Zbc Jrencb Broab fmstler M. L. SHTPMAN, . . . Editot T. R. B ARROWS, Associate Editor & Manager HENDERSONVTXii'E, N. C Entered at the "Postoffice at Bendersonvuls tf.CU a maw mailer ot the second class. BR ITT WILL HAVE TO ANSWER - The nomination of Prof. James J. Britt for Congress, by the republicans of the tenth district, was to have been expected, notwithstanding his recent "letter of withdrawal" from the contet in which he deplored the "unseemly conduct ot certain republican leaders, It turns out that Mr. Britt'a letter was a grandstand play and its evident pur puse, that of creating sympathy for him has been accomplishsd. It was clever scheme the professor worked on bis republican opponents, but he has quite a different proposition to deal m with in the opposing party, the leaders of which will be on to his curves at every turn in the game. Then there is an element in Mr. Britt's own political house-hold who are going to want some things explained. The following com munication appearing in the Asheville Gazette on June 29. indicates, some what, the current of things in republi can circles: "And Abraham replied to Isaac, the Lord will provide a sacrifice. So quot ed Col. V. S. Lusk, the republican war horse, yesterday when asked what the republican party of the tenth district would do for a candidate for congress." . An admission that whoever mounts the alter in this contest against W. T. Crawford he does so as a burnt offer5 " ing, and that there is no chance for a republican to win in this contest ui.der the present situation of discord and dis sension sowed in the republican party by the former federal ring bosses of the Holton, Harkins & Rollins brigade. This being a truthful admission, I ap peal to the republicans of the tenth con gressional district to stay the hand and blmnt the dagger that otherwise will be plunged into a innocent Isaac by plac ing on that altar, as Mr. Harris said, "that nice young man," Thomas S. Rol lins; and the blood be upon thy own head. If Prof. Britt had been nomi nated he would have had to account and been responsible for the malicious prose cution of Spencer Blackburn at the -hands of the revenue bosses through whom Mr. Britt got a special appoint ment to appear in the prosecution of the only federal government officer in North Carolina, holding a commission from the express dictation of the people. I appeal unto republicans to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. Nominate Thomas 8. Rollins for a carving subject, of William Tecumseh Crawford, tne statesman from Crabtree. A Moss back Republican. Fair View, N. C, June 27, '06. Just how the republican nominee is going to reconcile these matters re mains to be seen. He claims not to be a factionist, yet withal he was the can didate of the Harkins-Rollins wing of his party two years ago and has been their ohoice during this entire col test. He has accepted favors at their hands and who doubts if, perchance, he should be elscted to congress, that he would be the servile tool of Butler, Harkins, Rol lins & Company. However W. T. Craw ford will beat hiin 2000 votes and repre sent all the folks. WANTED: NEW OFFICERS. 'The evil effects upon a party of keep ing one man in an administrative office for a great number of years have been demonstrated a number of times in this county. It has a bad effect upon the party because it discouraged many de serving men who feel that the party of fers them no hope of advancement, al though they are just as capable of fill ing the position as those in office. It has a bad effect further because the in cumbent feels after awhile that the of fice is his private property and he re sents any attempt upon the part of any one to interfere with it. Then sooner or later the people get tired and defeat at the polls a man whom they think has had an office too long. E. M. Hendrlx, in Greensboro Patriot. This is well said. Frequent changes in official circles should be demanded by the people of all political parties. There are just as capable men out of office as can be found among the elect who are holding down positions by virtue of the people's suffrage. The above quotation, - by Mr. Hendrix, refers to the democrat ic county of Guilford, but applies, with equal force, to boss-ridden Henderson, which has for years been dominated by republican ringsters who have come to believe that the offices belong to them and their family relations. How long will a suffering public be thus imposed upon? The