in rv . Job Printing Is our Specialty All Kinds Only 50 Cents A Year. Good Clubbing Rates UVJ CONTAINS NEWS OF ONLY HENDERSON THE NEWSPAPER THAT'S DIFFERENT COUNTY Vol. 3. No. 36 HENDERSON VILLE, N. C., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1919 Independent r few. jr.. is supt. OF PUBLIC WELFARE OF COUNTY The countv Board of Education! and the countv Board of Commission ers under the new law constitute a new organization which held its first moptine' last week and elected C. Few. Jr.. to the position of superin tendent of public welfare for Hender son county. From what THE .NEWS can srather the half of the body composed of the County Commissioners was notj as well prepared for the meeting as j was the other half. Anyway, they vnt toe-ether and constituted the newi hodv. John N. Russell was elected chairman. The half of the organiza tion, consisting of the Board of Edu cation was ready for business and all cocked and primed for Mr. Few with a salary 01 $izo a muaun. vumc of his office as secretary to the Board i of Education Prof. W. S. Shitle was i taking minutes ; by virtue of his office i as secretary to the Board of Com missioners Registrar ot Deeds A. u. Jones was taking minutes. The Countv Commissioners were not will ing to pay $125 a month. After some discussion one of the commissioners nailed for a record vote and the chairman voted and it was a tie be tween a salary of $10,0 and $125. a month. Nothing was accomplished on this drive so one of the commissioners proposed that probably Mr. Few wouldn't be very busy at first in view of the Tact that it was a new omce and that he be paid for time actually put in on the job upon filing claim with affidavit as to work done. This seems to have gone through but Sec retary Shitle informs THE NEWS that Mr. Few was elected on a salary of $104 a month and Secretary Jones advises that Mr. Few was elected at $4 per day on sworn statement as r DO 1HEY WEAR WlNTiR CLOTHES INTheSuWIER1 IS BROWNLOW JACKSON FOR , WOODROW WILSON IN 1920? NEWS SUBSCRIBERS ARE REQUESTED TO PAY DUES The vellow label hearinc vnur name (Asheville Labor Advocate.) on THE NEWS tells an interesting Over in Hendersonville there lives Ltorv. The printed label has its ad man hv the name of Jackson I to services renuereu aiiu uayo i jjowniow JacKson, to De expncit. ne the subscriber each week of the date 01 worK wouia amount to iui. is a political leader and for many tn whieh his snhsrrintinn i naiH Ti It is reported that Mr. Few is not years past has been chairman of the the date following the name of sub mucn entnuseo over me job as.ii repuuiaau uwiuti wuuve wm- scnoer reads rjune zu it means stands and that the matter will be mittee. Now he is willing to be the that the subscription is naid until the - . . . . . , I 1 l 4 1 J J . . fully decided at the next meeting, candidate 01 nis party ior congress in first day of June, the year 1920. xne suite auuiunnca, iv is uuuci- wic amyain, s u i iNumoers is, iv, zu ana zi indicate stood, will appoint three persons to state, and Mr. Jackson has not denied years and the month is given in each constitute the Board ol rubiic wei- tne rumor at an. un last rriaay instance, -subscription beintr paid un fare for this county. Prof. Z. A. some three or four hundred thousand til the date given on the label. - Nicholson of East Flat Rock was the People, more or less, congregated at There is a possibility of errors in onlv other applicant for the job but nenoereonviue, ana among vnat num- tne list because the record when the it -is expected that there will be no Pe' were flD-" a million re- present management purchased the if M Pow publicans. Many of them wanted to plant was not exactlv uniform, there. ucai iix Bjjiiv"o n ir T . - ... ty , I r t i ofw if WnmP4 WtAr see Mr. JacKson wnne m Henderson- fore if arrearage shows unfavorahlv . mm m I T1 I 1 A " O M tWAtf Wirt 0A a n 1 Wfc K11T tf- I I ll 1 1 i . 1 known that a job is open ior some ,1UC r ... f . ln any case tne suoscrioer is requested . I woo rt cmiT-ito KnnA n r-r Anna ri o I i. . Ji...i irood man in this county. I . jui'u x jt"us tu aujust same as soon as convenient, I s" uivu uiunntun o -Aauii mien i Decause me list is Deing piacea on a ne made nis appearance on tne streets, i paid in advance basis. Orphan Children Well Receired Uiad ne .come lortn tnorougmy in MR. GARVIN STRONGLY ADVOCATES COUNTY FAIR Sets For Advantages of Such Insti tution to Farmers and all Others of Henderson County. me cnildren irom tne Udd reilOWS Vl. - ... . . ramnaiirn sairl in n vorv nmnA of p.aM.Iw. rQvo rrtrtH general he could not have produced m e nexl campaign, said in a very r:r"rr-Ti" -:Zr more consternation than he did as he s.ocm?S perplexed men: vvuccib i'mjr mKuv wW vxu d th streets that dav Mr "Gentlemen, be calm, I beg of you. opera house. There were 13 well- appeared on tne streets max :aay. Jir. , T9,venn i- i;in haT eui j v j .. j u i irowniow jacKson waucea iortn ann i j"""fc -- ......v..