Office: 2nd Floor Forrest Building PHQNE 101-J 7 nn s.''.', i Subscription 50 cents per year in Advance pho:;Fioi-j O F Iff IE N D JE S O KT C O 1EJ N T Y ':r: Name changed from VISITOR Nov. 19, 19i8. . . Vol. 3. No. 9 HENDERSON VILLE, N. C , TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1919 50c Per Year DR. L. B. MORSE ELECTED NAPLES AND FLETCHER C. A. HOBBS HEADS RED CROSS: TOWN ELECTION CALLED COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER HAVE MAD DOG FRIGHT ; 911 ANSWERED ROLL CALL TO VOTE ON PARK PURCHASE , - - At the bi-ennial session Mnndav nf I Fletcher and 'Naples sections r I,, ... At. thn mfinv fho ovoonftva Tha the Henderson County Board of greatly excited over the mad dog committee of the Red Cross chapter ville have called an election for 1 iicmm u. iuwsc was eieaea owvy. . . vu oamruay u. a. xiooDs.was elected jp eoruary;, 10 vote on the matter of county health officer to succeed Dr. Ben Souther's dog recently bit four chairman to succeed Dr. A. C. Te- purchasing the; Notermari property at A. B. Drafts, who had filled the office of his children, who have been sent beau. a price of $23,000 for park purposes for four years. . to Raleigh for treatment. After bit- .; .Mrs. J. F. Brooks was elected su- The city is putting the issue square-- Dr. Morse's position as a member ing the children the dog bit several pervisor of the sewing room, this be- ly up to the people in order that they of the health board was filled by Dr.. canines which, The NEWS under- ing one of the departments ' of the may pass upon the wisd6m of'mir- i. o. joruwu. irs. iraiis, morse ana swwus, nave uoi ueen iunea, , ; wore room oi wnicn Mrs. w,,K. JvirK cnasmg grounds for a citv nark . ucujiniiiii r. juil muue application f xue jjevpie uj. uiat secuuu wani is supervisor. for the office. . ? A : relief from the dogs. There is a Reports made at the monthly meet- , The health board is now composed rigid dog law but sentiment does not ing snowed that 911Tpersons resnohd- of if the chairman of ' the . Board of I support it. If it did the county would ed. to the Christmas Red Cross roll qounty Commissioners, John N, Rus- e immediately wealthy m collecting call in this county. $50 from each of the owners and - ,, killing the dogs in addition. TEACHERS MEET. SATURDAY $5,000 EDUCATIONAL FUND sell; the mayor, C. E. Brooks; super intendent of schools, Prof. W S. Shitle; Dr. Brown and Dr. J. L. Eger ton. . ' The committee of the First Bap-. tist church having in hand the matter of raising $5,000 for the educational fund met Friday: night and entered!. WILL MATCH THE ROAD FUND 4- I UDOn t.hft final Hofaila i 4-V i.rm.V WANT COUNTY HOME MANAGER I . ;i - VilC.giaUCU 9VUVV1 VUUUlIlg 111 11C11UC1- - I.1IV UUlUUUb lit Biglll. : mi. i. i. 1 -u i. sonville at 11 o'clock next Saturday. Tne county has not completed its l he county home will have a new .: Thia w,n k fi,Q allotmpnt of su nnn w- ia mi '. . . .;. .'It t i . . ;i l ' I OVI1VV CtVi . XIl uiKaiuairiuu Willi to" , VUUIHJ i VUUIUIIOSIUUCIB , UnVC Viuwuu llOTUlfi gisu UUMVC Uiav OUC ho nAvfaAfa) All! nnkliA? .A.. notified state authorities that Hender- does not desire the management after fMwa . fui 'r-rtwo.A t wii -uuuij( win guaiaiiicc suin l u uokc .. ...... I At'CdllQ equal io tnat oi tne iederai road x nose wisning tne jod snouid me allotment for this county, which I application with Register of Deeds amounted to about $18,000 last year. A. 0. Jones before January 18. This will be used on the, roads desi gnited as state highways. Elizabeth Shipman Entertains ' Little