V:-y-'VT71 ::-v-"'"-f' : 'v - i - ' i t;-iV!ir' - ' . . 7" I YOU VII. KQ. 13. Horth Carolina J. IT. 21 Y II O V E - A JPVJiLISUCIt. - 5T.ir.S , OP SUKStRIPTIOX, .$2 09 . 1 CO - 00 '1 liroe " . i ' . " z-irr.T OF'AprzRTTsixo, " v" ... ,, two ... j rf " ' .. ' .. " , 5 03 rn!.r a'lverli'., 1 ut' tuor9 tba!1 III TH? W'tVf KPHMO -lit i.ri.j CL.L;v hvilUlii: Vr. S!irr-ri:?n'l ValtMit-no P-.t iri Lis ca-'pni-ioiis arni-cliiiir, Lis ban! n-stip- on its broad ('arns. liia f.re!s?a.l f:-u-kcre7l un into ft not of wrinkli-s, l.in i cvi-a st-irin ith intnpc, pnzzlod thoaitf.ilness o;U llirontru the window of Lis room into tlio l.pnutica of t!i0 parlc beyond. VI wondiT what ever jNissoRsrprj me," lie tlinnYit "I do wonder w!nt ' cve.-'ro f'sft-d me! Hero I amftv-neven, y-irs 1d, mv fol'M!onij:i to iui;";;;;o I coii'thi't t'i rept'of my. Mil "Rs lieretorore, an. I mit o'snd in-tiutliv-n I.rKfy Httlo KHo ll.'rrvv:i to man-y'in marry tuc!',' " . Am if t!o was cpviiliit'i, rv, W. rntr;a art:: fntrj Lis eliair, (iTi liii ?t cn rehi:e . i oev.w; i-ata ..rcnnl l.isurr.r.'ij. pr;u!:c'-n.' ' "ICot'that'shc. 5;.nt the erin-.t littl- .ci'Mituro tliitt evdr l ;i r.,ir ,!f j,;. f-v to a i.nn's f:,a.;i d:,srv,: Ihvrr- like rirl, wliotn anvbodv vo-:U' lov- b-f to think whv, ..v1lt ;,. confounded 'fool J've (:Iid I d.i en.n.-'a to Le htl- l..e vii:'wreat:ja-j iii'.u .v, 1 r .a k 1 : s ai e . 1 .. 1 . ti'TseU ni;r:" t':e. rw.i ;s ' f;i!i ;.-e I....L!.... V , ' V ' She li)l..C, !! .! .!.'. --'.Ml.. ' ncross t lie n IM ;:l i,: r I; I v !nl !" ':, t i:i l . r ;'iil! o !,:'.: fronr .". ehild f i;dr;e. j not wria.!!'. t many Yhy, lie can pve.yci; ev World yo'i .:;! f bie.i: ..f. means a loi.ht! tour to iv tr'Si of uvenu"; to ii:spe:)se Jj'Mi' Jjr,H-ueh. v 11 .' 1 . 1 nil ttiat i?i luxurious, tderaiit, !!1 fense. And votj don't v.atit to inarrv Liu.!'' ' Jllflo poiite:! her red lips.. "No, I ihm'l ! .3isi!ii!!:;i; ' y.'mr side of the 1'ietore is very temptlmr, f,ijt mv side ::!! tlio time keeps s'.iouiii mo'a fat, hnl,l hcaded, stumpy old muii, w!;o wears f,a!:Je: teeth, and pads bis. coat, and., tries to ob!; and net sis' if lie wen t wenty vc'.tr; youi'aT. er than ho is. M-im-in. l" d"rr t wajit to marry him at all:'' And -o'ii.thi!ir very like, a Fob cr.rne plteoosly from HH. e.in's lips. "Voii'oii.rht to bcasham'ed of vonrself." ever it H . . . fj 1 ........... ..;.i ' I, severely. "Von shall "t i'i' in nm 10 J ir.iu- nwnv -u chance for the sake -F siel.ly sentiment. You know 'A ii.-it r. gtrulf "t::v lile hut bectr, 011 aeeonat of jeiverty and" oosenri; v. r.ti'l I resolved; year ru'n, to save vou- IV010 ji Pike f:ica'' 1 IjI'io open; a! I r Idim ."s w!.:eiv. J. rty, .' ebsr-nritv, inaaini.-ii; t;v. i?j' I thi'ik we La " ...... : , f .;.fwr",.f.'wi . -i , .f . . . v uteris h.'tii-indjnr.srt looli; catno. to:K-V'trv'r f W:' ?IT:- eot:iv-y " jii aiinsa as she went in ' ves, and he paused a minute, " if:f 'u,' YT-W' '" -Jr. Vai-; wd her eyes wow sldnin- re- tion. ' 1 fCiii'M &lierfe j:c, r,....iU ; :m-..;:; uun tnm. .f W)f cotn-,e it's itos;nd.. the! ,h;U P. vJti.mto "nk'er. nod,r j,- - VaJert! a!,o Lpd ,n nnS,,V for mo;-f crjoi-se it's i::v munev that rJ"'!-v :,rc,:;n:?t;J" vcit;--!, r h;,, H'r,d and not n Ihi!.. ,.. won h.-rniid the consmit f her i ; - v 1 'lr:v!'5 5o havu a very .j;wrf ,t:Tue. w.ith .i;-- ! 'utencss la.lns efes s hc'rosa to teet 'AVell,";ami the hale, robr.st chi -e!,- i ' ywt ?f rnuii,, a.o::t! :;;t , X. ''' lv-.v a I mr, .'.; n-.,, and ph;:-d a-t''.t0 fat?fBf .rn,,151 j - . 'yen sfr-j wew, .'Z: r.e; vou r.v.i- div- into' l'he;.ptS:.s f inventory of tIunC8 at ti e f.in:..-.n7iJK tsmi!, m.t eh.irmi.,-:v. i chair -Well, -there's rd rmo- f OT'.-f r'-'lf ,J?,t:-i,u tor.tten," had- !"riT I --uvt f:2ch. a short time to rVv out oi it t:ow. tM.f: tho t ivi.-mm, t',..t '.l1 Fi',,'-M !...ioee5-esT:mate mymf ... . - ".-uui au wz- i?, l inst r;.