- X"r n: rode forth over the public highways, today and they make a man do the v. w. w .v.. . . , . . it j- t: verv tnmc that hurts him the most. was better than it was last year and v VL ru5ttnu3 UI . f1'3 it j. a ioke do vou hear nie? Just the receipts amounted to $167.24. f "ends,, bearing a banner upon which was printed tne words: "vvoodrow " ,, -ovn. WiUnn a Tnir Trm lOn'. litonn;n. f nmr.'.. ra "Who in thunderation is them heard from the men in the assembled Shrmers?" ked a doubting Thomas. Notice to Juniors f TT A XC nn Ann Ann on imnA4ant I f Vl rnnw- On a aII f ah JUSt a DUnCil 01 00(1 mCfl CTOnC . M - kj . -m.. .1 A . AI All J Ll 1 1 L C. .1 ail 1111 1 J 1 11 1 1 h I W 1 K U W 1 VI &fcUlU am Will UUSaUllS - - - meeting of the Juniors on Wednesday the Murphy branch yelled out loud: f2 ,for ? W FeP1,ed Mr: Staton. night at 9 o'clock. Councilor Beck "What the Sam HiU does Jackson Ur Ty t 3 V??!80?!6 1n flth &av this is the " last wepic nnen tnrimean dv carrvinc tnat nanneri" rorfai rr.orr.Kor .Ttm ftKl.'rra. "rnnurn mv nl f T Vnnw " ra. W uays, BWOn as ne S nad lime lO re cover irom tne snock. He easy on "That beats me by a thunderin' "wf !. iU1 "c 43 1U,"U,8 milA V xniA onntKr rron Kn.o enougn as 11 IS. Buhhi. trhiiUiM an1 KaaMat.. mof "A .m I juurned ei tne wnoie Diomin ' w w v nnu ww-WLriS UlVVi . until I j f. m f . t Bubbles are round because the air turncoat, by heck' said a man from W0S? ain 1 go!n miern thunder," which form, the Inside of the bubble Cherokee. . "Another good man gone Sn .T f ?"! pushes with eoual strenzth acalnst aU ne devil, ' spat out anotner m- r"rZ:Y- iZ"Jz " .r'" m!11!; parts of the thin film of water that "JftW ffSSl.u.. orsord ce asalnst ifc sides of the bubble at all dimmvkraU I'm coin' home and nn.v Umes, so that If you blow more air to die." moaned an old man who Condor Soars Hlnh. Into the Jnclostrn the bubble will ba looked to be about one hundred years Xt oUved to bo no rare occur- eojarra tne same amount all orer, i old. Then it was that Staton. who I fence Tor a condor to soar to a hefrfit M a .a a m 12. -1 1 Sa 1 f a a I . ak A . . w asa suu co&aaue pen ecu j rouaa. l aesunea to pay an important part ot rour miles. (By Victor J. Garvin.) To be or not to be. That is one of the questions before us, here in Henderson County right now. It is a question as to whether we shall have a 1919 Henderson County Fair, and so let ourselves be numbered among the Progressive Counties of the South, or just let it slide by, do nothing about it and go down on the list as a backsliding County. Which shall it be? So far as the need is concerned, most of us know that there is a long felt need, especially in the rural communities, for a County Fair, but rural people, the farmers themselves, are not the best of organizers, often lack initiative and hence were the matter left to them, probably there would be no Fair. It is an oppor tunity for the citizens of Henderson ville to get behind the movement and make a success of it. If we but stopped to think about it, we would realize that a County Fair has many points in common with the Great War which has just ended. This War was a fight to down Auto cracy; a forerunner of World De mocracy. It is conceded by most peo ple that the Fair is one of the most democratic institutions of the pres ent day. As an educational institu tion, it has long been a forerunner (Continued on editorial page.) CALL TO FIRST BAPTISTS All male members of the First Baptist church both men and youths are requested to meet with the pastor in the auditorium of the church next bunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, to discuss and dispose of an impor tant matter. The meeting will be held no matter what is the weather. Compliance with this request will be gratefully appreciated not only by the pastor but also by a number of brethren who join with him in mak ing this call. Fraternally, E. E. B0MAR. :.; .-. I I ' ' s ! ; I y ' I ' ': ( r . -V. ." ; , : "w. ; .. s " ' ; ( . u: ; ... m. DR. H. LEONIDAS KEITH Dr. Keith, who was chairman of the pro exam committee of the clinics recently held in Asheville by the North Carolina Dental society, was honored by the secretaryship of this organization in its election of officers. . THE NEWS UU U local