Job Printing Is our Specialty All Kinds Only 50 Cents A Year. Good Clubbing Rates Jl OF HENDEKSO N C O U N T Y Name changed from VISITOR Nov. 19. 1918. Vol. 3. No. 18 HENDERSON VILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919 Independent METHODISTS PLANNING DRIVE OF BIG CENTENARY MOVEMENT County Director F. E. Durfee Out lines Plans and' Names Allotments for Local Churches; General Ser vice Next Sunday , and Mass Meet ing on 23rd. ." The Methodists of Henderson coun ty, in unison with those of the United States, are planning for the great drive to be held over the county f xfirtv April 13 to the 20th in observance of the Centenary movement to raise a large sum of money for missionary and educational purposes. F. E. Durfee is director for Hen derson county, the Asheville district being under District Director Frank Weaver. This is the 100th anniver sary of the founding of missionary work by the Methodists ana tney are going to celebrate with high aims, it being the greatest nnanciai unuer taking in the -history of Methodism. The whole country has been divided into districts in order to raise the thirty-five million dollars expected i mm the south. . v On next Sunday for educational nurooses preparatory to making the drive services will be held at every Methodist church in Henderson coun- tv when visiting laymen will outline the plans and purposes of the nation wide campaign. Un next ounaay week, March 23, a mass meeting of representatives from all the county churches will be held at 3 o'clock at the Methodist church" of ' Henderson J vllle. The allotments for the churches of this county together with the names of the persons in charge of their re spective church campaigns are given i below: . ' ' Hendersonville, $17,000, C. F. Bland: Flat Rock, $1,925, C. P. Rogers: Pattie's Chapel, $1,925, J. C. Sales; Eruitland, $720; Roy John son; Moore's Grove, $840, W. F. Garren; Edneyville. $720, Miss Sue Justus; Upward, $330, F. R. Jones; Hillgirt, $270, Mrs. S. A. Edwards; Reedy Patch. $120, Mrs. Mark Edney; Mills River, $1,739, Floyd Osborne; Horse Shoe, $1,470, Prof. J. W. Morgan; Shaws Creek, $423, A. R. Johnson. PIpHo-ps will he naid in annual in- . stallments covering a period of five years. The Methodists have an enor mous undertaking and are entering into it with the kind of enthusiasm that it takes to succeed. A Divergent Views From Democrats SUPERIOR COURT CONTINUES BUSY WITH CRIMINAL CASES Relative to the New Road Law rriiiK tffiii;: havior Two Years; Numerous Other Cases. COUNTY'S DEMOCRATIC LEADER AND STATE OFFICER HENDERSON COUNTY GIVE VIEWS AS FAR APART EAST IS FROM THE WEST; REMARKABLE BY REASON OF GREAT CONTRAST. FROM AS From Mr. ' Ewbank: I supported the passage of the bil for the reason that it comes within the democratic doctrine of local self- government and because it marks the beginning of the end of what I have always regarded as political piracy on our part. The High and Mighty Ruler of the universe has ordered as immutable law that a righteous prin ciple cannot be kept eternally under the dominion of a false, immoral oi unjust one, however long the false one may succeed m maintaining an apparent ascendancy; and the agency ! .mill i in I. mmA E. W. EWBANK Chairman Henderson County Demo cratic Executive Committee. ' Open New Garage Bert Shock and Harley Shipman have engaged in the garage business and will oe reaay ior service wumn a few days. Alterations have been made on Mrs. C. E. Wilson's building to the rear of the Blue Ridge Inn to accommodate the new firm. Millinery Opening .Miss. M. E. Woodall announces her annual spring muimery opening on next Tuesday. Last Week THE NEWS Contained 129 Local News Items Costs Subscribers Only a week. Scbscribe now. Phone 101-J Subscription will be taken and collection made later. The NEWS is beinf talked about. , hat supports the wrong end of the proposition will, soon or late, pay the penalty for transgressing what is absolutely immutable ! It's God's law, and no man-made contraven tion can withstand it. We have paid the penalty. "Repent ye and be saved" is as good political doctrine as it is religious faith! I am for the road bill as passed because it is an article of repentance. A declaration of good faith and a roseate promise of early democratic power in Hen derson county. From Mr. Shipman: Superior court will be engaged for nearly the whole term of two weeks in the trial of criminal cases. The grand jury was discharged last week after finding a large number of true bills and visiting the county offices and institutions. The grand jury yx wuxOC x nave uuu mm vuuiu made no recommendations. Its re pot endorse the proposition of taking port was singuiarly brief, stating that