-i e- o:i :; ami v w U n-e-' i i"iH.ii.n.Jnh.rml iC !.. lair Vr My L f ' fV"'t.Mtl' . raatvvr or bu,.; to-i wo, v. I -Jic ,1 in, row; tp rM-M-ar 1 n .f;.c, l.11f.t-R:.y; '' lfir ti ,n fj8;trr. rotlgll r:ir'r. -' f v'i-o mtii-e, vmi e(;-u:i;,!v ro m v It . '!,"t":v a ,twtH rTTf-y'. ..-t..;. i.t" i... ... .-.r- 3 , ti J-; , t.o know Ik'hc.::" V ' 1 ;t '-'' eorrrwio her uJapm-, '--'-y, 0 when O!.-- t-k i-.; , Crn- vo ir hand, old boy; t j.s.tnre and hem 'Audih'n !:r s.J ed l--r- -', F-v cp'Jfr'in, who' nPa red I:er'e ! -'rf ':5 them:d m-s:" ti, . h -d r-.r,.;-ht h. t.t.-r. did 1L0 Lcsinefi 'r,.t can"?") free, ciirar, u hi:-, .;.r ro0V.;" j.,': .x i --'y thltNvas an otra-e.thst'.ehc ! ?1!:5t s fTCf-ly to b:! w.-.-el-r.t Lnt y-i are Hckv, mil ve. Lille eof 'ret f;r -u v',, V ! be eft icirbcrate'.y huruiu-i f,-.ri :"!s .wh:'5h only thy mee.-ory ef. Jacks "V.e"! d :::(.re t!:34 Ih-vt, rsM n irn., ..... ...... - - .i ,r . . . 1. ... ..I-. , iv. .. j ..... . .,, ... j 1 v-. : 1 t: 1 -a 1 ;:-(,.. - ': :..-. , ' i.. ......-r ... .h. .... !'a';' lo m - , - , , .... , ' . .. , ,. 'i"-a"..t.a us, I.- f I 'll.-! fo.n.u..!,.! . f ! :iv v a ,(-. v ,c nil. 1.0! UC. 1- or a second .urs. Iferman1 'grew pale wit 11 anger; then she looked cold Jv at lor dan 'lit'T. ' ' y, stern- ' "You will not dam to ,v U n.d., j.ofitiy . 1 , . .... lij ' ' eornmanOs. 1 will .myself see iI'.Mitii!o, iin.l pi'opare him' ioivhnv dr.Y jn.'inif niiniiy yon may dare to " perpctrafc; and hile I .n,i pushing forward the prepara tions for your marriage, and Mr. Valeii- ee.otirIi of ererv lh!:ir.' " i ' "'J'hrd will lo; -Kl'.ie! . You need brii;:r no iumjjfcini-y arir'U'.enl:; t"o confute mv assertions; and as fir as Mr. Valentine is coneenifd, your, word is pledged, and the ' wedding day set for , Tidy 2.1;." . .1 Then a sudden littio r.'sale.tioe, shone in KflifiVcyes, and she censed toying with the Rwaying ppr:iy of strawberrv piant. "Mamma, I have told yon, as kihdlv as I know how, that I do not want to rn-urv tint old gentle!-).'!!!; bh you seem - to takoltio noiiee whatever of niv y.'aes, I will not marry him!.'' And I he blue eyes flag!,?, 'ml a xcar- let stain earns on both rlieek;".. . . lieimftn laughed lightly." "You foolish child! V'hat "weight do ' yon imagine your., words have with me? Yon will not mifrryl.i!,,? Kilie, vou will, and tl.-it settles il! a - ' "Xo, nnmmnpt does,, not settle It; for the very next, time I see Mr. Valentine I thall tell hi'm so!'' , ' 1 U lo pent into th rv L . . .'"'.f Jr'i - JUT saved you fyojn'vorj-p!f . iSnch apTae ns the B.-rri.in far:r), pn in the ShuwaitHns! Kflio Lad n!i lA hU; naagiued t'th'm'.t .irrrv, d-;slat; fursakenYbci in all tbj u?e 'v:ovl nZl m'i ramar i;;new ?ir hn... 'c : ...i. i1our;;l thatlit v v. ucn I of'm.j- !.U Ttr.nnior.st'.l'flviitiesaj L . .4. 4 SOU.., !1! Ij1. !'! 'f O Vf T n-l' ft 'trnvf .. .. 1 trood Bens,.. wortiiv to i e ! h'bKud,- land tUt tho ... Tes-"i ..if...- j- j'-U v vmv i b-?. Ir-:- ;ln" R?''1'1 ! f!' n:ai-.. r.. rt Rd-pUv- l"ir tht ':r iI-t"t:!?;"-. :nty "cy v. 'n- t?:'' w;' .(t!:"y did n t o-il'e lors'tit,?s !n n H--fa-,. r.n fr 'vouh! not ae- con si. Li- e..V!; erab.ytHitieveid, and wa.-v.'.rav. had hco:i f.)r.m.i?:y a dav 'sudden ly; , a - terri h.! 0 sttst; pViael hhn -ami rmt Li Uniii, verv 01 r:i 1 UO'JtiSUl I, dyUdy Ct the lather donbifal, tho:;gh wm.I-'-;o:.-:t, ) 1 rev oh i;::.i hired rervtmts, s.t73 o-d daspair 7. Valerj- aiHi ;i! i . . !' .Ine le'er;;;!! op io Yermcii ai to his sUer-I:--! to come r.r:d look after i;:to. j : "If only I harl been able to kug vou, dear 2'r. Valentiuer1 Mrs. Herman- Voo ed, ewceHy. ; m "But Madam Crmidy would be 6;?ro to bo disagreeable. If r,!:ly you vverd married now, jn?t hnac'no he? ";.'v.ied dear EGe and I would-be! As it is, I do really thick' tW best thing you eat: 'do is to eend for Mrs. G rev." aa-.i, . irs. ur?v came a p nmp.ftieerv. eer.:,eiv i:t tlo 1 Jadv, with sh:n;:;;r ! i iv;j ii'i;r, a merry,- iuteii! iji .waves ana ia entw eff'X brown u a".