MAYOR OF SUNBU BY $ays Fe-ru-na ls a Good lledicliie. Hon. C. C. Brooks, Mayor of Synbury, Ohio, also Attorney forFarm-rs Bank and Sunbury Building and Loan Co., 'Ihave the utmost confidence in the Tirtue of Peruna. It is a great medicine. I have used it and ' I hare known many of my friends who have obtained bene ficial results from its use. I cannot -praise Peruna too highly. - (i3 'V , - - 1 i :?5L tr 1'; jt-rrh1 WitfaTwi '-! -T rr n nrmr rr - - r-- ' ; HON. C C. BROOKS. r rrHERE are a host of petty ailments Xwhicfc are the direct result of the weather. . . This is more true of the excessive heat of summer and the intense cold of win ter but is partly true of all seasons of the' year. . Whether it be a cold or a cough, catarrh of the head or bowel complaint, whether the liver be affected or the kidneys, the caue is verv liable to be the same. The -weather slightly deranges the mu cous membranes of the organs and the re sult is some functional disease. - Peruna, has become a standby in t1uu sands of lmmes for minor ali ments of this sort. Ask Tour Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac For 1907. J Peruna is sold by your local drug gist. Buy a bottle today. So. 5-07. HICKS' CAPUDINE IMMED1ATEXT CUR&S HEADACHES BraKa up COLDS IN 6 TO 13 HOUM TrWl(tU 10c At! So Dear And Yet So Par. Strawberries now in Texas Or so the papers state, Are selling for a dime a quart By measure or by crate; "Why are we kept so far apart By a remorseless fate? PHIUPPIHE "DOBli ITCH." Iteliins Pimpleg Covered Body Dis charged For Disability Found Cure In Cuticura Remedies. "I enlisted in the Corps cf Engineers as a telegraph operator, and, while stationed in the Philippines, I became subject to the 'Dobie lizh; as the natives call it. In this dieeasa small, white, itching pimples form uader the skin, generally between the toes, on the limbs, between the lingers and under the arms. I never knew of, a case originating outside the Philippine Islands, hut have known of many cases where it has returned in this country and invariably at the same time of the year a the original attack. The cause, so far as I could learn, was some tropical parasite 0r?8m PecaIiar to that region. "I got so bad that I was confined to my quarters a week at a time. The Army. Surgeons applied some carbolic solution, and it would disappear for a time, when it would break out again: I was discharged from the Engineers by -reason of disability Contracted in line of duty, and when I had the trouble again, my druggist,. Mr.. Z , of Brooklyn, recommended Cuticura Remedies. The immediate relief was mani fcst with my first purchase, and th malady quickly yielded to the Cuticura Remedies. It has never recurred or both ered me since I began to use and continued to use the Cuticura Remedies. : You may mote ma as a believer in Cuticura Rem edies from personal experience. . John S. Woods, 221. Sands St., Brooklyn, 2f. Y;,. Oct. 21 and' 26, 1908." ' .: " ' : "- The man is a fool who when ask ed for his opinion gives it. Punch. Pile Cured in G to 14 Days. Paxo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. fiOc No thoroughly occupied man was ever miserable. Italian. ; Itch cured in 30 minute br Wool ford' Sanitary TAtion ; never fails. Sold by Drug gist. Mail orders promptlv ' filled br Dr. g. Detchon Med. Co., Crawf ordTille,Ind. $1. Of all men sailors suffer most from rheu matism. - Champion Jumper of the Ocean. The most stupenduous of all leapers of the sea is the whale but the whale is not a fish. I have seen a monster weighing hundreds of tons possibly eighty feet in lengthj rise slowly and deliberately out of the water; until it appeared to. be -dancing-ofrthe .sur-" face, entirely clear; of itthenCsink' slowly back. Such a leap is-nrc-cord in the annals" s6f the British navy.- A large whale clearedv a-boaf f?oing completely over it, an esti mated leap of twenty feet in the air how niatiy : ib. a lateral " direction was not known.