line- of Je ' SSass : ' f2TI : r 1 " - "' -fcv - f .,, , i ,: wrmniajaroiinaj bird aftfl i'.ne max w-v x v Vamnoc rlan to run a from Baltimore ?to Jamestown Exposition - to accomodate colored persons only. . The Omnibus Claims bill was dis cussed - in the - house for. five hours, but no action was. taken. '" : Important demands, among them an eight-hour day, it -is said, will be madeof the railroads of the country by railroad labor. .. Do You Think For Yourself 7 Or, do you open your mouth like' a young euip aown wnatever iooa or meai- be offered you ? if tjt Intelligent thinking woman. In need ofseNef from weakness, nervousness, nsin and suSeVinsr. then It means much to you that thPrjsJ one trlfd and t-qw honps nmirim ' rnr, druggists for the cure of woman's ills. , . ffr tfr S . The makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre ecription. for the cure of weak, nervous, run down, over-worked, debilitated, paLcacked women, knowing this medicine to be made up of ingredients, every one of -which has the strongest possible indorsement of the leading and standard authorities of the several, schools of practice, are perfectly willing, and . in fact, are only too glad to print, as they do, the formula, or list of ingredients, of which v it is composed, in plain English, on every bottle-wrapper. - r Ht tt The formula of Dr. Pierce's FavoritQ Pre scription will bear tho most critical examina tion of medical experts, for it contains no alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or habit-forming drugs, and no agent enters into it that is not highly recommended by tho most advanced and leading medical teachers and author ities of their several schools of practice. These authorities recommend the ingredients fi br. tree's Favorite Prescription for the rnreof exactly the same ailments forwhlcK this world-famed medicine Is advlsedJ""" '4 No other medicine for woman's ills has any such professional endorsement as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has received, in the un qualified recommendation of each of Its several Ingredients by scores of leading medi cal icen of all tho schools of practice Is such an endorsement not worthy of your consideration? , , H? A booklet cf ingredients, with numerous authorative profesional endorsements by the leading medical authorities of this country, will be mailed free to any one sending name and add .-ess with request for same. Addre3S Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Zte-. HOUSE jasw. HOME tT"'. . Varnished Linoleum w nen iinoieumubasins, . wear, J pami me suriace witn a good, floor garnish, allowing a longer - time for It to dry in than Would be the case with wooden boards. i The . Carpet .Sweeper. If the carpet sweeper is pushed in the same direction as the warp of 'the rug, not against it,; it will be found that-the sweeper can be used with better success. In Mending Silk. ; Silk is best mended with Its own ravelings. Carefully ravel threads of the . required, length, - darn as neatly as possible, and press flat, with an iron that is not ot enough to leave an imprint or discolor the silt. S Fit Soap Economy. In buying soap it is much cheaper to purchase' it in large quantities if one 'has the necessary room to store it. It not only means that there is a considerable-reduction la the price, but the soap improves in quality and durability the longer it is kept. INDEBTEDNESS OF CITIES. In Excess of That of National and State Governments Combined. The report of Director North of the Census Bureau in regard to the finan ces of cities of 8,000 inhabitants and over says: "The importance of municipal stat istics may be noted from the follow ing facts: The indebtedness, less sinking fund assets, of the 148 cities containing over 30,000 inhabitants In 1903 was $1,106,821,051 and of tie 151 cities in 1904 was $1.2228,210,933. The indebtedness of- the cities o the