-' .r.n.i a swei- jfirank vo;c' lire verr camml of which held p. comfort and . tires ainc: tones. '' ifhFu'l 1 nesjan its see: 'SI;o was a br rn I 1: ::;ve. r.n'd -'a hern linnf.ekeejper, q-d even 111 hi6 e:ek-rho: .ir.'".:.cntn.)o was conscious- of the uoiae ata-.j inn.ung vi it, 3 uomesnc mamuaerv, 1; : It .1. . .1 .. . . . ! v. h;;o 111 the many pleasant, confident talks they hatjl, her good - common sense! was always apjiarent. "it's no wonder Jack wcrfhiped Lcr poor fellow," he thought. " ; "And yrni are actually going to be mar ried, Slingerland? I v;as quite pnrprisod when I heard of it; anl a charming' young girl I hear she is!" .' "Weil, yes, j I believer I ara thinking about it, Amy Yes, Miss Herman is a very sweet, prftty little girl? "I'ra pars von thought eeriddsTvNiver it 'ITcTore you dedu'ed; it7s an-irnpohatit thing to no, oimgcrian.1, find cepeciajiy impor tant when a man comes to your age and wantsri young wife. ! I do Lope you'll be saUsfied.'' ; a Jlr. Valentipe puckered up his forehead, toubt folly. . 1 1 "Oh, dear me! yog, I hope bo. A man's bohnd ..ttB-'k a fool of .himself enco in his 8yii$lC8 happened' to me later than-rnffiFfrjtafJh. vps. T dsro' T-"! l,'fni'.rnrn u-r.!l You dou't JtalkMikeihaentlinslaPtio Riul finish tl.e clv f p.:; !i VP.'r luad, an.J,wliut,ajatrc5 M3 varoMi- otbcVMii 7:J -r r... 1 r i , ?" f, r' ccc n VnL IrV. j,..y 1 - r' .Jl- cnol n.n. V.:'.,V: t '1 , L ,!!. ?naAVH?nms..tll6 - Ant v.r. ,laa?t:, 1. , ,1-.. I . . .. 1 !' ' V"1' !rf nf 1 -!;4rr tlie t!.U patiUic K fl9 n Mrt cf if, r! . .11 I.!. .1, if! I'.fM' !-,. . ' --7 .. ..i.,r-s. u , , , . . . . ... , ...... . . . ... . , 4v.'iii v hi -'.- '''' J ' he followed i vci 1 tliaWoo ! .' Kt:..b ?.e::(.!:'a to. transact, niter he .-?..? 3- I r-iof th rri-.:ot-..r V :.. 1.:.. I .x. .... ' 1 i ........ l i .. i r I ..' t t.. (.:.-, .: i - . ' i ..... - . . : - w.lrf-re she eead i;et erivo ,h3Cart. . . 'I '--? .me:-ni to Vive m a hclerV ar'd i o.' : Ac, f in i v. ii..L-..,f i- . : r;'; . f . ;': t .v.7 ? .i jl. iwrV'Mi'-.t.--' : sort ol ws:V-.T her ev,: , -' ta.e !,!; 4id. 1 11 - never; '.never aaatb-.t it. nftcU Lim Eo-now, this . . '" . , !'- .. ' FH-tk roc isJii:, I'.-r ra : .4 - m.v up e. n..-n, verv lrankiv, v.- r " ' ; . i t;ue-hat.mtat a f I taheu it. a-ara w: i v niedj !.;-, ti ;;;:t ''s'.' ;i J'.':'! 0i'v the-m-M-its.Ie.s 'for a i'aw i '' ',' V' '. ' weeks' reoreataar!. f.o th;rf s' .?.'' 1.,-. i ' .u.'.ywe.'t, crrpt to ,nn Groy'id'virJ 11-?, Ilk 1 use ions demaskroses..4f'. ';.' lover I expected to find," slie'said, bright- - 'V ' r - .a ' ' : ; THUESDiVV pu-tty lij,' te koq fr -v.. jMiiriir. a;ifor, T r- !.-. .oonsin svo tr b.:re, .?ecid?d that it the ,:srst ri!:i'!(r of their lives, ;.;n, into all the s't;-oss tl beanfy iuv.i content, cti-rd.iv the- ;;-: a Icltr to Aunt Iiepsy from Eir, s3v.n tHt Mr, S.lia?er!a.l vjlemiwo wan e Ul5 his betrothed n. that EOio was to treat lam ncoordiniv And, -three h-mrs later, tho crenttfman il ant-p.-lrn.-i: !.. ne t.v s lT '"' the admiration of simn'e-T.'nd. H:rty,;'Kho niered.jinm,: and r! ld; 1 Cx't'y.oi massive ml,-! ! u-if,.'. .i...:.. sp.rh.o f diar.ion.4 stnds, into the prim c.oI, .Jsrk "vlor;" vhe- the cbir8J six 6f t!i-tn sat in straight rcn-s. sn.i the oarpet vas tbo .identical s'tripet? c'i'-a tht !;rl1 :,ecn a ndar present ar.d "aTcve ?'d e-'vtiy ons ia thoso 'dvs- to -Aunt sv RVi.t L,lcJe Zeh.-,: ' , to ry t;o:icstl,.vcrv bewitchinlv i.iv4,a5 good reason to "l.-e vesed 1 1 e, 1 kimav, ilr. Valectiae,' but j i ton mamma ta tell von I i-Tm-t repeat.-f I don't lave you, Mr Valentine, ;??21 I :caunot tiiarry) icTnel do rot love! Pfeae .Ton't be angry, will vorif. nry; I'verv cerve i.i his l.c.dv vr? dancing a jnbilate. Angry, to1 thos gracefully, charmingly given tho ir;-pcila.m he .had come to crave. r? v. laue-ned c: ningiit.. be po'essidtj? 