local News The circus (?) was here Saturday, and drew a fair crowd. It Is rumored there will shortly be a modern mattress factory erected here. W. D. Barringer. special salesman for the Siieff piano people was in towns, last week. .1 f f 1 11 y n. sold 100 kcr At h ff"D j 8 D S'tt"V. Sept.; 9.b, the Hart fj,t"" '..h,s ,n th' MUliner, Store will hre their fall arid owviuu lut mr. uonneil is one of Gov. Glenn's speech at the opening of Trinity-Episcopal church, St, Aug " 'u"6 k"1 Dv euuuuiauu- I nine, Fla Id lines. Wlntiir'rllantiik nt mti I - . . .7 -" violmoy uai5. X Ills 18 BQ uc- the most progressive farmers of Hender- caslon long looked forward to by" the son county. . ,, ,af,fp, n n Our fair is being advertised as never stand there is an unusual display to be .before and is bound to be the btegest made this year, occasion ever on the Park and Amuse pv,,,,,;,,,, , u v, ment grounds or anv where i .m. m titute opened this year country w, Yery good attendance. The ex cellent teaching force,' headed by the wv. u. r ILZ-JampH H nrirv. rArry of 1 laav rwlno nal ml. r. .ik. nm to -rfl w - v I .- t" -- f iuat IUD u 114 Hendersonville The Lake City " of the Mountains! A great lake : for Henderson ville! A lake stretching from the long bridge, near the Asheville road, back for maoy miles, covering thousands of acres of bottom land. A lake which win rank Toxa way's famed body of water look like thirteen cents, both in size and OPQOOOP0OO0OOSOOOOOOOOOOCO ore- J. B. Sea well, f the Purity Laundry, has gone to Charlotte for a few days rest He will visit his brother there. The deed to the Pleasant Hill Bap tist church, made in 1882, 24 years ago. was handed in last Monday at the Court House for record. John L. Caglc, who had all his front teem Kicked out by a horse recently, is rccuyunug irom me enects 01 tne accident. Between' two and three thousand school children are expected at the fair, on the 12th, educational day when Gov. Glenn speaks. The Poultry House at the Fair Grounds is n earing completion and nice new comfortable coops in which to dis play fowls will be made for exhibitors, Some half dozen restaurant booths are about completed at the Fair grounds and parties desirous of securing one had better apply soon at Board of Trade rooms. us- i a" spouumg nis vacation in He is accompanied by his securing excellent results. Miss Carrie ob,iffe the 8outhern Railway to mention STKIN BLOCH have pared for us. r.'r Fall ;and $V inter war. overcoats and suits vyhosr Hi, style , and qua!- Sw&rA.Tl" ily ifi lr. in f.w tailor Flat Rock, family. J1' A. J. Bethea. of the Darlington (S. C.j Press, la in town, a guest of Mrs. A. F. P. King. Mr. Bethea is very favor ably Impressed with this city and pre dicts a bright future for it. All teachers will be furnished with "ow ttuaiibbio an stuuents wno are attending schools free, on educational day when Governor Glenn will make his address. The October number of the Asheville Magazine is at hand, and is the best number yet of this really fine maeazine B. Morgan has a fine class in the music department. The health of the student body i excellent. Through the gifts of generous outside friends, a fine new organ will soon be installed in the chapel. Liberal donations have also been made to the new building fund of the college, and Prof Posey, who has put in a hard summer's work in the Interests of the institute, is to be con gratulated upon the interest he has aroused amongst the young people of the country around, and upon his suc cess in getting the friends of the Insti tute to contribute so liberally to the great work it is carry Iner on. Else where is an announcement of a hew de- it advertising nnd, trip ticket to th Hendersonville in also to sell round Lake City of the Mountains No, gentle render, this U no pipe dream. Its ju-a a m-re ouiliu.