IC re 111 t la'l. - I ESSL ri V, vol I Li i .1. I 9.) if rJ 1- f fHAY FEVER i 0 Having used Perunafor catarrh and F! Ly fever, I can recommend it to all who ! Tre sverirtf with the above diseases. I haPPy to be able to say it has helped wendsrfuUy " . May me E. Smith. SOUTHERN fi hrj fjQJES. - i i else j eve: 1 " W lilltliimiM 3 T'z: TOPICS Of INTEREST TO THE! PLANTER STOCKMAN AND TRUCK GROW Eft The Clover Crop. - It is not advisable as a rule to cut a crop of clover seeded 4n the spring for hay. yjn a very wet seas on it will sometimes- be the better practice to do this, but as a rule light pasturing late in the fall after it has become well ' established will be the better, practice. Grazing helps to keep the growth in check and throws more strength into the roots, and of course if you can get a good strong root development, the chances are that you will maintain the stand through the winter and get an ex ceptionally good crop of hay the next season. : One can certainly damaere his ground by plowing it too wet South respond more or less freely to the use of fertilizers. On all the soilf nitrogen is needed, though more, in the form of cowpeas and barnyard manure, that is .something that .will, give humus to the"soil and put It in' condition to respond to the use of potash . and phosphates. The sandy. lighter soils of which there are large areas, respond freely to the use of potash, and to phosphates as well. All soils cultivated in orchards and gardens should be libera supplied with potash in particular. Three Abominations. There are three things on farms The tnat ar abominations. - 1 MI88 MJLYME SMITH, Ml E. Mound Street, Columbus, Ohio. tt AY FKY'ER is endemic catarrh. It is caused by some irritatincr snhstanp in e atmosphere durine the late jontns. it is generally thoueht that th lien of certain weeds and tlowers i th use of it. . 'Change of locality seems to be the only uunai cure, xne use ot l'eruna. how. er. stimulates the nervous svstem tn ri- the effect of the poisonous emanations id sometimes carries the victim through e hay fever eeason without an attack of e disease. A. large number of people relv unon Pe- na for this purpose, 'lhose who do not J hd it convenient to change their location i svoiu xaay rever would ao well to give prana a trial. It 'has proven of prieelesa (hie to many people. Peruna is sold by j our local druggists, jy a bottle to-day. So. 37,-06. SALT FOR CHOLERA, At a meeting of the Kansas 'Poultry sociation Mr. E. Har"ngton said: phis fall Mrs. Harrington discovered at the cholera had appeared, among r chickens. I had heard somewhere at there is nothing to beat salt as disinfectant. I had the hired man Ian the henhouse as clean as he Juld, wash it' out thoroughly with bt as strong brine as he could make, d fill every crack and crevice with p brine. He did so. and we haven't a hen since. I tried the same ng on my hogs when the cholera ke out among them, and I am sat ed that 1 saved a lot of them and evented a further spread of the dis- se." r - . son is very much like a sponge. You observe that when the rainfall is abundant the ground becomes wet and" soggy, as it were, and if you plow it in this condition, the parti cles of rock of which it is composed yu have yourself to blame. are run together and form a hard lump or clod. It takes a great deal of work to break this lump of soil up; though of course severe freezing will help to pulverize it. But you can never count on getting a freeze to do the work iust at t.h viht The three are mean teams, rustv tools, and crooked rows. These three evils are the farmer's own fault. A good team can be had at any price. If you have a "run-awav"- team Thev snow tneir "raisin'." Treat them kindly and they will treat you right. A team that you cannot trust is not a team for the farm. Get rid of "runaway" horses. Get first-class tools and keepsthem in first-class condition. You havfl time, and by plowing your land wet seea bile out in the country a plow A. E mere is great danger of putting it in bad mechanical condition, and we all realize that a soil In good tilth will certainly grow larger crops because it is easier to cultivate, and the plant roots and moisture can pene trate it with greater ease. Land should never be plowed when s wet