be French BroaMbuetler : HENDERSONVILLE. N C PERSONAL ARD OTHERWISE. ; Dnn't forget Eoard of Trade meeting Miss Juanita Starrette is home! for vacation, from Davenport College. j Clifton Merrill, of Ashe ville, spent a few days here this week. . . . . i V. C. .Shepherd and family spent Sunday with relatives of Mrs, Shep herd at Fletcher.- ,v- ! Frank Smith, of Asheville, came over Sunday, to see what a real city looks like. . , Mrs. F. S Starrette has come up from Mooresville to spend the summer in Hendersonville. Jesse. D. Beale has moved to the Vheeler where he1 will spend' the sum mer. ' Louis B. Smith, of Camden, S. C, is among the recent arrivals to spend the summer. Homer and Dwight Peacock are visit nz relatives at Salisbury, N C, where they will remain for several weeks. J r The Board of Aldermen now hold their meetings in the' town hall. The sessions are open to the public Capt. Toms row of new buildings are moving right along, and will be ready for occupancy in August. , Misses Rosa and Jennie Few have re turned from a twa weeks visit to their aunt. Mrs. S. H. Billiard, at High Point, N. C. Mrs. W. B. Rmoot and children of Salisbury, N. C, arrived to day and will stop at the Oak Lodge on South Main 8t. For Sale: At a bargain, one square piano, Excellent tone, celebrated "Steiff" make. Price $100.00. Apply Mrs. A. A. Gates, at the Hotel Gates. Summer visitors are beginning to put in an appearance here, and 'ere long the streets of Hendersonville will be thronged with summer tourists. M rs. Lester Smith and daughter Miss Annie Hathaway, have arrived from their home, Montgomery, Ala., and will spend the summer here. Paintsrs hare recently finished work on the Wheeler Hotel, and now thin popular house has a beautiful appear ance in white and green. Mr. L. B. Kerrison, of Charleston, who has been here for the past week, left Monday for his home. He stated that he was so well pleased with Hen dersonville. that he will return and spend the month of August here. Mr. .1. Caldwell Robertson an-1 daugh ters, M'sses Olive and Mnrjarie. have arrived to spend the summer at their bauolf'il summer home on Fleming ave MR Miunie Blaylock, of Columbia, is visiting the Misses Robertson. The bath House of M. C and C. F. Toms has been crowded every evening. The bath suits recently ordered by Capt. Toms have not yat arrived, but from a telegram reoeived lhay are on the road and are. expected daily. Jules Baumberger will open a strictly first-class meat maiket, in the new City Market House. Mr Baumberger is thoroughly up-to-date, and of long ex perience, and will endeaver to give the people of Hendersonville only the very best meats and service. The automoblU recently purchase! by Jess D. Beale will shortly be placed at the disposal of the public. An s-f)--rt will the machine, and ih charges are reasonable. Henderson--vilLe is the only town in Western North Carolina haviog an automobile livery 3erviee. Mr. Jouas Dryfus, a popular young man of Montgomery, Ala., was a visi tor to the city Sunday. Mr. Drey fus is a traveling salesman atd this was his first visit to Hendersonville. He said Hendersonville was the nicest place he bad visited to the Carolina. Children's Day will be observed at Frnitland on the third Sunday in June. Exercises by the children in the morn ing; an hour for dinner, after which the young ladies will baye a short exercise and ttien we will have a sermon or an address by Kev. A. R. Love. People should not leave their horses unh'tched on Main street, as it is dan gerous nob only to the owners but the public as well. Remember that there will le several automobilas here this fltasa Had it is the ileir'of the owners of these machines to avoid all accidents, so do your part by not leaving your horse unhitched The death of Mrs. MaudfHeffner, on Monday, was particularly sad. Mrs. Heffner is survived by husband, and three children, one of them an infant less than a week old. Mrs. Heffner was a daughter of oar well know, eit.zen, J. A. Bryson. She had been lit for some time, but her death came somewhat un expectedly. Thr fur era' occurred Tues day, interment b ing in Oak Dale Ceme tary. Mrs. Heffner was universally esteemed and was beloved by all who imew her. Devoting herself to charita ble work, an ideal mother and wife, ber death is a distinct loss to the community. Rev W. H. Perry will preach as fol lows:. At Moore's Groye on the 3rd Sun day In June, at 11 a. m.