o) OFFICE Second Floor Hunter BIdg. Phone 103 SUBSCRIPTION 50 Cents Per Year In Advance Noil-partisan and Non-sectarian. Published in the Interest of the Gommon People. Vol. 1. HENDERSON VILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1917 No. 41 T T 1 THE LOCAL ROUND UP 'The Visitor 52 weeks for 50c less than lcV week. Miss Ruth Cohen from Union, S. C.f is visiting Miss Annie Fred. Miss Stella Lood. of Knoxville. is spending several weeks with her aunt. Mrs. John Glenn; of this city. Evangelist W. H. Vause and wife are conducting a tent meeting near the de pot on Jonas street. Gov. Bickett has appointed General Laurence W. Young Adjutant General of the North Carolina guard. Dr. A. C. Tebeau returned Saturday from Columbus, ' Ohio, where, he at tended a meeting of the American Oste opathic Association. It is reported that four or five thou ; sand (?) people attended the Henderso-ville-Greenville highway celebration Rev,. M. M. Kinard, of Salisbury, is conducting services for the Lutherans here at the Community Club each Sun day at 11 o'clock. - Capt. J. W. Woffard and his daugh ter, Mrs. N. D. Coogan, of Asheville, are guests of Capt. Woff ord's, daugh. ter, Mrs. G.W. Brooke, for a few days. - -Miss Essie Lee Lake, who has been Via. minct rf Vior hrnthpr 1nrch1l Bridgers, and Mrs. Bridgers, has re turned to her home at Landrum, S. C. The'Board of Road Commissions have given P. F. Patton.- Superintendent :of county roads, the power to appoint road supervisors of the public roads of Hen- derson county. v. Mr.. and Mrs. Mijton McCollough, of Hickorv1."' formerly of this ciiy, have move here and Mr. McCullough has ac cepted a position with the Henderson- ville Automobile company. . ..... . . Mr. and .Mrs.. Marshall Baker and daughter, Miss Lorena, who have been .visiting Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Grainger, v' CMittt Main etroot hvo rdtnrnpH tn ther home in Nichols, S. C. Miss Mary Joe Johnson was married last Suday to Mr. Everett Pence. The wedding was at the home of the bride's father, J. 0. Johnson, and was wit nessed by a few friends. Rev. and Mrs. Scbaeffer and little daughter, of Atlanta, who have been guests of Mr. Schaeffer's sister, Mrs E. W. Ewbank, for several days of this week, returned to their home vesterdav. '. Mrs. Ernest Freeman, of Tampa, Fla., arrived yesterday, to spend the remain der .of the summer with her parents, j Mr. and Mrs. r Javius tiart,- Mrs. free man was . Miss Grace Hart and is pleasantly remembered here. ' The. Henderson County Sunday School Association composed of the workers from the different churches of.Hender- i -ii r i i j i -U : .sonvuie are arranging iu iium iuv hmmjj Anvpnlinna in each of the townohins of this county during the coming months. : Mr. Karl Glenn is here from Hone well, Va ."to spend a vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn. He will return to his work next t week and Via m r m 1 V... Vila Kptftkn VS 1 1 1 uc ni.i.uui('aiiic:u ijr ilia uivuici) Raymond, who will also take a position there. ' Several interesting social functions have been given this week in honor of Governor and Mrs. Bickett, who are spending f ome time at Osceola inn as. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R, M.Oates. Mrs. Bickett and Mrs, Oates are old friends and the Bickcttsbave come here U visit and rest, and so pleased are they with Hender6nviile that it is possible that they will decide to purchase a , summer home here. A Lack of Good Judgment A more foolish. tiling could hardly have been 'done by the. Buncombe County Commissionsrs than to dig up and start to improve the Asheville Hendersonville road just at the open ing of the tourist season. This work could just as .well have been done earlier in the year or put off a few months later. The hotels and board ing houses in Asheville have lost more on account of the impassable condition of that road than the whoje cost of the, improvement and the loss is so utterly, without excuse or reason. Hendersbnville, however, does no have to complain. . We have hot suf fered, but rather benefitted. Mrs. T. R Barrows Accidently Hurt Mrs. Thomas R. Burrows, was pain fully injured Saturday evening on Main street, when a big touring car struck the rear of the buggy in which Mrs Burrows was riding to her farm. It is . . j stated that the auto, driven by J. C. Spann, was travelling at a high rate of speed -and had just missed another car when it struck Mrs." farrows' vehicle Mrs. Barrows was. thrown from the buggy beneath the horse's feet. The animal however, did not trample upon her, but it is feared that she was injured internally. She was taken home in an auto. Suggest Next Sunday As Red Cross Day . The Americau Red Cross, Henderson County Ohapter, has given each church in the county an opportunity to desig nate one Sunday in August as Red Cross Day with a special collection for the Red Cross cause. The third Sun day is suggested for this purpose, but it left to the different pastors as to whichSunday to use. . It is hoped that a liberal response will be forthcoming. Our Advertising Means More Sales fcr You, Mr. Business Man When you begin advertising in this paper you start on the road to more business. There Is no better or cheaper me dium for reaching the buyers cf this community. We