Efee Jrenc& Bread "Qnstlo: SC. r SZXTStaX. tic Fa$et modern t THEII AMD HOW. We Dcts that all the Bepshli- are txlkir tstj gJIhlj aboal tbe appropriations tha Le- Mlaisre oaza-fc to rzaa tor tz& fir? cf the msx&e asd sstahliih- fsl enrniatl. All tin vffl fce dor fcj th Dajccratie Lesrs latare. srjnred by tie eertaxsty that ia the cext cazspaiga these saiae papers will print in tig g- of the people do2j, as they Sd closed. Siervtcn Zsterpiiie. Why, certainly, bet th people wi!l decline to telSere then then, jsst as they did this year. So it male little diSerezxa what the TTmblica.n rzewsnznerM or their a - xsrA do. The North Carclica democracy is taking do crdn from it esetales, or asy self-eon- itrtuted dictators,. The Legi latere will do the right as it sees the right acd trart the corsjerr- tire, thinking element of oar peo ple to saxtara rU actions. And they will do jsst that. The fad ard tragic death of President Sasxcel Speucer, of the Smthera Bailsray, in a vreefc near Lynchburg Va., lait Thcra day mornicg is greatly deplored tbrotbont the country. "In the midst of life we are in death" and wrecks are no respecters of per sons. The great and small are alike exit down and that without warning when they least expect it. Mr. Spencer, was a great man in his -sphere and will be greatly mined in the circles where he had m erred so locg with magnetic power. In his death our South land loses a devoted son. Begin ning on Georgia soil fifty-nine years ago with an humble paren tage and ending in a fearful collision we see a life of useful ness ana unswemng deration to his country. The ninth short term "of the fifty congress is now in session, the work of which will be con cluded March 4th next, when Con gressman Gudger's term expires. While Mr. Crawford will be con ducted into the See in March, bis sernce in the Congress will not really begin until the follow ing December, unless an extra ordinary session should be called by the president. Of course any needed departmental work will be executed from time to time, as he, is determined that the interests of erery constituent shall be care fully looked after. The democratic majority in the State this year is 46,255, Corpor ation Commissioner McNeill's total rote being 123,272 against 77,017 for his republican oppo neut, Judge Douglas. One can didate on the State ticket has 53,615 majority and yet the peo ple were told that North Carolina was "tending" toward republi canism. Some of the radicals attribute the result to incompe tent leadership and intimate that their party will bare to shut up shop and go out of business. The State Canvassing board finds that Solicitor Spainbour's official majority in the fourteenth district is 982. Pretty good for an off year. Mr. Spainhour ran 45 Totes ahead of the state ticket in Henderson county, which attests the faith of our people in his administration of their busi ness. ' We congratulate. - If unanimity of action counts for . much Hendersonville's lake proposition will turn out to be "no piper dream." Let us hope there is something besides talk behind the movement. Prospects of success appear - to be gro wing brighter all the time. Tba sddresas cf Pro. J- X. EriiS ? is Ashcrille, S'-- . jsst as JLc Crrwfbrd said it woclii csstirsoe I to i- Oar Ywaxsce Committee hxs rk ahad scsse Tery KSportAnt w, which sh&zld he -performed crs- Sinchiny withoct fear or faxor, reward, or the bepe of iswxrdL Tec Hrgnarz has a habit cf does set talk for tusecm-7 ! It owns xta own that. its collar. i f Wocdsr if secured - br Sherin" Rhodes rith wjach to settle poll tax force-f lincuent repohlicaiia has cn adjusted ytt. If net, paymg it now