'h-r I came p-nqmeely tovee u vo:i wouldn't l?tJ me mi, because, v -r fee. i"" b-.-'i'"'.: widow is a very hue- Woman, and " Then EGfe caught his band impijlsirc ly. V. f - . ; "Ch, that is jact the verv thing for vo;.. .irs. (jri'ev! lee. von north? tt ivo tan: hi l, :o. And r i!.'.'. tU'.".c;0!3 tdliri.S CPTliO fn' l.pr !,iro! , o lace. ;7 1 am engaged to my couhh liar- ry, Mr. Val'-iti'ne, arid oh. I do love 1 sol''. " - -. ' . " ' '.And that' was tho.resnlt of 'the 'trip to the Ji!iaw;!ng?::u?., and Mrs. -Herinsn' Mr. her lips in vain at th.?' result of her V.y-n little hit of g'enera-lsbi'j. . . ,X : .j nrinrjr t-aA -rorriAr. rG-;:i.:,r, Whitt'ers own statenVent of thetwurb ib I'oe.rj or aaaaa aini era 1 . niuc co';eoa asa;;.e talked! that h lil.-fVU., I 'V Ulliil I I raked thr hay arotnul and over her - bare feet, r.vA'.e.hs was fresh and fair. : Tho little incident left its iuj'prcesion, and he wrote out the .pK-tn th-rt very evening. 'Hat if I bad had any idea,' he said, 'that the" plagcey little thing wonhi have Leen po liked, I eliould have taken more pains with it To ihe inquiry as to the title Mau'lMullcr, he eaid it was ti;gge?tcl to him, end not a eelecticn. It came a6 the poem came. : But ho gives it tho ghort German pronounciation, as-Mculer, not the broad Yaeiieo Moller. 1 .i&Oiz A'Djlt Ol"P. A chnrch member got tipy the other nay and in that cendi- served thefLord faithfitily and" v..cll, and so I'thongniy as well take a day off." I j There is no kiliing tho suspicion that deceit has once lie-gotten. ' Mrs. (irpv B!n - "Anil Vt rw. ...li,;,.:.. tet:C:- a irM'.Iav ,l.t f,l, i.iuf. ' ,pfr"?lff ' : 3 I;lro rert1enio-jiiji2 ' rli'-t'B'-Y; rtW, ' .V3 , t. receive. i ..no inornin? a req-jel nTl I 5iicr: faf. u i v,; v.r. ?fc.riup :..-.;r . .vv-. 10 noui' -.,T ..-. -. r"'".' . --.sir,!".. . -V. .. i . I A-. J " Tl""'eM Ke. t lifrrj I. I I .1 . a c rrerpondent of the Spfingfieid ' .'- .heard or Uc:vz. He was driving with hi5 si-eri:: " n !l5a. " !: ' t!' throh YorkTMe., audrtopd a bar- , el,cmpty vest Held to 'inUuira the 4. A vci Lneaung w sl ,,1,1 ,p a gial raki.g.huy'near the sto waif stop! pS .'V.nT' " V n.xA .,",.... - J K, SnU F;l,OOl.;0.i it Wit I IMr CttUbby a';.?. tion was met by his pastor. Being eteiniy rehuked frhirf conduct, he excuse him-' self in thiswise: "Yon know, parson, 1 i.ii. iiiire wan iwcnrv veara I'vot 'H I . ... . .. ; . ; . . s't-' -. r: i m In r :'::n:i to do fo, and dvi.n-! rr.. l . i . i s - n i':nvc-! io '.lit! rotii;ti laes mence! : "How r.-.-x-iv ef vnn h ivf ..71 iJT?' ..". vi. niift; JUKi'lU''!. now mi yoh have children!", 'ifhey tioddcf'.! 'Then I hnoTv who I am "talkie" n v o: gain, , and : "1. yen'l! iiear me' and ' he rcphtinnt 'ievi rstoio any cattie: I ' have i ed iti Uii'tx' parts over, ttireo years; I car-1 Now Hampshire: I failed i:i tti'-l fr.co .II if 1857, de.viii. the panic; I have b.n sav htry I have no home bery mr fafilv rc nwin cast,- for I-r"'froinVtojj I'hicc; these tlotlies I wear are ronh,al I m a hard-looking' customer; bat ti.s ;'b h hard country; days seeia' like" moJ.hs to me, and months JiktfvV.'raj narn-!. men, vou know that but for the letter- fn.ni Lome fu r he pnTI-j l out a bandf il f wpll-worn letters hvA envtdonos' from A vift)-J 'Ih-eoiintl. I J8 re p;,H p-m ' "y'-;. Iicro ero the rc '.:?.' u.l be "w tht- letters of j ',!:.. v. hjd mt-:; . . ..jruci.-.- i to sol? ? ..I Um. I -5. "ITT 1.1 ..ovembor. Kcr? U.tlm;t4 tTi't mv irr.od mother -avo r:c; Ue ji my little picl:re,''.ir.l i:y :M it tendrlv a-I d.!! iijut.-d : '-Now, r.cnjif yon V'nv'e doei.1.-: I to kill 'me for tfh:;t I ?.m innocent ?, t-n.! thfv hor :e and n :i.l as m-i.-li '--n fr..:a tho entile tvhaa l,,, dt-a t. r.,iV . . ...1 l .lf -r .! . -, . ja-ii.l over, and the v :- a!lnt t - .art, I ts wastoo weak. to &:,ni. The h-n" f train ot nop-- aJea', Ik rg ay freiul-":: tihV 1 t: i:-g cn. ;e.rncancejl'. t! tlan d r liver:' nee Iromleatli, had ' ?! to -'r. i.r h-r7: helpless as 'a chjdd. J..