lat-. ter group increased during the year 1904 by $110,083,797. The indebted ness of cities containing 8,000 to 30, 000 inhabitants In 1903 was 173,718, 313, and the last statistics compiled recorded an annual increase of $10, 098,902. The aggregate for the two classes of cities in 1903 was $1,2S0, 539,904. The foregoing, combined with other facts relating to the in crease of municipal debt, makes it certain that the present debt of cities cf the United States containing over 8r000 inhabitants is in excess. of $1, 600,000,000, or greater than that of the combined debt of the national and State governments and of the coun ties, school districts and. other minor civil divisions. "The payments and receipts of those Cities having a population of 8,000 and over were greater than tiose of the United States Govern ment in 1902, bat somewhat less than those of that government in its last fiscal year. They also exceed the payments and receipts of all State and local governments. "In 1900, 33 per cent, of the peo ple of the United States resided in Cities having a population of 8,000 and over, and in a few decades over one-half of the people will reside in those cities. The ' problem of self government Is therefore becoming one of city government, and no class of statistics is of such vital lmportanco as that relating: to cities, ,an4 especial ly to cities, containing oyer 30,000 la-. habitants." . . " ' ' Details of the great railroad sys tem controlled by E. H. Harriman yere shown up- at the Interstate Commerce Commission's investiga tion. So. 3-'07. . COSTLY- PRESSURE. Heart and Xerves Fail on Coffee. A resident of a great Western State puts the case regarding stimu lants with a comprehensive brevity that is admirable. ' He says: "I am 56 years old and have had considerable experience with stimu lants. They are all alike a mortgage on reserved energy at ruinous inter est. As the whip stimulates but does not strengthen the horse, so do stim ulants act upon the human system. Feeling this way, I gave up coffee and all other stimulants and began the use of Postum Pood coffee some months ago. The beneficial results have been, apparent from the first: The rheumatism that I used to-sitffer irom has left me. I sleep sounder.' my nerves are steadier and my brain clearer. And I bear testimony also to the food value of Postum some tjmg that Is lacking in coffee' Name given by Postum Co.,-Battle Creeks Mich. There's a reason. ' Read "The Koad to Wellville." the quaint little book in pkgs. Pointer on, Darning. t' When darning large holea it Is of ten a great help to first baste a pieco of thin net over the hole and then proceed in the usual manner. The mesh of the net makes the ground work for the darn. Old veils and bits of old lace may be used. " Pasteboard Squares. v To prevent the marring of mantels, furniture and window sills by flower vases or pota, place beneath them lit tle squares of oiled pasteboard ; cut from cracker or cake boxes now so common on the market. A supply of these squares can be cut in a few moments, and, if kept in a handy place, their use will soon become a habit, saving furniture and wocd . work from many unsightly rings. Rubber Shoe Protectors. To make rubber shoes wear longer. from the tops of old rubber shoes cut pieces the shape of a heel. Smear these " pieces on the lining side with thick mucilage, or any sticky sub stance, and place in the heels of rub bers, -pressing, down firmly. These protectors prevent the rubber , from receiving the direct pressure of the boot heels, and can be renewed when they show the least signs of wear. Avoid Monotony. Let all those who wish to be con sidered good cooks avoid monotony above all things. It is quite possible to starve in the midst of plenty, that is to say, we may eat,day after day, of a substance which is very nourish ing in itself, and yet derive no bene fit from it. Strive, then, to