will doa't& coixre- prtttv hard. A r' in the election re- tuma from Ashe county in faror ci Hacxtt runs tnas eenuexsan majority orer Blackburn to some thinjr orer X500- And yet Spe eer sars he will contest. All trains on the great South em system came to a standstill at 2 p. m. Sunday and so remained for fire minutes as a mark cf re spect to the deceased president Saxxuel Spencer whose fcneral rrica began at that hour in Washington City. This was fit ting and appropriate. t The first winter month has dawned upon us tut weather con ditions haTe changed but little. Howerer dame nature is clothed in her winter dress and we may expect some chilly blasts and bit ing air. So it will be well to get ready for whaterer contingency that may arise. If Hnder?on rzizin her tablished reputation among the progressive counties - f this moun tain countrr she mut devise wars and mans ot securing better pub ic highways- Our rads are said to De in a deplorable cor: a it ion and there is little likelihood of mprored condition under the present system. Jut as wel to state things as they appear to be. A new law is needed a necessity in fact. Fiotice. This is to certify that we hare receiv ed from the BIlLmore Estate, repreeeai ed irj Dr- C- A. Schecck, tbe ra of tl2J) coe b sad red aad twecty, wfta is- ttructioas to hand this tans to tbe Super visors of Mills Hirer Township on De cember 1, 1SCT. prrTV?ed :",at 'here be oot committee hi the zxA m. G. n. Vauaderbilt wiutln MiIU Itirer Township between tbe dare cf this publication acd November 1, l7, any trespass by Cric tbe woodlands, by Csbiag, aod by ba&t insr, by aay citizen of taid township, foUowed by convict loo. TbU deposit ia made ia order to enlist the co-operation of tbe good citizens of Mills River Town ship for tbe protection of forest fah and game, aod this deposit with tbe Interest accrninz therein is to be used by the Supervisors of Mills River Township for soeb public ends of a char- ltaue, enocatioaal or reiion3 nature j uw najio P"- per. THE COMMER.TAI, BANK of Henderson ville, Per K. G- MORRIS, Nov. 12, 1906. Ca&L ier Taxes. All city taxes are now due and pay able, and 1 respectfully request tbat all persons who are taxpayers in tbe Town of Henderson ville will please come and make settlement. The town is very much in need of money to pay outstand ing debts that are now due. N28 3t Yours truly. T. 3L Smith. City Tax Collector. When our soldiers went to Cuba and tbe Philippines, health ras tbe mot important consideration. Willis T. Morgan, retired Commissary Sergeant fj. 8L A, of Rural Route 1, Concord, N. H., says: I was two years in Cuba and two years in tbe Philippines, and being subject to colds. I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which kept me in perfect health. And now, in New Hampshire, we find it the best medicine in the world for coughs, cold, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases.1 Guaranteed at The Justus Pharmacy. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free- Two ministers hanged in Georgia. We care not how you suffered, nor what failed to cure you, IIol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes the puniest, weakest specimen of man or womanhood Justus Pharmacy. HEAILD ON c c B 5 MAIN Ifr- A- Caaagcv ipeuis; c the se exhflti til the s2ae"s t vjar ces x the I vecec Seai Ba&aa Farr.saai there tad been ssszs. rvqaeszs free atrcaa tsr she eesSre exhSts So te taxre &a Trfr( ssad ScrSirr?. lias tLe zeczZe c these encis rnfyS lave as cypsrtszxflj tf r2es crcdacs cf 5crih ii ccj2 a se ceres the rart the sxe so i is erf r to br-Ir cfnS casK, 11 ths i'ait. Or. h acKPesi, the work vw br th Su Beard cf