i -V-:.:-. ... -.1 r. .x : 1 i 'A - ' i f Siv - t '. 1 ' f 7 si . s --f- - e I ' 1 N : 1 IK- 'N 7 V--: . if" ' I " ; .' S ' i- 7., ' - v i - - A r t 1 ' v i! i!' e :VOL, in. HENDERgQNVILLE, ; N. C JANUARY u; 1864. ' ICEPn:HlT ISiaTHISSS KEDTMLni "1- ': ' V " -' -. "r"' "" ' "i UJi , r TOMMS! 2D72t !-'' HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Ttarsda? fflU4, W&i Ran&- Bans- Hans TT7E want to buy at this office. Rag clean 4 f ion or linen lor which we win pay a eel per pound, cash, or in discount with those who c us for the Tims. Bring in the rags toon, j , Editorial Correspondence. but it. may. lead us te the delightful pastures cf peaeef and that t long, where w may cweu aait ly , trery man ncider hi Tloe, and u4er hU traa.! TLIj U to ha hoped for, prayed ftr by H god men, and all Udiet- W chl what tic ttrronnda the word! Three years ago, we ecarcely knew and i felt thlJ fact. Two yean ago. a paraUre fgnorance of the borrt f of war. Bat one ; i jt-ar ago, wnen ue irw-"vui(i . ifu.aw,nv.n Is 2hiloh,from Sen PlDtt ,froraUechaaiciriIlet Frtu1 j zers Farm, llalrern IIIIl, from " Seeond Uanaaaa, 'rem SharptbnTr.Croxa JeTryTlle, and from Frtd- ericlulrnrg, had all came In, howlng oyo 25,000 killed, and more than . lOO,OC7,wontded, we tg U feell And 'now In the bttinaiug'of tb New Tear, when armed men are qaartered among us, and .neighbors,, end eren ktndrfd, arrtyel against iiciiother we do feel tbe horrors if war! Jn4 lor wnen no man can icci mi, imcr m per soVor property, all being liable, to be prejed npon by one or the other of the armed parties,' who U it, that does not desire peace? X p04' nPOQ bonora ble terms, and a goTernment no better than that m - i. - . ..a - m :f we once had, is preferable rar to a condition oi war, -1 Tha ill will, the asSmositr. the hatred existlrr be- i i - 1 . . .. .. . V , I r j tween tnecontenciog paruca, oagm w pr TT'lmaaent separation of the Bute, dwlrabls.to all We had the pleasare of saeetlng wUh a gentle man of IateHigttce a I high position la connect k with the execntiTe gomnae&t of Alabama, Jsut ra mmed from the Kortl by the wsy of Kaasaa : Oar friend is a man ardently attached to the South and her cause: Is a eii i sagaciori launigeace, haTiz" good eyes and' ears, and not alalgif en to croaking o?seIf-dela :n. , lis represents the feel- ngs of the North as wU nigh totally and .folly or ganised again ns. . Xery person with wnota fce coBTersed, whether hi;h or low,richorpoor, lotel- igent o ignorant, cCaUruiio A cixl, beicg agreed npon the ability of ubJngatloa, and in the de. termiaation to'accem;!Ish it, ; at whaUter expense of time, ot labor, or Bener. ' He says that the mob Jnfcew Tort, Lees March is to ?enaylTala and Morgan's raid lntb Otb, fornhhed Lincoln with the reason and tb means for snbornatlng the whole of ft v f men,' from norm ana Bonm The Old Tear. The year 18S3, is sow cambered with the that were, tit is past and insatlate'Tjme.haTe swallowed it up for memory, the wiitten recosd of man, and the nr, ofliM who jiotls all car thocrhswtrtfr sssrn. m wmmmm , - . -- . -l - rv m WOtti u wuu5tt"7 17. d Joyous, as thU has been and and gloomy. j II is now imvory ior uaiv, u uw. . . i.t .4. nriv1 t&nd AJI filed BJI C W VI. fcp AW. UWI 2 . k ; I throne of JehoTah. Would that weall or as- 9 r- And now, reader, or yoar health and happiness ... . . t im loot, ion vvi r...