have variety, and strive to have each dish as "tasty' as possible. Eggs for instance can be cooked in a great many ways, and yet some people's sole idea of cooking eggs is to boil, them, or fry them, until they are leathery and indigestible. . ' It is not merely to pamper the ap petite that I, would urge you to make everything as tasty as possible. ' Taste, and a variety of tastes, are necessaryto the digestion as well as the enjoyment of food. It has been satisfactorily proved by scientific experiment that no man can be properly nourished on taste less . food, v The taste and smell of food cause the digestive 'v juices td flow more abundantly; -T-New York Press. Bread Pudding Take three cups of stale bread . crumbs and one cup of raisins and four cups of. milk, one cup of sugar, flavor with vanilla put into a pudding pan and bake from thirty to forty minutes. Fried Rice Any- cold rice left from, dinner may be made with the hands or with a spoon into cakes. About an inch thick, dipped in an egg and flour batter and fried a good brpwn. - . Vanilla Icing Take two cups of sugar and ten tablespoons milk; boil five minutes; beat till cool enough t spread. -" Vanilla flavor is nice for icing. Use part of icing, then chip bananas, mix with remainder, and use for filling. Eggless White Cake Two cups of sugar, two cups of sweet milk, six tablespoonfuls butter, four cups of sifted fiour, four tablespoons of bak ing powder, sifted with flour. Use any flavoring you like. Color layers red or yellow and have one white. Vinegar Biscuits Take two quarts of v flour, one large tablespoonful of. lard or butter, one and a half table- spo-ifuls of vinegar, one tablespoon ful of oda. Put the soda in the vin egar and stir well.. Mix in the flour and add two egg3 beaten light. With, warm water, make a dough stiff enough to -roll out. Cut in fancy shapes and bake in ajaot oven. - All sorts of prettily shaped biscuit cut ters are sold in the stores now tor four or five cents apiece. aLuwuJ r w di Ji Ji WW v V .1 i It 1 1 1 'I.W'i- mm mm. mem mm I Wm WM J There aro two classes of remedies ; those of known qual ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting: gently, In harmony with natnre, Trhen natnfo needs assist- ance; and tanother class, composed of preparations ' of iininown, uncertain anc inferior character, acting- tempo i u . . Tarily, bnt injarionslyi as a result of fprcingr tho natural 1 ) fonoons nnnecesaarilv. One of the most exceptional of tto remedies of known quality and excellence is the eyer pleasant Syrnp of Figrs, manufactured by the California Fiar, Syrup CoM Vwhich represents the- active principles of ; known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant Byrup, tho "wholesome Californian blue fls are. used to con- their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It Is tho remedy remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse tho system ' and naturally, and to assist, one in overcoming consti- 0&&W$S Pation. tho many ills resulting: therefrom. Its active princi- 108 aadt,quality; are known to physicians generally, and tho remeay nas nercryre met nin tneir approval, as wen as witn the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know Df their own Dersonal knowledge and from . actual exnerienco 1: i v- that it is a most excellent laxativo remedy. We do not claim that all manner Of ills, but recommend it for whatit really , a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence, . containing nothing: of an objoctionabte or injurious chcractcr. . There' are two classes of 'purchasers; thosowho are informed ' as to the quality of .what they buy and tho reasons for the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when i a dealer offers an imitation of any- well known . lx article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, , and wiio allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect ' its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. " ! To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it 'said that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional integrity and the good will of their customers too highly-to offer imitations of the Joan "-tap G supine Syriip . of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order to buy the genuine article and. to get its beneficial effects, one has only to note, wtien purchasing, the, full name of the Company California Fig - Syrup - Co. plainly printed on the front of every package, Price, 50c per bottle. One size only. , t ,V: i P.rAcr.M IT 1 ' It is ireW knon-n "fact, ttat eattnTtl or any other crop, prwhir-ed vrlth vir rlnirvCarollna J-ertlliien wLtl brln the highest possible prico on the mar ket, Make toalthy, strong. -well-C-yeloped, earlr cotton, with full grown ball a oa the fruit limbs at tho-base u well as all the way up to the very fop and tip ends of th branches or tl coitoa pJaats, by liberaUy usirg ; Yirfiala'CaroIiaa Fertilireis.' : They contain all th e materials aeoe sary to supply to your land the ele-. caents which nave been taken from tt by repeated cultivation yoar after rear. Uhoso fei till ters will areatiy "Increase I VOUr Tiolda TBI ncm A r-.ff -nt. no BtiK-H stitute from your dealer. .;.- Vlrglata-Carolina Chemical Co. Bichscond, Va. , Atlanta, Oa. , , , Norfolk. Va. . Savaaaah, Durham. K. C Montgrsmery, Ala. Charleston, P, CL , Memphis, Tenru, r . Baltimore, Md. Shro'epirt,JUa.. . Z eiiivliluli 9 " Hogless Lard 1 1 I None anywhere r near so; i t good, so pure, so eco- nomical, so satisfactory, f U. &. 'Government Inspected. q Light SA WILIS USE TAYLOR'S r f,T ri-. -e O.-.-- n.m nA A.YlfA; nature's Gre 7 Kl WncrUtVC vtVWlIICUy Ul OWCCl VEUlil dim hiuhwiu Eemedy t Coughs, Colds, LaQrippe & r?: or Troubles. ' Thoroughly tected 2 ac, Oo and. l.QQ- So. 3-'07. LATH AND SHIHGLE HACHHIES SAWS AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND GASOLINEENGINES. . Try LOMBARD, APgj?r BIO MOXET MADE y cnta e!1IarM .NERVE BATTEKItU" t 0. MIX one or two a dwy yon make day wsto whllo lfi to 5 are mold la ooe doy t tXvm koatllnr ast. Write f " P 1 " .j KSV BATTEBT COMF'.UM- At , Pains at the waist, back, front, or side, are' nearly sure proof of female trouble." -Some other signs are headache, pressing down pains, irregular functions, restless- c ;ness, cold limbs,, nervousness, etc. These pains may be allayed, the system braced : and the womanly functions regulated by the use of ; ' , . tp fhn Tin . 'QUI iui uui - , - - "v.--' - -. . - - -V.: Mrs. Annie Hamilton, of . Stetsonville, Wis., writes: "Gardui saved me s from the grave after three (3) doctors had failed to help me. It is a good medicine and I recommend it to all suffering women." For sale at all druggists, in $1 bottles. - WRITE US A LETTER Wit . t - - -. Write iodv it free coov of valuable 6-paee Illustrated Book tor Women. . If you need Medical Ad m vice, describe your symptoms, stating- ase. and repiy will be sent Jn plain eaed envelope. ; , A4dress i , Ladles Advisory Dept.. The Chattanoosa Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenw. The danties of the great are the tears of, the poor. Horace. tFOKUVS WOXDEB COTTON A new species; first sold lat spring ; was planted by 100 -different farmers ; has pro duced from 2 to. 5 bales per acre; highly pro lific; big. boll, small seed, good staple; E. Humphreys, Godwin & Co., Memphis, Tena. The man is a fool who when ask ed for his opinion gives it. Punch. SCALY ERUPTION ON: BODY.' Jewels worth $50,000, - which wera lost by a Cuban couple on a railroad train, have been recovered. Itch cured in 30 minutes by 'oolford's Sanitary ftion ; never fails. SoM br Dnig fista. Alail oroera promptly fill br Pr. E. De'tchonMed.CoMCrafwfords ' le,Ind. $L Of all men sailors suffer most from rheu-matinu How'. Thin? e of er One hundred Dollars lleward for ary ca&e oi CtttarrU tuac vanuoc be cured by LaU' Cutaxru care. . 