-, At Hill Girt, at 3:30 p. m.; at punier Chapel at night. There will also be services at Upward, on the fourth Sunday, at 11 a. m. . Dr. W. M. Jones, of High Point, is circulating among his numerous fronds in Hendersonville this week. He Jikes his adopted home all right as a busfness center but says there is no place like Hendersonville to live comfortably dur ing warm weather. ' Those desiring beautiful cosmos plants, free of charge, should call at the office of Dr. A. H. Morey. Dr. Morey, ever alive to any opportunity to help beautify the town, and anxious to for ward the work of the Civic Leagrue, has consented to give these fine plants to any who call at his office for them. W. J. Travis, chairman of the commis sioers and president of the Bank of Hendersonville returned from the Fair Oaks Sanitarium on Friday last, much improved in health. Friends are glad o see him looking so much better and hope for a continued improvement in his condition. Mr. Davis will lead a quiet life hereafter and thereby hopes to ' retain his present health and strength. ' Gov. William Dorsey Jelks and Mrs. Jelks of Montgomery, Ala., are recent arrivals in Hendersonville. Gov. Jelks is the present Governor of the State of Alabama and will spend ths entire sum mer here.and while in conversation with a personal friend of bis he stated that he was highly pleased with Hen dersonville and 'surrounding country. The Governor is enjoying good health and anticipates a pleasant summer in the mountains. He is registered at the Hotel Wheeler. The Hotel Gates is now open formsi ness, altho' the formal opening will not occur untill next week. Everything is about ready for the entertainment of euests The telephones are being in stalled in the rooms, a full force of train ed servants on hand, and the thousand and jone details incident to the opening of the large hotel, are about finished. The china and glasses, a little deiail, but interesting, are marked .with a handsome monogram, "H. GL" The bg refrigerator is reidyand iu commission. The parlor and guests writing room are really "dreams of beauty," the scheme of decoration with furniture to match being remarkably harmonious . and striking. The upstairs, halls and lob bies are covered with thick carpets, and clear up to the top of the top of the big: building there is an air of freshness, of cleanliness, and home-like comfort, that must Inevitably appeal to the tired traveler who deposits his grip in one of the many charming bedrooms. The improvements at the Blue Ilidge Inn, are nearin? completion, and from a scene of confusion that, hotel is .now! beginning to emerge resploodant. with ! new decorations and paint. The big addition In front is being pushed right along, and when the massive columns are in dace, and the scores of electric lights which will outline the porch- are turned on, it will present a handsome appearance. Th lobbv U newly dcoiv ated and thewow1work varnisLed. There will be a beautiful cluster , of electric lights In the centre of the ceiling. The dining room Is being made handsomer by new decorations, and this ppu'r hotel will be better prepared thin ever to cater to its many friends. Hotels are the homes of many men and women, and unW the management of genial Mr. Ht witt the Blue Ridare is adding daily to its long list of friends, and the many improvements will be duly appreciated tv th;m. Fourth of July Celebration. The Hendersonville Board of Trade have appointed J. M. Waldrop, C. E. Brooks and G. W. Brooks, to make ar rangements for the Fourth of July cele- bratton. J ney nave aoout got tnr ar rangements completed. There will be handsome floats of the ' leading mer chants in the parade, representing their different lines of goods. The parade will be led by the Hendersonville Brass Band. After the parade through the principal streets, there will be amuse ments of all kinds at the Park and Amusement Grounds. Bis hall be tween Asheville and Hendersonville. Foot races, sack races, boat races, etc.. etc. Governor Glenn and Judge W. p. Bvnum have been invited to speak. The committee expects every man, wo man, and child in Henderson county to come, bring a b-isket of dinner, and have a good time. The marshals for the oc casion are as follows; Fain T. Hodges, Chief M-trshal. J. Lr Frpeman. East