HOB AIL, P the United States Treasury Recoxn mends Pc-ru-na. ither Prominent Physician Uses and Endorses Pe-ru-na. R. LLEWELLYN JORDAN, Medi eal Examiner of the S. Treasury Department, graduate of Columbia lege, and who . served three years at st Point, has the following to say of ana: . , . Allow me to express my gratitude you for the benefit derived from weonderfui remedy. One short nthhas brought fort1, a vast change d I now consider myself well m After months of suffering. Fel - p suffererSfPeruna will cure yotut i constantly increasing number of phy aum prescribe , Peruna in theic practice, has proven its merits sa thoroughly- that m . : the doctors ' have 1 Overcome ;their yudice against so-called, patent medi- es and recommend it to their patients; i 'erraia occupies a unique position in dical science. It is the only internal itemic catarrh remedy known to the niical profession to-day. Catarrh, as cry one will admit, is the cause of onc lf the diseases which afflict mankind. .tarrh and catarrhal diseases afflict one- It ot the people 01 the Umte btates. . Robert R. Roberts, M. D., Wash- ington, D. C, writes: - Through my own experience X as well as thai of many of my X friends and acquaintances who X ha.ve been cured or relieved ofX catarrh by the use of Hart man's X Peruna, I can confidently recom-X mend it to those suffering from t such disorders, and have no hesl I .tation in prescribing it to my J patients. Robert R. Roberts. Catarrh is a systemic disease curable only by systemic treatment. A remedy that cures , catarrh must aim directly at thei depressed nerve centres. This is what Peruna does. : Peruna immediately invigorates - the nerve-centres which gives vitality to the mucous membranes. Then catarrh disap ; pears. Then catarrh is permanentlv cureaj . ALWAYS , CALL FOR A CIGAR BY ITS NAME 6& MEANS'MORE THAN ANY OTHER NAME BROTH! BA1TDS GOOD FOR PBESEHTS "laxjest Seller ia tie World." MI ased Casearets and feel like ineymu. I have Men a sufferer from dyspepsia and soar stomach for the last two rears. I have been taking medi cine ana otner aracrs, out could find bo relief only for a short time. I will recommend Cascareta to my trienda aa the only thine for indigestion and eonr stomach and to keep the bowela in eood con dition. They are very nice to eat." xiarry ocacauey, uanca Chunk, rr. 6est For The Dowels Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c. 25c. Wc. Never fold in balk. The genuine tablet stamped C C O. Guaranteed to care or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 599 AHMDAL SHE, TEH LULUOIJ BOXES TAYLOR'S CHKBOK EE REMEDY OF Sweet Gum and Mullen Is Nature's great remedy for Cough, Cold. Croup, Consumption, and In all throat troubles, At druggist, 25c, 60c. and fLOO per bottle. So. 2. Statistics of Billiards. Taxation enables many curious ta bles of statistics to be compiled. It would probably puzzle the best of English statisticians to guess " even approximately at the number of bil liard tables in use in England. . There is no such 4 difficulty in France, where the billiard table is a taxed luxury and its relative frequency in com munes of all grades of population and wealth Is made the subject of calcu lations as elaborate as they are in genious. In all France there are 89,676 billiard tables, divided among 18,601 communes, and realizing more than 40,000 in taxes. London Tit Bits. An Up-to-Date Diogenes. An eccentric old gentleman placed In a field on his estate a lioard with the following generous offer painted thereon: "I will gte this field to any man who is contented." He scon had an applicant. "Well, my man, are you a contented fellow?" asked the old gentleman. "Yes, sir, very." "They why do you want my field?" The applicant did not wait to reply. New York Press. A well known nhvsirian of Berlin. Dr. Peichardt. has eiven to th& world a New Year's gift which should be of reat value at the present time when ne struggle for existence is harder han ever, says a cable dispatch. It onsists of a new serum which, does way with tiredness and enables a man o go on working indefinitely without etting exhausted. Dr. Weiohardt pakes his wonderful preparation from muscles of rahhita toViIv. fiou-a een made to. keep on runninar nnt.i' Ftirely exhausted and on the verge f collapse. Sour Sfomaeh mil I I IH I I i, , - , ' - ' . Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Examiner United States Treasury. 