-.. I, ; ;.-...-. w." . ., - .- .. . :. - . "' t ' ' " ;. . " - . ' j . - ... . W la ft ' fl.j' f:A tj U jj 'MM'- 1 A mm 1 1 M 111 t 9 W- r : - A- "i r-7J - -- . ill '(dl':f Y . u !.- i f A, V Pi 1 I . T a. t J 1 i.-- Ik: VOL. VIL--NO.: L4J North Carolina Gazette. j . II . i v n o u e r , XrJlf Oi SVBHCRirilOKt One yer (in ulvnce)..;.. Hit months ' '. 1.... Ibre .1 3 CO . 100 50 ' HATES OF ADVERTISING: On sqn trc (9 liiitsnU.l nuopareil) oac (nst-rtlon $ 1 00 " " " " " two 1 BO " " , " " one Tiioutll 2 50 ' . " " " 44 i tinea 5 00 ' " I " ' Mx oa ' ' 41 ' . twelve isoo Loi;r i(4rrtisniriitx rUr?e1 in proportion Jo the .ift tjitox. Sii-Hal nuttves v!5 per tent, wore tliau rinUi-Itui tlmiinentn. Hcme Circle. c: i'.?.;;y '" JJrjfJc'n."- "Wltlro is Lilian, I wondrrr F.ii l Mrs.- h; ih i la v, rcfrrriu to her l;m!i- tiT. fit ie wejufd to iio Mx-akin to licr .little 6nn Aftor, w'iio tt'liavei exactly as i flic (lid nut hoar liH motl.HrV "qRsti.n, ii ri lie v:isi only t wo year I I aii'l h,i I nt leanu-tl to mulcrstuiiti anyloiyV remarks Imt liis ow.n; uulesx, to le sup', je-ple just iiM'iiti'Uie.l trairktMS; .Vstor'a f-i t ! foo.l; till'l tlu'Jl Vint siioiilil have p; eu la w polite ii n 1 utteiitivo Ik ,licc':tin ! i Tf Mrs. GliiirU'igh wisely; U. not v;it f a nn answer, hut went to the win. lit w and Ioo!u'l nit; aiul, iiuiee'l, lh--re wrif Li'idu fjou' awiiy frotu tlie house as fast as. h r feet eoiild euriy hi r. J - . "SIm-'h ifoinj; to Mrs. 1) intmnV, I ! flare, uml ju.-st lnc.iuia tliusi.icr-stoiui is foiuiuir up! Tint ehiU tines' chcii.-h tin ohl Woman woirieiftiily," nai 1 her u uhci . ( Ves, ruiuhle, r ruin'i.liv soi:u h'l t!ie tluuuler of u J uly lay, u it came ahui. the larkeuiui heavens;' ami on Liii -m ' fpt'tl, nuxioiiti t ri'uc'.i a certain sui.ill c'i ta'e a tjii ti lt r of a mile's uir-iunce in front of her. Ui.iu w as so iuV;;i I of tljimdi-r-ftorins that she h;il ouw tnWe'i lier- M frieinl, Mrs. 13 iMiu -in, if sli;' -was liu! nfrai't'of them aJs; au-l -.h, too,, h i n l iniltetl ttiat she ii I liu.l it I iVe 'iue when atinu wus In'tju;,' aho-.a tlm" tiuv walU of her h uiie. It tuTuis," if lie lia'l sui;!,-' raising Ii.t hamis tow ur I i!i;? rt.f, "as if ' this .here lioiise was ''oiii.' to U ' .cuTi'le.'I utf, like thuuirh, it war iiothiu' ''tiut a crmlle- in li 11 .;!" i4.i Liliiii h.iJ (iec'i le.l i;j lieT own liiili-t thai i.';tiua ii-, sliojil.l uever ttuy alotif in i " n ttie (Uiiiiij ti:iy tnore teuij'esis if h ei-u'd l; !; i. Well,. it you !uY U.e uf-ur'ft ii ;!; pitl!"Mii'l ti.ejo', i ij.ly, itlj her' C'ii.-!-iii. i-ie-, wLii !r.- Rtis-. eit-i L"ii.iRs kllOl'k at t!)C lottajre iltNir, hvA fci threw open aul ushereil her in i t ii r. Lenny l.i.'S. "I ws j-jst wo:ti-riit;-r if youi he coining w hen 1 hemti tie st-uii luewini; . i:t: tliiul.s J, tit , uh a , Lilian CLur li ih :u.l nurLe:hin lt ul littiHr l liavfi .ne hear this wliis'liu'' KU1 toiitJ liiul rninhlio' i:.i hanin all hy ii-e!l! Sit tlown, hi!-l, hioI le wthoiay to yu.i!'' As for Lili:iu, she hs'l hen hol uii'i &haw ) olf 'alrea ly iu the. most' luji:jesc-ijiie way, "lis uuy ii t: irirl u.i.;Lt Lae .who knows wLy !le ioe tiiius. '1M bevn meaning to eome thee two (lays," tahl Lilian, 'a:j'l iij tLe.ntoryi. nud I Lave Iiapix'tat! thififat r-.Oiie. (itue." Bhe Paul netU ' uti-iat !u.v i.,.vv ;,i l-io well laniiK lo rtifjtf w u -u Ur tU'ja . 4 lirlitni.ric .U.J. ' v,,l)io you w-w?;at t: Li'ar" vje fsj!al:i the lii tle cioiue ujovet"' at!iet! ' Mrs. lJos.t- man, niiliitg Ui;.iJ.iy uwr the r'ooliiu hbe was knittinir. 1 i "Yi know in Uet', i l Lilka. "I dmi't anyone w lio c.:i ii Stau.l it so w ell as you-iio; uu. I v-.e .h-etfH liiul it so henntii'tn! 1 1 Ohl Mrs. B .ftJ..:i went U ii.jelf, aa.l took her irrcat li'.'lilrt .fi't.u it, au.l ut!hr on hr sjKH-'ai-Jt-s sh sat down hy lls- txiinlovv in I'.er.ol.!-fas!.io:ie..l iliaiv ti rea l. She Inn! lilt .ojn'iie.l llie sieve i - look when a i-harp cU;i t f tLand-r s un-lf f very near, precetied ty in fi.ie-'.i f iich; fiiiiir, which spafkKvl in the room' like sua ihiup. "Oh, tler.r tije," cr'etl Li'LiO to : Ler frieinl, "I ran t hear to have you ' keep those speet::e!es on . your nose, for tLey , IV liuial uttlalts the elcetjii-itV; au-l vou i .iirht jjet a twinge, Mis. lotiuan." True, true," repliei'l hlie; "tin you use vour fresh vonti; eves, that thut, neeil iy.il il anywhere amar them, anl I'll knit while vou re.nl and I'Xplain jis von r ftlolii;. I woult! select tj:e Sermon .on the Miiint,ifl w ere, yon, this time." ' ' j 'Ves,' said Lilian taking the Uilde; nml then aih'til nervously, "hut -!e;;sc d..ui knit until the Tihtniu: is passed. You miht rct a jtw iitiTi in your fln-rs ;rou the s!ed neelU-s th: t yonM never for for I guess electricity in the wrong' hue is rT tVse than rheumatism." 