SUPPLEMENT i i . i jy m e i 1 ., i i -v I: . s f 1 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR H E N D E R S O NVIL L E ,". N . ,CL , T HU R S D AYDEOE MBER 6, 1906. VOL. XV. NO. 50 $7 $7 For November aiiji . - December onl v Allerv, the Deriti Will make the best rubber plates during November and December for seven dollars. 'All plates guaranteed to be satisfactory or no pay All other work re duced in proportion for this time. . , , ' Every Saturday during this time I will extract teeth free of charge for people unable to pay for same. Investigate his pricesbefore, having your work done. New Office: Bailey Block, adjoining Dr. Kirk's office. .: r .,..; Allen, the Dentist jRatincoats CoLts5 Firs and . . All this late season's goods, in nobbiest styles, - best materials, excellent workmanship and priced so you'll buy, :;N6t one fromjast yearfo "v Children's coats priced at 1.50 to $5.00 Misses' " " "2.50 to 7.00 Ladies' " " 500 to 15.00 We challong any store here to show values sequal to our. Rain. Coats at from $8 00 to $10.00. .. - Furs, $1.00 to $7.00 ' ' . v Muffs, 1. 00 to 4.90 Wilson Mercantile (Co. We Guar Liitee tKe Best W t In Siits and Overcoats in this City ' . . v v - J...This is a strong. -statement, but the facts warrant it. Our suits atfrom $10 to $1 5 are not to be . matched in Hen dersonville for anything JikV h-vpnce, when quality, style and workmanship are considered, i- ; "- ". - Come in and fekhchr"ovi'n,Ve know we can jJease you and sav.e youfrom '2 to5"of your liardJearned vmoney. s variety so large we can suit anyone Brooks WillisLms ; DUTCH FLOWERING pt,BS - t We hav'v just received a fine St of Di.tch Bulbs for forcing: r many colors. Double and single, Hyacinths, ... .- . Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, Iris, Chinese Sacred Li y, v Prices right. Call and ste - . the.m.- ' v Jril V NTE.R'S PHARMACY " -NearPostoffice V GREATS O VERSTOCK - :S ; . - Our entire stock of lall and winter. , goods ir ust be sold 'now regard- . . Jess' .of cosf; '',.;',": r 150 nVr-n's good havy . overcoats : : Irorn 2.-00 on up. :'' - " " 120 Hoys' and youths" heavy over-, : c6as "from $ 1 50 on up. -' Remember that we givn you ) our iiionpy?swprth or yoiir ney ' back. -:v 1 . ' V v.-': - ' " I Moved to the new corner store 61 Terns' Block. r Hie Cndleaa PKwewloai V A mTTlad of men are born. They la- borand sweat and struggle for bread; they BquabWe 'and scold and fight; they scramble for little mean advantages" over each other; age creeps upon them; infirmities follow: shames and humilia tions bring, down their prides and their. vanities: those they love, are tafcen tfom them, and the joy of life is turn ed to aching grief. The burden of pain, care, misery grows heavier year Dy year; at lengtn amDiuon is aeaa, pnae Is dead; vanity is dead; longing for re lease Is In their place, it comes at last the only unpoisonedx gift earth ever had for them and they vanish from a world where they were ofyio consequence; where they achieved noth ine:" where they were a mistake and a failure and a foolishness. There they have left no sign that they have ex isted a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever. ;Then another myriad takes their place, and coplesjalhthey did, and goes along the eame profitless . road, and vanishes as they vanished to make room for an other, and nnother. nnd a million other myriads, to. follow the same arid path through- the-vsame desert and accom plish what the first myriad and all the myriads that came after it accomplished nothing FromMark Twaln'a.Auto- biographyjn North American Review. . vOriin of the "Balloon. - The . word balloon means "a large." balL" To Montgolfler of Annonayi France, the invention of the balloon Is credited. It is said that he was led to turn his attention to balloon making from the following incident: ' French Viundress, wishing to dry a petticoat quickly, placed it on a basket work frame- over a stove. ' To prevent the heat from escaping by the opening at the top ot the; petticoat she drew the belt strings closely together and- tlea them. Gradually the garment