-J,romx,The High lir by Charles F: Holder in -ine Outing Magazine for February. 1ft L r if i m pB$rong .school. y n " INTERNATIONAL LESSON 7 COM. MENT&.FOR. FEBRUARY. 3, BY THE REV. I. V. HENDERSON. s Subject: Noah Saved in the Ark; Gen. 8 : 1-10 Golden'tyct : Ps. - v . 37 : 39 Meraory :i Verses : 1-3-HelpfalNofes.;iv : t The lesson fpr this Sabbath-Is tin intelligible unless, we read '. Genesis 6, and 7 Especiallyi by way of resume of the two chapters,-would it be rise to read Genv6;lr 2, 5,6,8, 14, IS, 22; 7:4, 12, 24. With these verses we secure, in some measure, a synopsis of the events that preceded that which is related in our Scrlpturo for the day. , The story of Noah, as' we have It here, crowds the mind with, morals. Noah is the second parent of the race, as Adam was the first. Adam Is the father of humanity, -in the natural sense. In the same sense Noah is the savior. They are, so to speak, the Washington and Lincoln of human ity's earliest days. ' The lesson of Noah's life, so far, is the lesson of obedience and Its re wards. Adam's career Is the exem plification of refractoriness and its consequences. Noah Is a distinct ad vance upon Adam. Adam's character is primarily one of innocence. It is untried at first and weak when tested. Noah's meritorious qualities are the result of a willing obedience to God's commands. Born, after Adam, with the seeds of evil . innate through heredity, Noah, in the midst of an evil world, a just and upright man, finds favor in the eyes of God. Noah is the sample of character made well pleasing unto God, through His grace, by volition. Noah's will is strong. Possessing, as did Adam, the power of free choice; -and, unlike Adam, being surrounded with evil companions and weakened by an in herited predisposition for wayward ness, Noah, yet, deliberately "walked with God." Adam, we remember, ran away v from God. God's covenant with Noah and His condemnation of the sin of men throw lights on the character of God. Je hovah is a God of love, of patience, of discrimination. His discriminative characteristics are shown by the fact that while He hates evil He has yet commendation for and joy in men who are good. Loving all humanity the Father is, however, guilty of no sickly , sentimentalism. He Is long suffering, forbearing toward human ity; but humanity must, except It obey Him, take the consequences of volun tary sin. . But while He condemns the evil, God never forgets the root of . righteousness apparent among His people.. And so God acts here. He aiscriminates between righteous Noah and hh evil, neighbors He has pa tience with them all until they become utterly steeped in iniquity. His heart is grieved at the wickedness of men, for He loves them as the children of His own creation. But He does not allow His love to become so, degen erated that He forgets judgment and justice and. His own divine integrity: "' The story of Noah is the story of God's determination to afford human ity a chance to prove itself worthy of its lineage. When all the worst of the world's Inhabitants are over whelmed with the consequences of their willfulness, God puts the seal of His sanction upon Noah. The lessons are obvious . in their present day application: Obedience brings divine approval. .. Disobedi ence works for death. Character is the resultant of a will subordinated to divine control. To find favor in the eyes of God is the business and duty of humanity, and the especial longing of the Christian. It is good ness that makes us worth while here and for God. To be evil i3 to be self condemned. In wickedness Is sorrow and destruction. Faithfulness to God and faith in Him is the finality of happiness. For God is as faithful now, and to you and me, as he was to upright Noah;; u These notes may be of use: Vs. 1. "Remembered." This does not necessarily mean that God had forgotten about Noah. It rather im plies that God had never forgotten them. Hebrew: "Renewed His care for." "Ark." Probably 