Cbc ifrencb Broal Ibustler M. L. SHIPMAN, . . . . Editor T. R. BARROWS, Associate Editor & Manager HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Entered at the Postoffice at MendersonviZs N.& at mail matter of the second class. And now we mast all pull to gether for "The Lake City of the j South." OUR CONGRESSMAN. The Hustler offers sincore con gratulations.to Hon. William T. Crawford and the unterrified de mocracy of the tenth district up on the magnificent victory wan over republicanism onTnesdayAVe would also give credit toChairman Lee, of the congressional commit tee, who directed matters so and untiringly. He, too, has laurels whicbv come only to the There is some consolation in faithful warrior who is loyal to knowing that the ring candidates his friend and'true to every trust. I DH An AMn vniT Utt i i cadm That the Ieadinar medicaf writers a.nd y teachers of all the several schools of practice endorse and recommend, In the strongest terras- possible, each and every Ingredient entering into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic hnwni affections, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, name or nature. It Is also a specific remedy for all such chronic or, long standing cases 01 catarrhal affec- mar to t1tr . - W . P. Lane, Administrator, J ohn W. Lank, deceased. This the 25th day of October, 1906. ' ' $7 November arid only $7 Personal Property for Sale. State op North Carolina) Notice Henderson County. f Sale I will offer for sale at Dublin Anrt.fnn to the highest bidder at the home place or tne late john'W. Lane, beginning ab xu u uiocJt , a.m. ana Ju.st.ino- t.m a IK I w is not so good for acute colds and roughs, .cIt' p,m' on Saturday, the 10th day but for fingerinir, or chronic cases ft is f November, 1906. the following rur. Allen, the Dentist Will make the best rubber plates duriner November and n dollars. All plates e-uarantaori cot!0f0,tn. . ... .. ,or MTa - " Duiuiurvuui j ui uu pay ah otner duced in proportion for this time. work re ar) lv llons ana tnelr resultants, as bronchial, J throat and lung diseases (except consump- were badly frightened. Let the campaign of education continue. The people of Hender son county are beginning to open their eyes. The result on county ticket is an eye-opener to the ring. It was a close call, but "a miss is as good as a mile." Tom Lee is a man 1 The world loves a fighter who strikes from the shoulder and he is that kind. The result of this contest; will be received with glad acclain amongst i democrats throughout this moun tain district and the State. Even republicans love W. T. Crawford. He is a man of the people and knows, personally, nearly every democrat in the district. , In the election of Mr. Crawford and the - . & sonai property, to-wlt: One one-horse hftv rak-f. nno nUnk IahU 1 MandFakTroot i'nd Owen's ratlin ST "J"!'. .one one-horse wag- which are highly praised as remedies for " uug ana. aarness, one cutta- especially efficacious in producing per- iwci. cures, contain xtiacK unerry Dark. all the above mentioned affections by such eminent meaicai writers ana teacners as Prof. Bartholow, of Jefferson Med. Col lege: Prof. Hare, of the Univ.-of Pa ? Prof. Finley Ellimrwood. M. D.. of Ben nett moo. uonege, (Jnlcago ; Prof. John nincr. ssi. u.. late or Cincinnati : Frnf John M. Scudder, M. D.,late of Cincin nati ; Prof. Edwin M. Hale, M. Q., of Hahnemann Med. College. Chicago, and scores of others equally eminent in. their several schools of practice. The "Golden Medical Discovery " Is th only medicine put up for sale through aruggisis ior nice purposes, mat nas an sucn pr monials. ODen Dublicitv of its formula on the bottle wrapper is the best possible The majority for the republican candidate for congress two years ago at West Hendersonville pre cinct was 74; this year it was 40. Where was Charlie Frenchie? ffimmntv nf it Trifrif A frluia of tVtla defeat of Spencer Blackburn the published formula will show that "Golden j it . . , . . I Medical Discovery " contains no poison ous or harmful agents and no alcohol cnemically pure. triDle-refined glycerine democracy of North Carol iua has done. well. It is glory enough for one