1 If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results front the use of Peruua, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a fulr statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address- Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Uhio. v Hoodoo Window In the Post Office. Dozens of times in hs long term of office Postmaster Van Cott was asked to change the number of the' principal delivery window in the money order department to some other number than 13." No money is ever paid in at that window, but orders for hundreds of dollars, which are cashed at the next window, have passed through it every business day for a great many years. "Surely you don't - believe In that thirteen foolishness?" was the Post master's joking reply, whenever he was spoken to about it, and the hoodoo number remained. Not long ago a man asked of the clerk behind the window: "Do you find that 13 a hoodoo?"-- The clerk looked up quickly. "1 shouldn't like to say 'Whether I do or not," he said. "A good many persons have asked me that question." "Well," said the questioner, "per haps the influence will get around to the old man some day, and then he'U think it Is." New York Press. Reserved for. Mumans. Cannibalism appecrs to be unknown among me lower animals In a staje of nature. In India seme instances of snakes devouring one another have been collected, but it has been point ed out that in every case cited the snakes were of different species. This, it is declared, is no more an act of cannibalism than the devouring of a fleid mouse by a rat. Unquestion' able cannibalism was noted some years ago in a London menagerie, when a python ate another of its' own kind, but this was under the un natural conditions imposed by life in captivity. An Ancient Tree. &t Versailles is a pomegranate tree which is said to be the oldest in France. It is In an ld orangery and was planted In 1685. In exceptionally warm seasons the tree stilf puts fortb a few flowers, but it has borne nm fruit for many ypnrv ALL DONE OUT. veteran Joshua Heller, of 706 Sonth Walnut street, Urbana, 111., says: "In the fall of 1899 after taking Doan'g Kidney Pills I told the readers of this paper that they had relieved me of kid ney troublS, dis posed of a lame back with pain across my loins and beneath the should-der- blades. - Dur ing ! the Interval which has elapsed I have had occasion to resort to Doan's Kidney Pills when. I noticed warnings of an attack. On each and every .occa sion the results obtained were just as satisfactory as when the pills were first brought to my notice. I Just as emphatically endorse the preparation to-day as I did over two years ago." Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo N. YM proprietors. For sale by all druggists, price 50 cents per box. Mr. D. H. Alexander, Federal pension examiner, of Savannah, arrived at Beaufort Saturday, and caused the ar rest of Peter Watson, colored, of St, Helena Island, on the charge of embez zling pension money belonging to some minor children. It is charged that,-as guardian of the minors of Chaplin, Watson appropriated some of the money to his own use. He was given a hearing before United States Com missioner J. O'H. Sanders and was held in bond in 'the sum of $500. A Xr Hampshire Plan. Governor Bachelder, of New Harap-. shire, says: , "Within a day's ride of our summer capital. Mount Washing ton, there are 10,000,000 people. We would like to have at least one-tenth, of them visit us every summer, and in order to get them and keep them as long as we can, we are planning to im prove our highways, so as to make a good impression on pur visitors when they arrive ion foot, by horseback, by boat, by bicycle, in automobiles, palace car . or steam yacht. They are wel come; they are all welcome, nnd the welcome is equally hearty for one and til." '. 'j ' - , " ' " In order to enable the visitors to see the State4of New Hampshire,- the Gov ernor has appointed an engineer,' who Is at work mapping the roads of the State, and under. the oovernor's direc tion a comprehensive system of per- maneut road improvement is beiug out lined with much exactness hefore a dollar is expended In ; its , completion asto clearly show where the perma nently improved roads are to begin and end, and the expense to the State for their construction, together with the annual expense of maintenance. The improved highways will aim to permeate every section of the State with at least a well ballasted, wel drained and well surfaced gravel road. whose cost, using the present roadbed for a base, will be from $S00 to $1500 a mile. On this calculation, appropri ating $100,000 a year for six years, tlio State would have at the end of that time COO miles of th best roads In the world for light .travel and mountain scenery, traversing the State from its entrances at the southwest to the White Mountains. It is intended, to divide the cost of completing the roads between ,the State, county and towns, the same as in New York. The Gov ernor says there is no more mystery about building roads than about build ing houses. Use common, practical business sense and conform the cost of your highway to the kind of travel for which it is desired. If the Gov ernor of New Hampshire can get 000,000 visitors to come to the