ru i til Job Printing Is our Specialty All Kinds -I J Only 50 Cents A Year. Good Clubbing Rates GO if TAIN S IEVS OF ONtY HENDERSON COUNTY 1 - V;.. THE NEWSPAPER THATS DIFFERENT flENpfiJRSONVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1919 Independent SHRiNtRS FILLED CITY TO OVERFLOWING POINT Hendersonville Entertained Possibly : the Largest - Crowd in Its Long History of Extensive Entertaining. The Shriners of North Carolina as well as adjoining states took posses sion of Hendersonville on last Thurs day and Friday and just about taxed the city's entertaining capacity to the extreme. - , r , Shriners in various other states had been invited to participate in the picnic ceremonial and they were here in large numbers. As to size of crowd. it was about the biggest Henderson ville ever harbored. People were really begging for sleeping quarters Thursday , night, when most of the people had arrived. On Thursday night dances were given at the Car olina Terrace and at Park Hill. On Friday the big show was on. There were nearly 300 candidates and every one of these had to perform. some of the most ludicrous stunts ever pulled oft in childhood and right in front of the gaze of thousands of people. Main street had been thoroughly cleaned - and it was roped off from Third to Sixth avenues and none but Shriners occupied this large area and they did everything unreasonable of which the imaginative brain of man could conceive. This was kept up for nearly two hours and the broad side walks oh both sides of the main highway were used to splendid advan tage. Then came the big parade. The brass band of the , Charlotte Shriners was playing thrilling mUsic as they led the march back and forth on Main street followed by Shriners, boys from Blue Ridge School, Laurel Park Camp, Georgia Military Aca demy Summer Camp, , and numerous caeres filled with candidates who were given the humilitv and hardship test As a result of the Shriners' cere some of them even being confined monial here last week the number of in the steel prison cage of the county local Shriners was practically doubled convict camp. . by the class of 26 candidates, the Dinner was served to the Shriners names of whom follow: bh the lawn of the Carolina Terrace R- H. Statoh, S. H. Hudgms, B. then followed the business session in Jackson, Claude Keith, Alton Keith, the garage of the Hendersonville Au- Hugh Hall, Z. A. Mobley, Abe Kan tomobile Company. At night the big trowitz, Abe Lewis, Albert Patterson, street dance was on and it was for Nathan Brenner, P. S. Ramsey, M. Hendersonville an unusual spectacle S. Leverett, W. H. Whitesides, U. M. by reason of the large number who Orr, Wiltshire Griffith, J. T. Beason, engaged in the dance as well as the Dr. F. V. Hunter, G. M. Glazener, E. thousands who looked UDon the manv J. Rhodes, J. C. Morrow, Jr., Dr. who moved to the rhythm of excellent Geo. Wright, C. N. Allison, G. - B. THE WRONG TIME .? ' LOCAL SHRINERS NEARLY s DOUBLE IN MEMBERSHIP AUTO RUNS ON LADY AND BREAKS THREE RIBS NEW FACULTY OF LOCAL PUBLIC SCHOOL NAMED Secretary Bland Announces Public School Faculty; New Department - and Additional Teachers. The board of trustees of the Hen dersonville public school has practic ally completed the faculty, which Secretary C. F. Bland announces to THE NEWS as follows: Miss Lucile Morris, 4th grade. Miss Katie Price, 5th grade. Miss Alma Freeman, 6th grade. Mhs Gussie Dotson, 4th grade. Mis3 Annie Crowder, 1st grade. Miss Bessie Jordan, high school. Mrs. Ethel Patterson, 2nd grade. Miss Rosa Edwards, 7th grade. Mis3 Lois Edwards, 1st grade. T. W. Valentine, high school. Mr Mc Adams, principal. A. W. Huneycutt, superintendent. The foregoing have signed con tracts The following have been elected but they have not returned contracts: Miss Mattie Stansel, 3rd grade. Miss Jessine Brooks, 2nd grade. Miss Elsie Ficker, expression and writing. -The department to be tausht bv Miss Ficker is a new one. In addition to these there will be one other teacher, practically decided on by the board. The compulsory school law neces sitates a larger teaching force than Heretofore. music from the Shriner's band. The meeting of the Shriners was pronounced a most successful one. They evidently enjoyed their stay in Hendersonville. Hill, A. Covington. MASONS INSTALL OFFICERS Ward-Waldrop Miss Thelma Willena Ward, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ward of Hendersonville, and Paul Edwards Waldrop, son of Mrs. J. G. Waldrop. were married at the bride's home on The Masons on Monday nieht of July 2, by Rev. A. W. Farnum in the last week installed the following I presence of members of the families officers for the ensuine year. Past and close personal friends. The home Master O. V. F. Blythe acting as in- was beautifully decorated for the oc- stalling officer: casion. The bride wore a dark blue J. E. Shipman, Master. coat suit with hat to match. Mrs. 