THE NEWS OF HENDERSON COUNTY, HENDERSONYILLE, N. C V I ' t Si - ! " S -ft j ... Mi NATHAN GOLDMAN OPENS SPECIALTY SHOP HERE Nathan Goldman has opened a specialty shop in the Few building next door to the Justus Pharmacy and will carry ladies ready-to-wear, making a specialty of high-grade merchandise. Mr. Goldman anticipated opening several weeks ago but delays made it impossible to open until last Satur day. Mr. Goldman has a store in Miami, Fla., and therefore will not be able to devote a great deal of his time here. His brother, Samuel Goa man, just returned irom overseas service, will manage the business. Mr. Goldman is just from the New York markets and is making an early showing of fall goods along with sum mer wear. International - Encyclopedia for sale, latest edition. Also bath cabi net. C. S. Blackburn, Flemming St. Phone 363. 7-1 -tf Ik m A 5th Avenue E. PHONE 162 We have only best of mechanics and guarantee satisfaction. We store cars and are respon sible for all tools or ' accessories left in cars. We are agents for KLINE and BRISCO Cars. We also buy and sell second hand cars. We carry parts for various cars and especially FORDS. Grawjord & Anders Motor Company SUPT. W. S. SHITLE IS RE-ELECTED FOR TWO YEARS Enters on Eleventh Year of Service Without Serious Opposition; Salary Increased from $1,200 to $1,500. Prof. W. S. Shitle, superintendent of Henderson county public schools has been re-elected to his position by the county Board of Education for his sixth consecutive term of two years each. The election was unanimous and one member of the board is under stood to have favored furnishing the superintendent an automobile in order that he mieht discharge his duties with greater rapidity and at less ex pense to himself, but this idea was not suggested by the superintendent. His salary was increased from $1,200 to $1,500 a year. ine unanimous re-election with a nice little speech of appreciation to gether, with the increase in salary constitute a fragrant compliment for the superintendent, who now enters his eleventh year of service without an interruption or without any sen ous opposition at any time. For Sale Six-room house, good location, good big lot, about 60x300 feet, convenient to graded school For information apply at THE NEWS office. - - tfc School and office supplies at Bu- ford's Book Store, Morey building. In 1884 There was only one kind of talcum powder. Now we carry eighteen different kinds. Try the new Day Dream, 30c box. Hunter's Phar macy. 7-8tfc Army Comforts. Real value $6, unused, for $3.50 at Hendersonville Furniture Co. ltc For late magazines go to Climax Cigar Store. For results try a NEWS ad. Try these home products: v"Flavo," the best flour on market; our "Gra ham flour" specialty, our "Sanitary Brand," and the best of corn meal. A trial will convince you of their merits. Our various chicken feeds produce eggs. "Henderson County Flour Mills. Phone 250-3 or 208-J. Prolong the life of your auto tire by use of our machine. ' Unlike any in city. M. C. Dotson & Co. Kodak Supplies and developing at Buford's Book Store, Morey building. Army chairs, cots and stools, at Hendersonville Furniture Co. It Cadillac car for tale. W. N. Flanders. 7-1-tfc Wanted- Position by young lady stenographer. Several . months ex- ; perience. Willing to start at moderate salary. Address P. O. Box 679, Thomasville, Ga. 7-l-4tp The auto tire repairing machine of ' M. C. Dotson & Co. will save you 500 per cent on tire costs. Try it." Army Comforts. Real value $6, ; unused, for $3.50 at Hendersonville Furniture Co. ltc NEWS ads bring results. A. F. WARD BEN FEW WARD & FEW Our Specialty Automobile Repairaiisl Batteries re-charged. Up -to -Date Willard Battery Service. Try our expert and Prompt workmanship Phone 128 Second Ave. W. MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH i Fnnae IBoardliiinijl Q)11HS Thirty-two acres of land with two houses furn ished. One 18 rooms, only four years old and built of good material. One house of 20 rooms, six years old and of splendid material. Large barn and garage, store house and wood shed and laundry. 125 bearing peach and apple trees. Running water from good spring in concrete reservoir above houses. Best of Plumbing. Houses furnished and in splendid shape for immediate boarding house, purposes. Six miles from Old Fort on good road. Will sell on easy terms or exchange for other property. Write or sec I INj 21 JGi J Ln JLn n . o I Hendersonville, North Carolina. il!!illllIll!lllillMIIIIIIM P