J P R ckinaa has returned from, his trip to Florida. y Col. Johnston, one of the big lumber men f the South, was in town Monday. Kev. 0. King wishes to announce that be has ruo ed his 8hoe thop three doors Frank Israel Asheville. 'Part of the Main street has returned from D. 8. month's Sta ton-visit. chalngang is busy on has gone west for a -Mrs. Claude -Brown has gone to Jack- sou ville, Fla., for an indefinite visit. Mrs. De Vane and Mrs. Cooper, of east on Aspen Street, near J. P. Israel's Brevard, were in town Tuesday. Mrs, J. A. Hatch has been quite ill at her home on N.iMain during the past week. . A. A. Gates came up from Greenville In his automobile on Thursday, return- ing Friday. ; ' . - -1 U. Q. and Billiard Staton have pur chased Joe Israel's residence on Aspen street. ' Mrs. .F. E. Taylor, a guest of Mrs. Anderson's during the past seven months, has returned to her home in Jacksonville, Fla. We have received.notice that the 47th th Annual State Fair of North Carolina will be held at Raleigh, on Oct. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19, 1907. Many flowers are in bloom." At Tryon the dogwood is almost ready to blossom. The weather sharps predict that we'll get cold weather just when we don't want it v The Colton m: According to some of the citizens oi Flat Reck, the 'new cotton mm win I hardly be built upon the outskirts of Henderson ville. It is said the null company nave options on ceruuu uua from E. '. T. 8taton, Levi Jones, H. W. Vernon and P. J. Hart, which contains a clause that the mill is to be built a Green River Falls or the options don't hnW. Tt k ik!mAd these lands are I M PROYEM ENTS AT THE PARK. a I 21 m 1131 1 rA sm. m . m A..M-a t i iilt ri ii ir inn mil n in rw nri i i rA iviiiiv neccessarv li tne company tumm b o ww - - . . .A If. TIT A O X -L M . erecting a. dam of anv considerable omitn inienas naving a moa- gj2et 1 I era rink in every respect. The build ing is at the upper end of the lake. The foundations are in and most of the v What This Town Wants. Good Roads. The bif lake. The Appalachian Interurban R. R. . The Greenville & Knox ville R. R. The Cotton Mill. A Cotton Bleachery. - Another big Hotel. Depot improvements. Waste paper boxes on Main St. . V Can't Vote. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Newman had two little strangers arrive at their house last week, where they expect to make their permanent home. They are twins, both girls, and mother and children are doing nicely. Mr. Newman now has 11 Plato Hefner is just recovering from j children, including "two sets of twins." an operation recently 'performed on his knee. Mr. Hefner is able to be about, but needs the assistance of a walking stick. ' Mrs. J. H. Castner, of Cleveland, O. and Mrs. A. K. Scandreth of Pittsburg, spent Tuesday in town. They return on Friday aad will be euests of the Knickerbocker for. an indefinite time. and agrees with President Roosevelt to race suicide. ' as Capt. Toms on Good Roads. Miss A. uraot. pausiaciion guVu. grounds surrounding it will be Improv- teed in every instance. I ed and beautified, and it is expected to make It one of the most desirable places in the country. These are the present In an interview with a representative improvemen of this paper, Capt. M. C. Toms has the future in reference- to Laural Park fully described on the first page of this following to say on the subject now agi- is an inclined railway Ho one of the issue, is a tried plan, ana no experi- tatini? most of our citizens. mountain peats in the Jfark. The many is absolutely iree, tlT , fowvl. n, tretf mtli. -n1 thft A BUi Ui 5 WW The barber shop under the Blue Ridge Inn will be accessible from the lobby of that hotel. The entrance will be where the long distance telephone booth formerly stood. The Williamson plan of corn culture, stable- Jr. O. U A. M. will hold their regu lar weekly meeting on Saturday night, at which the installation of the recently elected officers will occur. The Presbyterian and Methodist con gregations will hold union meetings to gether on each Wednesday night, for the remainder of the winter. Tax Collector Brooks has settled with the state for its share of Henderson's taxes. The settlement was-ratified by the finance committee on Monday. The boys were busy playing base ball in the Smith lot on Main street, Monday, which is one of the official in dication that "spring