'I espex'"rt you're right," r.dmitteu1 Lilian's ohl friend aain, Mini olieiientlv j rossetl her hands in her hip. "Bjit before on ict nut to read, Lilian I have gome- Jing I'd want to s iv to yen,' she con- inmd. 4'lon love , 1 1 1 e ' lihlef, hut VOU -an l know vet how nmcii cot i fort ami iielii it can he tn one who wouh Lave no snppoittr hrtt for its suhliine words. Bless ss- cd he that vcrv Bible vou hold, Lilian, lor upon it 1 never wept tears of despair lnt that I Knen wept tears of gratitude. Ami, my dear child, i b-becanse yu have liven the best friend to me in tlicp few last vcuia that I ,-hcv had, ami liecausc we have .found sn much happiness in read in?: this Bible together. 1 waut vou to uu deist and that 1 shall will it lo vou when I flic." . . . "Oh, Mrs. Boatman,'' said Lilian in a low voice, thank you with all toy heart. But yon frighten iue y shaking of dy- t, f L"r J feel as if yoa niust live as long as I do. -- ' ..- " ..j : ; , . n .-. ,.0b',y.0'1 fnV'?n me if von sav ach a thing, Lilian,- it is impossible! ex claimed the ofd lady. A lirefilled the room again, and a terrible -peaL of thun der drowiJed her words, while tke rain be gan to ponr apon the roof of her dwelling as if it wouht tli.d; it uke easy to come through the shingles, falling upon the floor and wetting, the &lread, hurtled heads of Mrs. B atman and Lilfan. "I think 1 had better trv to read a lit He," the girl suggested now, uj a hushed way, 4or I think Jthe storra is.verv wild." "ii.ea.1 out, read--01 Boatman hneh!r!g her chaii from the window-.!'; ; out, read 04 repliel Mrs. "a, bit away ' Bo Lilian began to read life EVrn:o!i on iue Mount, and evtrv i. s plauatton ...... ... uiji vo yu:;r KtlUS before men, to be teen (of:-theia; ot herw ise ye have no rewnr f of yo'ir" Father which ts iu Ilea ven," read she. H r- does not Mrs. Boatman chimed iu; "otherwise ye will have no re ward of your Father .vThkdris in Heaven K-r l thiiiti Ciii it means I that the reward 1-r doing a-kind -act coms ,jHt -a hen we are a-doi;ig it; and if we re proud et.o ii, to tell oi tu(. kiad act ose t lie rew .if !, i'ie.-vt'd feel!:' r wtiieii is a. kind o; in tLi heart. A hi;: s-ie went. U, i;lt!e iroyi h;f.s u Iveu uiy -lot to do f.'ir oth.T. either seertitiy or jone:j!y. I ' have'-.I.t en ailiil and poor. ., 'be sure, ;;:v brothe.f tjjii4t'aliu liK'i Siini? au-i he died undr );:oi:ey w ucfi ui f;i!, tiiiS v tv r-M. Hut you could never "s W i t tu J f)to toe al.i.ut it, Lilian., fv. ft Me to me,-'.U-.U;,r, l?l - ftooicv- .f ii. iue Sfl. 'i ve hid wi:ere you ii never idu-i nu5il i:r s i r'st need; but at. the -riht hour for a itrir.g'of iliui, unmey Fve hi i, i: will ..m,i lijti', -M-iiy, j ist as the ri'!tt s.-iiii '...' f r hdp log'atiy one iu trviS.!e Si'tn! :i stnrt riht ovt of the jikes ofjtho Bicdc.' Bo 1 iisve h.iv ' .. !. . !.:. i i - ... '"Hi H'-l-'f. Mini, X FiiVl it-.i.-.-e to iti'Cl it i-1 1 . 1 . 1 . .a- . - . .L . .. . -v r -.it .i ma iiii.r iiiiosiey oi UiMie Will lv m-st needed" u. n'w stringf," hvhispcred Uhi". "Iu' i l-tr,e mv h' .wan rtjfiit' tr h;d. 't.-o vou fj For 1 ihiiikjit souii is iikeiwisdon.,- to say tloit when tije-'money is most need-i ett it will be toun-it "I feel qnjfe sur;j- he .'Wis g0 i,' SH. S -li. b;;ii lij-i n, wtr-isiiT a.vr.v oe te;VS, a:id then iretijog t- put at tick UU J tiie stove to M. ;-p t ile the storui ',vai only getting 'wnkso and nre n it-, as woive.- J ,,-t as thrt .ier o'.d lady -held the irou.J.5,::stK of (he cover-lifter tn'lu-r Un M-ndy1.ii.it!f a jixxir an4 a "-wl -t-f;I to c-onie : right ojit-of tiie heuk id' the s'orm, so bright btui loud that ihiui-t, the tucfe shock of sijd.t. tnd s i:;i:d nUuei were what mde Mrs. HoatiUHU fa. IS to the. riir unciUisious, - while Lilian th itistaut sprang fron' Ler chair v.k! J saiui ii a cr f lirsuiav. "Do speak to mM. Do ronse vnurself !' s!ie ti Heo in toe ftitterl v as she hel dd lady's -ear, -weepii ii the limj. ha.id' in hers.4 But Mrs. BoatmaU had evhiei.tlv swoon- e '; and thonyfli Lilian sprinkled water on Ler face and bathed her Hps itTwa; of no use. Feeling certain that ,:roug4r resto ratives were necessary, she left tiie pro trik: form aud.raii home at her best speed. But, alas! no ine, " iH) chnttng,. ever brought old Mrs! Boatman; biiek to the' lile siie hud been jso radv to rive up mid of which great shock vn:ld so tasilv have deprived her. The little cottage becitMo ehsfd dndemptA-, nnd Liii.ur could only sit on fhe--door--tiie and the i tears for the lo4 of its inhabitant. She often ivad iu .her old frieu Ts Bible, w !.: !i lulv catue'to ! i'T, el , hieh the" loved ,uurt thia any of the Uiidcb she bad ever R'Cll, One H v, Uoti verv l ?:i fifter Mr?. Borit:::;U!s death, Lilian's father came' home w i; h., a'e.Sosj.ieil '.. f.-tee, and tdd his wife that Styles, the V:!!!'