that it will not fall in a flaky condition from the moldboard as it is turned over. Winter plowing here, a harrow there, and a cultiva or yonder, and mowers and binders in the shade of a trpp Won't there be a hppy time when the farmer who left his tools and ma chinery out in the weather starts to farm? Won't his old plow "shed" the soil rapidly?t Won't his cultivator shovels work smooth? Well, I guess not. .It will take several days' scouring nri in FALL SPRAYING, ulletln No. 254 : of the State Ex- riment Station, at Geneva, N. Y., ds out a little prospect of relief" to fe orchardist who finds spring all tco pit to allow of thorough spraying lais scale-infested trees. The re ts or extensive tests seem to show ft fa!1 spraying with sulphur washes Isafe upon hardier varieties of fruit es and as effective as spring spray- , so far as scale destruction Is con ned. Some of the washes tested appear to promise a shortening time and' decrease of trouble In paration of an effective compound. STILL ALERT. t was in the jungle restaurant. The leopard had been drinking and e waiter was trying to take advan ce of , that circumstance. None of that Mr. Monk!" yelled je feline vigorously. "The leopard Jtr not be able to chance his spots. let me tell you that he is fully ppetent to spot his change." Cou- Joiimal. where the water follows along in the that tine he has lost more religion turrow is a great mistake. You are tnan. he can get back in a year's simply sleeking over and compact- time. Keep tools in the shelter, ing the subsoil and making a hard- Some farmers make rows so pan as it were, at a depth of 6 or 8 crooked that they cannot follow inches through which the roots of them and they blame the team, the plants can hardly penetrate, and tools, "the old boy" and all things on your soil is so shallow that instead earth except the man who laid off of making a great reservoir for wat- tne rows. er to supply the needs of the grow- Straight rows tell the wnrid r ing crop next season, you only have I love to farm and you love it enough a little shallow surface, say from 6 to give your best attention to S inches deep, from which the the rows straight. Kee yonr rows pianc must araw by far the larger n a bee line on a level niMe f lan . J. . M M - I - part qi us supply of moisture. Deep I or comparatively so. If land hSs ter morougn ullage and the opening of I races follow them. the pores of the soil Is the proper I Three points more and t m a policy to- pursue and wet plowing Get a good team. Get good tools! The Age of Lead. ; "We are wont to speak of this era as the "age cf iron," and thero is no gainsaying lhat, Industrially speak ing, iron is a "precious metal." Nevertheless, few people realize how useful, if not absolutely neces sary, to aiodern civilization, is that ther, inctal, lead. rSoft, yielding, . pliable, 4t is not much' like its sister metal, but those distinguishing quali ties are what give it such a prominent place in the arts and industries. - Modern plumbing, requiring inanv turnings : and tw:stins.s, inn withal ;tlght joints, would be almost impos- Die wunout lead pipe. The" feu t est civilizing agent in the world the printing art is absolutely dependent on, lead.. Hand-set type; linotype "slugs," monotype " type-t ail r arv made ot compositions of which lead is the chief component to say noth ing of the bearings in the presses as well as all other kinds of machinery in which "babbitt" metal is used. Solder is another icad product what a field-of usefulness that one form opens up. Then there is the most important use of all to which icad is put paint, that necessary material which ke-ps our houses looking pretty inside and out- and preserves then! from decay. How many or us thank mctallc.lcad ior tne comforts of raiU? Yet the best house paint is nothing 'but me talic lead corroded by acid to a white powder known as "white lead." Qf course, there ait- many imitations of "white leac" some of which are sold as white ler,d and some which are offered by the name of ready-prepared valnt under the familiar pre tense that they ara "just as good" as' white ler-i. But all good paint is made of te metal, -ead, corroded and ground to a fine white powder and mixed with linseed oil. White lead is also used in the coat ing of fine oil cloths and for many purposes besides paint.