--ink t-' t':; ground Completely or. i. r-i-. An hot: r later, hoif-eve-. ho left on h-rs.- back for tbe ceareut facrmir ronte. and as they t-hoolc hand they looked tho L ever saw. ".nd. I ado him gmd bye, ifl'hst band.-'uf men 1 EAIXG A FATij 1. 11 S GHAYE. aTl;o fJanditsky (0. Tcjisfcr relates tho I'dnCf stor v : e girV with tang- 'aader a cnlico 1,1 ' . raping f.x hood; clad in a dress of CI iotz, loitered be- o'.e.M a -3 the gi"?t dastcrow.l moved ont cf the gates oi' Monnt I daa t'te orhtr dav aftcr'they had tcitterej their -..-.vers ami lone honor to the eci'd. Dreamily ehe gazed after them, Ltr 'eyes lli'.ed uiih a far-avry look. of temh-mor?, until t'a? Lad d'rppeared and it:o rat t to oi" t' o irttt:t:'. haai died ;uv;; rn. i 1 i.t't: i-l; . 1 an;? .vr.ge.ely scanned f tho araan a'.'ut h'-ivclutchla s! fad-n-r haaeh of da,:d-4ons i her (iai'.Uy haials h(0d. inner r- 1.. th it. ,.i e.t( r the 1 - t. 1 1 ri eraaa L y ar.d r'entiv ? 1 " ' " " as !'. a; p.- her aani, .... . . - . . . . 1 . ..I At ska only a- ' n.ac.v .'tiii iriit:'.-!-. r. 'ii ; Wi.v'jj i" t.. ' n ka-, ! 1 d 00 o r; so;; rd nd been b;:;!e I :,t 1 gqcpp, bnt may bo h;g enough soth.it God will sec it and think that ti-ipa ij bu ried "here.' Carefully she trimmed the sides with the grars she plucked, murmur ing on: 'And may Ik. it will grow fo that it will be like tb ? reet ia two or three years, and then -be papa will somelime come back r Unt e!;o pauied ac though it ) ' Icaiy dawned i:n on Lerj-oung mind ?! .ha rested beneath the wr.-, .rid t! tcar-drcpa that ppntng to her eyes moistened tho little bunch of dandelions that ' fho . planted among the grasses on tho monnd f-he bad rearcd. Wnen the sexton -passed that way at night as ho went to close the gale he found the Httlo one fast asleep with 'her -Lead pil lowed cn the mound." ' lie who climbs a'oovc the cares cf ll.e world and turns his to his God, Las found lH?nr, title nf M.. .The wfcM'u vk cf tyfnif is chilly and feftng to Spirit -aL,mlad, but the Lord's j A jcr.ee givrs a warmth of joy Litk lufL3 uintcr into saatacr. a? re wa -s oulr &f tear-drop in C. i- 1 -spio Sireet, Fayotteyillo, M. C. 30. 1S70. 0ii;r.0iY 1,0 VIS 31 E. etter tVmjs th-Jadjre thom-ht small uiu lownnnii ruo learner faid to Mr. T . t in referevev 'to Inr: ,'I.r,ever saw a child lko t't-.f. I have 'Van hoar ta get .1 Rjnil", and have Mr.'T , F.ni.l nfti-rwr.r.l, him?elf, that her fice was t! c saddest be had ever s'.-r.i eorrowful beyon.I she wns k very lirtlo cbl yean old. expression; yci only (ivo or f-ix After Pcfcool he called Tier into hi oGce and raid, pleasantly : "Mary, JV0 h'st'niy li tlo pet. I r?cd to have a little pM hero that world wait en me, and r: on mv knee, an1 I l:.vc I ner vervmnoh. A kin.l l.l . man have adopted Jit, a fer von to tiki Lcr t '.c ue '--"Wi'l r,-,r .1 I tV.nnW li'.e and lj my pet A lrtfr lijrh't flitted 7cr the poor m. gave her te'u , cents fAnd toM 1 r ilic miht ro to the More n!r bv and so;ne car.lv. W rfap wdvniit h ....... v.... ,.4 ". f.-.n'- .! . .ex-torfc ll.f'ii in pieces, n,:d t,:attvred V. hen the returned he f mt tha nvm. vfnry, will yea cleir lltflo Tir .:!e, e:.d r.ick i:j 1 my o;urp a paper and V m ; ice now 1 .'( i: utti xr ho it WhT Hhe v.e'it t 1 v.ork wit wore rf ilU kin.l cf awilU A little T.ianr jeucM in a.d fill.cr would act, treat. her r.2 a U -wroi:r.:l Hie .es:re . 1 . . . . 1 1 1. info the frlioolrocm aftvf tlianrr with i ri'snit. She v.cr.t fx teae!:'-r was suaomshed. Tb1: child feco wi? ahsolu'ely radiant. ; .She t.cr.t Vi Lcr and said : . . "M:.p v. U ia itf AYLrl mike look c ha; pvT I "1)'.', I've, goi f:a ov.o f love me the chil ! anfwercd ca-nf-tly, f,s if it were Leaven cme d.