- t what's comiug that is, it's coming if the citizens of this t.nwn want. tH. real estate doubled and trebled in value. If they want to see, not one but many new hotels built here. If they want this city known as THE resort of the South. If they want the thousands now going annually to Toxaway to stop here. If they want unlimited facilities for boating, fishing and bathing, and many other good things. Of course, nothing worth haying without shops paid craft in Amn ia. .smansh nary labiics. oi Highly K" f xtraonli- purt; wo A, and nI a jjVnius for the finer hide f tailoring, help make up the sum of Stein-Bloch superior ly, Suits 16.00 to 25.00 j It contains an excellent ai-Hia k parture in its work. namlw Anna in comes w"nout some sacrifice and some T'TTtill o tin rt WrN.-. -T.l. " ! I fit.fi n norm rVlw Kr!,V ,' v I effOrt. This .uv.vu I CJtCi U UI IU VarOlina I f J , uwa&ocuuiKi bU., WU1U1I Timbers." will be of interest to all. Henderson ville Mercantile Co. Toms, Block rfV WM Jl Jt, JL. MA. -AJ .A. ... project will call for both, in VVVWWi;QQOOO!iO it- "WK" tw tyfr- r C. 9. Corpening, of Mills River, was in town Monday. He says the damage to the crops from the excessive rains - "- v,""ui iwao 1 omiup buuc uim 10 Asneviue on for s scarcity or reed stuff this winter. evening train Don't forget that Gov. Avcock will speak at Hendersonville on Tuesdav. "Bealewood" Sold. Oct. 16th, at 11 o'clock. This will be -Bealewood" the beautiful residence an opportunity to hear one of the finest of the late Mr. J. D. BeaJe, has recently speakers in the South, and there will be been sold to Mr. . and M Wm. an immense crowd to greet him. Hewitt, of the Blue Ridge Inn. The Ledford Price, a Hendersonville property comprises about 10 acres, in young man had his leg crushed, Mon- eluding a beautiful grove and a hand day, by a freight train, near the depot. 901116 residence. We understand it Is ine young man was a new employee of Mr Hewitt's Intention to erect several the Southern, and slipped and fell We draw attention to W. P. Wil liams' ad. in this issue. Mr. Williams will hereafter be an extensive user of space in this paper, and he will always, have something interesting to say. Sam Cox made a desperate effort to escape. Monday, while being taken to the jail. 8am had just been found guilty of carrying concealed weapons, before Justice of the Peace J. D. Der mid, and made a break for liberty but was captured in a few minutes. The Board of Trade had a highly in teresting meeting last Thursday night, which was largely attended. The mat ters discussed was of greatest interest to the business men of Hendersonville. Announcement of the great, lake pro ject was made, and methods of getting Ood roads discussed. Mrs. S. E. Caldwell, jr., daughter of City Tax Collector Smith, whose health has been very poor the past few years, Is now in a Ashe ville hosnitAl. FTon many friends will be glad to learn that she Is improving rapidly there and will be home before very long The display of millinery at Mrs Posey's store is calculated to' set the average feminine heart in a flutter. Dr cottages on the property, sufficient to the care for 60 or 70 people who wish for that seclusion and privacy which the ordinary summer hotel does not afford. "Bealewood'' la most delightfully situat ed; next to Mr. Caldwell Robertson's residence, commands a magnificent view and close to Main street. The property has 400 feet frontage on Flemincr ave.. and rt is said that about 8 lots, 50 by 200 feet each, will be placed on the market in the near future. As there are electric lights, city water and good sewer con nections, it is not likely these lots will remain long unsold. We congratulate wholesale lots, of which, later. The first step has been fcakfrn. in having Major Strong, the noted engi neer, come to Hendersonville and find out just how high a dam must be con structed at the long bridge in order to give three feet of water at Mud Cranlc church. The noney has already been subscribed for that purpose. With this data at hand, the next step will be to secure options on all lands abutting on the proposed lake. It must be understood at the start that the only returns the nomnanv win get will be thro' the Increased value of the land touching tho UItp. th power developed at the bridge will be small. The fishing and hnat.lno- rriir a w ileges will be but a trifle. The cost of tne enterprise will be enormous, and it wilbe will HiifM sary to obtain options on all the land ' 1 yOU ftave neVer nad any dealings With US, a trial wanted, and if these options can be se- will convince you. Write todav for samoles. nrires or anv n.t... . 