- slioeuinker, ha-. s; i:.jared his liMtid v.lsile tdiopoinir wod at he could not hooe 'Ui do ;iuv work f r sMiic I'.iOuths, and would perimps never recover the usf of jf. Starv.-jtion was at great I'ist.-iiiCi? from his yoanjj fatuit v if the Litter were the case. And Low could the-village! farmers ais'd -r.ieeh:i:.ies give much from .('heir scanty supplies to ward raising a fu'd to bellp.'Stylcs-tbrooli 1 .' ... - .W hen Lilian went np stairs to b?d s "pondered a lotiir time ovtfr her old. Bib and ihougjht thatJ sheTiight lie pcrn;i:te.i to know Of some way to h lp th- Khoe maker, i since she 'sympathized with in's ilislress as much! as any one else. She wished she k,new where Mrs. Boatman's biotlher II pliraitii had hid that money of bi; ! and she . beg:i:i to look over the iiv ieaves of the Sacred book to see if he h.td written upon them seme direction for Ru ling the honrdi All or.ee it occur red tivher that (the heavy -leather covers of the Bible, which were pasted over in side with white paper, felt rather soft there, as if they were padded. Lilian's curiosity led her; to slit the liniiir-paper" of one, of the sidesj and as she held it up with her finger she started from head to foot; the Bible cover Lad been stripped of some of its inner leather. and now held a bed of bank-notes! She drew them out, one after aimther, with shakinjfcfingers, and her eyes shone with joyous gratitude. Five fifty dollar tiank-bi lis were there ! She examined the other cover and to Ler astonished eyesjwere revealed live more bills of the Fame value as the first. ; She did not think of sleeping, nor of sitting down to. wonder at her fortune; nor did she go right to her father and mother. Her mind was 'jraade up that Styles, the ijinfortVinate-shoemaker, should have Eph raim's gift, left j for the most needy, and she did riot care to tell even Ler parents . .... 1 , - V wahalw.aii.di-uted to listen to w ex- Ujhh the white windoa-d, i.. u ..., Published by I. H ltyrover, Ho,: G, i that ehe waa aWt to ;do what she felt snre ; they would approve. She took a piece of common brown paper and folded op the bills iniiy: Afteriuaking a neat package, over wLich she eiuiled as she folded it, site took pen and ink and wrote on the outsrde in -her chihl's hand: "T:is money has been found for tho' nse of John Styles, through tLe Guineas of Crod, and; , given secretly. 'Take heed that you do not your alius before '''wen, - to ho seen of them, otberwiseye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven." .' .' ' . -. ' - - - -r- She Jmt on her poke-tKr-.nt and her lark summer: liight toward tho ehoe- the shadow of poor Stvles. w h w-:i w:n- denng &ho;rt his! riiiu,iliven almost fran tic wish the question v IKit was to W- come of Lis helph'ss chihlrcu. Lilian laid the package of money upon the door- sill as if it ha i. l.t'eii a May basket in stead of it sjo iH fortune; " and then she knocked and'llew away us fleet-as a bird. No one, she tiio.itglit, wtmhl ever kiiow how the uioin y h:.d , iicen wiit. ''Hut the next Sunday wheir Ll!i ui went to church and tat s0 quivtly a-nd Mdf-f.i etfoli v in tfse pew, as was her wont, vou can im-igiue how s-t.-iiitt-d she was at tlse etid of the sfj-yievs when jhe' old minister aMresse-i a few woi;!s to the whtde cfi'Tcation to ,kA!;.",4r yon, if -there is one who has by Divuie, iiiterceion ajvompMslie-l a tlved of generosity in the past week, iu a manner i.f secrecy Co:umeid-tile an 1 of :t nature nu.-t -devout and huui i'e.-. I w-w.' I y tjo' that; oi:e aiydng you, brother -r s'ttf, it. is the ii-site of one t-l w! 1 vou hnvej Ui-o light pe'Mce' ami l.appjiiess where' dier was anguish, that you should cn hde to me, tin- tofitual .fiieud an 1 pastor, yotir .name. Thus -'through me, tl.ousfli n-'t kuawiog your name, that one mav give you th inks wiiid blessing.' Liiii!! was wee bin when the afd n.i.i. tfter 'stopp.t, gi-ii:,-M .mi everv sid e w il h h tK'idgu su.ile. SiK' Hilwerti hisaoo-al tti'xt rierri(-Mi toward sutidowT), -with, the dd. Bible etrdi-r her arm. Si.e called at tiie minister house. He ha 1 a 1 OeautitUi i gan.fii of iiowersy in w hicli he was moving around, looking fiit ' at one fiomishihjr spot of various bright colors, and then at another as eiiehxuriugj He was verv iniK-b surprised to sec Liiian with the targe Bible, w bote nam-, in great gold letters, g learned at him from quite a'dis- wain witn usi sail oe. Then Lillian told her story of tits poor woman sl.e had visited, and how the lii hie iiiid be'tl tieOueathed to hers'd." un.l A " . I ' 1 1 ' eij the miiir-ter tho stra?:ge lod'o ved .1 , .. covers that had held the hidden 'mouev; and to!d id:a how she mHuage.l to ke' p I . .1 -1. :er giil t) t i:i'iieii sti'K-ri;i er W iiotty ? . .. . , - - ... . .. ' T?'" -1 1,1 ,lelt . Im 0,,Q' Uirit Mie uiigrii Keep v:ituaii' tue command ments given h-Christ."" "louureso like ue of-the angels," said she to ihj oi l mitd-ter, "that I don't feel ba.ily to tt.;uk 1 had to tell you how' f trisd to do right ! But you must not give me any th auks or blessing, as yon said you should in the pulpit, for you are so much of Msi angel, I think and .they never speak to pop!e, saying they've done as they ought, though I think they make one fvei it"' " - Tiie minister looked hard at Lilian and st etued to U rcliecting about Ler hard, too. At last he pbieked (stoophtg low aol stiii'y to gather theio) a tiaiei-'nl of blossoms (.f sweet alvssuiu. lie gave the fragraut bunch to ihe child ami fuid : "I will never teil: but When, you grow to be a w.mi.