'J. Mack Rhodes, Senior Warden. Izlar, sister of the groom, played the John T. Wilkms, Junior Warden. I wedding march. Albert Edwards was best man. tllen Farnum was 'ring oearer. ine bride and groom are popular in Hendersonville. They lef for Norfolk, where they will make their home and where Mr. Waldrop of chief A. F. P. King Resigns A. F. P. King, for eight years a member of the board of trustees of he Hendersonville schools, has ten dered his resignation and he has been succeeded on the board bv W. A. Keith. Mr. King was chairman of the m Trtv Ttiono t Aaii;t!n I board for four years. He has moved is in the Patton Memorial hospital 1110 "cw uuu,c'" tne cuy ana mi .i . . ... - ... i rnn.rp?inpnco wnnin iiisniioiiftr him wim mree DroKen ribs and Mrs. K. Zindel of Asheville has several scratches and bruises, and a child- has an injured foot as the result of what is said to have been the loss of con trol of a car beloneiner to R. B. non-residence would disqualify him as a member. PLEASANT HILL REUNION The Pleasant Hill reunion will meet Haynes of Union, S. C, and driven lUu HlH 1cemet.ery f . ts by Emory Martin eighteenth annual session on Satur- The injured were sitting near the day. August 16. The devotional road in Laurel Park when the car 5fe W1" ?e ?PePe? .by. KeI- P- ran upon them. iorn Pjompuy anu o'ciock. Decora Mrs. Bianagan, wife of the tailor J10,? of e faves 1 immediately connected with the establishment of i?llow' theri services will be M. V. Moore & Company, is report transferred to the church where Rev. ed as getting along nicely. Mrs. t' : Rn 1Tf Wl11 m,ak? a talk: ZinHoi onri ua t, ollowing this dinner will be served the hospital, but recovered sufficiently n wTIi the a,fternon to be taken home. ?ev W A- M and others will uenver interesting and appropriate talks. Everybody is cordially invited. k. u UKAKL, Chairman. CHAS. CAMPFIELD, Sec. H. A. Stepp, Treasurer. T. W. Valentine, Secretary. N. Brenner, Senior Deacon. A. C. Tebeau, Junior Deacon. A. Kantrowitz. Tiler. J. C. Morrow. Jr.. and H. C. Hall, holds the naval position stewards. i yeoman. EDNEYVILLE NEWS Pay Off Church Debt O J. . . , ... , , , I UC UOUHSk 111UI LU Il&S cuiiuay scnooi day will oe ODserved I x - .. at Edneyville M. E. church Sunday, enierea on campaign to pay off its July 20, with all-day exercises. Some indebtedness of 4,000 incurred prominent speakers are expected. when repairs were made on the build Born," to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ing about eight years ago. . The ladies Justus, July 7th a son. have also launched a campaign to in- Mrs. M. V. Grigg was called home stall a pipe organ. The men pro to her mother, who Is very 111 at pose to pay off the debt without the SbibyN P , aid tii women and the Utter are The hotels here have several visj- undertaking the purchase of an tors and are expecting a large crowd, organ. They raised a nice sum as a A party from New Orleans is stop- result of their tales on the 3rd and ping at the Flack hoteL 1 4th. Miss Katherine Caldwell Dead Miss Katharine Caldwell, aged 14 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Caldwell, died at her home on Fifth NEWS SUBSCRIBERS ARE avenue Saturday morning at 1:30 REQUESTED TO PAY DUES o'clock. Interment was made at I Oakdale cemetery Monday afternoon The vellow lahol following services at the home by on THE NEWS tells an interesting. Kev. J. F. Ligon. An impressive storv. The nrintpH 1a1wi ho if. m V . . , ' r ii,a ou- iiaifc wi me service was me appear- vantage in that it i a tooa . aL. -11 rt . I . . .. - v. osiik iiwe ui me loaowmg six nower giris, tne subscriber each week of the date who were her friends and school- to which hi uhrinfo ; t mates: Misses Nell Morris. Mariorie the datp fnllrtwincr u r f w i r ; r I .. ue Ui BUU- vxbuh, jmmn iiorrisf wauie liiacK-1 scriber reads "June 20" it means burn, Anniebell Godwin and Roberta that the subscription is paid until the ivauiciuic nau nub eniuvea me nnmnon ix m ';n oi best of health for some time. Her years and the month is given in each last critical illness covered a period instance. iiWrintirt u;. :j " 1 . . - I... vuik uam ua- ian:c weens. i til th dat crivon nn V The deceased is survived by the There i a nn;hn;tv P.,!,,., w mc recora wnen tne aiaweiL. I nrexent mint r- - v. iuhh iuitiuueu me piani was not exactly uniform ttM. fore if arrearage ahowi nnfimnM. The newspaper publisher of So nth in any case the auhsmhr i ron,,rj Carolina met in Greenville hut week I to adjust same as soon a rnnrn;nn and for a pleasure outing ran up in because the list is being placed on a wi.iuiics it cuneiuav ana iook ku u uvance Dasis. dinner at the Kentucky Home, about 1UU Sirong. lioard of TraJe TonlrLl THE NEWS . LSZ,??"0' TJ?!' meet in S. C Newspaparmea Here - njwukiijjr session (onigac liuesday).