can also provide Artistic Printing cf every description. ' WEEK'S NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Twenty-three Brittish ships were sunk last week, f ' . The snipping along the border is said to be the results of German agitators in Meyico. : ' 200,000 of the drafted boys are to be callgd into the service and sent to training camps Sept. 1st, ' Kerensky declines to have anything to do with the Stockholm socialist conference; He knows the Kaiser's hand too well to be led into that kind of a trap. ' The late Austrti-Germam drive in ftussia nas had one enect. ' mere is no peace talk there now. Everybody wants to tight, even the women are joining the army. ' This drive was just what Kerensy needed to get the tolks together, . The English armies keep hammer ing away at the r landers iront and slowly, yard by yard, are driving fhe Germans back. cut the gains are too slow and costly to give much hope that the coast of Belgium will be freed of the submarine pest this summer. ' ; "... v " r ' , Governor Bickett 'spoke to the Con federate veterans and their friends at Laurel Park on the 9th. The occas- ion ana surroundings gave the gov ernor a splendid opportunity to make a great speech, and that is one": thing Governor Bickett can do when the right chance offers. ' New -York City exemption board 99 started out to make some money out of their job. They were charging only $300 for exemptions, and seem ingly the drafted boys were coming 1 along pretty Ireely with the money. But somebody told and down went the happy dream of the board. And now all three of the gentlemen are in jail awaiting trial . for conspiracy. It didn t pay. The constitutionality oT the Keating-Owen child labor law passed by the last Cougress is questioned in a case in the Federal Court in Ashe ville. The people of the South will follow the progress of the suit with much interest, as the industrial condi tions will soon be largely affected by the provisions ot this law should it be sustained, A aouut on mis question, it will be remembered, caused many members of Congress to vote against the bill when it was passed.- It was thought then by manv DeoDle that each individual state should regulate this labor question for the best under local conditions. All admit that leg islation on the subject was needed the only question being whether the .Federal governmenl could, under the provisions of Us basic law, regulat the question of child labor and if it could whether it should do so or leave: it to the several states. Hie decision in this case will settle the former of these questions. 1 : 1 For anything in Kca! Estate sec G. W. Jas(( cc. As Patriotic As in the Sixties . The . old Confederate soldiers , of North Carolina are still ready to ans-, wer their country's call. Were the. call to come for them there would be no laggards or disloyalty. Presbyterian Church Dedicated The' Presbyterian . church here wa9 dedicated last Sunday. Dr. ,R. B. Grinnman, a former pastor , of the church and one of the builders, was . present and , preached. Rev. R. B. .bmith, of Asheville, offered the dedica. tory prayer, Rev. A. I. Justice read the , Scaipture and Mr. Sample dismissed the congregation. . There were seven pas tors present. , ' The Chinese have never learned to love the missionary either in the form of hash or chops or to livenear as a neighbor. At Tabul in the province ' of Chi-li they have a dozen mission aries surrounded with the apparent purpose" of sending them to some soil more responsive 'to their preachments. Assistance is on the way from Peking and may reach, the missionaries in time. News comes that the bottom of the mud on the Buncombe end of the Asheville-HenderSonville road has been discovered and that maps and Charts are being made for the use of . rescue parties who go to look after the luckless unwarned travelers who ventured into the heretofore unmeas ured seas of red clay mud. This will be good news to the public as great fear had been entertained, by many that such discovery, was not possible by the use of any yet discovered method of taking soundings in heavier than water liquids. The Buncombe county commissioners are to be felicitated on their remarkable achievement. Ashe ville should be more1 than delighted with' the splendid work of Buncombe county commissioners. By 1919 or 1920, with energetic work, the road may again be made passable and automobiles from the south may . again reach that city. , ' . Latest reports show the Russian armies increasing their'resistence to the Austro-trerman ohensive on the Galician front. The retreat, however, has "not yet" stopped, and there is great danger that the Russian line will be broken just north of Roumania and that the Roumanian and Russian armies holding the extreme southern end of the Russian front will be cut off, surrounded and t either captured or destroyed. If this should happen all of Roumania and the provice ol Besserabia in Russia would (all into teutanic hands and the question of forcing Germany to quit by the blockade would be ended. This mis fortune to Russia and . Roumania would enable Germany to hold out for much longer against the allies. Splendid crops are growing in Besser abia and Kou mania and their capture by Germany would immediately solve the lood question,