450 by seventy-five by forty-five feet. Vs. 3. "Continually." . The waters seeped away gradually. "One hun dred and fifty." See Gen. 7:24; Vs. 4. "Ararat." In Armenia. Pictured as the highest mountain in the world, as we see by vs. 5. Vs. 7. "Raven." So called be cause of its blackness. Vs. 10. "And he waited, seven "days longer." ' ' . Vs. 11. "Olive leaf." Rev. Fresh., leaf. It is said that olive trees put forth new shoots under water. The' finding of the olive twig by the dovo was, obviously, an indication that, the water had gone down considerably. The olive tree is very hardy and lux uriant under proper conditions; it is said not to grow at. great heights, however. "Knew." . Evidently in the construction - qf the ark while there was provision made for light and air there was none made for looking out. Otherwise after the rain ceased Noah might easily have seen the surround-; ing conditions for himself. This throws a light on his complete obedi ence to and dependence on God. They shut themselves up in the ark and left the outcome to the Almighty. . Vs. 13. ; Dried up." The waters first drained away until there was. no, covering of water over the ground. Vs. 14. "Dried." And then the ground dried up. Any one who has seen the surface of a marsh while the tide is out can understand the mean ing. It is precisely the difference be tween soggy and perfectly dry ground Mr.; Badson -a3:rwtthlt!:;rdaascr4, .vrfthout breaikdovns, 'rltboirtcoBtya mnst a carriare- once-- supplied- with " '. ". - : I r fhaAw Ttower for IZOU wiu 1 Wlthnnt rnatr' fbr' fifteIT ' TaTS. - It looks like that the dnyetipnst present diay will lead to the extinction es-iAm- wet in each and eyery Instance; jthe hore bacomes more ral- DO7OR Are said oftento be burled six feet undo? , ground. But many tlrne woinencall.on their family'physlci'a,!uffeilng,'is they; imagipe, one f ronxdyspepsla., another from : heart disease, another from liver, or kid ney disease, another from nervous pros--tration, another with pain iere and there, :and in. this way they present alike to themselves and their easy-feoing or over busy doctor, separate diseases, for. which, he, assuming them to bo such, prescribes his pills and potions. J In reality, they are all only vympUtms caused by some uterine disease. , The'pblcian,H;norant of the cause of suffenngTfcspps upTKsAreatment until large bills are rMde. . JTihSufferlng patient gets no betteiNJftJreixsRJvthe wrong treatment, but probably worsSf lA Prescription, directed to ffte cavse wouRI have CTpreLv"rmoyed jne disease, there i oy aispeiiing ail those Uiscrt-iiing symp toms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery, ft has been well said, that "a disease known is half cured." l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription i.a scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful i physician, and adapted to woman's delicate system. It is made of native American medicinal roots and is . perfectly harmless in Its effects in aim cotiaitlon or inc. remark " As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa vorite Prescription" imparts strength to the whole system and to the organs dis tinctly feminine in particular. For over worked, "worn-out," run-down." debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," houso-keepers, nurslngmothers, and feeble women gen erally, Dt. Pierce'3 Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being un equaled as an appetizing cordial and re storative tonic As" a soothing and strengthening nerv ine, "Favorite Prescription " i3 uncqualed and' Is invaluablo in allaying and 'sub- duing nervous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, St. Vitus's dance, and other distressing, nervous symptoms . commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the uterus. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. One to three a dose. -Easy to take as candy. Estimates of the country's copper production this year place the output at between 940,000,000 and 970, 000,000 pounds. Last year's produc tion was 901,000,000 pounds., There is more Catarrh m this section ef the country than all othtr diseases put to-, gether, and until the last few years was sup posed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it ajocal disease and prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment.. Hail's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J . Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con stitutional cure on the market. It is taken in ternally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon-, f ul. It act directly on the blood and muoous surfaces of the system. cThey . offer one hun dred dollars f or any case it fails t rure. feed for circular and testimonials. Address F. J. Chxxxt k Co.. 'loledo. 0. ! Sold by Druftists. 75c. ?: Take HaU'eFamily. Pills for constipation. v The sea-level canal from Mar seilles to the Rhone River is to be completed in seven years at a cost ot $13,730,000. AWFUIi ATTACKS OF TAW. A Moat Dreadful Case of Kidney Trouble and How It Was Cured. Thomas N. McCullough, S21 South Weber St., Colorado Springs. Colo., says: "For twelve or fifteen years I was suffering f re manent attacks of pain in the back and kidneys that lasted for three week-3 at a time. 1 would be unable to turn in bed. The urine was In a terrible condition, at times a com plete stoppage occurring. I began with TJoan's Kidney Till, and soon felt better. Keeping on, I found com plete freedom from kidney trouble. The.cure.bas. been permanent. I owe my good health to Doan's Kidney Pills." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a bor. Fostei'-Milburn Co.. Uuffalo.vN. Y. - Vanity, that divine gft that makes a woman charming. Lord Bacons field. , ' . To CTare Cold in One Dmj Take . Laxative - Bromo Oninine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to care. E. W. Ororeaaijpiatureigon each box. !35a x Sympathy is the solace of the poor, but ior the rich there is consolation. .--Lord Beacon sficld. . ' f, - r -1 ' " TniXII'.,IJ3" SsnaslliswnMBl isalilaaf kntal , i t ksJ frankly ta sirtctxt cac3acet t!!!. nH yaar ' t! MVUWBW mum? maun, j a I? A3jTTJJ2i' t& bIomI jM'tyl kaslt w4-oar Bot fa 'HSosm aaSaVBanV S LsftaiiSfl ' mmfSOf i ' WOlUJygWONDEB COTTON - A. BAV lrtaAot -m mfrtA 14 au-vvlthj wa ! "" uy iuu cunereni larmers; naa pro- jui;u ,irom,aio s paxes per acre; nxgmy.pror; lino "; biff boll, small seed, -good staple ; JE. i Bumphxeys, Godwin A Co.,;llempW3rena,' Swindling .,is the, perfection of ,civ-Hizntioh.- Voltaire, "Z1. ;V i . I , H. n. Oaxxn's Sows, of Atlanta. Oa.. ar th only ucci8sful Dropsy Specialists In the w -rll : .See their llbwnu effr tn advertise-' ment la another column o this pacer. ; Victory gives no account of her ac-tipns.-Curtis the Batavian.. FITS, St.Vitns,Danc:Nervou8 Diseases per manently cured by Dr. Kline's Qreat Nerve Restorer. $3 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Arch St., Phila., Pa. -. Byker I hear that young Spriggs is getting, up in' the . world.. ; . jiitisasssaMstiaaisjSMsMsMii NATURE' "PROVIDES FOO ' SICK UQfM a more potent remedy in the root and herbs of the field than was ever produced from, drugs. ,. In.the good old-fashioned days of our grandmothers few drugs were, used in medicines and Lydia E. Pinkham. of Lynn, i Mass., in her study of roots and herbs and their power over disease discovered and gave to the women of the world a remedy for their peculiar ills more notint an t efScahions --tban an v combination of drugs. Lydia E. Pinkham's is an honest, tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value-. During its record of more than thirty years, its long list of actual cures of those serious ills peculiar to women, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence of every fair minded person and every thinking woman. ' When ; women , . are troubled with irregxilar or painful