- rr tmbered with the thlr j of pf Do eiu Bemorieless . t ?. Ume- raber owed it np. Wereit i 3A..iat . . . ,v. i And may oat pelt .Christmas- ca textj the popular feeling t meet in its works of si bjugatlen; and that new the hole thonght of (he Is direc&pd in that an J that what o(dlscont( tration is outside the the Union, and, while expression (n regard It finds none n regar the last. the co on try, to the QoTtrn- oantry, a its whole duhr, ne other ehanneL Be says t exists agslnst the Adninls- breat question e the war for finding topical or personal o these things InJlfftrtnt to the csase of the war U 4m w r r iiu.i u tf Ja4gw rllichraci, Ju. &-A ri&it iaprtant ineasare Tas.preaented Ictie ecisit te-dsy by Titian, ef kllsa., being a bin ta gz r- i th writ ef li tss ctx in afl casta Inrolrlng the x section of the law ed recenUj t9 pat men eerrice who haJ far eUhed eabfat.ue. ThUU was ot ferr-ws laamediajrfy baferrr j to the seers t c:Jr so lu promioas are otkco. The Seuaie Hen went mio secrt ssesiuq jo cv&tl Jen it. i ,h E"l rto!aUon fLstracCr g the -iUJUryCvltxee.U Isqalro Ute the exrJ.cacv ef the present sjsteai of nrtHnients---pat cii!HV as to the class ef ersota er eScers; to I. t . Iecg;h of 13 as la wMciviy be alleerd to t- t s Is the aamedisuict; to esubr.th Inspectors cf e-rel-Hg districts, and to llait the ucUr e oaeera aball Late as xtero gnaM. i uonse UU to repeal exisiia- it..liti faUreexapUons, which waa reported bj cl il lUry Cossmiuse on Mottdsy, was diceeil vatil me uosse weadato mrtt seaioa on the Tax end Currency bills. . An important adirees front the Presidents ef the two railiWs was laid oa the desk ef SBembeTs tLU morning, la relation to thetUl to repeal xe-?' tbejostice of the art, er the 'mode of condoct of KO, 40. . T? rtUcg Ute the serrW! men wte Ut. raralshedsnUUtaUsUTirg tuMl Uan 3ts. li!!.?TTi:iflUesfarc7 . C'coVe ItwilL The i rruzmt wia ate&cesTrwts tie ttU rd the e rwaent wUl cssansace, a4 that ih Jft lo-r u.wvriw guteaal Cft4esxe aatb-elij, w.j eomoeoce. The Conftder&ts cVr It ihm titixiM C tutrtniactHp a1 a predeat coarse n :Uhareaied this, hu that by' aevorl raiatr to com Icolllwoa; sod thT will hrs fu TThea aa atUept U miUt U enroll ta D h ire- flrkuWi sabetitctes it Uts &su. wtI& t S-SrswUiU.ri:4CJr. TbmerUil Je grsated. ad the prvca se eareilsd wp be re kased, and then, the GoTcrkor Wlig pc-ed te free the 4ecUns oitlt J4iciary, Vj9 tatmwa; a4 sheeVl U rr ererTj sdiar je haet se.t to the OH U umu7 ta hoJi sad ctod the dedsioas coqt 8t4ve Ceert. the i-xeecrute is p!egeI to etspioy tW IW uat pxt re. And the Wee wtu srts. The sr will h dfor.aadeerJafigtseU decile sJftrsely W k ati f Congress. TUa the aatheriUee at fckhaieed QJWl SB sit back er we tasit or r&TLi ...t . . mog iona last It is Itipusaible to keep the wet til tils the natU.kh:? nartse-I.; u ,'. r.na4agwkheetruIJ,g all the snecUak aad tb. u cSl? shllled workmen now lnth.ceeatrr.aa4 hcV.:t. liUr: eKxt. Gen.y3rmnl.aecUUcriaelJiporiaoce vf tre- .ccsry , strengthen the amy TheTstaiJTs Ug dew. otn -railroad tn.rUUon, aa the t:.t IsTtoiB.ad eJlheUrtsTa e tor c.ertaa tethod of wtsK-n!g rur army, had I cute Ue wr saceessrallj If LhejoeV4 ie U. saI "v est twMtuBvi Bumusrr SI ILi. IIIll IM Stteat AftVU - - - - h'-'bws aer-w ii ani.bi m im sssm L. -, Can you fix it? There is a fadr in the land . . while reriewingthe record coald blot outtfrerer al . jti, ttn fiDj,rt on Heh hand we would .wish. 1 How many acta now sealed youli piT twett j on hands and feet be amended or erased! The Christiauhowerer op- ) And this Is trae without deceit. j right, bbwerer humble aad urayerfoi, whether j .the jbe aboTO lines" are not original, of course, and dirine in his clericnl roUs'he layman the motbei ongh rea4 uUjt when regard is bad to the in Israel, th.e pioca maiden, the God-fearing youth, Jlione ygt ify0a will punetu:t tbem proper tboherinit or other recluse, all hare erred, and al". f they express a simple truth. Try It. . L. would doubtless for the better, alter, the record were it subject to remion. Erea theman-of-the world, I think I may say, howerer reckless, or God j 'defying, would in his calm moments, when alone i . . Clock Time and Son Time. Two kinds of Time are known to astronorosrs. - Ian Time, aad Apparent Tim, or Clock 7tm, and niid in communion with his own spirit, be pleased lime. Clock time is always right, where the to orerlookj'and change muph that h'b 'has doneJyck runs