day. Prof. Britt put up a game fight and can now return to his revenue job whioh' is still in waiting I The writer has long been an ad mirer of Mr. Crawford and no one It was a pretty lively fight in the county. Even Judge Pace is willing to admit that. Every little JnnJU. nj x I J ..uuuuieiwaBcauuu uome 10 triumphant election on Tuesday uxxxae mo insure THE HUSTLER has donft .what being used instead. Glycerine Is entirely unoojociionauie ana Desiaes is a most useful ingredient in the curexif all stom ach as well as bronchial, throat and lung affections. There is the highest medical authority for its use in all such cases. The "Discovery "is a concentrated glyc eric extract of native, medicinal roots and is safe and reliable. A booklet of oxtracts from eminent. medical authorities, endorsing Its fntrre- a . i i . is more reioiced to-hear of h a K;TrD ;';. I way harrow, one double foot nlow. t.m turninar plows, 23 , head of cattl. an 1 A la. 9 WW . sneep,. o neaa of bops, 21 turkeys, 6 chickens,. 9 1-2 stacks of hay, 3 stacks of tons. 3 stacks of fofloV about 400 bushels of corn in fiM. rssq ft of lumber at McCrary Mill, 2 bales of I Daro wire, corn sneiJer. elder mm nA ; wwuer, one norse, saddle and bridle, two kits of lard, lfis nnnn k sides of bacon. 125 nounds. as VnavZia I of rye, 4 bushels wheat, 100 pounds of I as anv . fuii..: . uiavwwocs, ofessumal endorsement worth fcWU "'anitera, two puiowsf, one spread. more than any number of ordinary testi- .ne wa8 tub, one spade, one saw. sheed bueara, one jantern, one grindstone, 60 pounds of salt, 'two cradles, five stove vesejs. ore garden rakp. rm dn.rUnn wash kettle, one mow! no- maphin. a hucu otner property as may be found between now and the said date, which it I u ueeueu aa visa Die to sell. i bis tne 20th day of October, 1906. W. p. Lank, Administrator. John W. Lane, Deceased. Every Saturday during thhi time I "will extract teeth free of charge for neoni. unable to pay for same, Investigate his prices before having your work don? New Office: Bailey Block, adjoining Dr. Kirk's office. Alien, the - ' - i A BARGAIN EVE1HY WEEK! taking help in will. Notice of Land Sale. By virtue of the nower cnnfaino a deed In trust execuud tn mo aii cure certain indebtedness therein men tioned owinarbyhimtoRobfirk and providing for sale in case of default with magic Sogers, and painted in a thotis- UJ gaiter oi saia aeed to pay said uuouwuuess wnen aue and default hav ing peen made, I will offer for sale at Schloss Bros., of New York after inventory found they had too large a stock. They have sent us a big shipment of their finest and lat est productions, with instructions to sell at a reduction oi 25 per ct. Their loss is our gain. Come in while the assortment is unbroken, and save 25 per cent on the price of the finest clothing made. and colors. , rrof. intt can now return to knowledge f its position haviDg bis old job in the revenue office been sustained at the polls. Our May be the Asheville ring will valiant defender call for him again two years hence, effort and will receive his reward sacn- for it could from the inciDiericv of the fieht-and is haonv in the The waur as itfjushert from its rocky public outcry to I he highest WddTr lX Wilson Mercantile Co. as they will need another rice." The ringsters never worked harder or calculated more false reports in any previous campaign since it was organized years and years ago, but numbers of inde pendent republicans declined to be imposed upon. district in the state will be more ably represented in the sixtieth congress than our own andnopnp- porter of W. T. Crawford will ever have cause to regret having " suooa oy Haywood's favorite source, fell m mystic laiis over tne lace casn at, tne court house door In non,i the mountain, and down, into the depths of jonville on the 26th of Nov. 1906, witb- the valley below, dashing its spray over " "jf41 nou Jor ?a,e under the ard aminst those wonderful rocks V 1 f f ,Satd deed the following ana against tnose wonaeriui rocas. properiv in order to oav salri ininKf! When the great King of the Day let his ness: Vinorht hrom nn thrMA sr irk liner WAtpra I That house and lot Irnnwt. aa Va r, -"O ' " ck 1 in . f . " " wawuooaxs. the effect was henntiful. The waters I tr'D1rt "unt cottage in the town of nt niicrsnnvi o im w- v x - - - I m it I n n i n r a f .i . it in the brighiu.1 cuow of the most goifc-- m-rffiu of East College street, standi dersonville for anvthingr like the nn're wn nni; o..t J rainbow, causing the water to look . 