functions, weakness, , displacements. ulceration pr. inflammation, - backache v flatulency, general debility, indigestion or nervous prostration,, they, should remember there is one tried: and true remedy, Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. ' No other remedy in the country n as suca . a .recora or cures, oi . female ills.. and thousands of women residingiin every part of thu United' States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink-: ham's Vegetable compound and what it has done for, them.: . ; , . . . . . ; Mrs. Pinkham, invites; all sick women to write her for advice. She has' guided thousands to health. For twenty-five years she has been advising, sick women free of charge. She is the daughter-in-law .of Lydia E.Pink-, ham and as her assistant for years .before her decease advised under her ' immediate direction.', Address, Lynn. Mass. j Hi .v ; CABBAGE i Plants, CELERY, Plants; aad all ktndsof rsMen pUvts. Cu nw farnlsb all kinds ot cabbage plants, KTrwnln the open air and will srand great tuld. tirpwn ttoul aes ai the ummc reliable aeedunen. iW4 u the miu plants on Mmt thaiuaDd acra track tmtut. FUnU carefUilv oouafed and. properly packed. Celery ready last t Dec. Lettuce, t i loa and Beet plauta. same ' Utti or earllee Kedkeed ezpresafatrt promtsed.wtlch.whB efrectlre will glva us 0 par cent Irs than mercbnr.41e Tatea Price: 'Saiall Kt $1V per iboMsand larga lot f l.OOto $1J3 per tbounand. V. O B. Meg Ktts.8.C. Arllnctrn White bplne Cucumber feed flOeetito' r tooono. f.Hr. I l. httiMtk. R C lha has rabUbtfmf experimental f4Jo)ar farms, to test allkLadsofTeeUblea.espe-'fl.. - ' dally Cabbagea. In tauiu of these xperliri6nu we will piaed. to aire you ataur'time.'" " r Tours respectfully U . Jf. H.' BLlTCI COUPANY. idLEOQETTa, . ?. 1 sjb now prevsred to III oHer for bt CstsbrstaJ CAB BAG I frLANT8 la aay aaaatity desired. IARLY JKRSIX. WAfIXU5TrIie aad bask v r header, siaall tyse. -7 CHARLKSTOX WAKSTIKLDAboat ten dars later, than arly lrsejr's, also a ear header of ae sisa. Prleaa f. o. b. here, paekei in light bones: ) I . MO for 91.09. 1.099 to 5,009 at S1.50 par It. -1 0,093 to 10,090 at par U. Special prices on larger qaaatitiaa. AH orders sh'.ooe 1 O. O. D. when not aooomaaai by remtttane.: CHAS: "TJ1L earolina Cement Co. ATI. A NT A, , CH a RI.E8TON,' . BIRMIXQHAIT, NKW OKLEANi, LIME, CEAIENTJ iETC; Land Plaster Supplants Fertiliser. , Bee Catalog. ICKP . FUIT CClTto iSriiAlT ROUniB, 1, 2 and Saly.' for Barns. Bealdestose, tWareheasaa. Better. Cheaper than Shingles and other Hoofing. Samples, prices, adareso DPT. 0. i LigtitSffiiMS LATH !AND SHHI6LE UACHIIIES: SAWS AND SaPPLirS.1 STEAM AND 5ASOUNC NQINCS... , Try LOMBARDg'r riGAREnEflABrrir"ftc;T:,st I I thlhblMt lsstrletIrtTnrainteed.An7 J refcresea yon wast.' Wrtte for Jre book on 'CiffaretttnabU.'liw'.'r.&.UllU&rwmTHlmiT - " So. 5i07.' It - Amv ' ssa naar. MSam risa,VvlrAA kDAtVavrlir. k4 .tlXinfri'ittTrinrirln 'Mttll&lri Pf- T-' v anacjspv cs4 a ysi ' . to .ycCTta,f , JsJJfKJjt j -t f '' - CO li il '.( ! InTigorate'the" DigesUoai."" n 'To' .invigorate the tdigestion . and stiron-. , late th j torpid liver and bowels there's 1 oothing 'socood aa.'thtt old' family, remedy; Drandreth'a Pills, which has been in. me for'over a century.' They'elean?e the 'brood and impart new vljror tp.the boSy, Or.e or two-every night for a week ' will usually' be all that is- required: Constipation; or Dyspepsia, one or two ' taken ; every nieht Will in a short-time afford great re lit?, n- : ' ' Brandreth's-Pills are the same fine lax ative tonic , pill your grandparents, used and being' purely "vegetable are -adapted to every system, .i , .' - . . Sold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or augar-coated. ? I ; All Ls soon - ready house.