-wn (. earth. Tin! uhp the fcr-t:. Vor wat-.t rf Jove thar lit! I o-eV life; bad been m cold and desolate thr.t ph. h.i l lrt childhood' beamifnl fiith and fiopo, 5i,e conld ti.t fi first believe in the r.nlity rSTkindnc. ' J".v ''t,r It was the certJvty lhal sme one had loved her and detTrcd lcr : T. tion that lighted the chifdV ,ul and gb.rUiUJwT f a.!.-?. j " Mary ha.? siisce horn ior'.fd fv v.cal thy people ar.l li.es i:: pi btifui Iso-i.-t; but mora than all its i eanty and cot:,f..rt rnr.ning like a roldea thread throegli it all, she i till fin.U the love of Lcr adopted r . 1 . i miircr atta motiicr. fXvw York IVt.J Tiis 02xcc or r It is ftrr.nge, but trur that a love afliiir -honbt li-ive developed t!ho present Fvr.ldn of port.igfj '.rt:'p?. J'-ui "jovc rttleg the camp, tho co-art, the bar," an 1 xhvnot the post (fi-ce? Sir llov.Lmd U, xihose death wait announced recently, while on one of Lis philanthropic ami uiseoverv tours through England,, rtopped one eve ning at a north ct.nr.tryj inn. While j-it-ti:;g with other travtlciY warming himself at the hJ'chcn tire, the j oa'.iran lironght ii er persons w ho ithrn las:f. S'oe ju the mail. Among ri re-f ived a letter was n ! t-vk the letter fioia the c-.rj-.cr, turned it . a ! , 1. . . a-, o-.tr in r naij.;s, moHing w.st- tk.' '. it:. :.t la.t l anded t- .. t!: --f-t n : n n 1 .-, !:o T:i'ary t . j v rctnarl:ift : '! tho postr.ge on a bind Iliil gtepped b tt r f .ua !n.';'m.'' Itod forward and rnid: "I A ill pav the rtl c 1...1.U i:i;ni i.ae a on cprivpu 01 lie ,u,.MiMM.i a icucr, aii-i i-.uieu l:cr li.C reo-iiree .smn, r.hicli ski received with ev ident gratitude and pnrj-.iijc. A fur she left the kitchen another, traveler f-aid : -That is her game; ehe knew all that wag in that letter from certain marks that were on the outride. It was from a sweetheart in India, and before ie went o.T thev agreed upon foms ig:i !l.y which she was to learn if ho was well, piorpcron.?, and when coming home: an. I when a letter firought to Lcr she craluinct! tho outiido and kuows all that lo wantg to, l.nt mkei that cscupc when' returning it.n Mr. Hill w ent in Ruxh of j the girl, and by adroit (pief tinning, found Li fellow-trav-eUr's gnesst to bo correct. The girl alo showed Li:a Low she deciphered tLuHgns, telling him at tie Kamojlimc that the 'was too poor to pay the postage, ar.d that was the reasotAhc and Lcr j lover Lad agreed i:poath: plan. Fnub these fact Mr. Hill iufcrrcJ thnl e ICiuvcrnracct must ani.tialbjj bo defrauded by t-nch artificer -f large Mda?, find Lo begin planning a pys t. m-of fctainpa which wouhl pecme lo the (fnvcrntucnt a certain postal rtvenae. TLe rcnt postal fvtteni is1 the result, The eyes cf other f.dks aro lie cyci L11UV 1U1I1 US. Jf nny Lin ! va a enneert at Wali- a m.irk cf her reireeL o.l miiK v:c ta rr;j.Vf rnt polite intiutioni in tie IWrnt, Mr. Hll-nore. tie metnWni of. me, w.is considered pecnlLirly rpjTopriate f.r a cnr.rrrt where n Lea 1 of thy cvcrn n.o nt and a large number of both br.ir'i. of the legislative department were prercnt. At tho close of ihe firH ver? cbstcrV patriotism lK.ile.1 over, hecmld fit m longer, and r:fcing like Olympian Jove, he ..d led Lin deep, sonorous voire to the chorni, and perhaps never ia the whole cow? of Lcr career, did u ever hear or receive on-halF each rnplan-e as that with which Lcr song and" Web ster's chorus were erected. Mrs. Webrter who Kat Immediately be hihd hi-ti kept togging at coat-tail ta rco l.im frit down or Kt-p fir-ine;. bet it w.-5 r.n r.ce r.nl at tl.ecW.3r.? tacli vee V ebfter jr.-r-e 1 in, and it r.as Lar 1 to fiy whether Jeunv Lind, Webrter or ll.e a.idicnce were most del-jhicl. At tl e el I -so of lie air Mr. V.'ebtrr ro wi:!, h'M bat in Ids band, rod nmc mcb a tow n Chesterfield weal 1 d. cni a fortme f , r hi F..n, tn ! wli:cb cc!ipfe-l I)trscy bcit. .Jer ny Lin !, I IuL:ng et tLc dV !ingm..l.c l hanor, Co::rttsie.l to ,t ,f o,.r; ?!. an.Iier.