HE ls For Catarrhal ItRahd MRJ. JN0.O. ATKINSON. (independence, Bsmarkable Cures Effected By Pe-ru-na. Under date of January 10, 1S97, Dr. Hartman received the following letter: "My wife has been a sufferer from a complication of diseases for the past twen-tv-th e years. Her case has baffled the skill of some of the most noted physicians. One of her worst troubles was chronic constipation of several years' standing. She was also passing through that most critical period in the life of a woman change of life. "In Junet 1895, I wrote to you about her case. ou advised a course of Peruna and Manalin, which we at once com menced, and have to say it completely cured her. "About the same time I wrote you about my . own case of catarrh, which had been of twenty-five years' standing. At times I was almost past going. I commenced to use Peruna accord ing to your instructions and con tinued its use for about a year, and it has completely cured me." John O. Atkinson. In a letter dated January 1, 1900. Mr. FOR 1 To better advertise the South' Leading Business College, four scholarships are of fered younc persons of this county At Jss than cost, WRITE TODAY. GA-ALL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, Ga. otash is necessary for cotton to produce high yields and good fibre. Write for our valuable books on fertilization; they contain informa tion that means dollars to the farmers. Sent free on request. Write now while j-ou think of it to the GERMAN KALI WORKS New York Atlanta, Ga. 93 Nassau St., or So. Broad s WflYGETSOAKEP . J i A CLOTHIN& II BLACK Oft YELLOW ' lint I iiikvai I 1BV IN THE MARDWT SYOBH? LOOK FOR MOVE TRADEMARK. BtWAEt Of IMITATION CATALOGUES FREE ATftLOGUES FREE I LINE OF GARMENTS AND HATS. 1 t CO.. BOSTON. MASS.. U.S.A. I ,N CO ', LTD.. TORONTO. CANADA. I SHOWING FULL LI A. J. TOWfR TOWER CANADIAN Salter's National Oafs areatest oat of the eenttirr. Xi.V3lU.CV4 1U VU1V iu ivui 231. In Mo. 255, and in N. Dakota 8W but. per acre. You can beat that record In 1905 For 10c as&d this notice we mall you free lots o f farm seed samples ana oar nig catalog, leii- lngail aoout uiis oat wonaer ana tnoasanas or otner seeas. JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO. AOL U Crosse, Wis. JL VJL v " mlfl Mnon Blindness and other SUliK 1.x ts, BARRY CO., lowa'tity.ia HAVE A SURE CURE. So. 9. CURED Gi"ss QuSck tmMa all cnrllinc in 8 to 20 r f 'ej8ij mum MeBlinflHorses day3 ; effects a permanent cure in 30 to 60 davs. Trial treatment ven free. Nothingcan be faire Write. Or. H. H. Graan'a Sob, SMCialigts. Oex D Atlanta. 6& LKS AT MM ru-na in the Home Diseases. Win p. Atkinson says, after five years' experience with Peruna: 'I will ever continue to speak a good word for Peruna. 1 am still curedof catarrh." John O. Atkin son, Independeixce,Mo., Box 372. . Mrs. Alia Schwandt, Sanborn, Minn., writes: Iliavebeentroubled with rlieuma tlsm and catarrh for twenty-flve years. Could not sleep day or night. After havingused Peruna lean sleep and nothing bothers me now. If I ever am affected with any kind of sickness, Peruna will be the medi cine 1 shall use. 'My son was cured of catarrh of the larynx by Peruna. Mrs. Alia Schwantit. , - When old age comes, catarrhal diseases come also. Systemic catarrh is almost uni versal in old people. Address Dr. S. B. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, who will be pleased to give you the benefit of his medical advice gratis. Colombian "Rain Tree." A novelty in the vegetable kingdom has recently been reported as native to the United States of Colombia. In the woods adjacent to the city of Moyobamba grows a tree which the natives call "rain tree." It is about fifty feet high when it reaches ma turity and about three feet in diameter at its base, and has the property of absorbing an immense quantity of hu midity from the atmosphere. This Is concentrates and subsequently pours forth from its leaves and branches in a shower and in such abundance that in many cases 'the ground in its neighborhood is convert ed into veritable bog. It possesses this cv.rious property in the greatest degree in the summer, when the riv ers are at the lowest point and water is scarce. It has been suggested that this tree be planted in the