-t, Hiid jK-rhaps Lave childreix t I'ling up isto g -od men and women, vou must tell them ! Your little" story would he an imvidive to kind deeds." An i it ea'.ne n!;o:it that thi ood t'v'eti L td it ? tliVcts years after it catae in to exi.-.teneo,. which is often the case w ith p'-ich an itutiiortil thing as generosity. KiiRDRF.ssiKG is Paris. Three styles of hairdres.diig are no'icejable. For slender, oval faces the "ti'ack uair is tied high, tAO thick braids (each plaits of three) fall in two loops; the front hair a waved fringe, and a cluster of three pnlfs is pinned about tho -looped plaits. The L::h ew:iiore is adopted by the possessors of full, rou nd faces; the back hair is comb ed up from the nape of the neck, and. that on the temples cointiel back to meet it. the w hole being massed in two or three long purl's; the front hair is parted in the center: an i faU.s in half rings at the fcides. The third fashion is the simple classic head-dress, with the Greek coil low at the back; the front, hair is simply parted and waved, and the bck hair firmly plaited in a tress of three. Very little hair is required, but the head should be finely-shaped, as the outline is clearly displayed!- Daik tortoisUhe!l pins are w orn in lair 'hair, while silver ornaments are preferred by brur.es. (Natural flowers; are more w orn than artificial ones, and some young girls adopt a flower, and introduce it iiito every toilet where a flower is ad missible. Daisies are the ruost general; mignonette in large clusters affected in even costume by certain Mondes, End pansies are selected by those who wear corn, ecrn, mauve and mastic-gray dress. In matters of conscience first thoughts are best; in matters of prudence, last thoughts are best. ; ' . True wit is like a diamond; it mav sparkle, , .. . ' but never surnesj is worn but never wears. Miawi, mid managed to iUy out of the house unnoticed; luid, asliappy as a' fjueenj she Lastrne-d through tho beautiful hilf- s'wn ai'i,i'iiH"i tn i -1tBr. v,.;.ji . "i, .. ;.. ' f i. .. ii It . . . " IUIiMV L n I THUESDAY, . JS'Op.IBER THE OLDEST CITYiN AUBIC1. The streets of JyV "tine, Fla., are ftU very narrow,' nistf tT'em beinp but twelve, feet in width! t'le overhanging balconies nearly niW:i; iu places, which was doubtless a gre:it ronyenience to the old Spanish residents, v iA could chat and shake Lands wiilr -tifr tighliors across the war, r.r stab thi:cir:ih eqnal facility shoull. circumstances' . f'jfjr such a pro ceediug. .'A hundred- yra or ni Ri- horses or vehicles wcrtji .U allowed inside the cwy gates, 'lli g -rdcua are well stocked with a .greasy .riety of tropical Fruits, iueiitdit'gief:f limes, oratces, ;neta's,- gS, -banapnl V-!tm, citrous and mnat.ates.i.ie we piln, grows V 'V-M pomegr.Hi.-ites. ;JL AVe . grows IW Cllllj os at) 4V"t oi..h iiw,'a Mm.... cli!onierat- 'finf -L.. kuV sand. fiiud in large trum-iira n AtKiNtasi.i island, at ihe entrance oT. IhUuifl.or. The ancient fortress of V-jan Marco (know n since the change of l.g at Fort Marion) deserves more thuVa passing n..tice. It w ;is constructed by-dav s and convict labor, and was a hundAl veurs iu buibiing. It was coi!ijleted in?."iG. Its castellated liattletnetits, its flrmil.ible fi ctions, with their . frowning Irunr.; it. 1 .fty and imp-udng sally port, t rourJed by the royal Spanish arms; iisliioat," its drawbridge, its Commanding lli.ut t.w er, and its masive moss-grown jails, all portray its auiiqnity. Within Its Walls are ghiouiv vaults and dungeons! A sub-t'-naiii an passage is said to coii ect the fort with a neighboring con veil. Ati ieu!. I.artiallv dismanrle.' '.in.lV'ir !! purposes of defence abandoned f, ' I . - - . r . ...a vtr, i; furnishes f.MiJ for f-ncv an. t!o'. 1 J... 1 I i o i.nii i.e'i ver.rs in luui-nri"" mar.v hotftess caotives fmto at- I " grew gray iu if.s const root i widj dying ey s gazed upward iss tt.e ll, Ktl. at tne t ni-tssive, ui.tiiiishivt w:ilts on wl a Buc-J eve inig ' geueraltons should sicken and die as they . L.td il an 1 r a tm-ir hundred hon,.; ss ve.ars v dra-red bw l-sigih over the w iiiterles earth be- "V 1 " nni.ieii. l i.e architects who .Lar dvvised jts cor.r'r :c siaa '..'