79 deg. Jfi. 73 feet and 4 Inches fromlwnrU.ncMn .J r " mm the, rt1 ction on the South p .ucu, and East sides respectively of East Col- Come in and look them over. We knur Wf rso:; svr&Vi pou anAd y:f to $5.of y0ur i" the eous rainbow, causing like no many thousand beautiful lcwels, so brilliant was its coionng. i nis alone. a sicht that was We Guarantee the Best Values In Siits and Overcoats in this City ; This is a strong statement, but the facts warrant it VU1 ai,irom to are not to be matched in Hen- son- and so grand, and so awe-inspiring to the conveyed to Robert Lee Hunt by A. B. Three, cheers for old reliable Horse Shoe, Mills River, Etowah and Clear Creek ! They did the stunts in great shape. We. congratulate. soul, that the ablest efforts of any pen will ftff man ,and V ,n Fb- th, 1896, . . ..... ... , : r . the deed for which is recorded in Boole cive but a feeble idea of its glorious beau- 34 at page 286 of the recorfs of deeS .v That bogus dispatch sent out from Waynesville in denial of Mr. L. B. Moody's opposition to Prof. Britt was a brazen piece of effrontry. But it was generally Edneyville and Hooper's Creek understood by sensible people and townships did not hold their own. failed in the object it was intend- Hendersonville did nobly, more ed to accomplish. The Moody than redeeming herself from the letter was genuine and threw a backsliding at the last election. bomb into the Butler camp. Evn rennblicans aro t.irprt nf ha I Tl ! 1 ... . . inff hnmbnacrpd. I fie New YOfK World. . OO " I The Thrice-a-week World, now that a ty to those who have never witnessed it. There in the shadow of the mountains, and the slow of the sunlight, men will realize the wonderful power, greatness and goodness of God the Creator, who is ever wise in his designs. Who makes things, beautiful, that we may better our selves by them. Who manifests his pow er in a mysterious way, and here in this peaceful spot we realize the insignificance of man, and the mightness of God. for Eenderson county: to a stake, the i - am, wiuor ui Haiti nr.- inftnoa im to deg. E. 73 feet and 4 inches to a stake thence N. 11 des-. W. 0 rtnlAa In a. etolrA in the south marein of East rviioA street: thence S. 79 dec. W. -rth Eo south margin of said street 73 feet and 4 inches to the beginning. uct. Z2nd, 1906. McD. Ray, Trustee. New York Election. Krw Yotk, Nov. 7, 2 a. m. Returns, including reaier New York, with 205 out. of 5,500 districts missing, gives Hughes 51,773 plurality. . Replying to the question whether he l?...t.TTflni0nn;iu.,.:Flt Presidential campaign is foreshad AUD V AXUiiUOlQUU I 1I1H tVTin 1,2. 1 I I Ml II ... I u ht- n m , uweu, nopes w oe a oetter paper than it would concede the election of Mr. Y v . 1UrU m iaesaa.y8 bas ever been before, and it has made its Hughes,' at 1:15 o'clock this morning, election by nine votes, reversing arrangements . accordingly. Its news ser- Mr. Hearst sent the following to news Judge E wart's majority of twenty yice covers the entire globe, and it reports paper men: "No, I will not." Mr. nine at the last election. And Jg fully promptly and accurately. Hearst's secretarv said Mr. Hearst Tt is the onlv wnnlr) mnlrfi nn furfliot ctaf.omont iir.t.il some time later during the day. Notice. uy virtue or a mortcara ptpothoa tn tt T . , . .q- -v w uw ommercrai lianK Of HendProtniriUa K v uohus uu iuc isfc aay oi July, 1SHXJ to secure a note for S300.0- thA R.nb will on Saturday, the 24th dayf Novem ber, livoi 10 sausrv saia mortmnr hpII at lu ourfc xiouse aoor in Henderson coun ty all that land described in saM mni-t,w I recorded in Book No. 22, paee 320, of the xwiu .fi uctus ior iienaereon oountv. as A variety so large we can suit anyone Brooks L Williams CHAS. E. PLESS, AGENT Hor. THE SUNr . Standard. Visible WriHng. Front' Stroke Typewrit tm 40 yet this. city is the home of a late 18 tne only new8Paper, not a daily, State Senator who .promised the w 13 43 a daily, and which -Rnar.nA a a 4. i. will keep you as completely informed of Butler and Adams coterie to carry what is happening throughout the world Jienaerson county by 600 ma- The Thrice-a-Weex jority in the letter he wrote for J. N. Russell last spring. Verily everybody did not follow him to the radicals. nS?