nn Job Printing Is our Specialty All Kinds Only 50 Cents A Year. Good Clubbing Rates OF HE N D E K S O N COUNTY Name changed from VISITOR Nov. 19. 1918. Vol. 3. No. 22 IIENDERSONVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, APRILy8, 1919 Independent ANOTHER MOVE ON FOOT FOR NOTERMAN PLACE AS PARK HEN SLEEPS TWO WEEKS Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Seagle of East NEWS ITEMS FROM THE K. G. MORRIS RESIGNS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH AS CITY COMMISSIONER Advocates of a city park being Hendersonville have a hen which has The pastor. Dr. Bomar, has return- K. G. Morris, member of the city encouraged by the recent vote for tne slept for, a period of two weeks and ed to tne city after a week s absence board of commissioners for the past purchase of the Noterman place as is now apparently as well as ever. in Charlotte. Sunday was a good day, few years, has tendered his resigna a city park appeared before the. city one new member was received. At tion. Mr. Morris was the only re commissioners last week with ' the Opera Opening Well Received the prayer meeting next Wednesday publican on the board and doubtless view to having, the park, election re- "Shorty" Yager and his tourist evening a memorial to the late S. J. felt politically lonesome. There is a peated but in connection with the siTs at the opening of the Hender- Justice will be presented by the com- law which says that a man can't hold municipal" election. The board was SOnville Opera House on Friday and mtee which Judge Blythe is two offices and having received the not asked to commit itself but merely Saturday nights were given a hearty, chairman. Officers and teachers of rmportant appointment of notary give tne peopie anumer opportunity reception and their performances are us&eu to meei puoac, mt. iviorris retires irom to express themselves, and with the werG f aVorablv received That Hen- wtn he Pastor at the church next further activities on the aldermanic guarantee that there would be no dpr.nvi..P w hunt for vAi.dPvillp Wednesday afernoon at 4:15. board. cost attached to the city. mnnfod w ti.p nttor.daT.fP The evangelistic meetings, which The commissioners agreed to give on hoth nights in sufficient numbers were announced, have been called off. ATHLETICS AT FRUITLAND INST. an atteniivear to a peutwm cam for such election. A long petition mise to the extent that he will Rev- Dr- Dew found that he could The students and teachers believe has been secured. There were only thoroughly test the tastes of the peo- n0,00"6- , ., , in athletics. In our opinion nothing 28 votes against the purchase of the pie for further shows during the The feature of April work will be is finer for the development of body iNOterman property ior a par out coming season and thereby afford the I " xorces or tne ana mina, ior iostering tne right me piupusuwu ioiicu Mvu6 people amusement and create ade lerence. a majority 01 tne quaimeu quate compensation for his efforts. voters to carry tne election xor tne Dark was required. A heavier vote would be likely in connection with the city election. There were 139 votes in favor of the park. Armenian Relief Campaign Magazine to Feature This City Everywoman's Magazine, publish ed at Charlotte, will feature,, Hen- tically the whole magazine will be de- enlisted members. church, during the entire month, sort of school spirit, for training in towards winning the lost, reclaiming the art of co-ODeration or team-work. of backsliders and enlisting the un- for drill in the principles of honesty J V I i n ana iairness. We have basketball, baseball, ten nis, and track with its various per formances. In order to participate in any contest of any of these a per- TO MAKE SILK HOSIERY Vivolljr Mie wiiuie magazine vriii ue uc-i m., nuiviukn x. vvriuj'oiijr 10 inn-i 1 . - , x.j i.