.re .ib-ad; tV-se who i.t-l l.xid Jt I'oind.dions were forgotten, u 1 cv. n Sir necessity fir Kuch an u inirrta kivg ha 1 veil t.igli p 1 away ere !ie last st.mc was k: i a-ad the 1 il.-or i'f q'centr.rv com pleted." Althotigh. at pt sent hrj. : show town ajel city of boiiiding-hoiis-cs, St. Alibis tine has been the thixtre of many Lis-torica-l events, and ihtr scene i.f nnim r-mn w ar?, sieges and m cre. Founded bv J , j- 1 fT'i the Spani.trds in l.riJ5, it yas a place of iri4.Tw-;tl,;iii r"oi I'jl.'t iv;v- lan.-.ed , a t' Ti y r,.? g uiae. rr 'A- - ciutnry sfterwar l.ts narrow STretts were tilled with life n.l actiivity, and the p ipe.ktion wiihiti the confines i"f its wails lived ami died, and bought s:n 1 so'.!, for two hundred years L- f..re the. Declaration of Indi-peu deuce. The old cathedral, with its T'iiime of n.-ty bell, and the plaza in wl.ic'i tie remains of the Spanish ma.-ket-bouse are still to be seen, form interesting .features of the qu.-.int little city; and, takeu as k whole, there is noth ing to compere with it in the Uuitcd State. ' ' Stick to thc CocxTitr. TLe Rev. Dr. Deems, who is editor of tl.e Sundry M'fj2iiu, pastor r.f the Church of Stran gers, in ew Ymk, and a great favorite of Southerners visiting that city, Las as much .experience with strangers com'i-g to tbeVi'tv as any man can possibly de sire, lie is a pr.ctical inani.fbn ii.es as well as an eloquent and se'uohirlv preacher, and never fails to give the most sensible advice'to tliose. who' seek it. He warns tho aspiring coui'tryinan concern ing the golden representations so fre quently '.made as U city life; and crges him not to 'crowd into the metropolis un less Lo has a prospect of remunerative work. In the Siv.d"j ZTngizic f.r Octolx-r he says: ".The fact is,', there is no place iike a great city iu which to achieve a great success, but nules- a l'l.nn have some money or much brain and great tact, the city will crush L'm to death. Tiie vast city is attractive. IVi-rle Sock from all quarters. There sre ten 'applicant for every place. There are st least 15.000 adults in New York 1-etween whom and starvation there intervenes only the help iug Land of p;:td;y avj, private charity. These people can afford th work for al most nothing. There are buys here w Lose parents must support them, and are will ing that they shall work far a dollar per week rather than do nothing. Strangers must compete with them. Advertise that you want a clerk for 10 per week, and the police will be compelled to guard your door from the tLroug that wi-il come sweeping tip at the hour.. Advertise for a boy, and ir.cn will come in platoons, sometimes gray-headed men. If you can get the use of a blind mule and two acres of land, do not come to New York. Do not come withost money to-bring vou and carry you home, and keep youWitil you go home. If then yon have a trade or profession, you may succeed. . It is no joke to lie thrown penniless oa a vact citv." . A Dreadful Threat. : JI. Dclannay, the distinguished French actor, one even ing left the theatre with the MS. of a plav called "Vcrcingetorix,' the name of a patriotic Gaul of Caesar's time under his arm. At, the corner of the street lie was attacked hy a foot pad. "Rascal F exclaimed, the actor, promptly, "if you nre not eff I will break my 'Vcrcingetorix' over yonr bead F The thief fled instantly in great, dismay. ' iiospie Straet, Fayotteville, N. C. ! 0, ' 1S79. AN AKTFUL Y0CXG 31 AX. Three pretty young irls walking along a Richmond street toward the depot were caught in a undden drenching rain, and were nnlnckily 'provided with only one w baletiono and nlk covering for 'their heads. The narrow sidewalk made it al most impossible for the three to walk ubreast, and consequently Jone of them who was address.l as Anni received nil the drippings of the umbrella upon Lfr unselfiah head. A gentleman walking just Whind them noticed this, rd tried, iin.ibtnisivel v as possible, to Mt hert uhh ovtn. or .1 block or two ?he ignore! the nt- tempt, hut waCallr f4,I, in mlu ..didw Itl;. .cniUrrhd iixi It brought np, ri'el nnderstoo-Fty-i V.'.. v.nv l ike Jt dr ititu nf he slmiild in any LtS courtesy to tie ioioerliiienr nn.t t.tt of ra:!n r a i iischievotj tftrtilof mind, lv waited until he caught berj eye, a t, hxiked shyly up; when, ns-nming that far' look tu tftcn Ptn n yIP deaf nnd dumb, h p.ithetierillv torn h I Lis fiagcr to Lis lips and .-hook Lis head- Ti;e girl looked so itnnn nUly reiieve-1 that he came near l ie j-hing right .'it, c? peci illy as, w hen he antiouui -, that he w a speechlcs-s, hhe sho.ve 1 that f!.e wani'i !v ipii. lly obs ring to im'.. i.f .er fiiends. "Oh, Mary, isn't it l-n b i ) f ihU hands young man U d.stf and duiu'.t !' Mary thought it wa, and wondered Lo v Le ever got ahmg iu h wmM, and m i. h to the amuMie:.t .f this knight .f iu" umbrella, the three proceeded to dis. cus hiui irl-fa'.ii.ii, Rtid frpia the col .r of Lis eyes to the cut of Lis clothes he was fully criticised; "Annie" deciding f,aT, ns a hatband, he wmild be s-tt'1 rrinxh". -never sweanng, never sodding, luaki:" i : .... i w' n V.'heti they reached Jhe station the thr( irls siuih.sl and "grimncl ttieir rr:iti: le; when, to their prof mu I horn.r, the M.urh, wilL a swe;t Mnil, raie. Lis hat, remarking with painf.d !i.