dried and became llehter. and as the stove continued to give out heat, and rarefy the air concentratea unaer tne oasxex: move and finally rose hi the alf. This"" so , astonished,rThe laundress, that she raijto berrneighbora,.and.iaskejl themT tp,cimo and .witness the strange sight Montgolfler .was - among , those that came in.The, petticoat ETOpenaea m midair . suggested " greater '.things to him, and he . returned ' home with "something 'to think", about". He at once beffan studying" works "on differ ent kinds of atmosphere, and the In vention ofthe balloonwas the result r : i" -' ; v IfovExcniei Accepted. FreTich ofllclals are said to be par ticularly strict In their discipline of tourists. A lately returned traveler tells several more or less apocryphal stories to illustrate the state of affairs. An American lost his' footing, slipped down an embankment and fell Into a small, shallow pond. , As he scrambled, dripping, up. the embankment to the footpath he - was confronted by an arm of the law. ' . Tour name? Your address?" de manded this uncompromising person, notebook In hand: . . .. ' "But I fell,"' began the astonished American. "I only" ' The man waved his arm.v'It Is for bidden to bathe In this lake," he said firmly. , "I : am not here to, listen to extenuating circumstances." . - The Exact Vote and -What' f.l r. Crawford Thinks of It. k A iu Crawford Britt Buncombe, . ... . , ........ . . . .461 . .. . .--r Cherokee ........ . . .. .. . .:1X1 Clay. . . i ...... ...... . . . i . 12........., 1.. .2. jt . , . , Graham- Haywood . .... .t. ; .. , . . ,784. Henderson.. . . . .. .. .... . . . . . ....416 Jackson .......... ... . ..i.77 Kl&con . . . . . . 'i . .... v. . f "......... .33 A Quotation. f A correspondent wrote toa newspa-; per to ask the author of this couplet: How much the fool who -has been sent to -1-' Rome ; v. VA . . " Excels the fool who has been kept at .home! ' . - He had barely written when he an swered his own query, having found the source of the lines and howjie had misquoted them. They are. from Cow per's "Progress of Error" and read: How much a dunce .that hath been sent . - to rbam -. - Excels a dunce that nath been, kept at , .home!' , .. - . " ; - - - We are not sure but that,, as Is frequently- the case with misquotations, the popular version is better than the iwet's. New York.Tribune. , - Brains of " Great . Men. " Brains of great men vary very much. It is found that jmen of encyclopedic mind have large and heavy - brains Gladstone had to. wear a very big hat with an enormous bed of gray matter and .1 numerous convolutions. : On the other hand, men whose, genius Is con centrated upon one line of. thought are of small brain and, consequently have small heads. Newton, Byron N and Cromwell were In, this class.Kansas Xatchlcey a a Source of Tronbler Ever since, some mechanically Inclin ed person, with atralmost diabolical In stinct for making mischief,' Invented a form of spring, lock which can be open ed on the Inside by a knob, and onthe outs!deonly by a key there has been troubfe. The latchkey from the .first has been a domestic storm center. It has divided .iamlly circles , and even broken up" homes. Iiondon Telegraph. There" is a legend, says' an ; English writer, to the effect that after Ixird Stanley , came into the house of peers . , laujr Huiiiewnai jnaiscreeuy asxea Lord Brougham at a dinner Dartv who was the best speaker in the house of lords and that Iord Brougham prompt ly nnd emphatically ens'cred, "Lord I N-TH E TEN TH D I STRICT. McDowell.. .......... ....45 Polk . r. . . ... ..........38 Rutherford :. . . . ... :.. :49l...V. Swain...:.;.... . . . .342 Transylvania .... ....i. 70 .. . . . .1897 Crawford's majority 985 912 - . BreTTster Was a Dandy. ' Benjamin" Harris Brewster, one . time attorney general, was a most unique character. -According ,to" his ; idea, he was always faultlessly attired, and his 'makeup' once1 seen would never be for gotten. : He usually wore a beil shaped white silk high hat ;vrith long whiskers on It, a plaited andi frilled white shirt front, witbr a high standing collar, car