Honderaonvilje. T. C Israel, West Hendersonville. T. L. Johnson, Mills River. J. L. Gash, Jr., Etowah. Tom Drake. Jr , Bowman's Rluff. Joe A Rhodes, Crab Creek. - A W Russell, Riven Rock. Joe Dais, Green River. A. W. Black well, Blue Ridge. Wm. Pryor, Edneyville. T. P. Rogers, Clear Creek. A. E. Hugging, Bat Cave 1 Henry Allen, Horse Shoe. Ion Lowndes, Flat Rock. fVmetination makes the pnl ft rirftcr nlnnc. a Get it i. ut of yon. Take Kennedy's Laxa- .f IT An1 f I o nnnffli a.n...i fr tains do opiates. F. V. Hunter, W.' J. Temple, of San Francisco, is in the city. What's the good of keepingrom him Any good things you may sae, . That will lift his load of labor Like Rocky Mountain Tea. Justus Pharmacy-. . v ;v : ' Resolutions. Hall of; Ochlawaha Lodge, I. O. O, F. No. 161. ; . k l' -'- Hendersonville, N.'C. The wife' of our brother, W. T. Sher man, having passed from this lite, we desire to express to our brother and re latives our heart-felt sympathy in the great sense of loss which we feel in Com mon with them, therefore be it Resolsed,' that we tender our heart felt sympathy to our esteemed brother and all relatives and friends of the deceased; and further be it Kesolved, that this resolution be put on record in the minutes of the Lodge, a copy of same be furnished the, family of our brother, and also that a copy-be given the local papers with a request to publico. - ( Done at the Hall of Ochlawaha Lodge, I. O. O. F. No. 161 this 29th day of May, 1906. r . . J. C. BECK, i S. G. Rhodes, 7 W. C. Rector, Committee. Loug TenneeaMee Fight. : For twenty ye ars W. L. Rawls, of Bells Tenn., fousht nasal catarrh. He writes; "The swelling and soreness inside my nose was fearful, till I began applying Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the sore surface: this caused the soreness ad swelling to disappear, never to return." Best salve in existence. 25c at Justus' Phcrmacy. Laws are made for the weak. The strong can enforce their will by brute strength, but for the law. The Henderson cntintv Fruit and Trucking: Association perfected their organization at the Uourt House last Saturday, with Dr. Few as president. It is expected the association will result in much benefit to the farmers of the county in giving them becter markets and better prices for their products. The many friends of Mrs. Perkins, will be pleased to know she is now con valescent. Mrs. Perkins has been seri ously ill at her beautiful home on Main street, fjr some weeks past. The Episcopal Church Convention of the district of Western North Carolina convened Wednesday, at lu a.m., at Ki, James Episcopal church of tfiis city. Early Communion was held at 7 a.m., and the convention was called to order after the mid-day service. There is a large attendance to this district meet ing and much business of importance will be transacted. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Willcox, by their gracious efforts are making the visiting Episcopal min isters fi-el at home. It is to be regreted that the prevailing weather is such that their stay cannot be made more pleasant and enjoyable. The Wheeler Hotel on Wednesday last threw open its doors for the season of 1906. As usual the genial pioprietor, Mr. S. F. Wheeler, was ready with the assistance of Mr. Peter L. Hyde of Palm Beach, Fla.,, to exchange greetings with all whom they came in contact with. The Wheeler as usual will be meca of society this season, and with their splendid orchestra, recent im provements and excellent service, it will be second to none in Western North Carolina. Card parties, germans, hops and banquets will be in force the com ing season. Preferred Locals, For Sale: Good family horse. For particulars apply to Rv. Charles Conner Brown, Horse Shoe, N. C. It. Parties looking .for the Henderson ville Post Office will find it directly un der WALLACES DENTAL OFFICE- The biirest line of rubbers ever broueht to Hendersonville at Brooks & Williams. We can fit any one in size or price. Out Flow iM's aro now off-red for sale oi'M'i't 'b.