time ia ripe for a change, but the same old crowd will again nom inate the republican ticket. A. H. Price, assistant district attor ney, will not give up his job yet awhile The department has informed him that the matter will go over until Septem ber. Judge Doble, of Statesyille, how ever, it is stated, has certainly been ap pointed to succeed Price. Congressman Chas. E. Thomas, of the third congressional district, was renomi nated for his fifth term last Wednesday Mr. Thomas ii one of ihe ablest con gressmen North Carolina has to repre sent her. Congressman E. Bpencer Blackburn was nominated -to' succeed himself in congress in the eighth district republi can convention held last Wednesday in Wilksboro. There was no contest and no dissensions. He was nomin ated by acclamation and amid much enthusiasm Hon. W. T. Crawford was on Saturday nominated for congress in the tenth die trict over Congressman Gudger. who has represented the district four years The "convention also endorsed Bryan but a resolution endorsing the free sil ver idea was overwhelmingly snowed under. Lexington Dispatch. Yes, "a resolution endorsing the free silver idea was overwhelmingly fcnowed under." The democracy of the tenth district proprses to deal only with living issues. Congressman W. W. Kitchen, of the fifth North Carolina district, was nomi nated last week, by acclamation, as bis own successor. This will give him a term of service in the House covering a period of twelve years. But so well has Mr. Kitchen served his const! tuen- cy, that there is no intimation of dis placing him and unless the state dem ocracy insists upon making him gov ernor two years hence, he will continue to represent the fifth district in con gress. And little Charlie Frenchie Toms "orated" at the republican congression- m al convention in. Asheville last Saturday.- Reporting this feature of the event the Gazette says: "He referred to his recent conversion to republican principles and said he Was delighted that he had been received at the front door of the party and given the right hand of fellowship. "Had I not been received at the front door,' said he, 'I would have come in at the back door, and had the back door been closed to me, I would have b-r-o-k-e in." Think of Charlie Toms, or any other gentleman of respectability and common decency offering to break in at the back door of Marion Butler and Jim Young. Per ish the thought! A IUrfra aiirmcle. "Truly miraculous seemed the recovery of Mrs. Mollie Helt of this place," writes J. O. R. Hooper, Woodford, Tenn., "she was so wasted by coughing up puss from her lungs. Doctors declared her end so near that herf amily had watched by her bed side forty-eight hours; when, at my urgent request Dr. King's New Discovery was given her, with the astonishing result that improvement began, and continued until she finally completely recovered, and is a healthy woman today." Guaranteed cure for coughs and colds. 50c and 81.00 at Justus' Pharmacy. Trial bottle free. A Natural Wonder. Teacher What are marsupials? Boy Animals which have pouches In their stomachs. Teacher What do they have pouches for? Boy To crawl into and conceal themselves In when they are pursued. Figaro. A person may not merit favor, as that is only the claim of man. but he can never demerit charity, for that Is the command of God. Sterne. May Lire lOO Years. The chances for living a full cent ury are excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennie Dun can, ot Haynesville, Me , now 70 years old. She writes; "Electric Bitters cured me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20 years stand ing, and made me feel as well and strong as a young girLn 1 Electric Bitters cure Stomach and .liver diseases, Blood dis orders, General Debility and bodily weak ness. Sold on a guarantee at Justus' Phar macy. Price only 50c. UNIVERSITY Of North Carolina 1889-1906 Head of the State's Educational System. Departments. Collegiate, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 43,000 volume?. New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormitories,' symnasium, Y. M. C. A. building.- 682 students. 