dinal necktie or scarf, buff ' waistcoat, maroon colored ; Prince Albert '- coat with gold buttons, yellow trousers, patent leather shoes arid soft' frilled cuffs, which matched hia. shirt front around his wrists. . On the. thumb , of, his left-hand was an. amethyst ring' encircled with" perfectly matched dia monds and- a bunch of . old fashioned seals in heavy gold settings dangled from his watch; fob. ,; This was his usual . makeup when he attended to business at his office, which was in the old Freedmen's bank building, oppo site the .treasury department,' or -visited the United States supreme court, to participate in cases which concerned the government. His voice was ipitch ed In a high key, and. this peculiarity was intensified by his sartorial 'getup, which always made him v conspicuous at any gathering. Apparently hie was oblivious of the . sensation which , hi3 appearance- almost Invariably, creJited Charleston News ; fe. ;-- 'r coal' to burns Yf. T. CRAWFORD" This Is the largest majortiy thej)erack crats have won tacthe "-district Jn joUr- eeii.r years Crawford inaorttyt)y er Pntchard in 1892,.excee3s his majority this year.'. Weil 'informed Republicans really expected Crawford's election, but in m much as it is difficult t6 get. out' a full vpie' ybten off years, : they did not expect so large a 'majority. And natur ally they "thought th Democrats would be the loser on a short voteT ; " ' " Hr?" . Crawford was" asked what he thought of the vote in thevarious coun tie3, and he .replied that it ras, in the neighborhood of what he thougbt it would be,' except -that the 1 republican vote in Swain exceeded his expectations and in Cherokee it fell below, ; And he further said thatthe majorities in Bun combe are misleading; that, while Sena tor Webb has a majority of more than 700 over Col. Lusk; and that his majori ty over Mr.'Britt is only 461, -yet Mr. Webb received only 12 votes more than he received in the county. That it ap- pears that almost all the democrats had. voted for him as well as for the local democractio ticket; and that lt"-further appears that the republicans had .voted f or Britt but did not vote thet full strength for the local republican ticket. Mr. Crawford says that he has no com- piatDt against any, but is thankful to the Democrats of all 'the coftnues and that they did splendid under the cir cumstances. Waynesville Courier. - : y:x Ten:.Acreaonglurv Manya .mah'Mho iais gonevlntbosl- :1: 1 iaess with the notion Jth?i trhemutrhare,; Rll.'ViliJIibl V JJiitUU ill ViXLV : ,WJUuCW; ha$f pund: thattbC bfundertaentop tUUCU..vXiJJ!i .WUBUIC ICtlt Jl,OMr Arkansas" farmer, -whoforCiany.years; fitfully; tUled-af armToJC' 'aeslth out maklmj atrany time comf ortable living. At last lie' Bid the.larid to.flve Italianfamliies;' ho fpok f ortyfacres each?1 A' northed trayeleriW passed. Ithat5 way- arid ' was vttracte4-by the neatnesif ana .eviaenr prosperity d uie small rarmsf enterea inta cpnversauon with one jf Hxe: proprietors. - - ' "How much; Jand c:have youy: he. "Forty acres,, said the Italian. ' - ; Ts It aU In tniage7- No," Indeed H exclaimed - the: farmer. Ten acres are ail one mari.can attend to. I. bought the rest for my sons.. . Ten Tacres may Tseem like a small farm to most .Americans, but carefully cultivated it produced for the Italian more revenue than 200'had for.the pre vious owrier.-r Youth's Companion. Fifteen Hundred Cords Dry " Vbcanjleth, 'fprtl-sale I We lidVepSrcbaied .' a modern ' wood isawinplapt arid carijde ii?Qt afe quantity- of first-lass -:. The Actual -'Majpnty.1 W. T. Crawford was elected over Pro fessor J. J. Britt as cpngrassman for this district by a. majority of 909, y a gain of 21 in majority during the past 'two years and not a loss of 79 as currently 'report ed yesterday, the statement being based on the ocial.ngures verified And filed in the office of the secretary of state . at Raleigh Saturday afternoon by the state canvassing board. - J - - - r " The mistake wa$ made in tbe maiori: ty in Buocombe county, a small blot'con- cealing the figure ."1" and making a dif ference of 100. in the accounting; i