-t:ncttie.s, that he "a:n very happy t l ave len of service.'' With a Mippnssed fhiiek, the merry mat-H r:;-:."d nt the butlliu v. l.i'.t; tlo Vo'lth ilepaltf I w l Merry Ma! h-n and the Tar." The Lite in I'tivrr. In e m' jMirtiors .f I - pt the women r.ve not nllowed ti tru out of ihnrs, and r.iany of thsjta never get beyon.l the walls .f t!o-ir hotiseii. The rows flei-p in the sauu huts niih the j eo- pie. 'I'heff bins are made t-f mud, i:l:- cut windows, and Toe ihi.rs itre Msta ill ttiat th" nnd r is how the qde get in. They do Hot w.-h their babies ttil they are- a year old, because it jts cond It red ?71r ' r 1 ' V- w , I . UlA nirrfn.iii montfk tt v"St.A.i - ii.iir'chiei nvsil i at suusv;; the rest of the time they eat at a piece of bread w ben jtliey are hun gry. TLey never nsr plates ir ktdvi s am! I r.;s. All s".t arjitnd tl.e dable nti t!!i- Bread is their daily fo l, and t -u u f imily m ikes for its -If, as it i a kin I .f dsgrace to Ixiv '-street Tur-a a." Til- wo- men dean t!:e, corn at.d caifvl it on t!.eir Leads t mill. It is undo into thin, uu ill cakcs, stui-k against the k Hi I an OX ell, and baked iu '. than a minute. A hun dred loaves are uot too rn.-tuj for a family of four in a week. Traveler are usually expected to eat three I on ves 'apiece. TLev make butter iu a strange nay. A coat- skin half filled wiih milk j is hung on a p' sr, and then a woman, taking L..!d i.f a l-otg string tied to it, jerksj it to and ft.. ti.! ie i. utter comes. J hei she drains it, but iiovrr wjsl.es cr salts jit. Their fa vorite di.-h is rice cooke 1 wk!i this butler. (.tni-S AT. A DlsOH'NT Inf inrici'le is still common cording to a tni-siomrv's 1- ix India. in India. e. !er in the (jli- frmr, notwithstanding, the dTort .f a special judicial h partt iet:t re-ited to Sup press it. lie r-ijs as the refe.lt f Lis per sonal iilierv.iti.iti : "(duly jgir's areiaur bred. The infant is destroyed in tin room where it is Iw.rn, and jthen i buried under the floor of the s uiie roti. ():i the thirteetith day the village riot calls, and cooks and cats LU fi I in the suae room. This is cotisi !-te I a burnt otT.-ting, and by thi act the priest takes all the t-iu of the murder upon Lis own soul, and the f.iiuily is free from it. As f-mn as the b i by is born its month is filled with the milk of the rub asciipiisj gigantea, and then it is plastered ver with ian I. Jin pirati.m is impossible. Vhen the (itt girl baby is wrenched away in this brutal manner the mother cries M:d moans nr.d grieves a good deal, but af er Laving lost two or three, she nets used Ibi it and m-.k' s no resistance. After t!ie murder and bu rial and burnt offering, thtj parents agiti occupy the room ami receive gitt s!s in it as usual." The rtHjnireraent of a dowry in order to marry off a daughter is the thief reason for tLe practice. Napoleox and the Actomato:?. When Napoleon came to Berlin, the auto matic chos-player w as furbished up for his entertainment. He playetl against it iti person. His contest was marked by sn in teresting circuiiistauce. , J Half a dozen moves hail bandy been played, when 15o tiaparte, purposely to test! "the owcrs of the machine, commit tin I a false rKive. The automaton tawed, replaced the offending pieye, and motioned to Napoleon that he should move correctly. Highly amused, after a few minutes the French chicfagain playetl an illegal move. This time the au tomaton, whhout hesitation, snatched off the pu ce which had moved falsdy, confis cated it, and made his owrt move". lbna- parte laughed, and for the third time, as if to put the patience tI Lm antagonist to a severe trial, played a false move. The automaton raised his arinj swept the whole of the pieces off the board, and declined continuing tne game. a . ' FOLLO'.TISG GHXCUIL riCKLTT. A danty, grizzly, crippled rnan f fifty, leaning a good hire of Ui weight on cane when be walked, rat on the post .f fice steps w Lilc he ate a dry cnt f Ut a I. He was nibbling away, trying t find the soft .i"lr, when he l.M.ked np an l nw that tie wns watrLM. Say, Yank, do ynu call tUi long!, f he called out n he rhewed aav. "Well, dry l.na l i.Mi't m u, a meal," was the nnrAer. Tli:it's ifci; but when furious nrVlow and the comm"-irv wnge.i in the rear I ton ve got t fi',1 cp on the W-t yr,-i L3c. ttniH-rn ca'i.i-j-i .nt i..n-..' .r . rr bre :d r.nd water f.