CHAS.3S. FLESS, AGENT . ' For THE SUN Stahdard. Visible Writing. Front Stroke Typewriter $40.00 A Fill Line of Stationery and Office Supplies CHAS. E. PLESS, Book Store Hendersonville. N. C. BKone 86 I Every Dose of our Medicine I Does you Good S Because every drug we use is the purest it is possible to buy. Then we have men to fill your prescriptions who know how to compound drugs as they should be compounded- Experienced prescriptionists, who have been registered by the State Board of Pharmacy as skillful compounders, thoroughly competent to fill even the most complex prescriptions. If you are particular about the drugs you when you are sick, better let us furnish them, are safe. 1 HUNTER'S PHARMACY 2 NEAR THE POST OFFICE, For Hotels. Board in? Houses House-keepers Hemmed Sheets, Pillow Cases, Pillow Tubing and Casing White Bed Spreads and Comforts, Table Linen, Doilies and Napkins - " A nice assortment of Rugs from '75c to $3.00 Brooke & Williams Next door to Bank of Hendersonville. For a GOOD Clarke Lai When in Town call:on TV' A." ALLEN The Old Reliable Grocer ' I guarantee more goods for less money than can be bought anywhere else in Hendersonville. Have just received 3 car of ACID and have a car of GUANO ordered. Also a full line of GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS. The best that can be bought. Yours to please, T. A. Allen i Opposit etKe Coirt House 1 AUCTION SALE Saturday, ue 2, sale commences at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 6 E. LEWIS & SON. SPECIAL NOTICE r I am closing out all of my Glass, . Crockery, and Enameled ware at a bargain. Will not handle these goods any more. I have taken on the Weaver Organs and Tianos. Anybody can purchase an organ on payment of $1.25 each week. Also New Home Sewing Machine. Always carry a full line of Furniture. Call at once and get a bargain. 1 W. P. Williams' FurniUire Store : ; : v Opposite City HalL f 1t II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 II II II II II II II II II II II take Ours and Mower TRY Hrdwsur (Co The President Beset With Liars. Tha Hod. Bebjamin r ttyaii tiilmdn, rioited States 8enator from the state of South Carolina who is a busy man; Is tak ing a littU time, off in order to compile a list of names under the caption. "Persons Wborn the Hoht Theodore Roosevelt; President of These United States, Has Called Liars. " -;The liar is no whit bet ter th;i'i the thief," said th exhuleraut ud enthusiastic discoverer of the ten com- tnandrneni8, as he raked the muck rakers. . Mr Tillman exhibits, as a first sheaf from hi labor?, the following partial list, each man named therein having been desig nated by the President as a liar (therefore, no whit better than a thief): Former Judge Alton B. Parker. Henry At. Whitney. ' John F. Wallace. Mr. Bow en, former minister to Ven ezuela. Senator Thomas C. Piatt. George O. Shields, president of the American League of Sportsmen. To which may be added the name of former Senator W. E. Chandler. There's scripture for't that all men are liars; and Mr. Roosevelt himself is afflict ed with a lamentably poor memory. One definition of a liar is a person who remem bers different from Mr. Roosevelt. Gazette-News'. A NEW AND NOVEL DEFENSE. Henderson County Blockader Puts up an Entirely New Plea . to Judge Boyd. An entirely new defense was sprung in United States district court yesterday afternoon by an attorney for a man from Henderson county charged with block ading. The alleged blockader, a young, slim, good looking fellow, probably Dot more than ltf years of age, went on tle stand in bis own behalf. He testifitd that he knew nothing about making liquor; that he had never seen liquor made; that while wandering around in the woods bm stumbled on a deserted distillery and started the thing going when a revenue officer happeued oa the scene. After the young fellow had loft tne stard tne attorney stated that wa the case for the defense; that be did not think his client should be punished; that bis client did not know an thing about making liquor; that his client started the distillery out of a spirit of curiosity and with no intent to violate the law and that these facts should ap peal to the court. Judge Boyd declared that a man poking around in the woods; finding an illicit distillery and starting the thing going did not appeal to him. Revenue Officer McCoy was called on by Judge Boyd to answer a few ques tions and the officer's answers sealed the young blockader 's fate. Mr. McCoy said that the distillery was a small affair but that the beer was good and that had the operations continued good liquor woum nave Deen made, mat was ap parently all Judge Boyd wanted to know. 