Miss Elizabeth Shipman en tertained the following young friends at a birthday; party Thursday after-v The countv commissidners at their V r ",. u";." xvenn, n,nzaDetn and Hiugema BOB'S CREEK ROAD Fred-Patterson Play at Fruitland next monthly meeting will hear rea- Z""AJZal.?',gt On next ' Friday nieht the voune sons for and agaitfst changing Bob's """'1""" "M1" (adies of Fruitland Institute will pre- Creek-road from Green River Creek, road from Green River bridge - An event of especial interest in I sent as their annual play Shakes- to the head of Green River as a Jewish circles was the marriage of pear's "Twelfth Night." The play result of application for a re-loca Miss Bessie Claire Fred to Albert was postponed from Thanksgiving, tion. Patterson on last Sunday afternoon the usual time, because of the sen and Hasseltine Shipman. ' " The decorations : '. were , red and green. . . at the home of the bride; Mr. and ousness of the influenza epidemic atLrAJd.'Soclrtypaier,:l, seral hSv ErsVdavW ofamei Mrs.:H. Pattersoh; . Rabbi EUis : Fox of Asheville' offi- The proceeds will be used for the Methodist church : recently elected r: ciated. The attendants i were Mrs. improvement of the girl's literary ivif s. ?y ixoij as presiaenx ana .afw-, a', , T M. f Fred: president has named the following Fred,5 her brother; and H. Patterson, Misses Dixon and Donnahoe Enter- committees: , Odd Fellows Elect Officers Uncle'of the groom. Miss Rosa Lewis tain. - Mrs. M. F. Moores, chairman of , At a meeting of the Odd Fellows played Mendelsohn's wedding march. Misses Beulah Donnahoe and Des- committee for visiting isick and on Tuesday night the following offi The bride was. sweet and attractive sie Dixon jointly entertained atVthe ff rdaeV ; Iff' cers were elected for the year 1919: in -her gown of white satin and veil home of Dr. and Mrs. Guy E. Dixon, M. R. Allen, W. H. Justus, . Miss Ella s. M. Garren, Noble Grand ; James with a crown of pearls and orange Saturday afternoon, r with' a rook McLain,assistants. v . Hyder Vice Grand; A. O. Jones, blossoms. : party. Refreshments consisting of Mrs- c; !J ew chairman of commit- Secretary; A. F..P. King, Treasurer; ; The bride and groom left on Tues- cocoa, pimento sandwiches, fruits and ere visit benevolent institutions; j. m. Stepp, Warden and W, T. Drake, day for Washington, Baltimore, small akes were serVed by ' the Mesdames C. E.-Brooks, J: R Hill, A. Chaplain. - c -Philadelphia and New York . for a hostesses. Those present were Misses C.Gurley, S.J. Harris, assistants. All members of the ' lodge are trip of about ten days, after . which Ruth Blacks Mary E. ' Walker,1 Ro- Mrs. S. J. Hart, chairman of par- especially requested to be present Mv...ft. v.m...., I iic a i a ucauuy nignu iviaiiers oi lin- - D"wee5 tFj Bland. G- W.. Brooks, p0rtance are to come before the lodge they will return and make their home berta Helen and Annette Brooks. in Hendersonville, where for ' years Alletta "and Eleanor Plank, May Mor- they have Deen . empioyea in raner- row, Margaret Leniort, Mary, Minam son's Department store. They .are arTd Margaret Middleton, Helen Bly, botl; popular socially ana in a dusi- dna Byers and Allene Durfee. that are of interest to all good citi- ness ' way and as clerks are held in high 'estimation by their employer. Shortly after the wedding cere mony a course dinner was served and V Miss Epting Dead Miss Bessie Epting died at her home in Abbeville, S. C, last Friday morn- J Mack Rhodes, assistants. Mrs. Robert L. Hunt, chairman of zens and especially Odd Fellows. cnurcn; mesuames . x. Byers, L. M. Colt, Nell Brooks, assist ants. ' Chief Powers and Dog Law Messrs. Jackson and Clarke Browhlow Jackson "' and R C. Clarke are the Henderson county men named among , the incorporators of addition families of the bride and groom: n,-Wp1 hv the followint? cruests. in I" TI J r - l-Tr ".CIIi. Otis Powers, the iren el chief, com lO memuers ui uib mucu.ovC , .nno(, - :fl110T1Ta Miss Kntl lurmuiy muwcu awny a ui6 utF ""I w . ..rV . " 7.. r-" 7- im: d Mrs. . - - . , m V-ft . T . 