with exact regularity, while sua, time or" adrised during the past year. But U is in'taln. Waes eiery day. Many persons suppose that when Our arms are too short. The account is against" us ijj sun s due 8outh, or on the "noon-mark," it is und ire have it to meet. We hare sinned, and f'the fih'elock. But this is error. The sun asd clock soul that sinneth It shall die.' . This is emphatic, and yet it mast be conditional, if eternal death be " referred to, for it is ssid, "though yoar sina be as scarlet, they shall be ;as white as snow; though ' they he red like crimson,, they shall be as wool; If," &C, and conditions follow. But; we are drifting ia to an unintended channel. Suffice It to say,'; that . while' past acts are irrccallabU, there is in general terms "mercy in store" far all those who properly seek it. - ' ' ' '. j- 1 But separate and apart from our accountability to God, for the deeds we hare committed during - the past year,, there is much rery much for 'us to think and speak of. It has been one continual seas on of anxiety and anguUh. Fears, and en irigs hare been constantly treading hard heels of each. It has been a year of ciri of internecine . war-of mutual slaughter. 'f iihe bloodiest part of the battle of Marfreesboro.; was forebod- udoo tne i strife lorsTille at' Geltysbufj-at Cliickamauga-arXobk " out Mountaln. and an hundred others, of less noto riety, many of which w;ere bloody battles, hate al occurred during the past twelre months. Korth Carolina the'Jasi to eujage in this terrible war, and driven thereto by an apparently imperious necessi ty, seeking honestly, as we think, .the least of two evils, both' being unaToidable bare jbeen with the van in most of these murderous contests. But we come nearer home. Western North1 Carolinians hare been engaged, in many of these death dealing conflicts. Our relations, our kinsmen j our neigh oors, and our friends, bare been in battles. Vic tors often, nevr fklse or untrue, nerer flinching or faltering, they hare poured out their blood like water, resisting an armed foe, in protecting thp r property 'of the f Old their homes against invasion and from destruction and for the honor norm State, lint now in tbe conclusion of the year, while we mourn over our gallant dead: we that is the sun' is at the noon-mark, exactly t2 o'clock, April 15, June 15, Sep. 1; aad Dec 24; tun no other days. On these days, your clock, c should be set with the sun.' By reference to Allowing table, you may on the 1st, 9th, 17th, it!5tb, of every month, get true time, adding o; racting as the sun is slow or fastf Day hour mln. sec Day boar min. see. 2;n, 1 .12 4 9 12 7 W 17 12 10 M 25 12 12 1 12 23 V 9. 12 14 I 17 12 14 ft 25 12 1 Mall 1. 12 12 4 9 12 10 (17 12- 8 '25 12 5 Aprl 1 12 8 " "o in .u;5 -rll- fit May, If 11-56 - V9 11 6 ' " J7 11 56' 5 11 56 Jane,l .11 5T ui'9 11 . 58 M 7 12 0 M ,3 12 2 4i Jalv 1 12 3 31 11 ." i9 12 4 54 ,34 " 17 18 6 44 25 12 tt s56 Aag. 1 12 6 3i 9 "12 5 15 " 17 12 3 14 " 25 12 1 29 Sept 1 11 59 38 " ' 11 57 34 M 17 11 54 59 . 25 U, 41 . 49 Oet. 1 11 49 ' 9-1147 li 50 11 0 11 46 48 64 The subject of nepi enliitmeat,whlch at first was tbe subject of very violent op-jelUoa en the part of these calUsg yemselree conservatives, now commanjs, Vj rt fits seemtng to wcekso well sod r;iv i fi wtJi-f(ra CUe V" U. and risk of military service, the wffiing ascent of all slavtholdsrs not let sib am others.. He asys the people were never so contented, because never so prosperous; that every department oflndastry and! nvestment is tnrtvleg beyond precedent; that there is active demand fsr labor at treble the rates ef times of peace, and abundance of supplies of every kind at advanced rates, tut not beyond the power or ability to purchase at reasonable prices, and cheap, very cheap, compared with prices.lere. He says farther that everything in tbe way of preparation for war Is, upon a scale