-r n uLole motith " 'doing aejwLereP tl rrcken. Fin alias oruewlar' nrd r.rTrr r'ttr tha. , 'FJt.drr; 'I "rail it ra'tht n,. L. You fee I g..t UatAt! by bar.l times, nr.. I i atn ch tti -ttig my banc. 1 m I.N.Vta" for lisiu' TTo.md ton n wi-tch ! f..nu n tirw lut:!e line. I've mt a broth et fut l.cn. iii K'-iit ctMinty, and I'm maichiu' that wav." "You were in the nr 7" Wasn't I I Citi't I hiui r:r evrt and se jit l,o tlel;er l Tiekett .vkVl wt.-n he led US j Till Vour sntoti I cof-x doirt &t ('cuvfburg i.i. the 3-1 i f JuH f Wastu it bdiu d.iAH lhar lL.it .lav? Vk"...f but. Low o:..; i f ii g ,t l..jrk btl.tn i Wright biiga 1c alive i iarvu I kiu u:i r Sn you wcr. nt.dcr I'i -kctt F "iiig'ht under Mineral Ticket!, and I kin n e the lay f the gr.em .u th .j ,j.av ts pi on as that Vie bss. If IM I in ly ing back lind.-r the W igms.tha dav 1 wouldii t Lev gt two bu.b t in t(!cf nor bin jible with a b.ioat-t. I rd, Jf an ger, but I thoiigLt I was a g .tii r in that Ji jLt! I can't talk aln-ut it 'ihuut tLt'.ls nieep:tip tuy back." lcs, U was hot. II.it! Well when 33 men out Vf a company of 50 are killed dead, and six r.f the other levcti 'A oniidisl, you may r.-ckon 8oii).-lH),Iy was trying t Lntt we'uns! It was:.lut I nc! ic t:i th" afternoon. AW our guns had tern lioou.ia awar tl r. e Lours to break the Fed centre, and ritk i tt'r.as to !: 1 i: a$ a rtormifig ptrty. The regiments fill ia like clck wot it, hiti id ths leys lookiti awf::l y.b:ie around the ciiliT, and no oi;r l-tit the t.fT.. rs hK-akin ali-iye a whispi r. We kr.PT we were going t charge ti;! p:t" and t J I vets behind thetii, and th-it I. Is .f were goiu over the-li.mc:sbirg ni 1 to ...y th ir f. rcvr. Wah ! but 1 crawl Un I think -f it ! He tossid the crust ae.ar l-. of coutemt t, grarped l ist cjne wuii a firm- VicKt '-it ','Vt'r, and btb'.iftts Jrre FiTt! grew's nten. Attytitjon ! Forward! An! we wa nt t! :nn in rtt -tdv It. t r, cvrrv e n- patty lire- ! r.s if on parade, and ce-- b !y waiting f r the ball to n. Bx-i'i J B.o:i ! Y-tun op tteil i-n n with forty cat.ticut, an I all Uii-ming at n:;cr, tr..! it was aw !nl, sir, to Lear tho H-reatuin r.f grape and cat.ii.r. It tore i.o-u to pj.e cs, and m"..i t!iir 1 Joo-l p'ir.in oi all ides. It t.x.k .ir b g and arm., and the "or fell a fhii ki-d out ill igot;V. March ! March ! and by an I by we tu-lied at the g:i.s with a yell. lUhir.d Yin wire the lid? pits, an 1 l-eyoi. 1 were line of blue .;x .r igl.t din-p. S!-!i unt"tn and shrli k ! Stranger, I l litve I gd just as near obi S:. tan's ln-adq'iartcts that day as a live mu can!" 'An 1 yi.tj wue diivcn kirk V . "Yes; but the groiin f a covcrr-.l with dead t.teii ftrft. TLey hr thar i.i bertp.. We Im I ui Via jm we m.-gr I up and Ml I ack, f.t; I ll. we itided, il.iven to i;) J- t.ts, cjugl.t ti our Icgg cr if ruck at n a we went past. Wo were Ata-ig the r-:ns whin I get tie bulh't in th fhouhb-r. Down I wir., at. I 1 gi t th: iu t!. l-g. I was has gi;i bi th? w!. tl f lh gun atol paliia n lf q, when som-!... Iy ibnckl j luyot et i:...i t-.e, at, 1 t!.at Jai I ue, ar. 1 il at i:ig:-;!. l f.re I gl nat." A tid i. iw V "Well, I di.t.no. I a;ui .f tanc'a sc c.vir.t. l u. ti)l? f.:t!.;:i' will turn up by and by. Fi i taaribiu on ti rce my broth er, and like csouh IM gi iato C-t;:p oat thar." "And f rgtt your battles P 'Forglt ni.ll.iu! Xn us in 1 we un are all right tow :.. thin iure toetcr come U-twien us, but I'd rather bsc this riht arm, than to f..rglt lux fjincrsl I'.ckttt I. ..k. d that day as five tLouaj.d IJCil bt hiud Ll:J l.ntched b wn lt death. If e fought .;i the Union : !e Fil ditide Mt crust villi ve at. I give the blg't-st Lalf of lay bed, but . L n yoq keep tcp with a man down the ji c.f d. t,t!j, cu 1 gi buck alo-.c, if y.u ever forgit Liiu ye ar a wo'.f! That's n.c, h ranger, ot.d cow altcnti n; file right, march !" the six wn-) xete2 Maxr. In the fitly patt of the late war, wh n en. (Jrat.t was in command of tho a:mv before Yukshurg, a nitalH-r of .n'c;s were gathered nt Lis Lea iqutiJers, luieg a pleasant &.:al lime. One T ihetu in vited the party to j ifu ia a cil gla; all but one accepted. He ckrd to l-e excused, saying that be "never drank. The hour passed, and each went Li way to Lis resj-r-ctive command. A few days after this the c Hirer win declincl to drink recti ved a n tc frota Gen. CJraut to report at Lea dqurtf ts. He obeyi-tl the order, and va i--i:i ia tic presence of the genera!. (Irani Mrs to Lim: Yon are the tiffin r, 1 Wdcvr, f r their acpiaiutancc was flight, ho n- mitkel tl.e. other div that v"i t.r .-r drank." The ofiL-cr to'.vlv atiat-t that ho ma. 'TLcn, c.M.inel the t o a r rr- I "tking f. r to l.'.Le t ' ' rary drpartrrirrt, nr. 1 , r : detailed la thiit ! v. ' mnntrr fait If ally t;r";il !' t at, r.'id w .ii l.ono.V. v . . p3el, r.i I (,'r-rt 1 . i t d.