has came". Smith & Schenck have drawn up and forwarded to Raleigh the charter for Wilcox & Wilcox, who are constructing the new knitting mill at Flat Rock. The Board of Trade vill meet Thurs day night, the 18th, at the Court House There are so many things of vital inter est to the town to be discussed that a full attendance is desired. Mrs. Frank Hart, writing from Minne kah, I T., and enclosing check for sub scription,' says the Hustler is like a let ter from home, and she feels she could hardly do without it. The many friends Dr. Murphy, ef Morganton, made during his brief y islt here last summer, , will be pleased to learn that the genial doctor is recover ing rapidly from his operation per formed in a Baltimore hospital last Fall R, C. Clarke has returned from his western trip, much improved in health. Mr. Clark has been spending the past few weeks at Hot Springs, Ark., In an effort to find relief for rheumatism. T. M. McCullah, of the Henderson ville Wholesale Grocery Co., is erecting a hancUome and substantial residence of nine rooms, next to Dr. Littaker's par sonage. It will be ready for occupancy in April, ' The new soda fountain in Justus' Pharmacv will be twice the size of the old one. To make room it is neccessary to move the partition and counters back RAvnru.1 faat. It will be installed in about two weeks. Dr. J. G. Waldrop returned Sunday from Raleigh, where he has been in attendance upon the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Masons. While in Raleigh the doctor heard Gov. Glenn read his message to the legislature. The negro Geo. Bryson, whom Sheriff Freeman captured at Traveler's Rest last week with stolen horse and wagon, has been returned to Buncombe county for trial The Sheriff says Bryson is a 'bad 'un," and will do most , good to the community when he is safely in the penitentiary. Chief of Police Jackson has about made up his mind to enforce the city ordinance which prohibits boys under 18 rooc" rn.XLT.wh option, the,. wl e a rareoppc. w,U -J- hn Anf hnt. the row on Main tunlty for some capitalist to come here nnm . the -trantrest features of the . c....,i u At kq I and build a cott on bleacherv. ' I v.io arrH.at.inn is that some men who box ball alley has pronpted the city I A. is generally Jown officials to see that it is put into effect, nenaerson county is pracu ny ju8t how much it's .. . . - . . ... uioA lutely Pare a most exceptional thing. neto the entire county, are a til i.im miii viiiiiitJi hit no oka j vma w vv ttt i .11 a.i a. . . a. a&.m vimm i - to state that there will soon be erected nn thft outskirts of Hendersonville a Modern Roller Skating Rink being Built. Club House to be turned into fine Family Hotel. Rail way to be extended. '-. Other Improvements, There is now being built at the Park and Amusement Grounds a roller skat GENERAL LEE'S BIRTHDAY. Memorial Ceremonies by the Watt Bryson Camp, No; 1021, At the r Court - House, January, Y. ; 19th, 1907. ' V Saturday, January the 19th, 1907, being the centennial aniversary of the birth of General Robert . Lee, the sur viving ' veterans of the Confederacy everywhere will hold appropriate mem orial exercises commemorating the life and services of this Great and good man, and the members of the Watt Bryson building material, including the maple Camp No. 1021 are, therefore, command flooring, is on the ground. The walls ed to meet at the Court house in Hen will be 16 feet in height and the floor 8 ? lZ?L ... .... 4 iu., mj UW UUUUi IIU fcUV uwu wu leet above the water. In addition to I m.mn n mi.t n the rink there will be bathing accomo- leaders dations, including shower baths, dress ing rooms, &c. Boats on the lake will be able to come up under the building. Boat houses will also be built and there will be ample opportunity afforded those who wish to Indulge in this sport. The building is now well under way and it is expected it will be completed by April first. The street railway will be extend ed to this new-building and passengers may alight at the entrance. The roller rink may also be used as a gymnasium or a theatre, and it has been suggested that the western North Carolina Fair would be able to utilize it to good ad vantage. Mr. Smith also intends re modeling the old clubhouse. An archi tect is now preparing the plans and as The program for the occasion will consist of addresses and remarks by citizens of the county