r I 7 Henderson ville, N. C., Oct. 1, 1906. List of prices agreed to by the Under signed: Plain horse shoeing, $1.00 per set I Steel toes, extra. 25 " " Resetting, 60, Driving horses, 1.25 " TIRING WHEELS. Buggy and carriage tire, $4.50 per set Wagon tire 1-2x1 1-2, $1.10 each H40 per set. Resetting tiro all bolted tt i Tire 2 horse wagon, good . " t . " thin, tc 60 each $2.40 per set 2.40 " " 2.00 " "v 1.60 " " 1.50 each 1.75 " 2.00 75 14 $2.00 per pair 3.00 H 1 Axles, 1 horse 2 c " larger Bolsters, Back hounds. Front Tongues, 1.25 Welding pole braces 50 " shaft irons 50 New perches, straight, 75 Box panels, side 1.25 " end " 75 Bow sockets 1.00, . " " , set of 3, one side $2.00 each J. M. Smathers, F. J. FlCKER, D. M. Orr, J. EL Ehinehart, W. d. Justus. Note: Justice's country trade to be discounted 10 per cent. Rhinehart's country trade to be discounted 10 per cent. each ii BELMONT CAFE Strictly first class in every . respect. Meals a.t moderate prices. FLeselar Dinner 35c Famous French Drio Coffee 05c Sandwich. 05c Everything New and Glean - ft ft . ft ft ft - - : ft ft ft" ft ft ft ' ft . ft ft . ft ft ft ft ft ft ft' ft ft ft ft ft ' ft ft' ft : ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft, ft ft THE JUSTUS . EXPECTORANT; .CURES COUGHS 6 COLDS It is safe for children. It is effective with adults. It breaks up sudden colds. It relieves chronic coughs. We have sold a great many bottles and it gives splendid satis faction as a reliable remedy for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarse ness, bronchial and chest inflam mations. Get a bottle. Its a household safe guard. Made by The Justus Pharmacy. Henderson ville.N. C. "TheDrug.Store on the Corner" ft ft ft ft . ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 4. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Battleship Louisiana Coming up the Mississippi River. New Orleans, Sept: The United States Navy Department has announced that the BattlesbipLouisiana,tbenewest and biggest war vessel In the navy, will come to New Orleans about Dec. 1 to receive the $10,000 siiver service given by the people ofLouisiana, the value of which equals that of the Battleship New York, heretofore the most expen sive in the navy. Considerable diver sion was created during the past week by the statement supposed to emanate from the Bureau of Navigation that the passes at the mouth of the Mississip pi River were too shallow to admit the Louisiana which draws 26 feet 3-4 inches, full loaded . As ocean-freight vessels drawing several feet more than the Louisiana and having 50 per cent, more length, pass in and out of the river almost daily, the story evoked a storm of indignation and the New Orleans Progressive Union wired Secretary of the Navy Bonaparte demanding an in vestigation. Congressman Davey of Louisiana was in Washington and ajvis it to the navy department resulted in a complete change of front, he being ad vised that the Louisiana would be sent about Dec. 1, that the naval board de manded by the Progressive Union to take soundings would be sent here meanwhile, while the Chief Engineer's Department of the War Department as serted there was ample water at the passes for the Louisiana. The riyer in front of New Orleans has a depth of nearly 200 feet and a fine harbor is af forded vessels of all sizes. On numerous occasions when war ves sels were wanted here for special fea tures, reports have cropped out of Washington calculated to inspire fear that such vessels might be damaged. It was decided to settle the matter finally, hence th board of Inquiry was detnauded. ... The largest floating steel dry dock in th world, except the Dey at Manila, is located opposite the United Hiates Naval Station at New Orleans and the government has thrown it open to the use of all vessels, many of whicb make the' Louisiana seem small in comparison. Death front Appendicitis decrease in the same ratio that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills increases. They save you from danger and bring qnick and painless release from consti pation and the ills growing out of it. Strength and vigor always follow their use. Guarauteeed by The Justus Pharmacy 25c Try them. BRYAN RECALLS A "LINE.' William J. Bryan and his wife and daughter will never again order fresh peaches while in Paris. . One of . the acrosstable stories at the dinner for Mr. Bryan on Saturday night at Healy's restau rant was as f olktws. Mutual friends invited the .Bryaus to lunch at the Paris Hotel. The little girl, Grace, hal become weary of the It tluce in going around, and when she learned that reaches were on tbe bill of fare she said she wanted some. The waiter was asked abnt the peaches, and he said that they had some nice ones, just from Algiers, and he would be delighted to get them for Mile Bryan. He got them. They came in a small wooden box, about a dozen in all, ard were smalt and inferior in every way to the glorious products of the Dela ware, Georgia and California orchards, but they wore peaches, and the best to be ob tained in Paris. When the waiter presented his check Fj PROTEC your ; aW I houss ev.:-3..J hi C. "S E ..! .-.-.I" ...a: E or utv.i 3 .,: ; ' , ;. ff I be )'i v,. , t : r I., oi";. ; i III iru.. yo-- o v ; ;ti Jul "E-Ivic' T r?II I w 5 or- i'. ?: ' r-'v ur-V 7 U)ll,ltC- ! vvl tOuiJti you - t mm ; :u ? ano ot tne old n ar: ccfnmcxlate your ; rjrri :r oo small one i alwau iils iL The -vcctionol bock-case : cttirers of such geods a :riety of grades, sizes w.. . i prices, adapted to an and all require-r-.nts. It's a system of vr.its, each ur.'.l fiited ith the perfection dart proof roller - bearing dcor. But we'll be glad to show them if you ca!l, or will senc! i!iu:trated catalogue on request. W. P. Willia J 1 there was an explosion. The bill for the peaches was f 7. 