the road system of the county away the county offices and institutions f4" "1C u,s,ursw "u p os it were in good shape, it made a re in the hands of the republicans. "I have tried to be neutral in the mat ter, and think I have succeeded pretty well for a man entertaining the view that the members of my party are just as capable of handling local matters as are the commission port of the products grown on tfre county farm, which showed consider able produce on hand. The following cases were before the court: Lonnie Lyda, larceny, nol pros. , nol T nnnio TTroom a n larnon v eis ui uie uppusiur uarvy, xou Know pros. , I ' now nara l worKed down here years jacoD Lynch, assault, waives bill ago, to secure the enactment of ajand pleads guilty; fined $10 and costs. Henry Ward, assault, enters plea of i nolo contendere and taxed with costs. i Dewitt Morgan and Forest Capps, affray, waives bill and plead guilty; fined $10 and costs. Furman Stepp, assault; Malcolmn Hyder, assault and carrying conceal ed weapon. Stepp guilty and mercy of court asked for by jury; Hyder guilty as to assault. Wayne ' Bird, retailing, pleads guilty. Jack Turner, retailing, not guilty. Ed.' Sly, resisting officer, pleads guilty, sentenced to six months on roads. Stanley Edwards, forcible tres pass, pleads guilty; sentenced o roads for 40 days. W."J. G. Hill, assault with deadly weapon, guilty.' Thomas Bird, housebreaking, not guilty. Thomas Bird, larceny, pleads guilty, commissioners to hire to T. P. Lane for 12 months. Will Whitmire, assault and battery, not guilty. Luther Booker, manufacturing liquor, guilty. Edgle Frisby, pleads guilty to as sault; taxed with costs. V. .C. McCrary, assault, enters plea of nolo contendere, taxed with one- f -, ' W: pzrriy M. L. SHIPMAN State Commissioner of Labor Printing. anc CAMP CRAGGY TO OPEN AT CHIMNEY ROCK ON JULY 3 The NEWS is in receipt pf a hand some booklet just issued by Camp Craggy For Boys, which will enjoy its fecond season at Chimney Rock, opening on July 3 for eight weeks. Keese Combs of Miami, Fla., direc tor of the camp, will have associated with him William P. Eavenson, as sistant director, and four other as sociates, Dr. L. B. Morse of Hender sonville being camp physician. The first year at Chimney Rock was most encouraging and even a more suc cessful season is expected this sum mer. The booklet is richely illus trated with views of that beautiful section. law which would Dlace the control third of state's costs. of the roads in the hands of the Cordie Worley, assault, taxed with democrats. I could not now con- costs. sistently take an opposite view of Sevier Clark, seduction, enters the matter and retain my political plea of nolo contendere, taxed with integrity, without putting my con- cost of prosecution. science to a severe test. It would M. L. Paty vs. J. H. Paty, absolute be an admission that the democrats divorce granted. of Henderson county are incapable Ollie Clark vs. Ernest Clark abso- of handling the road system, and for lute divorce granted. this reason it should be placed in Jeff Hill, burning barn, guiltv. the hands of the republicans. I feel Karl Wentz, case remanded to that an injustice is being done the mayor's court. party by the suggestion first made, Harrison Moffitt, carrying con to place the entire matter in the cealed weapon, judgment suspended hands of the county commissioners, on payment of costs. Joe bummey, having whiskey for sale, deads' cruiltv. Jurors for Second Week I Joe Summev. second case, ha vine J. D. Williams, G. C. Connell, J. whiskey for sale, not guilty. B. Middleton, R. J. Taylor, W. H. Grant Kramer, manslaughter, Lance, E. A. Barnwell, L. G. New- charge changed to forcible trespass mon, J. H. MerrelL C. C. Huggins, to which defendant pleads guilty. The J. G. King, E. L. Clark, J. J. Slat- plea is accepted. Defendant required tery, P. T. Carson, J. A. Warlick, to eive J200 bond to enarantea his J. R. Liverett, T. W. Clark, C. G. appearance at each term of criminal aiace, 1 m. Anaers. court for two years for the Duroose of showinc poor! behavior. This was Help the Red Cross with a few the case wherein Kramer and three hours of work. Rooms open from 101 others were in an automohili wreck to 1 daily. resulting in the death at FMwnrH Faulkner. Painting Baptist Church Penalties had not been fixed Tues- J. V. Helsel has contracted to paint I day in a number of the foregoing. the steeple and rooi ox the iirsti Baptist church building and the roof I The local Red Cross is appealing of the parsonage. The windows of I for helpers. Much work needs to be the church will also be painted and I done. The workers are few. Will some slight repair work will be done. I you help. Report from 10 to 1.