jrdssre. ai riecsfc Secrarf r Broer cf tb Burf as Sir t&at per: Mr. J. P. FfV" a pacrxer co the trais bch rxa Lro azd rreci ed Presiie-t Sezjseri prirale car ia lebead cf the Scsshern EaD- traj kst: L5$ life. Mr. RSckrraa was ia bis be-rib vLea tie colkfcs cccsred. He sajs the Iact was tercife, ad the ieraiiicc barsfl r to be described. No coe 12 Mr- Bizcaas car tras er5cciij arfiSTfcd acd be escaped wish a few brsi-es- Tbe trala was rsrfsg fovtj raHea a beer wis it srsek Preddesit Spea ctr'i tra:a. A few ciri later azd st weed iaie beeo srxz &t fall speed, is whhcase it is bardlj probabie that J - ii J'r. Kiexca cr aa y ctoer caasecer m the car vojd haTe escaped deaih. Mr. Blekiaaa does a beliere that tie deah cf the hue Presdect w21 hare c cafarcrabte e-fect cpoa this sectica ELe btl!evs lias the derelopcaert of tfee Great Sznb is o rapki, it resozrses so iaaxTkiQ, tbat its fotzre is ftbsdsteij asred, reardles of the BaOwzj or aaj frdiTSaaL Mr. J. C HGrrow, cf Riby, Mcrrow & Co., sa js the car shortage is a serioos oeaace. Acccrdia to Mr. Morrow op eratica oa sereral cew boSdlags are at a iiaadftill becaase cf lack of cars is which to slip buildlrg xaaterial ordered weeks aad is cae case, zaoaths ago. PcsZna&ter Brcrwalow Jackoa says be is prosd cf hi practically cew postccre. It it certajaly a great isproTeraectOTer tbe c!d one, aad tbe appearaaees cf it bis been la: pro red a baadred per cent, Mr. f. x israiweu, wno is eojoyia $ life ia Florida, recectJy cacat Co Zsb In i oae day, dowc there. He says as be has a hib regard ior Lis repcta.Soa for re racity, so bell say aothlag aboat their size. Tbese's to use cf talk. For be woa ia a walk, We refer to Coogreseaian Crawford! Bat tbe radicals say It was hardly fair play, For he raade the Professor feel awkward '. The AsheriTle Gazette-News says tbat M&rk simpsOD. who lives at Boilstcn, and who U over years old, has sever been 10 miles away from bis home pUce, aad has never eyea seen Header soaTille. Bfa wife is nearly tbat a?e and they have been married more years than tbe average man lives. Mr. Simp son acd his wife should be brought to Heodersonville ar.d givea the first ride on the big lake, when completed. Capt. J. W. WofTord says he's goin lobaya naptba launch. Thinks bell need it fooa on tbe lake. Stiperiotendeot Morphy of tbe M01- ganton Hospital is daogercnsJy ill in a j Baltimcre lp"tal. Be has cancer of : the stomach This ne will come as shock to thos of our ritizens wbo ba the pleasure of meeting this noted spec- j ia!i-t here last summer. Some on? akrd Henry Justice, rec ently, what he would do' if b .had a million dollars. Henry studied deeply for a moment, and renlied that he would sell his ox aod buy a mule! the buntrs are busy these davr. Competent judges say if properly pro tected, deer would soon be plentiful in this state- And other game also. That 1130 reward rbr net trespassing on the Biltmore Estate has already btcn lost by Mills River, township. Fred and Tom Allen were convicted of tres pass by justice of the peace Dermid, last Saturday. It islikely tbe offer will be renewed,' ' Dtfc FrMiLcckjair never follows an Id jury dressed with Buck! en's Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic and heal in r properties prevent Wood poiscnine. Chas. Oswald, merchant, of Rensselaersville, N. C, writes: "It cured Beth Iiarch, of thi3 place, of the ugliest sore on 'his neck I ever saw." Cures Cuts, wounds, Burns and Sores. 