1 I J fiv;o, wicrc ig every 111 1 ' "" .' ffiijf All Mail Orders Receive our prompt and careful attention. We fill outside capital, largely, which all orders the same, day they are received. I it. Therefore, it is neces- ti u 1 j ' , ' tub xryon Hosiery uo. nave pur chased '25 acres of land from P. H. Walker, at Flat Rock, near the depot, and will soon start to erect a 600 ma ehine knitting mill there. Their Try- on mill has a capacity of 800 machines, but the output is ordinarily but 600, owing to the lack of labor. It is expect ed that this difllculty will not exist here, as there is now unemployed labor at Flat Rock, and many families who have moved 8outh will be glad to come back if the chance for employment is offered them. The mill is expected to be in operation by the first of the year. The big auction sale of the Claude Brown Co. last Thursday, was entirely successful. A large crowd of buyers were present from out-of-town, and everything was about cleaned out. The wagons were not reached, and will be sold this Saturday. The Claude Brown Company have had a remarkably suc cessful season, this year, so successful in fact that the capacity of the barns will be doubled next year, when the buildings will cover the entire tract of land. Mr. Brown will go West this winter, buying new stock, and next spring the great barns will be ready for a still greater business. The styles ar unusually attractive this i0 popular host of the Blue Ridge Inn fall, and most everybody in town is looking at them. The democrats of Polk county have a ticket nominated which will sweep Ihem to victory, this fall. The next sheriff will be F. Li. Weaver; register, Frank M. Burgess; the next member of the legislature E. B. Cloud: clerk of court, J. P. Arledge; treasurer, J. R, Foster; commissioners, W. M. Barnett, P. D. Williams, C. W. Williams. Lr. . ts. orinnan will attend the Presbyterian Synod this fall, at States- ville. While there he will make a effort to have next year's meeting held In this city The synod has held its sessions west of the Blue Ridge moun tains but twice In ninety years, and Dr. urlnnan knows of no better place than Hendersonville in which to meet next year. John Wheatley, white, got on the southbound train Saturday night, at this station, drunk and armed. Created a disturbance on the train, and Cant m. Brunson, the popular conductor, took the gun away, and left the fellow in the smoking car in charge of several pas sengers, tie broke away and locked himself in the toilet room. On arrival of the train at Spartanburg he climbed through the window, and in the fight which followed Capt. Brunson was shot in the band, Burke Smith, a young white man, was. probably fatally in jured, Willie Thomas, the train news boy, was shot in the arm. Wheatley is employed at one of the mills In Spartan burg. He was captured early Sunday morning at Inman and taken to Spar tanburg. i t . .mm . aau ms cuarming wire upon their ac quisition of this really valuable piece of property, and believe the proposed improvements will redound to the benefit of Hendersonville, in whose fut ure Mr. Hewit baa an abiding faith. ' Aycock, Appointment Changed. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 20th, 1906. Mr. M. L. Shipman, Ch'mn., . Hendersonville. N. C. My dear Sir: I have made' an appointment for Governor Aycock to speak at Hen- aersonvine Tuesday, Oct. 16th at 11 o'clock. I fix the hour at eleven be cause he must leave on the 12:50 train for Abheville In order to make his ap pointment at 'Waynesville that night. I will not send posters for this appoint ment, but hope you will get them out and give the Governor a good crowd. The Governor had to change his ap pointments, as at first contemplated. , Very truly yours, F. W. Simmons, Chairman. cured at a fair reason to believe the lake will be a fact In the near future. The land wlii be paid for either in cash, at its preaont value, or in stock in the company and the company will look for its returns on the increased value of the, land touching the lake.. The immediate results of such an enterprise coming to a successful issue, would be to increase the value of all real estate In Hender sonville. The ultimate result would be to make this city without a competitor as a resort city. other information you may desire. MAIL ORDERS GO PROMPTLY. REMEMBER. Wool Dress Goods and Silks Of these we show a superb stock, ranging between 50c and $1.75 with the big con centration ou grades from 65c to $1.25. Wide fabrics sell best this season 12 in. to 56 in. m wool goods and 27 in. to 36 In. silks. mwu m. FINE COTTONS and LINENS, both in white goods and Colors, are having a whue is!11 WmbIne fiM Staple Dry Goods. Housekeenincr -w mini bua uaui can ue i , z' """""uw imxb. xviuuuuh, iecKwear,ittanaKerchiers, Corsets and But- DU1IL. Ann M nfl IXalr nnnra tn n I w'auroi us, w w j & VU 1UUU C Deautinu lake, without eacountering any great engineering difflculies. The lakej would be of great size, extending to Bat Cave, and its natural beauty would be great, superior, in fact to that sheet of water which has macfe Toxaway famous. Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Coats tn iyer?a -traCAive. Btirff reaf"able Pces- Su"8 from $3.95:t6 $28. Skirts. $1.95 S J01 $3-50,u' $12-50- Our stock of Embroideries, White Waists (from 65c to $2.90) shows great value. - Men's and Boys' Suits and Furnishing Lad.es, read this catalogue of charms.' Flne Shoes of all kinds. In f 10011 .f blg values tLom low priced goods on up to very fine grades- if ' v.Ua.u.o. , fine Nnnf rtf nil ifinia. Ha a nt r. Ti ... Bright eyes, glowing cheeks, red lii. a and Rues ud smooth .skin without a blemish, in short. perfect health. For sale with every pack- H. REDW OOD & CO.. Asheville. N. C age xiuuisier B itocKy Mountain ;rea, 35 cents, at Justus Pharmacy. Select School. Miss McCollough will open a school for a limited number of pupils Monday, October 1st, Race Track for Hendersonville. IJt TTI There is much talk of organizing a company to bulla a modern race track in this fiifcv. Thn mrm haolr nf It. tin nnf For further information apply toiler want their names mentioned yet, but it at the Kentucky Home. j rr 1 lu U- J r 1 &j liJ Lw&mLuB IJ Uil Postoffice Improvements The government has leased the pres- sent postoffice quarters for ten vears - w more. Many improvements will be made. That part in the rear now oc cupied by. Burckmyer Bros, will be utilized by the postoffice, adding greatly to the space now occupied. The staap, general delivery, and money order win- i dows will be placed all together on one side. There will be at lease 400 boxes for rent, so all who wish may rent one. Tha additional space Inside will permit of more clerks being used in distribut ing mall, so all mail will be in the boxes within a short time after being received. The general delivery window will open at 8 in the morning and close sharp at 6 in the evening, As there will be suf ficient boxes for all. it will not be neces sary to keep the window open after that nour. JUr. lirownlow Jackson has, so far, gotten everything he has asked for in the way of improvements at the office, and he thinks this is the best yet, and will contribute greatly to the conven ience of the thousands of Uncle Sam's patrons. Letter to R. J. Francis. Dear Sir: There's twice as much horse in one horse it may be a mare as there is in two or three others to gether. So with paints too. If a painter can do your job with 10 gallons Devoe for $50; it'll take 12 15 or 20 of other paints; is understood that they mean bus iness. It Is claimed a strictly up-to-date race track would be a paying in vestment from the start, and that it would con tribute greatly to the pleasure of the thousands who visit Hendersonville. While it is too early as yet to