Interspersed. with music . under the direction of The Daughters of the Confederacy, who will attend in a body. ' The public are cordially invited ant urged to attend. This, the 14th day of January, A.D. 1907. By order of J. M. Shepherd, Com mander, ' W. Q. GULLICK, Adjutant. Mr. Michael Bhenck will preside at the above meeting. Key. U. o. Jones, it is expected, will make the address of the day. Other well known speakers will be heard also- The leaders of the choir music ox the different concrecratlous are urgently requested to be present. Music will The Ladies and Gent's Pressing Club is now open to serve the public, up-stairs 800n as they are received the contract be internersed throughout the program. over Mayor King's store. Men's aepan- will be jet It proposed convert which will be interesting. ment will be under the management Of th hnnrtlncr tntn mrvi V. E. Grant, the ladies . department will with 20 bedrooms. It will be suDDlied Notice be under the care and supervision, of wiln wateP from the nark snrinirs. th Lt. Graot. tjatisiaciion Notice is hereby given that appli cation for deed will be made on May. 7, 1907. for the seven acres of land in Edney ville listed by G. T.Jones, and sold for taxes on May 7, 1906. S. S. CBEASMAN flew Corn Culture Cfub. v All farmers who read cwefully the new method of cultivating: corn and. who are desirous of introducing it in this county are requested to meet in. the County Commissioners room at the Court (House. Saturday, Jan. 25th, at 11 " o'clock A.. M., for the purpose of con sultation and taking some uniform ac tion in the matter of buying, ferti lizer. A large convention of corn far mers are called to meet in Columbia S, a r about the 1st of February to futher- this same plan and have it introduced in every section of the State. Jt has the endorsement of Got. Hey ward and other state officials, and must surely be of great value ti the farmers. - . J. W. WOPFOED. Wanted Pork, : Poultry, Eggs' Butter, Sweet Potatoes and Peas. All are in demand here and are selling as follows. Pork 8c lb. Hens 40c to SOo each. -Turkeys, 15o to 18c lb. Eggs20oto2o doz. Sweet Potatoes 70o to 90o bu. Batter scarce, 15c to 25c lb. B. E. Peas $2.50 to $2.75 bu. , C. W.. Nixon & Co, , Wilmington,' N. C. Local M en to be I nvestlgated. ' Charged with pernicious activity in politics, by Senator Simmons in a letter, te the Civil Service Commission, the following federal office holders will be investigated by that body when it tikes up its promised inquiry into - partisan activity of Uncle Sam's servants in North Carolina. "That T. C. Israel, deputy marshal i Hendersonville, and Brownlow Jacksont postmaster, at that place, Mr. Jackson having left his place of duty and rods over the county in the interest of hi8 party. That O. V, P. Blythe, United SUtes Commissioner, wrote for partisan news papers during the campaign.'. ment. Moreover it and there is no formula to buy nor any trick about it any way. The Hospital Association will meet Thursday afternoon at half past three with Mrs. FullbrUht. All members are requested to be present. Dr. J. L. Etrerton was called to Atlanta.Sunday night, by wire, to attend G. W. Spivey, who spent his summers here for many years past. Dr. Egerton beautiful drives over the excellent vrtaria of t Vi I a m rvxf. att.MtMira erutf. h,a present bad condition of our highways aiready made it well known to the citi- Is the result, of course, of the unusually zens and the tourists who visit Hender- heavv rainfall. The roads have been sonville. The present improvements, very badly managed and worked, and I regard the present road law, with a few neceseary amendments, as one of the best and most suitable for a county like ours. I have not seen a copy of the pro posed new road law, but if it is as I hear found Mr. Spfvey's condition very criti- and understand it to be, 'it is entirely eal, and his demise occurred on Tuesday exDengi7e for this county. combined with this projected Swiss rail way will add, vastly to the enjoyment it will furnish, and will fill a gap which has been noticed in these columns be fore, a lack of proper amusement facili ties for the thousands who come here each summer. of last week. Rev. R. B, Grinnan was "pounded' Tuesday night by his appreciative con ereffatioii. About 60 members were able to cet into the manse, and many others who wished to. couldn't It is said to