&5Kj!A Fu Line ofJStationery and Office Supplies CHAS. E. P1LESS, Book Store Bhone 68 World is fair in 1! . . iu pouucai ieports. You can get the truth frdfn its colums, whether you are Republican or Democrat, and that is what I you want. A special feature of the Thrice-a-Week World has been its serial fiction. It pub- j usnes novels by the best anthors in, the world, Two eagTos will stalk a covert in concert; Whi'.o ono conceals itself the other beats about the bushes with great scrcamhi?-. driving out its quarry lul uii maaon easrle to upon. has been observed vju noau ana on tne Kidffe HnH an more fully described m a deed from B. F. Hood and others to H. D. Jnatn- ed in Book No. 26. Dai?e 60. nf tn i?w. ord ot Deeds for Henderson county. North Carolina. ' J 1 The Commercial Bank of Hendersonville uj uuiiiu uu ouuencK, Attorneys. Tliis the 24th day of October, 1906." Hendersonville. N. C. Notice. By virtue of a mortgage executed to Gr- swoon down van Tabor by H. D. Justns and wif- An even more Insidious method October 1st, 1891, for $150.00, and assien- -an eagie seeing a w 1U04j xuriou.w, wim inter- .! -xitp on me cage of a precipice flew at it, f?civjmin?r shrilly and with forco- TwO-bv-fnrir rincr TiAalora nnrl . . . i iiviau. uuias w 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 in nnrtir rnrm aa -i-Vk I r.ii . ..... nixelmes have been zome over Ui w ' i... ,7" . 7 T . . iU1 .'v nunea it into the val i J oiauuaiu iu bills uuunujr miBj-epiBHouwDg inia respect wm be maintained in the future as the i - newsTianor nnnntr tna comnomn .. j. x O w" " , as mey usually ao. we renew the challenge made two years ago, Aa11m. , J.1 A 1 vaij-iug upon iaem io snow a single statement by this paper . concerning the finances of the county that is not justified by the records. Go to the books and see for yourselves; then admit, . like men that you have done The Hustler and the citizens of Hen derson county an injustice for paltry dollars and promises of personal preference. Just as well t tote fairly and tell the truth once in-awhile. . in the past. THE THRICE-A-r WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only 81.00 per year,, and this pays for 156 Daners. We offer this unequalled newspaper and The French Broad Hustler together for one year for $1.50 The regular subscrip tion of the two papers is 2.00 Sunrise at Chimney Rock. (Annice May Patterson in Asheville Citi zen.) It was on August 3rd 1906. thst I had the great privilege of seeing the sun rise at Chimney Rock . It was indeed one of the grandest sights I ever witnessed, I stood in the valley, many hundred feet below tllA trrp&t Phimiuiit 1 i. i wiuiuucr, Hutu seems 10 nave n : x Fu iu jjiouo uy me nana oi some it and est due thereon, 1 will offer for sal t th. Court House door on Saturday, the 24th day of November, 1906, to satisfy said ley below, whore it could devour it nt IZ X?59 unaiviaea one-half interest ,t Ifl, . ouia devour it at m that property known as the J L. Pfmt us leisure, in tlie Iitrlit of surh Tfo. I nronprlv O. T9. cm'i.a tt ords there is eix re.on fn. y'v,' Kill wSih u Z"? "L- tho ..... r r.rr vvm more panic- i lu,- ua.ie cropping a tor- u'ny aeserioeu in said rnorteage record- A tuie on too head of .Cschylus, me ureeK poet, :::id fo death. cav.ns Jiis Here is our condensed opinion of the or- UP yP: "Nearly tTi,iT u B are constipating es pecAy those containing opiatet Ken nedys Laxative. (rnntaintnn u -"3 Tar moves th 11. .S""?L -ana ates Conforms to the National Pure food and Di ug Law. Sold by P. V. Hunter Two men shot in race riot in Mississ ippi . , . "For years I starved, then I bought a 50 cent bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, and wnat tnat bottle ben fittpri oil mruw viu 111 could not buv. I kent on taking j 1 , . . 