proportionate to its objects. That their arufories atid nary yards are crowded with- work aad laborers, shadowing orththe fatars of the war as collossal compared with the past, aid that such a navy, in Improved iron-dads particularly, when completed, England nor France, nor the world, has ever seen. Twtnty- etght new vessels, to which, be says, their present iren-clads.are mere' experiments, will be ready for tbe sea by the spring, and perhaps fifty more later in the year. One, the Dictator, said to be Involner able, and truly formidable in sixe, with two turrets, each armed with two guns of heavy calibre, aud casemates, each armcd.wiUi four guns, wm launched while be was there. He says she can be penetra ted with no missile, aoJ from the effec! of the shots, as witnessed by himself npon such ironctsdt as they have at Charleston, be U not disposed to dsubt the information. He says the capture of Wilmington aod Richmond, are with them foregone aad Inevita ble conclusions. AlbnU Apjal. 18 80 82 27 8 54 13 . 9 9 32 56 36 19 ixiirwi occnsLlts fron Allanta to XlrsasU. Tu address cooclodee by asUar Ceogrea to let not blind sea for the nnoUr of tie army or prrju lk' against railroad ccapx:U first sastaini J tl Ooveromeat by tracsperu.; at half rates. ad rt eeivleg ootoa aod bondi eaee they had no market rains, precipitate the ciaaUy and amirs into ir rttrievT.It diivaters. I - . - . ... ten boraed by order U amies wa mmttJ "Vad referred. ' ' . i n t-resideni lras veteed the LIU arerooriatlnH ,vw,vw iq ciouie ksetneky troops. From Charleston.- Chsrlston, January Z Affairs are a beet ss use si. The enemy are at work te-lay repairiag dsmagescaoswt by the storm. Most of the ves sels went rwaad to Stoao, bat tbe iroasldw sad roar monitors rode oat tbe gale The caemy fired two shots over SamUt .yesterday evsnleg, at sea- set; Laving done taL be respeetrVJy loeerrd his fieg at the report of b'nmWr's evvniog gme. There has been no further shelling ef th city. ilir iUiU 1 t:d respocaible ky aa. ot.trsged aae Utrar4 pee--le. Bel aTler till qi est! caw's snail Urn metier'. rroea's pixpositieas ft sueaeuJg I'.ke these wl'JJ be paetrd. A Uvy smjn fix a llu U w o wl'.l be made, aad tbe whole i ' L1 1- rwmm, taiVmit u a Uiury dejKitIi5u nch Is the tee, fabmitl WshepesMi. We woU 4 asjoitg forla4epes4ssce bet we wUlax wiIlLngy eas'Ae ocrselrce. Lrt one i&lers aad legilUrs'bewaj. Vegrrs. AniXGTOX, Jinuary 7.Gea. W. E. Jeoej cipturetl on SnnJar last ner JonvlW, Gill vouniy, a., a lew over iojr ooodrea cf the Yankee force that has .fceeo investing that county. 'He captured three pieces cfartni- cry, til their wagons, bones nad taulen. His lo&s wu fire killed niS twelre wounded. RichWoxd, Janaaiy 7. Humors cf cbsnts in the War Department arc without fyuada- tion. Csxnpauion. Shut not thine rax tssl lie cries'of the poor. Vbeo tbe fatLctieae fa3 upon thee, wlea the widow's he-art is sr.nk, and she implores assistance with tears of sor row, pity their nQlcticw, and extend thy hanll to thoeo who bare nocie to bejp theto. JL J Mil. .U......I! Kit II IL'JU M AltRl ED O-lhs Tihiatthf f.A. UrwtxW, Mah JACKSO.X blUPUA.H.te M m r:ilUA J. BAJLNITnV-ell of CsecomU Ceesty, J. a DIED.- On lb. ZSrt tWc. 183. sf IMMSetla set ftcsrUt Terrr. J. nVy Klsg, so rT Jt4 Cisabeth Elcg, aged 5 years and 9 months. rromtho West. - Joneiboro, Jan. 1. A courier from Moerlstowa states that hiarv skirmiahiag was going cms beiweet our cavalry and the eeemy, who were advsndeg ia inas oirecuon. psrucalsrs received, rr. tbertbaa their advaaee bad ben driven back. A press reporter baa surtid, aad fall particulars will be seal np if postible. 23 Nov. 1 u 9 u (I Dec, 17 i5 1 9 17 25 If 12 48 43 44 45. 