-. "Red lead" is another product of metalic lead and is what is known as an oxide of lead,. being produced by burning the metal. Red lead is the best paint knjwn to preserve iron, steel or tin, and is used largely in pointing Tietal structures, such as skyscraper skeletons, mills and bridges. There are many other products of the metal lead, ;,uch as litharge, orange mineral, etc., which are es sential : many of the arts in which we never imagine that lead would bo of the least use. Verily, we live In an age of lead s well as wf iron. ST 9 AND CONSIDER TUB ALL-IMPORTANT FACT ft B & E. F A a.. . f &t jpil. That in addressing Mrs. Pinkham you are confiding your private ills to a woman "aa hose experience with wo metfdls4aiescorers twenty-five years. The present Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-in-lavr of Lydia E: Pinkham, and for many years under her direction, and since her decease.her advice has been freely given to sick women. Many women suffer in silence and drift alonV "UU4 w worse, Knowing niu well tnat they ' ought to have immediate assistance, but a natural modesty impels them to shrink from expising them selves to the questions and probable examinations of even their family physician. It is unnecessary. Without money or price you can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual experience is great. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing: Invitation: Women suffering from any form of female weak ness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a womanj, thus has been established the eternal confidence between Mrs.Pinkhaia and the women ' ol America which has never been broken. Out of the vast volume of experience which she has to draw from, it is more than possible tnat sne nas gained the very knowledge that will help your case. She ajsks noth ing in return except your firood-will. and her advice has relieved thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this gen erous offer of assistance. Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. r v Jjfi , v i x v - Si i,- : m&jm0 .... . i Will YIATA -Tn-M 4-1. J , . .1 iTnl A. . . f . iotui me ueveiopment or I straignt rows and see how much easier it is to farm. R these very desirable conditions In your soil. If your ridge woodland Is at all fertile why not try a mixture of or chard grass, blue grass and white clover. This will make j-ou an ex cellent pasture 11 it does well. The trees and underbrush Martin, in Gastonia Gazette. D. Wheat Land For Cowpeas. t-v "W-fc r. v., ijoxwpoa, writes: I want iwcuu-uve acres or mv A. - j hnni wueat iana witn peas and four acrM thinned out before seeding and the I wItn alfaIfa and would like to know seed cover with a light harrow. No n - wouia ue the best fertilizer to grazing should be' nermitrori rt,,rinr u- the first season. If your land will I Answer Fertilize the wheat land not grow these tame grasses the next I ,ntended for Peas with 200 pounds of best thing you can do is to trv Bor. ieen per cent, acid nhosnhate and xnuda, though it will not prove satis- twenty-Ave pounds muriate of pot- lactory in a semi-shaded pasture per acre- The land intended for Bermuda will at least cover the aiIalIa should be sown in peas and ground in the course of time, will fertllized like the balance. The peas prevent erosion and will furnish a land should be turned under good deal of desirable grazing from deeply as possible about the first four to six months of the 3ear in of SePtember, and if the subsoil is your locality. " j very close and compact it would be wen to break it up. Prepare a fine seea oea by thorough surface tillage, tuu compact the soil with the roller. iuwuid.Lt! iuc auaiia with soil or wiih an artificial culture if nifrf HANDICAPPED. "Lived with five families last week?" ejaculated Mrs. Housekecp. That isn't a very good record." ""It wuz the best I could do, mum," responded the applicant. "I wuz sick two days." Minneapolis Tribune. Following: we publish two let ters from a woman wlio accep ted this invitation. Note the result: First letter. Dear Mrs. Pinkham: x ' 44 For eight years I have suffered something terrible every month. The pains are excru ciating and I can hardly stand