'The prisoner is ordered into the cus tody of an officer.' was the manner in which his honor disposed of the case. Judge Boyd is going to teach the blockaders of Western North Carolina a lesson at this term of court. That he intends to punish severely was evident from his remarks from the bench yei terday afternoon. He declared that he was going to break up moonshining if possible. "Heretofore, "said his honor, 'I have been too easy I have been too indulgent. Men convicted of blockade ing have been let off with a small fine or a few days imprisonment. Whenfree they went right back to makiug the il licit whiskey and laughed at the court That is all past. I intend to stop it now." When a blockader faces Judge Boyd, however, and the evidence against him is slight he is better off without a lawyer. Judge Boyd does not hesitate to speak his mind. He prom ply tells the district attorney that there is no case against the defendant; orders the iury to return a verdict of not guilty and the prisoner is immediately released. A case of this nature occurred yesterday. Gazette- News. ' A Ynr mt JBI. The year 1103 will long be remembered in the home of F. K. Tacket. of Alliance, Ky., as a year of blood; which flowed soco - XM T ,.1. I U. ,1...U piously from Mr. Tacket' s lungs that death seemed very near. He writes: "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when I began taking Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, with the astonish ing result that after taking four bottles 1 was completely restored and as time has proven permanently cured." Guaranteed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds, at The Justus Pharmacy. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. BAT CAVE HOTEL -B. F. FREEriAN, Proprietor, BAT CAVE, N. C. In the midst of the finest scenery in Western North Carolina. Situated 15 miles from Hendersonville N. C, and 20 miles from Asheyille, N-C. the famous Chimney Roek Dome and Bat Caves are near the Hotel. Excellent bathing for ladies' and gentlemen. Rates for arding reasonable. FOR LOCALSELF GOVERNMENT. Rutherford Republican Believes in. Abolishmg the Orie-Man Power. ; James A; Iogan. formerly of Asheville and now engaged in lumbering in Ruther ford county, is ia the city this week. Mr. Logan, is a well known young republican and several years ago made the race for the legislature in Rutherford, redufii-g tne democratic majority consult n bly. Mr Logan is formulating a resolution that will be introduced at the republican state con vention this year relative to the distribution of pairo-. ag. He said this morning that he was opposed to one-tuan rl a . d that this view was concurred in by prominent republicans in Rutherford, Polk a id Hen dersou counties. Mr. Logan's resolution will call for lcal self-government relative to the distribution of omces including fourth-class postoffices and other Federal jobs, by providing that candid ites for ap pointment to office shall be voted for by the republicans in the community in which they reside and that the candidate receiv ing the highest number of votes shall be recommended by the state chairman for appointment. Mr. Logan believes that this method will result in much good to the party in North Carolina and do away with much bit terness engendered by ap poiutmeut made under the old system. GaEtte-Newa Don't tell this to John Russell, forjdid he not say, in his letter (that Charley wrote) that the republican party favored local self government and assign this as one rea son for jining them? But where does he find himself now? Ed. 1 Loying Mother. A father, talking to his careless daugh ter, said: "I want to speak to you of your moiher. It may bu that you have noticed a caie-woru lookupou her face lately. Of course it has not teeu brought th.