- tt j ...n- rrL. tt I .r: son must be a bone fide dudiI. that - - i voteu to nenuersonviiie. iiie nen-i nig piciJrtiauwua iui iuauuiav.i.uiiiig . , . , - , , Under the direction of Rev. J. F. dersonville Board of Trade will con- a high grade of silk hosiery in Hen- ? n and rfg"la.r worH Ligon the Armenian relief campaign tribute $100- to help defray expenses, dersonville. Four machines have been S "i " for $1,700 is being waged in Hender- Individual firms have taken advertise- ordered and the plant to begin with !lnanhYn5 1 Sng P88111 grades son county this week. Orr-Barringer Miss Eliza Orr and M. B. Barringer ber, TaaI, T a -Mi T.A,m,,'A woot Mr WViilrolr la nnw wit I, f ho I incic aiu mice reasons ior mis. J.U10. HOkU UCCi IICC iUlOO UluniUE " vv-.. . T AAA blVVlh .v ...v.. I A. a AT'mis 10 wwlrinv nn 4-Vio onaiiol nnm- I TProova.Tiopnn TTneiofTr AT ilia I aISL, It She has been circulation man- is fair to the DUDils them selves. If others than regular stu dents were permitted on the teams. just so many pupils of the school In are understood to have married in aSer or sometime and since coming Good Modern Woodmen Meeting A cVri llo RimHav Thp AsVipviIIp to iienaersonvuie in connection witn ai, -ma wAmAn io L u i " iv. A .Buvf.- j . 7 i.v; -,,l l ua muuciu hwuuiuwi iiiutwva nuuw uc uuwueu ou tne teams, in Times on Sunday carried announce- thlsmberAi)as beei? notlfied of held an interesting meeting . Monday the second place, it is fair to other ment that license had been secured, election to the position of associate night when nine new candidates were institutions and to the public. Everv ine coupie leit ncuuci on vme owr i introaucea into wooacrait ana iour one Knows wno plays on a Jbruitland uajr wviuiiiK "u " " ti,uii,u h Tl. r J I o niero weie eiecteu to meiiiuei snip. 1 team, anu 11 we Win Or 10Se tbe Monday. Miss urr naa been witn , rAr "rF rV J Boling was elected district deputy school gets the credit or otherwise Patterson's Department Store for a rSJSTAlk S Xl of the Modern Woodmen. Lastly, only such practice is in accord -year or more. She has a. large num- A-5 iS? with what is known as clean athletics ber of friends and relatives wnose "Vulu"Vl""1"c "".rTn W. Not Match Game in school and college games. rinleSdW InSmentVas oSEdS The NEWS is requested to state ?' I that thp vamp, nn Marpli 28 renorten pivcs, we expect Ol otner mstltU- turnld 1o the dTy by Rev. M. F. Moores and Re v. Mr. in another paper between East Flat KJ ?' .fll terl-MaSs&ate J D Dermid of Morris. Surviving are the father and Rock and Flat Rock" basketball teams w.f a" TVfu Weft AAeSTeS in HendWon- three brothers, L. E. and L. O. was not a match game and was not nH?UT& SrSYf Thomnson of Hendersonville and intended for publication but that ?u.!ids, Thursday afternoon, April . - -. I -i i n-ii m that he performed the marriage cere- Caryle Thompson of Texas. mnnw at Ilia liftmp RiinHav nicht fol-l lAVi.? v ..w.-.w ml O - I - lrtTO;.o. .V1111-.V1 sptviVpsi. I new rJu Schedule ,wn,"6 wa. . . m. TT J .Ml- A 1 Ml - T xne xieiiuersoiiviiie-Asneviiie xn- WUlltU - via um ma J Flat Rock has challenged East Flat IU Rock for a game. THE PRINCIPAL. Chickasaw Inn Name Changed Mrs. E. E. Hautsch of Charleston, TUXEDO PEOPLE FEASTED Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Bell gave a big . - A - 1 4 . V 1 - I m mk in vr imp irin nn rprnm onrn nnv 1 n 1 11 1 j j.i 1 Mi Mmip nav 5?mith eelphrftted i " 7" " v JT " u": i.V:' wno recently pUrCna8eu banquet to the lireen River Manu heTtSambirOidVSMt. Saturday 00 Sdi romAshTvlle dally road harchang 11? on.!??1110 ?nd S2?J- leaving both cities at the samehou fttaiBaUHSS! mJS ITiSktta ffilSSK SSS 4Uun Hautsch. whose home is in Charles- day of their son. Frank : Bell who a ?2"5ft fL81!1!311!? JJ the afternoon, except Sunday. The ton lived in the city for severa, f?J ox r "A"' urosia, cane anu uanujr e dcivcu cars naa a gooa patronage all winter it onP t:mp .vas house- Tu cV. 1 " tn thp fnllowintr PTiestai Misses Eliza- UaaI. - v I year3- At one time sne vjas nouse seas, where he saw aerial service for .if- r-Ti Qi,fl,i,(. tti.o :ri j.:;. "tv-ul"c ov "'J' keeper at tne AentucKy wome