them. My doctor says I have a severe female trouble, and I must go through an operation if I want to get well. I do not want to submit to it if I can possibly help it. Please tell me what to da I hope vou can relieve me." Mrs. Mary Dimmick, 9th and B. Capitol Streets, Washington, D. C. Second letter. Dear Mrs. Pinkham: 44 After following carefully your advice, and taking Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound, I am very anxious to send you my testimonial, that others may know their value and what you have done for me. " As you know, I wrote you that my doctor said I must have an ODeration or I could noi live.' I theu wroteyou, telling you my,3- , Bients. I followed your advice and am 'tss tirely welL I can walk miles without . ; ache or a pain, and I owe my life to yoa & . -to Lydia E. Fmkhain's Vegetable Compona. I wish every suffering woman would rmm this testimonial and realize the vahiof ing to you and your remedy ."-Mn, Hsy "' UUHU1H.-K, avri ana tn. capitoi totreew, ""Titt ineton. D. C. . - -'.- v- . When a medicine has been succemfmls , in restoring- to health so manv.womszt.. wnose testimony is so unquestionable;,. you cannot well say, without trying i, 44 1 do not believe it will help me." Jit you are ill. don't hesitate to get a brit tle of Lydia E. Pinkham'a . Vecretabla- yuiuDuunn ai, nnri' nun wnia mk tw,r- ham. Lvnn. Mass.. for sisecial advfo i it is free and'always helpful. : ( The New York Board of Education has adopted, a resolution to invest! gate simplified spelling with a view tr its use in schools. , " AWFUL PSORIASIS 35 YfARS. " TVXKirS DISPEPSIA REMEDY. Potash and Phosphate Essential. According to tests made at the va rious Southern experiment Ktatinna and bv fnrmprc thomc-ni,.-,,, .i , I nntn s 'I'lCT':"" " ms" oia neItl wi be enough to insi ;T7, 7 vspuaies are especially oculation HOW MAXY OF US? ill to Select Food Nature Demands to Ward Off Ailments. fTM valuable to the Southern farmer w tlu?'A . " W bo- mixed land is well annii,i i'Tit eu wn snould be sown matter through the medium of barn yard manure or erreen rrnn t, at the rate of twenty pounds per ture. ueioro seeding tho alfaifn fact that fertili7r tnnZZZ M.1"u"8t or urui m yo Pounds of ,.r "v,HUCuujr prove sixteen iy every instance to unsatisfactory on the farm is d rPVt nT . cia PnosPnate ly due in nearly everv the farmer buying somethin per cent, acid phosphate and per Guaranteed Cur- Many Have Dyspepslrf and Don't Know It. If you suffer from Dyspepsia or In digestion in anj' form, such as. gas. belching, bilter taste, offensive spells, sour stom bad breath, dizzy ach, heart flutter, nausea, gastritis, loathing of food, pains or swellings in the stomach, back or side, deep-seated kid ney or liver trou ble, then they Avill disappear in a, short time after taking Tyner's Dys pepsia Remedy, mafle especially to cure Dyspepsia; Indigestion and all Stomach Troubles, even of the worst cases. lyncrs Dysnensia Remedy expels the gases and sweetens the breath. It cures Sick Headache, Colic and- Constipation at once. Druggists or by express 30 cents a hpttle. Money refunded if it fails to cure. Medical advice and circular free by writing to Tyner Remedy Co., Augusta, Ga. Terrible Scaly Hnmor in Patches Over BodjrSltiu Cracked and Bleeding Cured by Catlcnra. " "I was afflicted with peoriasia for thirty five years. It was in patches all over my body, i uaed three cakes of Cuticura Soap, six boles of-Ointment and two-bot-.tles of Resolvent. Jn thirty daya 1 was completely cured, and 1 think permanent ly, as it was about five years ago. The psoriasis ' first made its appearance in red spots, generally forming a circle, leaving in the centre a spot aoout the size of a silver dollar of sound flesh. la a short time the affected circle would form a heavy dry scale of white silvery appear ance, and would gradually drop off. To remove the entire scales by bathing or using oil to soften them the flesh would be perfectly raw, and a light discharge of bloody substance would ooze out. That scaly crust would form again in twenty four hours. Jt was worse on my arms and limbs, although it was in spots all over my body, 'also on my scalp. If 1 let the W. L. DOUGLAS 3.50&3;00 Shoes BEST IN THE WORLD W.LDoug!as$4GlIt Edff8 lira cannoiceequaneaaianjprica. To Shot Dealers : W. U DongUV Job Mag House is u meat complete in this country SHOES JOB EVERYBODY AT ALL PBIfil to $1.85. Women's Bhoea, $4.00 to Sl.