poor governess's feet bo knelt and told his love, and Edith became Lady liolmes; and years after, when acrnel war raged between two great nations, Edith's name was known and honored far and wide. Woonded men never ceased to speak well of her long after they had reached I , U D lie stooped and picked np the flowers, Ube dear old laud of their birth. Vcter holdi ng one little branch of red berries in I ans spoke of her as a "guardian angel." ma nana. "I presume you are a trnest of Sir James Lindsay, he said, "tliough I have not been introduced to vou? Will von her mit me to introduce myself? My. uafne U ieorgo liolmes7 . . . - f - q "Ana mine Ji.aitu iyna. l am hot a sniest. I am a governess, to Sir James's datisrhter. ! WAIT FOREf E8. A Pretty EMae liegend. IN INCIDENT OP THE US P ENGAGEMENT. Gen. Gordon, who commanded the last efforts of the Confederatra'ajainst Grant. jjivea this incident of the advance : Tho bonr had come, and when, everything was reaay l stood upon tuo orcast works of Colquitt's salient, and or kred two men to ray side with riftes, who , 'vere to fire the signal for attack. Iho noise of moving our own obstructions w9 rrnir on, an attracted the notice of ft IVleral picket Io tho black darkness h'13 Voice ran" out "Hallo, there, Johanv Ueb! . what are you mating all yiat there aoout, .over -LOVE'S SDSL1GHT. , "I wish I were dead" whimpered1, Edith Lynd, as she struggled to keep back her sohs. "What have I to live fort" Her lips quivered painfully. She had known so much sorrow in her lyoung life. Tho first memory of her childhpod was an old-fashioned room, with a bay window overlooking a stately lawn. In this embrasure 6he had spent years. The piano was there, and for years each day she had eat fingering the keys, until : at last ruuuic became uer mend and com- I paninn. dearly loved and cherished. She had a distinct memory of her father a pale,' thin man, dying slowly, but snrelv, of consumption. Her mother too, wasjever present to her remembrance a proud, fiedte woman, jealous even of her only child." : The toad love of her mother for "her husband left no room. in her heart for Edith.' ( That jealous dead watch wore her out. m In this terrible wrestle with tue grim foe slift-waa beaten, ami six months after Edith's father was ju his grave, her moth er followed hin. 1 And then it became known that Mr "I am charmed to know vou, Hiss Lynd," said! Sir George, smiling. "Ah, there is the breakfast bell. ill Uassar allow me tobe vour escort, thank you!" "lnanK von: but l would rather return alone. I do uot breastast wud tuc tarm- lv when hen there u corapanv." fai tered .ditbJ in a bait laurlnn?, halt em barrassed fashion. "Hark! Tbev are call inir vou. Sitt George. I shotdd never for- fnvf mvRfilf if T rlp.t.nincal von n nifimnnt. nee upon a time there lived beside the Rhine a beautiful young lady. She had a lover who loved her, and wbotn she loved in. return. Bat, after ho had wooed her not one year, but three -he her to marry turn ; and she, anxious show her power, merely answered ; "Wait." I " I liavo waited three years," he said, "bat at vour bidding, 1 will wait one more just one more.'1- , L hen be went away and became a soldier, and praise of his bravery filled the land j but the lady was piqued by the thought that he had been able to leave . The men were j",0r.i',g forward -.1 . T . . I . .1 . 1 - eu me. aotnewiiar: dcl ilo riMpm.nn nn right came tp my assistance out with a cheerful voice i ray by calling I wooed "Ob, never mind ns Tankj lie down, "Do yo r asked and go to' sleep; we're ijnst gathering a kept a pri ious to little cornj you know- rations are mighty is that I c Couut Ori, ia Frara Uagauo. NAPOLEON III GUILTLESS OP THE BOU LOGNE EAGLE. The Bonlogno expedition thecagle,of 1340.. It was getting-late, and the prince i Louis Napoleon) hai not arrived. Count 'ereigny began to tarmisc, like myself. that something very serious bad prevent ed the prince from starting from London at the appointed timej We were delib erating on what should be done in the emergency, wben CoUParaain. a cavalrr officer, an old friend of the prince, sad of the whole family, came to me and Eiid. "I want to go on shore to bay ft few good cigars.