1 25c at The Justus Pharmacy. ' ft BY OFFICERS QUALIFY. All Fi's Accessary Scsds zzd Eb- O. Vz!drcp OeclFsss t3 Senra 2S Ccisslssr. curort ccbl-u s their rtspseszre coses ca MocdiTr Clerk Srpericr cccr C 3. Txze, J. L. Fregssam, Traegxrgr, J. 8L KSuodri, i sfititj. J. CL Draia. Ccrccvr Dr. B- SzrkCccxs! , J. AL Wajfep, Frack Jcoez, G. V. after tbe oaih cf oee babied bizz, Mr. Wawdrop taaded hii resfgrazsoa as cocssi to Jsije Pace, ssasisar thai be cooTd oot serra ca wnsri cf rciraze ccsxxseas &pcxsed to succeed bla aaJ acceded xc tie ipo4-w - Tbe new beard orsasfx cd bjr dectrrg Mr. Jcc cfrafrrraa. JcsTH3S cy Tecw Peace. The Bagisrass elected ia the rars- i ocs toxsb?ps presented theiaselTesaad reoeiTed tbexr credentials also. FcGow iss is tbeEai- Blci RmGC W. V. Jostcs, W. P. BlackweH, J. GL Jzs. Clxajc Ceee. J. 1L. BiraweH, EL M. Prjcr, J. N. Rass. Csab Czezs. SL D. Osteea, Z A. Sbxpciaa- Fn,r im.T. R Rhodes, GLS. aH, S. B. Kanaey. BxxnzsscxvnxE- T. J- Shiptaaa, W. I. IKler, J. P. Pastes, C C Yocag: HOOPZ23 Cszzz. C S. Laoce, W. X Bald wis, W. EL Soother. Mills Rives- J. T. Osborce, D. W. P. Shook. COjfSTABLXS- FiTe cf the eibt eoastables qcaHaed. They re Bute Rtdgz, J. H. Erock. CxxaK Ckttt, R. M. Rogeru. Hzynr2S03rvTT.T.f:. O. S. Orr. HOOPE2S Cxexk. J. B- Laaee- Mills Rtves- Jesse C. Sexico. Sheri? Free.aa takes tbe jail bia self aad win cake bis hose there in tbe comfortable liria apartraen- He has appointed W. B. Jastas, depaty iheri. Morris as his aftiiTars fce im uxii coanected wita the oCce qaite awhile aa3 will be awaa.be in tie anin'ra-; cf aaalra Lerlu:r. 7u ; ; -oat eta tea; eat is cow heizg prepared aad will appear ic this cewspapr as soon as copy is received. Graded School Honor Roll. The followiag papils are on tbe Grad ed School Honor Roll for the month of November. First Geade, Attevdaxce. Thompson, Helena Greer, IIIian Crrxse Jsssine Brooks. Boyd McGuLre, Ora Dermld. Jessine Brojk, Helena Greer. LUia , Cloase, J. P. Rickmaa, Hngh Waldrop, Hsrdr Thompson. Ereritte C!onse, L.1C7 Dermid, Ora Derm id. Sbcoxd Grade, Attekdaxce. Nora Conner, HarrieUa Di timer, Ethel Hollicgsworth. Charlie Potts, Gladys Reiber, ElectraTrrrfnrd, Rath Williams Otto Brookshire, Harry Baeo, Ben Shipman, Oswald Smith, Claude Thorn ton, Edgar "Ward, Joseph Ward. B3P02TMENT. Sarab Fr;L Anaie Uy der, Jerrell 5iepp, Elsie- Ficrer, Gladys Reiber, Electra Twyford, Nor Conner, Charlie PKt. 0r Clour, Cecil Sero, OUo Brcjjbire, Doug" a 5 Min-Ier. , Deadly I a-e as cora non in Indi a are stnmacb and liver disnrders with us. Forth latter however there is a sure remedy: Electric Bitters; the great restorative cedieire, of -h;h S. A. Browc, of Bemettsvi'le, S. C ssys: "Tbey re stored my wife to perfect hath, after years cf offHng with dTicpsIa and a chronically tortrl liver." Electric Bitters cure rbil Is an 1 fever, malaria," billiousaess, lame back, k-dney troub les and bladder disorders. Sold on guarantee by The Junius Pharmacy. Price 50c frequently results from neglect of clog ged bowels and torpid liver, until con stipaticn becomes f'bronic "This con dition is unknown to those ho use Dr. King's New Life Pills, the best and rentlest regulators of Stomach and Bowels. Guaranteed by The Justus Pharmacy. Pric 25c. Emrllh tCTLM, UN nod knuri mt9 utA I 1 Imter terse, bpeetaj coarse by ua II j m i 11. tm -TheLnd ot Um Sky." 11 j wrrH,TVw"itrj. Beuir 2 Frail. & bexr frfi. A eaez cf rise GcoJ Reads AwrfSSco has besa caTd fsr SiCmfay, Dee 22. a the cam ?jexs &s riicii the vsbes cf tie pcus vim be exgraaagd, gad iLssroac.it vfH be girea Keggsegasfre W. C. Sc3cr as So lsl vbxs. kiad cf a law th ti-faj- c-rs ck lae croigw via. ooco ixs-i fsaczld rasii oezS to cl.