-nt. TLe .fTcfr I d ' ; , tie duties t f riv.", J,f, t Jt, ti Icat mt c!ictiLcl ti -k . " rr. 1 The Irotjlde ca tie !-: Texaoind Mexico alor g tl.. . . rttrv:iN th. ftttctiiioa , f C -cfata;r.n or5crsl t a . . fa: t I feprt, I'm;:,-tcmeralw-rcd ! r tJitU , .(U, atid ap; ir.'el.ifn ck ...t . f The place 2 Cftpf-. t if faitl fully cp the wr ' ; tt.t f. :. tattt.-l 'Mi.a c-1 the tlc' t r ! ft . the e-jM"u.tat.r. t f a ; -t.;i 7 oanr-1 an txltnrn'e cattle if. 1 Soi;'l.,r;i Texa. That acr:it.tanrs in. ta jirc-i c..t,j !ftic, a ft. I, tcari afi-r, hq lb" Texas cr' the an hi !..l f. 11 .i f jticbc, Le placed it in lie bands f L ttis.n who 'i;rver drank," ac I daring the t?t taof.tb L L. f ffcirl.l a .lr. t a V.t company, f the rr.ch c.f rOI.OOO a res r ! land an I t-rVtral fhoti.it.d l.mi r.f cr.tj!e for an I Vrtl tui'l'ion cb.Ilars. nt .f nlt't h be g-r a cmrniit that t a sMtg f .tiue in !hc.e bard fi at . The o-t ipiey that 1-nr' t will c-Ktrr bitgrlr mjm.si pirkir.g lf f,ir fo:ign rttnlt tdvi;Lnri:ig their t;irat f, tLrir ratcl from their an bcr !. The apn-iatca. d r. -e f ih'-ir btf lurn hit Uta tnlrrl to an I accepted I v the mstj who 'rrrrr drank, pu i he - in a few !at fa Lis rem fji-M c.f S.r. This take, tram f,"i:-.:g.i i.n of Lt-r r:ift rs'.ctru-d aa! h iti :c l cilizeft:, but it gtCI OJietoTrXit who wij alaaMi be fontid on the t'le tf idtr and good gatcttitucrJ. ir was ix crssii. A tnrrtr-rion dinner r-arty a rt'ea s .rje .hort tuae aga, by atttddctly gentle man in Hotel Dcmuth, at St. lV:etWg. One morning the rs.:lciuan ia qoeiaa c.Be.l upon Jlr. l'snrM hcr, the mnrr of the Dcrnnth rcs'.atirinJ. a. I or.L tr.1 bixnti .t: tepast T-r idx, of wl t l.im. sf-2f, made out the iu.t,t M leriitig f.-t.ti ihe. wit.e carl the c.:li.t ,itiigc. ftskr-d for Eti fs'.imato c-f th. dinner's ef pai I :l.T.t i.iit t f the bid iaslvat.re, and tr- j -.r-'.ed that rvc-tv thing t-hoabl 1 prr par -l for the ri.ti M .trstnet.t r f U gt.c-ts it 7 ..br-k f rif iIy the ,rve' -"' :. At lh-tt b'.ur be rt.Uttvl tl. ttn rcstrvr l for 1 is I a: q act, and tk Lis pllre the l.i t , f ihe table. "p the c-hb r ts:o r-;w-cirtl iny.'.rr, "alvtli-r be t trU A h. i.i. 1 h, f -'i.r.Ml.f.lhwr was q ii:r rraJC be r p'i. I, "I'l'y ... til k,! J A x f-.-p be irncl f..?!Lvt;hr Br bicx ! '"" t-epTi-l th. ..t7.tl-d tt odt,ts t!i-r pr-w-c-li- J to l.!p the al-Mtt: nr:i fa ct;f r.ftcr e .ntw. k-ii!. f 'l v .... a plau b f .:. the rtupiy thir, t p ar ing out j'frtr. rnto. Vit.to the gioapscf Claw ttati T.r-l Uf.4jc. rul .t.:t.t :cJ pa. Ti e C'l-skrtiM and Jrat.k C pi n!r, no atel anon c!;ukjr.g li g'ai. r ag dnrt the L.Ii iI.-m g ddr! t'zr nj.ti the laid to Ids ri-Lt a.d l-ft. With the round ,f th.-.ti.pagt c Le r 8 ttsd toadr a nh to bi ima;iaary friends, ff.cu the trn-r.f abhh oratiuti the aitrn SaJhrrj-Uhattbeir La i Utw rt.gigisl ,a attca.rjt g to t.i. agios Jot- ft.ee !e fun t. WL the ratJ-aa bad ctr!a 11 his trm ul t.-jiti vrt.i fhjo-a h tl r c'.-A-leg f -r n!:-.y, djiinel the c.t.tcf.ts .f IU gla, an I I all ig la Mr. VtW. x h-r, t h.il . I tlt am.xe.1 bincri ia.iM Id 1 ! v the bdloau g pha.tjy Matc-uir-fct : ""rA-lsr I f'li'. rate lay jotful toccting njtlrrjf t-cltvc-1 ii 1 aii . my d.-ad if", daagt. tr and iLnc tt"o t f vhotu Ml in th Ist carcji.iga. I r. .t W aft. l;Iata to iid. It Li 1 r.e m a pur of go to spend ltd, happy Lr i-r k i;ltt-r fj'..i!y. You tut I -k f r t a&a3 this d.iv ta.'oi? t.o:.;h. H i-x lix ; IUvc I ro I.tvrr It is cot cAriy one who ak Li;-.sr!f ills q -r--lion, Is-rji.,.-, trangcly tnots-h, it t th WI c-f i't rron lhat I ir Jic-a it ta exnpti otii'.Jy lcnglhr. Hoartrr, !i V &stiiace cotapatiics are aa are c f the crc !ulon weak cf those ! lit c ihy asn:c, and Lave thr-t f.te o topi bI t.utotro'1 tables f expex-taarr cf !. f.jf their o1i guidat.ee, ml hh are cs.rr fall ri fcrn-1 to U f re a diry t rrattcd. Ti foIhijMt g i one t.f these i baathc&:ica ted tables ii Bscs at.j-.ng f.tida anr- a:..-e o.:.ipitr., 1 :u h; 1 1 liLt by IIr. -is liitrir, sLoa ing lL m - a g Ic-gb t f life at ariou ages. In the first cadoma we Lavs the present ages c.f j-r.n c.f avi r-g Lealth, al iu the xu 1 ro!qj we are enabled to rp, as it eret l-l;a I the sn-Lf of aa .ranee fj'-e, aa 1 r-;--er fr m fhi ir table the t;o'u1-r r f nrt they wi'.l give us to live. This fa' 1 t taca the tcsnh of ritcful ralrttla'i .f t u "Liotu prvef iidstea bug. Of va- sa. dca and pmni'.t.rt' deaths, ci t!1 f.t dcalLs nt.nal1r citenlc.1, ocraMoiatl r occur, bat this is a table of the STcrae cxieclancr cf life tf so f.raitjary titi r t'ia: A- liar Yrt A IT Vte T-rt t t IirL 1 ZJ r.a Tt i ri j m ii 1 4t i : 3 Zt 21 J KJ I 4 J I I) ir irs'.'-t iil f-iir gv'.hef fifn tie liv I t"i! itt-l !-a"tut tW nattttwr cf r-.s f n ti.-li Vu'.r livrs, Z l- iV e- 1 ! f v .-age, tuav tras-ui'd l-c- ri- J j-.te i l t xt a L ITctx 'V J 1 -1.

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