r' fin Job Printing Is our Specialty All Kinds Only 50 Cents A Year. Good Clubbing Rates F H IE N D E K S O N C U O N T Y Name changed from VISITOR Nov. 19. 1918.- Vol. 3. No. 17 HENDERSON VILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1919 Independent o HENDERSON COUNTY ROAD COL. WOODWARD AND U. S. BILL PASSED LEGISLATURE MAN HERFi ABOUT SCHOOL SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION; NAMES OF GRAND JURORS NEW ROAD COMMISSIONERS NAMED BY COUNTY BOARD Countv Road Administration Soon to Steps Taken, for Shaping Highland Superior court convened here Mon . - - I Y I y-i i n . r 1 . I J... X x jj x i Be in New Hands Under the New -aKe uud rropeny tor immeaiaie any iui a lenii ox iwu weeiis wun I , , occupation by Military in aval juagre x. u. riniey presiaing ana Academy, I ooncitor u. Hi. snipman representing v 1 fha erora oa TlvAcintnfAw THia f Allniir mi imTiTn i l ill x 1 I I fv f wi wcvuiui . lire iwuwn i. lie j.nxiivo xasi. wccis. iuiu ui uic John Albert Maxwell, J. O. Bell and J. Arack Rhodes Constitute Board; Mr. Rhodes Declines Office. The new road law is not a dead issue because within four days after . T O "XH frAxnQ-rA niaei1ant n-P I intr crranA inrv was rlrown rough sledding the Henderson county the Georgia Military Academy, and J. S. Jackson, foreman; J. M. its enactment by the legislature the road bill was having on account of Maj-or Talbotii representative of the King, D. M. Lanning,' A. P. Elliott, county commissioners had discharged pouucai oDsirucuun. xis passage was u. s government, have been in Hen- M. A. Kedden, W. T. Smith, K. L. seriously threatened. It went through dersonville for the past few days in Osteen, J. G. Walker, F. B. McCall, the house but was held ud bv - - . viiii,vwuil . vv. nvin xuwuwiv v 1 - - w. quest of opponents 01 tne Din ana niacins the Highland Lake Club prop- Livingston, Miller Stepp, Fred Allen. Mr. Rhodes informs The NEWS was seriously fought, erty in .shape for the military-naval Its. x. bouther, Mark King , J as. A. that he cannot serve. Mr. Rhodes President Clarence Latham of-the school to be located there. Ward, 55. M. McCall. savs that while he is an enthusiastic Board 'of Trade seeing that the bill The government is co-operating After drawing the grand jury Mon- advocate of erood roads and knows was greatly imperiled went to cai- with military schools and the repre- day morning superior court adjourn- a good road when he sees it and eigh last week and nursed the road sentative was here from Washington ed for a meeting of the local bar out appreciates it, he is not a road build committee of the senate until the bill to confer with Colonel Woodward of respect to the late Judge M. H. er and is not sufficiently versed in went through successfully. relative to the foundation work of Justice. Many kind words of highe&V this business to accept the work. An- The bill's provisions are in sub- the school to open nere mis summer, praise were spoken py memoers 01 other very important reason for his stance as follows: a. HiwDanK and u. r. mand nave tne oar, ana resolutions 01 respect decimataon of the omce is his limited Take iurisdiction out of hands of been in close touch with colonel were aooptea. time; lie informs The NEWS that m - f nr. j i t j j. i i 4:AiiA. i i ii l j j l t i a it maffistrates appoint three road wuuuwaru s purposes anu tney say luuuwmgjururs nave ueen ne wouia not oe a Die to give tne worK1 trustees one to be member of board uua1' Iie ia tu pia piumuing, ouuuuvucu xux tuun uu ummg mcisuinucin, ume tu uo me roaa ouna of. county commissioners, this body to Panting, overhauling, etc prepara- first and second weeks of the court, ing problem justice. , x. .ii. feo aa j: tory to early occupation of the prop- First Week The political bueaboo has been dis- name iwu utuers ai yo.vv uw uieuii . il4- -u u " I T XiT w t w o 4-1 m tr t e - v. .: j ii -j i i i. j. i ci l y . r. uiiutKxayiicx iias uccn un i muui o. f . uuiai.ij.ci is, x . iv. i siuateu. xusteau ox iiie reDUDiicans nthiraSSrhave fill p7Wer i . 4fn gxapns iui uie mgiuy attractive anu -xxs -wx. uuueii, a repuuiican commission tney namea absolute road control: appoint a lull-1 ovcj.r vovy.a rt v,a k. AnHrsnn M n stonn w s Ymimr Lna .inti, aa;,..; time road supervisor and nx nis ij-v-j u 0 CPy,ftni afv c nloi-iT vaqI enhiOAfs 7rvr K rfiv nr I n . . . i . . , nr . I cta 01 - r - r s it n r rT t I . . . 