I 1 CI a si mmsst : ''- ti wyc Tfrr V"-T ''tH7 "fli4 Fi4 jUT.'''iL This Wedk we off er the celebrated V AN G AM P 'S CANNED BEETS . I Sllbo cae f or 115c I ; A Table Lixury at a. small price. One of VAN CAMP'S most de licious prodMcts. Try l can for yo jr dinner. How to Deal With : the Butcher. It is quite as true that wisdom is mon ey as ibat time is money, and never so ; true as when dealing with tbe butcbef. To know how to buy a piece of beef that will cost only twenty cents but when cooked aiight will be as delicious and es nourishing as one which cost forty cents means money to the housewife. Many housewives, however, do not even know 1 one cat of beef from the other except as i the butcher labels It- Along these lines a series of articles in the New Idea Wo man's Magazine is giving information. Miss Elizabeth W. Morrison, the well known writer on food topics, talks of 'The Hind Quarter of Beer in the Feb- 4 i ai, . " ruary numoer, snowing Dy diagrams where each cut lies and following the general treatment of the subject by a number of good recipes, such as pot roast and beefsteak rolls. The future numbers will take up veal and lamb In the 6ame way. Phone yoir order. It will be filled promptly. TOM'S BLOCK. n.oimi 45 to "8 - t MS. r 14 J v,X 05." A 6 Ordinary shoes all look about the same, but the Stetson gives the impression g of quality the moment you look at it. Closer inspection snows you max u is the high grade of leather the perfect workmanshipthe fine stitching'that makes the Stetson The Better Shoe. ,M No matter how good your last shoes were before you buy the for yourself. Tull lines all styles all letithers. For sale by Glazener. , LiiiUrTkIUii . Is the popular cry throughout European countries; while ia America the cry of the present day Is Long live Dr King's New Discovery. King of Throat and Lung Remedies!" of which Mm. Julia Ryder Pain, Truro, Mass., says. "It never falls to give Immediate relief and to quickly cure a cough or coia. Jrs. Paine's opinion is shared by a majority of the inhabitants of this country. New Discoverv cures weak lungs and sore throats after all other remedies have failed, and for coughs and colds it's the onlv sure cure. Guaranteed oy The Justus Pharmacy. 60c and $ i.w I Trial battle free. ti u i r d.i me neau uear rern. Representatlye Harshaw, of Caldwell recently introduced a bill to protect citizens at public gatherings aealnst bead gear- No doubt there are hund reds of men iu all parts of the state who can give the right hand of fellowship to Mr Harshaw on this measure. Full many a time has it been the cruel fate of mortals, of the masculine gender, to twist and crane their necks until their systems ached in the futile effort o catch a stragling vision of the speak er through the bulky labyrinth of plum es and ribbons. But, while the great portion of sterner sex are rejoicing 4n I the pluck of the gentleman from Cald well, what, oh, what will the ladles say? No doubt ere this he has been canceled from their list of acquantances. Pos sibly, in their eruptions of indignation some have even gone farther and desig nated him as a 'horrld creature," or terms to that effect. We pity him, con sequently for what he must suffer, even while we thanK mm ior me service ren dered. Charlotte News. ' illinium ii i i. ,i. ..in. , , .iiiii.iii mi. i n JJiiYi In England and'France the Sale of Alum Baking Powfler is pro- ? hibited by law because of the in jurious effects" that follow its use. The law in the District of Columbia also prohibits Alum in food., v : You may live where as yet you have no protection against Alum The. only sure protection against Alum in your Baking Powder is fo ROYAL is;madeTrom Absolutely pure Cream of Tartar, a pure Grape product - Aids digestion adds to the healthfulness of food. mm Pnflsesasea wonderful medicinal pow er over the human body, removing all disorders from your system, is what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you well, keeps you well. 35 cents, Tea or Taoiets. ssoia At xne Justus Pharmacy. Ccrease Melds Per Acre j ' s r j i l j""' " y-fc'-r.--- Objects tothe Poles. , To the Editor: As a well wisher of your otherwise beautiful resort, will you allow me space in your columns to speak of what I consider a piece of folly on the part of your city authorities. I re fer to the unsightly and hideous electric light poles, stack in the middle of your otherwise most beautiful Main street. They are not even painted If my recol lection serves me correctly, but stand there, ugly and repulsive, a most serious menance to those driving, and spoiling the effect of the entire street. Would not the city be liable ior damages in case a runaway nors6 should strike one of these obstructions? Are they not properly "obstructions in a public high way?" Trusting you will take this mat ter up and agitate it to the end that Hendersonville may no longer allow such an offense to civic 'beauty to re main constantly before them, and trust ing also that I may have the pleasure of seeing your fine Main street as beautiful as it was meant to be without thosa un sightly, unpainted great sticks, I re main. Yours sincerely. T. R. WlLMONT. if 0R.G ITUR.NITUR.E, STOVES, AN And everything to Fjrnish the home. One Of Hie Results of liberally nainsr our fertlli- n a mortrace iefol Kara, is to car c: on the old farm. Bead tbe lowing1 from Meesrs. W harry St Bon. owners of the liarnoli Fruit Farm, Durant. Mlaa.: "We made $900 from one acre strawberries, on which your fertilizers were