1 av.o- Kflntrnwitr. Miss itosa jjewis. : ... ... . a Hendersonville'; Mrs. Joseph" Gold. navenDort4 mother is aUo sick Mrs' "Koad laws remind me of dog laws. Henderson county has subscribed for Sol Gold. Hampton. Va., Mis; Jennie gP$ eVed To reSrn thfs Every man wants just what he want, ?3,000 worth. week. . 3 m ? n . ?e: !iPAa S erai' -n "iT the Board of Trade banquet, smoked established in Asheville. . Mr.. Jack- 1 . ! . - J ir iK wa aiatci Ul xxo..aj. , . . , . .1 1.-11. I U, 4-;ma 4n Mr. and r.irs. wenaei, xur. ana iirs. - f H . SJ who was called a gooo cigar, nsienea .1,0 ruau u . biu 6uu. w Mnrris. Newberrv. S .C.l Mrs. H. Shprihtz, Crab Orchard, Ky.; Misses Ahna, Gertrude and Ray Michalove, Asheville: Louis Shapiro, Camp Wadsworth; A. L. Cohen, New York K Bank Directors Entertained rjhe directors of the First Bank '& Trust Company were entertained at dinner Saturday evening by it. ju. Mr. and Mrs;. Walker Smith have and the other a far off.-, purchased the rJeShjelds house and expect to occupy it soon." the road to pass his own door but the doer law to exempt his own dog." G. F. Stradley Sells He wants one to operate near home G F Stradley, cousin of W. C. Stradley of Hendersonville, where the . ; nwm av maa in Viiie.naea aavarol VO T ; icai Minna xviuti urw- ag0 when he 80id to Burckmyer Capt T. V. Lyda is sending in- Brothers and moved to Asheville has -structions to the members of the 38th retired from the grocery business in : Reserve Militia of Hendersonville to that city to give his full' time to his Miss Carmtchael Entertains , Miss Willie Carmichael entertained tne eflfect that they are expected to new office, commissioner iOf public in- nTtat his home. Dr. A.' C. Tebeau I recently with a rook party ; at the drill every Friday night at 7:30 and Utitutions, a county job to which he and Editor T. W-Valentine were ana ,irs ?Ued guests in add tlon Vrthe direc- A Doren friends enjoyed the game out complaint the obligations imposed ii,cu t . land refreshment. I womSort " was recently elected. tors. Hospital Meetinf The annual meeting of the Hender BANKS ARE HEALTHY unon them, as members Drilling, has been suspended for several weeks on account ox nu. T, Tt :"i a ,";;n tm'n Ko ine citizens ,raiionai , uaiuc ana ro?), .x 1 the First Bank & Tnisf Company E. J. Rhodes Buys Farm E. J. Rhodes has purchased the Donnahoe farm of 75 acres at a price Mr. Rhodes will soon locate a man- First Baraga Officers ' ' The Baraca elkss of th First Bap- Uger on the farm and trill pay con- the war.'- They hare Urge deposits, I presidents,. G, W. Justic and Albert but wiu conunue w give ni iuu good surplus and have just paid. their Lck; secretary, Tom Keith; teacher, time to tne Carolina uu a ,oupp y Mt. Page Ooim . semi-annual dividends. They make all. For Justice r assistant teachers. Company. Mr. Rhodes has a mgniy vi v.. iACJ fnr the no .nxrinf tt ftpr a lone rvrW 1 n v P Elvthe and T. , L. I desirable iarm. it is on mo isugar year n account of the fin- ; 'of bond and stamp buying. t - Darhirn.. Loaf road near Hendersonrille. -1