47 49 52 55 0 From Eut Teanet tee. Kussellville. Jin, 6. Firhtint last week was al- toreihcrwith cavalrv on oar aids. CoL Crsws. cfied Morgan's dirlsioa, attacked the eeemy near Lan dridge, aod csptursd a battery with the esceptioa 8 enemy were driven back to their eolreo:hmeats at at Mossy Creek. V ' - 1 Gea." klartin's entire cavslry were at sacked by a ,.13 superior force of the enemy at Talbot's Station. "18 After a stubborn resistance tby druve thstn back. 24 They were then reinforced by a division of infantry J 40 ana arove Msruu oscX wi;t cotstderab: loss. 34 The enemy remain at'Motly Creek slrotigy ea- ''Si trencned. Uur loss wss 120. Substitutes- The following Is the bill as assseded and pais NOTICE. TXATIN3 brew aalheriied UtiUit joss 11 freen 18 to 18 years of sge.aad aUsartstrf 45, r be attach J to CilJ. .Chsssi's Cewipaer ef Xbfcsttd Infantry, of Col J. L. Hrys lUUaltes, I hersby rHsxfaUyc1 erwn desire t Hole this com ma nd, ta rsme IWwsrd aM gife va inetr slot, ine asaai son Mr, psy, ratiot clotW. ing,kc.aad 40 re a U - J,j 'f, ae ef fcMS.wi:i b allowed. And ihisCsramaod is to eerke U the meeataiss ef tTesU-w 5orth CaroUaa. ad wrevMaert ci; t Its eraers tTit fjor. ernor. All desirirg to jee this Coesaay. wltl pWse 1st ee kaw soon. I withe at HcdmobViUs ea Tessdsyefthe eateiegCoert. J. J. Cfrtoirf. TrsKh SroaeK. Csa. 14, 18C4. 40 It. have a sad picture td look upori. The krey-haircd ir i hww iiu mi ior me loss oi a lavorue son. The aged mother sorrows aloud. . Tbo child of her old age is brought home a mangled corpse But still more sad, the young wife, (now a widow wno scarcely mew a want, whilst, he to whom; she had given her" affections was at home and a civil ian, pines this bleak cold night, over a few embers, . ..... . . i i . i . . in real loneliness or Heart. Un Aim, . she j and h.er little ones were dependent. He hss failen in bat jtle; Want and penury binge'closeiy upon her. Scarcity of food, and famine prices', bring her to the verge of despair. The secessionist or war: men of, 1860 61, who pledged her hnsband 'that; the wife and little ones shoald not want during his ab sence, has in most instances, buried his 'patriotism too deep in Confederate bills, to bear the complaint of thejwidow, or the'orphan's cry. ... I . . - - - Cut why. need itastajMe eseeCWe are common than those depicted . The year 1863 f has been one of general want indmisery. V U closes with a dark cloud upon us. " Helplessness b fixed a many faces. There U an absolute scarcity of provisions. There is an absolute want of farm la i ' r l . . ' - . i oorcrs. a.uxunei no one lias. Meat and bread - rw cwuwwuDK unpreceaentetf prices, while the poor are witheut the means to purchase Every uuuso uuo vi mourning. But let our heart swell with gratitude to the Giver of all rood that while thousands have igone during 1863. to "Thai will sayh the ladle) and femsls : 1 I ?rk.T. S-DuTy, l-3 tlT"1 Coxa. - Ti difference between clock time and sun time, . ... I d spent Jtr$tt upon the Inclination of tne eartn s Horthem HeVS. axis Uie plane of Its orbit; and eeoondly, upon the , xBe sews from Western Virginia, dated the 30th. ecliptfer oval form' of the earth's orbit. I statts that Geo. Kelly lsd informs tion that General t Theuh is said to be sloit, when it does not Early,with 9,000 rebels, was between ?ew Market . w,.B douftlJKlion. Eoster hss 7,00, and laboden reach U noon-mark by 12 o clock, Mast when 00 SolHTaa bM ptlornM Uatt'm Ferry it pasteit before that hour. with 100 prisoners aadthe same amount of horses. - X Rei January 1st day 12 o'clock, 4 minutes and Kelly states tksthe bs .captured in all over 400 4 second or 4 minuUs 4 seconds after 12. L. otn rua a urge amonat of property, . -l j I Oc4 Thomas despaitbes frvtu Chattanooga, on ' I Wednesday, that re Ul force under Wheeler had ext wik. if the waters don't get to btgh, wf Knoxville. at CharlsstM.Tenabnt Ced. Lonr ear mething of Leap Year, of the rights of sued and defeated Wheeler, capturing over 10) pris- and trive the probable number of males loners. in the State, i . uouer sneers at the uireal held oat In Davis proe- Ljiamsiioo aamii inms( ana orocers, ana aecisrcs it a nair or one or uts mcers or souiiers be injored. . I t -m m " -4 J .1-. 