-' Those we have on board "are on shore 7 My 'orders, coloucl, aru not to allow any one to leave the steamer on any pretext whatever.f you mean to say that I am to be prisoner here T"i "What I do mean THE RESTLESS ES3 OP PAE13, There is not one rooraent'i repose either for the ear, for the eye or the brain. Yoa hope, perhaps, to bo able to drink joor beer in peace be lore an almost empty cafe. Vain illorion ! The reclame rnr- snes you. The first passer-by pats into your hand a lyrio which commences villi an invective against the "International exhibition." and ends br iaviUnir voa to porchaso an overcoat at H. Armangana, Uoupeur Lmente. A moment alter, yoa bod yourself In poseesaoa of s sonnet which promises yoa a ticket to tie elli bition if yoa will go and order a pair of shoes la. Kns PoiTeraent. In crder to fre vour'lf from tL pi. T i rou raie vonr erf a. i . . DEPAETLP GLCEIES. General Cbarlef O. Dalrrro.Ua tf tie Confederate armr. a coonecUon ct tl e late Mrs. LWsey, who Las rorictod JrT Ifavif by ber will, ler.e tie fJ!owit Mnnehaosseauh storv of tL sptecders and esrlostvenett - cf Xatcles !xatty ia loejooi oia days briars ibe wsr. NatclfX u tie lone and priJe of i errata of tho Soutbero arir-ocraey. It was sarronnde-l by tbe beautiful botoes f the rdintcr, wholie broad acres exttalel op toe river for rnanr miles. The finert people on God's earth lived tier. i?by ebooldoi tley lave teenT Tley pst money enough to seccrs eTrry prsoe sod fkrwrrlirt, I bf'Wf. !a tt e "'' . posJoo coce clu;-c j, 1 short over here." ! I because I am bound to There was a patch of corn between onr wishes, or rather order?, of tbe princo.' appeal nae w pa-fa-.r.g ai ftrvi. wbicb otlcn yoa ligh bail at & i- . -..a. Look at tbe end of tbe street.. Whatl Half a mile away there is an advertwe-1 character. If that was all a. rrr t a s t v-i s - a i . T V" :v ; ' 1 4 .riVl Journal "Sir thoasand copies dailr and bcpiublv ; but if be was tetd lUra - carry ou. iuo i , j- i wl,:rv. ,... I.v, I .J nt fA iV t . I . 1 a snnea in your ear. I oo raise toot eves I bones or rarr-r. 1 bers was a c.ltir rirlt ia stalks. After a few moments there came Tersigny, who, like myself, told hira that fJS I? w 7' ii . ?- 'r l tn flt 2 back the kindly reply ofUe Yankee pick- it was im'possible to oompi; with bis de- Jlr''. I i : Zl "a et, which oliite reassGred rie. He said: mand. The wrath of the colonel was ex- Jwtwof of the qnarter is traced in beauty and grawfal demeanor ar.d al "All right, Johnny, goj ahead and get tremo. There was danger ia this out- dvel,f.l f" lUl I? 4 btT W.M ronr rn- ... . .L k. t I..n... t: t7 tbe name of A clood land artist who upon ber, bot sle was cttransoJ Ukcm vArt ' I Knvaft m. m sv I aaahM .A IlAamiaa 1 I ftJ U 1 Sm Ul All 1 tl. A. UJUaillkCU X LISIFUT UU . - a. Ala .'a . As I rave the command to "forward." the advisability of allowing the "colonel W1CC8 .V "V V??"''. " CO,DW!a ,UTf 1 V5r-T ... ... ' i . . , . . . - 1o"At t r, t v V for even a year, and when he return- the man on my right seemed to have some to go on shore on the' distinct nndersUnd- P " Sr.L Vlbui VnZ F S, 1 XSS TT.TS T "Nor me J I Buppose!" he questioned, ed she determined to pnnisb him, though compnnction. of conscieoce for having ing that be should be accompanied by me fa' y! 7," . Vi t -i ?,7 . Wtwetc itb lla laughingly. . all the while she loved him well. billed the suspicions of tie Yankee pick- and Charles Thelin, tbe faitU "I don't know," she answered, in a He knelt at her feet, and took her band et, who had answered him so kindlvi nd the prince. Persigny assented to the idea, M,. T l W painted Moarea, bat tpecnlaUBg in tomao fiesb ad tlx more serious tone of voice, and like a vis- in his, and said: 1 who, the next moment, might bo snrVrised and the colonel and I got into tbo-boat. Jfw .7 7x". It"1" J!r ?t"UhU" ion, she glided from his aight. ; "Lady. I have coma back to claim you and killed. So ho called put to him r. Tbelin was with 08. Ai we were walk. Ura yoor SFP aroundOb, oafor- that tlere wu a rcrfai lotlir.ff cf a He sighed a. he retraced his steps and for my wife" ' "Look out for yourself kow, Yank; we ing to ihl tZl . fJT7, regained the lawn t . j! But all she answered was : , are going to shell the wooja." , cd Ta boy seated on i log of wood, feeding ?niend to yoa a glovemaker. So tiers woman came io ltlcx. rPed al lU Compoaea as ho habitually wavfae "Wait longer ; a patient .waiter ia not This exhibition of chiralry and of an eaglJ with shred. If meahewle " n n(9& tr0m fT tn$ Pd started as be left the woodland. a lo6er , ; kind, fedi on fc gach h fMn one of ju J jt to lookal JWtt fJ r B, - . Before li ra stood CopsUnoe Lindsay. I will wait two years longer," he said, a moment, touched me alrtost as deeply with which it was secured. The oolonei " " 7.fo TI 7"' f f1 . Ooe morniog I net ber Inland cn,as- Her cheeky were white, hf lips trembling, calmly. "If I do not lose, all is well." as any minor incident of the war. I turned twice to look at it, bat went on 52!!? a U "Come, Sir George," she cried, almost Then he left her again. She had bop- qnickly ordered the t wo ram to "fire." without uttering a word. On our way vcrt,clntt c p J03 to: d,1 oa . , ., .t LvKtericallV. ) "We Ifeared we bad 'lost tW . l. ri.K l, Z H n.Ii v,i an. " l... C..,.. T-.v .v- J... .wL botne-oooklsg U Roe Cbssssoe d AnUiv "Dal-rcn " lo said, "I an not Up- .1- I V. VB V V V "Tl V ' n u via w-aa - IIBIII' 1 Kl H BilllllJt llllian S tIJU.BL S.UO UUMt. BTT Bil H a. I II I SMI W a H ave i-a.r. . .1 you. w ill! von coiue io iuo nouses you been telling the birds the fate in store for them?" j V ' . "iso " bei gaid: 1 have been artmmnfr a uuuio uiiutiv au'i Siss Lvnd, onr ffoverncss sav." "Talkine to iLynd had lived far bevond his income for She is very beautiful, people years before his death.' ' t V ' - J "Yes?" said the Baronet, inquiringly. UU creditors raved and stormed. What! "Oh. ves. To foreign taste, now, she lid do' they did. Lvery tiny mor they could do' they did. sel of property they took from bis child. Flight cued and "wretched, Edith turned to the only friend she had in the world. .This was her father's oil companion, Mr. Carrnthers. 1 Money there ' was none, llertmiur.ljul exhausted -every resource after ber father'H death. ! Thanka tn .Mr. CarrutheVs. Edith ob tained actuation in the family of Lady Lindsay, a poor but exceedingly proud Scotch" lady with a luge family of good- Lmkiog 'daughter. . " In lier new home the might have lived contentedly, if not happily, but . for her great beauty. 7 Lady Lindsay tried hard to keep her in the bfu-kmund. and her ctlorts were "Oh, ves. would Ik3 simply superb There I disagree with you, Miss Lind say. I have traveled too loug and too far iu foreign lands to': lose my predilec tions. This may sound paradoxical, but, to appreciate our own dear laud, we should leavit." ; ;. , . v ... He felt! lier hand tremble on bi ar&. she could not tell: but they passed, aud affaiu her lover was before her. "I have waited patientlv." waa all be S WW I said. - . Iho lady yearned to cast herself m his arms, but pride(wa3 strong withlu her. "Wait longer," she said. "No." he answered. "This is the last time. If I wait now, I will wait for ever." At this she drew back hanghtily. ' T'Vion a'oJt Ttrnvrr " oho ftaid I'ltlillv' . He left her . without 'a .word. And now her heart sa wuiyn . ccTb iiiid " wTPfrt bittei tears, and repented in dust and ashes. When a year had gone by, 6lae could bear her woe no lonjrer. and scut and for the last time the fitars and Bars were carried to aggressive acaault. .1. I 11 V .4 4A .a.I il . .Ml 1 g.m .1 a mm mr iuai rue Kvuuiii uo iuijc w muuj;b ..v. i ioe suunesi, ana ""lorwara men I 1 com mind; but now he was gone gone for two J rnanded. Tbe chosen bindred sprang I two yards of tbe landing-place we bad to I f..-' . long years. How she lived through them forward, eagerly followinJ the axemen, hro throusrb. The 'colonel went to Lira ib8 6Le f',- .aaa.. i ai . ' . v . tzm ' i j . . . . i PTinnir. An f-ai ii ii ti enniTTioaa nun T 1. t. J I n l.ftdlpftiba nA atwl hA rtthin I . . r P. r " - " H. . . ' V" , til I witnout wwLinjr to de so. nair a vol a me bis. nrM I nnttiin 9 mill -t r t i UaL t ... u n ; . t. ... i n i e - - - um. iwhii- , iu win w iuv wt, . - 1.4 v. r j I .i... i " i t I Vat U o .