&O. Miae' Oc ChUdren'B Sooea. $UJ2B to $1.00. Try W. Li. Donglas Woiiten's. Mlsseg amiX Children's shoes ; for style, fit and tr they excel other makes. If I could take, you Into my large factories at Brockton. Mass. .and sfesar scales remain too long without removing I you how carefully W.L.Douglas sfroes- by bath or otherwise, the akin would crack and bleed. 1 suffered intense itch ing, worse at nights after getting warm in bed, or glood warm by exercise, when it would be almost unbearable. VV. M. Ohidester. Hutchinson, Kan.Aprii 20.1903." Men who brag are those who for merly squandered. Ky. lady, apeaking about food, s "I was ccuBtomed to eatlns: kind3 of ordinary food until, for e reason, indigestion and nervous stration set in. 'After I had run down seriously attention was called to the neces- p of some change in my diet, andxI continued my ordinary breakfast P began using Grape-Nuts witL a H quantity of rich cream. In a few days my condition pged ir a remarkable way, and I Ban to have a strength that I had Ker been nossessed of hofnro -r va.w, sa or of body and a poise of mind ft amaaed me. It was entirely new my experience.' My former attacks of indigestion jtlbeen accompanied by heat flashes. 1 many times my condition was Messing with blind spells of dizzi- p. rush of blood to the head , and palgic pains in the chest. mce using:. Grape-Nuts alone for Nkfast I have been free from these- ubes, excent at times whn T hav fulged in rich, greasy foods ia nttty, then I would be warned by ' under the left shoulder blade. Mnlesa I heeded the warning the trouble would come back,, but ea I Anally got to knjwhere 48 troubles orieinatd T Grape-Nuts and cream and the ad disturbance left very quick- - . . . ' of mv nco nf nnn xt.. Ksra b7 pstum co- Batu0 L. YV II II II not wnat, it. is represented to be For example, he frequently buys acid pnospnate which is said to contain twenty or twenty-five per cent, of acre. ir tne land seemi aoiH " UIV.U you can determine by testing with blue litmus'paper, apply lime at the rate of twenty-five biishels'per acre. The lime could be applied to good Phosphoric acid, but of this 7rnAf , eiore seeaing the peas, probably only twPivA fZ -"u5u c may ne put on after the v- iuusyua ies, ne is not in a posi tion to buy intelligently and so is deceived. He tfnds the fertilizer un satisfactory and therefore concludes that acid phosphate is of no service on his soil. He might possibly have the same experience with potash or with nitrogen, and yet in every in stance his conclusions would be en tirely wrong. It is to the interest of the farmer to inform himself on these points and only to use high grade goods of guaranteed quality and put P by the most reliable firms. Cheap goods with a low percentage guaran teed plant food are always unsatis factory on the farm and it is the gen-r US3 OI tuese that, causes so many people to bo aiaaatisaed with com mercial fertilizers. AH soils of vrb- LUGS. "I see the 'Society News is takin only millionaires' sons on their board." ' . 'Stsrt of putting on heirs, aren't they?" Princeton Tiger. SICK FOR TEX YEARS. Useful Machinery For the Home. . Almost any farmer is alwav ri it he can purchase any kind of ma chinery that will in any way lighten his labors. Now, this Is all right, and we commend it in everv wav' but we do not want the women folks to bs slighted in this matter. There are any number of little contrivances that are gotten up with the Idea of doing away with at least a part of the labor in the farm home. Look these things up and if you can see anything helpful in any of .them take advantage of it, for the women folks appreciate, fully as much as tho men anything which Mill in any warsorvo to I'ehten their lnhnrs. Pointed Paragraphs. , There might be less sin in the world if some preachers were as anxious to kill Satan jis they are to preach his funeral sermon. Habit is 'btronger than either judg ment or passion. , " Fools brag where wise men only ad mit. Probably,' more intellectual women Vvonld many if they were asked. Reflections of a Batchelor. A man couldn't make