1 . J. C hkkit k Co., Toledo, O. e, the tJHdemgued, Uav known Jf. J. theuey lor tlte iiut 16 years, aud believe him jeriectly uoaorabi.. iu alt busintws transac lion.f ud inan'eiaJH ablex to; carry out any obliatioumadfi3r tneir nrai. r Wkst it TaoAX, Wholenalw Drutcsts To- ..edo.O. ' y.?-- Vaiaxxo, Kixxas . MAayrjr,, Wholesale " A)rugKists, 'loiedo, O. Hall's CaCAira.IirtAiC'-ml-teUy-;3t-IripdireotlyapoactioDlocxIadd mu'suttsar iaces of thesyjtam. leatUtonlalasent frea. I t iev, 76c. per bottle. Bold by all Druggist. 'Jake Hall's Family Pilbuor constipation. Victory gives ho account of her ac tions. Curtis the Batavian. ; - . ' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens thegums, reducesinflamma Lion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle Vice begins in mistake and ends in ignominy. The Rambler. To Cure a Cold to One Day T Take xative Bromo Quinine Tablets.' Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. All is" soon ready , in an orderly house. German. - ; Better suffer for truth than profit by falsehood. From the Danish. . . Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Blind,Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to-14 day or mone f refonded. r COc. . R. x.: "Fowler, an alleged swindler, was captured in Philadelphia. FITS, St.Vitu3' Dance rNervtrns Diseases per manently cured by Dr. 'Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St., Phil a., Pa. f-' Vanity, that divine gift that makes a woman charming. Lord Bacons-field. Doctors and Remedies Fruitless Suf fered 10 Years- Completely Cured by Three-Boxes of Cuticara. - " "When 1 was about nine years old small ores appeared on each of my lower limbs.' 1 scratched them with a brass pin, and. shortly, afterwards both of thoe limbs be came so sore tbat 1 could scarcely walk. ..When. I had . been suffering for about a month -t he "sores bejan to Jxeal, but small, scaly eruptions appeared where the sores' had been. 1'rom that time onward I was troubled by such severe itching that, until 1 became accustomed to it, I would scratch the gores until the blood began to flow. This would stop1 the itching for a. few days, but scaly, places would appear again and the itching would accompany them. After 1 suffered about ten years 1 made a renewed effort to effect a cure. The erup tions by tnis time had appeared on every part of my body except my face and hands. The best doctor in my native Toimty "advised meV to -use arsenic in' small noses and-a salve. ,1 then used: to bathe the sores in a mixture which gave almost intolerable pain. J n addition i used other remedies tuck - as iodine, , sulphur, sine salve; : s"dve';- - Ointment, and iu .fact 1 -va-vontinualIy giving some rem edy; a fair trial, never, using less than one or two boxes or. bottles. All this was fruitless. ,i ij'inally my. heir began to fall out r.nd,.l .was .apidly becoming bald. 1 medr r but it did no good. A few months after; having used almost everything else, ;-1' tnought 1 would try Cuticura Ointment, naving previously used Cuticura Soap and being pleased with it. After using; three boxes 1 was completely cured, and my hair was restored, after fourteen years of suffering and -n expen diture of at least' $50. to '?60 in vaini. en deavoring to find 'd-cure.', -i shall be glad to write to any one who may be interested ih my Cure. B. fliram M&ttingly, Ver million, . Dak.. Aug. 13. 