-? apt I nt.'.l ty the-lh AVf ?t.r, .h tcriv.jiic I not to ltmt,;nni."ft liter.c sc, i t c;s?nc;ryyLWu coi:rtc. :cd, the Lor, rc-pplau K-I, its! ihi. tvas n.-pc7ited Dine timce. Cain's Yi'irz. Her. W'VAhn V. Ihti- ",lV"f,!; vnhifi-trti rTqnare M. K. Ch Uxh, w York city, In a recei t l4.t. ie.rn,vi.l: "L'f .V: 1. .5e n'lA-t C'tel ... a I swer w r.r mtn was Cam ifci That Cain had married there u no tlcnbt, ar.d tlcri v. as ivcrv rcai t sni a? I that'll? wcdlbg look .!ac tfur lie it.nrdcr. irnte t:ty that the l..i !0 u.a fh'.tr, a con. in, t r a rire, 1 e.t it n vs$. take 1.1 j-TppnM? tL.-.t litre were lot ir.o r Lire to;de in tie w.tM at thu iim .!'.;n r.t.-l I.ve v rr? the., ntij Lridrt) and thlrte tear M. If i't . ? W, ' children i::r.U t! crr j-i:!--f.i" h rrar. n leainv 1 pr a.Mii.m l.r.s ulruUUJ lluttl.o family hi I fit there I one Incited ntil thitty when At.el .'.-rd. TL thlldtca ! these eld! Iren n :M have r ctnbrre.! More than 100,00 X Tut if, c '. m-.re likely, Abel d!e. in I id otic linn ired end Iren'r l ighth yr.-r, the d.-.Tci hnt wo:M Live rcachc l the ee- nuoe number ef 4'.1,0C! from hom C".:u could Lave Ltd to calty ia chr.osing a wife. T-r? flgnres are bared i:p.n the upp ition tin Adam Lad only ijvo son. There n:ay Lave Leer, many ri:o.o, ik:th tie Lible tines not ruenti'.n it em. In that case ti c tn Labltantj c f tl.i .orl I may Lave been twice or three turns as mi ay. Vi'Lcre this wif erirj5 fi i: r.c .ta rot know. The record. ray he knew Ler in the hnJ of Nod, l. ;t that doe? r ot necesKaritv mean that he rjarried her there. This ,c;t:on of t..i I i-t"ry has 1-en unreasonably ic jectc ! Lcc.v:.-c of or.r inability t.i Wile the land nf I.'ol. It is cetUiti tint IVin r:i!c .! iwn thrre r.t..l livcl a life of violence, lending all Li cnnt.ing t-j draw Lis i;. ig'.b .rs into wlcke-1 wjvi. Vn.j a t:cr.T.n I!e:: cak rtonccc. TLe Lis'.ory of a ngJe l ean, r.cci l?nt. ally planted in a gardvn at .Soe.tl.l.zi Ige, Ma -, is tra-rd by a ncwrpaj ti cones- poml -nt, wlio jf.gnre! it pr.tcce f.r three years. The bein was planted in a rich, io.imy F..i!, and when gathered ia the autumn i:i y:eid, as counted, waj 1,515 perfectly -developed Ixans from a Firgla ftal'-. Xoiv, if a Mrgle bean produces 1,515 Liit:it, an 1 eac'a l ean prrduccj 1, 515 more, the hum t.itil of il.o second year's proIuct would Le 2,''CC.CJ5, c-rjna! to 1,1 95 rt-.uud, 537 cuar.5, ur C,o?0 army rat'r.f, vw U itj bnLc!s. TL:s would be tic product of tie second rear. Now, if we plant this product and tic yield is the um?, we Lave a pro 1 art r.f 5,?G 3,055,00,025 In-ar.s, ciua! ta 1.371, 00 ton, er 42,71,572 La.Lclit, or 54 V 75C,0 jS s-il liers' ration. Tic thirl plant ing give tie slc:uaslin Grcut lsis'crn JZ fell frcijlU. A Bot's MofrnLiMraooL-IIorsE. Tle Sanitary Engineer oTcrs a rcasrJ cf 500 for the lst plan of a model tcLol.Louc. Our Muall hoy will roUttt for tLat priic. His woikiog tmnlcl U cut yet ready, l.ul wc may Hate tlat Lis LLa cf a molt 1 scLool-Lounc is one ia wl'ub lie teacher never licks, nLtre it cos c:ucs five time a morning, vacations tvery other dav, ex amination i.ever; where all studies are elective and clcwiug gum is icMtp.I npn; where the:e is co education oflLesexes. provided tic girl ate prctt:', awd w trra i tWilOLE XO. 31.-5. . At riAlel, i lWttar, iWiilir. Lartwr.I, .-tv ri-ltr-two vr.r, tel.t Jnvflrr a Unr ;Afrf ;a ,Lk l(; the f.reat ,h1 t ln-w u Harris a.icrf--r;? Sir Hn Vn ,ilU!; rinhappjneM that lie wrt crxtv an f jr. t::rr.inr U ;!,.!, Wt all L.fn' , r 1 pTolal;ong in Uk. "IT I.nclMdi fngate at anchor in llef nn with a rcjtiet for to naval t-nrn, uppliel hlt ererylliV rrnitr.1 U the ctcbalroing proccf. ' One of iLt two prawns er.t wan a Tt of twenty year-, well t!oa!cJ r.nl fall ft ambition, and Le was rccr!rol on the U land as armtant snrgeon Tloma Cart well, lit and lit comrade LstcTio.l t asrift Dr. Antomarrbi. Aftoat I in tho afternoon cf Mar C the wotk 3. ln. The rorpM cf Nii!mn I. a Jif.l f,3 i m? ia m-!i ta.i tlw-1 the 1 " I tWr C, . r- in ....I . 