-gigs 'aid aaocZs is msj fi'Trv ed emTGoe wd cake is a patrt so bei presecs at ihfm irwvfr Ecsf2cg- ?rf 1 tare WTrrftrirg to say- Ttc faas. tcasj reads re3odasjcowjocjd roc dsfref aay the raecacrycf laxiessser hc the TMcrshre were cb9d toecaise tbezrcrlTfsstolfafasSrEet. aad wfces I 1 acQovir? wbea tbej vccld xcjecri ra2tocR?aua:to tos. Auerd the xsec&rs- asd rsake is aa . I . ksavvtai yoa desfre. Llills Rhrcr- As the polltleal wiads hare IZowa oreraad all rxeiter'er.t passed, awaj aad tbe citzxess cf tbe eosatj are ei pecsiag acd fk?gsgg tbat tbe reysblkan wbo ssSl bare eoctrd cf the cocatr will faIf their iaaaj pledges cads darirx tbe last few dajs jasx before the elec tioa, 10 lessen tbe bcrbea cf t? atad giTg tbe people a liTisg chanre. This has beea a good year fbr.HUla Hirer ia laasy respeets. Erery board inz boose was filled to tbeir jftsxtA ca pacity, the obJj drawback was aad is stlLL tbe bad roads. 2ot witbst the great howl zaade ia the caspaie aalcst what they called the Sbipeaaa road law, now there is txA. a zzjjz ia tbe township bat what prefers it to Tosds & Rector law. the The Rex- P. CL Battle has been re tarced to Mills River eireait which gives as ereax pieasare to weSeosne Lin back. Oa Not., 23th, Mrs. Bra Hoe Robinson age 73, was laid to rest ia the ceaieSary at the Mills RiTer chapel. Rer. P. a Batt coadacted the foaeral serrices. Mrs. Robicsoa was a gaod wosaaa lored by all wbo kaew her. j Thattitsgivin day was cceerTed at j Mills Hirer chapel, appropriate serrices was ccntiacted by The rator. Tbe IJr o,fccnu oocjuvgratiChi me& tfith ue Methodist ia their serTSce- Oa redadayfS Miss NeHIe Johnson yoaaest daagaterof Mr. aad Mrs. D. I Johnson, was married to Mr. Thomas YtUKirM. prosper jas merchant of Tran syiraaU ccaaty. The ccreacay wrs performed by Rer. Mr. Tattle pastor of Brerard charch at the home of Mr- Ed . Pattys. Miai Nellie was last of nine I children to stes orer the line of matri- a;ooy. The happy coaple will exa be domiciled in their new ri'la oa tbe plaicd waters of tbe French Broad. till they come-' I At MH14 Rirpr mTv:iA nn "'-s.l isr BeUie Sommer. Q of Hnd. MhJlc Lirereu tiorse ehoe, were united in the heir beeds of llatrimony. Rar. P. C BaZtle pr&aoaaced them man aad wife. Mr. Cooper of N. J, is spending his anauzl vacation at tbe home of Sheril? Rhodes acd is having a good trae with birds. He is a fine shot acd has often been here before. B T. M. Crab Creek Ifems. N. W. McCall an his family moved frum this place last week to Greenville, S. C. iBs La "a McKall wbo has been goinj; to school at Hecderscc ville, spent a few davs at this place last week, visiting her parents and friecds. Joseph Hamilton acd his family are making arrangements to move to South Carolina next week. We hare a Rural Library at the school bcilding now. It is composed of about eighty good books. W. R. Kilpatrick, merchant of this place, is aiming to sell out in a short time, and go to Toxaway, where he will engage in the lumber business. Beu Baker. Not'ce. Having qualified as executor of the will of W. P. Fletcher deceased, this is to notifiy all persons having claims against hi3 estate to present them to me on or before December 8th, 1906, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said es tate will make immediate settlement. Minerva Fletcher, Executor of W. P. Fletcher, deed. Floods the body with warm, glowing vitality, makes the nerves strong, quickens the circulation, restores - nat ural rigor, makes you feel like one born again. HollisteHs Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. At The Justus Phar macy. . . .. -;- . Are Von tte--Kermis sk fed gb pr-r-rey HcurtKTfr tto- crx -wrLi. raff Jai ims. la r-Ty ttxt tp-t texxii xcp a2 srxScxsafi, aaf - iZ&Z C 2 toft J?yA arif ?;t cr33 a vfiaaiaiieaai are Zszait fcraeytfezps. tSaalr arslirza-f esarased