much money collecting the rewards of virtue. The devil was awful smart to pick out a business where he couldn't fail. A college education costs enough to support a boy if he didn't have it. A man can exercise some control over children if thev- are somebody eise's. A girl gets much more offended, if yon call hugging squeezing. x Constant Backache, Dropsy, and Se- , vere Bladder Trouble. v Fred W. Harris, of Chestnut St., Jefferson, Ohio, says: "For over ten years I suffered from kidney disease. The third year my feet and hands would swell and remain puffed up for daj-s at a time. I ceemed to have a constant back ache. Finally. I got so bad that I was laid up in bed with several doctors la attendance. I thought surely I would ' die. I changed medicine and began using Doan's Kidney Pills when I was still in bed. The relief I found was' so great that I kept on unti' I had taken about ten boxes. The kidney secretions became natural , and after years of .misery I was cured. I have increased in weight and show, no symptoms of my former trouble." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fostsr-IIilburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children ' teethin,8oftensthegTErns,rednceginflamma- tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle t After all, a womtt'i efiact ie beau-vj lify herself" is but a vajn attempt. FITS, St. Vitus'Dance rNervous Diseases per- j manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve c Restorer. $3 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. K. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Heaven is going to be a hot place for some cold-blooded people. ! are made you would then understassJ wny tney noid their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater v&lae than any other make. ? , Wherever you live, you can obtain W. 3L Douglas shoes. His name and price is stampc-tf on tne bottom, which protects vou against fcu&te prices and later ior shoes. Take no sUbxai tut. Ask your dealer for VV. 1 Douvlan nhoM. ' and insist upon having them. Q fast Color tuelttauhed ; . they will -not wear brosasa, I Wrlte for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles! W. L. DOUGLAS, Dept. 15, Brockton.' You (Cannot m v a ill IDCC 11 ct lmmdlUlr II WW 'ou offecu 1a It - w " " ,"wniiinUi.. Too don't INDIGESTION and lVt ACIDITY ZftAtfrcT&iriiSP'S rcmoriac the cson. 10 cants. So.-37,-06. General Vonliarliarsky, actin'r mili tary governor-general of "Warsaw, was assassinated. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT- no matter how' bad the weather You cannot i afford to be without a TOWERS WATERPROOF! OILED SUIT. When you buy look for tho SIGN OF TH2 FISH 's5s' jyonn co. ooatdm ui CMMMWI CO IT. TOaOMTO CAM all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal eoa ditions of the mucous, membrane such sts nasal catarrh , uterine catarrh causetS by feminine ills, sore throat, so.ro mouth or inflamed eyes by sinvrfv dosing the stomach. ' ' H But you surely can cure these stubbocsr affections by local treatment with Pqxtine Toilet Antiseptic: which destroys the disease geinas.chesriEs. discharges, stops pain, and hejuV t&er inflam mation and soreness. "'" Paxtine represents the niosi successfi local treatment for feminine ills crrer produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact 50 cents at druggists Send for Free Trial Box-- THE R. PAXTON CO Dogfn, 89 Gulek Reiki;. Mftsyl Kemores all swelling: in 8 tow days ; effects a pcrzuanent c-jo-iaaoto to dara. Trial treat rr vglvea free. Kethiogcaa be fains I Write Dr. tf.H. Green's Sam MMSfNWlatlsts, s0o; b Atlanta. 1- 1 H f A f ITCn AadreM. ot lVperonor wr flUII I Ml " 1 ndlan bJtxxl who are natBw- UurwitbsiiT tribe. meia l If who Mrred la the Federal army, cr uerw Mm oi kticd Hoiaiern er aatlo tInM. leewmed. X XT HAH BICKFOKD, WmahhigioiZlpjil. n811 r lur Hnmr. Firi. IPs I . Laadivr BadocM. Itjouwaotanltiknaw W "(roar property wjih me. Corporation Sexi Address 8 JP.SKA WELL Bal Kttxt Blm.Vi&, wora. I nave desirable Home and Timber LMamtu. PUT N A M FADELESS - YE .t,r rnoii-nK-t bitouui tiuiiiierw ritiiuu otfiwuy. ittivUc jwckarftt color HU abraa. Xtey dye ni eoid water oetter roan ar otaer dye. ton

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