-r- hy any act of ours, Mill it is your duty to chase il away. I want you to get up to morrow mor. i. g and get breakfast; and when your mother comes aud begins to express Ik r surprise, go right up to her and kiss her right on the mouth. Y u can't imagine how it will brighten tier dear face. "Besides, you owe her a kiss or two. Away back, when you were a little girl, she kissed you w(,en no one else was tempted b your fever-tainted breath and swollen face. You were not as attractive then as jou are now; And through those years of childish snns'-ine and shadows, she wns alwa s redy to cure, ly tin. uiugic of a mother's uis, ilie liitle nirty, chubiy hands whe:.ever they were i'-jined. "Or course she is noi so pieity nd kiss able as you art-; but il you hail done y ur share of w rk during the last ten years, the contrast would not be s nursed. "Her face has more wrinkles tnn tours, aud yet it you were sick that face would appear far wore beautiful than au angel's as it bov red over you, watchii g very opportunity t your comfort, and every oue of those wriukles would seem to be bright wavelets of surhine chasing each other over the dear face. "She will leave you one of these days. These burdens, if not lit ted from her shoulders, will break her down. Those rough, hard hands that have done so many necessary things for you, will be crossed upon her lifeless breast. "ihose ueglected lips, that gave yi u your first baby kiss, will be forever closed, and those sad tired eyes will have opened in eternity, and then you will appreciate your mother, but it will be too late." Ex. For a p iinful burn there is nothing like De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are a host of imitations of DeVViit's Witch Hazel Salve on the market see that you eet the genuine. Ask for De Witt's. Good, too, for sunburn, cuts, bruises, and especially recommended for piles. The name E. C. DeWit& Co., Chicago, is o i every box. Sold by F. V. Hunter. Learning and Tobacco. . Hen. R. Z. Linney, who delivered the address at the recent closing of the school at Corneilus, spoke on "The Value and Dangers of Education," a id the following illustration which he used is now going the rounds: "In the neighborhood of his mountain home he once met a beautiful mountain girl, lovely of face and form, but who had her mouth full of tobicco, which she j ant Q agked wh he waa , ScQfol cnewea voraciousiv. rinamg ur lgnor- She replied, ,I have no money to buy books." He gave tn-r $2 and en joined her to . hasten and go quickly ai d buy books, then go to school and learn. Later he met her again. She had spent ten cents for books and $1.90 for chewing tobacco. When questioned concerning her conduct, she made answer that she had come to the conclusion that ten cents worth of "lam ing" was worth less than $1.90 worth of chewing tobacco. She had this idea of the value of education, and Linney predicted that as the years pass she will, have about as much se se as a horat fly with its head off." ? It Is possible to obtain relief from chron ic indigestion and dyspepsia by the use of KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA. Soue of the most hopeless cases of long standing have yield ied to it. It enables you to di gest the food you eat and exercises a cor rect li fluence, building up the efficiency of the digestive organs. The stomach is the boiler wherein the steam is made that keeps up youi vitality, health and strength. Kodol digests what you eat. Makes the stomach sweet -puts the boiler in condition to do the work nature demands of it gives you relief from digestive disorders, and puts you in-sbape to do your best, and feel your best. Sold by F. V. Huuter. IFor araiirlsi off course SOME TOES ARE POINTED some square, others round all of them will be pinched in a snug shoe When the foot wedges to the fronts Unless the shoe bear the " Good " sign 1 r n n Af" In these shoes your foot cannot wedge forward nor slip at the heel, nor twist your shoe out of shape, because the patent "Urfit" holds the foot and shoe together, giving the foot control. It makes the superb quality of? Manss Shoes worth while they never look old never slip nor swelL That's why we recommend them. 1 o; I SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY GJLAZEfER. Prirtirg, all Minds, The Hustler Print Shop TH AND bl RCEEE rn r rot. CH mm -.o4:(13 For a full year. Four times a week, 208 times a year. Bet ter than, a daily paper at a fraction of the cost. The most liberal offer ever made. You all know the New York World, the greatest paper printed. And the Huster is the best local paper, altho' we hate to say it Cash with order. THis offer open to new subscribers and to old ones paying a year in advance. s Sampje copies of both papers sent on request raOM THE 0)