more arid parts of Peru for the benefit of the farmers. Cravats of Wood Pulp. A syndicate of English capitalists Is engaged in an endeavor to promote a market iu this country for tie silks made chiefly from wood' pulp. This product is principally obtained In South America, Paraguay furnishing a large supply. The vegetable silk has Its origin in trees and is readily adapt able to native looms. The ' woven threads arc supercalendered, which process presents a silky finish resem bling mercerized goods. For several years past- this glossy material has been sold in piece lengths to the up holstery trade, by which it is utilized for filling purposes. The selling test of artificial silk for cravats is anxious ly awaited by local manufacturers. Collecting Bird Statistics. The bird club at Bellows Falls, Vt... had been divided into two sides with the object before them of seeing which side should see and name the largest number of birds during the season of 1904. One side saw 89 dif ferent varieties and the other 83. Sis varieties not seen by the winning side but seen by the others makes the totai number of birds named by the club 95. COULDN'T LIFT TEN POUNDS. Doan'a Kidney Pilln Brought Strength and Health, to the Sufferer, . Making lllin Feel Twenty-Five Yeara Younger J. B. Corton, farmer anJ lum berman, of Dep pe, N. C, says: "I suffered for years with my back. It was so bad that I could not walk any dis tance nor even ride in easy bug gies. I do not be lieve I could j, b. coetojt. have raised ten pounds of weight from the ground, the pain was so severe. This was my con dition when I began using Doan's Kid ney Pills. They quickly relieved mer and now I am never troubled as I was. My back is strong and I can walk or ride a long distance and feel just as strong as I did twenty-five years ago. I think so much of Doan's Kidney Pills that I have given a supply of the remedy to some of my neighbors, and they have also found good results. It you can sift anything from this ramb ling note that will be' of any service, to you, or to any one suffering from kid ney trouble you are at liberty to do so." A TRIAL FREE Addreso Foster Milburn Co,, Buffalo, N. Y. For sale fcy all dealers. Price 50 cents. THE SUNPAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL, LESSON COMMENTS FOR MARCH 5.- . Subject: Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacle, John Tii.t 37-46 Golden Text John ii., 46 Memory Verse, 37 Commen tary on the Uuy's Lesson. I. Christ teaching in the temple (vs. 37 39). During the closing days ot the feast great opposition was stirred - up against Jesus, and the Jewish rulers sent officers to apprehend Him, but notwithstanding this He taught boldly in the temple. 37. "Last day." There is a difference of opin ion as to whether this was the seventh or eighth day of the feast. Edersheim thinks it was the seventh day, which was really the last day of the feast. The eighth day was kept as a Sabbath, when there was no ceremony of drawing water from Siloam. "Jesus stood." In the temple court, prob ably in Solomon's porch. "And cried." Spoke with a voice loud enough so all could, hear. "If any man thirst."' It was burn ing autumn weather, when - the sun had for months shone in a cloudless sky, and. the early rains were longed for. Water at all times is a magic word in a sultry cli mate like Palestine, but at this moment it had a double power. The ceremonies of pouring water commemorated that part of the wilderness wanderings when the peo ple were suffering from a terrible thirst, and Moses at God's command brought water for them from the rock (Num. 20: Ml). Now Jesus invites all who were suffering from spiritual thirst, like the burning thirst of the peoplein the desert. Thirst is emblematical of spiritual necessi ties; an intense need and desire for par don, for help, for righteousness, for love, for peace, for comfort, for God, for a worthy life, for immortal life. "Let him." Freely and without hesitancy or reserve. "Come." A very precious invitation. This word ought to come with great force to every soul thirsting after spiritual life. To come to Jesus is to believe on Him, to ac cept His teachings, to repent of our sins, to yield to His commands, to submit to Him fully. "Unto Me and drink." Here we see the absolute sufficiency of Christ for all human need. Jesus confronts the sin and misery and heartache of the world and deliberately declares that He is the panacea for it all. 38. "He that believeth." To believe has the same meaning as to come, as used in the preceding verse. "Scripture hath said." The reference is not to any one pas sage, but to many passages and promises combined. See Isa. 58:11; 44:3: Jer. 31:12; Ezelc. 