- German. in an orderly Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup for Children teething.softena thegums,redncesinfiamma tion, allayspain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle How poor -are they that have not patience! Shakespeare. - LYDIA. E. PINKHAM n Vegetable Compound TlBlti KUIjhi A irrlnlt Ural Twnirtm,nt SCCCI.88X0X-eat known sare heaHngjrerietT ef ' Urge Cat cabbage, later than Chatlaaton Waksfiald-- - Thee plsaU era front the very bast tested seeds and grown in the open air and will stand severe cold ; with-) mt inlnrv. i Ail orders are filled from the same beds that I mm wsing lor my aaieaaiv eaooaga larma. Istaction gaaraateed. 8at- Young's Island, S. C. ELM1TOOD irw;KSXKla. XVm sre orewari and mfi m. ne ataaortapeat, sf -ArrLSS. PKACII. PKABS. riasaa. apr-teota., Aeetmrlnea, Cherries. ttraneVthes In lar-ca raaaa)rtaaenta.Uweae1rrles.Cair t . Kadlsh. A geia 'evrbi-r V I t1aa ataf an eitra la 3KataBr-l f rias, aBtsndld asserimeat OR JSrASCEXTAXr art7jlMA-JC- wrj T tukks, oRitAManr S7 as. at v ' m.' a; PLANT. Wrlie4,arCa.tail t XthTDOK' - . iYfl 41 I L0U1SY1LLE,(KT.1 r ,A lt , i ajtsbUthsd naidlhrra FUR1S nil UlrtftW V W? SUM . C3- ! Wt-Tirt 10,000 ft I t . WAKTKT AT OV cc. for TTrVat riees ;eyer known will b4ald immediate hi pleats Addreaa Aj X, Surkhardfe. P, 72; .CinciniiaU, -XX. y) 'mAxv 1 f V fV: ! . r? - 1 WJ' h 'carries with if .pwiUMei bf great hfotP V: 'childless: lc W(:toi; for 'xAiidren,1 oiild ' understand Vcatoe 10CV when vthe ..fernale. weaken' ,,ness has been cured; by---1-. u vLMJUUl As 'aiU 4the . Iecg4-for -Ttsit 5 cf tho siork comca, - Dr. Jn Livingston, Id Freeman Ind' - - ..ypt&tsiX. prescrfis4 Cvfet fa hdy patieat.jwiio had prericusly, had i three- cr! ttouri' i MrnUhaps.j. Sha.tcJt ..aWtSaUvaSfSpofli road. fhe4 fcappyi inother cf a:ve3-grova'i ''ll.jtbopSl lbtttqd, iptez',MSL jJ;i thiak that Wlw ct .CsrrhiLlathe.'solftcaus- t . s l:'jDf bar bei jaH.toi h$r fbJf chikif ' 7 VhatfTf r -jw the; -Jormi , ;cf your . Cetnab. j 'qiNMNa A1ACM IN KHY 17.. ' I I IT l'l 7 ifefg: T-;i- GASOLINE ENGINES: - ' ! STEAM EKGINES ; AND. CIIERS;; GRISTMILLS, STEAM. PUMPS-, ;r. '. . . Everything in , ... r - : MACHIRERY AKD MILL SUPPPIESj i . ! , HYMAN SUPPLY COMPANY ' i OFFICES. STORES. WAk.EKCUSES. h l Wilmiiiftoiv and New Bern, -N.&" 1 ; AODR ESS-MACH'Y; DEPJ, F.i o f Increase Y.eldsPer Atrc . r t ! of. liberally nsinf our fertili zers; IS to pay ilf-a taortptgp' on the old farm Jlead tbefoK lowing from MessraJ f harry & Son, owners of tne Magnolia h-ralt Farmi 'Dursbt,7MinW "We made $900 from one acre 6ttewboi8.vob.whichrybor fartillzArs trnrn nAd. Klrllt yean agowe bought this place 1 gc vat per acie. uu inen oUalderfed 10 have bean worn ; out twenty years before, but byiiberaUyuBLurfT? lu .rc,:: r. Yiriniii'CzroIina Ftrtilfccrjii j v. rmder peat, and veTetbeana, rji : , Ve can no w grow &1 xdos t any . thing:, and ,hro been offered: jtr i $350 per acre for theplace. w3'MJ" . .VinrlnlawnnrollnA IsartlliiMa rT irouia enaoie you ix pay oa r mortTte : yoa had one? I yr ell. don't Wany 6ther. , , VlrrlflU-Carwllaa Chemical Ca. ' Riohmond, Va, , "j CharlegtonVS. ! L Ttmltimrr UA Atlanta; Chav 8arannah, Oa, Montgomery. Ala, ' ' ' 1 Memphis. Teun, BhreTeport; Lai'' " j'Nope anywhere 1 near' so ! WTK. - -'fr -IS sv -a- ...j.- irgsniitfi - - - -w 1 it v 4 I It I m -r IB IP t. .0; VassJsBBBCnvasBBBB V" i ML "' 11 11 ". 1 "" 111 V . "" j t ,mmmmmm.m in. in, ii ,1 ,n i nun i w I . ( m r t r . ST 9 m -t V 1 ar.- . ''''''laiWi satisfactdri t i ca o x 7 Ui s CovemiTrent inspeetel s a a ae m s.e a.e a.ea.a ex a,a ioMMa r i , Reateres U swaCht U't tom ' DBTl z. vaiCLia. am aKg uutaHMa vim ? t .. ....... ... w. v m wmm rAi 9i ii ill r - 1 nTdiaT J" P'autxM - . . . " ei --ll r-L J f.,JLJL II III BI1IJV1 J uji W"wA r !l'rJUltll nia f 'A'WJk-tA Flu i i rrj I a, ,ii .7 o sivi.tit;.: 91 f en.1 ? 3, I isii Lulu ,: 1 esseiiin;, .Bool '. Ii cToifi r: yd Hi v at iuij-. . fUomt ". irmrtr i mill, ii jJJ7Jr: i ii- ti j ' ii.., TIT e''( -7' Dion i ?3n'i rtii li 00 Jir- r' r . JJfl"-c; HT in r , ft! aTr 9ili 6?x:'; V.

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