1. f - . Trrm Virginia isacrp lujoai. wiiwrr, u 11. is ooni soaii Richmed. Janaarv 4. It is said tbe President I, v. r-r-.. c... t n.u. .iui..v...i.i... ' . . v uyicu.i umn Afuwcr luiuti tu.lf vm has apprcd the bill to plae in service all those one wsy to meet the new state of things, and tLat who have frnished substitutes. Members of Con- Is by tbe sternest retalktion. He says the Feds ral tress art erwhelmed with business before the de- 0 e rpmen t. I.wi 0 sg exhausted every form of appeal . : . . . ...... there Is nothing leit bit to authorize that a sofa- partments much more than they conld attend to cIeotnamUr of rebel iTJcers be placed nndersnch if they hac lothing more to do. A Senator to-day keeping aod pot upon each diet as shall in all res- remarked ist he could not reply to half the letUrsiPucrreipond totl treatment tg to cotbiDg. received. rLh less attend to matters to whlefc S""f, 7rce4'ai? lr " , . t . . . . . . . . t too sicucn uouses ci iue rsoci capiiai. they relateind that since it became probable that! . 0 . 'M wx m J ; v V v . 7 -u , KAsxTEsstt.-TbecondiUon In CastTennes- taUon and Vow down the exemptions for other M i,! proepsroos aad hopeful. It Is considsred causes, an immense number of persons in his State that Barasiio will not be a'Je le bold his position A mt U he entitled Ad U rt m mU I Or Axes tm from JftUtery Service ef tktee wJls JLare Aerttejere wmuW Su&eUtt. ftairiaemstit"l:ircanrlaaee sifTL conntry, it retires lie aid of all who are able uTc bear anas, tke Congress of the Coasdsraie States 15 e. Esrtlstt Qilksy or America Co enact. That ae person shall be ex-ttdtS. &. Co , eonptea TroBs military service by rsasoo ef alshsv-l vs. ng furnished a substitete; bat this let shall WottT.C. Coxa. be so construed as to affset persons who, thongb y0. nWr, Cavas doi iiaoie 10 reoaer military service, tars, never- A Ce ueitsj, pat in sanrutaiea. 1 ft. vs. T. C.Cexa. Urn. J'tlicv MtcLemcmi JxemtMM. Genera 1 W lUtua A Ca.rrier nikw nas lasaed aa order In his deprtmeet in re-1 T. vs. gsrd to the exemptions e4 mecbsoice. He appears IT. C. Coxa. iw w urKfuioca w Bung jwn ioe prices o some 1 v f t Crsten. 8. vs xs. STATE OF XOZTll CAEOLIXA. JsoWu Cow. Sspsrior Court of lew, Fall Tern, Is CI. At Ahoisats lvl4 ee LasUt, i Ac. lhlas. Herealer all those tnschasks who are ex. empted on accsactcf their calllnis, who charre a. t r ru I I ay without dtlay, upoe uScient proof rf.-lheirl . ' - - WM.V W I f f carries oat his orders to the letter, those excsicul le these eases '.t'sppearir, lathe slijl'.l af who disobey them most Sot think k suae je if ibeyl the TJoort, tLat tb defeaejai, T. C Oxe, is a nee fiod themselvea members ef the Confederals ra. I raaidrat cf this f Ufa, or s jc osmesis h!o.M:f, that ' Ithe ranAry process ofur cmot be aeevwi ee Tt, Trnnt. - Ihlns: It Is fberefoes'ardere y Owrt, fKa aaWi. , . , . . csUonUmadsffiXsacresite weeks In the Hea- TLAXTa, January oocouu wne narea n.aou"Tyi.g tb said T. aCoze.ube recently returned from the region of Knox- sd appear at the asxt Teen e4 ttls Ceert, te be villa report that Burnside haa teen reinfexed held a tie 2d Moedsy la Urea, leC4, tjU4 a- by division of troupe, who came throegb J!rV,I,!4lTVa,?l?'rt!? l..l tC-;.: ( ke, as4 Ike Uads Uvlsdieodewisd a.4 order. v.u-u.r v4 t4 to U sold, te sstUfe tUasira d.Us ad eeeta. aCccted there oy had spplied to 'him to get sfflces forthJtywswyrtakt i-i.iUtui fiuia eeiiWe, and tLkt it wis indelicafe la 8enajrS'eask for unouscoverea country, from whose bourne i ! ! No traveler returns," " ; we yet live. And from despair 1st us pluck esour age anew, and hope for, pray for. and if need r h uguttur ucuer umes in 1861. . i l. sppomtmentsand then sit in judgmenf tn confirm their nominaions. ; " IUchmoadtanaary 5. Geaeral