be the most successful donation party ever given here and Dr. and Mrs. Griunan wish to express their apprecition oi tne K ma ness of the members of the church. The next entertainment in the Grad ed School Star Course will be an excell ent one, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Marshall, at the city hall, Wednesday, January 23d. The program presented by these clever entertainers has won tor tnem unstinted praise from press and pulpit. The impersonators are said to be very good, and the range of character and feeling portrayed is wide, irom "siae SDlittincr iokes" and lively repartee to the pathetic and traffic, and all present ed with artistic ease and smoothness. Reserved seats for this entertainment may be had at Hunter's Pharmacy. A Cotton Bleachery. Notice of Dissolution of 'Partner- Ship. " January Ibu 1907. Notice is hereby given to the public that G. W. Brooks and J. O. Williams, heretofore doing a general merchandise 1 business at Hendersonville, N. 0., under the nrm name of Brooks & Williams, have this day dissolved partnership. G. W. Brooks, having 6old his interest to J. O. Williams, who will continue the business at the old stand in the Bank of Hendersonville block. All ac counts due the firm are payable to J. O. Vf imams, as he assumes all the indebt of the firm. The retiring member of the firm thanks his customers for their patron- age, and takes thl3 opportunity of be speaking for Mr. Williams a continua tion of the patronage which the people seneauiea ior last r nij nM Arm in th ct W ma vw m m ,4Our people are already heavily bur dened with taxes, and the new tax by which it is proposed to raise money enough to carry out the new law would be a great burden on our people.' m 1 " , Terrible Earthquake, k Kingston, the capital of the Island of jRinacia. has been devasted by :a violent earthquake. The whole city said to be wrecked and in flames. All wires down and communication cut off. Number dead not known. y The Lake. Thn meeting of the lake officials with 1 to the cominsr Friday, the 18th. It is expected that a definite proposition will then be received, wnicn ww mui cate whether or not there is any immed iate nmenpo.t. of the lake beinsr built. f f . . , . tia To repeat an oia story, uuwou, m o cular of the street, that there will be no lake at all unless the options on land G. W. Brooks. J. O. Williams. When the big mill at Green River or wherever it may oe located, ib in bordering it are securea at pnw here and branch factory of one of the largest manufacturing concerns in the South. As soon as contain negotiations now pending are settle we expect to give full . information concerning the new venture. - Dr. Hobbs thought his yellow "fit" cat had "done gone and died.'' Dr. Hobbs. assisted by Dr Drafts and Mr. A W. Calhoun, recently held a con sultation over Tom, the results of which are awaited by an arrxious public. Dr. Hnhbs also has two rare specimens of the feline race at his store, two very pretty pussies of a beautiful pink color, which the Doctor values very highly. Messrs. Smith & Schetck have drawn up the charter for the Hendersonville Lake, Land & Power Company. AC a of the committee held Tues day, the charter was discussed and ap proved, and has been forwarded to Ral eigb.. It gives the company entensive powers; the right to construct telephone and telegraph lines, street cars, gener ate power and gives it the right of emi nent domain. On iftBt. Wednesday evening a fare the very ones who demana tne niguoou nriras for tneir BUDmereeu uu am- r - - roundlntr land. It is said they are noi willing to back their iaitn wun arou Henderson We believe that the great cotton bleach eries of the country are located at Ger mantown. Pa... where the water com pares very favorable with that of Hen derson county. Pure water is the first essential to be considered in cotton bleaching, and it is here in unlimited quantities. Many of our most prominent business . in a men believe tnat tne cotton mm wj do built by the Henrietta people will bring other mills here, and if so a bleachery would be a natural sequence of such a condition. It is said the margin of profit is large, and being located in Henderson couuty, close to the big mills, that an enormous business would be done. Thev claim that the natural conditions Wanted: By a prominent monthly Kam a fa nnonTTiaaaorl anvwh ere in the I mon7fnp. with