- p-'Wr lioiisyoti North Main si seet.. Ca1' and see how well the old man will treat you. , J. N. YOUGBLOOD, H nilersonville, N. C. TYPEWRITERS: Special 'Induce ments in the Oliver, Williams, and Pittsburg, three cho:ce makes, visible. D. M. LlTAKER. LOST I Jet wem B u- Kid ye Inn and Fleming avtTiiUe, oue gold watch, sil ver watch fob. Probably fell out of csriage in front rf the Reale residence. R. turn to W. H. Hawkins & Son jewel ry store and t ecf iv' liberal reward, tf. Parties either in city or country de sirinjr board rs may keep their rooms hi led throughout tb season by placing their bouses, irlvins? location and rates of boaid, .with, W. C. Jordan, of Ray & Jordan, opposite court houte. Hoarding House for rent. 10 bed rooms, funiisbd throughout. Fine vejretabla ruifH-n, all kinds of fruit, 2 good milch cows, 1 1-2 miles from town. Well located, character of bouse estab lished. Apply to J. M. Waldrop & Son. A flue deck of carts free vith one dozen of the famous 15. B. Collars, at Wils n Mercantile Co. . 2, 3, and 5 gal'on milk can?; the best made, at Vil&ou Mercantile Co. Dairy man, call and examine them. - S. Maxwell, 2 doors from the post office now wholesale and retails soft drinks of all kinds. tf. Maxwell's Prinks are the h . NOTICE For high grado candies of all kind and fine fruits, nuts, crackers and chewing-gums, poto J. J. Strong's nevv store, next door to Hunter's drug store. ..... Masury's House Paints, which are sld exclusively by E.lwards Hardware Co., are guaranteedabsolutely the best, and have a record to sustain the claim. ;iWe are having numerous inquiries for houses to rent. Call and give us description of your houses. We will place thm for you. Large list of propr erty to sell on terrv.s. Carolina R. L. & D. C. W. F. Edwards. Pres. If you want a cook, - nurso or "house maid call on W. C. Jordan, at office of Ray and Jordan, opposite court house. may9-3mo No Cheap Gloss . . . . to cover up- careless washing plasters any shirt-front, collar or cuff ever laundered by us. We wash clothes clean, starch and iron them with skill and care, charge you moderately, call for and deliver goods. For fine laundry service rinor no . i Phone 142 I Purity Ice and ILaimdry Co U-Seawell &Son Proprietors Blue Gem Jellico Coal WOOD, aJl lengths Died In Califorina. The Hustler has just received the fol lowing telegram which brings sad news to its numerous readers in Henderson county: Fullerton, Cal., June 9th, 1906, Hendersonville, N. C, . Editor Hustler: Father died yester day aued seventy at his borne, Santa Anna, where he has resided over twenty vears, coming from Henderson county. Leaves wife and daughter and four sons. . . Edgar Johnson. The deceased will be remembered by many of our older citixens now residing in the Western section of Henderson county, the home of his childhoood and until about the year ,'85 when he went w st with his family to seek new fields of fortune. During the twenty years residence in the far west Mr. Johnson and his family have been eminently successful in business and prominent. in the affairs of church and state. The Hustler joines the wide circle of friends and relations throughout West ern North Carolina In offering words of sincere condolence to the bereaved family in the far-away land in this hour of bereavement. You cannot induce a lower animal to eat heartily when not feeling well. A sick dog starves himself, and gets well The stomach, once overworked, must have rest the same as your feet or eyes. You don't have to starve to rest your stomach. KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA takes up the work for your stomach, digests what yo eat and gives it a rest. Puts it back in condition again. You can't feel good with a disordered stomach. Try Kodol. Sold byJF. V. Hunter. COUNTY CONVENTION. Pursuant to call of the executive com mittee published last week the county democrutic convention will be held in Hendersonville next Saturday at two o'clock. The purpose of the convention is the selection of delegates to the State congressional and senatoral conventions. Precinct meetings are being held this (Wednesday) afternoon and it is hoped that all will be represented in Satur day's convention by duly accredited delegates. The sentiment expressed in the pri maries, with reference to the congres sional candidates, will be reported to the county and carried xn up to the dis trict convention at Asheville June 30th. Mr. Gudger and his lieutenants have made a systematic canvass of the county while Mr. Crawford, who believes the people should settle these matters for themselves, has been conspicuously ab sent from our primaries. However the ex-congressman's friends have succeed ed in making splendid showing for him, all things considered. Complete je turns from the precincts will not reach the city before Saturday, but it appears at this writing, that Mr. Crawford has carried a majority of them. Hfw Cure fr Epilepsy. J. B. Waterman, of Watertown, O., Rural free delivery, writes; "My daugh ter, afflicted for years with epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. She has not had an attack for over two years." Best body cleansers and life giving tonic pills on earth. 