State during the year and leave $10 apiece he has provided for the spending o 310,000,000 within the State during the summer months. Who can esti mate the amount of money which would be spent in New York State's lake and mountain region if this State only had a system of Improved high ways and a Governor as heartily in in. terest with the subject as the Govern or, of New Hampshire? Would not e have 3,000,000 people spending $20 ?ach and leaving in the State during the summer the sum of $60,000,000, as against the $10,000,000 estimate made in New Hampshire? New York Tri bune. " ' - 1 1 ITtlng Improved Machinery. Improved machinery and new meth ods were Introduced In Massachusetts last year, reducing the cost and in creasing the efficiency of the roads. Formerly gravel roads were resur faced by hand. The gravel would be spread to a depth of from three to six inches. Really a new road would be built. This would require months of packing, and the roads would not" be in good condition untiT this process was somewhat completed. Now a ma chine is used for distributing gravel. The new treatment can be givenfor the small cost of from $10 to $15 a mile. The machine is used also for spreading sand. On the surface oi macadam roads the sand is bettei binding material than the dust from the stone, for it is not so liable to be blown off by winds. With a machine, a cubic yard of sand can be distribut ed In a minute and a half. The com mission has also introduced a system for using the road material which is near at hand in all towns. In the case of heavy clay roads the plan has been tried of digging out the centre to a depth lower than the frost will reach. The cut is made gradually less toward the sides, so that there is a V shaped trench. This is filled , with coarse stones or stones from useless stone walls in the vicinity, to a depth of about eighteen inches in the centre and six or eight inches at the sides. The best material which Is conveni ently near is used for covering. If rrnnfl ' tto T70I i 3 Tint- n r Ho ll 1 ll on earth is put on. It will work down on ly part way, leaving a practical drain at the bottom. Such a road is not acted upon by frost, and the cost, va ries from $500 to $1500 & mile, probab ly not averaging $1000, while the-cost of macadam is from $5000 to $10,000 i mile. From twenty-five to thirty miles of this rough 4 stone road have been built in Massachusetts this year. Bnried Two Cats In Cemetery. The little village of Parkville, on the Hartford road, a few miles north' of Baltimore, is agog over the discovery of the fact that two cats are. buried in the. churchyard of Hiss Methodist Episcopal Church, beside the grave of the late Theodore H.. Rice, husband of Mrs. Sarah Rice, who now resides on Central avenue, this city. To add to the excitement created by the discov ery, the church trustees accused Mrs. Rice of burying the cats there with her own hands, and she does not deny he Impeachment. Indeed, she ac knowledges killing them. Pittsburg Gazette. " ' A Kansas man claims to nave a swarm or Dees tnat made twenty pounds of Jioney. in three d?.ys. CAUGHT BY THE. TIDE. Thief Had to Give Hlmttlf 'up or Cs Drowned. "Honest John'' Corbett the veteran city , jailer, has probably arrested as -many - criminals In' his time and en gaged In as many desperate fights as any; man in the police department. Last night while seated In the police station he told of one of the first burg lars he ever arrested in Seattle. "In thos,e days," said Corbett, "we didn't have any uniforms, or anything like that. I was walking a beat away down where the t Grant street bridge Is now.. I saw a burglar, as I be lieved, with a bundle under his arms. I took after him, and he ran. .."The tide flats were just as muddy then as they are now, and that thief ran out into the mud. s. The tide was clear out. I didn't want to get al over mud, so I shot a few. times at the burglar. ; t shot away all the shells I had and missed" every time. I quit . then. , l wailed there on the beach, keeping even with, the burglar when he t moved, until the incoming tide drove him in and I got him.v It was either jail or drowning, and that fel low went to jail. Seattle Post-Intelli gencer. A LOVELY COMPLEXION New York L,ady Prores That Every Wo man May Hare It by Using Cutlcura Soap. ' . Mrs. R. Reichenberg, wife of the well known jeweller of 146 .Fulton St., New York, says: "I had a friend who was just ly proud of her complexion. When asked what gave her such a brilliant and lovely complexion, she replied, 'A healthy woman can be sure of a fine skin if she will do as I do, use plenty of Cuticura Soap and water. . She insisted that I follow her example, which I did with speedy convic tion. I find that. Cuticura Soap keeps the skin soft, white, and clear, and prevents redness and roughness." Dog Cemetery a Failure. All Souls