ausfeci &xiat&e crm i ecrpissags. aad rs zzmx-jzg ra fa7irs tii 73rc Os majfea" iwaerifafeosiiaiTS cseriaaed. Jjc P5etse5 GsaSsa Mcis ltF no aixacL E", gsfML"! sisals r3cx 1 ltbssziasfTscarsaeQias i f fea.ra:"2Eoi3ea: auinerriMs 1 cf aJ3 tbesersaS c2Me&cf jracsasg Si The Gcuia MeSsal JJCT?rerT Zivs. xw pradace all ta csod ei tc csafed frss th se cf G&u&ss Su race as all s3!aah Srer acd Zrsri trjctfes. as ia dyspepsia, tf-rnssggs. eax stfasxs, ara?2jaa - cf i&jei a-nf trwis aM kfadred aSwmfi. txct ti Goiica Seal roc sed ra 3 essajecad iar is zreay ealaaeed ta its cnxatrr a tkn Irr cc&er iairHfjeas saea as i-ni rc!L BZack CSjtiLark, Eoexfrscc Vi-t-craix race ini eisi5caSy pcre taie re&i sfyeerfae. Th Cocraiic Seaae Adrer, Is seEt free a isaper ecrers ca reeer sf S3, cos-eest fsajsr ta pay tie 3K cf iraZ iaxoctg. Fc- 31 ssamps the e&-cecaii "rctarsa win t ps3l Address De. SL T. Dr. P5erres Ka.-aai PeSec csre To The Tax Payers cf Hecderscs Cca&ty. Year UX tar 1S05 are cow dap, aaf co3 be p5d. If tot paid at coee I will i bare to force eoOectaco, as I aai era rel ied to set naoaey to pay the Sciie tax aad coapoas with. Boa's delay tas chatter aay ksger. Settle at cces aai eare tbe eaibarassaeal of bfrg ad re used. Tears Fa!btfa3y Not. 1&J6L CLZ.B20Q53 Tax Cclkcccr. Chester GiEette 5s focad raHty cf Grace Brewa's laarcer. For chapped aad cracked haacs acchlag is qafte so rood as aa agcIScation cf iDeWis "Vltch Hazel Salre. Patiscn f bf sr-izz to bed, aa old pair cf gloves aad see what a dLfe?eace the morning wZl br!a. Sci by F. Y. Banter. Presideat'f m-ggage cheers fa Cocgress. received VLtb ft isaaisaiesoisea violent cathartic to cpea the bowels. A gentle move- jjaJ will aaecsapai the same resalts withcat caasag d5tress or Eerions coa secaeas lasar. DeWis little Early Rlrs are rscorrsreaded. Sold by F. V. Kaassrr. BzII b ir'sraf aied lata- Cbcgres to rai 5h aray cf cegroes. Is. aetreaKie a ccXd seldosa comes oa o i wbtc: the bewe-Is ire treeJy cpea. Sjeca k3t"s Laxatzre Cccgh Syrap tass as al-easaat as maple sagar. Free frcai opiates. Ccs:aras Hraey aad Tar Conforms to the Natfoca: Pare Food aad Drag Law. Soil by F. V- Hr. Mother aad child shot by haulers near Blltmore- Op?j the bowels aad get the cold oat cf yoar system. Kennedy's Laxative Co3gh Syrap ripens the bowels acd at the same time allays the itSarRniatKffi cf the mucous membranes CeEtaics Honey and Tar. Drives oct the coll -rsd stops the cough. Absu'ely free fTca any opiates. Conforms fc the National Pare Food and Dmsr La. Pleasant to sake. Sold by F V. Hea ter. Town in Arixana swept away. lies are lost. A man with a sprained ankl will use crutch, rest the ankle aad let it s? welL A man or woman with an ove? worked stomach cant ue a crutch, b the stomach must hare rest just the same. It can be rested too withe -t starvation. Kcdol will do it- Koviol performs the digestive work of the tired stomach and corrects the diges tive apparatus. Kodol folly conforms to the provisions of the National Pure Food and . Drug Law. Recommended and sold by F. V. Hunter. Califorr-ians are not pleased with President's message. E. a DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, whose Laboratory Kodol is prepared assure us that this remarkab'e d igestaat acd corrective for tbe stomach con forms fully to all provisions of ths Nat ional Pure Food and Drug La. The Kodol laboratory is a very large one, but if an the sufferers from indigestion and stomach troubles could know the virtues of Kndol it would be impossible for the manufacturers to keep up tn the demand. Kcdol is soli here by F. v . Hunter. . arsrmj.T.g.a

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