25c at Justus' Pharmacy. ' W. H. M, Kinch has returned to the city, after an extended tour in West; Virginia. HI Dou't be fooled and made "to believe' that rheumatis n can be cured with local applicances. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the only positive cure, for rheuma tism. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Justus' Pharmacy. - : pooooooooooooosooooocooccoo AN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY -' ' ' - Best quality and lowest prices. Remem ... ber everything you buy is guaranteed . absolutly to give satisfaction or your . ....... ; . " " ' ' ' money back. . v HENDERSONVILLE ' I1ERCE1ITILE coooooooooo:ooooococooco Will Sell Yoi a Piano or Orgiaini Cheaper than anyone elso We can do this because we buy them in carload lots, and because our expenses are J small. We also have the Edison Phono graph and the Victor, A good Hop clQxy latest sheet music. Write us lor prices and catalogue. - Dunham's Music 'Hois 16 North Pack Square, Asheville, North Carolina MAIL ORDERS GO PROMPTLY. REMEMBER. Wool Dress Goods and Si! lis Of these we show a superb stock, ranging between 60c and $1.75, wiA fcls oca cent rati on i grades from 65c to $1.25. Wide fabrics mU beat tfck aeattn-Jil to 56 in. in wool goods and 27 in. to 36 In. silks. FINE COTTONS and LINENS, both In white good and oolors, art barium well Reserved popularity as they combine fin appearano wlhgrkurWllJ Staple Dry Goods, Housekeeping Goods, Small wares, Underwear. Haritry. aad Gloves, Embroideries and Laces, Ribbons, NeckwearJHandkerchUfi, Corieti ul ficfe terick Patterns. . . ; - , Ladies9 Suits, Skirts afid Coats Veryi attractive styles at reasonable prices. Suits from $9.08 to $2$. Skirts, $1 tl to $10. Spring Coats, $3.50 to $12.50. Our stock of Embroideries. White WaUtf from 65c to $2.90) shows great value. tyu Men's and Boys' Suits and FurniohtnQO A big stock of big values t torn low priced goods on VP to vtry fin tradM 828.00 In men's suits . . Fine Shoes of all kinds. Hats and Caps. Trunks and Bags ttattlsra and Rugs up to pxia Axmlnster Rugs at $23.75. ; H. RED W OOD & CO., Asheville, N. C. FREE A handsome set of Plates or cups and saucers at Staton Bros. Come, in and let us explain how you get them. We have some of the best values ever offered in clothing etc. All wool English Meetons, cheap at $10.00, our price while they last, $6.50. All wool hard finish worsted, will cost $12.50 any where in town, our price while they last $8.50 Youths' suits positively worth up to $12.50, yuur choice while they last 6,50. 200 hats, all styles and shapes positively worth up to $2.00, your choice while they last 98c. Cut prices on pants. Seeing is believing. Take a look. 15 Globe cultivators to close out at $3.19. 100 hoes, best steel, riyited shanks while thev last at only 36c. A nice line of dress goods in the neatest and best patterns from 6 to 25c. - r ' If you like good bread buy your flour from us. . Every sack guaren teed. A complete stock of fresh groceries al ways in stock. Our store is opposite new court house. You are cordially invited to visit our store and be convinced that this is the place to trade. ' . v 3 tat 00 Largest Shipment ever Arrived In this City Two Solid Gars Furniture One Car Chairs , Will make you prices lower than you can buy elswhere, Come and see how much money we can save you. Agents for the BEST BUGGIES ON WHEELS, ; THE COLUMBUS See our exhibit in store. . We Buggies . - ; . Get our prices on Groceries. Do you know we have the best Flour in town, and many items in canned goods les3 than you can buy same. ,3 lbs Tomatoes, 10 cents; 3 lbs Ap les, 8 cents. . . We have such a great variety that, we don't wish but very little profit on any one thing. , Wilson eMeixantile Coi FREE B also have cheaper Trarrenteld v. ri

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