-.lr HVL- W t nr. I v3 h''i-Y 4 I - I . i . 1. 1 t lis and pappeU high as Loaves, whxa as-1 ts aOO.OOO Here, if I ctanltnrr a wnril M it I n rr Ar 1 I a trwi anil I . ' I . .: i uf-u ; ,i oppress yon, making yoa carse my wife to the people "'I vl" "-' ""i"Ku" luvLiuuviiiaii. 1,1. . Tl . lU.'l r t I - I tf I uig iiiiuiucb 4U i um vviowM, im i ni do. j.d mi tilb all entlv.gcntlrkreplack those r ' .n l aTl. Vw irw iX n,ple, covers half of Parir Yoa tana to take IU wife Is. Avert that cold, cruel stare, "rZ cither1 kill it or boy it. Krerytling that There were in tthe tearfai cydl Alasltha IfXJr Sk tbfW ! Jo kaod. from the bou tick- Katcbex who b. .,!.. x .Ki.i- v.... eaglel lor dls sake do not think of ,ar ty,m .i,. oofl A ,v "You dp not propi-e'leaving it again, I hope!" he 6;id. :"i , . He shobk his head. - v ' "I da riot knowi" he answered. "Per- ,or little foot page to her old lover, bid- haps yes, j perhaps no. j ding him bear this message: "bouo back By tint time they bad reached tbe long to me." glass dooi-s of tbe dining-room,' anl a sec- But the message tho foot page brought ond and louder shout welcomed Sir back was just this: "Wait." George to the morning meal. A "ain she was left to her sorrow, and All the lonsr dav'Luitb wunderctl round I tven vsrs elided bv: then once more, he nn. xrrt - m. . ittuiuit4tx.a. Aiiey are momer- T -.1 : i:-.-i- -i.- .1.- 11 acc I I lh rrsnt I r nonf I sr lr nan lkOV t hnao 1 . . .... . .-e,.u p ine veanm eye, ' ttj, For GVs sake do not think of sorrow, should ever make a child's heart w - .1.: 1 w.i .r..:. its, tome I j think of." "Why not! I will have it. I hey are molberless ! Strange bands A,k Lim what bo wants for it." "I will ministering to their daily wants-stranger not Ask Thelin what be thinks of it." bearts wearyinjr of tbo irlrme duty. ur r. . .. . l 'V' U1 " lallbttI Ve- liU."dU.a e words of ccHnfort'yTToVeTo'Br.Ttl TTT-r Tf, ..,r-TTa--Mnnt.- ICUt U "V n3 out VVSi vmv-w) gent ltle" words of comfort'; JTTri folding of littlo haodi in prayer! no moth er 1 - Missing the low,' sweet cadencoofber voice: missing that "good night V seeking, seeking, seeking all in yain, that ark fori the weary dove a mother s heart. Draw the littlo. forms near to your heart. Pillow the aching head upon your bosom. Think of your 6unny childhood vour seconded by" ber daughters; but it was not the hdusd aud'through the .adjacent plan- i,aje hcr p?gC ride'ovej the mountains to motber's love, her gentle care, her patient Onn moro season had run its course, and tho hope of tho house liad failed to fulfill tho expectations of her scheming worldly wiso mother. : ! A score of suitors had dausrled about ber the whole season long. During the hot summer nights,, peer and baronet had attended Constance Lind B.iv: but neither one nor the other had "Wbatr I aald, "not yoor cmiionsl Ub, be axid, "roony i yoa all that is iu guarantee that iLrre you will ittmdaoe too know. I r aw- glt as well Lave aAe4 n on a journey to tie Um. iLooe days raea atwat bad incomes varrin frta et to the coupon for the chair opoo wbkb 1 1100,000 to 8600,000 a year. Hen were yon- rest your weary bones in tbe public accotdoroed to thick aoi talk oo a b gardens, conceal tho snare of a adver- scale. Wben a lank: tu orgat'oed it. tiseinent. Even the walls of tbe small Natclcs there was a dicpcle a boat tbe temples, which yoa only enter by force, salary cf a CJUhier, and one (jcntlcu.n talk of, oiler, and recommend something, impatiently said be coald not waste ! lxirxenj . corntr tbev re - r WxwmmmI time liij m Um Ym i iL m mouths wbicb call yoa, a thousand band told the oiler directors Uat as tloir oalr which beckon. Dc Annas. lobiect in orgsnmng tbe bank w&i to ret interest oo their money, if tley would .... -a t. IS AETAXSA3 tOUANCE. slnP taumj ana tina uo over ue tun- ion of dollars capital, be wool J pay tbem About twenty miles from Waldron there tleir isterert. 1 rcinntttrat;d uee day lives an old man named Wavnc. Aside lb my brothcr-ia-law for mdarfciog to from a bale, old-stylo wife, there Wlongs tie extent t4 $300,003 for a ce!