state defi nitely just where the track will be I located, .it will be in some easily ac cessible place, and' will have a hand-1 some grand stand. The promoters seem to be very enthusiastic, and claim there will be no lack of capital to carry the scheme through. Preferred Locals. FOR SALE 80 acres fine land- One- half cleared, one-half timber. No build ings. Half mile from Horse Shoe R. R. station. A barjrain. Apply to M. J. Allen, Horse Shoe, N. C. BRAND NEW NO. 3 OLIVER TYPEWRITERS AT $77. while they last. If interested, apply at once and save $20. Factory rebuilt Olivers fresh and new at $47.60 to $62.50. Other makes also at attractive prices. D. M. LlTAKER. FOR SALE Second hand Kindergar ten supplies: Bertha Johnson, Gastonia, N. C. Box 3. FARM WANTED-Small farm 40 to 100 acres with or without dwelling near R. R. Bargains only. J. R. Davis, Asheville, N. C, or Hendersonville, care of F. G. Hart. i FOR first class dental work, go to Al len, the Dentist, opposite Opera House. FOR RENT A six-room house, with Harl Millirery Store Saturday, September 29, 1906 Fall and Wintes Display of Pattern Hats and . - ... IELedy-To- Wear Mats. No detective acrency can compare in inqulsitiveness and suspicion with the "family next door. ' In these days of rush and hurry courtesy is often forgotten. In the mad, pell mell man of our life little thines are done to offend that we rather remained undone. A h&stilly eaten meal and Its resultant headache may cause us social of financial loss. The wise man or woman is the one who relieves little ills of this sort by a little dose of Kodol For Dyspepsia. It digests what you eat and puts yonr stomach back Into shape. Sold by F. V, Hunter. It's all right to trade your money Absolutely Pure A Cream of Tartar Powder free from alum or phoo phatic acid and tne COSt C a JOD IS aDOUt a gal- Tn minnt wnllr fmm . i js -e- - "v" flinenence w iraue wwii. . GUM WBM Ion, whatever the paint may be. There are painti adulterated three- quartersonly one quart of paint in a gallon he's got to paint four gallons of rubbish to get one gallon of paint. The worst horse you've got is as good as that paint, and he'll go as far. The less-gallons paint is the paint, as the most-horse horse is the horse. Yours truly, 5 F, W. DEVOE $ CO New York. Main street. Rent $10 per month. Very desirable. Apply at Hustler office. Remember Allen the Dentist guaran tees all work to give satisfaction. For a set of ARTIFICIAL TEETH that gives perfect satisfaction, call on Dr. -Wallace, over the post office. FOR SALE A 2 1-2 horse-power gasoline engine. Price reasonable. Ap ply at this office. A bath cleanses the skin and rids the pores of -refuse. A bath makes for bet ter f ellowshship and citizenship. Not only should the outside of the body be cleansed, but occasional use of a laxative or qathartic opens the bowels and clears thefystem of. effecte matter. Best for this, are De Witt's Little Early Risers. Pleasant .little pills that do not gripe or sicken. Sold by. F. V. Hunter. A Scientific Wcader. . The cures that stand to its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scientific wonder It cured E. B. 3iulf ord, lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Bums, Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Cnllblains' and Salt Rheum Only 25c at Justus Pharmacy. . t m You can lead a jackass to water, but you can't make him drink it unfiltered. It arouses energy, deydops ' and stimu lates nervous life, arouses the courage of youth. It makes you yoong again. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cens, Tea 6s Tablets, a Justus Pharmacy. New chair needed in women's col leges ."Art of Making Men Propose." When two strong 1 men come to blows, even if they are well matched, it is not a pleasiog sight, but if the man who gets the worst of it will use Ds Witt's Witch Hazle Salye, he will look better and feel better in short order. Be sure you ret De Witt's. - Good for everything a salve is used for, including piles. Sold by F. V. Hunter., 1

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