larTe, hlCh-HJlaSS CirCU- country for such an enterpris e, and be- lation, local representative to look after liovn thft nroner agitation would result rnnawala and increase BUDariunuu ifn U A U Y your feed where ever you can UY the feed at the 1 yi uiiu can get the . EST feed. 1 : .1 THE WO&tAN OF TASTE when she buys shoes, must have Quality, ought to have Style, and prefers to have Economy. And she.: gets all three when she buys 'Queen Quality"' Shoes. When the ;Oueen Quality" sales sur pass those of all other, women's shces fn the world, there njust.be 3 reason for it. See out window display oi the ne f imcus shoes, then let us prove this cla rn with one oair. Styles shapes uc iaicrs $3 00---03-5o rS.oo. THAT'S US. Clear up the complexion, cleanse the llv 0 - er and tone the system. You can best Cprn at 68c per bu. do tbis by a dose or two qx Lie wiw a Uttle Early Risers, Safe, reliable nttie uatS at 53c per uu. nnu ortth a. limitation, ine mils tnat 1 everyone knows. Recommended by F. NQ 2 timothy at 1. 1 8 per hun V. nuaur. Hendersonville Mercantile Co. 'Toms Block ) it Preferred Locals. Country Hay at 1.08 per hun. C. SI Meal at 1.48 per hun. TheGeorgia nome is now open. . - vn Good accommoaatlOQ8;ior terms - .jw cr-.iAeta. inouire ofMrs. A. M. Brown, Hender sonville, N. C. in brincrintr tne matter to me atdenuoD of canltausts who would be interested. The Lake Map. The map of the proposed lake is a very complete affair, showing all the land to be covered, the various depths at different points, -the location of the town, the railroads and the different public roads, The work reflects great list in Hendersonville and vicinity, on a salary basis, with a continuing interest Irom year to year m me uusiucss ed. Experience desiraoie dus not es sential. G ood opportunity for the right iwronn, Address ruousner, dox o, Station O, New York. ' FOR Saijb Fine Lowden Raspberry Plants. Apply to J. jr. ioookb, , un Pharmacy. 11.00 per low o per iuw Jerry Carter will have an auction sale 2c.more charged for delivery. Hendersonville HAY & GRAIN GO. NEXT DOOR TO KIGB Y-MOR ROW CO. THere lis Always A Reason well dance was sriven atValmont by Miss credit upon Major Strong, the eminent n nxntnr fpamea. ahirts. bufirev. &c,,in I I KJ uftwwv 1 ' ' front 01 uarter rros. bwre, uu uo.uxuuj . Bale will begin at 12 o'clock. ' Fayetta Gurley, in houor of Mr. John Bowsn who leaves in a few days for Mexico. Several young people came down from Asheville for the occassion and all report a very pleasant time- Excellent music was furnished by the Drake Band to which light feet kept merrv time until the wee small hours engineer. The shore line of the lake, as mapped, will be 38.37 miles. There will be 1,449.3 acres 01 water. At us widest puiue tne lake will be 4 175 feet, almost a mile. The longest stretch is 2.7 miles, wniie one arm is four miles long. From these figures some idea may be Tempting refreshments were served at gathered as to the great sire the lake eleven o'clock. Mr. Bowen is one of will be. and it is said the natural Deauty HendersoDville's most" popular young- of this great body of water will be un men and leaves many friends who win 1 surpassed by tne most iamous laneo u xtgret his departure I Switzerland. : Food dont digest? Because the stom lftf.bB soma one of the essential dl- " 7- .. . 4. I cestants or the digestive juices are mu . . . j nm . tt la Vila nroneriv oaianceo. aucu, vw . 4 j. 1 a AAHaa ennrnABfl nnriliruerMI TIM M 1 Uinta ISU9C9 BVU. n A rial n fni indigestion. Kodol For Indlrestlon should be used for relief, iroi u . anintion of vecretable acids. t iMMtJi wVin.t vou eat. and corrects the j.RMoniia rf the disrestton. Kodo conforms to the National Pure Food and 1 Drug Law. ooia Dy . v. ouuwi. vou OVR SYSTEM if CANK wny ' rMUiutu si NORTH CAROUMA'S OLDEST TRUST A COAPAMY STPOMGEST BAMKMG A KiiMrrm mrw witu rADiTAI amb v Tf . . . A MAM AArf 4. 5URPLU5 UVt--X 9 ICO. ASMCVMU.C. N.C. lNTOMATX)N AM 47, IN SAVTVSS pePARTmgNT.1 4CNO TOR IT TOOAV r pmo om ceJmnCATt - For the Bon Marche to sell Good. Goods. Their numerous customers can -testify to this, and other reasons just as important Once a customer of the Bon Marche, you will remain one indefinitely. V 0 O l O l o !! !! O i 4 II O l i O i O 41 o o fv 4 4 4 4 i tt it tt it 41 4 4 1t 4 4t it it it it it it it it ii ti i j

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