-l.oriog to the familv a beautifnl girl named Lq1q. plantrr. Ohtm be said, "what d I car A few months ago, w bile the old man and for that amount T See ! here is a rq trt c f tations. New music was in her ears new thrills in her heart. Tbo voice of the .grave looking traveler was ever present with her. -. I' '-.' She had never met with one so noble and gentle in all her life before. llis wbnls had a strange meaning ia thoni a; wonderful fascination. She forjrot, for a few dreaming hours, her position as a menial of 'the household. But dream aud reverie alike wero soon to committed himsolf to au open avowal. Proud some evil tonuo had declared ill-tempered was Constance Line.ay. Fori em ber, money nad no cbarms, position no in- jugt ilucnce. Sho yearned for love, pure and " wP1. . ... . . T, ' t , Kdith obeued it all' wonderingk Of all those she had met, only one uau , , . . , into tha rooiu. an1 j . r-llJI' 7 herself in the beet chair. One Jooi before . a uidsay dressing-bell kuocked at her the rnuebed ber ideal , Th'M was Sir (ieorgo Holmes. He hfdj been the lion of the, season, for he. had proved himself to be a brave and daring man.: Tall, dark, full-bearded, with deep grey eyes, a stalwart, handsome frame, a rest less wearied manner; such was Sir George Holmes. . Constance-.Lindsay had snubbed him unmercifully' tho -whole season 'through. Still be bad clung to her, and his gentle respect had touched her -heart, lie was to coupe down for the FPrtsoii, and Constance looked forward to the first day of September with a passion ate longing. u- ! As the tine grew nearer apd nearer she crew more and more peevish 'and irritable. Of all the household, Edith felt it the shootinar most. r It was too hot to walk or ride, and so mnsic was the solo occupation of Con Stance; and it was during, one 'of her exer cises that she spoke very harshly to Edith. Edith resented that, and a high quarrel between, the two girls was thej result. Edith had the best of it, for Constance bad abused her position, and felt ashamed of herself. Hut this was unknown to Edith, who could but wonder why such things should be, and sob out her broken sentences in the solitude of her chamber. And this was why Edith Llnd cried out in anguish of spirit that she! "wished she were dead. rang, door. Her seated at her stern, 'haughty countenance prepared Edith for the scene to come. Lady Lind- a aa ' a a 1 ' 1 .1 .1; sav ueia.a uans. note- ioummv .uu mn-o-entlv in her hand. With this she fan ned herself in a languid fashion. "When she condescended to speak it was in a harsh, ir'ralinff voice. "Miss Lynd," she said, "I have resolved to make an alteration io. my, household. And as it concerns vou as well as others, I thiuk it my duty to apprise you of it as soon a$ possible." , Edith bowed. . " "My daughters are now too. far ad vanced to need instruction except by the very best masters, and therefore 1. shall not require your services after this week. Let me see this is Monday: if you could make lit convenient, I should like you to leave here on Saturday next;"1 aud she handed her the note. "Vry well, Lady Lindsay," said Edith, with a swelling beurt. glad her lover's castle. "Tell him I urn waitinff," she siiiJ. The pas rods away and rodo back. lie stood beiore ins iaay ana uoueu uis cap, aud. repeated the message tluxt had; been given him: "The patient waiter is not a loser. "Ho is pnnishins: me " thought the lady, and for two years linger she remain ed in her castle. IIer hart was break ingher health failod sho know that death was near. Again she sent her cruel lover a mes sage. "Tell hira," sho said, "that I am near mv end, aud that if I wait longer before I see him, I shall wait forever." The page returned, and stood beside his lady's chair. His eyes were full of tears; his head was bent upon h's ; breast; he sighed,, and held his face hi his plumed forbearance, her precious forgiveness, Then culy in kindness let your hand rest on each honored littlo bead; only in lovo reprove that littlo flock. ders. At last the colonel asked in bro ken English, "How mooch T "Ooe pound," answered tbe boy. He ordered the boy to put tho eagle in tho boat, and then Tbelin and I jamped into tbe boat and rowed to tho steamer. On arriving on loard, the eagle was fastened to the msm-mast by tho I toy, and from that mo ment it was never taken notice of, until a. t.!l..lt.l . . m . . i . . 