19CS." How poor are they, that have not patiencel Shakespeare. ' - -- ; ' , - ' Always to Bo Depended Upon. When a person gets up in the morning with a dull headache and a tired, stretchy feeling, it is an - almost certain indication that the liver, or bowels, or both, are det eidedly out-pf order, ; At .. such . times Mature, the wisest and best of all doctors, takes this means to give warning that she needs .the help and gentle assistance which can best . be ob tained from that old family remedy, Brand teth's PiHa;. which has been in use for over a century. " They ar the same fine laxative tonic pill your grandparents used, when doctors were-few and" far between and Nvhen-eo-ple had to have a remedy that could ab solutely be depended upon. : BrandrethV Pills can be denwaded upon and are jboM in every' drofLnd. medicine store, either slain or suxadated. -PS life ip PlPiil : 1 m now n tarl to fill oHr for tot Celebrated CABBAGE PLANTS in any quant it deslrJ. XARLY J1TRSBT WAKKF1KLD Krllet andbert ur header, email tjrpe. n ' CHARLESTON WAKKFIKLD About ten Jay later tbaa rly Jerey', alio', lure keader oCUe iU;- . ' SCC0ESSI0N-Bertkno-ra-nreea4in Trft!r large flat cabbaso, later than CbaxUMton. WakeBeU. Thee plaeta are from the -fry bejt te-ted crown in me open air ana win nana wcww . n4,.-. All irn SI d from th( umt I that I am using for my extenaive cabbage fam-a. Kafc isf action guaranteed., . . s Price t. o. b. here, packed In light boxes: 5O0 foT 1.00. 1,000 to 5,003 at 81.50 pr M. ; 5,009 10,030 t 1.3 pr IT. ' . 8peeial erlcea on larger qnantltiea. All orders .hlppel a O. D. whoa not asoompaniel by remiUaoea. CHAS . M G I BSOFJ. , - Joung's Island, S.a CABBAGE PlaLhfs! CELERY fiintstgllZC V ' And an kiAds or irarden pIaata.Caa bow tutnUh all kind "t cabbage S lanu, icrown lnthe ooenair and wul ttaml frtmi eolt, Jrown trotml fdaof the niept rlUb-e-men. We uae th aame plant on our I 7 thooaand nore trocrarra. nanw wmm-i ywii J ' "" Vj f Urn, or earlier. ftd-w eipi-a ra(M proraiKKl.whIc-b.wh-n effi?ctiv, 14 ' 1 wlilctre us mt pero-nt. le' than mereonMe rates. Price: avail loe It "K - -T t ! S1J0 per thousand, larre lot $1.0 tol. per thou-snJ, V. OJ B. Ker whit Spin Cucumber Seed Wceuu rr pound, i T B V w 7 T ". 67b.. Vergctta. S. C. The Catted Statea Agrlctilinml ipartmeat , iMftUoUUlM SB JEXpimrDIU biiuk " vwi.rmiu icnwi mt TMret-blM. earedallr Cabbaitea. 1 be results of tbex r? Pll1 .PL'JL0, glrs yeu at any alma. Yours respectfully A. mii -ua a vmm. xmm.s-j w LIFE Awa SAYINGS, AREHTS WANTED J. B. NICHOLS & gu., Mxuwsm e w- err- Afreota are coining money. Send 60e for Canxaeslng , Outfit and Contract for territory BicBoek, 7xlO.Frlce8.00 I O fJlnUnl C 2, Pl ATLANTA Circulars JTrec. ;. , Ji Ui IIIU1IVL.U W VWi v! QAi U- i. Virtue conquers 'envy. Motto of the Scotch Earle of Galloway. UTTERLY WORN, OUT. Vitality Sapped by Years of Snfferins With Kidney Trouble. Capt. J. W." Hogun,' former post master' of Indianola, uow living, at Austin, Texas, -writes: "I. was afflicted foryears with pains across the loins and in tho hips and shoulders. I had headache also and neuralgia. My right eye, from pain, was of little use to me for years. The constant flow of urine kept my system" depleted, caus ing : neTvous chilis and night sweats. After trying seven different climates and using all kinds of medicine I had the goodV fortune to hear of Doan's Kidney Pills. NThis remedy has cured me. I am as well to-day as I was twenty years ago, and my eyesight is perfect." : ; Sold - by all dealers. ..GO cents a box. . Foster-Milburn , Co., " Buffalo, MY lhii'!ht&& Co. LOUISVILLE. KY. XiUblislMd 1887 ESgeat aarkct price p-M far raw FURS and Hides. ITeatea CUKED y Gives Quick Relic-, Remove- all awelllny in-8tos days : ejects. persanae-it C-ncecr ; in 30 to 6o da-e. Trial tre-Oxnes-S: gtren free, rotnmycaa ceiac-r write ur. n. n. ureei sobo rsialliH. Box a AnsntauCJE- HICKS' CAPUDIN& IMMeOIAT-XT CVSLZ-S HEADACHES Breaks p COIAKZ IN O TO IS ff OVK - Trial Eeds 13c to Drc3r A Birmingl.ara firm whTcTi maftea a specialty of hand whistles lias su metallic design reputed to "carry ax' .distance of two miles, which has re cently been adopted by the poIZcaf f orcein many of the larje towua. T.i a n i mn II -' r i i hi li , . tr - - 'I r-'i - V v - f ' . ... ' . r - "