74 in faculty. The fall term begins Sept. 10 1906. Address Francis P. Venable, Presi dent Chapel Hill, N. C. SHAVE WITH HOT STEEL. Ah Old Cutler's" Advice to Men Who Ce a flasor. "Whenever I hone a razor," said an old English cutler, "I always give some advice with it, free, gratis, and I tae great satisfaction in knowing that I have made shaving easier ajid more comfortable for more than lOOO men. Almost'every barber will tell you how to strop a razor, but it takes a cutler to tell you how to care for your strop and how to get the best work out of your blade. ' "A swing strop, canvass on one side and horse hide on the other, is the best Always hold it taut and draw the razor lightly, but swiftly, from heel to point If you let the strop sag you will put a round edge on your blade. Don't for get to cover your strop or put it away in a drawer after using. If It hangs In a bathroom near a window the dust and grime get into it and sexy take the edge from your, razor. Whether you keep the strop covered or whether you don't, rub your open hand over the two surfaces to free it from dust "But what I consider my most valua ble advice Is how to do away with shaving paper entirely and at the same time improve the cutting quality of the razor's edge. Nine' men out of ten shave themselves in a room where there is running hot water. Now, the way to get a most gratifying result is this: Lather thickly and well and let it remain on the face hlf a minute be fore you begin to shave. If you have time wash it off, for with it will come the grit and dirt that you have loosen ed up in the pores of the skin, and then apply a second coat It will be as soft smooth and clean as new velvet "Now turn on the hot water faucet and let it run. .Hold the razor under the stream until it Is heated. Then take a slanting, or diagonal, stroke, like a farmer does with a scythe, not a square pull, and you will be amazed to find how beautifully and easily the hot blade cuts the beard. "When it Is filled with lather hold it under the running hot water instead of using shaving paper. This will wash off the lather and at, the same time heat the blade again. Don't be afraid of taking out the temper. That would be impossible if you put the razor In a kettle and boiled It Try the hot blade and you'll never shave with the cold steel again." New York World. () LEAD 1 jf but W J')) will vKrV serve under Simple sound! n g but express 1 v a You walk hmith these shoes, not in them. Stour fee't o o n f r o i thm 1hty don't control your foot ' tby aarxta under you I a A . The patent "URFIT holds your shoes and feet together so that the weight of your body does not shift around and twist your shoes out of shape. the only shoes good enough to. carjry' the ;URFIT.,,r a ' . Made of genuine calf, or kid, or genuine patent Russian colt, with solid heels and uniform bull's-hid oak-tanned soles. GLAZENER fill CHAS. E. PLESS, AGENT For THE SUN Standard. Visible Writing. $40.00 A Fvill Line of Stationery and Office Supplies CHAS. E. PLISS, Book Store Hendersohville, N. C. Shone 68 HOT AND COLD WATER. flow to Cie Theie Remedies to the Best Advantage. - Hot or cold water is excellent as an application for inflammation, conges tions or abrasions, but how many peo ple know which to apply In particular cases while awaiting the : arrival , of medical relief? Not many, and the mis takes made in some instances are lu dicrous. Take the barber, fop example, who has cut his patron's face. He generally washes the face with a towel soaked. In warm water, often pressing it right into the injury, and then wonders why the blood flows from the cut so freely. In ninety-nine cases out of a-hundred if he had used cold water, , and the colder the better, the blood would have ceased to flow from the injury al together, as the cold would have a ten dency to contract the openings In the. torn blood vessels. In all cases of such cuts or abrasions -very cold water will at least reduce the amount of Bleeding if it doesn't stop it altogether, and yet, singularly enough, boiling water . will have the same effect. Water below the boiling point in creases the flow, but above that de gree decreases it. In surface inflamma tions or congestions cold water ought to be used, while if the condition is sit uated below the' surface hot water is necessary as an application because it draws the blood toward ' The surface and thus stimulates the circulation through the part where it is most needed. In cases of abscesses or pimples with pus forming in them, but which have not yet come to a head, the secre tion of pus can be rapidly Increased and the duration of the annoyance thereby decreased by applying hot wa ter to them at frequent Intervals. "Where the eye is inflamed or smarts, after a period of eye strain, such as night work often induces, hot appli cations