used. Eight years ago we bought this place at (20 per acre. It was then considered to have been worn out twenty rears before, but J by liberally using" Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers under peas and velvet beans, we can now grow almost anything-, and have been offered 5360 per acre for the place. We experimented with a great reruuzei manr brands Of bat nnd the highest per-cent. rs. cheaper." Now don'trou think Virginia-Carolina YertUlzera would enable you to pay off a mortgage If ' you had one t Well, don't use any other. Vfergtala-CaroUaa Chemical Co. Blchmond.Ya. Norfolk. Va. Durham. N. O. Charleston, 8. C Baltimore, lid. Atlanta, 6a. Savannah. Ga. jaonxgomery. Memphis, Tenn ghreveport, La J J Builds up waste tissue promotes appe tite, improves aigestion, mauces re freshing sleep gives renewed strength and health. That's what Hollister's Roky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents Pharmacy. Local Time Table. DUE No. 14, from Asheville 8:10 a.m. No. 10. from Asheville 6:40 p.m. No. 9, from Spartanburg . 1.25 p.m. No. 13, from Spartanburg 6:25 p.m. No. 7,.from Toxaway to Ash. 11:05 a m- No.8, from Ash. to Toxaway 4:30 p.m The New York World. The Thrice-a-week World, now that a great Presidential campaign is foreshad owed, hopes to be a better paper than it has ever been before, aud it has made its arrangements accordingly. Its news ser vice covers the entire globe, and it reports everything fully, promptly and accurately It is the only newspaper, not a daily, which is as good as a daily, and which will keep you as completely informed of what is happening throughout the world . The Thrice-a-Wees World is fair in ts political reports. You can get the truth from its colums, whether you are Republican or Democrat, and that is what you waut. A special feature of the Thrice-a-Week World has been its serial fiction. It pub lishes novels by the best authors iu the d, novels whic g. in book form sell for $1.50 apiece, and its high standard in this respect be maintained in the future as n the past. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We oiler this un quailed newspaper and The French Broad Hustler together for one year for $L50 The regular subscrip ts of the two papers is I2.0J . What This Town Wants. Good Roads. The bir lake. The Appalachian Interurban R. R. The Greenville & Knoxville R. R. The Cotton Mill. A Cotton Bleachery. Another big Hotel. Depot improvements. Waste paper boxes on Main St. A Wmderf ul Ilappea lag. . - Port Byron, N.Y., has witnessed on of the most remarkable cases of heal ing ever recorded. Amos F. King, of that place says: "Bncklen's Arnica Salve cured a sore on my leg with which I suffered oyer 80 years. I am now eighty five." Guaranteed to cure all 60res, by The Justus Pharmacy. 25 cents. Proposed to raise salary to $6,000. N. C. governor's A Memorable Day. ' One of the days we remember with pleasure, as well as with profit to our health, is the one on which we became acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the painless purifiers that cure headache and biliousness, and keep the bowels right. 25c At The Justus Pharmacy. Notice of Dissolution of Partner Ship. January 1st, 1907. Notice is hereby given to the public that G. W. Brooks and J. O. Williams, , heretofore doing a general merchandise business at Hendersonville, N. C, under the firm name of Brooks & Williams, have this day dissolved partnership. G. W. Brooks, having sold his interest to J. O. -Williams, who will continue the business at the old stand in the Bank of Hendersonville. block. All ac counts due tbe firm are payable to J. O. Williams, as he assumes all tbe indebt of the firm. The retiring member of the firm thanks his customers for their patron age, and takes thi3 opportunity of 'be speaking for Mr. Williams a continua tion of the patronage which the people of Henderson County have given the old firm in the past. G. W. Brooks. J. O. Williams. i o W. P. Willisms ; Furniture store. 'V;::-:0"pi-;City Hall. WKeii you wetnt that new lot of printing call The Mustier, No. 6 Wood's Grass an? Clover Seeds are the best and cleanest qualities obtainable new Crop free from weed seeds, . and of tested germination. Wood's DescrlptiYa Catalngoa g'ves the fullest information about rasses and Clovers best time and methods of seeding kinds best adapted for different soils quantities to seed per acre best combinations for hay and pastur age, etc Our trade in Grass. Clover and Farm Seeds, is one of the lar gest in this country. Handling these seeds in the large quanti ties that we do enables us to sell at the lowest prices possible for first-class seeds. - Write for our Catalogue and mces of any seeds desired. Catal ogue mailed free on request. T. 17. WOOD G SOUS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. . Wlniclhi are IfouaiPayimg For? The Big Load or the Little. Load; - : - - If you have an ordinary heater you are buying the big load of wood where the small load would be sufficient fuel to produce the same amount of heat in the . W ' v The celebrated Hot Blast Down-Draft in the Wilson produces perfect combustion and the burnable fumes which escape in other heaters are consumed in the Wilson, so that every piece of wood in the Wilson Heater will produce one-half more heat than the same amount of wood in other heaters. No one likes to waste money why throw away 50 cents . - on every dollar you spend for futl ? Edwar ds ; Mar dware k Store

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