Congressman Crawford was occupied nearly all day yesterday in endeavoring to locate the mistake, Mr. Malone fin nally discovered it and telephoned, the fact toMr, Crawford. Mri Crawford re ceived 2,P88 votes in Buncoriibe Kunty, whereas the erroneous pfiBcial statement showed that; be received only 2,SS8 vot es." lhls increases the total; cast for him in the'jdistrict to 13,169, a majority of 909 over the 12,260 cast for Mr. Britt. w in Iaci tnai Luis is not a presidential year, both-Republican and Democratio cand ida tes showed a'consld erable loss in votes, Sir Britt polling 4Q6 less than Judge Ewart and Mr. Craw ford 385 less than was cast - two years ago for Mr. Gudgtr. ; ; v;' - :; It was suggested yesterday that the members of , ihe canvassing .board In Buncombe county should see that this error is corrected In- the official returns and not allow the figures to show a Re- puDiican gain 01 a instead of a loss of 21. Citizenr ' , r-' . Of course you pay your .money, - " But you, get your moneys worth, For what does money mean to Vbn " When Rocky Mountain Tea's on earth? Kola at ine Justus fh arm acy. i -f- Plant That TakeTUla. A very large and sturdy prange tree' was growing in a small pot. 11. tnat treeV said the florist, "didn't take pills It - would require a pot as - big as a bathtub to grow . in. But It takes pills like a hypochondriac. Chemists, agri cultural experts, r make plant pills- pills no bigger than chestnuts that jcpn-. tain sustenance for-six months, a; kind of x tabloid; food. These chemists -an alyze a plant's ash-and ake 'pills -of the constituent - salts. The,' pills, -v In-. closed inratnetal cover, are buried $n the earth at the plant's roots, and the salts - gradually dissolve and diffuse through the metal;' giving" the plants day by . day the sustenance that , they- reqtiire. Pills are also applied to weak; sickly plants, which they help wonder fully. -;y- r.lrr r -i "z J ,'"bBeclclnsr: if Cold.-: '-(:4"' : " One of the" best and simplest means pf checking a cold at its onset is to; drink. in. bed a glass of hot, not warm," water. iri which hav6 been placed the juice .of a lemon, three or f 6"ur lumps of sugar and a large teaspoonful of pure, glycerin. This dose' should be sippedias hbj tisrpossible after the pa tient is -in.-. bed. f Taken ..thus . .It : will probabljr Jnduce a flow "of perspiration which will throw ; off . the cold, The simpllcltyof this remedy 'la only equal ed by its great "efficacy As 'with' other TemedieSj'its chance of working a cQm plete cure is increased if : applied ; at the beginning of Nthe complaint. 41 i If you want a ton, ?a half-ton or anv quantity of the best coal ever burned in this city , TELEPHONE 142. '.... ' .. .1. '. -., .... - . Prompt delivery and satisfaction guar anteed. We know we can please you, and solicit a trial order. AlBoa smau1 amount of Ice on hand, to be sold at right prices. Purity; Laundry, Ice 61 J. B. SEAWELL Sc SON, Props. PillPfdod! BR0.19N Wm CO. ;Fatncy Tricks, atnd ? Groceries They: are: cheay for cash. Call ' a fi s ee' m y : ' prices find save t - nianey A. ALLEN, SR. Opposite Coirt House JgEiRR CARTER xiii St.. Xpp. Bank of ?C Henderson ville orhplete Racket Store ; Ghristrrias goods and .novelties, at prices you cait resist. A x Groceries and Fruits y; Your Patronage Solicited . lliiM X Si 11FE "Stronger "thah . -i. -r. t- VAS -.-- -.' ' -- -.f r 1 The Strongest,', most Durable "Shoe on the : market, without any 1 .exception ' ; . - ; Boys Men's S2.25 S2.75 ybur S oos S1:first ; class in every cre'spept. Meals Oct modereiLte prices. R.eseiar Dinner 35c Famous French , Drip Coffee c SandwicK W WwMw Hew and Clean rMA. '60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Dkf AJUl V'-1 ATBotM"V I Anyone senflins a Kelcu whether nnlOcly aacertAin our opinion ffeew , ttona strictly confldentfj JUNDBUUfc paten, sent free. Oldest agency for "na. rec1 I Patents taken thrown MD"atf9 t ipe notice witboatcWo, in tb H colaUon of ny acientitlc loarnju newlL ' yr; f oar month, fl- 8oWD !,,, Yflrt 0U!II! Co yBV Vtzr.l. rjt 'n't i t ?" V - -r ft ITarthost' ' ' .: i