1 , - ".vMi-uo jl ncub iav;ti to IHV nugniy giant, and watched the sun as it work as machinist. Tn th We should keep up the fight for J rose in its magnificeLt glory. The dav as wel1 aild hearty as I ever was. I a Detter and more economical U!w"ea Dngntna clear, the breezes swav- flno kj" 7 as x una it a county government, more honestly 64 th. 'rs gently to and fro, and in the you T SSL Kodol vimw 1 1 11 1. fir rnn mh a i . and openly , administered. The thTc Z ZkT people of the county are paying wrapped in the soft hazy mists. - vvhiv t too high taxes, a condition which was gazing at the scene before me the . r . will drive many of our own people BK' oeca6 suddenly illumined, I turned . ... 1 mv rtm rn ttt -. ti. . awav and nrfivfint. nthors f mm r . w " c3fc me eastern 1 i , ... . . 8ky aglow with light. I 0 " ,r . . T; IaIDt' nKe tne flection of a mirror, then aiuuiigBb uo. xiiw nug iuajuxiuy it grew gradually, brighter and bright iias uetju ruuuetju ail aiong duo line 1 uuwj . me oiue sfcy, tne mountains the and this shows that the peoplere rocKS-and be water were bathed in its v . 1 ' A. . W . beginning to do their own .think- ana tne giones of heaven seemed inff. -Wehavs thflm nn thS. mrtl.H? Tne Chimney, fiTirl tnnaf. unf ht' 1 -'Ca ed in Book No. 10, page 22, 'of the Rec ord of Mortgages for Henderson county North Carolina. ', VV. A . K nith nnxutor J &ry Tabor Deceased. t Ibis the 24th day of October, 1906. ueu, Atoainff. Ua.. Anp. 9.7 lono is sold here by F. V. Hunter. Legal Advertisements is a new deal. tne mountains, and all the great rocks, as thy;stood , &lne in their grandeur and utv. ' looked oftH thtvo haH tu 1 Notice. State op Nort h C a rot. a Henderson County. Having qualified as the administrator of John W. Lane, deceased, late of the said i ounty and State, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit said claim to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of October, 1907, or this notice will be pleaded, in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will , please make payment Im- Notice. By virtue of a mortgage executed to A. waijuou uy a. u. Justus and wife on Julv I 7 , vv, auU note assigned vtumcn:iai duqk oi Menderson ville, the undersigned will sell at the vyuun nuuse uor in Henderson countv on Saturday, the 24tn day of November 1906, to satitfy uld note and morteaee with accrued intprnnt ll thf 1 vucfeM lauii in fnin . ..11.. j . . wuuiy imiy uescnoedin said mortmur. viz: ' laying and being in the County of Hen- ucibujj, oiue Kjuse JLOWnshin. anr? ouu ucoiKi!i.U ua I0110WS. to W t r f.nA. ii u nrv ' imu uuc -cv acres, and one with an acres, known as the William win l-j-. ioiniLg John llyder, Reuben Brck, John TAJl ? Jed a deed from " " -Homo w a., aj. d usi us recorded in Book 26 at page 386 of the record of deeds for aid county. Tract No. 3, knownas the Trank Cagle tract joining the tracts mentioned above, containing 20 acres ad joining the lands above, on the east J P riyder on the souih, Sol. Stenn n'n hZl pn the west and Frank Cagle on the north! - , ; uceu irom i? rank Cag e to a D. Juotus. Tract No. 4 con taming 6 acres and being the home nlar of the said' H. D. Justus, joining j; H Justus, Mingnss, Huggins,- Camp Ground Tract and John Hill, fully described a deed from J. H. Justus to H. D. Justus on record in said county." . i A. Cannon, Mortgagee The Commercial Bant of Hendersonville, m By Smith & Schenckftofnevs ' This the 24th day of Oct. adlJmSS" 1 FTER the skin has been subjected to hot summer sun and has . taken on a coating of tan it is hard to get it back to its natural soft whiteness. Hunter's Witch Hazel and Almond Cream softens the elastic tan coat arid causes it to disappear with out scaling and peeling, leaving the skin soft and white. Try it, 25c. NEAR THE POSTIOFFICE. MOVED!! We are now located in the new corner store of Toms' Block. Don't fail to lqok us up. Yoi will find the same courteous attention awaiting you here, where we can show you an up-to-date line of goods at prices that will astonish you. Right on, the corner of the slme block where we were before. , ' E.. ILewis & Son

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