1 ' , """-j" " ."-i it is unaerstooa mat uoionei w ood- oiepp. o. m. Mcuan. m. o. ljivines- ana two aemocrats. pay msteaa 01 .ou as nereio- ward win arrange to spend at least ton, Fred Allen, Miller Stepp, Sr., tore nx penalty ior ianure to Keep gicrht months in the vear with ' the J. H. Capps.' D. F. Lanniher. K. M. up road signs; empower county com- Hendersonville school. Osteen, W. T. Smith. W. W. Ward, miSSiimers w uicxcasc xuau l. icvjr , i j. x oungDiooa, w. XX. xiooa, 1VX. A. T7, TVJio c:i. the First Baptist church is thi Souae T G.' 7k obse"iW the "week o, prayer nroiir. a t T7iu. t nr vi ior nome missions. Meetings are The BAPTISTS' WEEK OF PRAYER to not exceed 4 mills and be not less WOODMEN GO TO SALISBURY Redmon, T. B. McCall, W. P. Black- ftf Vil w iLS Twi than 2 mills; give right to take prop- FOR FOUR D AYS InCAMpSInT well, W. . J. Drake, James A. Ward, llJft erty for road work, giving property owners rignt to me claims ior uam ages if agreement is otherwise; work with the view to up ns ior aam- Five members of White Pine Camn aiKer. a.-, xiiiiioit, J . M. xving, not reached No 213 Woodmen of the World ex- Laughter, S. M. King. vimn rn iirt I .... ... ... I nrnnn Wt;lr ,ul"C4""c' ""V vy- T""I vv.- Pect to attend the meeting of the T n Wm,;" " A X rnjinoll T Monday, at Mrs. J F Brooks' keep rather than road construction ttpju1 r-nmn in 9a1ihnrv nTvf wv J' D' Williams, G. C. Connell, J. luulI"f' L u f ooks for the next few vears u V31"?-111 5allsDulJ Rext week, B M ddleton, R. J; Taylor, W. H. home, Mls- R- N. Pratt, leader; sub- ior tne next iew years. bes'inninE' Tuesdav and lasting for t a ' n ' v W tv, v t a- - " . -- . -0 xjance. rj. v. xsarnweii. j. tr. JNew-uc" xvunt cuuic ox mc taut rlnvs l . t o ai . c n:- n z J: . . mon. n. ivierren. u. u: xiuffcins: ouum. " V. Hiccles Grant eroes as Head t n zr: xr r m i. t t oix Tnocnon na.can.A it; x iic iixvu oiiu aiAMi xuwo 1 ionsni ni Liip w oaamen or tne srar.R i -- tj t t a nr--i:-i. CniiinoaK inn i. . ,,Kirr.x nA..v.4.n:M ;x V,o Q sna11inni fV, T?-il .. T.: V,.r" A lau"L.-. Taxiiuiv, mwii"Bi icawcijauujctv, xfxouiiaiii wiujr D,iwyi ii . ana win presiae over tne aeiiDera- j, r Liverett T W Clark C G j xvxxwv. -"v- - uons oi tne camp, at wnicn an attena- Mace. L. M. Anders. ance 01 iuny auu is expectea. S. Y. Bryson, J. M. Stepp, S. H. Hudgins and A. H. Hawkins expect to L J 1 X XI 1 1 W kv as ue1et7ax.es upra ine local camp. John T. Wilkins will go by virtue of held each afternoon at 3 :30. program follows: victorious. CHOICEST NEWS OF WORLD AT LOW COST; NEWS CLUB RATES PERSONAL 'MENTION Ca1.aa1. Wednesday, at Mrs. T. L. Durham's1 home; subject,- "Among the Negro Women." Mrs. W. U. Stradley is leader. Thursday, at Mrs. J. L. Egerton's ' The NEWS Is only 50 cents a year, his position on the orphanage com The NEWS publishes Henderson mittee. Mrs. Roy Staton of Waynesville y,rtTT,o w f tt nmm9ni. cKif is vioibiii mi a. x aui xviioucs. I flur Wflr Wnrk ti r ttii Tnriii - f n l -1 I ----- iuiss riora ivxeau oi oausoury is t?;jo . tw; r: nf ... . I 'j.' i i A X i r i ii I x xiuajr. ai xixioo uiiiiic iuviiun o The NEWS is printing the report vi.iung ner urnuier, a. a. cwiii. . home. program by Girls' Auxiliary: Alice race oi neasant mn i , . - n, . fountv news onlv. To those who pre- a I .11. IV J T1 A . I I m m m m . .! TVTi ?r ""J lie"ae.""" h?"m2 WB " 01 "e.ad onsul wft.lch eaPte "r"tw "Glimpses of Cuba otycuit biic n ccn-cuu vviui misa natc Dotson. that from all oier the world, The war-times shows a crrowth of over IVFIVS nftara iha fnllnwlno' nttmrtlvrt I o t nn r it. - 1; j iv. I'ini ith ;;a 'AVU. in Aorin V?"na " e M. Fnan p. of Camnohello John A. Burckmyer has returned a specialty of gathering the general higst elective office c3 the Wood- is visitin her sister' Mrs- Jesse Shep- from a visit to his brother in Beau- news. The NEWS 6 months, 25 cents. Ihe lNt.WS one year with any o men in this state. In addition to this Axi..A rT 1 XT' v. t n I Mrs. K. W. Steel, whn hni heen in I i . i . i . xi I nttuiucjr vuaxics x i ciii.il xuiiis