1 a r rr . i ntui bai.ai mwr m a. A aa a. a - n . ... . . ,v r.ca.uT -V"' T.' ladv were awsv from home, a vouns? In- my sales from Uvemool. The amount thont.es a; iwuiogne, wno tooit u w tuc dia- namcl WamLo at-llie Lcoow is ft 00,000." One morning I met b. S. inuwuu, uu wu , m., - . . . . ti- t. i I'rectisa. crunrr aloo? tbe sect- lie cau va tjsD w v v a v s mm w ss 0 rf vitedbim into the bonse, where be re- was ooe of tie moU brilliant Iswyrr n mained in conversation for some time af- lie bar of lis day, but nnfortncauly Icv- ter be bad received tbe aqueous fluid, ed Lis liqaor too well He bad a mil .f Tho Indian bad been well educated, and bills of largo denomination ia lis band bia bandiome face and manlr form i curse- d said, "I fast rot those for tasking ueiuer inenus .... . , , . I i1,rA-bnnr' itvwh" TV. f t?!i AM UiaieiT awaacnou suuia lmiu uwvui s . - - , - ecntiaicntal interest, while Wamho was arrow of Lis an- II r nn " Ma ml . 1 CI IT U fc 1 Jai ut Lr. a. I m .mi la. v a . s a v . av morning, owing to I some carelessness on iIia nott rif lli moil wiin htil it in Phtrce. Oh, let yours bo the band that will on.u u ihn rrni !nnv;,riikhnd stati-ment .1 il.A.M ! a I . K M.f a rv 4 a. I ' I ... ican lunu m iuo gieen iiamuir, auu u; tu0 ..Uouloirnd casle." on wbicU so the still water of tho; precious bavi out s mach hu t wriUc0f an j evett 1m, lovei ljci yours ie me oiessea ueneuit;- jjevea jn b alj rartie8, W tion : -masrancu as yo liave uone u io or foC8 u it DOt m0it cxtraorj;0ary the least of these, ve have done it onto 1 .i.. r, v. A Itoflfi l(n vcca1 tiV me." Remember the angels do not always rd of c0 LU ou lLe pjeiccd, as though by an arrow ofl Lis an behold the face of our Father in heaven. nnd rontradWd a rrreat manv times. Cient fathers, with a thnll oflove. II Then, it may bo that a cl lead vou to that beavenlv . , I IIIIIIIU VI Villi IjllllUVIji (UVI 111 M V , . . - , , a. , hand placo the crown cpon your head. ruolB on the orince. who never saw or I promise, be retorned on the following knew anvthin? of the eajrlo on board tbe ponaa7 I m . m Tl 1 Pvr-vrv-r . Tnu-v nv Tnm. UUV oi Joanonrj: i Jio many eveni vixG.i-The following is Horace Greeley's recorded in lijlory aro to be put on a par idea of doinjr it. "VVe copv it, and ask Q i"' luo rwouiogoe eagio t.on eniae,!, and when tbe yoneg Iod.xo ; rt io oarecotKioliiory. left be pressed the ma.deos band witb u u u J.- cap every citizen to read, then cut -it out and stick it up. in somo conspicuous place, . . a t l . ' l even more ardor man cad cnaraaenxea bis first visit. This Urno be did not leave What is thToxguk For T "Since without remarking that Le wonld rttorn. A WovDtRrcL DsooTsar Cax rr BE Tact! A corrcpcndcr.t las sent cs a startling letter from Miss M. Detlam EdasTibt, from mlicb we give aa extrrt: "I send yoa tbe following particulars of a receat scientific invention, fast patented. and destined wilboot doubt to rlay a very I ion. for oooe and for all, of tbe great c question, or ratlcr fuel question, uot cnlr Tbe ladv lifted ber wan face. "Sneak I " slie said. "The message 1" "Alas !" sighed the page; "I would that it were a more tender one." i ' "Whatever it may be, speak I" gasped the lady. "The only message that I have," re plied the page, is "Wait forever'.'' "I am well paid in my own coin," said the lady. "At last I have received all my own answers back." In a little while she died, and they buried her in tbe old churchyard, witb a stone at her feet. j . When spring came there was grass up on her crave, and there also was a new anii wi ir six mm m m ra n rii k. bh iii ma . . m . iat m where it cari bo seen every tune you turn God made tbe tongue, and be never makes A week elapsed before tbe girl aaw bim 11 . r n;r ,t . . . round: anything in vain, wo may bo sure Le nn TlL time tlo old nipU were at f' "f Mu-'f tl tt If yon wish to keep a town from thriv- Jdo itr some g'ood purpise. What is Somejand, 5!s ing, don't put up anv more buildings than it, then Y' askod a teacher, one day, of lo ber parcnU ia re-ard to tbe Io.iian, a diacovery by