1 .. . .. . ioi.ayci.rcfl Lis nr.ele. lie proo, , . f I 1 T ..... cmuaJa.irg wan t...t finlei wLent.i-lt r.mc aa i ir,icrrtipvi Jt, Ariotaaif Li atd Lu BfHsut,! aguJ tL,t tlecomp1 ji man be I"-:pot cd owil tl.e tet ttiAn.ln-. I Lry ..ctermine.1 to go U tj 1 frirme tletr frotl ft datl teak. Hrt iVredr- cm! tltj (Kfn)K-ror lly ith als tJo'l., which ih.y pntAfe! and ttsratrxt ;jcctin liyaid i prrtert pntitfir-tV.-Tlo vatiotiB ir.Teraal r.t8 tf.it alltn u morel mtV f !ac4' i tacil rtT 4 3 -e c j-eriting tkf.le. Tl 'tj lb tl res t:"rU tt tt.t la ll.ir tmt so i !- pit.frtjo 11 r. The Li! La'.dly r,.!. atl L'.ir ahcii Marrl-nd, ihe V,t ff lie V.v.t. .:, -Core :ff AiU A c'ru IS ill fro. l..v i.:ii in Lis ocifotm. 'ph, tir, tLc IwapeW LeaU La v u tateti l y be tn'r j a lne. The tfUtel waluff.: l i&lit, m... Tpey ,iV ut ifni ,iP ;, Vk'l la lUtdjtl kC 1lt f iU IHini rat Lai iirt i, auA finding the ije'ttfllc tOTKir ff Atskril .i i . . . . . 1 "i 1 a III .... r . , . , , , ,J, .C L.lf Ill'H.lJ JMj ,,J , M-. . . . .. ..... . . '""'"'("'"imwiijm IW i.m,U' y, ad :.ll i'.nt be vf,t I re She iti :-i,al.le !,. What ..! a.,,- to 1 d.ne? The ph-,. MC.Jt; lt j.ji. c t.MjJtel. It ::.! e fo (-..iici-.il ll.e abfccti"p cf fhe ga:i tl.n! bd l-c-H t-.en .pf tLe opr-t'a.lw.ti f r. I ... 1 .... . 1 ...!..- I fl . f wisjo-- kJj. ,tl ;u t eo.tri the trci lct.t was to etp.M? Mirthjnd r. M vere lebuke. an I tbe f !kw nns already wi el tied rr.oerh. A L-p,v iLo.iht orcatcl lr CI111. lf we ru!. alr e. I a fbeepV Lea it, I.e ug gt'.cl lo Ar.ttnat(Li jL rsccNite Ji- lho. All lie k r.tm prex-tit !.ke-l at one another nervon.ly, LeKtste-l, and licit l-gin to lanL together like f.ur Itmasii nngnrc Tbey tiri-Lnt.d t.uc ai.o-.lrr. Marchand ran tn o-i chirring frtn, lii!el a tl.f r;t an 1 l iou-lt lack its Lru wcrci at.d pnlpiiaiiu. On the text dsy, tLe 7i"h .jf Mr, An torr.r.rth: &tel Lis awiidAnt, ia ti e pres. cnea (.f General ibrtmn l and M. d Mon th don, f.ni.-lcd the embalming .fih 1'mjKrr.r, witlotit r.y 4-xius aia.ui f j't itt tl e I. 2 A f UrjVc'.ing lie r.lrT.tdi. nary jvif.i:.nm''c t.f tie tiihl lf.oe. If llcitcty letmr, inl if il . flluthel KnjrH'.! rT-tiirgfv.n cf I'loganl i t.ot j' li r, lie left f the !H ( p cf ?. 1L, r.al rr. been rtv'dng f.r ibim-iluf wt CLCtrlhf '..:- rf ile Invalids ! m Drayr.-.; i:ov l FaviLr. TLe to-. a family cf De-.ins.ik i.:e tm- gj.il, o,"d at llcrr.ittf.ff Catle, with lie exev-j u.n f TLyra, tLe joniiDL.f CjtMti wLoe little dmgltcr Ler Lme. TLe future Qicen cf J'n-lar. ! u ;ut. prrw of Rtift.ii, with lltir Lubm U tn I cl'ldrcn, are tgellr acin ia i5 ireh;M LccJ's Lome, which, thoi-h small croadci!, tLcy Late pnfcnel fur ibeir . it I o an other cf iLe tm-al r-idirr TLe tu rrinoefH Atexaodta at; I Dagf mar, in!te.l tip.n Liing tLe tt,e rv..:a aswLcntlcy wcie clil lrta, Lfi.ult tp tati lt r tie tetider eyes of tleir pareuu, l.nt in a L.oe cf ll.e n.! frtigI eLara4er. TLe cli'.duii cf the to ir:s Lave Viiy Ltppj together, an J ucder tie liu.e trees cf the avtti ja aro ftcti lo lc n tie King, and cu Li arm AJeitt.df.. or Dagmar, wLIlc Uf .ic t r Itliml -ratelj.a runs a Levy cf Leahly aud rovLtke-l cLildnn, j laiirg ttel b..slitgtij skieg naeMiaua auoui evcf tiiottg. la the 4ail r tltll lirt lie CAiiiagt . tie Lllel to lie l.tiu hh tH.iy tooth, and cfiro tie K:t.g li. t.f, UU tXectUtt mci, Loll tic u'luf. llewlodwa r,r.t lr.k ct -f Jf knoappotiLc ,,.,1,1, jf Xt() ti. tt.lii. .1 kbUtt tint tie imuc Ik-I where it bal dlH and place I oa a long narldc-iopi.1 m.t rtill intact wl.rn, in 1.'S, Xajn III. Wight with Covrrtitmnt ran.la the -r .a- 1 l (I V, - aV- ' 5111 low ac wj mcrj, m ot j caagU-ng noteato.-JRi WlB w llc CJC "J . V- .'

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