day in Paris revealed the fact that the dog cemetery, estab lished here four years ago, has proved a dismaj, failure. Only a few wreaths and several bunches of chrysanthe mums ornamented the tombs on the solemn day, and the few visitors to the cemetery seemed afraid of being seen , paying their respects to the graves of their deceased pets. Irrigation In Dakota. A proposition is now on foot to irri gate certain parts of North Dakota and eastern Montana whereby the govern ment is to put in irrigation canals and the settlers -are to . pay $25 . an acre for. the service, payable in'ten annual in stallments of $2.50 each. State or Ohio, Citt or Toledo, I r Lucas Ooujttt. f Fba.sk J. Ceeket make oath that he I senior partner of the firm ot F. J, Chsey It CO., Tioin business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of oke htjxdbed dol XtiBS for each and tvery case of catabbh that cannojt be cured by the use of Hall's Catabbh Cube. . Fbaxk J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my I ,-. ,. presence, this 6th day of Decem ) seal. ter, A. D., 1SS6. A.W. Gleasok, liotary Public, Hails Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur-. faces of the system. Send for testimonials. Iree. F. J. Chexet & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Mall's Family Pills for constipation. Tha Beat ffotist. "Father," said the small boy, "what is an egotist V" "An egotist, my son, is a man who has the impudence to think he knows more than you do, instead of giving you credit for knowing more than he does." Washington Star. ... NO CHANCE FOR BUSINESS THERE. Mrs. Knooliwed-r-Norah, what is that loud-voiced man in the alley cal ling out? Domestic ''Rags an'" old Iron," mem. . Mrs., Knooli wed Tell him we don't .want any. Chicago Tribune. FITS permanently cured. Xo fits or nervous ness after first day's' use of Dr. KSne's. Great NerveRestorer,$2trial bottleand treatise free Dr. R. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phlla., Pa. As early as 1875 the first commercial in stitute was established in Tokio, Japan, . A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itching;, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure in 0 to 14 days. 50c. Under1 a new rule women inspectors visit the public schools of London. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25e.a. bottle Paying visits by airship is the latest, fashionable novelty in Paris. Piso's Cure is the best medi cine we ever used for all affections of throat and lungs. Wic. O. Exdslet, Yanburen, ind., Feb. 10, 1900. The -latest fad in London is to hold paper chases in motor cars. - . , , - To Care a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggiats refund money if it fails to cure. . Yv. Grove's signature is on box. - 25c. - A small, fat sheep will always bring a better price than a large, poor one. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford' Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by all drusrsrists. $1. Mail orders nromntlv filled by Dr. 32. Detchon, Crawfordaville, Ind. Dryness is one :'f the reauirements in the production of the finest wool. Odds and Ends. A species of sheep common in Syria is so encumbered by the weight of its tail, that the shepherds fix a piece of thin board to the under part, where it s not covered with thick wool, to pre vent it from being torn by the bushes, etc. Some have small wheels affixed to acilitate the dragging of these boards after them. The tail of a common sheep cf this sort usually weighs fifteen pounds or upward, while that of a large 'species after, being well fattened will weigh fifty pounds. . f t rfs a I Yv . y ' 4 Mrs. Fairbanks tells how neglect of 1 Fairbanks warning symptoms woman. She thinks woman's safeguard is Lydia Pinkhamfs , Vegetable Compound "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Ignorance and neglect are the cause of Untold female suffering; not only -with the laws of healthbut with the cnance of a cure. 1 did not heed the "warnings of headachesJorganio pains, and general weariness, until I was well nigh prostrated. I kne w I had to do something. Happily I did the right thing. I took IiVdia XL Plnkham's Vegetable Compound faithfully, according to directions, and was rewarded in a few weeks to find that my aches and pains dis appeared, and I again, felt the glow of health through my body. Since I have been well Ihave been more careful, I have also advised a number of my sick friends- to take L.ydia XL Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound, and they have never had reason to be sorry. Yours very truly. Mrs. May Fairbanks, 216 South 7th St, Miimeapolis;MinnA (Mrs. Fair banks is one of the most successful and highest salaried travelling sales-1 women in the West.) v When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstru ation, weakness, leucorrhoea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, thafe bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintnoss, lassitude, excitability -irri-i tability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, all-gone .and " want-io-be-j left-alone? feelings, blues, and hopelessness, they should remember there is at once removes such troubles. Befuse to buy any other medicine, for yon need the best, y - 'V ' - a Dear I suffered cause a dt with ease." - Mr a u mm "So other medicine for female ills in the world has received Such widespread and unqualified endorsement. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. , $5000 FORFEIT if we cannot forthwith produce the original letters and sign&tnrMaf - aoore tf"m""u'ff, vjuch vnn prore tneir aDeoiuce genuineness. Zj&ui GUilRAX TEED BY A CfeK jfurh BANK DEPOSIT Railroad Fare Paid. 500 Fit EE Courses Offered. c I Board at Cost. Write Quick CEORBU-AUBAMA BU$HtSS C0UEGE.Macoo.Ga. --! WANTED-In eash State, Salesmen to sell CENTRAL TOBACCO WOKsVo.Penfcks.Vk EIPA.X3 TABC TES are the best dx. pepsia modicino ctot made. A hun i ored million a of them hare been soH in a sin trie Tear. Constipation, heart- Darn. sick ncoaacne, cuzzinesa. oaa breatb. aore throat and ererr illness arising from a disordered stomach are rtjiered or cured by Ripens Tab. ulea One will erenerallT srire relief Within twenty minutes. The Ato-ccii t packape ia enough for an ordinary occasion. All druggists sell them. POTATOES Ad BRING FANCY PRICES To arrow a hire croo of crood DOtatoes. the soil must contain nlentv of Potash. Tomatoes, melons, cabbasje, turnips, lettuce in fact, all Tegretables remove large quanti ties of Potash from the soil. Supply - v IPottsisIa - liberally by the use of fertiKiers containinsr not Uu than 10 per cent, actual Potash. Better and more profitable yields are sure to follow. ' . . . Our pamphlets are not advertising- circulars booming' special fertilizers, but contain valu able information to farmers. Sent free for the asking. Write now. GERMAN KALI WORKS New York 93 Nassau Street, or Atlanta. Ga.-22.Ji South Broad St. 1 I i i 1 yoi cannot spend years and dollars learning by experience, so you must buy the knowledge required by others. We offer this to you for only 2$ . . .. cents. Tou want tnem to pay meir own way even 11 you rnereiy Keep them as a diversion. In order to handle Fowls Judiciously, you must knowrsorae tning about them. To meet this want we are selling- a book giving tho experience of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 25c.) twenty-five years. It was written by a man who put all his mind, and lime, and money to making a suceess of Chick en raising not as a pastime, but as a business and if you will profit by his twenty-five years work, you can save many Chicks annually, and make . your Fowls . earn dollars for you. The point is, that foul try yard as soon as it appears, ana Know now to remeay it- - ms door win teach you. "It tells how to detect and cure disease; to feed for eggs and also for V fattening; which Fowls to save for breeding purposes; and everything, - indeed. you should know on this subject to maxe five cents in stamps. BOOj FUB-'SHIKQ -L.?H V . "... tells how neglect of will soon prostrate a Mrs. Pinkham For over two years more than tongue can express with kidney and bladder trouble. My physician pro--nounced my trouble catarrh of the bladder, aispiacemenL ox me womo. i naa a irequent oesue to unnare, ana it was very pain ful, and lumps of blood would pass with the urine. Also nad backache very often. "After writing to vou, and receiving your" reply to my letter, I followed your advice, and feel that you and Lydia XL JPinknam's Vege table Compound have cured me.. Ihe medicine drew my womb into its proper .place, and then I was well. . I never feel any pain now. and can do my housework Mrs. Alice Lahox, Kincaid, Miss. S. Flnkhaxn Medicine Co.. Jjnn, Mass Best on Ea Gailtt'S Plflllter uflA dlStTl)UtOTS ; WE GUARANTEE THEM. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Write for Prices and Catalogue. " -' Q ANTT flFQ. CO., riacon, Qa. John White & Co. LOUISVILLE, KY. Eatabliah.4 1867 H leant aurket fti ' 1 v FURS and Hides; AND MILLSTONES If in need of Corn Mill or Mils atones yen will find it to your . interest te correspond witb CAROLINA MILLSTONE CO.. f Cameron. N. C. . Manuf ae wersof CORN MILLS from thj fairlous Moore - Counts' Grit. So. 2. If afflicted with weak eyes ie Thompson's Eye Water C6RES WNE&E ALL till f AILS. Best Ongn Syrnp. Tastes 3ood. Use In time, sold oy drmrguta. FARN MONEY lf yu zlve them helD"- - IAr.Il i'lUllEs! You cannot do this unless you understand them : and know -how to cater to their reauirements. - and you must be sure to detect trouble, in the it prontable. , sent postpaid - ror twenty- HOUSED 134 Leonard St.. NewTo'rkCiif. m a -sBaBs- sajaajrfBsaas