Lstard, and aL sja year, yefu'ean coUenFentry ocenpy yourself. If ber class. . ' wpidoTi twakonk 1 "IlemadoittLatwomay pray with it," However, tbe Indian and be girl spoke K'SSal lllLT. dwelling and any one should wuh to rent answered one boy. to each Other cntirucnUllyj ao much 0 'ur,;i t. u il fll.lt it, demand a shylock price for every spot "To sing with;" said another. tUt ftD eng.gement of marriage was the f.1" xJSl .w . iS of ground God has given yoa stewardship "To recite oar lessons with," replied nint tlo yoong Indian promn- to 105 , tre tb c.ot oM ov4 Turn a cold Wder to every mc- another. . comi afUr tO chan-c and Wnev seeking a homo yes j and I will tell voa what be did m ,1 knew that ber father woull be "SJ f iS.J'ilAn tn Tn'iTST'rfvirt. tiffv comer it fr TTn r.,I not m.VM It for . .v. ...1 1 tnM1 a? o'K f-.U tM I-irt r ; h S scowl. Ildown b wok of ev- ald withfto lie with or m 1 nZ b, n; f "! I : I Ull IU1 Li. All.l )Ma-a .MW I I r . 1 . t . ( I mi a 1 LOO erv new workman. Go abroad for wares rather than deal with thoso tlo business in vour midst. was shining, while i w ho seek to J My nnkind or foolish, indecent or irapa- j tne fat 0f tae" lni Fail to adver- j tient words with it. Now, boys, think j jew frora lo0 eraM. On folisce was wsv- witb. He did not mean that wo should ian brushed tbe a rraaa. un bis suoui.ier be tvfl nrin nnu nthor viT tn enrmort vonr I nrerir imn vftn Sicrt rnnr Lnnr-nr. if von 1 1 . . i:t.t l-.l I.. Tit.l.. i.l..t1 plant strange to those wbo looKeci upon paper, so p eoplc abroad may know wbeth- I are using them in the way God means I 0Q jrronnd. bo ascendod to a window , 1 . , f -;tl rlnrV rr2.iiv ' lrfl ves. that I m. I . t-v . ' l ?.l a II - O-.' - . n,,,, auu.., a-..; , . . - er any Dusmess is KnX on in your town i yoa to. uo gooa wiiu your longues I md rmtd ioto a room. Io a not uer m- r" I not evil, it is one oi too nnfc uscnu to i you, Of coarse," quotb ber ladyship, ris ing; and 1 sincerely hope yoa will do as well as most young persons who leave my establishment." -.'.!, With this, she swept from !j the apart ment i I fou ti-. ni'uru rnnofli enrfaen it biet. recommend "0rrJ. 7 " " iL. I liere uaa never ueen a piant ue slant be was tnrnblinj to tbe groand. ' . ... i.s crept slowly but surely along, clutching or uot -Wrap yonrselvesp wiihin vour- selves of impervious selfishness, 'lhero members of the whole body, although itjTbe old gentleman bad discovered tbe !:hat is no more effectual way, to retard tho i3 so small, rieaso God with it every I pott and, arming limsclf will a dob, w? growth of a town than actions like these day. I I stood ia tbe window. Tbe Indian was enumerated. There aro people in every town who pursue tbe above coarse every The Driso Seamak. A The first of September arrived. In a country hoiiso it is a great, day-of the year. Sir Ueorgo Holmes felt this in no or- defiee. Uo loved the country. the woodland antr lawn uaa diary . For him extraordinary attractions. He stood n iho lawn this bright Sep tember morning, looking over the broad meadows. Suddenly the bushes wer-J divided, and ft huge raastiiF sprang through a joy ous bark; "Down Crcwir liown! Wlero are your manners, you bad fellow!" cried a silvery . yonn voice. "CJome to mo this instant, ur: "1 shall bo very .1 i i x uci o u" "tv. on earth before. Now, wo call it an but this is what those who saw it for first time said of it: "It is tho lady whom her lover bade to (, of tbcir jiveg an(j to whora tue alM)V0 dying-bed, ling asked by a -wait forever. In this form she is creeping remarts respectfully offered for their sailor, "Vhat cheer T saiI : towards his castle siowiy out sureiy. oo consideration. she will creep on until 6Ue reaches tne But Edith was uot destined to become eart gjie threw away." governess 1 again. Servants will talk Generations have passed seaman on fellow- wrr mt . a r .i .i I r iittttr fifr wAE. lue war oeiween imvprneRS1 ao-ain. oervsuia win in i uenerauons nave pabscu irom imeariu. among ithemselves, and thus the secret j The castle is a ruin, covered with ivy, and I Peru and Chili has won somo naval bon- leaked out. - , the peasants will ten yoa tuat it Das crept org for