are the things for relief, but the water used should be gradually allowed to cool off toward the end. Tired eyes will Invariably be rejuve nated by adopting this method of treat ment, and many headaches resulting from such a condition may .thereby be prevented or cured. St. Louis Globe Democrat. - BLEAK SHETLAND. Its Swarms of Sea Gulls and Its Lone Tree. Up a little lane off Lerwick's one street there is a garden. At least, it is an inclosed space. In the middle of this space there is a tree. It is not a very tall tree; you could, in fact, toss a biscuit over Its branches, but still it Is a tree the . only tree In Shetland. And Shetland is proud of it. Children who are brought for the first time to see the wonders of one streeted Ler wick are shown this tree. This is not fiction. It Is the only tree in Shetland. As there are no trees in Shetland, there are no birds, except, of course, the sea gulls, which you can number by the thousand. The sea gulls are the sparrows of Lerwick, and, as such, they have a greater share In the town's life than have the sparrows of London. In the morning time you will note that a sea gull sits on every chimney pot Sea gulls swoop and hover over every roof in the town. The air Is full of their strange, high, plaintive, haunting cries. Their sad, shrill, long drawn cries are to Lerwick as the chattering of sparrows or the cawing of rooks are to us in England. Every house has its own familiar sea gulls and every street its own band of sea gulls. They never mix. The chil dren in each house have a pet name for their own particular sea gulls, and, having called them to them by those names, they feed them every day. And each sea gull knows what is meant for him. No sea gull attached to one house ever seeks to eat the food scattered from the bouse next door. He does not dare; the other gulls" would kill him. So all day long the sea gulls hover and call over the roofs of Lerwick. The people of the town, if they come across a little pile of rice laid upon the road way, step over it with care. They know that it Is placed there for some sea gull. And at night the sea gulls leave their own appointed chimney pots and fly gracefully away to their resting places on the rocks of the Isle of Noss. London" Express. ICE IRA J. DAVIS .Telephone Front Stroke Typewriter I IIP $40.00 Largest Shipment-ever Arrive in thisC? Two Solid Cars Furriitvire ' '; One Car Chairs Will make you prices lower than you can buy elswhere Come and see how much money we can save you. - Agents for the BEST BUGGIES ON WHEELS; THE COLUMI5I7S JSee our exhibit in store. We also have cheaper warrented Buggies. " Get our prices on Groceries. Do you know vc have the best Flour in town, and many items in canned goods less than you can buy same. 3lbs Aples, 8 cents.- We have such a great variety that we don't wish but very litde profit on any one thing. Yard wid Sheeting, 5 cents. Wilson Mercantile Gompauriy Sharing Responsibil When we prepare medicine we realize to the full that we share the doctor's responsibility.- Our part is to produce finished medicine that is right' in every particular, prepared precisely according to the physician's prescription instructions. Our unceasing vigilance to thoroughly carry out our part explains our errorless, unblemished prescription record. . I HUNTER'S RH ARM AGY NEAR THE POST OFFICE. THE x "WHIZ" FOR MEN. An Up-to-Date See Them BROOKS (L Blue-Deamond WKite Lined TV 1 L( Tfll fTl TUH f MoJIlv The Kind That Leasts Orke HaLrdwaLre Co When in Town GALLON T. A. ALILEH The Old Reliable Grocer ' I guarantee more goods for less money than can be bought anywhere else in Hendersonville. Have just received a car of ACID and have a car of GUANO ordered. Also a full line of GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS. The best that can be bought. 1 Yours to please, T. A. Allen Opposite the Coirt House Removal Sale Bargains. v Greatest reduction m Millinery ever offered. All $4 Pattern Hats now going at - $2.00 $2 Neatly Dressed Hats going at - $1.00 $1 Ready-to-Wear Hats going at - .50 Children's Hats are gome at astonishingly low prices. Auction Sale Every Saturday. LEWIS & SON. ihe Doctor's I SUSPENDERS THEY FIT. Line of Gents' Belts. Before You Buy. WILLIAMS, Oar Dress Goods Department has Ix-'en GreaOy Kedueea. 12icChambry - - - 12ic Dress Ginghams, fancy patterns 120 Dress Duck -7 c Scotch Lawns -6 c Calico - - - - $1.00 Lace Window Curtains .0 .03 .0i .05 .04 .43 .73 $L50 Bed Spreads ware