Morgan was ex pected this s-ternooo, but will not arrive until Thursday, j . ' Oar latest Jorthem dates are to he 25th ultimo. The prices of provisions continue to advance In his market. .. j. Tbo eoemr have moved dujjug the past week a small force of infantry in the dlrtcV05? OI aladiaoa -jC. H. from Culpeper C. H. to a point about aix miles beyond the former points'. ' Th New Year. ; TheKew Year has again dawned upon us, and it wurpriTucge ray the first time, since the -beginning of the war or the creation of the TYstes to anil a V . ' , ! " V. . r to the patrons thereof. e wrue,nowever, nc from, the Manet of the Tinses. Such an iaatitnUoo there once was- bat it has long since gone, with most of our other comforts 1 nf A flak - . . k . a 1 " aw ox uie war. . OSce ren L board , nad lodging, or rather the present cost of these "TaS9: m?m ut Bfe. anA ur 0in. viunas iae, we nave betaken onrseltu the plow A to the fence row, or mnrky ditch. ; It i. tronl such iasifeatp fn-Mnctam ."this article emtaates and torn whence we send a New Year; greeting to' the readers of the, Timee., Dsrk marky.clouds hanr heavily all eroaa our political horizonJ From the secith there Si no nndouded Kght. Oar pathway' ia the fature, i, dismal s dres by MUdptUoSJ A heavy snow storm has' been raging all darj uunded, but cut thpx waj. out, with the Joes which will blockade military operatipna forUeJof only oat tS4S. ' present. - Persons writing to soldiert or sending; them pa pers, are earnestly requested to pre-pay the 'post sge. Over 1,500 letters for soldiers, besides ji large number of papers, oa which the postage had not berfl pre-paid, were remaining in tbe army post of fice on the first of January Frcst Chirfextoa. . ' Charles toe. January 5. The enemy opened fire on the city last night at 10 o'clock, and fired one shell every half boor ap to half-past 6 o'clock this orning. Sixteen shells ia all were thrown. No body hart. The Tnxees opened two more cmora sarea to-dsy oak bearing oo the city, aad the oth er cn James Island. No firing between the batter- u and ell oaitt at Sampler. The lumber ef shells thrown fnto the city np to this time since the coo mencement, is about four hundred aad fifty. Class thinejcAr against those that open their mouth against others. . - - P.rfakinr you fxith car rua yea riches, bat ncTr,gct yea glcry. TiUss;a, U Quksr, Crk ad Gn at ef fice.the UVoaUy m ttlester. A. D. IhU. . K.'i. rirhxrr, c s.c Janaa7 1st, 1S44. frs fee, SI4- 45 It. $25RtWsri Strt-cd or?lo!caf . T fft - I . I . . . at ivnoxTius. uur iwxs . nave comptsieij cui oui , . . . . , v. hia aamfnkstiMa wAXneberU4 Oep, 4 hi? IXmJXpnxiliA on y iiasu.i-- ale riS P 3,-. troope are oa shrt taowa. Jt-i ChaUaaoge the eoemy is also re ported ea allowance, by parties re cently out from that tui ally. Oo the lowsr Ten nessee, bodies ef cavalry seam to be organising for Ue coming spring campaign .Oar sceats ie .the region ot the TcsoeaaeeUIne are said te be well reg. uleted. - , A collision occurred oruThursdsT ruorninr. the 31st nlL, between (arce cf the enemy, and a Confederate force near Greenville, North Carolina. The ensa j was driven hack. e lost some ten fteen,men killed wound ed, etc. A company of infcntrjr; of ours, te-j pone to nave been utcn. rjnsoixrrs, were sur- Nkw Akvt Post 0ncx. A post ofSce h been established ' for the,. special accommoda tion of the "Array ef Tennessee, ta which all mail matter for any dirisioaof the army should be addressed. I Tin cue ..is intended to be moved with the array, aad to remain in opern- tioQ, aoIon an the present orranixatioo is rnaintsined.' JXhe pcxtinaater is IL X- Iillipe. Elchmond,'iDeabcr31-lateUigeace has Veen received here! thai the f aakee steamer Cresa, car rying twelve gn, was recently destroyed by fixe aear Old Peiat Cose fort. , The Ciiy Coeacil held a special Betting to-day adopting reeelatioos author tiisg the kfayer to ten