47:1-12, tfc. "Out of his belly." The innermost part of man, the soul, the heart. "Shall flow." This clearly implies some thing received that it may flow from the recipient unto others. "Rivers." Denot ing abundance frceness, continued supply, in contrast with the small, golden pitcher used in the ceremony of pouring water. "Living water." Pure, running water, ever-flowing streams; the opposite of stag nant, malarious, poisonous water; also life giving water (chap. 4:10). The gospel of Christ, which is the truth of God received into the heart by the Spirit, brings life, health and jov. SO. "This 'spake He." This is John's esnlanation ol Christ's words. "Of the fcpirit," etc. The lioly Spirit and His in fluences were the living waters, abundant, free, purifying, bringing life, health, salva tion to the soul, as water to the thirsty, as rain to the parched earth, and making every Christian a source of the same influ ences which he has received from the Holy Spirit. This is a prophecy of the dispensa tion of the Spirit which was to commence with the outpourning of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and continue through the ages till all the world is brought to Christ. We need to lay more emphasis in our day upon this wonderful gift, both for our individual growth and usefulness and for the salvation of the world. "Xot yet given." The dispensation of the Spirit had not been ushered in, and He had not yet been poured out upon the hearts of be lievers in all His fulness. Thi3 cannot mean that the Spirit did not exist and was in no sense present with believers in the Old Testarient dispensation. II. Different opinio iU concsrning Christ (vs. 40-43). 40. "31any said." Those who heard the powerful declarations of Jesu3 knew that He was more than an or dinary man. "The prophet." Referring to the great prophet predicted . by Moes (Deut. 18:15), "whom some identified with tl e Messiah, and others supposed would be the forerunner of the Messiah." From the next verce wc se that here He was distinguished hczi the Messiah. 41. ! "Others said," etc. These believed Jcsu3 to be the Messiah the Christ, the Anoint ed One whom all pious Jews were expect ing at this period, iuid to whom their re ligious rites all pointed; though for the most part they were expecting only a tem poral King or Redeemer. "Out of Galilee." Christ seemed to them to come from Gali lee, because His early home was there and much of His ministry had been there. 42. "The -Scripture said," etc. The Jews knew that the Messiah was to be of the family of David (Pea. 132:11; Isa. 9:G, 7; 11:1-5; Jer. 23:5) and was to be born in Bethlehem (Mic. 5:2; 3 Sam. 10:1. 5, 18); but they did not know that in Christ these Scriptures were fulfilled. All the trouble with this argument was that they did not take care to ascertain the facts. Their quo tations of Scripture were an argument in favor of Jesus being the Messiah, for He fulfilled the Scriptures. Many another ar gument against religion is of this same na ture. Men set un a caricature of religion, and arguing against that l-eally presents argumsnts in favor of true religion as it is in the gospel. "Where David was." David was born in Bethlehem and lived there until he was called into the service of Saul, Israel's king. 43. "A division." t means a serious and possibly violent di vifeioa. III. The Jews seek His arrest (vs. 44 18). 4-1. "Some of then:." Some of the people, provoked by the controversy would on their own responsibility have carried Him before the Sanbedrin. The reference here is not to the officers. "But no man," etc. Not even those who h?.d been com manded to do it (see vs. 32, 45). They were fettered on the one hand by fear of the adherents of Jesus and on the other by the secret power of God. impressing them with an involuntary awe, so that they dared not proceed. 