Peru, but at tho same time has in- THe servantB liked and respected the there from the lady's grave, point hy voived her in an inextricable confusion of "Heaven heaves in sight; I see tbe beadlaod." J The next day tbe question was repeat ed : "What cheer!" "Rounding the cape almost in." not very badly LorL and be lad not more than gained bis feet when tie girl ruled from a down-stairs room and joiaed lira. Then tie two beran a flirbt throngb tie part!' aniwering to our farl,i evctlating is to say, would latt a lifeUtn. M. Iloutbonneri iorrtUos oomprtlnrt. Is lv'.ii store and fuel. Tbe fires coal 4 ! on tl-? mi so test scale or on tbe large!. Tier wonld be used for keatin; a baby's f J or fof roasting aa ox. Iieing lirlttrl It,- staQtaaconilr, tley will le a great tooav tny f tiros. M. lioorbotitxtl at ocoa pate o ted lis iove&Uon, al a Ldy f rt-rioeers aed sananls from Paris it lei Lim atvl pronouoccd lis diicotry one f tbe most rtmsrkabte of tie age. He ba lad several offers for lie purchase of ib woj mvuouS iu. . u, ":r patent in rrance, .but wants to sell it ia Afraid to aloot, tie oldjman rao as rapid- . lu p. u.ir i ly as bis long-nscI legW would allow bim. MQlDCT liDfc Aof KhVa reaticoan or In attempting to climb a IHgeorrocKs, - -v- t orphan girl. point, over stono and rock, through the I i 'itJ ! r A flm,l.Mf lmS af. r fa. a ro aeot. iuere is saiu. io uo noi a aouar in tiactcd their sympathy. The news spread yoa mn trace it if yoa choose, they sav, the Peruvian treasury. I ho fntare has but you do not try. throUirh the household Tim Donovan. Sir George Holmes' at tendant, was f. 11 of it and chatted oi u T1 -,bo TC8pect themselves will bo An V. . J ..a. .lit I - . . - a - -a . . honored: but tbev 1 who ao not care lor character wiil bo despised. a. li morninr?. n on and nisriit. He had accompanied Sir George jail through his travels, and was a great' fa voiito of the Baronet. So, with many embellishments, he told the story of Euith, as be; gathered 'it from the servants cf Sir James Lindsay, and Sir George was touched to the heart. ; i , Moreover Constance had grown capri- Every child walks into existence through the golden gate of love. - J People mnetidiscnss something it is j the great preventive of insanity. een anticipated up to November, and $5,- 000,000 are due to the banks and money lenders for war expenses. Thcro is no money to pay the soldiers, nor even to buy their rations. The finance minister, paralyzed by the difficulties of his. cilice, has resigned, and no or.e can bo found to take his place Tho congress, now in session, will vote no supplies, and con fines itself to voting down measures of relief proposed by tho jouit committee on finai.CL. thto mnnit ladr's dre&l ean?ht and beld The third day the question was repeat-1 1. " tb- iremblinff' baste ber lover I , . "i v. . .... ... I tried to aifcenraga lct, uui ito eiv5m. "In port," bia qnivenng lips replied ; WM opon lbera and the next moment, " Lct go the an- f otJ j0T6 me Mre j 4 the girl. Tbe Indian dashed awiy, and In an other moment tbe girl's father stood be sido ber. Shewn marcbed backlborae. She is still their, bat tbe yoang Indian, by no means slow, may make an oclbrcak at anv. moment. 1 chor. Some brain, . b thoso who hav peon nt tin e bave softening of the 1 world suffers more from c hardening of the heart. do so by writing Lim a day or tmo before- Hi address ts M. Lvomtr.nti, Dijon. I Lave seen these fires and stoves. Tlrro Is no tn'sUko about tbe matter. It Is as clear aa pos sible that Lere we bave perprlo! ar t economical source of fuel. Two baodrrd years ago tie discoverer wo Id si'y bave Wen bamed s a wixard." AlU- turm. Co always on your guard against tie! devices of the wicked men, wben yon bap- pen to come in contact with them. To possess the gift of helpfulness is to be the mortgage of all wlo need. . Human life il everywhere a slate in which ranch is to be endoml. "'"Love, faith, patience tbe three essen tials to a bappy life. When "one's heart is fall, cne Is not a;t to drop a plammcl li&e into it. Gicst siuls bold firmly to beavea and let tlo earth roll 00 beneath lba.

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