der the hospltalitlss efthe the city to Oesw Iter gaa, who would vixit Hxhsoad la a day .er two. The CocecU also adepted a reaoIaUesi cowsli neatary to Governer Letcher, wheee timer ef ser rice expires to-day alio Tctig a swerd te be pee seated la the name ofthtciry. in front of . Lon rstreet, however, is aiill coo eidered nntenible. Heavy skirmishes are coo ttantly coiner on at the outpoata. In one c these reccnuv a Colonel and fifty prisoners were captured. The bridges on the Kaahrille and Chstta 2cpa Railroad, between tbe latter place and A CX3 as: white eew.aUatfeer years old. The tridgeport, xecently destioyed by the freshet t..tKQ W-off sJ,rij-. m ll ... I-:!- 1 k. 1 .It . i j UeMiae sad Loee sellJteaeet,tse last tlsss she waa are being built by the enemy, and travel and MBahw&. lkk. Ehs Is saarkad . 'ii i w m i - - - transportation wui be open in a week, asys the 9tlh m frt is the rirU. s4 a elope a4T m ' a -sv w m .w w r ,w sevi i a m. .MAUtuie ca, ci uit ha ci janaxry. ineitbe tpperpartef UeleAear. Iias rmn 1 an keen are rone into winter quarters st fcte-ISrJ ta aay om wb wui retaressetae cew,'ee renaon, Bridgeport, aad Orxttanooca. Grant UT UfUoa s!?:. 'r.Mifii tB!Vrt4Ii: . v.ata.1 into Waahingtoa. t if D.tl.ietl. X r-Jipd. 1 a t. 1 .v. , .. i ii I . i i . tunnel on the NaahvinsardaiatUnoogaEaU- J O H TJ Da H Y . J A 11 e road, near Cowen. 1 I ITTMTIKPV T 1 IK- a viiiAJ a 4a ai'i - I vicu. juicw. v uaie as acui cwuwra ia ay Ur tM sla. JaccisJ UireaiL J. ;-ete f ana respect lur oca. lee as any man linng,ed is his leads wia ee fresst2y eUst4 u. bnt we tell Mr.Foote ihH-the r?orJe of North I Kay IX, J- JV,b. Carolina, who set cat to fi?ht for freedom and i-i . ... . . T r est T r uoeny, wui noi satmitto a ir.euiorta meper-i rv 11 1 I I H son of anT living man. while the nower ia lefll As J X J XJ ' " . i i . . . j to I exist. lTotect -the atixeo tn his rights Tj person, and propertT. and we will fht on aad conquer a peace frcta our tsleeling fje, bcX ill we are to bare a IfccUtor and a ILlitarj Pta potisxa, Ntrth Carolina will fajl back npoa bet own aorereignty. We beg eur Rejceeeuta tirea in Ccmgrrse tostaod op lor the right and let the sentiments of their constituents be known. After having aenb over a hundred thousand men to the field we are not wlha that the few who remain should be caie the subjects of a-errindbg despotism for the clod fication of the fanatics in Coo grow cr the dis tinguished general ccers of the array ct Tea noaaec Profrtu. . j The height of sdl phlloaoThj, both natural sad moral, is to Know injseJi. One true philosopher is better than a thon aad grammarians. j light, whether it b material cr racral, the beat reforraer. Blander cannot tnaka the tahject cf It ciih er .better or wcrse, LibcrtT is a bleaucgthat.cuai be earned belbrt it can b tnojtL ALL peeBwisgaite ee aeeeeststs uITLcT A rATTUIf, M. IL PATTOS. er FATT05 ' k CO are ve seated te snake actUratest lsass4U atry. ae the bwaiacaS td the CTtrat LneS mast We - cioeed ap. it U. T ah. HO STATE OFJ$ORTU CAItOLLVM Eatherferllea Cs-j-tr, Se perier Court of Law, fa3 bra UU JehaS-ford, . 1 . ' v C.9.CnhUa, J rWWj Ia this ease it trpesrlag u the sailsctlcei ef the eoert that the deaalsat C A, Sothertaa is a aoavresueat ef tlU t-oe ee reals himself thai the ordinary pcets s lae tan ao be seat ee Lisa, it U taereoo rs4 tj 3eert that paalicaUee be esade foe aixtieeessive wetke ia the lleniereess Ttsaee, wetL'yicx t C. A. . Eoather as te be, aa4 sppsar at ti izl irrts ef. this eoet, te be UU ae Ike Sad Lcs7 la Uarch, 1&&4, ie plead aareer aal dsn uu s 1 preceed bgerjgmeetprecoefseewUlktaieed tlsa praceads e she preperty levls4 oa c$:!smned, to satisfy pUIatirs dstt aad eosL TTiueae, R. L. Cukey clerk ef tzll t ,r at of fice the tad lLdy ta f rjlraber, x r. . H Lcil:t rnt.a.c Jaa.lst.lt5i. rrs.fee tU .i-C V ... - - "

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