45. "The officers." Not Roman soldiers, but temple police, answering to the mod ern constable. They, had been directed by the members of the Sanhedrin to arrest Jesus (v. 32). "Why," etc. The officers had returned v.i thou t fulfilling their mis sion, and the authorities wore chagrined. 4S. "Never man so spake" (R. V.) Christ spake (1) with authority: (2) with direct ress to men's hearts; (3) with power; (4) clearly and distinctly. Record School Attendance. Remarkable" records in attendance were disclosed at the prize distribu tion in the South Lincolnshire ele mentary schools. At Dnrrington two girls each received gold. watch for attending school for seven consecu tive years without being absent once. A boy at Spalding Central School had tfoT,rfcui school six years, two boys attended five years and eight boys at tended four years witnout a urea. In the Girls' Central School In the same town one scholar had attended another six years and ethers five and four years without a single absence. London uauy press. Longest Pastorate on Record. To the Rev. Lab an Ainsworth must In all probability be given credit for, holding the longest pastorate,? over one church and people that ever was known seventy-six and a half years. He was born July 15, 1757, in the little town of Woodstock, Connecticut, says a writer In Every Where. When just "of age," he was graduated at Dartmouth college then the reigning educational Institution of America. A year later he was given a license to preach. His first charge was at Spencerport, N. Y., and in 1871 he went.fo Jaffrey, N. H., where he commenced a pastor ato that for length and continued, steady effort, has never Seen parallel ed in the world. , Chance For s ItefoTmer.- borne day a great reformer, in whose aspirations sense is duly blended with enthusiasm, will make and win a great fight for pockets in women's street clothes, w Why woman does not have more and better pockets in her clothes Is one of the mysteries of civilization. Harper's Weekly. Denfne Cannot lie Cured by local applications as they cannot roach th diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. leafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumblingsound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten ore caused by catarrh, which is nothing but aa inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deaf ne3s (caused by catarrh)that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. Chexex & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. World's Largest Hairpin Factory. The largest hairpin factory in the world is at Painswick, a village in the Stroud valley, England. Strangely enough, this, factory employs only 3$ persons; the machinery used being au tomatic and requiring but little atten tion as it grinds miles of wire into tons of hairpins. SALT RHEUM ON HANDS I Suffered Agony and Had to Wear Bandage All the Time Another Cure by Cuticura. Another cure by Cuticura is told of by Mrs. Caroline Cable, of Waupoca. Wis., in the following grateful letter: "My hug band suffered agony with salt rheum on his hands, and I had to keep them band aged all the time. We tried everything we could get, but nothing helped him until he used Cuticura. One set of Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills cured him entirely, and his hands have been as smooth as pos . sible ever since. I hope this letter will be the means of helping other sufferers." Cleveland's three electric suburban lines carried 8,500,000 passengers in 1902, as against 130,264 carried by the competing steam roads. Berlin's population by the new cen sus lacks 713 of reaching a round 'J, 000.000. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great NerveItestorer,S2trial bottleand treatise frea Dr. R. H. Kline. Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. English women universally condemn the American short-skirt habit. All gain that costs character is an immeasurable less. To Cure a Cold In On. Day Tate Laxative 13romo Quinine Tablets. All drupsists refund money if it fails to cure. E. Vv. Grove's signature is on box. 25c. The King of Italy spends much of his time hunting. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrun for children teething, soften the prums, redu es Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c.abottla Some people think the road to Heav en is a switch-back where they need the descent into sin to give the im petus for the rise into glory. Tavlor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum End Mullen is jsature s great remcuy-urcs Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption.and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, 25., 50c. and $1.00 per uotue. Tt would be hard if we had nothing at the heavenly feast but the things we have given at donation parties. 1 An nnj hilinvfl rfsn'a Cura for Consumo- v.w uv T" ... T 41nnh.ii .iTiamtil tnr nnncrlis and OOldS. -JOHH F.Eqtee, Trinity Springs. Ind.. Feb. 15, V300, Some men are cynics because thay arc un- aoie to niaKe a living at iiuymms A Guaranteed Cure For Files. Itching, Blind, .bleeding or Protrudim: 1'iles. Urugtnsts win reiuna money u a hzu Ointment tails to cure in o to 1 aaya. ove. Rear-Admiral Eojesivensky is fifty-sir years of asre. .- Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Vpvpr T?n.ils. Sold bv- Sill druggists, $1. Mail orders promptly tilled by JJr. K. Uetcnon, urawiorasviue, mu. Justice Clark, of New York, has decided that a sandwich is not a meal. ntfiitnna of Vegetables. When the Editor read 10,000 plants for 16c, he could hardly Deneve it, du upuu a Airr finds that the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., than ,u v. -nn -mrn-p reliable and. ex- tensive seed growers in the world, mattes this offer frhich is made to get you to 4. oi WoontiJ Vporpitahle &eeds test Ociiz.ci 9 iioii"h- ; -o- -j They will send you their big plant and seed .catalog, togetner vim to grow 1,000 fine solid Cabbages, 2,000 rich, juicy Turnips, 2,000 blanching, nutty 'CelerjV 2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 1,000 splendid Onions, 1,000 rare, luscious Radishes, 1,000 gloriously brilliant JblowetS ATT. FOB BUT 160 POSTAGE, pro-viding you will return this notice, awl S -vrj-ivl nrtll a ATI1 T Vl Am QQo. in DOfitacre. thenr will add to the above a package of fa mous Berliner Cauliflower. A "J A HEALTHYOLB AGE OFTEN THE BEST PART OF LIFE Help for Women Passing? Through Change of Life Providence has allotted us each at least seventy years in which to fulfill our mission in life, and it is generally our own fault if we die prematurely. Nervous exhaustion invites disease. This statement is the positive truth. When everything1 becomes a burden and you cannot walk a few blocks with out excessive fatigue, and you break out into perspiration easily, and your face flushes, and you grow excited and shaky at the least provocation, and you cannot bear to ba crossed in any thing, you are in danger ; your nerves have given out ; you need building up at once ! To build up woman's nerv ous system and during the period of change of life we know of no better medicine than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Here is an illustration. Mrs. Mary L. Koehne, 371 Garfield Avenue, Chicago, 111., writes: ' I have used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for years in my family and it never disappoints ; so when I felt that I was nearing'the "change of life I commenced treat ment with it. I took in all about sir bottles and it did me a great deal of good. It stopped my dizzy spells, pains in my back and the headaches with which I had suffered for months before taking the Compound. I feel that if it had not been for this great med icine for women that I should not have been ah ve to-day. It is splendid for women, old or young, and will surely cure all female disor- H ore 'T ders. Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., in vites all sick and ailing women to write her for advice. Her great experience is at their service, free of cost. . SCCfl pnRM Get the best. One pound A mer CtU UUillli jean Queen 23c. postpaid, ihls Corn has made 133 busheisper acre, write quick fur catalogue. It. 1. DaLTOX, Sunvllle, Ta so. 9. CoEivieta A feu m u rev "AtJ III (t, MnsMaryKoehne )) "When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happens to have in his bin, how do you know what you arc getting ? Some queer stories about coffee that is sold in bulk, could be told, if the people who handle it (grocers), cared to speak out. , Could any amount of mere talk have persuaded millions of housekeepers to use Lion Coffee, the leader of all package coffees for over a quarter of a century, if they had not found it superior to all other brands in Purify, Sfrengfls, Flavor and Uniformity? Tills popular success of LION COFFEE fan be due only to inherent merit. There is iso stronger proof ol merit than con tinued and Increasing popularity. U the verdict of MILLIONS OF HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince you of the merits of LION COFFEE, it costs yon but a trifle to buy a package. It is the easiest way to convince yourself, and to make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER. LION COFFEE is sold only in 1 lb. sealed packages, and reaches you as pare and clean as when it left our Lion-head on every package. Save these Lion-heads for valuable premiums. SOLI BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSOIT SPICE CO., Toledo, BEST FOR GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, aenendicitis. biliousness, bad breath, bad blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and dizziness. When your bowels don't mors regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It starts chronic ailments and long years of suffering. -No matter what ails you, start taking CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stay well until you get your bowels right Take our advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to core or money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Kemedy Company, Chicago or Mew York. 50a iiuiwi iimmii iniwsTisgTTTHrnraissirnrnTiiiiiiiiiM wmi 11 nniiimi 1 itvvnAr Of UNION MADE. w o W. Tj. Iougla S3.SO shoe are the sreatest eller in tne world hecaiue if their excellent style, eay ntlmjc snl Mle rlor tvearinz qualities. They are Jaat uool a tno that cwt tVom W..00 to 87.UU. The only amerence inw '".'T" ,,t Vom SS.UU tt?.OU. The only UiBerence in ii-icp. V. . Jloiicla SSi.."iO hoe ct more to n:tlcc, hold thcii her Ivr, wear 1 .nicer, uml areoffreater vjjlue th.n siy therS;5..0hoeon the market to-day. V.L.Uou2liiKuiip. hi .inter their value oy .ta nnins: hi ume .u. JousJni.tt:t..0 he!treolit throneh rti own retail stores in the prineiuiil cities, ami toy shoe dealers every where. .No mat ter where you live, VV.r..loi-las shoes are within your ch. SETTER THAN OTHER MAKES AT ANT PRICE. " For the lnt thrre year I hare irtrn W. L. Dourtax $3.Vshoe an found it not only as good, but better than, antt hoe that I rrr hal. reairdlevi ofvnre." Chas. L. Farrell, Asst. Cashier Tlte Capital National Bank, Indianapolis, Ind. Boys wearT7TETiy8lgias $2.50 aid $2.00 shoes bacausa thsy fit better, hold their shape, and wear longer than other makes. W.LDOUGLAS $4.00 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. W. L. DoHfflat uses Corona Coffskin in his $3.50 shoes. Corona Colt is considered to be the finest patent leather produced. FAST COLOR EYELETS W1LLNOT WEAK BRA8ST W. L. Dongrlas has the largest shoe mail order hnsinws in the world. No trouble to get a fit by mail. 25c extra prepays delivery. If yon desire farther information, write for Illustrated Catalogue of Spring Style. W.L.DOUCLAS, BROCKTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONCENTRATED irao Ofcliari A SPECIFIC FOR Dyspepsia Sick Headache Constipation... The Three "Ills" That Make Lif. a Burden. . 3 3 Nature's Great Remedy In Use for Almost a Onttiry. SOLD' BY ALL DRUGGISTS. CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., LOUISYrLUE. KY. muzx srsnx emtato outfit You want only the best Cotton Gin fVl c h i n ery ' Ask any experienced Ginner about Pratt, Eagie,Smith Winshfp, Munger We would like to show ?rou what thousands of ife long customers say. Write for catalog and testimonial booklet. Continental Gin Co Charlotte, N. C, Atlanta. Ga. jsirm 1 nfnsm . air. Memphis, Tenn., Dallas, Tex. J CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cougb, Syrup. Tastes .rood. Use In time. Hold by droggrLt. Trial Ohio. THE BOWELS CANDY CATHARTIC and price t!j? z2j M Follows 5 GLAS Og-2 FDR .0 ME!!. li limn ' ft"