20 in American money. The American host of the Bryan, who had ordered the dinner, did not try to restrain his ' feelings, - He . ropptrd" the waiter, the restaurant, the peaches, ai d the Alge rian who grew the little peaches. The proprh tor explained that peaches were a rarity in Paris, and that importing them from Algiers was a costly undertaking. He called them beautiful peaches, a char acterization that nearly caused the American tohit him,but he made the Bry an party pay the $7.20 for the peaches. "When I saw the bill for the peaches, v said Mr. Bryan, "I was reminded of that line in 'Bingeon on the Rhine,' which we used to speak at school. It went: 'A sol dier of the legion lay dying in Algiers suspect he ate one of those miserable Al gerian peaches, costing 70 cents.' Pofltmaater Bobbed G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at Riverton, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that eyen my finger nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed Electric Bitters; which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure cure fur Billiousnefp, Neuralgia, Weakness and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Blad der, uerangcmeiit. A wonderful Tonic. At the Justus Pharmacy. 50 cents. , Mr Shipman's Report. Assistant (Jouimissionei M..L. Shipman, of the Bureau of Labor and Priatiner. who a, Las bt-en out in the state collecting mill statistics for several day?, has returned to the city. When asked for a statement concerning his trip, Mr. Shipman said he i hadtiothing of special interest to report ;that conditions touching industrial interests were about the same everywhere this year, lie nmis a material increase in the number of cotten, woolen and hosiery mills, furniture factories and miscellan eous pants. The points made by Mr. Shipman the past week are situated upon the Carolina and North Western Railroad, l .A ueiween uasioma ana lenoir. tie says there is a noticeable increase in the in vestments in all classes of manufactories and that hoth operators and operatives are apparently h;ippy and contented. The couliauv.us riir s have teuded to discourage armers somewhat, but they are striving o nuke the b-st of tlie situuiiou. Their products find a ready market at fair prices and litte difficulty is experienced In the adjustment of personal obligations News & Observer. tLSji W vi- Li f! H QL Ruction sale Monday MO Vol A T 1 21 Two Car loeds of Farm Wagons, one & two horse, all new. We will sell two ca.rs, now w&rjons at public auction Mondtxy Novomber 12. at 12 o'clock. Wo a.ro going to give up tKe wasion business. They will go at the high dollar. Brow ompaoy, Oldest In the State. Bnsi. nes8, Shorthand, Typewri ting, Penmanship, and English courses. 1800 KTadoates in positions. Half or more o! your railr road fare paid. Flenty of good board at 2.&o to C3.&0 ir week. No vacations. Enter any time. Special course by mall It you ask fori. In "The Zand of the Sky.n Fear tbe Sapphire Country. f J The pierce to biy Furniture of all kinds, wholesale retail, also stoves Qtind ranges. 8Lnd Written for The Hustler "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep." By James Walker Heatherly. Lying on my bed tonight, Thro' the window pane ine stars of Heaven tw And my childhood prayer "Now I lay me down to sleep. And may never again awake, My soul cries out within me deep, Save my soul for Jesus sake. Lying on my bed tonight, Gazing at the far away, A future existence looms up bright. And for immortality I pray. For everlasting life so sweet, My Saviour's hand I long to shake, Humbly to bow at Jesus' feet, If I should die before I wake. Lying on my bed tonight, As I pray my soul takes hope; A future existence looms up bright, And the very gates of Heaven ope. All my doubts are cleared away. Aud I know religions not a fake, Save my soul dear Lord I pray, If I should die before I wake. Lying on my bed tonight, Gazing at the worlds afar, A future existence looms up bright, A life to soothe the souls desire. Life eternal great reward. ine morning's dawn may never break Kemember me, 6 aye me dear Lord, If I should die before I wake. (Dot Prices omi next ten dsys we will give lower prices on Fine Print ing than have ever before been quoted in Hendersonville. The quality tho will be the same. For the next ten deiys ONLY 500 NOTE HIS ADS . The Hustler Print Shop , Principal. ASEXYZLLX, H. & Hop FiiFiishiigs I he best treatment for indigestion and troubles of the stomach is to rest the stom ach. It can be rested by starvation or by tlie use of a good digestant which will dl- s? st the food eaten, thus taking the work off the stomach. At the proper tempera ture, a single leaspoonful of Kodol will wboily digest 3,0 0 grains of food. It re lieves the present annoyance, puts the stomach in shape to satisfactorily perform its functions.' Good for indigestion, sour stomach, flitulence, palpitation of the heart aiid dyspepsia. Kodol is made in strict conformity with the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by P. V. Hunter. " Next Week! A- v iiii r m a u y Old Hickory Wagons At Cost . IF. Edwards Hardware Co. Fortaaate ITIiMeHriama. -wnen l was a druggist,, at Livonia Mo." writes T. J. Pwyer, now of Grays - ine, Mo., "thi je of my customers were 'ermanent'y cuiod of consumption bv Dr King's new Discovery, and are well and! strong t :;iy. Oie was trying to sell his property aud move to Arizona, ' but after nung: JNew Discovery a short time he found it unnecessary to do so. I reeard ! Dr. King's New Disco vnrv - - mf WMW 4U'W wonderful medicine in existence.' Surest Cough and Cold cure and throat and Lung nealer. Guaranteed by The Jurtus Phar macy. 50c aud $1 Trial bottle free. ger LJIIkLI e Jar Me Week f Oashier of Alabama with big sum. bank absconded w Need a good cathartic? A pill is best, aaya pill like De Witt's Little Early Ris. era. About the most reliable on the market. Sold by P. V, Hunter.

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