but nas Uncle Sam for several months An- "A a (i(i!H0n.a:ii v?s ."iff isar,y; lately been proprietress of Green- proximately 400 people were treated inn Martha DUon. and " Virg wm ru" UU""K v"e wod V Ula , just outside the city, to the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Twvford Virginia summer. Mrs. Hautsch has had much exper- Bell. The menu contained just about m- m 11 r . . . nence in tne notei line ana is looKing everything tempting to human appe- pu- f Mott,.. n. "I,mn entertain for a most successful season. Im- tite and the big feast was in a big Plan for Mothers Day Mic Alj-p TTollmon ontorfoin LAnAAnt. .M fo,l0o m . "lj Ti.". rp, -.rAi i v i?:-..!, v..i,mtun"""' vi..iU1iiivu 1 uunuing. xne men ana tneir iamiues W. B! SL5" SSVS iS 1. Fr,?a,y en,nS her h,ome, wtt a new Property. went to their pleasant call at the hour unvij ovuwvi mvwi- social, uames were enjoyea alter designated on printed cards, the num- SJSf"2ie85 viS Si, J P Wi-hlChi "eshments consisting of hot Whole.ale Drug Company Growing ber of persons being so great that it noon at 4 o clock with Mrs. J. t. chocolate and cake were served to w TT u n' i,rtip was necessary for them to eat in month of April At this meeting it Daphine Pace, Louise Garren? Rosa In . Hendersonvi le last June, has met Lf7 . 11 v a. 1 a. 1 . ' "- v. i t ii , t 1 1 K our Vi cmtifvn,tr "nrnnmirpmpnt me people Ol luxeao. was tnougm Dest, to oegin planning Uase. Udessa Case. Delia Cand- " A. ? &' 5.5JfS; fcr. "JSJU "r-t Henderson. '? ? i' ,MjXkUSS Bur C.B.I M.,V. Guiiuuv ill uiBY. uiiu u tuiuiuincc 1 .ti ti ia vv 1 1 a riTi jattia i.ovan moii- : : - . . oinr in nnfa trt ri o va orlHlfmnal I HrPSrnn t' .Inhnonn nrhn mnan41ir sistmg 01 Mrs. n. n. rrati ana wrs. garet Hallman and Lura Holbert. , . i i ,r. I L t- t A 0 O. V7 F. Blythe was appointed for &essra. Horace Case, SVldon Sm working capital to carry increased returned to his home after 18 months this purpose- This class will have mln, Garland : Jackson, Joe Turned quantities of stock. J. E. Jenkins and m the government service, has joined pntira char of the Snndav mchool n.V t!. "n -oe turner Q Belj afe the Henderson COunty Walter Johnson m purchasing the program. Ihe class is also planning to give a reception soon to the hus bands of the wives of its members. stockholders. The same company Central Meat Market from John L. runs a wholesale business at Forest I Forrest and Lawrence J. Pace and City. will conduct it under the old name, central Market. Weete-Morgan George Morgan and Miss Policeman Garren Retigns rouceman w. a. uarren after a The committee to make arrangements service of two years on the local XfA..mA. T? T rraomnn r W I . 1 : . . I 1. 1 P I ir j i j j- I Mr. Mrlm Bun Cottar j.itjuouiw a. im.mH, v. ... ijBbiuu in wium to uave more time to ueorrc iiorKan anu juiss uuie nc r w 1 , Harty, J. E. Shipman, R. N. Pratt and devote to the Garren Medicine Com- Weese were married on last Tuesday fJiVC. ff r purchased Mrs. Clevenger. A visiting commit- pany, which is planning to resume afternoon at the bride's home at t p.51 Cse cotse m tee was appointed consisting of Mrs. operations on a more extensive scale Etowah bv Rev. IL P. Fikes. After "O arK and will occupy it soon. v v .rv r I.. . . . . I 1 - . x fcnipman ana jvirs-. Vxievenger. i tnan was practiced before the war. Ithe ceremony refreshments were The attendance at this meeting was I I uprvpi, and thp hridp and rroom and SDlendid. After the business Wasl ExaminiDr Teachers I friends motored to the home of the O. transacted refreshments were served Supt. W. S. Shitle is conducting rroom's oarents. Prof, and Mrs. J. W. notified last week of the death of his Henry Brown Dead Mack Brown was officially and a social half hour pleasantly examinations for teachers today and Morgan, near Horsre Shoe, and en-Drotnert Henry, who, while a member spent. I tomorrow. ' joyed a wedding supper. ' e 81 division in France, died of pneumonia.

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