ui . f "e 1 m:!x-:?fr Asheville was a court attendant Mon- the city for a month since serving the th following naoers for one year Uio.;iv.., wi d y government at wasnmgton, u. , . . i i vuuiiuauucx ui nic ivtai vaiiiy tiiiu ikty, TTnfnn I sometime as veomanette. leaves Sat- . X 1 ..ml . . I Villi k a. vXX,Ol. nu up XX Lflll U111U11 I " . J coionei oi tne id an regiment um- rt.fi,0 waalr-anrl TTa will Vta antra rmA I UrdSV I0T xvUSSellVllIe. Ala. form rank Woodmen of the World, there in work for several days; Rev. S. E. Glandon returned Fri- These honors have come to Mr. Grant Mr. nnH Mrs. Jesse ShenWd have day to his home in Jacksonville. Fla.. as a result of much time spent in secured the tpttage of J. D. Dermid after a visit to his daughter, Mrs. the interest of Woodcraft during his on Second avenue east and are oc- Frank S. Brunson. Mrs. Glandon will services in various capacities of CwDviner it. . remain with her daughter for some- AtLnt Semi.WtUv Journal. Woodcraft 'Work, iney fhow his un- Mr. Glazener. the father of Alf. time. (Journal has advanced from 75 cents swerving loyalty to this fraternal and G. M. Glazener, has been quite The Ladies Aid Society of the in at nis nome in itosman ior several uuemuum tuureu wm meu wnu wn. days. ' Avery Justus Thursday afternoon at for the price erven below. FOR $1.00 The National Republican. For $1.15 TrLWeekly .Nvr York World. Progresshe Farmer (Weekly). FOR 91.25 work. to $1.25 a year.) FOR SUM) The NEWS and TrMVeekl Allan- Mr. Kincaid's Store Robbed ta Constitution for one year. (ConslI- The store of F. H. Kincaid was tntlon has adiauccd from $1.00 to entered through the front door by re- KiJ0 a leir.) I movinp- the class on Wednesday nhrht This offer applies to both new and and goods to the value of about $30 renewal Ruuscnnuons. n n is a rciere taken. newnl subscription other than Hie Mrs. T. L. Steele, who has been 3 o'clock. visiting her daughter, Mrs. Paul Walter Reed, who has made his Rhodes, has returned to her home in I home in Hendersonville for several Statesville. years, died of influenza, February the Leon Trice, who has been in naval the 19th at his home at Melvin HilL service at Great Lakes, 111., has been Mrs. J. D. Davis expects to leave transferred to Charleston. S. C. and I Saturday on a visit to her daughter. NEWS be sure to ghe the exact name tT , T , t,-. -"x I expects to receive his discharge soon. Mrs. C. B. Eaves, in Chattanooga. and Initial on your subscription label V y W. J. Davis, at Broad Oaks Sani- Mr. Eaves has been quite ill with so yon will be gUen credit. Send or wec-na n "e f liy tarium, Morganton, is reported as rheumatism for several days, bring label tilth you for or Informa- little Katharine Freeman, daugh- getting along encouragingly welL . Ensign Montraville Egerton, son of flon. tcr J.Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Freeman, Mrs. W. II. Justus returned Satur- Mrs. Bessie A. Egerton of Henderson- No flubbing subscription taken for i puten several nmes oy day from a visit of several days in ville, has received his discharge from less than one year. u,eB aay. ai lrn oon. ine aog, wnicn Rutherfordton.' naval service at Pelham Bay, N. Y., The NEWS alone one new suDscrip-io wii.wiiwn rmuira, was jy Arledge, who has been honor- and has returned to KnoxviUe and, lion and one renewal or two new year- Kiuea ana nis neaa sent to ivaieign abiy discharged from camp Greene, resumed his legal practice. ly subscriptions cents If brought for examination. The dog was at Charlotte, spent a few days in the S. J. Justice went to Spartanburg In or sent In at the snme time. lrge on the streets. cjty iast yisiting his sister, Mrs. last Wednesday for physical examina- TIIE NEWS I Mr. Armstrong and a number of his I J. E. Shinman. Ition but conditions were found a Of Henderson County I friends have arrived from Greensboro I Mr. and Mrs. C A. Iloobs are little worse than he expected and it Office on 2nd Floor Forrest Building.! to spend a week or more at his home I visiting their people in Bridgeport, is feared that he will have to undergo jienaertonTiiie, .i. c- above Laurel 1'arlc I Conn. . I an operation before returning home.

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